Thursday, August 16, 2007

8/15 Destilando Amor: the one where the meddling montalvos meddle yet again.

We open with Clarita and Gavi at the justicio denouncing the photographer. Gavi urges the police to find his accomplice, Collete, so other young impressionable girls will not fall prey to them.

Back at the mansion, Dani teases Sofia about her good mood. Sofia explains that she will be staying in Mexico. She tells them that Frankie has turned down the job offer in Japan. Granny P is pleased beyond measure. Enter Smarmy. He tells them that he will be working at the Montalvena. Silly grins all around save for Daniela who has opted for some jaw dropping.

James is visiting Acacacia at the clinic. The doctor tells him they gave her something to calm her down and control her nerves. Acacia wakes up and is happy to see Meester.

Back at the breakfast table, Smarmy tells them about Rodrigo's job offer and that it was an offer he couldn't refuse because he was so taken with the land and fell in love with the Montalvena. This is music to Piliar's ears as she cannot stop grinning. Dani tells him sarcastically that it is so noble of him to leave such a high paying job in a big city to go milk cows in the country and whittle sticks. (ok, i made the stick part up) He said the deciding factor was his petit fleur and her desire to be close to her familia. He lays it on thick with the if she suffers, i suffer, etc. Barf. Granny said she worries that his decision to work in the Montalvena will be a career setback since he works in public relations. Sofi says he loves her so much, it is not a sacrifice.

Minnie and Isa are on the phone finalizing their plans to meet with Avellandeda so they can start convincing him to oust Gavi from her job.

Aaron is looking for his cell phone so he can call Pammy to pick him up at the airport. He is frantically searching, but Minnie has it. As she is holding it, his "Belleza" calls. Minnie tells him to invent whatever lie to tell her so he can stay.

Back at the agave field, Gaviota is explaining the regulations to the workers about the sanitary methods or something and the plagues. Clarita is there also and thought bubbles that she is proud of her little Gavi.

Isadora receives a call from San Juana with the chisme (gossip). SJ tells her about Gavi's bet with the jimadors and the tequila drinking and the singing. I am missing the point of their conversation, but when SanWannawanna talks I usually space out...

Minnie tells Fedra of her plans to meet with Avellaneda to oust Gavi.

Fedra tells Aaron that she received a call from Pamela and she is bummed that he is not returning until the day of the wedding. She tells him that he cannot do her like that, her parents are in Miami, and whatnot. He drops the bombshell that he is not going to marry Pammy. Fedra is muy impactada.

The housekeeper informs Sofia that Isa is waiting for her outside. Granny P wants to know where she is going. She tells her that she is going to the beauty shop and after have coffee. Daniela asks if she is going to leave Frankie. Sofia says Smarmy is going to the club.

Aaron tells Fedra to tell Pammy that the wedding is off. She asks him to think of the scandal this will cause. She said Pammy does not deserve that. He said he has made his decision, he will stay with Minerva. He tells her that he needs Minnie. Minnie is listening behind the door and likes what she hears. You almost feel sorry for Minnie. Almost. Poor deluded Minerva.

Back at his office, Rodrigo is crunching some numbers on his computer, but instead turns to daydreaming about his time with Gavi on the way to San Pedrito and their friendship. Roman comes in and tells him that Barrales is there. He comes bearing the news that there is a problem with the crops. He needs to accompany the tequila guy somewhere and leaves instructions with Roman to tell James that he had to leave. He tells Rod that the bedroom is ready for James and Acacia.

Roman asks Ofelia if la senora Isa has called lately. She says not that she knows of. He explains that Isa thinks Rod is with Gaviota.

Back at the field, Gavi is coninuing her schpeel about the plants and what to look for and should they see something, alert their patron.

Gaviota all of a sudden gets a look of anxiousness and said she feels like something is not right.

The ladies Montalvo arrive at their appointment. Sofia tells Isa that she feels they are doing something wrong and should Rod find out, there will be hell to pay.

James and Acacia arrive at the Montalvena. Ofelia and Roman tell them that if they need anything, holler. Acacia asks what are they doing there. James tells her that for now, it is a good idea for them to stay there and not return to Dry Gulch. Just the mention of Dry Gulch sends her into freak out mode. James asks her to tell him what happened between her and Meliton.

Avellaneda greets the Montalvo clan and wants to know what is up. Minnie says they are there because of Gaviota and to oust her from her post. He tells them their request is absurd. He tells them that Rodrigo wrote her a letter of recommendation. Isadora tells Avellandea about her "inappropriate" conduct, carousing with the jimadoras, drunkeness, and the worst sin of all SINGING! (i am rolling my eyes at these insipid folks) Isadora, using her position, as the wife of the owner of the Montalvena to fire Gaviota.

Acacia tells James about how it went down when she killed Meliton and how it was not intentional. He asks why she invented the story of Meliton going away. She tells him that she was scared. She says Meliton is mad at her for killing him. She goes into Macbeth mode with the out out damn spot mode. She says her hands are still stained with Meliton's blood. She tells James to talk to Meliton and he will listen to Meester James. Um, okay...

Elvis is looking the fish, comments that the Elvis fish will get eaten by the granny fish. :) Daniela knows something is up with Sofia's outing and correctly conjectures that they are doing something to interfere with Gavi and Rod.

Back at the meeting that Rodrigo is attending, he reminisces about the crazy machete dance. Good times, good times...

Gavi and Clarita are driving through the agave fields and she is thinking about Rod. Clarita wants to eat some tacos, but Gavi prefers to sulk and think about Rodrigo.

Avellaneda is telling the Montalvo gang bye and hopes that his decision is for the best. Isadora asks for one more favor. She asks him to get Gavi to leave the Montalvena as soon as possible. He says no problem, he will get her out of there quick. Next he and Aaron converse, he asks Aaron what to do with the wedding invite. Aaron says to burn it, he is now with Minnie.

Sofia tells Isa about the change in plans and how Frankie will be working at the Montalvena.

Avellaneda tells Demetrio to get Mariana back into town. Demetrio tells him that he has never had a problem with Mariana and she is a vital part of the CRT.

Hilario pays a visit to the talent agent lady. She asks him where he is from. He says Jalisco, more specifically Tequila. She asks him if he would be interested in doing some modeling. he says that is not really his thing, but he is game.

Gavi and Clarita return to the hotel. The front desk girl hands her a note from Demetrio asking her to get back to the city. Gavi says she knew it, she has lost her job.

Clarita tells her not to worry, call Rod. Gavi gets indignant, says she does not have to run to him for every little thing and she is capable of handling her own problems. Gavi says if she gets fired it is her own fault.

Ofelia asks Sanwannawanna to take a tray of food to Acacia. She says she she is not paid to attend that fruit loop. Ofelia tells her that per Rod's orders they are to take care of her and if she does not want trouble with him, she better do it.

James tells Acacia that he is going to go Padre Cosme so she can confess and get some counsel. Enter San Juana with food, she comments that Acacia's color is not good and could she perhaps be pregnant. James is happy with the thought and tells her to eat to keep her strength up. He feeds her and she slips back into her nutty mode and James turns into Meliton. She flips out and starts screaming. San Juana runs for the doctor.

Hilario is at his first modeling shoot. He is pretty uncomfortable and tense. Talent agent girl tells him to imagine he is at the campo and to relax.

Aaron and Minnie return to the apartment. He asks her if she is satisfied with her handy puppet master work. He tells her that he has to return to the United States because he has business to attend to. Minnie calls the newspaper in Miami, the society page. She wants to give them the scoop of their reconciliation. He tells her that he hates her.... Love is crazy.


I keep waiting for a simple, filler-type episode, but it never happens!

I had a lot of trouble following all the jibber-jabber last night, especially the stuff about Pamela (I admit I was being lazy and not trying very hard). Thanks for clearing up some of my confusion.

Hilario as a model? Interesting. What will Sanwanna say when she sees him in a magazine or on TV?

I thought of something else this morning... remember a few months ago when we had that "potion" incident - the soup that made Rodrigo crazy and made Hilario fall in love with Isadora. Obviously, the message there is "potions are very effective." Then a few months later, we get lectured (two or three times) about how potions and whatnot won't save your ailing agave crop.

Uh, I guess I don't really have a point - I just thought it was odd that potions are portrayed as very powerful and effective when women want to use them to manipulate men, but not when someone wants to save their agave business. Or maybe they'll address the love potion thing later on.

Very good...
That meeting last night was like watching the moral majority on FOX...the only thing lacking was follow up stories a)gay prostitute for Aaron, b) a seventeen year old pool boy for Fedra & c)Minnie/Isa/Sofie running crack whores...

Damn Sofie is so spineless, greated she pushed James around, but she so wants to be one of the A girls...Sofie it will never happen

I was so happy to get back to watching as well as reading the recaps I had to rely on last week (thanks recappers!). I was especially glad to see a flashback of the machete dance, since I missed the original.
Of course, nasty Sanwannawanna would be the one in attendance when Acacia flipped out again. Now she can go tell the entire hacienda about it. Loved the fashion shoot with Hilario. Once he learns the ropes, he can have a great career.
Speaking of fashion, how about the macho roosters on both Meester James and Hilario's shirts?!! The ones on James' shirt made me laugh, while the ones in outline on Hilario's shirt just made me say Huh? Que the heck? Maybe Hilario can promote a new line of campesino fashions. You know how those city girls love the rugged country boys.

Thanks for the recap, Lucy!

I think I missed something very important....didn't Aron "thought bubble" a few days ago that he was going to marry Pamela and was just using Minerva? And now Pammie's out?
Maybe Minnie gave him a love potion like Julie mentioned.

I'm sick of spoiled, rich Minnie & gang trying to get Gavi fired. They obviously have never had to worry about paying the bills.

Who's the guy in the preview who exchanges wide eyed looks with Gavi? A new guy in her life?
Ooohhh, Rodrigo isn't going to "gustar" that!

The whole Aaron/Minnie thing has me confused. Why exactly did Aaron go back to Minnie? I must have missed something and I've been watching every night.


Aaron went back to Minerva because he was JEALOUS JEALOUS JEALOUS that she seemed so happy without him! (And he's probably still worried she'll blackmail him over that adulterated tequila scam.) But already it seems he can't stand her again.

I don't remember exactly when during that conversation with his mother that he saw Minnie and knew she was listening - did he start talking about canceling the Pamela wedding before, or after he knew Min was listening? I think he is still trying to figure out a way to keep both women, although Minerva's obviously not going to make it easy for him!

I wondered who the "new" guy in the preview was too, but now I'm trying to remember what her old boss at the hotel (who wanted to marry her) looked like. Could that be him?

Wow. No one is mentioning the traumatic part where Gavi's boss, who sooooo liked and respected her, is now going to fire her. Am I the only one who loses sleep over episodes like this. You all go on about other things, like this is everyday stuff ROTF. I couldn't sleep for quite some time last night. My heart was pounding, that those women convinced gavi's boss to fire her. I thought of all the possible scenerios, such as gav thinks it is Rod who did this. She runs away again, only to find out months later it was his wife and the rest of the witches. This is so tenseful. Ret

Oh Oh Oh. That stange man at the end of the show, looked like Azul's future husband in Amor Sin Limites. Es verdad? Also Francisco plays in the Amor Sin Limites tambien, unless they just look a lot like these people. Ret

Aw, c'mon, Ret. Gavi is ALWAYS leaving a job. You should be used to it by now. ;-) I doubt that she will blame Rod - she's already been expecting the Mrs. Montalvos to mess with her. My question is, will she be able to talk Avellaneda into transferring her to a different department, rather than firing her, now that he knows how valuable she is.

And also, if I'm not mistaken (I might be), Barrales and Rodrigo (without his cell phone that Dani had been trying to call him on to warn him about the Mrs. Montalvo meeting) are on their way to the CRT RIGHT THIS MINUTE.

I guess Gaviota could see him there and get the wrong idea, but... I don't know. I don't think she'd fall for that one again. But we have to expect some kind of trouble. :-)

Oh NO!!! I forgot about Rene Strickler...the new guy..I told my husband...
Grrrrrggghhh Don't stick me with another anglo looking do-gooder, I am totally having Aldo flashbacks..NO NO NO. I'm this close to an Acacia/Meliton...psychotic fit.

Really enjoyed your recap, Lucy! That new face is definitely René Strickler from Amar Sin Limites, and (in another life) he could put his shoes under my bed anytime......

Now things should become muy interesting since Rod is stuck with Ickadora but has decided that being "friends" with Gaviota has left open the door to visit her at the CRT and essentially keep her as the second option when this marriage of his that he hasn't the guts to end finally runs out of steam like he's expecting it to. --I think I finally agree with beckster that Gavi needs to explore greener pastures, and leave that degenerate manipulative monied group of magpies, the Montalvo's, to the manure piles of Montalveña. Even Rod is thinking he can manipulate things his way if only Gaviota will keep the fire lit for him. That sucks.

yep, that new guy is rene strickler.... i love rene, so i'm ok with that :)

more than sanwanna, i was wondering, what will ISA do when she sees hilario in the model magazines, or on a billboard in mexico city? will she leave rod and try to secure her future with hilario, and tell him that the baby is actually his? hmmm...the advantage of sleeping around with many can always try your baby's luck with the richest one...BLEH.

oh, hilario looks SO dang good with long hair and a cowboy hat. if it werent for rod's smile, i'd say hillie is my numero uno in this novela :) u go hillie! show the lady with lots of makeup, that rancho boys can be true jewels.

hehe ickadora, i like that! :)

pps: thanks for the recap lucy!! :)

P.S., René Strickler is not the little lovesick manager guy from the hotel. I don't remember his name, but that guys always plays weird, subordinate roles in these things.

Great recap! Yep, Isa AND Sanwahnna can just drool if Hilario becomes a rich and famous model! That would be sooo great! and then he could eventually pair up with Gav's receptionist friend from the Montalvo corporation!

Can't wait for tonight's show!

And, Melinama, hope you had a great trip! Glad you are back!

Julie ROTF I guess I should get used to her going from job to job, but it is how she loses them. Just as I was feeling better about the idea that she would not blame Rod, then the comment came that Rod was headed for the same place as the family and that Gavi "could" take it the wrong way and blame Rod". My heart sank. Just to see that pained look in her eyes again if she mistrusts him again. But you know what. I am getting so tired of their miscommunication and him running to isa and her running out of state or whatever you call it. I should be able to sit and calmly watch this. But for some reason I can't. tThat would be nice if she can stay on at another branch. That would shove it where it hurts, to the witch clan. Gavi still being part of their dysfunctional lives. Can't wait for esa to knock the sails out of minnie and bring her down off her high horse, when she lets her know she went to bed with Aaron. Don't know which is worse. The constant tension in this novela or the Amor de Fieras. That one woman was wicked wicked wicked. Ret

Food for thought. There must be a reason why Hilario is still in the picture (as someone mentioned). He must have something to do with the ending. He becomes a celebrity and then is worthy of esa? The writer must have plans for him to come back, or why would they waste precious time showing him learning to model? If he were to try and claim the baby, maybe he would be more worthy of Rod believing it, then he would be as a servant? Ret

Thanks for the recap Lucy. You did a great job on a painful episode (I hear you Ret). I know its only temporary but I hate when the bad guys win (especially psycho Minnie).

Beckster I too was having that Aldo flashback. I'm hoping that even if the writers take that path (NO. STOP. DON'T DO IT!!) they'll have Gavi make her final choice long before the final episode.

Jardinera - Ickydora, another gem that fits so well with the coven :)

I may have to eat my words later, but for the time being I'm gonna say that the new Rene Strickler character can't possibly be more annoying than Aldo. I'd like this guy to be a TRUE contender for Gavi's affection... make Rodrigo really have to work to win her love back.

I think Isa was with Hilario way too long ago for either of them to think he's the baby's father. I liked the idea of SanWanna back, but I admit Hilario can do a lot better... maybe the reason for this plot twist is that he earns enough money that he can help out Rodrigo when Isa's dad's loan falls through and Montalvenia ends up in financial trouble? Or he does something to help his parents? Maybe he ends up buying Dry Gulch Acres?

Really, no matter what ends up happening to Hilario, as long as he doesn't get run over by a truck I think I'll be happy. I certainly have no objection to giving him more screen time. :-)

Finally able to get here...I gave finals today and then had to post final grades. Mexico's Next Top Model....Hilario !!!! I think that he should keep the long hair. As for Rene S., I have nothing against him , but I don't want his shoes under my Rodrigooo's boots are a different story...your boots are welcome under my bed anytime, Rodman. Chantal Andere really brings the evil...she is sooo easy to hate. I especially hated her character in ''Amor Real.'' When she climbed into the bathtub with Manuel , I nearly fell off my couch. I do not understand what has been happening between AAron and Min. I guess that they are just using each other and both think they are contolling the other. AAron is one of those guys who wants someone until he gets that person...than he wants someone else...a new challenge. I feel a little sorry for Pamela . She is no Fulbright scholar, but she really seems to love that miserable wretch. Minervaaa , on the other hand, deserves a guy like AAron...they deserve each other...2 jealous, shallow manipulators. Thanks , Lucy, for the great recap.

WELCOME HOME, MELINAMA. We missed you !!! Hope that you had a great trip.

So...Frankie is in public relations...makes sense...he seems to have tried to have relations with lots of the public. What a piece of work. I hope that he is in for a big fall and that he takes Isa with him on his rapid descent.

Looks like Strickler's character may be a whiny, conceited, intellectual elitist and a bit of mama's boy, like Frasier Crane's brother, Niles, or like Frank in MASH.

After the dressing down Avellaneda gave him tonight and the previews for tomorrow's episodio he may be a 180 degree detour for Gavi in the hombre category.

ROFL @ jardinera654...

Ickadora. LOL!

Hola, Stephe. A burgeoning writer ala André Norton in our midst who also speaks Meowish? Longcat is a handsome kinda guy! ; ? )

Yep Rene is giving me Aldo flashback's as well. I must say this is the talkiest novela I've seen in years. Admittedly up until lately I haven't been watching every day but one of the things that gets me is the obsessive hatred of Gavi by the coven. It makes sense that Isa would hate her but even that is dumb since she really doesn't give a rats behind about Rod. Even if she had an IQ as big as her bust size you'd think she would stick him for mucho dinero and divorce him and run off with the faux frog. As for the rest of them why not just shut up and live off the fat of the land. Have I missed something other than Gavi's fertility and Minnie's lack of it? Poor Pammy! Any day now I think we'll see a Briney Spears breakdown. I think her condition may be bipolarism.

Hola indeed, jardinera654! You liked my alter ego Longcat, eh? LOL! That is a terrific quote on your profile, by the way. Laters. :D

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