Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Amar Sin Limites #14 Monday 8/13/07

The following things happened on Amar Monday:

Diego and Azul had some conversation at the bar, where she decided she would not see him anymore. Since I did not see Friday, this seemed unmotivated and ridiculous.

He had a large drink.

Azul goes home with Ceci. They sit in bed having a lot of ice cream, while Azul moons over Diego and how wonderful he is! So don't break up with him, you twit. I am bored silly.

At work, Diego is still trying to sell Morris a suit. Then suddenly Silvana comes in. He leaves to go talk to her outside. Once the boss finds out, he demands that Perla call him and get him to come right back. Perla calls him on the cell, and he declines to go back. Diego gets fired.

Lidia reveals that she is not marrying Paco. Diego reveals that he got fired.

That's about it. Sorry, I just don't have the time or energy to provide more detail.


I was wondering, and Margaret also pointed it out in the comments from my recap Friday, if the son of Abuelo's roommate/buddy is also gay. I didn't catch the episode, was there any story involving the fabulous designer from LA?

Got it...big drink...lots of ice cream...cancelled wedding...fired.

I really couldn't figure out why Diego was being so cavalier about his job. It just didn't make much sense. Is he expecting to work for Mauricio?

Also, at one point, Silvana came into the bar when Azul was there. How come those people have not made the connection yet that they all have six degrees of separation? My head was spinning.

For some reason Diego has placed Morticia above all else in his life. He is barely welcome in his own home, yet he brings her to stay there. His relationship with Azul turned sour for good (she has basically told him to screw off ever since) when he didn't meet her because Morticia showed up at his house. Now, he lost his job for her.
So - while the bringing her home thing didn't backfire since Clemencia loved her, Morticia has cost Diego his job and the woman he lusts for. I'd say that's a good reason to never see her again, but I'm sure he'll do just the opposite.

Thanks, Chris. It's nice to know that once again I'm not the only one in the dark. I'm really beginning to think I will have to bail on this show, however.

I feel your pain, Nina! For some reason I just can't get into this one. I think it's the lack of shirtless men -- Acorralada may be stupid, but there's always plenty of eye candy! ;)

This show is pretty confusing and I'm not feeling the love for any of the characters either. What this show needs is a cute dog or a witch.

Chris, there was more discussion with the son of the friend but it involved the son's plans, I think. I don't watch this one with as rapt attention as when I used to when I recapped.

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