Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Duelo-Monday 7/16 - El Gran Finale-The sun'll come out tomorrow but I will hate Thelma forever and ever amen!

OK folks, it's been a long bumpy road from the night our dopey protagonists fell in love in Cancun, Quintana Roo lo so many years ago until tonight, el gran finale. I'll tell you right now that Tonki the wonder dog does NOT make an apppearance tonight, lending credence to the theory that he has most likely already moved on to bigger and better things. Either that or he so overshadowed the other characters they forced him to be written out of the script. But enough whining about missing the Tonkster...on with the show!!!

Thelma tells Emilio that it's all his fault she prowled the Devil's Cave looking like a skank, got drunk, passed out, boinked the hunky busboy, got pregnant, lied about the baby's father, and tricked Emilio into marrying her. She promises she will kill somebody.

In the cabaña Luba tells Alina "...and that is the secret of The Cofre." Well hell, we didn't get to hear the damn secret! But since Alina is still in the cabin sitting upright I guess it's not lutefisk like I predicted. Luba says she was a coward for never telling DonLoco. Alina vows to deliver The Cofre to her father even though it's going to hurt him to know its secret.

Singing Auntie Rebecca is on her knees wailing to God to forgive her for not reporting Thelma. She's got the volume turned up to 11 if you know what I mean. She cries that it's her fault so many people have suffered and now jail awaits Thelma in Puebla. She turns her attention to the baby and asks him to forgive her for renouncing his mama but his papa has a right to know his son. She turns on the waterworks full blast before rushing out of the room.

Back in the cabaña Luba tells a sulking Gaspar not to cry. He weeps that Capitan Valtierra doesn't believe his cachorrito (little cub) is his. Luba tells him to believe her, tomorrow is another day and things will be more clear. She promises. She puts him to bed, boots and all, and gives him a kiss. What is it with everybody going to bed with their shoes on in this show?

Next morning, Sierra Escondida - Elias the Human Piñata asks Emilio if he has any idea where Alvaro might be hiding. "Montellano knows the caves well," Emilio astutely observes. Emilio, Vargas, Elias and a couple of other agents decide to search for DonLoco in the zone of caves. Alina tries to go with them but Emilio informs her that the capture of DonLoco will be too dangerous for her to attend. "I want to go!" "You can't go!" Naturally she aquiesces because she's a mindless turnip. "Find my mama," she begs before kissing him goodby.

Thelma tells Singing Auntie that Emilio knows the entire truth. SA tells Thelma the he left early with some guys because DonLoco kidnapped Soledad. That information doesn't interest Thelma, all she cares about is her son. She swears that nobody will take him from her. SA nods her head hopefully, "I'll bring the baby so you can be with it." Maybe she figures this will be Thelma's last chance to hold the baby before they haul her butt off to jail.

Soledad sleeps on the floor of the cave. The camera goes to a closeup of her hand clutching a fistful of dirt and rocks. When DonLoco tries to wake her she throws it in his face and escapes. He grabs his gun, pauses, then drops it on the ground. He follows her outside calling her name.

Back at La Rinconada Vera is sucking up big time to Alina, trying to explain exactly why she almost burned Luba alive. It wasn't against Luba personally, it was because of what Vera thought she did. Yes folks, Vera really said that, she's working hard to keep her job. Alina, preoccupied, tells Vera to forget it, she's more worried about her mom right now. The padre (the new one) shows up because he has something to tell Alina. Last night her dad came to the church dragging Soledad along and forced the padre to renew their vows. "No puede ser!" exclaims Alina, "my father keeps getting crazier." The padre tells her they headed for the highlands. Alina runs out leaving the padre and Vera behind.

SA goes into the bedroom to check on the baby. She is impacted to see an empty spot where the baby should be.

Alina is on horseback and gallops full speed through the countryside. She screams for her mama at the top of her lungs. I guess she's not in stealth mode.

SA runs into Thelma's room to tell her the baby is gone, somebody took him! Thelma is muy impactada. She and SA head toward the baby's room when whom should they meet in the hallway but Luba. Thelma demands to know where Gaspar is. Luba screams she doesn't know. They have a mini shriek-and-slap fest before Thelma runs on. SA tells Luba the baby is missing and that Thelma thinks Gaspar stole him. "Gaspar, what have you done?" asks Luba.

Orlando comes downstairs and tells Vera he's on his way out of town. He did what he came to do, to tell Emilio his big news. He says this all important-like, somehow forgetting he was far from the first person to break the news to Emilio. Vera's still on the apology rounds and covering all the bases. She asks Orlando to forgive her for threatening him. He tells her to ask God for forgiveness, and hey, here's the padre! (Heh, heh, one last good wisecrack from the sarcastic Orlando.)

The padre asks Orlando if he's on his way to help in the search. Orlando tells him no, all the guys headed off to the zone of caves to capture DonLoco. Uh oh, says the padre, DonLoco's in the highlands, not the cave zone and he just gave Alina the same information. "Que the hell?!?!" asks Orlando, "Alina's alive?" Vera smiles broadly, just like when she lit the twigs under Luba's feet. They should watch out for that one, she's scary. She confirms that Alina is alive. The padre tells Orlando that Alina is searching for her mom alone and is in danger.

The ineffective search party wanders around the countryside looking for DonLoco and Soledad but to no avail. They can't find any tracks and decide to search elsewhere. Emilio surmises that they might be in the highlands. Elias suggests they split up to cover more territory. Just then Orlando rides up with the news that Alina is searching for Soledad on her own...alone!

After the search party leaves Gaspar wanders onto the scene cradling his cachorrito. He holds the baby up, "see, this is Escondidaville. This will be your home and you'll live here with me, your papa." It's a very sweet scene as Gaspar explains to him why the country is superior to the city. He puts his face next to the baby's, "Ay cachorrito, I love you! Mama Luba says you look like me (He does!) but I don't think so; you're too handsome." He gently swings the baby around and plays airplane. I almost cried at this scene, I can be such a sap.

Cut to the ugly viper Thelma angrily saddling her horse. Luba and SA try to stop her but she grabs a knife out of the woodpile and shoves it into her boot. Luba brandishes her own knife but as usual doesn't do anything with it. Thelma gets on the horse and rides off, looking rather stupid on the big horse if you ask me.

Soledad, on the run, hears Alina calling her. She is amazing, still perfectly coiffed and put together after her night in the cave.

Soledad trips for no apparent reason. Alina jumps off her horse and, ever observant, asks her, "you escaped from my papa?" Soledad suggests they beat feet out of there fast.

The commercial break informs us that tonight's Cristina show is about "coming out of the closet". No Duelo cast? What gives?

Back to the action, Alina whips out the huge cofre and starts looking around. Soledad freaks, "What are you doing? We have to get out of here!" Alina tells her she has to give this thing to her father, Luba gave it to her. Soledad is dying to know what's inside but she's even more eager to split from the area; they are in danger. Alina, whose stupidity is limitless, asks "Do you really think he would hurt me?" Soledad finally convinces Alina to put the damn cofre on a nearby rock. DonLoco is in a bad mental way and they need to get the hell outta there! Alina perches it on the rock.

Angel comforts Claudia at what is obviously her mother's funeral; the Coral clan is standing around in black. Claudia asks Angel to never leave her. Angel answers it may not be the best time but he wants to assure her that they can always be together. He takes her hand, "Claudia, will you marry me?" Angel's making up for lost time.

DonLoco walks from behind a tree and sees Soledad on the horse. Alina peeps out from behind her mother, "Papa?" DonLoco is muy impactado, "Alina, you're alive!"

Gaspar sits by the river singing a lullaby to his son. The baby gurgles contentedly, so far he's having a great day in the big outdoors. Baby cries a little and papa promises to take care of him.

Poor DonLoco thinks he's hallucinating for sure. This is obviously going to be Sergio Goyri's big scene. Alina tells him it's really her. He approaches her, "you're so beautiful, so alive," but then he pulls back, refusing to believe his eyes. His head must be playing tricks on him. He drops to his knees and weeps "daughter, daughter" as he holds out his arms to her. Alina drops down next to him and sobs "It's I, Alina, your daughter." She gives a quickie explanation, she pretended to be dead to escape his clutches. He thanks God and they embrace.

Soledad, watching, gasps, "you're all better!" "Better than ever," he responds, "God has pardoned me by returning my daughter to me." He admits that he was sick and unable to think clearly. Now he is determined to find a cure for his madness. Soledad is still anxious to get him to the authorities for "necessary medical help". I don't blame her for being nervous.

Suddenly DonLoco spies The Cofre on the rock. Alina has second thoughts; maybe now is not such a good time after all. He knows something lies within...something he should know. He opens The Cofre as the background chorus reaches a crescendo.

Claudia starts to cry and Angel gets worried. Maybe her ma's funeral wasn't the best place to propose. "No stupid," she laughs, "I'm crying because at last my future is looking good. Yes I'll marry you." They kiss. Good, that's one plot line wrapped up.

Alvaro pulls an old letter out of The Cofre. It's from his dead mother. Her voice reads the letter to him..."Son, you must know the truth. You are not the son of Alvaro, your true father is Justin, the foreman who worked for us. Here is a photo so you can know him and one day look for him and tell him who you are. Please understand that I had to keep this quiet so you wouldn't have the shame of being a BASTARDO!"

Alvaro commences with much angst and gnashing of teeth. How could he have been such a jerk to Alina, calling her an illegitimate bastard when in reality HE was the true bastard? "I am the son of a nobody, not a Montellano, I'm worse than a nobody, I'm a damn bastard!" Yes, I know this whole cofre crapola is a bit of a letdown, but surely we knew it wasn't going to better than this, right? Where's the cocolbosh when you need it?

Luba and SA are in Ifigenio's carriage headed out after Thelma. Luba has one of her premonitions and it's a really bad one.

Evil Thelma sees Gaspar down by the river holding his son. She screams his name. He screams back at her, "Muñequita, go away!" She starts to climb down the hillside, choosing to climb down inside the waterfall instead of the embankment, the silly cow.

DonLoco starts to lose it, he accuses God of playing a dirty trick on him. Soledad's like a terrier with a sock, she still wants to get the authorities so they can "help" DonLoco.

DonLoco sees his decomposing father, or the guy he thought was dad. "You're not my son, not my blood, you're a bastard," the gory hallucination yells. DonLoco begs his father not to deny him, he loves him. Basically he says all the crap that Alina used to say to him so this is supposed to be divine retribution. "He's going to have a crisis," warns Soledad. She and Alina start to run away for real this time but are stopped in their tracks by a large jaguar.

Emilio and Vargas have returned to La Rinconada for some reason. Vera tells them that the baby went missing, Thelma left like a crazy woman to hunt down Gaspar, and Luba and SA followed in Ifigenio's carriage.

Gaspar yells at his muñequita to not come down via the waterfall, it's too dangerous. She slips and plunges into the river. The baby cries and Gaspar yells "no, no!" He puts the baby down on the rock (Really, not the best place to put a baby!) and jumps in after Thelma who is face down in the river.

Luckily, SA, Luba and Iffy run onto the rock and retrieve the baby. Meanwhile Gaspar has gotten ahold of the odious Thelma to the great relief of her Singing Auntie who thanks God. The ungrateful Thelma thanks Gaspar by pulling the knife from her boot and plunging it deep into Gaspar's heart. His eyes grow wide in disbelief but his grip tightens on Thelma. He rolls back into the water, bleeding, dead.

As the water turns red Gaspar and Thelma float away. Luba hears her son's voice as if in a dream, "Mama, take care of my cachorrito...Mama..!" SA hands Luba her little grandson. Luba, holding the baby, begs Gaspar not to go, not to leave her. "I'd go with you but you left me your heart," she wails, looking down at the baby. She lets out a few world-class yells until she is drowned out by the chorus.

Gaspar floats down the river holding his muñequita tightly to his chest. They are both face up, eyes closed and serene, together at last for all eternity. Or at least until they part at the crossroads where Gaspar will go up to heaven and Thelma will most assuredly burn in hell. Die bitch die!!! Sorry, I needed to get that off my chest.

The vicious jaguar threatens Soledad and Alina. DonLoco leaps between the women and this feline danger and shouts to attract the cat's attention. "Me, me," he yells, then starts to run, the jaguar loping after him. I think he meant for Soledad and Alina to run away but they seem to be following the cat. They're both pretty stupid.

DonLoco climbs up a tree while the jaguar patiently waits for him to get out of reach before pawing at the air. But whoops! DonLoco's branch breaks and he falls to the ground. Kitty licks his lips and goes in for the kill. Its jaws are clamped on DonLoco's throat, suddenly a knife flashes held by DonLoco's bloody hand and stabs the cat again and again.

Next we see Soledad and Alina running toward DonLoco. He's bleeding out from his jugular and doesn't have much time. Alina screams "papa" as he keels over. "Forgive me my love, forgive me," he begs as the life oozes out of him. Soledad and Alina are in hysterics at this point but it's too late, DonLoco's lifeless eyes stare up at the sky as the omnipresent chorus sings it's final "Amen..."

Enough of the blood and gore. This telenovela will end as they all should (and most do), with a lavish wedding!

Puebla - The wedding march plays, all our characters wait expectantly in the pews, Luba coos to her grandson, Elias the Human Piñata has finally snagged Soledad, Doctora Loca sits snugly between Rodrigo and Gaby (blech!), Angel proudly sits next to his babe wife Claudia, and Alina and Emilio kneel before the altar. Alina, who has been looking kind of gross lately looks fabulous right now. Emilio looks great in his dress whites and even his single expression becomes him. They exchange rings, a not-too-sloppy kiss, then turn to smile at us.

After the wedding Luba, holding the baby, pays a private visit to the Virgencita. She asks the Virgencita to tell Gaspar that her soul is with him. She'll take care of his cachorrito until she comes to join him. Tell Gaspar that she misses him mucho mucho mucho but he is still here in her Gaspar chiquito, her cachorrito. (Looks like she changed his name from Emilio and who can blame her?) We hear Gaspar singing his lullaby.

But wait there's more! Why end now when they can drag this thing out for another ten minutes or so?
Alina is in a hospital bed. She's in labor and Emilio tries to calm her. In the midst of a contraction they profess their love for each other and kiss. "Thanks for making me a dad," he says. Soledad and her gal pals pace outside the room.

The camera shows the clock which means a long time has passed. I guess it's a difficult delivery. The doctor comes out to the waiting room looking very serious. He needs to talk to Emilio and Soledad. Suspenseful music plays.

Cripes, they've gotta be kidding...the doctor says Emilio must choose between the life of his wife or the life of his child. "No puede ser!" moans Soledad. Emilio can't decide. He gets a look of consternation on his face. The doctor tells him that Alina wants to see him.

Alina is about to go into surgery. Emilio is by her side. He tells her he cannot accept their rotten luck. Alina says she already made the decision so he won't have to. She can't sacrifice the life of their daughter for her own. She tells Emilio that when she sees her daughter's smile it will make him think of her. She'll never forget how noble he is. (She's got a short memory!) Emilio looks well and truly constipated now, he's pulling out all the stops. More sobbing and violins. The OR staff wheels Alina away.

Emilio sobs in the waiting room. He hears the cry of a newborn. "Alina, goodbye my love," he whispers.

Cancun, Quintana Roo - A little girl and little boyfrolic in the water. They run up to Emilio in a hammock, "papa, papa, where's ma?" The three of them run to a chaise on the beach. It's Alina and she's busting out of her bikini top just like old times! What happened..?
Cut back to the operating room where Alina apparently had another visitor, the Virgencita. Alina's pregnant belly gets kind of glowy and the Virgencita tells her that she'll see the sun rise at dawn. OK, so I guess the Virgencita handed out another miracle. She saved Alina but she couldn't save Gaspar? I don't mean to be a sourpuss but that kind of pisses me off, it's really unfair. But I digress...

We're back in Cancun and the present. Emilio sends the kids off to play. The little boy tells his sister that he loves her, she looks just like a muñequita. (Eh? That kind of creeps me out.) The little boy chirps, "Sing papa Emilio, sing."
Emilio and Alina engage in some boring sweet talk. He says her eyes are more beautiful than the sea yada yada, then he serenades her throughout the remainder of their vacation, "...now and forever I want to forget your past pain, to share only the serene hours of your heart...and wake up sweetly in the dawn of a new life, full of love."


Even though Duelo was a silly telenovela I must admit I enjoyed it. The hero and heroines were boring and stupid but the supporting cast had some absolutely unforgettable performances. I really enjoyed being a part of the Duelo recapping team and I want to thank the many readers and commenters who shared their insights and opinions with us and who took the time to read our recaps. I hope to see some of you over at Juan Querendon (my current recapping gig) or perhaps at some of the other telenovelas.
I'll post the last Duelo vocabulary list in the next day or so.

OUR BELOVED GASPAR, R.I.P. You were my favorite.


I howled with laughter. I particularly like the idea of proposing to a woman at her mother's funeral. Also the jaguar, my son asked me if this is a unique death in the history of telenovelas. I never could bear to watch more than five minutes of this show but I read all the recaps. You guys were hilarious and very faithful to your ghastly show in which the dog and the retarded son were the heroes. (Ooh, death by drowning in the arms of the man you stabbed to death is another good one - reminds me of the joke about the scorpion...) Thanks all of you!!!!!

NO PUEDE SER...I am so p*****. I can't believe that Thelma took our beloved Gasparito down [literally] with her. I am muy impactada...and now I have to go to work...Bummer. ~~~Susanlynn, glad that Emiliooo went off into the sunset singing...Happytrails to you, Emilioo...stay with your strengths, Hombre P.S. Melinama, I don't know that joke...can you share it ?

OK, I found this version on line.

The Scorpion and the Frog (aka Thelma and Gaspar)

One day, a scorpion decided he wanted to cross a river.

The river was wide and swift. He saw a frog sitting in the rushes and decided to ask the frog for help getting across.

"Hellooo Mr. Frog, would you be so kind as to give me a ride on your back across the river?"

"Well now, Mr. Scorpion! How do I know that if I try to help you, you won't try to kill me?" asked the frog hesitantly.

"Because," the scorpion replied, "If I try to kill you, then I would die too, for I cannot swim!"

So the frog agreed to take the scorpion across the river. The scorpion crawled onto the frog's back, the frog slid into the river.

Halfway across the river, the frog suddenly felt a sharp sting in his back. A deadening numbness began to creep into his limbs.

"You fool!" croaked the frog, "Now we shall both die! Why on earth did you do that?"

The scorpion shrugged and said: "I could not help myself. It is my nature." They both sank into the muddy waters of the swiftly flowing river.

I actually had my mouth hanging open when Thelma killed Gaspar. This show has been lacking any meaningful plot twists, I never expected that. I guess the writers just couldn't stomach the idea of Luba and Gaspar taking care of a baby.
When Alina first found Soledad, they both talked about getting out in a hurry, but proceeded to stand around forever discussing it. I actually yelled at the TV "Get on the f@#$#@ing horse and get out of there!"
I too was pleased to see Alina busting out of a top just like the old days.
Sylvia, I believe the little boy at the end was little Gaspar. I know he was smaller than the girl, but it's the only thing that makes sense. He calls Emiliooo 'papa Emiliooo', nobody would call their own father that, and I doubt Alina would get pregnant again after almost dying the first time. Your recap didn't mention this angle, so perhaps you didn't think that was him.
Of course as dumb as this show was, I'm sure I'll miss it until I get used to the new one. At the end of the run things finally happened, so it was actually fun to watch these last few weeks. If only the entire run had been that way.
Great recap Sylvia, have fun with Juan Mulleton!

Oh and the little boy called Alina a munequita, I think that was to bash us over the head to make us realize it was little Gasparito.

I felt bad for the horse Thelma was rideing it was beat with a metal chain ball and it didnt take off like Zorro's horse sytle meaning it didnt go that fast. when the girls were dressed for the funral i was like its the four sisters in black! Ahhh yes the writer had to ad in on the sad day will you marry me (tut tut tut) we both orphans and in love and we have each other(tut tut tut) am i right?
So let me guess Alvaro's sister followed some what moms foot steps How could such a box glow with a letter inside just a plain letter!
as sooon as i saw thelma clibing down I knew she would die i thought she was gonna meet the whirl pool but i guess not!
Yes i read ahead and knew of these things
I heard gasper wasn't gona have a happy ending( I thought that was gonna take place in the pre final)
That Angel ask Claudia to Marry him( I didnt know it was on the mothers funral)
the last thing i must have mis read was Soledad looses her memory cause she didnt.
Yikes I nearly starting scream when Gasper died
And Don Locco well i wish they could have shut his eyes! I thought he would die by getting shot but i guess not.
I saw in the wedding crowd a few peoople and let say a fathful dog was missing! Where Alina's Aunt and New Uncel along with Rosita and Santos along with Tonki?!!!!!!!!! you could have had Tonki siting in the isel with a bow or ring of flowers on his neck! I started laughing when i saw Rodrigo with Doctora Locco I was like and where did her man go? they should have stuffed in a walk on by women for him!
When Emiloo started singing i had to cover my ears it was anoying! after the show was over i watched the music video for the theme song it was good though it had nothing to do with the show only the song!
Its no wonder this show didnt last long it wasnt all that good when truths and moments came out they packed it like a sandwhitch!
So is the son of Alina and Emiloo in the future really the son of the one who plays Alina? She has a son in real life who is around 8 years old now but around the filming and airing he would be 5 or 6 years old I was just guess by the look he kinda does look like her.
Great work everyone! though show wasnt all that good i couldnt get enough! I hope to be able to sit thru all of the next show to air!

Well, jaguar might be a new one but death by big cat isn't unique to telenovelas. You should recall, Melinama, that the embarassing native healer or whatever he was, was killed by an escaped lion in Entre Amor y el Odio.

Like Melinama, I've never been able to watch more than 5 minutes of this novela but the recaps have been hysterical and this one didn't disappoint, Sylvia. Great job!

So what's the final body count on this one? I was not prepared for Gaspar's death and certainly have never been prepared for the long, lingering closeups of bloody, mangled faces.
Can't believe that up until a week or so ago, this was on at 7 pm...and heck, 8 pm is still the "family hour", verdad? Lovely to think of the whole family gathered around the tv for this one.
Glad it's over and plan to skip Amar sin Limites...looks like way too much evil skullduggery for me. Juan Querendon is still silly enough for me to hang in there.
Do, do, do ALWAYS appreciate the vocabulary help...muchas gracias to the nth degree.

Judy B.

Chris, I think you're absolutely right about the little boy being Gasparito. It occurred to me briefly but I didn't want to assume and I figured we would discuss it here. I just re-watched the scene with the kids in the hammock, he tells his sister that she's the muñequita (not Alina like I previously wrote). I just fixed it in the recap. So yeah, I think it's little Gaspar and he's already obsessing about the love of his life, Alinita.

Melinama, your parable of the frog and scorpion are scarily on target. They often called Thelma a scorpion and one of Gaspar's playmates was his froggie.

We were at a body count of 31, after that came Claudia's mom, Gaspar, Thelma, and DonLoco. Am I forgetting anyone else? That would make a total of 35 dead.

Sylvia, still mourning for Gaspar.

Oh and in the wedding scene - did you notice how they managed to squeeze in a looooong full body shot of Coral handing over the rings? I wasn't sure who it even was, and wondered why we were being treated to a tight dress/exposed cleavage shot right in the middle of the wedding, then we saw her face. Maybe that's so we don't forget her before she shows up again in another show.

I had about a million thoughts pop into my head that I wanted to comment on, I think when I watch shows I need to have a notebook for comments in front of me or something. I keep remembering random things later.

Oh and I called it with Angel and Claudia, though really that wasn't much of a stretch.

Goodbye Duelo, brought to you by the Virgin. Did she get some good pub out of this or what?

Chris, I thought of you when Angel proposed to Claudia. You called it but it was no guarantee that Angel would actually have the sense to "seal the deal". Truthfully, I was a little surprised she wasn't pregnant at the wedding. Maybe Duhmilio and Duhlina got married too quickly after Thelma went to the great whirlpool in the sky.

I thought Coral looked fabulous in her orange wedding duds. They sure did a long close-up of her cleavage!

Ha, the Virgencita actually had a real walking, talking role in this show.

Gee...Am I dense...or what?? [Please , do not answer this..it was a rhetorical question...like on Sunday morning when the minister queries the congregation ..''How many of you sinned this week?''--- No need to raise your hand.] It never crossed my mind that the little boy at the end was the fruit of Gaspar's muy forte loins . It makes sense to assume that because he was a very handsome little boy with long locks ...just like his daddy. And, Sylvia, I think that you are right...he is already obsessing about his onetrue munequita..ahhhh. Well, at least Thelma got the whirlpool that we were wishing on so many of these characters. Rodrigo and Doctor Loco grinning and were sitting together at the wedding, so I guess that we can assume that they got together. What about Orlando??? Was there any resolution with his character? Was Luba at the wedding? I can't remember seeing her. And, Coral in the lowcut orange dress...Maid of honor...I think no. WOWWEEWOW. The girls in my wedding wore pale aqua chiffon ..very mundane by comparison to Coral's bridal garb. Hot .

...And Donkey/Tonkey....what happened to Donkey ??????

I'm glad it didn't fall to me to recap this one because I couldn't have done it justice like you did -- great as always!

Waaaaaaaaaaa poor Gaspar! That was terrible and sad. It made me realize that the only real, human, genuine moments on this show were his (or his and Luba's). I hope he'll keep acting.

There's Don Loco sacrificing his life to draw the jaguar away from his wife and daughter, and what do they do? Run after it! DUH DUH DUH! Duelo of the Braindead! However, it was nice to see Soledad make a real, genuine escape from Don Loco after years of whimpering that she would just stay with him like a good little wife.

I did think the kid at the end was mini-Gaspar, but I wish the writers had told us if Luba was living with Emilio or what, instead of wasting time on that Alina-possibly-dying sequence. I wasn't sure at the end if she had died and the beach scenes were a dream, or what. Very confusing. And then, after all that misery, Emilio bursts out singing? Too much.

I guess this show was too wretched for Cristina. But I did enjoy it more than I enjoyed Heridas de Amor, which was in so many ways a better show but very dreary. At least this one was ridiculous enough for some laughs. But I'm ready to move on to Juan Querendon.

Luba was at the wedding holding little Gaspar. Adela sat next to her. I hope Luba lured Adela away from her life of servitude and they spent their days in a jazzed up cave somewhere in the mountains. When Emilio and Alina are at La Rinconada the two "abuelas" get to spoil the kids rotten.

I'm sure Orlando wasn't invited. He is probably spending his days sucking up to General Ochoa and his nights at the Devil's Cave pretending to be a loverboy but in reality unable to get it up.

Tonki/Tonqui Sweet Little Doggie...emilee k is right, he should have been at the wedding. I'm absolutely certain he went on to bigger and better things and they could not afford to bring him back for the wedding scene.

I don't think the little boy is Ludwika's son. His name in the closing credits doesn't match up.

Carmel, I agree with your sentiments regarding Duelo as compared with Heridas.

I also hope to see Intocable (Rene Gomez) in the future and especially Tio Maximo (Rafael Rojas). That dude got skewered with real panache!

Sylvia~~~Are you planning to watch ''Destilando Amor'' now that ''Duelo '' has bitten the dust? It is really heating up . Sergio Sendel plays an excellent villain, and one of the celebrity dancers from Bailando plays a smarmy playboy we all love to hate...and mock. There is also an excellent villainess who looks like a Barbie doll...only skankier. Then, there's the family matriarch who has had so much plastic surgery that she cannot smile,blink ,or show any emotion [kind of like Emiliooo]. And, Chantal Andere is outdoing herself bringing the crazzzzy. Her partnership with Sergio is like watching the masters paint. AND...Vincente from Alborado is in it..sporting dreadlocks and kissing the uptight abuela. It is a mockfest !!! And.,.The galan has stolen my heart from Fernandito..at least until we next meet on the high seas and I see him with the waistlength hair , thigh high boots, and bandana.......mmmm....what was I talking about????? Anyhoo...Join us !!!

Melinama~~~Thanks for providing the scorpion story. That fable certainly teaches an valuable lesson. I suppose that we have all known some scorpions , no ???

I just noticed, Sylvia, that your title says Duelo Tuesday 7/16 - it was Monday!

...What about Mexican Larry...Did Luba remove the spell , or are he and Orlando still in the same boat...so to speak ???? And, I can't remember [wasn't paying attention ?] Was Elias at the wedding?...Ws he sitting with Soledad?...Was he holding a pinata ? [Symbolism.] So many loose ends.

Elias was sitting right next to Soledad at the wedding, still looking like the eternal dweeb that he is. Honestly, I would rather she get back together with Don Loco than end up with that wet noodle. Sure forgot about his own good wife fast enough!

Judy B.

Oh shoot, I just fixed the day, thanks Chris. I think I was delirious when I posted.

Susanlynn, I haven't been able to watch Destilando because it's on at the same time as Zorro. Zorro ends next week but then I will be on vacation until August 18th! I have kind of been keeping track of of Destilando through the recaps when I have time. What I have seen of Aaron and Minnie...well they are the villain dream team as far as I'm concerned. (By the way, she [Chantal Andere] has a gig in Mexico doing Victor Victoria on stage with Daniela Romo. Can you imagine?? I heard Chantal got standing ovations on her first performance.) I notice that a lot of the Duelo actors are over on Destilando (Mexican Larry still AWOL, Luba, Dra. Loca, etc.)

Regarding PIRATES, J.R. has posted some new articles on the Alborada telenovela-world forum. There is a lot more publicity on it now that they are filming. I can't wait!!! Until then I am amusing myself with Juan Querendon (which I know you don't care for but I adore) and I will try to pop into and read some of the other recaps as well.

I was watching "The Crying Game" the other day, it has been years since I had seen it and that is the story Stephan Rae, is telling at the very end..because it is in my nature....

Very funny excellent recap...
I was having a total WTF moment at the birth of Alina baby...OMG Ceaserean? Try it, it has only been around since like Julius..or maybe later like 1140AD.
Also Soledad just sitting there when she heard the news..like oh well?

I wondered if the actors who played Emilo & Alina just cringe at those last scenes..

Oh great thanks to Don Loco, you were crazy, but decent entertainment.

Well. Now I know how the actor formerly known as Emilioooo has felt all this time, putting up with those scripts--well and truly CONSTIPATED. I don't even know where to start.

Guess I'll start with THE GOOD. Yeah, I'll do that. The actor formerly known as Don Loco did an awesome job in my humble opinion. I expected that, and he delivered. Great stuff on his knees with Alina, begging his gory, dead papa (NOT, so sorry, man) to accept him, redeeming himself by giving his life for Alina's and Soledad's (being jaguar lunch is a LOT worse than eating a bullet, I'd say). All the crap he'd done was paid in full by his selfless act--the one decent piece of writing in the whole novela. And Goyri's performance made it less cheesy than it could have been. Viewer satisfaction = score.

THE BAD (yeah, you know it's coming). Thelma going to the slammer OR getting killed, either one was pretty acceptable for the huge debt she'd wracked up with society. But no--let's add on to that (writer scratches head and thinks). Let's have the Wicked Witch of S.E. succeed in killing the most selfless and innocent character in the cast, even though La Virgen Herself saved him from renal failure when we could have let him croak THEN, even though that means Thelma flips the viewer off with her middle finger and wins. Her death means nothing now. No closure. No payback. La Virgen loses face. We are sickened that long-suffering Gaspar is dead after finally being with his baby for what amounted to five minutes. You bastids. (I'm surprised they didn't have Tonkey jump in there and Thelma stab him to death, too.)

THE UGLY. A 2-minute commercial break was supposed to be enough time for us to transition from horror to... yes, instant happiness! THE WEDDING. Not even a moment of letting Alina mourn the father she'd finally had a tearful reconciliation with, the father who'd prevented her from becoming cat fodder. (Oh, yeah, that screen time was taken up by another useless dramatic plot twist that the writers had no time to properly develop but what the hell, let's do it anyway, Alina's-gonna-die-in-labor.) Hell, I hadn't had time to get out of the bloody water with Gaspar yet! I didn't care that Alina and Emilio were finally happier than two pigs in slop, I truly didn't give a crap! When La Virgen appeared in the O.R. at Alina's bedside, all I could say was, "Go away, Lady! In the Name of Gaspar, just go AWAY. You've passed your expiration date here. Sorry!"

(There's something to be said about diatribes, y'all. I'm feeling a little better now. Hmm.)

God, I hated that ending. I'm afraid to invest in Amar Sin Limites for fear I'll get shafted in the end again. RUBI (well-written, with an amazing yet satisfying ending twist that made you fear a RUBI II!) was the first novela I'd ever watched before DUELO. I feel tricked. Tell me, y'all, what is the norm here? You seem to have watched a lot of novelas between you--how often do you invest in a show then get DUELO?? Should I even bother? I'm not that hard to please--honest. All I want is some common sense and a little reward here and there.

All telenovelas have their ridiculous moments, for sure, but which ones would you say are or have been really good?

The DUELO recaps were the stars of this show, BTW. Feels like a family here because of you all who took the time to keep the rest of us up to speed and entertained. My thanks seem lame in comparison! But I offer them, humbly. :-)

Thanks for the Intocable pic, Sylvia. You rock.

Steph, you said it all! Well done! I see you have a blog and I'm bookmarking it.

About telenovelas in general: I've now seen four all the way through. Piel de Otono, Peregrina, Heridas de Amor, and Duelo. Duelo was by far the worst, although Peregrina was similarly ridiculous. Heridas was OK, well directed, but had way too much crying and poor plot resolution. Piel de Otono, the first telenovela I ever saw, was FANTASTIC. If you ever get the chance to watch that one, do so. (Our friend Don Loco is in it playing another bad husband.)

So, so far, for me, telenovelas have been 25% wonderful, and the rest varies. That's enough to keep me watching.

Stephe - I'll let you know what I've seen, some good endings, some bad.

Alborada - mostly satisfying ending, the only really down part was one particularly despicable man getting a free pass from his woman for basically feeling sorry for 3 seconds and saying 'uh sorry.' Otherwise a great ending.

Heridas de Amor - horrible lame ending, if you click on the Heridas recaps link on the sidebar of the main page, you can see my full recap. Super lame, the bad guy just gets hit by a car and the hero decides to show his love by kidnapping the annoying and stupid heroine.

Duelo - you just saw it. I agree that the Don Loco ending was acceptable, the wedding of Emiliooo and Alina was inevitable, but I am still wound up about Gaspar getting screwed. I felt real emotion maybe 3-4 times during the last six months of this show and two of them were Gaspar scenes last night. Flying his little boy around like an airplane? Touching. Him crying because he couldn't see his baby after all that time? Come on, I think everyone felt a little bit there. Gaspar got screwed.

So, I have to say that Duelo falls in the middle of the three I've seen. Not super lame, not satisfying, but I will say it left me with some strong opinions, so I guess that's better than nothing.

He, I never really watched much of this one, bits here and there, and the beginning, and read some recaps here and there, but I decided to watch the finale, because well, it's the finale.

To bring you a quote from the La Fea logs, Que the Hell??????? I knew you'd have fun with this one! Ugh!!!!


That sucked royal novela butt!!! As we watched them floating bloodily down the river were we supposed to feel some sort of relief because in the afterworld Gaspar gets to be with his munequita?????? No sirree Bob, doesn't work for me. I found myself yelling at Luba, what the hell are you grabbing the baby for, go get your son out of that water and away from that wretch!!!!! Duh, you can't reach him because for some stupid reason you decided to take hold of the baby????!!!! Arrrrggggh!!! Maybe he wasn't dead yet!!! See, I still had hope......

I have to say I cracked up at the leopard killing Alvaro. I hope they treated that animal humanely. Did anyone else notice the string it had tied around it's neck? Alvaro's face at the end was great, but the whole staging/filming of the attack was humorous. I want to say ok, that's enough little circus kitty, go sit back down on your stand.

Finally, I wanted to say, having not watched all of the episodes, I too thought that the little boy at the end was Gasparito, for exactly the same reasons Chris mentions. Wasn't he even wearing overalls and he had longish hair?

Man I've seen rapid fire finales with weddings and consumations in the last 5 seconds, but this was two deaths, a wedding, a birth, a resurrection, and a glimpse into the far future. Way to pack it in there Duelo writers!!!!

Nothing too, like using up that last bit of budget to buy wedding outfits and make everybody up for 2 seconds of screen time in the church, tickets for a production team to go to Cancun for another 3 seconds of screen time with a few different outfits and locales (well ok maybe a minute or so with all of his singing, but still). Geez, that could have filled a whole 'nother week!! Maybe we should be glad they didn't? :)

Thanks Duelo team!!

Stephe~~~I've watched 3 other telenovelas. My first was Alborado...great, great, great in every way. So great thst it sucked me right into the telenovela world even though I knew only about 20 Spanish words . Then, I started watching Barrera de Amor , but I couldn't stand it, so I bought and watched Amor Real = great, great, great. Carla Estrada produced both Alborado and Amor Real, and this chick really knows her stuff. They were both historical pieces. They also both starred Fernando Colunga...and...well...don't even get me started...he is H.O.T. and talented. Carla's now working on a new telenovela Pasiones about PIRATES ..starring...wait for it...FERNANDO COLUNGA. The team is back , and we are waiting impatiently for this new show. I also watched Heridas de Amor , and the kindest thing I can say about that telenovela is that it lived up to it's name ''Wounds of Love''---it left me feeling wounded. I then watched Mundo de Fieras [World of Beasts]...better than Wounds...not nearly as good as Alborado and Amor Real. SO, in summary, if you ever get the chance to see anything produced by Carla Estrada and starring Fernando C....go, girl, go...you will NOT be disappointed. Carla's shows have great actors, interesting storylines, and satisfying endings. I am currently watching Destilando Amor which I am enjoyinhg very much.

well Ludwika sons name is Nicolás if anyone didnt know. I was surprised finding out Ludwika's age shes 28 almost 29.

Carmel, Chris, and susanlynn--thanks for the novela advice. I have made notes on DVDs to look for (Piel de Otono, Alborado, Amor Real). And I have hope.

Glad you bookmarked me, Carmel! (I've been reading your blog for a while now, my dear.) :)

People really seem to like Destilando around here, so I tuned in for a few minutes tonight. WHO IS THAT MAN??? Aaron, I think? What a looker. He smolders. Hmmm... think I'll give Destilando a shot.

Pirates have always raised my temperature. So that sounds pretty good.

It'll be interesting to see if Rene Gomez (Intocable)/Gaspar sticks to Lucha, or decides to take on another role. At least I have him on Lucha to get my groove-on. Hardee-har-har!

Stepe~~~On ''Destilando Amor'' [Exuding Love], the buff, blue-eyed , light brown-haired dude is AAron [the Evil One] , and the big, broadshouldered dark-haired dude is Rodrigoooo [the Good One]. After many conversations on the subject, we have concluded that some of us ladies like the quarterbackS [AAron] and some of us prefer the linebackers [Hot Rod the Bod]...personally speaking, sign me up for Rodrigooo, Coach. I am one of Rod's Ragerettes [a phrase cleverly coined by our own Beckster.]Give me an ''R''...Give me an ''O''...Give me a ''D''. If you're confused about the plotline, just ask. We have analyzed each character and plot twist intensely.

Whoopsee...that's ''ROD'S RANGERETTES''~~~Susanlynn, late for work and not proofreading

Sylvia, what a superb final recap for Duelo! We got back yesterday afternoon and the first thing I did (because I hadn't been able to sleep on the plane, and just needed to relax--that's my story and I'm sticking to it) was read the recap. Literally, the first thing. I laughed, I misted up about Gaspar several times, I shook my head at the loose ends that everyone has noted....and later I actually watched the Gran Final. You rock, Sylvia! Thanks so much!

Thanks, also, to the Duelo recap team who kept me watching. This was actually my first novela from start to finish, because I came in for LFMB during the middle last October or so. I decided I would watch Duelo from beginning to end and nearly bailed in the middle because of its myriad flaws. It's you, the recappers, and commenters, who kept me engaged. You ALL rock!

I didn't get the satisfaction of seeing Thelma actually go down in the whirlpool. Though I wouldn't have wanted to see Gaspar go down, and was incensed as everyone else was that the writers offed him (que the h*** were they thinking???), I really, really wanted to see Thelma's total demise. Instead, she floated peacefully away in Gaspar's arms with barely a struggle and it was Gaspar who got the short end of the stick. What a rip!

Gaspar with Gasparcito was truly the very best of the writing in the entire six months. The only thing that could have made it better would have been Tonki/Tonqui/Tonkey/Donkey frolicking along with them. Did anyone notice that Gaspar, only in that scene, appeared to have longer bib overalls that broke on his shoe instead of just below his knees? Like now he is maturing into a real Daddy? The overalls were cleaner, darker and had less holes, too. Later, little Gasparcito had on pants that brought Gaspar's to mind along the bottom, if you looked closely. They weren't exactly the same, but the legs had enough features the same-wide at the bottom and a bit short-to remind me of Gaspar's.

Some loose ends they could have tied up: Raquel? I liked her! I wanted to see her in good shape. But, that would have meant an extra month, heaven forfend. Karla and Orlando should have ended up together. Rosendo should have been jailed big time for child trafficking. And the list goes on, sort of like the list of dead and supporting dead.

Don Loco's demise left unanswered questions: who was Mariana's father? Who inherited the property? Did DL build it himself, or inherit it? Etc., etc. That said, the jaguar was unexpected and made me chuckle. The writers couldn't let such a crazy as DL simply get hit by a car (I only watched a single episode of Heridas, the Gran Final, just for kicks). No, they had him get bit in the jugular by a big cat. (shaking head) What's up with that? Is that to remind us that they spent six months in the back woods?

Ah, well. Another novela put to bed. Gaspar and Tonki will forever remain as high points in our minds. Emilioooo and Floralina will forever remain as perfect examples of quasi-heroes. Soledad will be our model of the today's assertive and capable woman-NOT.

Thanks, everyone, for making Duelo de Pasiones the memorable time it was! As they say in Hawaii, UDABEST! (You're the best!)


Sylvia, THANKS for the picture of Intocable!


Hmm. On an IBDb website, the credits for DUELO are as follows:

Directors: Armando Quinones, Jose Rendon

Writers: Martha Jurado, Ricardo Tajeda, Marcia del Rio, Hilda Morales Allois, and Claudia Velazco

I will remember these names. And AVOID them.

It was interesting to also see that an original DUELO was made in 1956.

Stephe, one wonders if the original was just like this (it was a half century ago, so maybe so) and they didn't change much to update for modern times. It makes more sense in light of the era of the original, when heroines were a lot like Soledad and Alina.

I had to chuckle about your review of the writers, etc. Good advice to avoid them!


I only watch Destilando - sometimes now - can't even remember the plot of some of the others. Duelo one was a pain and the recappers brought this out extremely well. Of course I read this website - really funny and makes the long day shorter. Thanks to the recappers and those who comment.

I read the summaries on ESMAS. I don't have to watch Destilando as I already know the ending and the main plot and multiple subplots:). I've decided to hit the grammar books when I'm not gardening or going for a walk. Our summers have been great - not too hot. I actually discovered from my grammar book that "le" is the indirect object for both masculine and feminine. It makes it easier to read ESMAS.

Good point, Jeanne.

Come to think of it... an original RUBI was done back around 1965 or so. It was a treat to discover on the 2005 version DVD that they'd also included the ending scene, theme, and credits from 1965, so you could compare the two. Really neat.

Sometimes we do forget how different things had to have been back then...

I finally got to see this tonight. It pretty much met my low expectations. It wrapped everything up in a flash, compared to how long stuff dragged on during the months this show was on. In fact, it was almost like they wrapped it up too fast and then had to pad it out with the extra future scenes. It wouldn't be the first show to do this. I've seen novelas where they show the wedding in huge detail, almost like somebody's wedding video.

I think that the paternity of the little boy is unclear--Emilio or Alina (I forget which) refers to the kids as "our children" which would seem like an odd way to refer to Gasparito. They could have adopted him I guess. Luba seemed of two minds about this. She promised dying Gaspar to take care of him but she had tried to reason with Gaspar earlier that it would be better if Emilio took him because he'd be better off. Gaspar had disagreed with her on this point so letting Emilio adopt him would have gone against his wishes. The size difference between the kids is irrelevant. Say Alina gets knocked up right away, Gasparito is probably about 18 months older. Boys mature later than girls anyway. It's possible she could be bigger than him.

The death of Gaspar--In novela finales there's almost always an unexpected death. Since Thelma and Don Loco were almost sure goners, it had to be someone unmatched like Coral or Gaspar. I thought it was possible that they might let DL off by showing him ending his days in a padded cell. Killing him off means no divorce necessary for Soledad! With Thelma dead, no divorce either for Emilio and Alina finally gets her church wedding. Poor Gaspar, no good deed goes unpunished!

btw,I noticed that in the boda, Alina had a sexier dress and no veil, unlike the wedding that ended with Emilio getting shot. A little less virginal..?

The editing in these last few episodes was pretty bad. What the heck was up with Malena suddenly popping up, a new improved Malena who is instantly part of the coral posse? I didn't even realize that Coral knew her. One minute, Orlando is presumed dead in the cave-in, the next minute he's hanging out in La Rincondada again as if nothing happened.

I can't really find fault with the ending per se. To answer the thread above. I think they all kind of suck, they are all way over the top. My favorite, which played with the wedding theme was La Madrastra which had a quintuple wedding, with each of the brides arriving in boats decorated with their names in flowers. I can't think of a way they can outdo that!

The one thing these shows have over American soapoperas though, IMHO is that they do END. Borron y cuenta nueva, as they say. Erase and start over. And thank Dios for that. On to Amar sin Limites...

Margaret, good point about why they took Gaspar out. Also an interesting observation about Alina's dress. I noticed the difference, but didn't attach any significance.


Just got to watch the Finale, and it was as everyone said, the writers blew it. Thanks Stephe, I will definitely avoid anything those writers put out. Thanks to all the recappers, you're very talented and have helped me get through this telenovela...

You're welcome, jb. I wasn't looking for perfect, honest. Just some semblance of common sense. I mean, they did get PAID for this. (I hope?)

The one thing these shows have over American soapoperas though, IMHO is that they do END.
LOL! Good one, Margaret!

I wanted to say a big hearty (and belated) thanks to all the recappers--I've been checking in with this site throughout the whole series, and the recaps have been great. Not only did they help me out a lot with comprehension (not just with my rudimentary Spanish, but where the story got confusing as well), but also I enjoyed the humor and good spirits about a laughably terrible show.

Also, what a let down with Orlando. He tells Emilio where to look for Alina, and he's redeemed? Saved from the horrible fate that karma had in store for him? I have to say about Gaspar's demise-- as sad as it was, I was a bit amazed that this show was capable of a surprise plot twist. If only the writers had attempted such an outlandish idea earlier than the last episode?

Thanks all,


I don't even know where to begin!

First of all, the recaps were amazing! (Lo Máximo!) As a person watching and commenting on this show 10 years after it aired, I would have loved commenting it with everyone else, but nevertheless, I still enjoyed reading and commenting.

Letdown #1: Gaspar's death! Why oh why?! He deserved to be happy raising his cachorrito! #SoUnfair ... Even in the last five minutes of her life, Thelma gets away with another nasty deed. I don't remember if I hated any other villain as much as Thelma.

Letdown #2: How is it possible that Santos and Rosita were NOT at the wedding?! Come on, folks! We're talking about Alina's original best friend and Emilio's cousin here! This is the one true reason I wanted to see the wedding! I'm not buying the story about Santos' mom being too sick; hire someone to take care of her for a few hours, bro, you've got the money to do that!

Letdown #3: Too much time wasted with the Alina dying drama that could have been used for more productive scenes. That was totally unnecessary.

So Don Loco got to be the hero at the very end. Too bad that Don Max couldn't have gotten a good redemption scene. I would have loved for him to stay until the end, but if they were going to kill him off no matter what, let him get kabobbed for a good cause! Not somethings stupid like going to bother Soledad or Coral. He could have gotten kabobbed trying to save Santos' life, or something like that.

I wonder what happened to Orlando? He just disappeared, last seen getting a rifle in Max's former office which one belongs to his AWOL son, Santos "Mínimo " Valtierra.

This show was ridiculous, but I enjoyed it for the most part.

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