Friday, August 24, 2007

Amar Sin Limites #26, Wednesday 8-22: Diego and Azul inappropriately make out…for the billionth time

Lo siento, dear readers, but I have not been able to put together a recap for this Wednesday. Please feel free to discuss the episode and fill in your fellow telenovela addicts on the details! If I can, I'll post a brief recap later, but otherwise, I'll see you next week when, once again, the burning question "What is up with Andres and Leonarda?" will NOT be answered, but will live to skeeve us out another day.

And here's your recap:

Let's play the Amar Sin Limites version of Clue…this recapper was skeeved by…Leonarda and Andres in the kitchen with a make-out session. Let's have a nice round of EWWWWWWW!!!

Azul wakes Mauricio up with a make-up/halfiversary present and possibly also some sweet, sweet lovin'. I'm amazed sneaking in to wake up Mauricio doesn't result in instant death.

Alfredo was out all night working in the lab and he's pissed Inés off. He's really good at that. She wants to talk. Alfredo declares he's gonna keep doing what he wants, when he wants. This apparently includes smoking in bed when he's not even been up for a full 60 seconds. He insists that if she doesn't quit "pressuring" him she'll drive him away.

Diego asks why Azul called him the day before and gets a slap for his trouble. Mauricio re-invites Diego to his and Azul's special halfiversary lunch. No, I don't know why he wants Diego there either. It's not like he needs a wingman.

Piero and Mauricio sign the contract for Piero to design Mauricio's new office space. If I were one of the employees, I'd be disappointed to have to leave Mansión Malicia.

Inés calls Mauricio, of all people, to talk about her relationship problems with Alfredo. She thinks he's been different ever since he started working with Mauricio. Mauricio calls Leo to let her know he'll be late for lunch. He may be a murdering bastard, but he can also be a really nice guy sometimes. Actually I guess the one lets him get away with the other.

Leo decides lunch will be an intimate affair between Diego and Azul. She teases Andres that they should go tell Diego that Andres killed his idiot friend. She goes to pour Diego and Azul champagne and tell them not to wait for Mauricio. She says she and Andres have the afternoon of and they should ask Chonita (another maid? The nanny?) if they need anything.

Diego's annoying Azul by being charming, as usual. Azul bitches that Mauricio always arranges these things and then shows up late. Diego admits that he was jealous the previous day and so does Azul (I guess because he was with Silvana when she called?). These two idiots now proceed to make out by the hot tub, which, with all the gardeners running around the place seems like a really, really, monumentally BAD idea! Azul tells Diego they should stop, they shouldn't do this, they can't go on like this, etc. She doesn't want to do this to Mauricio, she's going to marry him and that's it. She wants Diego to stay away from her and quit saying stuff to her. Diego says he'll stay away and he's not going to try to be near her because it makes him want to hold her, kiss her…Dude, that's the kind of stuff she wants you to quit saying! Diego says he can't stab Mauricio in the back like this, he owes Mauricio for his mom's life and he can't betray him. Diego says he's going and he'll find some other way to pay Mauricio back where he won't be near Azul, knowing she can never be his, ever. Diego's sitting on the floor and Azul crouches down to touch his hands. Diego tells her to go and leave her alone. Mauricio comes up and Azul covers that Diego feels bad because of something he ate and she didn't know what to do because Leo's not there. This is news to Mauricio. Azul tells him about Leo and Andres' "afternoon off" and Mauricio calls for them. Leo says she never told Azul they had the afternoon off and Diego gets pissed and asks how she dare lie. Mauricio asks for the truth and Leo says Mauricio's never doubted her before and walks off, offended. Andres leaves too. Diego observes that since he got there, he's made some waves. Mauricio says he'll talk to Leo and Andres, but Diego still wants to go. Mauricio loses it and says they have a contract that can't be broken without Burgay's permission. He tells Diego he should go home, take something for his stomach, and rest. He says he and Burgay will get him some actual job responsibilities soon. Diego leaves, looking about as sick as Azul claimed he was.

Lidia has come to pack up her office, but Piero thinks it's just another play. He keeps trying to put the moves on her. Lidia says Piero's never going to divorce his wife and he agrees, but thinks they can still have a good time together, etc. Lidia throws it in his face that he couldn't help her with her mom's medical costs and he brags that he's got a new, lucrative contract. He tries to kiss her and she knees him in the groin and leaves. Let's rewind that and watch it a couple or ten times, what do you say?

Andres is agitated, but Leo is calm and sure that eventually they'll be able to get rid of Azul and Diego. She says her plan was for Mauricio to bust them together. She says they have to make Mauricio believe it's Azul and Diego who lied. It occurs to me to wonder if it's true that Maurico didn't kill his wife and if maybe it was Leo who did it…not that I can work out how, but she certainly seems cracked enough.

When Lidia gets home, Abuelo wants to know what's the what. She says she quit because she didn't want to keep being used. Abuelo's a bit confused. He says he said what he did about Piero so she would open her eyes. Lidia says she did. Abuelo says it was brave of her. Lidia doesn't know what she'll do now, without Paco and without a job. Go work for Mauricio, that's what everyone else does. Abuelo says the darker the night, the more beautiful the morning and she'll find a way to be happy. He predicts Paco will come back and everything will be even better than before. Oh, Abuelo, if only you knew. I hope his prediction's wrong!

Mauricio wants to know what happened with Diego and Azul repeats her food poisoning story, adding a fainting spell to it. Mauricio says Diego looked worried, but not sick, and he was aggressive enough with Andres. Azul can't understand why Mauricio always believes Leo. Azul now wants to know why Mauricio didn't come back for lunch. Mauricio tells her he was talking to Inés and that goes over about as well as you'd expect. Azul calls her an "arpia" a harpy, and insists that now Inés has Mauricio in the palm of her hand. She goes off on a righteous and indignant rant. Mauricio says she's more capricious even than Caty (ooh, burn!). Mauricio says that he's got to worry about Alfredo's relationship with Inés because it affects his work. He asks Azul to be patient and to talk to her dad. Azul complains that she's just there to keep her dad calm. Mauricio tries to pull rank, but Burgay interrupts them. Burgay is amused by Azul and Mauricio tells Burgay to stay out of it. Burgay says it's his business if it affects his, well, business. He says he can do what he wants to and Mauricio can't stop him. Burgay thinks they have security problems (duh!). Mauricio tries to fend for his peeps and his security system and reminds Burgay that only he has the code to get into the super-secret virus room and if anyone forced their way in, the whole place would self-destruct. Mauricio tells Burgay he send Diego home sick and Burgay pretty much orders Mauricio to let him talk to Diego over the phone. Burgay sets up a meeting with Diego at someplace other than Mansión Malicia. Burgay tells Mauricio to get Alfredo working and he'll take care of everything else. Oh no, that wasn't ominous.

Diego's telling Isela he got a weird call from Burgay. Diego says Burgay's Mauricio's partner, but Mauricio seems to have a lot of "respect" for him (ok, if that's what you want to call it). He tells Isela it's weird a guy like Burgay would want to meet him at her pool hall and she's mock-offended. She says some famous guy "almost" walked in the day before.

Leo's crying to Mauricio that Azul's lying to him because Azul hates Leo and Diego hates Andres, blah, blah, blah. Maurico says it's Andres who has been rude to Diego. Alfredo calls Mauricio's cell phone and says he hasn't come to work because he can't work without some stuff he needs and Mauricio says the stuff has arrived. Alfredo's complaining about feeling sick as he smokes his cigarette and drinks his red wine. He says he'll come to work, but Mauricio says for him to do it tomorrow, he needs Alfredo at 100%.

Burgay comes to the pool hall and Silvana takes Burgay and Diego's orders. Burgay gets a good, long look at Silvana and Diego tells him she's his girlfriend. Burgay commends his taste. He points out that Azul's pretty too. That falls flat. Burgay says he's the real boss of the business, Mauricio's company is part of his company. He says he wants Diego in charge of PR and Personnel, but Diego says that's Azul's job. Burgay says Azul's in charge of that for Mauricio's company, not Burgay's and besides, she's getting married soon and will want to leave all that. Riiiiiiight, cause it's 1907. Burgay offers Diego a salary of 400,000 pesos per month and he gives him his first paycheck. He gives him a card with which he can pick up a company car and then tells Diego to enjoy it and takes his leave.

Mauricio's having dinner with some guy who says he's not there to put pressure on Mauricio on behalf of Burgay, but on behalf of some guy named Santoro. Got that? And also, the vessel with the pestle has the brew that is true. Shady Guy says Santoro won't be put off much longer. Mauricio says it was hard to get the materials. Shady Guy says he needs to put more pressure on Alfredo. Threats, threats, threats, reassurances, etc. Mauricio wonders out loud if Burgay and Santoro are starting some new business venture together. SG says you don't play around with Santoro.

Lidia was out again and has come home crying to Abuelo that he was right about something. Abuelo says she has to learn from this, but Lidia just wants Paco to show up. She's going to the cops tomorrow. Abuelo says people are like animals, they hide when they're hurt and they don't come down until they feel better. Abuelo says if she's really sorry, Paco will forgive her. He says Paco will come back and they'll be very happy together. This would be a lot less ominous if we didn't already know where Paco was. Every time Abuelo says Paco will come back my husband makes a reference to eating brains. Well, I suppose stranger things have happened in Telenovelaland.

Azul answers her door to find Inés. Inés gets a chilly reception, but Azul lets her in. Inés says Alfredo's not doing well, he's anxious, yelling. Azul says that's between them and throws it in Inés face that she was crying on Mauricio's shoulder. Inés says one day Azul will feel bad for how she's treating her. Inés leaves and Azul calls Emilia. She says she thinks Alfredo needs help. I think by "help" she means "a new girlfriend". Ceci comes home and Azul tells her what happened at lunch. "Besotes" she says, which means "big fat wet sloppy kisses" Okay, not literally, but you know that's what she meant.

Emilia comes over to Alfredo's place and tells him she's there to help him with his depressive crisis. Alfredo thinks that's odd that Azul did that, since he's perfectly fine, he just has too much work. Emilia says Azul was really worried. Alfredo says what's happening is that work's keeping him busy, but happy, and he's fascinated by his experiments, but he can't sleep and he sleeps all day. Emilia says it's to be expected in such a talented scientist *bats eyelashes*. Man, as a psychotherapist, Emilia has lousy boundaries.

Silvana lights candles for a romantic dinner with Diego. It looks like she's wearing a nurse's uniform (hubby says "maid uniform"…tomato, tomatoh). Silvana asks Diego if he wants to go steady (or whatever adults call it) and he agrees. He goes to wash his hands before dinner and tells Silvana to answer his phone. My DVR cut off at this point, but I gather from the comments that Azul was on the other end. That thought fills my fictional-drama-loving heart with no end of glee.


I think that Andres is the son of Mauricio and Bernarda. That's what I could gather from a conversation between them.

ooops... I meant Leonarda.

bleah and he goes all kissy on her all the time, this is gross.


Leonarda calls herself her aunt and Andres calls her that too. If she is really his mom, that's an open portrayal of incest I've not seen in a novela before. Or at all on TV, really. There have been hints and unrequited love before but never the people actually making out on the show.

I still with whoever said that she is his aunt, and not by blood, by marraige. Mo doesn't look old enough to be his Daddy unless we are talking about fathering Andres when he was like 13. That really would be Amar sin Limites.

Ha good one. Incest truly would be Amar sin Limites. That was me who floated the aunt-by-marriage theory. I'm not ready to think it is a blood relation, now I think that 'aunt' might just be a cover for being together all the time, they really aren't related but started having sex and they need a cover. I agree that there isn't enough of an age difference for Mo to be his father, but then again, we've seen some very young looking mothers in these shows, maybe fathers can look young too.

One more thing - we (the recappers) were recently commenting by e-mail on the lack of conversation about Amar in the comments, looks like it just takes some incest and murder to get it rolling, we don't even need the recap!

I watched some of Wednesday with half an eye. I'll fill you in on some of the romantic action. Diego comes to work and Mo keeps throwing him together with Azul. They eat lunch together, and they can't resist each other. She admits she was jealous of him. They start kissing passionately. Then they break away. Somehow Mo and Andres come along, and Andres accuses them of disobeying instructions or something. I missed some of this for lack of paying full attention.

Then the rivalry between the Leo/Andres team and the Diego/Azul team seems to spring into full action. This guy Burgay, meanwhile, gives Diego a big check and a car and a nice new suit. I'm not sure his role, but he seems to be a Mafia chieftain over Mo, so Mo has to follow his word.

He wants Diego there for some reason.

Meanwhile, Diego goes home and is having dinner with Silvana! Oy!
He is cooking, and his cell rings. He tells Silvana to answer, and she does. Of course, it's Azul! She tells Azul she's Diego's girlfriend. Azul is impactada, of course. Now she really has a reason to be pissy at Diego the next day.

P.S. There seem to be way too many of these scenes of Diego and Azul cutting things too close for comfort, e.g., kissing or talking when Mo is in the next room.

Nina, the cutting it close thing was a feature of the Piero/Lidia thing and we saw where that ended up. Azul and Diego got set up by Leo and Andres. Leo hates Azul and Andres hates Diego because each is a threat to the other's power. They made sure when Mo was delayed, Azul and Diego thought that they were alone and that they (Leo and Andres) were "taking the night off." When Mo shows up, they pretend that they never said any such thing (and "Azul is a big liar and hates me for some reason, boo hoo" says leonarda.)

I think Burgay gave Diego the check to buy his loyalty (so that he can spy on Mo for him and also so that he won't be able to complain when he finds out that Paco has been killed. Burgay seems like a really evil guy. What a look he gave Silvana! Creep!

Margaret, I think you're right--it looks like these cutting-it-close things will be a feature throughout.

Meanwhile, I forgot to add that the next day, both Silvana and Azul are mad at Diego. Diego excuses his new relationship with "I'm a man, what do you expect." Guys in this forum, what do you think of that?

"Meanwhile, I forgot to add that the next day, both Silvana and Azul are mad at Diego. Diego excuses his new relationship with "I'm a man, what do you expect." Guys in this forum, what do you think of that?"

It depends on whether or not my wife can hear me...:)

When I'm with the guys, it's "You go Diego!! I mean, come on, two hot brunettes with a little blonde vamp (Cece) for spice....what's not to like about this guy!

On the other hand, while watching the show with Ramona, I make sure I make disgusted sounds every time Diego runs to Silvana to reassure himself that he's still "a man".

After 19 years of married life, I've learned when to bark with the dogs or run with the foxes!!

I've actually been reading the summaries and comments on this blog for quite some time and have finally worked up the courage to post a comment. You recappers all do such a great job and I just finally had to thank you all for your time and hard work. Like many of the other commenters, I do not speak Spanish but have somehow become hooked on telenovelas. It all started with Alborada.

This novela has become very intersting, and I must say I was surprised when Paco was killed - wow, was not expecting that at all! And like everyone else - double "ewww" regarding the weird relationship between Andres and Leo.

And finally, when I read in the recap "the vessel with the pestle has the brew that is true" I just started laughing out loud - great reference 5ft! Well, guess I've yammered on enough. Again, just wanted to say thanks to all of the recappers and commenters for making the novelas even more enjoyable.

Welcome Jen61; glad to have your input! The more the merried, I always say.

I didn't have a chance to watch the episodes prior to Thursday or read the recaps; I'm surprised they killed off Paco. Time to start paying closer attention; the pace is obviously picking up!

Oldman54, my hubby loved your quote about barking with the dogs or running with the foxes. Maybe he liked it a little TOO much!

Thanks, jen61! I think that quote sums up my level of confusion with a lot of the who's who on this show...especially when they start talking about people we've never met.

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