Monday, August 13, 2007

Acorralada #146 - 8-10-07 – Friday – So How Long Can Dimwit Hold Out? Place Your Bets Here!!

NOTE: For some reason, my DVR only picked up the final 22 minutes of Acorralada. If anyone wants to fill in the blanks, feel free to do so. I suspect we haven't missed much…Max probably spent the first three quarters of the show trying to beg Dimwit to forgive him and she probably refused. I'm sure Rene and his dimples are still gone and undoubtedly Lunkhead and Little Doormat are still apart.

Max is yelling at Marfil for letting him believe Dimwit had slept with Diablo. Marfil is in tears.

Iggy is leaving another message for Alejandro to call him ASAP. He asks himself where in the heck is that bonehead.

Max is mad that Marfil has been sleeping with Diablo and that she knew about his kidnapping. Marfil denies it, but Max says he heard it from Princess Fi; therefore it must be true.

The detective shows up at Diablo's house to interrogate Diablo about the abuse he has inflicted on his wife, Dimwit.

Sylvie is brushing Dimwit's hair. She must be suffering from hair envy. Sylvie is wearing her best purple Lhasa Apso wig. Dimwit is "fixing to go back to work" at the hospital tomorrow. Sylvie tells her that Max will probably go to the hospital looking for her so he can beg for forgiveness. Max feels really bad for raping Dimwit; he really loves her. . . What, are you kiddin' me?! Are we supposed to hope they end up together? The only ones I want to see together are Lunkhead and Little Doormat (together they have an IQ of about 50), Big Doormat and Rene, and Caramel and Emili-Oh.

OK, now I get it! It's all Marfil's fault that Max raped Dimwit. If Marfil had told Max the truth, he never would have done it. Max tells Marfil that because of her, he's done something that will haunt him for the rest of his life. I guess among Lunkhead, Little Doormat, and me, we have an IQ of 75! Marfil wants to know what he's done.

Dimwit is explaining to Sylvie that love is sweet, caring, trusting. It doesn't cause pain, etc. This is the second time Max has doubted her word and begged for forgiveness. This time Max went too far! She then asks Sylvie if Max put her up to this conversation. Sylvie admits he did.

Max and Marfil are continuing their fight over Dimwit. For some ungodly reason, Marfil wants Max back. Max says if she truly wants to him to believe in her, she has to gather info that will prove Iggy, Diablo, and Camila set the fire that killed so many innocent people. Only then will he consider taking her back. She asks how she knows she can trust him, and that it's not some sort of trap. "That's the chance you're going to have to take!" Max stomps off and Marfil tells him they've not finished their conversation. Apparently they have. She tells us she'll stop at nothing to get him back. Yuck!

The detective is questioning Diablo about the masked man that tried to kill Dimwit. Of course Diablo denies knowing anything about it. Diablo makes it clear to the detective he is separated from Dimwit and what has happened isn't his concern. The detective then asks why he hasn't given Dimwit a divorce. "Don't you find it ironic that someone tried to kill your quasi-ex?" Diablo asks if the detective is accusing him of the crime. "No. I just find it odd." The detective then leaves.

Maxi-Creep is visiting Lunkhead. He is still whining that Dimwit won't talk to him. He can't stand not seeing her! Lunkhead tells him to be patient, but apparently patience isn't a virtue of the new-and-greatly-unimproved Maxi-Creep. He then tells Lunkhead he's using Marfil to gather info against Iggy et al. Lunkhead thinks this is kind of mean, but Maxi-Creep couldn't care less about Marfil.

Pasta and the Big Doormat are heading out. Princess Fi thinks this is the perfect time to call Maxi-Creep and tell him she's going to have his kid (which in reality, she's not). The doorbell rings and she quickly hangs up. She opens the door thinking Pasta has forgotten his keys. Alas, it's not Pasta. It's Marfil coming to throttle Princess Fi. Marfil has her hands around Princess Fi's neck and threatens her, "The kid you're expecting cannot be born!"

Credits roll.


I missed this episode because of DVR failure too, but I doubt you missed anything. The only thing seems to be something introducing a relationship between Pancholon and Sharon, which gets fleshed out in Monday's episode.

Incidentally, Max was so worked up about Diana's "cheating" with her husband, but he slept with Fiona! I still don't get that!

I don't get most of the shenanigans that goes on with this show! Let's not forget that Maxi-Moron is married to Marfil. Dimwit is married to Diablo. Saying as how they have all slept with each other, does that make the relationship a romantic square? If Princess Fi gets involved, then we have a romantic pentagon!

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