Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Destilando 10/10 - in which the new Montalvo Witch Project goes over like a lead balloon

I don't think I've mentioned how much I like the credits that run at the beginning of this show. Interesting light, beautiful scenery, exciting editing of very telling scenes, good music, and of course Miss Celery Stalk 2006-2007, she's never limp.

Baby Rod loses points with all of us, sending a rude letter to CRT. Gav is distressed but Dr. Blondie says, "Too bad for him," and gives her a hankie.

Blondie's in process of creating his tequila based menu, which reminded me of Roz Chast's cartoon, 'Recipes from the American Cheese Council.' (You'll have to click on the image to see it big enough to read.) He invites Gav and Nancy to spend their precious Saturday with him, cooking delicious tequila muffins etc. I think it's se zafó un tornillo which Nancy mutters happily, I believe we say "he's got a screw loose," but I'm happy to be corrected.

Gav continues to look behind her wherever she goes. Can't believe Rod isn't calling and stalking. People point out she demanded this of him so she should be grateful he's complying. Careful what you wish for.

Rod is happily packing up to get the hell out of town. He tells all his honchos Patricio and James can help them - "don't bother asking Aaron, he's got his own thing going on."

Next he calls Dr. Erika and asks if she has the straitjacket ready for their intimate weekend at "Villa Serena" (Serene House, aka the Screw Loose Spa). He wants to pick her up but she says she has to get there early to see other patients so they need to take two cars.

Rod has a very happy chat with Dani and Elvis. Dani susses out he's mighty excited about his weekend with Dr. Erika - or else she gave him some mighty good pills. "I'd like some of those pills," muses Elvis. Rod burbles on about the good times he's had with the sexy Doc. Dani: "Are you really leaving without saying goodbye to Gaviota?" "That's the whole idea of this weekend, without the distraction I wouldn't be able to resist calling her."

He goes home, where Minerva is hanging around with Isa (she lies, "I couldn't go with Aaron to Miami because I am so afflicted with MORNING SICKNESS from my PREGNANCY"). He gives Isa the number at Screw Loose Spa, and leaves with a mumbled goodbye.

Minerva keeps trying to get Isa riled up again - if not about Gaviota, then about the sexy Doctorcita - but Isa is counting on Rod's getting cured by the shrinkette, and even if he doesn't get cured, she'll still end up with the apartment and her jewels etc. so what's the problem.

Phone rings, Isa claims it's her dad and leaves the room to talk to him. Minerva picks up the little tyke and croons menacingly: "Poor luckless little Ricky, you'll end up with nothing."

Well actually it was Frankie on the phone - after trying to suck up to his wife a bit by taking her on a tour of the agaves (she, unsurprisingly, having seen them all her life, was unimpressed - he called her boredom "sacrilege" - she just wanted a bath - he said he'd get the wine and goodies ready) he called Isa to say (as Sofia, in her terrycloth bathrobe, sneaks up behind and hears every word): "I won't be able to call you much, she's on me like a shadow." Isa shrewishly demands he must find the time, several days a week. Sofie screws up her face but says nothing.

In the mall, Fedra whispers loudly to Demetrios' wife that Mariana Franco made free with all the CRT husbands and must be stopped. Fedra is hard to discourage. "I can hardly believe this! My husband thought so highly of Mariana."

Told by his indignant wife about Fedra's gossip, Demetrios (this is one of Gav's former bosses, the one who was into agave diseases) goes to Dr. Blondie. Exact rerun - Blondie tells Gav the harpies are at it again, she goes ballistic despite a promise to remain calm, he looks on in admiration and then says, "Now I understand why Engineer Montalvo is so crazy in love with you ... I will support you no matter what, your work is impeccable and you're a great dame too. Have some coffee." She rejects the coffee several times but he keeps offering.

Dani, Elvis in tow, arrives at CRT: Gaviota had summoned her to find out what was going on with Rod, but now there's the new Montalvo Witch Project to rant over. In a righteous rage Gav has removed the harpies from another guest list, and wants to give them computer viruses... She tells Nancy not to erase Dani or Pilar from the invites list and Elvis adds his own name to the do-not-erase file. Gav compliments his picture, he says she has good taste.

Somebody complained we don't give enough space to Elvis in these recaps. The problem is, he is rarely given any lines which advance the story, or indeed, which are not embarrassing. For instance, in this episode he is given to saying happily, "I like that!" every time something "black" is mentioned. I think the guy's a good actor and wish they'd given him a better role.

Dani reassures Gav that Rod is feeling better, is calmer and even happy, and that is as it should be. She points out that, as a consolation prize, the Doctorcito would do pretty nicely - why, Dani herself would be tempted to fall into his arms.

The more she says Rod is doing well, the less happy Gaviota looks. [Remember, folks, these people are supposed to be in their mid-twenties. That's all I can say in their defense. -- Ed.]

While Dani and Gav are having their heart-to-heart, Elvis sneaks around the corner to spy on the Doctorcito. Soon Blondie spots him, and finding out he is Dani's sweetheart enthusiastically invites him in for -- coffee! And an amazingly boring lecture on where the good coffee of the world comes from, and how Africans have some of the best coffee! He goes on and on, Dani and Gav arrive to find Elvis's face frozen into a rictus of boredom. Leaving, he tells Dani he is much relieved to discover what a gasbag the Doctorcito is (that's a paraphrase). He's not so jealous now.

Blondie asks Gav, yet again, to have a cup of coffee; this time she wearily accepts. He tenderly pretends to be concerned for her emotional state - "Maybe you're feeling too poorly to cook tomorrow?" She says no, so he instantly says he'll pick her up right after breakfast for a nice working weekend making tequila crepes and cabbage.

In the little apartment of horrors, SanWanna is all bouncy and happy that Hilario has come home on time. She presses tasty little treats on him and makes him some special drink which appears to be 65% Worcestershire sauce. He doesn't want any of it. She asks, "Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under?"

He says he's going to Acapulco for the weekend, she wants to help pack his clothes, he says the wardrobe people do that. He has a look on his face like Acacia used to have before she disappeared. Robotically and with menace, he suddenly asks: "Would you like to come to Acapulco with me? Pack your bags, we're leaving in five minutes." She bounces out, gets ready, they get on his motorcycle, but instead of going to the airport he takes her downtown and dumps her at the bus station with money for a one-way ticket home.

"You can't treat me like garbage," she wails, her stuff scattered all over the ground." "You're worse than that," he mutters and roars off on his motorcycle as she shakes her little fist and curses him. [Oh Hilario, they were right, fame has warped you. Or maybe it was, as Susanlynn put it, Love Potion Numero Nuevo that did the trick. --Ed.]

Rod arrives all happy at the Screw Loose Spa and is mildly impactado to find Doctor Erika has not yet arrived. He sits at the restaurant and orders a tequila. He is more impactado when the waitress says they don't serve liquor at the Spa! He starts getting agitated the way I do when they keep delaying my plane.

Well, as you know if you were watching, Doctor Erika's car broke down, there was no cellphone signal, and the public phone at the restaurant where she was stranded did not work. It takes a while for her to get the message to Spa that she needs a ride. Rod of course offers to go fetch her.

Finally, Gav comes home to an empty apartment (Ma is at the hospital, maybe volunteering) and thought-bubbles: "Rod, are you really going to leave without seeing me?"

Tomorrow: Isa and Minerva pick up a couple of mansos corderitos (tame little lambs) at a restaurant; Hil tells Gaviota about his love for Isa; Rod gets all excited because Dr. Erika wears the same perfume as Gaviota.


Thanks, Melinama. I missed all but the last 10 minutes of this episode. Hub said that he had recorded it for me , forgot. And how about that-''You smell just like my onetruelove.'' That is always a real turn-on for a gal. ...Smells like teen spirit???? Wow..Hilario ditching Sanwanna by the side of the road !...That was pretty harsh, Cowboy ~~~~harsh but...clever. That loca had attached herself to Hil like a barnacle. She has got to be one of the most annoying characters in telenovela history. Tequila crepes and cabbage???? I may barf. What else can Dr. Blondie whip up??..agave burgers???And so , on it goes ...

Great recap..thankyou very much.
Susanlynn, smells like teen spirit..bwwwaahhhhhaaa

Someone please tell me, just how many frickin denim skirts does Sofie own? Huh? How many & as rich as she is couldn't she like buy the Ralph Pairie Collection, just you wait til all the money is gone and she finds she has been wearing that ugly crap for nothing.

I have a question about Hil, isn't he Blondies room-mate? Has Dr. Dull just not noticed SanWanna is there.

Also Gavi it sucks to be you..It is a real bitch, when you dump someone and they are having a much better time than you are. Been there done that.

Message to writer's re Elvis: He's not Dr. Pavlo's lab dog, meaning every time you write him in a scene, someone has to hand Brotha Elvis a chocolate word biscuit and he has got to salivate and bark "Black". Everybody knows Elvis is black, especially the actor who plays Elvis, especially on your tv set, so stop "rubbing his race, I mean face in it". Anyway, I like Elvis, he is nice and cute, but I would like him even more if he had a
J-O-B. (Can ya write that into your scrip too? e-nuff said)

Now back to a little unfinished business re: Rodrigio. This is only my second novella, but there seems to be a exact moment when I "fall out of like" with one of the main characters, like when I "fell out of like" for Cybil Lety in LFMB. It happened when Rodrigio threw down his hands when Gavi was on the phone and refused her call. I can't help it, I am very sensitive that way. It was as if he said " Been there, snacked that! I've already wiped my mouth with that paper napkin, now I've moved on to fine linen."
Sorry, but Dr. S is looking better to me for the long haul cada dia.

Sistah Val
(P.S.: thanks Mama M, Julie, Beckster and all for such a fun play ground to blog in and learn es-pan-ol. I luv reading everybody's stuff and finally I can scratch learning Spanish off my New Years resolution list!.)

Gracias por todo, Melinama. I am still settling in to the reality of Destilando after a 2 wk absence and find the characters more moronic than sexy. A peril of cold turkeyism. Don't try this at home. Better have a paradise like Australia's beaches to soften the blow. Now did I or did I not see Ivan the terrible sneak over from Amar Sin Limites and into the next episode of Destilando?????? Sans the Nero with olive oil look he wear on Amar...... Ohhhh Minnie and Isa might be in for a hottttttt time, no? I could still be halucinating from the 8 hour time change, but really, it seemed to be him.

Sistah Val - even if Elvis had a job, all he would be doing (look around at those who are supposedly employed) would be blabbing about personal affairs, etc. Nobody ever works in the telenovelas. At the beginning of this one I thought it was gonna be an exception (remember those poor actors dabbing at the agave plants with their shovels?) but it made the writers uncomfortable so the scene was quickly shifted to the usual rich-people-doing-nothing-in-a big-fancy-building.

Thank you, thank you, Melinama.
I love this site. Just about everyone is on the same page. omeone is always writing what you are thinking about. Beckster,I think Sofia has 2 denim skirts. Ha ha! Did I miss something? I have never seen the doctorcito at the apartment with Hilario.
Thank you Sistah Val, for the Elvis reference. It's true. There is a lot of color reference in his lines. Novellas, American soap operas they are the same in that the cast does not represent the true ethnicity of it's people. It seems to be some type of unrealistic ideal. Hmmm.
I am glad that Hilario found his cojones or his huesos and took them back from SanWanna.
Have a great day to all!

ooops I forgot the s in someone :)

Did anyone hear Alonso call Elvis, Mr. Presley? If I caught that right, it has to be one of the funniest lines of the whole show !!

I think the "se zafó un tornillo" is literally translated as "a screw got away" at least that is what my husband told me. Thanks so much for the recaps. If I am distracted, I lose the following along and then I get lost.

Oh, This is going to be good.Sophie
will not confront Frankie now. And,Hopefully, she will stay conscious of his philandering ways long enough to start investigating
him herself. And, BAM! Walk in on
Isa and Frankie going at it. And, then all hell will break loose.

How not to become jealous over our
lovers: By being appreciative. By
knowing that love in it's pure form
is a gift from God to you and your mate, and from your mate to you. So, Rod/Gavi and Elvis/Dani, appreciate the love that you know to be true. Be thankful that your lover desires you. And, banish jealousy like the waste of emotion
that it is.

WORD! Sistah Val on ELvis. I mean
REALLY! It pains me to know that the WORLD is Still like this.

Thanks susanlynn, great recap.
I do appreciate all the work you good people do when writing these

"Screw loose" was also what I figured for Tuesday's recap, but it was more of a wild guess.

Hili is living in Dr. Blondie's place, but Dr. Blondie doesn't live there. I think the story was that Dr. B lived there with his wife, and ever since she died he doesn't want to live there, but he never got around to selling it.

I don't really see the advantage, plotwise, of having Hilario live there, unless it was just an excuse to get Dr. B to talk about his dead wife and for Cassandra to bring Hilario to the office to see Gaviota.

Yeah, Dr. B did call Elvis "Presley." I also noticed that Elvis introduced himself as Elvis Perez III... I'd never heard him add the "tercero" before. Granted, being a III doesn't guarantee anything, but I'm wondering if (as some commentor speculated months ago) it's supposed to be a hint that his family has some money.

What a funny recap! I almost choked on my coffee at your reference to Alonzo as a "gasbag" ! Hee Hee! Yep, he goes on and on about his coffee!

I think Sofia and Meester James are made for each other....her with her two denim skirts and him with his shirts and weird ties! Also, his strange moustache! The perfect pair. Too bad Acacia seems to have dropped off the face of the earth!

I seems that Rod has a crush on the doctora. And I bet Elvis doesn't work because he is rich and no one knows but Dani.

another great recap! I believe that Hil is staying at an apartment that Dr Cafe had shared with his late wife- he couldn't stay there anymore for emotional reasons. And yes, that was Ivan theterrible swooping in on the Montalvo wives. I'm sure that it will be a one-niter, they wouldn't torture anyone else with these hatpies, would they? dorado dave

Dear Anonymous --I would love to take credit for this recap, but I don't understand enough Spanish to be a translator. The recapper was Melinama, our blog mom and new donkeyowner.^^^Susanlynn, who reads recaps but can't recap

This is only the second epi I've seen but it was fun. Hilario dumping that chick by the side of the road seemed harsh but I probably just don't know her backstory. She did seem kind of crazy. I thought she was making a rum and coke for him but she opened what looked like the coke with an awl so maybe it was hot sauce!

Great recap and comments. I mentioned that Elvis might be from a monied background, as he acts very well-brought-up and has that monied confidence. I'm not sure Dani knows about it but just speculating. I would love to see Elvis with more lines and less "ethnic" comments.
The winds of change are coming and they smell like Gavi's perfume LOL I'm glad Rod is having a little flirtation - it's healthy and it might make he and Gavi appreciate each other more. I just wish Rod would let Gavi know that he loves her and that he is going underground to sort things out.
B in Mass

Thanks for the recap and the editorial reminder that our protagonists are in their 20's - ah, young love!

I thought Elvis was an artist, and pretty successful. He's not without a job, in that case. I just wish he wear something besides that pullover thing - looks like it's heavy and too warm.

Rod without tequila for a weekend?
Could be an intense time for him.
It wouldn't be my choice for a relaxing weekend, that's for sure!

I fear that Erica's perfume - ("Aroma de Mujer" probably), will act like a pheromone on ol' Rodrigo...that could be the key to his "problem" - it worked for Gavi.

This novela resembles La Fea. Lety goes away meets someone, Fernando goes away later and meets someone. By doing this, it helped fern and lety to appreciate each other more in the end, because they both now had choices and still chose each other. Now Rod is going away. It gives him time to be with erika and it gives gav time with el doctor. Seems to be a pattern.

I gathered that Elvis was an artist too, and that was how he could afford his laid back lifestyle. The interesting thing about his character to me is that they have him paired with Dani, who is Rod's little sister, right? So she's from a white, rich, landowning family. Yeah I get it that she's a bit of a wild child what with the red extensions and all but how is it that Gavi is verboten because she's an ex-jornalera agave cutter and Elvis the black artist is not. Or is class prejudice OK but not racism? You'd think they would go together, but maybe not.

Rod must be 30 something by has been 4 years since the doctorate, plus he was studying in a foreign country in a second language, so I am thinking he has to be a bit older.

Now about Sofie, I think there is a closet full of denim skirts, much like Hugh Hefner & his maroon robe.

Sofie I'm keeping count, I got my eye on you.

Sorry I forgot I have another question..Dr Blondie's wife died from boredom like 4 years ago..wasn't that the same time span on the other not to be mentioned show?

Is there some grief thing, of 4 years and then it is like, first woman I look up and see? Que the Hell. "I see her, I want her, she will be mine?"

Oh, and one other thing. To respond to Melinama's original comment about the titles. I agree that they are very well done. There is one brief scene where where Clarita (?) Gavi's mom is surrounded by a bunch of other workers in the agave fields and they are drinking a toast, I think it follows the funeral montage so maybe they are toasting the old hacienda owner? Anyhow, that image reminds me of a Diego Rivera painting. I can't quite place it but it sure does remind me of the style.

Thank you for the recap. So Okay already, we've figured out after 7 months that, ELVIS IS INDEED BLACK!! At least him and Dani don't share any lines that constantly refer to his skin color! As for Sofia, I'm glad her mili-second of bliss with Frankie is once again over, I really can't stand him! As for Rod, the only thing I can say is that if he can stop loving Gavi so easily after 4 years of total obsession, then it wasn't love, just sexual frustration....being Gavi is the only one he can seem to get his cookies off with. As for Gavi, I see a lot of thought bubbles in her future. I can just picture her on her balcony, in her pajamas, looking up at the moon superimposed with Rod's face, singing the spanish rendition of Olivia Newton John's "Totally devoted to you"....Poor Gavi!!!!!

I agree that there is too much emphasis on Elvis being black. It’s like when they assigned characters to the actors they said “You’ll be true and noble and misunderstood, you’ll be evil, you’ll be honest but poor, you’ll be a schemer, you’ll be a beautiful tramp, (etc.) and you, playing Elvis, you’ll be Black!” A lot of the time, the race references come from Elvis himself. True, the Abuela is disapproving. But that rings true since she is a fossil, and fossils often think that way. (Of course, she might be disapproving just because he is an artist and has a non-standard hairdo – it’s not made clear.) Otherwise, his race has no bearing on the story and doesn’t need to be brought up all the time. Dr. Blondie’s latching onto Elvis’s ethnicity and making big speeches about how “his people” grow such great coffee was very much out of line, I thought. I’m glad Elvis was just bored and not offended.

Thanks for the recap!!!

I have always had the impression that Elvis was/is a very accomplished and successful artist who comes from a family with money....I vaguely remember some reference made before to his grand(father/mother) and the family "interest" (not sure what that was but from how it was said it seems to imply money, status, wealth,ancestry etc). Dani didn't or doesn't seem to know about that part. It seems their relationship is more based on who they are as individual and their love for each other than on what their family have and their place within the family or society.

I'm wondering if Dr. Erika is playing her games now. First the cat and mouse thing at the restaurant. Then always meeting in a restaurant. Now going to this spa where supposedly she takes "a lot of her clients" (you kidding me,right???? --- what this sex therapy?) and suddenly she just happens to be now wearing the same perfume as Gavi? Oh come on!!! This is just beyond belief and totally unethical now....even for novelaland. IMO, she see finally this "Rod Montalvo" that she heard so much about fron Benvenutto,Gavi & Dani (Dr. E decided to talk to him out of friendship with Dani--remember?) and decided "you know what, I can help this fine specimen forget about Gavi and hell might as well take him for myself". I can't say I blame her BUT still it stinks the way the writers have set this up.

Also the same cooking/restaurant crap as Aldo......this made me almost pass some bricks!!!!!

Whoa Hil was cold. Interesting to see the dynamic between the two actors since the last novela I saw them in they were playing bother and sister with Gavi's mom as their breast cancer stricken mama.

I swear with the endless lectures on Tequila production followed with the coffee monologues my ears are starting to bleed. I wonder how much the tequila producers in Mexico are paying the production to keep feeding us all this information. Talk about product placement! Here we have an industry placement.

So the coven of witches continues on their self destructive paths. Fedra better watch her step or she'll find herself divorced and penniless and will have to live with her phone abusing son and fake preggers DIL in some rundown neighborhood. Luck for her though she can have stupid Sofia teach her how to iron, cook and run baths.

Thanks for another great recap Melinama. I've been traveling a lot and this has been so wonderful to keep up with the story and comments.

It's about time Hil scraped off the barnacle Sanwanna.

I would enjoy seeing Gavi dump Rod for Dr. S, just because Rod's so arrogant, cruel, and self-focused. But, that would be breaking Telenovela story-ending rules...

Yes, Hilario was a bit cruel, even though Sanjuanna is a pain in the A--, he must be taking some Rodrigo lessons. I guess there are no further plotlines for Isadora and Hilario? I really thought that once he came into some money, Isadora would show some interest, but apparently both she and Sofia are parked on dumb where Frankie is concerned. I'm really ready for them to wrap up DA, even though I have enjoyed it and learned a lot more about tequila than I ever dreamed possible!

Lisa from Alpena

Melinama, I really appreciate the recap. Family kept interrupting me so I rely on the recaps to clarify what I might miss.
I like Elvis and hope that he gets better and more meaningful lines along the way. Yes, Dr. Coffee did call him Mr. Presley. Elvis is always gracious to the other characters, no matter how idiotic they act. He seems quite self-assured, yet warm and open.
Dr. Coffee can probably just adapt his collection of 5,000 coffee recipes for the tequila expo. Gavi is so distracted, she'll probably burn herself cooking.
I wish Fedra had tripped and fallen on the escalator. The agave-disease doctor seemed to be a tough, no-nonsense guy and he liked Gavi's work. Maybe he can convince his wife that Fedra is just a jealous hag. Love the idea of Fedra, Aaron, and Min in a low-rent neighborhood, but I don't think we'll see it. Maybe the three of them holed up in the Miami penthouse, getting on each other's nerves.
Hilario had me faked out as well as Sanjuana. Loved it when he kicked her to the curb. Yes, it was harsh, but she refused to go when he asked her nicely over and over. She'd pushed him too far.

Thanks, Melinama, that was great.

I love Elvis. I've noticed that they never really show much romance (kissing, hugging, adoring looks)beween he and Dani - they seem like an old married couple, very comfortable and affectionate, but necessarily hot for each other. It kind of puzzles me. Even though Lluvia doesn't have a big role, we've seen her in clinches with Patricio.

I don't think we have heard the last of esa and hil. I am hoping that his xgirlfriend is so vengeful that she tells Rod that esa had an affair with him. someone said they would like to see gavi with the doc cause rod is so mal. Hey, isn't it gavi that has run off each time. and I don't mean for something constructive like rod going to schoo. Well it is rod's turn.

My earlier comment was supposed to be NOT necessarily hot for each other. That one word is kind of important!

Gavi ran off each time? You mean like the time she risked life and limb to go see him in "Londres, capital de Inglaterra"??

It's okay with me that Hilario kicked SanWanna to the curb. I don't see where he had any other way to get rid of her. The nice way didn't work.

I haven't seen yesterday's yet so I have no idea how to cook with tequila. It makes a great marinade for carne asada, but I sure as hell wouldn't use the top-shelf stuff for that!

Well Julie, not to be a naysayer, but running off to a country you have no idea about well it was not the best laid plan of rats & men.

Once in my very younger days, I followed a love to Lebannon. Not the brightest idea, but I did have friends in the country, a passport & a way home. Still not the best decision.

Had she probably just parked her butt at the hacienda in the later to be burned shack, everything may have worked out..had Rod turned out to just be a rich guy with no intention of marrying her, he would have at least had to acknowledge her and probably support the kid, to save face with the Jimadors.

After that she did run off..granted I probably would have too..but still

Hi Julie. Tequila is a component of Margarita Chicken, which is delicious. You can find several recipies for it on the internet. It's really good!
Kim P.

I'm not saying that it was a good idea for her to go to Europe... just pointing out that she didn't always run away. Or at least, she didn't mean to!

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