Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Zorro Monday July 16, 2007: Where Olmos has 9 lives and loose lips.

Outside Montero’s cabin hidden in the woods, Santiago faces off with Diego/Zorro and Esmeralda/WIB, both in their respective disguises. SM wants to know the name of the woman with Zorro. Before she can reply, Zorro knocks Santiago down. Meanwhile, a grossly burnt Olmos hops out from the bushes and pulls a gun on WIB. He starts spouting about how Mariangel ruined his life and how he is going to make sure that she pays for what she did to him. Esme asks about her baby and Olmos replies that he should have never given the baby to Mangle. Diego asks SM why he took the child and SM’s only answer is that he thought Mangle wanted to be reunited with her child. He now thinks differently. Olmos is insistent that he’ll be the one to get Mangle, so he takes off to the cabin. Unluckily, Olmos opens the cabin door and the building explodes!!

In the area, close enough to hear the explosion, Monty speculates that Zorro has been blown to bits. Mangle is just ticked; she complains about Monty taking the Queen hostage. She doesn’t like being a fugitive and she tells Monty that he’ll need to get some money for her, she can’t be poor.

Tobias and Pizarro face off. Tobi’s at a disadvantage because he can’t handle a sword and he’s wearing a dress. Piza taunts Tobi, while Cat begs him to not hurt her husband. Tobias tells Cat to let him handle it, because he’d die for her.

After the explosion, Santiago tells Zorro and WIB that Mangle lied to him and that he found out that the baby is really Diego de la Vega and Esmeralda Sanchez’s child. Diego is convinced that no one was inside the cabin, it was a trap.

Tobi and Piza fight. Piza’s about to kill Tobi and Cat shoots him. Piza asks her “why?” Cat doesn’t answer, instead she begs Tobi to forgive her because she never meant to hurt him. Tobi looks upset because his wife has emasculated him again.

Mangle and Monty talk about the baby and how strangely it looks like Diego. Mangle wants to know what they are going to do after this. She wants to use the baby to get money from Diego, but Monty doesn’t seem to like this idea. MA says that Diego would pay a handsome ransom for the child (Note, didn’t they just think that they blew up Zorro and hasn’t Monty been suspecting that Diego is Zorro, so wouldn’t this throw a monkey wrench into their plans?). Meanwhile, the Queen is tied up nearby and overhears their whole plotting. She looks disgusted (as well as you can look disgusted with a rag stuffed in your mouth).

Diego and Esme are out tracking Monty and the kid. Diego says that the river is rising right now (is there a tidal river in LA?). They find a cave and Esme worries that Monty and Mangle will do something to harm the child (ulcer 1). Diego assures her that they think the kid is theirs, so they won’t do anything as long as they think that. The two talk/rehash about how they coped being separated from each other.

Monty proposes that he use the Queen to get a ransom. Mangle says that’s all fine and good except that Sara Kali is the real queen. Monty says he can still demand money for TQ and win or lose it all---if they lose they’ll see each other in Hell. Mangle says that won’t happen because she’s going to take care of him and he can take care of her. Monty thinks this is almost like a wedding ceremony, but Mangle points out that there isn’t love between them, just lust. She says that as long as they are together, the lust will continue. She adds that nothing, not even death, will keep them apart. The Queen is still forced to listen to this and seems way too interested in watching them paw at each other.

Alejandro and his merry men are hot on Monty’s trail and discover the exploded cabin. Alej splits the men into three groups and tells them if anyone spots Monty they’re to send someone to gather the other two groups of men before they attack. Alej tells one of the men to search the building for survivors. Once Alej rides away the soldier says why bother, no one could have survived that fire. He walks away and we, the audience, can see Olmos stumbling out of the building.

Sara Kali is hiding with the gypsies and she’s worried about her prima, the Queen (ulcer 2). They decide to break camp.

Ana Camila/NAC tells Renzo that she intends to leave the gypsies. He’s confused because they promised to remain together always as part of their wedding vows. NAC says that with Esme’s return things have changed. Renzo swears to his wife that he loves her and only thinks fondly of Esme. NAC says prove you love me by leaving with me.

Diego and Esme, still in the cave, rehash a whole bunch of stuff: Santiago taking the baby, Esme thinking that Santiago was dead because that’s what Mangle told her, Santiago asking Diego for money. Diego says if anything were to happen, he’d blame himself. However, he assures his love that nothing will most likely happen to the baby because Mangle and Monty think it is their child.

The river is down, so Esme and Diego start up their search (there was a shot of them running out of the cave together that just made me laugh—reminiscent of Batman and Robin). In their search, they find arrows and a note from the Amazons; the women warriors are helping lead them to Monty and the kid. What good fortune!!

Padre Tomás meets with the cloaked men. He tells them the time is now to help Zorro. They agree.

Mangle takes Monty and the crew to Olmos’s house. She tells Monty how Olmos stole money from her dad to get the place and most likely planned on taking her there when he drugged her. Monty is concerned that Olmos will find them, but Mangle assures her lover that she most likely killed Olmos when she set him on fire and stabbed him with a jagged piece of glass.

Olmos, a little more charred than before-- but still wearing clothing that shows no signs of going through not only one, but two fires-- finds Gerardo. They rehash about Piza and Tobi (Gerardo was there trying to get them out of town). Gerry tells Olmos that Piza’s body is missing (this means he’s not dead, I’ve watched enough Zorro to know this is the case, and really no one seems able to die on this show---well except for Miguel, Leroy, Auggie and several other minor characters that Piza or Monty had killed), so they better get to the boat and get out of town. Olmos says he’s got work to finish here and wants Gerry to drop him off at some place (could it be his mystery house out in the middle of nowhere, currently the hide out for Mangle and Monty?).

Monty tries to entertain the Queen with a little piano music and some food. He wants to make a deal: money for her freedom and also a free passage to a safe country. TQ says there is no way she’ll agree to this. Monty threatens her and she tells him that she’s been trained since she was little to expect threats on her life. Monty muses that perhaps Sara Kali might be interested in making an agreement to free her cousin. TQ tells him that the only way out of this mess is for him to take some responsibility and accept the consequences for his actions (not going to happen).

Gerardo gets Olmos to his house. Olmos tells his underling to take off and try to make it to the boat before it sails. Olmos spots Mangle and Monty getting all kissy face on the veranda of the home. Once Mangle is alone, Olmos sneaks up behind her and starts to choke her.

Dolores, Almudena, and Maria Pia rehash about the following subjects: Esme is alive, Monty kidnapped the Queen, Santiago took the baby, and Alej and Diego have gone off in search of Monty and the baby. Dena asks MP about Fernando. MP offers up her own rehash and fills Dena in on the happenings with her brother—escaping from prison, getting injured, hiding in the cabin (she fails to mention that she and the monk had a roll in the hay, but good for her to not kiss and tell). Dena is worried about her brother (ulcer 3), but MP assures her that he’s healing. (Have to mention that Maria Pia has some awful roots showing in her hair, it reminds me that I need a touch up).

Olmos chokes Mangle and tells her that he gave her everything and all she did was laugh and make fun of him. He tells MA that her baby died and he switched it with Esme’s baby—that Monty was going to have the baby killed, but he save it. Therefore, he can die in peace, he says, because he helped save an innocent child. Now I know that he’s not going to kill Mangle because armed with this knowledge she’ll be able to wreck more havoc.

Diego and Esme reach the point where the Amazons are no longer able to help them. He tells Esme that they need to hurry; just in case Monty or Mangle figures out that the baby is not theirs (too late on that one, Olmos just spilled the beans to Mangle).

Some of Monty’s goons come out on the veranda and see Olmos choking Mangle. They shoot him in the back and he releases his hold and stumbles away. Just for good measure, another goon shoots Olmos again. Now with two bullets in him, he falls to the ground and has flashbacks to when he and Mangle got together thanks to the vial of love potion.

Maria Pia returns to the cabin and finds Fernando gone. He left a note stating that he is going to fix things.

Mangle tells Monty what happened with Olmos and that the baby isn’t theirs. Monty seems upset and mutters that Pizarro betrayed him (has he forgotten that Esmeralda is still alive, and Piza supposedly brought Monty her heart, I guess so). Monty tells Mangle that he never wants to see the child again. She tells him to slow down, that baby is worth beaucoup. She’s sure that Diego would give up his entire fortune for the child (except, if Diego is Zorro then he should have died in the cabin explosion---little details, little details).

Pizarro staggers into Agapito’s shop (?). Immediately Pito wants the chisme and asks if Zorro did this to him. Piza passes out or dies---but knowing how people never seem to die on this show, I’m going out on a limb and saying he passed out (for the time being).

Diego and Esme discuss hearing shots fired, but they can’t figure out from where they came. Just then, Olmos crawls out of the bushes (not dead yet, has he made a pact with the devil, this guy's got to have 9 lives--he's been stabbed, burnt twice, and now shot twice) and tells them that he can tell them where to find Monty and the kid.


Note to all characters in Zorro: You MUST verify that a person is dead! Granted, Olmos is doing a Rasputin imitation, but plenty of other folks have been "killed" and overlooked by their distracted murderers (Sara Kali, Alejandrito, Sara Kali again, Pizarro). Does that mean Maestro Samaniego is alive somewhere???

I thought about Batman and Robin, too, when DiEsme ran out for battle. I'm not sure if that's good or bad.

Cathy, EXCELLENT point about Montero and Mangle possibly blowing up the very man they're wanting to blackmail! Montero and Mangle are soooo short-sighted.

I'm eager to see what Fernando's doing next. Sigh. I just wanted to see some more of him and MP - no stalking, no yelling, just pure, old-fashioned adultery. ;>

Thanks for the recap, Cathy! (Get those roots done! ;p)

Cathy, great recap. Thank you.

Monty and Mangle were the highlight of last night's episode. (They deserve their own show.) The way they get turned on by eachother's evil is a scream. Monty's face said it all when Mangle confessed to setting Olmos on fire & stabbing him in the chest.
And when Mangle ordered one of the henchmen to find an Indian to feed "the brat," Monty responded, "I love when you give orders." (Atleast that's what closed captioning said he said.) In a twisted way, their behavior reminds me of Gomez Addam's reaction when Morticia speaks French.

The Ana Camila/Renzo development seemed like a forced plot point. WTF?

Marie from Mass
P.S. is anyone here planning to watch the new show that begins on Univision tonight?

I'll be darn, Olmos did survive the house explosion! I think Olmos is now a shoo-in for the "greatest recuperative powers" award.

It's a tough competitition: Mercedes in an iron mask for 20 years with no skin damage and no horrible infections from decade-old food crumbs accumulating around her neck; Diego recovering in a matter of days from a gunshot in the back which surely penetrated his lung and maybe another vital organ or two (healing from the brain-damage inducing whack on the head took a few days longer); Alejandro snapping back from an arrow wound of similiar penetrating power; Bernardo coming back within days after taking two Amazon arrows right in the back; and who can forget Don Alfonso being beaten within an inch of his life by Fernando and showing up the next day with minor bruising on the face? (His bruises did take another day or two to heal.) And Almudena surviving months of Mangle's arsenic doses.

Of course, we've had several survivors and quick recuperators from severe torture: Diego, Esmeralda, Laisha, Fernando. Plus, Fernando also got shot in the back. And one survivor of demon possession (Ana Camila) and Kamba, who seems to have successfully integrated his demon possession constructively into his personality. (Or maybe the baby-making with the Amazons chased the demon away.) And now we have Pizarro, staggering presumably miles through the woods with a gut shot, just happening to stagger into the house of the two who tried to kill him and discovering the town doctor hiding there because, well, Pizarro tried to kill him. I know about the Hippocratic oath and all. But if I were Agapito, I would spend a while carefully checking all of Pizarro's paperwork and running tests before I started treating him.

But Olmos... He's been kicked by Montero which probably broke a few ribs and started internal bleeding. Then stretched on the rack, presumably ripping a few tendons and dislocating a limb or two. Then doused with flaming kerosene by Mangle. Then walking into a room full of exploding dynamite. (Or, I guess, barrels of gunpowder; dynamite hadn't been invented yet.) Then shot twice in the back at close range. And still he's going like the Energizer Bunny! Impressive.

The cat's out of the bag with Mangle and Montero about Baby Zorro, though. There's clearly some tense moments to follow.

La Reina is turning out to be pretty tough. She may wind up at least getting to whack one of the Bad Team on the head before this is over.

And what's Fernando up to? Hopefully it has something to do with saving Baby Zorro and/or rescuing the Queen.

The Nuptials of Evil between Mangle and Montero were a nice touch. As evil as Mangle is, though, she hasn't managed to successfully kill anyone yet that I can remember. Her main skill has been manipulating men - Diego, Fernando, Montero, Olmos, Santiago. And last night it was dawning on her in some corner of her dark little heart that it might not be working out so well for her.

I envision all these people, some of whom are on horseback: Amazons; Diego & Esme; Alej and his men; the gypsies; the Cofradia - all crashing around in the woods failing to find Mangle and Montero or tripping over each other. But badly wounded people on foot like Olmos have no trouble finding anyone.

Why would the wounded Pizarro have gone to Tobias' house? That's where Agaptio was hiding but Pizarro didn't know that.

Why did Diego and Esme have to sleep on a pile of straw in the fox-cave? We know from when Diego was wounded, that there is a perfectly good bed in the cave.

Has anyone seen Esme on a horse? After last night's episode, it seems wierd to me that we only saw Diego and Esme on foot; standing by the booby-trapped hut; standing by the river; even at the fox-cave, they run out on foot. Where is Zorro's horse? Does Marlene Favela not ride? Is that why we don't see her on a horse?

Looking forward to tonight's episode.

Hey, Jean, in addition to your questions, any idea why Zorro and Xenamerelda are still in costume?
Would it not make sense for Diego (as himself) to go looking for his baby?

Wow, what a great episode! OK, I love Olmos even more. In spite of his weaknesses he is still a very focused individual.

I also thought it was a little weird that Diego and Esme were running around the forest wrapped up in black. That must be hot. The river rising?? That's a new one to me. I've heard of flash floods in the high deserts of So Cal but they were in the middle of a forest.

Jean, your vision of everybody crashing around in the woods sounds very Shakespearean. Don't forget the cannibals, they're running around in there too. Maybe that's why the Amazons stopped marking the trail, they were at the cannibal zone.

Mariangel and Montero rock. I love it when they share screen time.

Excellent recap Cathy! I really enjoyed it.

Sylvia, from the previews for Wednesday's episode, it looks like you nailed it on the return of the cannibals. I do believe those were scenes of Mangle among the cannibals.

Uh oh...Mangle's gonna get Mangled. Jean, you've got a good telenovela memory, have you ever heard of a bad guy meeting their end by cannibals?

Cathy, thanks for the great recap! I loved those editorials!

Olmos deserves a medal of some kind. What a tough old bird he is!

Santiago is still a mystery. Is he a good guy or a bad guy? (Only his hairdresser knows for sure…wait, it’s obvious he doesn’t have one).

The Queen rocks! She’s really showing her stuff here. I bet Sara Kali tells her to go ahead and be queen, I don’t want it.

Loved everyone’s comments!

Jeanne (with jet lag)

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