Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Amar #44 Monday 9/17/07 In which Amar sin Limites turns into a James Bond movie--but not like the old ones with Sean Connery

This episode was a bit too intrigue-filled for my taste. It smacked of my least favorite movie of last year: Casino Royale. I know most people loved it, but I actually walked out halfway through. After a certain point, I just couldn't follow the plot twists and didn't care. Amar is beginning to feel like that. Discuss!

After a reprise of the scene in which Andres bids farewell to Leo, Azul meets up with GSD. She is happy for him in his new relationship, it seems. He wants to know what's up with Diego. It's not easy, as she thinks he loves someone else. Dad advises her to fight for her love. Love is always a struggle.

Ivan finds Eva looking out over the scenery. She is annoyed by his interruption, but he has important info. He says he found microphones. I'm really not sure what's up with the microphones. Later, I think he says he planted microphones. I really think they are all bugging each other. In any event, Ivan apparently has some recorded voices that will be useful.

Phone call: it's Boris, who we see is just a hand waving and hear a loud voice. He wants her back in Prague immediately--and she must bring Diego with him.
Eva doesn't want to bring Diego, as she fears Boris will kill him. Ivan begs her not to disobey Boris. It's all Burgay's fault, she says, so she's going to bring Burgay instead. Ivan planted more microphones, and she calls him a wizard. They have recorded some things that they are going to use in some way I am not sure of.

Eva calls Diego on the phone and tells him he's not going to Germany and she is leaving. She is crying a river. Thankfully her raccoon makeup doesn't run too badly. Diego runs to the hotel to look for her, but she's not there. She says I love you, Diego, to her phone.

Diego, now free of the dragon lady, immediately goes to Azul's place. He tries to explain how he is amarrado (tied down) by his contract and agarrado (trapped). I like how those two similar words are only different by one letter!

Eva and Ivan are sitting in the front two seats of a private jet while Burgay dozes in the back. Eva and Ivan work on editing a recording of Diego on some sophisticated software on their laptop. I really cannot understand what they are trying to do, but they are very proud of themselves. I also can't understand why they aren't worried about Burgay overhearing what they are saying, as he is sitting a mere five feet away.

Back to Diego and Azul.

Then Burgay wakes up and asks there they are going. Boris wanted Diego, but he's getting Burgay.

Azul and Ceci now rehash the meeting with Diego. Azul says Diego told her Eva was leaving, maybe forever. They are trying to figure out a way for him to get out of his contract.

Someone calls Ceci. Is it Andres or Arnaldo? I really don't know. She talks about how she is going to serve cafe in the new store.

Piero drops by at casa Moran. He offers pop a job for 40K pesos a month. Pop is flabbergasted, as his previous salary was 8K pesos a month. Yeah, another credulity problem. These guys with no schooling or skills think it makes sense that people offer to multiply their salaries times five? Piero justifies it because now they are going to be family.

Mo and Leo argue over the departure of Andres. Mo seems to think Andres will be coming crawling back, no problem.

Manuel and Clemencia discuss the job offer. To his credit, Manuel says he doesn't trust Piero. Lidia comes in and finds out she just missed her wonderful fiance. She is kind of horrified that her father will be working with hubby-to-be.

Ceci and the boys get ready to open the new store. She totters around in some high heels and can't learn to walk in them properly.

Diego goes to Mansion Mo and encounters Leo. He wants to see Mo, but he has to wait. GSD comes in. GSD and Diego now seem to form an alliance.

Meanwhile, Mo is wondering what is going on. He has been calling Burgay all day and getting no answer. Call me immediately, he screams to the voice mail for the umpteenth time.

Diego and GSD confront Mo. They want to know what GSD is working on once and for all. Mo pulls rank, but, if I understand this correctly, Diego pulls a higher rank--his association with Eva. When she comes back . . .. Mo looks surprised--oh, you didn't know she left? She told me she's never coming back. This part made no sense to me. If she's not coming back, why did he says she was returning, except to fool Mo, I guess.

Mo asked if she went alone. No Ivan was with her. No, he didn't mean that--Ivan is always with her. He wants to know if Burgay went. Diego doesn't know. No wonder Burgay didn't answer. Mo asks Diego if Diego thinks he's an idiot. She would have told him if she had decided to leave. No, she only spoke to me of ending my contract. If this isn't true, says Mo, Diego will pay dearly. It seems they are bluffing each other with the gaps in their knowledge is the best I can make of this exchange--anyone else?

GSD says he wants to talk to Eva too. He wants to resign and he has had enough of this secret project. He wants to know what it's all about. He gives Mo 24 hours or he's going to go to the secretary of health. Mo blows his stack.

They leave, and Mo punches some numbers on the phone angrily. He asks for Licenciado Perez Castelar, whoever that is. He needs to know if Eva and Burgay are in Berlin--pronto.

Cut to a scene setter labeled Prague.
Boris's hand is waving. He wants to know where is the man he asked for--Diego. He orders Burgay and Ivan from the room. Eva says Diego couldn't leave Mexico because he is on an important mission. (I think he also didn't have a passport, no?) Boris says that's nonsense and points a gun at her! He's going to kill her, Ivan and her love, but first he'll give her an opportunity to explain. She calls his bluff. She knows he really isn't going to kill her because if he were, he wouldn't have given her a chance to explain. He didn't give her mother a chance to explain when he killed her in right in front of Eva's eyes! This is a bad dude!

Ah, she is right. He isn't going to kill her right away, but he was about to do it. If this doesn't work out right, next time he won't excuse her. (I just didn't understand this part of the speech. Does anyone?) She pushes a box toward him. Ah, marvelous woman, he says. Tell me all.

Now Diego and GSD are best pals. They drive away in the Mustang with the top down. Diego is saying that he had his suspicions about Mo but he really got a bad feeling when Mo became so interested in him.
GSD says Mo is a dark secretive guy, and although he seems nice, look how I always felt that he wasn't the right guy for Azul. And I am? Diego asks hopefully. Well, I'm not sure, says GSD, but at least you don't give me a bad feeling.

GSD wants to know more about the project. There's an intringulis, or ulterior motive, he thinks. He asks Diego to go for a drink to discuss things.

Ceci and Arnaldo rehash the Andres situation. She is crying. She says Leo is like a prison guard. She doesn't know why, but she hates her. Arnaldo thinks they have to respect their strange relationship. If he only knew. . .

Back to our new BFF's: GSD and Diego. Mansion Mo is really strange, they agree. GSD wants to enlist Diego's help in getting something out of the lab without Mo knowing. The problem is the sample has to stay sterile and very cold. He is somehow going to put some samples on ice and wants Diego to help him by putting an ice chest in the car. Diego agrees. GSD is impressed: now he knows why his daughter is in love with Diego. I'm still not clear how they will get the sample past the security.

Mo and that guy in a gray suit (the Licenciado?) try to figure out what's going on. Whenever Lic. has talked to the big guns, he has not been able to get much info about Eva and Burgay.

Eva continues her meeting with Boris's hand. This part was very difficult to understand, even though I tried watching it more than once. Boris wants to know how they can be sure Mo isn't going to betray them. Because Mo wants to control the science project. Boris tells her she must be tough. She can't just ask for allegiance, she must demand it. She says Mo wants to dominate them with the info. Hasn't Burgay pressured him? She thinks Burgay and Mo are plotting against them.

Boris says he put her in charge because she's not like other women, and now she's turning out to be a sap too, is the gist of this. He never knew another woman who had the entereza, strength, that she has.

Now, tell him about this Diego. She says she has a recording of Diego and the woman he loves. She doesn't know this woman, she says, but they arranged the conversation so it sounds like Diego is involved with them. She thought to lie to him, even though she knew he would kill her. Does anyone understand this? It's so darn convoluted: She loves Diego, so she wants to protect him by keeping him away from Boris and by faking some speech to make him sound loyal to the organization. However, unless I'm crazy, she actually told Boris all that. Again, Boris is some bad dude.

Why does she love Diego? Because he is good, and simple, and pure. Puh-leeze, says Boris. Everyone is evil, and ugly. Not Diego, and not her mother, she says. Anyway, don't worry. She thinks Mo will fire Diego, and he'll be out of the way. All will go as they planned. Boris doesn't believe it. He never thought a woman like her would lose her juicio, or judgment. My DVR cuts off here.


will someone please tell me if the real connection between leo and andre has ever been discussed between them...??? i may have missed it or misunderstood.


ps - great recaps...!!!

Great recap Nina, thanks. This does sound like a very 'intrigue'-ing episode. Thank you I'll be here all week, tip your waitresses. Anytime conversation turns to business or complicated plots I tend to get confused too, words I never heard before start showing up. When Gonzalo did business with people on Heridas I always got lost. Your interpretations seem to make sense, though. As much as these things make sense, anyway, with them living in that mystery world where you can just kill people and nobody notices.
anntonigirl - we only know that Leo is Andres's aunt by marriage. Leo has referred more than once to Andres having 'saved' her, we speculate that her husband (Andres's father?) was abusive or something and Andres killed him. Somewhere along the line they started having kinky dominatrix sex where she whips and beats him, we saw the results of that the other day. Bleah now I'm supposed to get back to my work after thinking about that.
Oh - also, Comcast came and gave me a new DVR box this morning, so I should be good to go now.

Thanks,Nina for the recap. Ferro, wasn't Leo's husband Anndresss's uncle...making her his Tia. I think that Andres might have killed him trying to protect Tia...probably when he was a young teen. [Let's all pause for a minute and get a vision of young Annndresss before Tia started scarring him literally and figuratively...que lastima]...okay we can all move on now.] The scenes in ''Prague''[yeah...sure..that's Prague] kept bringing to mind the expression from a few years ago ''talk to the hand.'' The Head Heavy really did some Sesame Street type exaggerated hand movements there. I especially appreciated him waving the big gun around every which way. And Paco?????...so has everyone just completely forgotten that Paco ever existed ???? ..his ''friend'' Diego his fiancee Loose Lidia???...his employed Isela???It's like when the guy was kidnapped by El Guaypo in ''Heridas'' and everyone else just went about their business as usual...no police investigation. I forget that guy's name but he is Hilario in ''Destilando'' right now and was Andres in Alborada. I'm glad these people are not in my circle of friends ...I'd go missing and they'd all forget that they ever knew me...that's harsh, no????

I wonder why they are taking the trouble to hide the identity of Boris. Just to build up suspense?

cripes I don't know what I was thinking when I said Andres's father. That's what I get for trying to think about a novela at work.

Susanlynn I can't remember that guy's name now either, the kidnap victim from Heridas, but I always called him 'the Trembler' because that's how he expresses all varieties of emotion - by trembling. Passion? Trembling. Anger? Trembling. He really should have been part of the endless 'temblando' conversation between Azul and Diego last week/a couple weeks ago (whenever it was), he could have shown them what REAL trembling was.

Nina, that was a great recap of the most convoluted episode yet. I got the impression that Ivan decided on his own to plant microphones in Mo's house and Burgay's apartment because he doesn't trust any of them and thinks Burgay wants to take Eva's place in the company. Ivan gets "A" for initiative. I could use someone like him in my life watching my back 24/7. I also didn't get Ivan & Eva making all these plans with Burgay right in back of them, especially as they don't trust him. Was he snoring? How did they know he wasn't listening?

I agree that Diego seemed to be making a clumsy effort to bluff Mo about Eva letting him out of his contract. But GSSD was not bluffing about going to the Dept. of Health. And while he's there, maybe he should turn himself in for contaminating everyone with second hand smoke.

I thought Boris, the Talking Hand, was acknowledging that he made a mistake when he killed Eva's mother who was probably innocent of lying to him and almost made another mistake as he was about to kill Eva and he would never have forgiven himself for that. Or maybe he was bluffing too. Eva was actually telling Boris that she does suspect Mo of betraying them and being in cahoots with Burgay. Boris said to her, "Por que estas tan segura de que Duarte nos quiere traicionar? And she then runs down all her suspicions of Mo. Everyone distrusts everyone, and they're all right. I still have no idea what business they're in that requires so much murder and mayhem.

Thanks, everyone. I thought it was just me. I'm glad other people thought this was confusing.

Ferro***I think the guy on Heridas might have been named Fabio...I think we used to call him Fabulous Fabiooo. [Okay, maybe that was just me who called him that.]Remember he cheated on his pale, sick, mopey wife with the skanky Veronica while pining for his sister-in-law Miranda-Everybody-Wants-Me. In ''Destilando'', he has been luckier and has gone from manuring out stables to being a hot model. However, he still has pretty much that same trembly look you described whether mucking out the horse stalls, servicing the jeje's neglected wife , or modeling poolside with a bevy of bikini-clad beauties. He also had that trademark look as Andres in Alborada. He and Emilioooo...peas in a pod....maybe we'll ge to see Emiliooo doing some manuring out in his next gig...ojala.

The guy on heridas was Fabricio. Close to Fabio, though. I thought Eva grew up in an orphanage and never knew her mother. I didn't get the whole edited tape either. She told Boris that on it, Diego was talking to the woman he loved, which unfortunately wasn't her. But that's all I got. They messed with the tape but from what I remember of Azul and Diego's conversations they'd have to do some pretty sophisticated stuff to make it sound like anything. Also, the object of the thing wasn't to get Diego killed but to get him cleared, as far as I could tell so why would they incriminate him? This cut off on my dvr too so I am hoping that it will seem clearer the second time around.

Oh, yeah, and I love "queer eye for the straight girl" with Arnold, Julio, Gaspar and Ceci! Was it my imagination or did Arnoldo accuse Julio of letting Ceci go to lunch because he thought Andres was hot?

That is what Arnaldo said to Julio and it cracked me up. To pay him back it sounded like Julio told Arnaldo to just shut up and do his cowboy stripper routine! (Ceci had been teasing that Arnaldo's boots made him look like a cowboy stripper)

Thanks, guys. That stuff is funny about Ceci. I was getting kind of sleepy last night, so I wasn't focusing on those sections.

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