Saturday, September 22, 2007

Amar Friday Sep 21 - who cares about the jacket

Mo promises to tell GSD the complete truth, now that he has come back to work. He also just told him that he loves Azul, so we know that he’s a big fat liar. I’m curious to see what his version of the complete truth is.

Ivan and Eva are dining in her hotel room. She says Boris is furious, Ivan says everything is going as planned, don’t worry. They figure that Mauricio will figure out that Leonarda isn’t really infected when she doesn’t die in 2 hours, so Ivan’s man who has infiltrated Mo’s security will slip a little poison into her drink to make her look sick and mess with Mo’s head. That will get her to push GSD to find a cure in a hurry too (like Azul being infected ins’t enough) and then later on Ivan and Leo can decide if they should kill Leo or not.

Andres tries to comfort Leo, saying that Mo won’t abandon her now, they are a family more than ever! Yeah right. She’s very morbid but Andres is sure that it will all work out. He says he’ll leave to let her rest, she begs him to stay “until the end.” Jeez what a drama queen. Oh wait, she’s dying. Oh wait, no she isn’t. She sure is convinced of it though, even though there’s absolutely nothing foreign in her veins than a little sangre de Ivan.

Ivan tells Eva that he sent a sample of Mo’s blood to Boris. “Not good enough” says Eva. Also, he’s going to figure out the password to the lab. “Not good enough” says Eva. Also, he set up some microphones and cameras or whatever and has a man on the inside. “Not good enough” says Eva. Ok then woman what the hell is good enough? Finally she says she needs Mo’s personal journal. Fine. Was that so hard to say? Did you have to string Ivan along and disregard all of his hard work? Bitch. I have the show paused at the moment and Eva looks like Brigitte Nielson. That’s not a good thing, if you have seen “Flavor of Love.”

Mo takes GSD to some cafeteria. GSD starts to ask if he’s supposed to do research here, or what? Mo says no, ‘they’ have bugged his whole house so they can’t talk there. Who are ‘they,’ GSD asks? Mo refers to them as the mafia. I guess that’s a good description. Mo says that at the beginning he didn’t know what he was getting into either. He says Burgay was the one who infected Azul, on Eva’s orders, and that they have Katy and will infect her if Mo doesn’t get some results pronto. GSD asks Mo why, after all that has happened, should he believe him? Mo says because he himself is also infected. I say, so what? How does that make him more believable? That isn’t answering the question, that is simply saying something dramatic to get an impactado look from GSD and some music of doom.

Diego arrives at Azul’s apartment. Azul is sick and doesn’t want to see Diego, Ceci tells him. He begs his way in anyway. Ceci tells Azul that her in-home caretaker is here, and Diego walks into the bedroom. Azul tries to act like she’s still mad, but she is obviously pleased to see him.

GSD is pissed off and reads Mo the riot act for being such a liar, especially about his illness as he courted Azul. He lectures Mo on ethics. Mo continues to swear he never meant anything bad to happen to Azul. Mo says the illness affects his central nervous system and also is the reason why he sometimes goes nuts. He blames everything bad he has done or said on the disease. GSD says ‘you know by now that Azul doesn’t love you’, so how can he keep talking about his love with Azul and all that? Mo tries to cover by saying that he just wants to find a cure, not for himself, but so Azul can be happy. What a load of crap. What a HUGE load of crap. Mo finally tells GSD that ‘those criminals’ also infected Leonarda. This seems to upset Mo as he tells it even, there is some strong relationship there we still don’t know about. He says he loves her like a mother.

Diego tries to tell Azul that Eva and company are trying to cure a disease. Azul says they are criminals. They can’t seem to agree on whether they are saviors or demons. Diego finally says that when they find more dirt on the Boris Mafia they will denounce them to the cops. Azul asks if that is the only way to get loose from them? Diego asks her to trust him. She called him ‘mi amor’ a few times, I guess she isn’t mad at him anymore. They dream about being together after all this is over. “Believe in our love” Diego begs her. She says she will. Barf. Sorry, that’s the man in me. They get all kissy and lovey.

Mo says he thinks he’s in the final stages of the disease. He tells GSD that he is the only survivor of the people who were infected, but now also Azul and Leo. He says if it gets loose it will be a disaster (you think?). That’s why he was so desperate and held a gun on GSD to make him go back to work. Mo wants to know where GSD is on the investigation, GSD says he doesn’t trust Mo anymore so he won’t give him details. Mo says he understands but is going to win back his trust, and to prove it he’s going to give GSD the password to the lab. Dum dum DUMMM. GSD smokes.

Diego and Azul kissy kissy sweet talk. She makes him swear to have nothing more than absolutely necessary contact with Eva. He rolls his eyes (I did too, he has been in that mode for a while already) but agrees. They get all kissy and Diego plays the Indiana Jones “it hurts here” game when she is kissing his pain away.

Back to GSD and Mo – GSD has sure been smoking it up, the ashtray is full. Mo thanks GSD for listening to him. GSD says he’s going to find a cure, but for Azul, not because of anyone else. Mo asks GSD to not share any info with anyone else. He can’t say anything anywhere, Eva has ears everywhere. GSD mentions that Azul is with Diego now, Mo says again he just wants Azul to be happy. I don’t believe him. He doesn’t care about her at all, proven when he smacked her with the infected needle. He’s just evil. More dramatic music.

Diego is gone, Ceci is jealous of the love Diego shows to Azul. Azul tells Ceci that Andres isn’t necessarily trustworthy, something strange has always been going on with those people at Casa de Mo. You aren’t kidding sister. You don’t know the half of it.

Andres beings Leo some tea. They reminisce about the good old days. Andres starts to tell her “you know I love you but…” she finishes for him – now he doesn’t love her as much, and now she looks old. He was the one who insisted way back when, now he is throwing her aside. It’s for her, right? Azul’s friend? She starts getting pissed off. He says that she knows how much she means to him, how he couldn’t stand the way his uncle mistreated her. She says it feels like just yesterday that Andres killed him. Andres dramatically remembers. Leo remembers how Andres beautifully justified his crimes. Something about Mo enters the conversation, I got a little lost. Something about all of them having so many secrets to keep that it made them a family. Jeez, what a family. I guess we’ve seen already how well that turned out in the end. Leo says they’ll be together forever. Andres angrily says he doesn’t want anything forever, not any more. Leo says that’s just because that bitch Ceci put things in his head. Andres says no, it’s because she is dying and it is Mo’s fault.

GSD is smoking over at Emilia’s place. After being told not to tell anyone anything, he went straight to her and told her everything. Nice work. Emilia says he has to find a cure for Azul, he begs her to not tell Azul the truth about what she has. Wait – isn’t he supposed to be working on a cure so that his daughter doesn’t die? Isn’t there a time limit here, like find a cure in the next two days or she’s dead? So what is he doing having a loooong discussion with Mo, then drifting over to Emilia’s house and wasting time? I don’t understand. What the hell is wrong with him? Dumbass. He tells Emilia that he’s very close to a cure. She tells him to finish it and not tell anyone, how does he know that Mo isn’t lying about also being sick? GSD says that Mo really is sick.

Arnaldo and Julio discuss whether or not Julio should accept any investment money. Oh, Arnaldo shaved! Julio says the money will let him import better stuff and it will help with marketing and all that. Arnaldo says he wishes he had money, Julio says no, they are already partners. Julio wants to know why Arnaldo doesn’t wear the jacket he gave him when they met in Rio. Arnaldo says it wasn’t when they met, it was when they officially became a couple. Julio says ah, then you remember! Don’t you have it any more? Arnaldo says he still has it, it makes him feel close to Julio. It’s at his aunt Ines’s house. They drink a toast to the day Julio gave him the jacket. This conversation was supposed to explain their relationship but it was just tedious. Ok we get it you were together, broke up, now you’re together again and Arnaldo still feels a little vulnerable. See? That only took a few seconds, not a couple minutes of talking about a jacket.

GSD thanks Emilia for help him even though they are not so close at the moment. GSD says Ines is completely behind him and she, Emilia, is sooo awesome. He wants to change and be better so he doesn’t lose her. Ok that’s great now go find a cure before your f(*&(*^&ng daughter dies. Cripes.

Katy cries to Mo that she misses Azul, where has she been? Where is she? Mo says sometimes things don’t work out like we want. She doesn’t understand. Mo says that he and Azul aren’t going to get married. Katy’s voice hits an all time high in frequency, almost a dog whistle, as she cries and whines simultaneously that she doesn’t like this turn of events.

Arnaldo is looking into Ines’s window, wondering where she is. Some super metiche neighbor tells him that she isn’t home and didn’t come home last night, for two days she just cried and didn’t answer the door or anything. He yells for Ines and pounds on the door. He finally breaks in and dramatically says “What did you do?” We don’t see her but surely she is on the floor passed out or dead after a suicide attempt or something.

Azul and Ceci talk about Diego some more. When Azul says she isn’t going to see Mo ever again, the phone rings. Surely it is Mo or Katy. It’s the servant, calling on behalf of Katy. Katy gets on the phone and cries that Azul doesn’t love her any more. Azul says she’ll come visit, Katy gets very excited and runs off. Mo enters and asks if Katy convinced Azul to come, the maid says yes, Mo smiles smugly.

Azul gets ready to go visit Katy, Ceci yells at her to stay in bed. Azul wants to explain to Katy about her and Mo. Yeah I’m sure a 4 year old will understand. Ceci wants to know what Azul will tell Diego about going to her ex-boyfriend’s house, Azul just says she’ll explain it to him. What a hypocrite. After all her tantrums when he sees Eva, his BOSS, who he has legitimate reason to see. Ceci is thinking the same thing.

Ivan tells Eva about Paco’s murder. Somehow he figured it all out. Eva can’t believe how stupid they all are. Ivan asks if she is worried because they are unreliable or because of how hurt Diego would be if he found out?

GSD is sitting at his table working, he has some book open next to him. Is this helping find a cure? I hope so. Emilia brings him something to drink. She’s wearing a robe, I wonder if he got some inspirational nookie before getting back to work. They discuss how strange life is these days. GSD’s cell rings, it’s Arnaldo. He delivers the news about Ines. Emilia rolls her eyes a bit when she hears. GSD is going to go see her, Emilia actually gets jealous about it. She says fine, go. He says thanks, she says don’t say thanks because she doesn’t agree. She hopes he’s going to have the end of that relationship and not to rekindle it. She leaves and GSD looks like he wants to smoke.

Eva tells Ivan to tell Burgay that they have the toxin now, and he should side with them and not with Mauricio. Then he should go see Mo and press him to get GSD to work on the cure. Ivan wants to know if Mo doesn’t cooperate, should he go see GSD himself next? Eva says no, Mo must look like the villain. Eva wants the password to the lab too from Ivan’s spy.

Mo walks outside with Andres and Leo. Mo wants to know how Eva found out that he has the illness inside him, the three of them are all that know. Leo is offended at the implication. So is Andres. Mo believes them. Leo says that Mo made all his money by making cheap knockoff medicine that didn’t work and Mo had to kill so many people to keep them quiet. I guess she said that so we know how they are all tied in with each other. Mo says there must be microphones in the house. He says they can talk freely outside, where there is no place to hide a microphone and the sound of the water will hide their talking. Mo wants Andres to find where the microphones are but leave them alone, so he can use Eva’s stuff against her. I was thinking the same thing. Now he can say whatever crazy stuff he wants and she’ll believe it. The servant announces that some security guy has arrived.

Diego is wearing an extremely girly pink sweater. He tells Efrain to tell him the truth about his karate master client. Efrain says it’s not Ivan. Diego calls him a liar. Diego tells him that Ivan killed Abuelo, so Efrain needs to tell Diego the truth.

The security guy is some curly haired dude that Mo decides should be names “Jacinto Gabu.”

Diego arrives to see Eva, she wants to finish their earlier conversation. She tells Diego not to worry, everything is above board. He hopes so. She tries to move in and kiss him, he turns her away. He says he likes her but he.. she says she knows that he loves another. He says he doesn’t want to hurt her, she says no, he doesn’t want to hurt the other woman he loves. True that Eva, you hit that on the head. She tells him whatever, she was just having fun anyway, whatever. Sure. She leaves the room so she can go cry or something.

Mo shows the security guy around and gives him instructions. He seees Azul and wants to know why she’s there. He says seeing her makes him so happy! Whatever.

Diego looks to see if Eva is coming, then gets into her purse and finds Paco’s ID. I expect him to look impactado, but instead he reads it like it’s a book. It’s an ID dude, the picture and the word PACO should be enough.

Monday – Diego and his super gay pink sweater go to Azul’s place to find out that she went to Mauricio’s. He gets all stupid and jealous and goes over there, just in time to see her start to faint and Mo catch her, which of course he interprets as them getting ready to have sex. WTF I’m so sick of this plot device, the daily fight and breakup. I’m soooo sick of it.


Ferro, That was a hilarious recap of a dense and kind of long-winded epidose. I feel your pain about Diego and Azul. It's a staple of novelas but usually the other united-divided-reunited couples have the good grace to have some real mishaps strike them -- like kidnappings, forced impregnations, insane stalkers, etc., and not the petty jealousies of these two brats. By the way, I must have missed the part about exactly how Mo got infected in the first place. How did they explain that? I like Arnaldo better without the beard, but to me he and Julio are not convincing as a couple. Or maybe I just find them boring...

To me, Julio talks down to Arnaldo, like he's trying to be is father or something. He comes off as a self-important know it all.
We haven't learned how Mo was infected, just that he and nine others were infected and the others are all dead. Who/what/where are all still a mystery.
Yes, this was a dialogue heavy show, it was frustrating after a while. I appreciate your appreciation.

Arnaldo without the beard looks like a young Mel Gibson (except the eyes). Mr. 5ft pointed that out when we couldn't recogize him. Hm, now if he starts wearing pink sweaters... :D

So much for Mr. Perfect Gentleman Diego...that's what he gets for going through Eva's purse, but why the heck did she put it in there anyway? Smooth move, Eva!

Thanks, Ferro for the recap of this increasingly frustrating show. GSD reminds me of the teachers I taught with who ALWAYS seemed to be in the teachers' lounge smoking instead of...oh...teaching ???? Bitgette Nielson and Flava Flav. That combo was like watching a train wreck. It was so horribly bizarre , but it was hard to look away. I especially liked it when he helped her pick out clothes and a gold tooth. Do you think that Mo and Annndresss are brothers? Eva, I used to put my purse out of reach of my kids. Remember, there's a young one in your house some childproofing...keep the purse out of Diego's reach. Oh well, let's hope things move on. I want them all to get infected at this point.

Ferro, on my blog you mentioned the actor who played Ricardo on Duelo. I found his name for you: Rafael del Villar. Is that the same actor who plays Ivan?

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