Friday, August 24, 2007

Amar Sin Limites #27 8-23-07 – Thursday – Andres Has a Very Bad Day!!

GCSSD is schmoozing Emilia. He loves his job; he'd be willing to do it 24/7. Emilia flirts back, "That's normal for a scientist as impressive as you!"

Diego arrives at Morticia's place, well actually it's Gloria's but that's beside the point, for dinner. Morticia asks Diego if he wants to either go steady or get married. Diego thinks that would be swell. She then wants to know if he'd like dinner or dessert first. Wink wink. He decides on dinner so she sends him to wash his hands. He leaves like a dutiful child. His cell phone rings and he tells Morticia to answer it. Any guesses who's calling? For those of you who can't imagine, it's Azul. At first Azul thinks she has the wrong number, "Who's this?" demands Azul. "Who's calling?" retorts Morticia. This goes on for awhile until Morticia tells Azul she (Morticia) is Diego's girlfriend. Pobre selfish Azul. She hangs up and starts whining to Ceci "Diego has a girlfriend and he's lied to me about it!" Ceci responds, "What do you expect? You've got a boyfriend! Geez!"

Morticia and Diego fight because Diego hasn't told Azul he has a girlfriend. So much for a romantic evening.

Gloria has just come back from visiting her aunt in Tuluca. I think the aunt died and no one told Gloria. She is miffed and talks about getting an attorney. I may be wrong about this part so correct me if necessary. She wants to know how things are going with Diego. Morticia says they're either going steady or engaged. Gloria wants to know how Diego proposed. "He didn't, Mom, I did!" Morticia is back to her dour self. So far the only really likeable character is Ceci. Clemencia is good, but she's too self-sacrificing and long-suffering for my tastes.

Diego goes back to the men's clothing store and has a jovial reunion with his former co-workers and Grandpa. He's also excited and wants to take them all to lunch. He is making a ton of money at his new job. Grandpa looks worried and spectral music plays.

Gloria comes running over to Clemencia's. She can't stand it and has to tell someone; their kids are a couple! Both moms are overjoyed! Clemencia wants to help Morticia heal her wounds. "I love Morticia so much. I can't image the pain she's suffered after losing her son!"

Diego goes to buy a new Ford Mustang GT. Diego's and Azul's love theme plays. I'm not sure if Mo had already picked it out or what, but Diego basically walks into the dealership and is handed the keys to the car. Commercial.

Five minutes of Diego driving around Mexico in his new Mustang, grinning like an idiot.

Lidia is at the police station to file a report.

Diego shows up at Mayhem Mansion, still grinning. He walks by Andres who looks like he's looked at Medusa and turned to stone. Nothing can bring our dreamy hero down, however. After Diego walks inside, Andres whines to Leo about Diego's new car. Andres is convinced Mo plans to replace him with Diego. Leo (Medusa?) says, "Don’t be stupid." Azul walks up and asks whose Mustang is parked out front. Leo makes some snide remark and Azul rips into her. Azul snottily states she is going to be Mo's wife and she will not tolerate the impertinence of the hired help! With that, she puts her nose in the air and struts inside. Leo seethes! Andres says he's going to kill them.

Mo tells Diego that he (Diego) cleans up nicely. Pleasantries are exchanged until Azul comes running in all atwitter. "Leo was mean to me! Make her stop! She spoke to me in a gross manner!" Mo finds it hard to believe Leo would do such a thing. Surely Azul has misconstrued something. This makes Azul even madder and she all but stomps her pretty little foot. "Don't you believe me? I'm your girlfriend and going to be your wife! Why are you siding with her?" This little hissy fit goes on for awhile until Burgay walks in. He wants Diego to replace Azul as the HR and Public Relations Director. Diego doesn't want that to happen, but Burgay won't budge. I've not been reading the recaps this past week due to other commitments, so I'm not really sure what's going on here. Perhaps someone can elaborate. Azul and Diego are asked to leave the room so Burgay and Mo can "discuss" the decision further. What's this nonsense all about? I thought Mo was the head cheese, but now it looks like Burgay controls things. Hmmmm. Suspenseful Exorcist music plays.

Diego and Azul fight about who's the bigger liar of the two. Leo slithers in and excuses herself as she smugly floats by them. Leo appears to be gathering evidence to use against Azul at a later date.

Azul and Diego are called back into the room. It's been decided they will have the same job, but that Diego will work for Burgay and Azul will work for Mo. They are going to form a tight alliance and will be working together closely. Burgay wants a group hug. Ha! "Ah, youth these days!"

Moppet comes bursting into the room with a driver's license she found in her playhouse. I can't tell who it belongs to, but it's inevitably someone Mo has had his goons kill. Mo says, "Go away kid, you're bothering me!" and ushers her out of the room. Dramatic music plays as Mo throws the license away and Burgay glares at Mo. Commercial.

Burgay wants to know what Mo threw away. Mo says it's nothing; just something Moppet found. Everyone seems surprised Mo barked at Little Moppet. "She knows better than to interrupt me when I'm working!" replies Mo. Burgay suggests they give Azul and Diego the rest of the day off; Burgay wants to talk to Mo alone. More suspenseful music. Mo agrees. He encourages Azul to go into the city and Diego to enjoy his new car. Mo looks chastened.

When Burgay and Mo are alone, Burgay wants to know what Moppet found. Mo shows him the license and Burgay starts yelling at Mo about how inept Mo's employees are. Mo calls Leo and tells her to send in Andres immediately!

Diego and Azul make up. They hug and Andres sees them. Ominous music.

Mo rips Andres a new orifice for being so careless with the ID card. He then throws the license in Andres' handsome face (even if he never smiles). What if Moppett had given it to Diego or Azul? Mo wants to know where the body is, to which Andres replies "buried in the garden." Now Burgay starts getting in Andres' face about needing to do a better job of security. Andres looks glum as always.

Diego appears at Gisela's bar. She comments on his expensive suit and how hot he looks. Diego glows and tells her the suit cost a fortune. He talks about his new job and new car. Gisela is happy for him. Morticia shows up. They then tell Gisela they are "novios." Are they engaged or just officially boyfriend/girlfriend? Can someone help me? Diego wants to take Morticia for a ride in his new hot rod, but Morticia doesn't want to leave. Apparently Paco hasn't shown up for work yet. Gisela says, "Aw shucks, get outta here! We have plenty of staff now."

Diego wants to blow all his new-found money on Morticia. She tries to object but Diego says the issue is not open for discussion. He's going to take her shopping for new clothes, shoes, etc.

Five minutes worth of Morticia trying on clothing. This reminds me of the show, "What Not To Wear." She keeps popping out of the dressing room with new outfits. They leave the boutique weighed down with tons of bags. Unfortunately, the store didn't have that many outfits on the racks to begin with, so heaven only knows where all the merchandise came from. They were only in the one store. I certainly never saw anything looking remotely like what she was trying on. All the items on the racks were all muted browns, tans, whites, and blacks, but she was coming out with all sorts of colorful frocks.

Azul is moaning to Ceci about Diego. I think she's conflicted about her feelings for Diego and liking Mo's money. What's a selfish wench to do? Long-suffering Ceci listens to Azul ramble.

The shopping spree wraps up. Diego says, "Nothing but the best for the woman in my life!" Morticia asks if he's sure. "What about Azul?" "We're just friends who work together now. Not to worry." Morticia doesn't seem terribly sure. For good reason.

Tempers fly between Burgay and Mo. They call each other idiots. On the "Scale of Evil," they seem pretty well matched.

Diego and Morticia show up at Mama and Papa's house. They marvel at Diego's fancy new suit. He tells them about his new job and how much money he's earning. "See? I'm not a total useless screw up!" Papa wants to know if Diego is working for drug traffickers. Diego assures him the job is legal. Ha! Anyway, Diego gives Mama and Papa two envelopes stuffed with money. Papa feels bad about all the rotten condescending things he said to Diego. Mama says Diego has given them too much money. They all start singing Kumbaya.

OK, this has to be the best scene of the show (not counting a close-up of Andres). GCSSD has come to visit Emila. He's obviously quite taken with her. First he wants Emilia to refer to him as "tu." He then talks about how everything was great when he and Inez were sneaking around, but now that everything is out in the open, it's not as fun any more. Not as stimulating (his word, not mine). He needs a "special" friend he can talk to. He then asks Emilia if he can smoke. She simply replies, "No." GCSSD seems taken aback and clearly uncomfortable without his ever-present cigarette. The look on his face is priceless!

Andres is slugging down cognac and squawking at Leo. He's never been so humiliated in his life! Mo threw Dead-Guy's license in his face in front of Burgay! Leo tries to calm him down in her inimitable way, but Andres is out of control! He sweeps everything off the table in a blind fury. Leo tries to comfort him and starts kissing him all over his face. Uber Creepy!

Diego arrives at Abuelo's house with Morticia. Diego wants to take Abuelo, Abuelo's buddy, and Abuelo's buddy's son (Gaspar) to the fanciest most expensive restaurant in Mexico. Buddy wants to know if Diego won the lottery. Buddy is concerned because he doesn't have a thing to wear. Gaspar tells him not to worry; he'll find something.

Andres comes into the room tucking his shirt into his pants; Leo is in a black negligee. Mo wants to talk in the office, but Andres wants no part of that. Andres starts yelling at Mo for treating him so badly in front of Burgay. Andres points out how Mo is treating Leo and him differently lately. Mo says he's sick of Andres' sentimental drama. Andres deserves it after committing such a grave error of leaving Dead-Guy's credentials laying around. Mo goes on to say if Andres doesn't clean up his act, he needs to hit the road. Leo is aghast, "You can't fire "Our Andres!" "Of course I can fire him! Further, I don't like your attitude. If you don't change, you can hit the road alongside Andres!" Mo strides out and Andres wraps his strong, manly arms around Leo. Right about now I'm wishing I was Leo.

Credits roll.


Thanks for the great recap klee. I'm so bummed I missed pobre Paco biting the dust. Even though I've seen a version of this, I have no idea what's up with Leo and Andres (and it is "uber creepy)? I also agree with you Ceci is the best character. I wish she could be with Diego.

I wonder what terrible event will happen to Azul to make her a nice person (oh yeah finding out your novio is one of the darkest novela villains I've ever seen). I've never seen Rene Strickler as a baddie and he's doing a great job.

Great recap, Karen. I haven't watched this, but your description of the scene with GCSSD and Emilia was juicy. I want to see him get his comeuppance too.

Diego and Silvana aren't engaged. She asked him, "¿Quieres ser mi novio?" which is "Do you want to be my boyfriend?" basically.

I'm really starting to NOT like either Diego or Azul. Silvana is so obviously emotionally unstable, and Diego's just messing with her head. Azul has got to be the biggest spoiled brat on the planet.

Join the club, Linda. I have been finding these protagonists very unlikable.

I have a question about the use of novio/a, however. Sometimes it seems to mean fiance/ee, and even bride and groom. Can someone elaborate?

I also want to know the translation of Novio/Novia; I was confused as well. At first I thought it was boyfriend, but then Gloria asked if Diego "proposed" and Morticia replied ,"No, I did."

I think Diego is just a clueless goof. I don't think he's using Morticia on purpose; I just think he's being a "tarambana." Azul, on the other hand, is a snotty, stuck-up brat!

Wordreference defines novio all three ways!

It does mean all three.

Sometimes you can guess, like if an 8 year old is talking about her "novio" obviously it's "boyfriend".

With adults it's harder, but sometimes with engaged adults "comprometido" will be tossed in interchangeably with "novio", so then you know they're engaged. If you're asking someone to marry you, you don't usually ask if they want to be your "novio/a", that would mean "do you want to be my girlfriend/boyfriend". A marriage proposal is usually "will you marry me", so if you hear "casar" or "casarte" in there, it's a marriage proposal.

Then, on the wedding day the bride and groom are the "novios".

Thanks, 5ft. I was confused while watching LFMB. There were times when the characters were using it in a way that I thought meant one thing and they meant the other. Even trying to figure it out from context is clearly not foolproof but maybe is easier for native speakers or those in the culture.

Andres is my favorite part of the show even if he never smiles. I guess we know how Leo calms him down now. I would now like to know what the relationship is between these 3. And I agree that Azul is a spoiled brat, and Diego is out in space somewhere.

I finally got to watch this one tonight and Andres tucking his shirt in was almost hot...except for the fact that he was standing next to Leo. That pretty much ruined it for me :)

And, I agree, GSD's face when Emilia told him he couldn't smoke--priceless!

I have been watching since the beginning and have to say that this story started off well and has sort of stagnated over the last several weeks. The constant and mindless banter back and forth between Diego and Azul is silly,immature and down right exasperating. I don't understand the relationship between Andres and Leo who appears to be more his mother than his paramour. It's sort of revolting that he has anything to do with a woman who appears to have been caught in a windstorm. I am angry they killed off Paco and my daggone TIVO decided to crap out on me and failed to record it! Thank goodness for this website.

Well…..i think you did a good job in explaining the novella. The only thing I didn’t like was the whole name thing you created. No offence! I really think that you should stick to the characters name! For example moppet is Katy Morticia is Silvanna and mo is Mauricio.

Honestly I love this novella but there is a couple things que no le entiendo. I thought that leonarda and Andres where like Tia and sobrino but I guess they have this passionate crazy love witch leads me to believe that they are not family. And I understand everything that azul feels pero me da coraje that she can’t make up her freaking mind.


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