Thursday, August 02, 2007

Acorralada #139 Wednesday 8/1/07 Party down!

As we had hoped, today's party scenes had plenty of action:

First a review. Somehow, Octy decides that she is going to give the party in "Alejandro"'s honor at her house. Larry is all smiles because he met a new girl. I don't like that!

Roddy talks to Fedora about Bratty. She has had a bad upbringing, and they have to make allowances. He then takes Bratty aside for a father-daughter chat. It's a bit late for that. He is telling her that she shouldn't be so forward as to kiss boys she just met. He has no idea . . .
He thinks she is a helpless, unprotected (desamparada) sweet little puppy (perrita). Later, Roddy and Sharon have a discussion about school. She doesn't want to go to school. She wants to work. Somehow, she's going to be given a job at the fabrica. Sharon puts on the whiny face, wah, Fedora doesn't like me, etc. Roddy assures her that all will be fine. She then flashes that Exorcist grin at the camera again.

Sharon has another encounter with Granny M and Lala. They says she's "trigo limpio," or untrustworthy. She calls them "brujas sin escobas," or witches without brooms!

Over at Hospital Telemiami, Diana receives her invitation to the party.

Paco is now home--and he's living with Fiona. They discuss the party invitations. Paco is not invited, because it's his ex-wife's place. I still don't know how he has accepted Fiona as a house guest.

Over at the factory, Fedora rips up her invitation. She's not going to the Irascibles' mansion. Various other montage scenes of people looking at the invitations.

Emilio is practicing walking with Caramelo and Diana at the hospital. Paco arrives. Emilio asks for Caramelo's hand. They kiss. He says he can't make it to the party.

The party is now getting started. Octy is wearing one of her lowest-cut outfits yet--a black halterish number. Larry and Octy talk to "Alejandro." Once again, they marvel at the resemblance. Once again, I marvel at how Max could torture his poor brother, who never did anything to hurt anyone (except for punching Kike).

Diego picks up Fiona.

Gaby and Kike enter at the same time Sharon does. Sharon gives one of her shrieky greetings when she sees Larry. Next thing you know, she's kissing him, and he's kissing her back. I don't know what that's about.

Marfil and "Alejandro" talk. Silvia comes up and calles him "Maxi clone." Diana comes over, and Max asks if she would prefer if he were Max. She says she prefers not to answer. Marfil throws in something about how she goes out with married men and steals husbands. Diego comes over, and Diana throws a drink in his face! But not before he has a chance to do that awful teeth-sucking Hannibal Lecter thing again. Have you all noticed that? She tells him that he makes her sick, or disgusts her (dar asco).

Camila goes to visit her brother and tries to get rid of Caramelo.

Now it's time for the big fight scene: Larry sees Gaby, and he says he's glad to see her. (Then why was he kissing Sharon so passionately?) Kike is jealous, and Silvia throws him in the pool. You go, girl!

Back at the hospital, Camila asks Emilio if Max and Alejandro have two different personalities.

"Alejandro" and Diana chat. He tells her she's the prettiest girl at the party. Diego fumes.

Yolando goes to see Paco. This makes no sense. She seems to be telling him to give up on Fedora. Is she trying to flirt with him herself now that Rene is gone?

Alejandro is going to kiss Diana. Diego snorts and says let her go. A big fight breaks out. Octy, ever the refined hostess, calls for no scandals!

Kike gets out of the pool and there's all out war between him and Larry.

Alejandro and Diego are mixing it up in the living room.

We end with a scene of all things--Halcon and Pancho are back in Florida at the auto body shop. Pancho wants Caramelo, and he wants to get rid of the dollcake Emilio. Halcon advises him to forget her . . . she's not worth it.

I forgot the ending: here it is. Alejandro tells Marfil that Diana is the prettiest girl at the party. Marfil tells him to forget Diana and think of her.


Thanks for the recap!

I was laughing out loud with my cousin (who I've dragged into watching this mess) during most of the party scenes. These people are supposed to be high-society and they behave worst than a bunch of inmates.

Also, I noticed Diego's face twitch when he saw Alejandro kiss Diana. Or maybe it was just my DVR.

This episode had lots of great moments to watch over and over again. Not because they were good but just for comic relief.

Also, I cracked up when Fiona asked Paco is she looked good and she corrected him and said she was going to be the best dressed at the party. Uhm, that dress was hideous.

Remember, Jorgeous, that some of them should be inmates! Octavia is still on the lam for murder, Iggy and Marfil have done their share, and so has Diego.

Thanks for the recaps! I've been on vacation for the last week and am now caught up and ready to watch the fiesta today.

I have just been getting more and more fed up with the stupidity of the good characters. I don't even want dimwit and max to get together any more. I just want R and Y and E and C to get together. They are the only ones that still seem to be logical, thinking beings.

E and C to get together. They are the only ones that still seem to be logical, thinking beings.

Talk to me after you see Thursday's episode!

Good point, I had forgotten that our dear Octavia is still on the run. Oh, didn't you find it funny that neither Kike, Diego, Maxi-clon or Larry bled after their respective fights? I guess the budget on the show has all gone to getting Marfil that horrid purple eyeshadow they have on her.

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