Tuesday, August 14, 2007

8/13 Juan Querendon

We open with Yadira telling Marely not to defend Juan. The girls bicker, Yadira accuses Marely of having feelings for Juan and that is why she is defending him so vehemently. Marely and Yadira exchange some nice insults until Alirio intervenesand tells the girls "basta!" Marely tells him to mind his own business and storms out. He is agast that she dares speak to him that way and asks his wifey if she is going to permit her to speak him that way. She says he shouldn't have been so 'bruto' to speak to them so harshly and mutters that one cannot even eat dinner in peace anymore in that house.

Ivonne and Pastor are in the bar/club. Juan and Ferando enter together despite Fern's reservations. He is not comfortable with the situation, but Juan tells him that it is okay, no one knows them there.

CL telephones Paula. She says she was thinking of him. They exchange some terms of endearment and agree to see each other the next day.

CL's wife is watching a novela in the bedroom. CL comes in and she asks if his bad mood has passed. He gets in bed with her and she thinks all is well.

Marely and Nidia are talking about Juan and wondering if they will ever see him again. Nidia asks her if she has feelings for Juan.

Back at the bar, Juan and Fernando are scoping out their environment and checking out the people in the bar. Juan approaches one of the guys.

Ivonne and Pastor are talking... Ivonne asks Pastor to accompany her to the bathroom. He declines. As she is walking towards the bathroom, she sees Juan talking to a guy and she sees Ferando as well.

Juan rejoins Fernando. Fernando wants to leave. Juan tells him to pay and they will leave. Fernando does not want to pay, Juan ends up paying.

Marely is indignant and denies that she has feelings for him. NIdia says she can tell her the truth. She says she respects him and appreciates what he did for her, but she does not have feelings for him. Nid tells her to be careful of men who do not tell the truth. Marely goes on to say that Juan is not her type.

Ivonne tells Pastor that she saw Juan there. Pastor is muy impactado.

Juan haggles over the price of the drinks, complains that the price is too much for two drinks. Ferando agrees to charge it to his credit card. Juan turns to leave and sees Ivonne and Pastor.

Marely is laying in bed thinking about Juan and the conversation they had when he told her the truth about him not studying at the universidad and that the only reason he made up the farce was to impress her. She remembers him telling her that he is not a liar, just a man in love. Everything was motivated by love. He says that with her, he tried to be sincere.

Juan and Fernando say they are there only because they wanted a drink not because they are gay. Pastor and Ivonne are not buying the story...

Fernando is really worried about how it will affect him. Juan is having images in his head of he and Fern walking hand in hand into the office and picturing everyone's reactions. Paula is impactada seeing them together. Juan snaps back to reality and promptly leaves with Fern.

Pastor is sad and says why didn't he see it? Why do those things always happen to him. Ivonne says she still has her doubts. Pastor is clearly heartbroken over the Juan/Fernando thing.

Juan comes home to be confronted by Nidia. She is not happy with him. She says she needs to talk to him. She tells him that he betrayed their trust and read him the riot act. She said she needs him to tell her the truth about who he really is. He tells her the reason why he left his town, (because that girl situation and her family being after him), he recounts the story about his journey to their house. He says that he will move out the following day.

Juan packs his things and ponders his fate. He is sad about the possibility of not seeing Marely or Paula again.

The next morning, Yadira asks if Nidia kicked Juan out. Nid says she didnt have to, Juan said he was leaving on his own. Nidia and Marely are bummed. Yadira comments that even the day their dad died, they did not look so sad.

Juan thanks them for their hospitality and tells them he appreciates all they did for him. He is sorry for the deceit and lies. He tells Nidia that she was like his mother, but quickly changes that to a younger aunt. :) He tells Yadira he is sorry for her having her heart broken. And that he is deeply sorry... Lots of tears from the ladies Cachon as he leaves.

Kike tells Juan that he is welcome to stay at his house and invites him to eat breakfast.

Marely is in Juan's bedroom, Nidia enters. Nidia says that they will miss Juan. Marely leaves to go to class. Nidia sits on the bed and finds the

Kike asks Juan what is next for him. Juan says he does not know.

Monica and CL are having breakfast. She asks him for Ana Davila's phone number. He gets irritated and leaves.

Monica's maid telephones Ana. She passes the phone to Monica. Monica tells about a job and would like her to be her secretary. Ana declines...

Fernando tells Juan that Ivonne has spread the word about them being a couple.

Monica is trying to make an appointment/interview with Ana. Ana agrees to meet with her.

Marely and Paula go over Paula's appointments for the day. CL calls Paula, CL requests to see her in his office. Paula asks Marely if she knows what the deal is with Juan and why he is acting so strangely. Marely tells her that the truth came to light about him being a chauffer and he has moved out of the house.

Pators mom makes a visit to Juan and is so not pleased with her baby boy's heartbreak and is seeking some retribution.


Thanks, Lucy!

Oh, it's going to be very interesting to see Pastor's mother chew everyone out. In the previews, even Pastor looks disconcerted by her over-protectiveness.

Juan hasn't had great success with a single scheme yet. One wonders when he's going to give up schemes....


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