Saturday, October 27, 2007

Destilando Amor 10/26/07: All In the Family

[This episodio's recap is dedicated to Jerry Lee Lewis, whose "great balls of fire" led him to marry his thirteen year old cousin. -ed.]

Furious, Gavi comes in with an angry slam of the door and scares the bejesus out of Clarita who screams at her for being so thoughtless, shaking the walls and her sainted icons to the foundation, not to mention scaring the unholy hell out of her that late at night.

Gavi smarts back that Clarita needs to have a large talk with those saints of hers, considering the way they fed her to the Montalvo hyenas earlier that evening. She explains how the three Scorpion Queens, Minerva in particular, provoked her by telling all the guests the Happy Hooker version of how she spent her summer vacation years ago in Paris. So, of course, this made her lose her cool and so she grabbed Aaron's lesser half in the bathroom, by her hair, and shook the tar out of her.

Clarita gets frantic to find a newspaper so they can start looking for another job right away, IF they are lucky enough that those people don't throw Gavi into jail immediately. Gavi snickers that since the giant giraffe was drunk out of her gourd and such a mess, that nobody would believe Gavi really hit her. However, she admits that she regretted it after she found out Minnie was pregnant. Gavi promises never to lay a hand on a Montalvo again, provided the baby stays safe and sound.

At the penthouse, Aaron is in a tizzy, but not over the trashing Minnie's tresses took in the toilet from the evening tribute's Tramp in Charge. He is furious with Minnie for drinking so heavily and causing such a scene, especially since the family could figure out that her pregnancy is bogus, as in, nobody who is pregnant and in their right mind would dare to get so sloppy drunk. For Minnie, about now, however, the only thing she gives a rat's rude patoot about is the fact her head is splitting.

Aaron, the king of compassion, is spazzing he's so furious with her. As Minnie's hangover hell turns the room into tiltawhirls, he scolds her at the top of his lungs, roughly poking and prodding for signs of a concussion. (Cheer!)

Back at the Montalvo manse, Dani tells her cover story to Pilar and Sofia: Minnie was so drunk she probably fell and hit her head against the wall, then decided to lie about it and blame it on Gaviota just to wreck her reputation with the membership. Sofia says that makes sense to her. Pilar must be having another senior moment here because she says she cannot believe that Minnie would go to such extremes just to cause grief for Mariana Franco.

Dani reminds her grammy then that the only reason that the gruesome threesome went to the tribute at all was to annoy Gaviota. Sofia reminds her that even though Pilar had asked them all to stay away from her and to respect her, they didn't listen.

Dani continues to explain that the part of the story Pilar doesn't know is something even Uncle Bruno can attest to. That was the way they humiliated Mariana in front of all the guests, entertaining them all with their story of her supposed life of sin tramping through Europe and how afterward she got sexually involved with all the executives at the Corporate Office.

Pilar asks if Dani would swear that Gaviota did not hit Minnie. Dani says she wouldn't "put her hand in the fire" for anybody, but if it were up to her and those three had slandered her that way she'd have kicked the teeth out of all three of them.

Gavi is angry about the fact those three will bring up and chew on it all over again at the reading of the codicil the next day, but says she doesn't care since she's so tired of that plague of a family. "Even Rodrigo?" Clarita wonders. So Gavi tells Clarita how changed a person Rod is and how polite and behaved he acted towards her and during the event. "It's as if he were a totally different person and not the Rod I always knew. He was a perfect prince, so magnificently noble."

Clarita can't believe there wasn't some sort of giant ruckus or the need to call in the police. "So he didn't ask you to pack your things and go off with him? "--No." "--Nothing about how he missed you or needed you?" "--No." She says he simply congratulated her over the event's success, told her she was as lovely as the first time he met her, but never talked once to her about love. "He just raced off afterward to some major engagement he had planned." "--Did that doctor perhaps just weaken him when curing him of his jealousy?" Clarita wonders. "--No, nothing justifies it! That man! THAT man is going out with another woman!"

Gavi says she is sure now that he is going out with the psychologist who brought him out of his jealous breakdown that weekend away, and has convinced him that she is the only woman in his life. "Are we talking about the Rodrigo Montalvo who yelled to the four winds that he'd never love any other woman but you and would go to the grave loving you???" "-Yes, Ma." "--That sly slug of a liar!!"

Gavi explains how Dani caught up to her to tell her that so far nothing has happened between them; but Gavi tells Clarita that it could since now he realizes she is not the only woman in the world for him. "She's certain to convince him to stay with her instead." "--Ah, I warned you that psychologist would discourage him about you. So now what?" Gavi remarks that he was so calm, it was such impressive pacifism. "Well, he should just stay with her then, especially since he realizes now there are other women in the world!"

Speaking of pacifist pap, we are shunted back to Erika's apartment where Valeria and the others are raving over Mr. Entertainment. Considering these nurdlike 60's retreads, taking me so unwillingly back to that girls' school in '70-71, with the love beads and their Baez balladeering, I figure Rod's Duranguese daring-do couldn't be anything but a giant goose on that group's gas pedal. As for Rod, he is enjoying this new found popularity he's bought with the iconoclast crowd at highschool --even getting to date the queen of this not-so-in-crowd!

Erika, all smiles, is anxious to know how Rod handled seeing Gavi or if he mentioned that he was coming to see her tonight. Her professional pride wants to know how it went, what he felt seeing Gaviota again after all this time, but the female in Erika needs to gloat. Rod admits that although it was pretty bad to see her with her boss, he's not going to get in the way if she wants to be with him instead. He assures her that he didn't mention visiting Erika's because he didn't want Erika to think he was using her by trying to make Gaviota jealous, since finally he managed to detached himself from her.

Rod confesses he'd rather have stayed and says that at one time he might have gotten crazy jealous and fought with that little doc, pursued and argued with, or harassed Gaviota. He smiles a bit sheepishly then and says he is resigned and getting used to the idea of letting her go. Finally he feels he's loosened himself from her. Erika beams at this.

Meanwhile, across town in her darkened living room, Gavi is crying to herself for the umpteenth time over having lost Rod to another woman. (I was sighing and sobbing a bit myself at this point when the Hubster up and says she deserves to lose him if only because her taste in living room furniture is so gawd-awful. I got a bit angry at this rude verbal intrusion, but the more I stared at that sofa, the more I figured he may just have a point.)

Next morning Isa walks out to the living room and finds Rod curled up asleep, still in his clothes from the night before. She screams for him to wake up and asks where he was that he ended up like that on the couch. Rod gets up with a start and says if she's worried he was with Gaviota, not to because he wasn't. Isa screams that that was obvious since the woman stayed after he left and got into it with the three of them at the tribute, and she had the gall to air out all her daddy's dirty laundry in front of the entire group of guests. Rod says it sounded like something Isa would have done.

Isa gets irate then. "No, it was a jealous fit she got into once you left! She even attacked Minerva!" "--Minerva?" Isa tells Rod that Gavi waited in ambush for Minnie in the bathroom and beat her up in there, but that Dani and Elvis and she lied about being with them all night. "--So, how is Minerva?" "--Only her pride was hurt." Rod snickers and says that if Gavi had really gotten into a fight with Minerva, Minnie would have ended up in the hospital in a bloody heap.
Isa stomps off angry as all get out and once she's left Rod laughs to himself and says, "Gavi, you are tremendous! Ha! Nobody can handle you!"

Gabby flies to Guadalajara with Urban while back at the CRT in Mexico City Avellaneda tells Alonso that Mariana's reputation has hit an all time low after the incident with Minerva Montalvo the night before. She can no longer work there. Alonso threatens that if she's fired then he's handing in his resignation. Avellaneda explains he wasn't thinking of getting rid of her, only transferring her and wonders if Alonso had discussed her going to London with him yet. Alonso explains that he was waiting till she returned from Guadalajara first.

Minnie and Aaron come downstairs, but just before they leave for Pilar's, Minnie has to take an antacid for the heartburn she's got after last night's binge, and we get another gratuitous plug for Mexican Pepto Bismal.

Isa refuses to go to Pilar's house in order to avoid being riddled with questions about her daddy's debt (and why it's all been done without their knowledge, no doubt). She says Amador's will has nothing to do with her anyway. Rod says to get herself ready anyhow because he wants to take Ricky since nobody's seen him since he was born. She makes excuses knowing that if they look close enough and see he still doesn't look like Rod they'll start asking questions (and she needs to make it through that 90 day deadline so that daddy gets his debt covered and she can claim 50% of Rod's fortune as mother of his child and Amador's heir.) Rod says he's taking Ricky whether she comes or not.

The family begin to arrive at the manse. Dani takes evil delight in teasing Minnie about having thought she'd be stuck in bed all day. Minnie says she'll shut her pie hole pretty darn quick once Mariana Franco gets hit with the lawsuit she's planning and Dani has to testify. Dani says she hopes then that Minnie has regained her sobriety by the trial since she's been getting stinking drunk lately and it's become an affliction for her. Sofia pipes up then that she doesn't understand why, if Minnie is pregnant, she was drinking so heavily last night at the tribute.

Aaron shakes his head and prepares for the worst. Minnie defends herself and says she didn't drink nearly enough to cause hallucinations. Dani says she and Elvis and Gavi didn't either and Gavi was with them the entire time. Minnie screams to stop covering for her and says they must put a stop to this woman once and for all because next time she'll end up killing her!

Pilar demands that Minnie and everyone else forget about suing Gavi since there are better, more civilized ways of handling these types of problems and indiscretions. The last thing the family needs is an open squabble between a bunch of cats and dogs. She adds she is planning to have Avellaneda ensure that the young woman never has contact with the Montalvo family again.
Fedra adds her two cents' worth and says she should make sure they keep her 10 kilometers distance away from the Montalvo's for the rest of her life since the woman is a danger for them all. Minnie flaunts her bruised forehead at that. Aaron adds that luckily there was no threat of aborting the baby or the woman would be in jail right now charged with homicide, then moves to hug his wife in an exaggerated show of support.

Gavi calls home to check in with Clarita and tell her she landed safely. Clarita says Alonso called to confirm he's picking her up later that evening. Gavi asks if Dani called because she has a terrible feeling that right now the whole group of them are over at Pilar's talking trash about her.

Rod and Isa arrive with Ricky finally. First thing, Isa asks Sofia where her hubby is. She answers that Frankie is in the kitchen dishing up hors d'oeuvres he's made for the occasion. Dani asks to carry her nephew and Isa runs over to Minnie to ask how Pilar took the news about the bathroom brawl. Minnie says she stuck up for Mariana and Isa says she won't do a thing because Mariana Franco is her protegee. Minnie tells Isa then that the absent-minded old bag has another think coming if she thinks Minnie is just going to stand around with her arms folded.

Dani and Sofia are both looking closely at Ricky to find some trace of Rod's features in him. Isa suddenly realizes this and immediately orders Imelda to take away the baby to finish his nap. Videgaray arrives at last. Aaron tells him he wants to get down to business immediately so Pilar directs them all into the dining room.

Dani and Rod stay back and chat in the living room a bit longer. He laughs a bit and asks if it's true that Gavi hit Minnie. "--What do you think!" "--Knowing her, of course she did it! Now, though, she's in a real jam." Dani tells him not to worry because she's her alibi. She begins to tell him that Gavi was asking all sorts of questions about him after he left the tribute, but Rod rudely interrupts her and insists that he is not interested in hearing anything about Gavi then walks off. Dani frowns, a bit put off and no doubt feeling guilty for putting him together with enchanting Erika.

Gavi sits through Urban's boring lecture.

Vid opens the sealed envelope that Amador left. Inside it are two identical envelopes numbered 1 and 2. He opens the first and begins reading Amador's handwritten letter.

"I hope that at this time all of you are enjoying health and happiness. I'm anxious for all of you to be together and that my adored wife, Pilar's, sharing of my worldly goods has not caused a rift between my sons or between my grandsons. My only intention was to protect the heritage that I managed to preserve myself with great effort during my lifetime. My one great wish is that the corporation and the hacienda have been administered under the moral principles that I taught and emphasized repeatedly to you; and that rectitude and ethical management are guiding you in your business dealings; that both of course, have not been sold nor held in lien by by a third party, nor that they are being used as collateral for somebody else's commercial trade (big meaningful guilty look exchanged here between Nestor, Rod, Dani and Isadora complete with symbol crashing); and that my son, Felipe and my grandson, Rodrigo must never forget that the land is remembrance!"

"You're wondering what is contained in the other envelope. Well, when all my goods were doled out, I chose this date specifically for the reading of this letter with the irrefutable condition that there must be present Clarita Hernandez Garcia, or, in her absence, her daughter, Teresa Hernandez Garcia."

Stunned doesn't even begin to describe the kind of impactado Rod's feeling about now. We are talking major stockyard mallet-stunning impactado here. The group is all a buzz with confusion. Pilar, looking slightly more awake than usual, asks who in the world Clarita Hernandez is. Rod shakes himself out of his stupor and tells them all that she is Gaviota's mother and we have group-wide, jaw-dropping impactado as chaos reigns at Mansion de Montalvo. Nestor quiets them down and continues reading:

"Seek them out. Around this time they should be cutting jima in the fields for the hacienda like they do every spring.--" Aaron interrupts the reading of the letter here and confronts Rod saying Rod knew about this all along, but he eventually sits down again. "--I demand that you strictly comply with my wishes. Regards, Amador Montalvo."

Aaron screams at Pilar, "What sort of damned idiocy is this? It has to be some sort of perverse joke!" Minnie and Isa agree saying it's an unpardonable mockery. Bruno asks Nestor for an explanation, but he says he hasn't one and is just as flustered as the rest of them.

Fedra accuses Vid of having gotten rid of the original contents of the letter and forging this one purposely in cahoots with Rod and Dani to protect Gaviota. Minnie says no surprise and he probably did conspire with Dani and Rod. Rod stands up for Nestor's integrity and tells her he won't permit her to talk about Nestor that way. Aaron yells back that Rod isn't going to prevent his wife from anything! Bruno sticks up for Nestor then as a long time close friend of Amadors and the family's long time attorney. Aaron demands an explanation then demands he open the envelope and read it immediately, but Nestor refuses. He says he's obliged to comply with Amador's instructions.

Pilar steps in and says it will only be opened in Mariana's mother's presence and its contents will be honored. Minnie says she and Aaron should just leave now since everything was probably going to Rod and that...woman anyway, but Pilar says nobody is leaving til the matter is cleared up.

In the middle of this bedlam the resident family dipstick, Frankie, appears decked out in his chef's tall-hat and apron, balancing a tray of food, asking if they're ready to try some hors doeuvres. (Speaking of dipsticks and other more familiar phallic references to undesirable individuals' noggins, what's with the fruity two foot high chef's hat, Frankie??) They ignore him and scowl as they go back to their discussion. Suddenly Nestor jumps up and angrily offers to have a third party verify his care-taking of the envelope. Rod and Sofia step in and say nobody better than his wife to verify the letter so Pilar looks it over and verifies Amador's handwriting and asks Vid to locate Clarita and get her there ASAP to clear up this mess.

Dani tells Nestor she has Gavi's home phone and Isa snidely suggests he just ask her brother for it since he knows it by heart. Bruno asks Nestor why the courtesy to the two female jima cutters? Nestor is clueless. Fedra pipes up to say that perhaps Amador had an affair with her mother. Aaron angrily knocks over the tray of hors d'oeuvres from the buffet at this suggestion and says that is all they are needing after the trouble Mariana Franco has caused them all these years, to have to accept her as a relative. Minnie whines that now she has to live with and get on in the same family as her attacker.

Pilar and Rod go into the study for a private talk. Rod says Gavi had told him that ever since she can remember she and her mother would go work at the hacienda every spring. Pilar says there were always rumors that his granddad had a woman jima cutter for a lover and that now she can be sure that her husband cheated on her with Gaviota's mother. Rod says nobody's sure of anything yet. Pilar tells him that ever since she found out Gavi and Mariana were the same person, she'd noticed how different Mariana was from the other jima cutters. Her eyes, her skin tone, her bearing and demeanor were not like just any jima cutter's. "I always thought I saw something in her features and now I know why!!"

Rod is left thinking to himself, "Dear God please it can't be! She can't be my grandfather's daughter!"

Gavi's daydreaming of the part of the evening before when Rod took time to speak to her and told her she was as lovely as the day he met her, and even more so now. Then she remembers how prim and proper he was when he said good-bye and rushed off for his big date.

Nestor calls Clarita and asks her to get over there immediately; she's confused about the situation thinking it's a trick to throw her and Gavi into jail for defending herself against the likes of Minerva Montalvo. "This is not the first time that familiy has threatened us. They've already left us to starve in the streets once. We'll get our own lawyer!"

Finally Rod takes the phone and listens to the rest of Clarita's rant. "Who is this? How many of you are there? You little men, flocking together against two defenseless women! Well, you want us then come for us and see if you're capable of getting us out of here!--" "--Clarita, it's Rodrigo Montalvo. It looks like my grandfather may have left you something."

Clarita says she thinks it's a trick to put the two of them in jail but he assures her he could never do that. She wants to just let his grandfather rest in peace. He explains he doesn't know anything more and that the letter cannot be opened until she is there in person with them, or, if she'd rather, Gaviota. She takes his word for it and agrees to have him pick her up at 4PM, but she'll have to call Gaviota first to discuss it.

Pilar cries over her wedding picture that she'd hope to bury Amador's infidelity with him but now she has a name and it's Gaviota's mother!

Rod tells the group that Clarita's agreed to come over and he's picking her up. Meanwhile they're free to speculate on whatever the heck they care to. Aaron says he doesn't want a jima cutter in the place but Rod says he can leave then, nobody's forcing him to stay. Minnie says she won't give him the pleasure of leaving now. Frankie tells them dinner's ready. Nobody has an appetite and they all wander off.

Frankie looks at Sofia and, encouraged by the thought that's just passed over him like an attack of gas, says that undoubtedly her granddad changed his will and left them something after all. Sofia just pats him on the shoulder and walks off in disgust.

Rod goes into the living room with Dani. She asks what Clarita said when she got the news. He explains her fear of a trick but says she's calmed down. Dani says it's odd, but today's her birthday. Rod says his only concern is that his grandmother now believes their grandfather cheated on her with Gavi's mother. So that would mean Gaviota would be their grandpa's daughter and that would be terrible because that would mean he is in love with his aunt! (Shudder!)

Clarita gets hold of Gavi and tells her what's just happened. Gavi doesn't believe a word of it and tells her to get Alonso to bring over a policeman or a lawyer and lock herself in. Clarita though tells her that Rod got on the phone to explain it all to her and is coming by at 4PM. Gavi tells her to wait till she gets back and not to say a word or go anywhere till then. Then she adds that this all is so strange and she's really upset that there are so many things here that Clarita knows but obviously hasn't bothered to tell her. "So just how well did you know this man, Ma?" It's all silence on the other end. "Clarita, did you have an affair with him?"

Clarita turns strange. "I knew him. Period!" Gavi gives in and tells Clarita that she is not to open that door even if it is the president of the republic, and to wait till she gets back home. Once she gets home they are going to have a talk and she is going to tell her everything. "Everything, do you hear, Clarita?"


It really gets to me that now the Great and Mighty Montalvo family needs to know where Clarita fits in, she’s supposed to drop everything and rush to do their bidding. I would tell them the same as she’s told Gaviota over the years---NADA! Of course we, the viewers, would be left in the dark should she refuse, so I’m sure she’ll give them exactly what they want, whether they like hearing it or not. After all the abuse they have heaped on Gaviota, Clarita really doesn’t have to have anything to do with them. Let them wonder. JudyG

Great recap. Thanks for the adept detail and the amazing array of alliteration.
I keep wondering why the Montalvo family isn't more up-in-arms about Minnie's drunken dance around the CRT event (well played, drunk scenes must be fun to do) but then it occurred to me that they are all on the sauce all the time so it probably didn't seem all that strange. Jeeesh, even smart drug dealers are supposed to know not to dip into their own stash too much so they can manipulate customers better if sober. I had to love the PRODUCT PLACEMENT the next morning. What a pairing: the tequila benders they all go on (Aaron was gulping shots in the morning when he was still at the Corp Headquarters before his Miami scenes). The other shoe dropping is the morning after ANTACID at Aaron and Minni's apartment. But, are pregnant women supposed to take stuff like that even in real life? I think Gavi holds her liquor better than the other females in the story. She even managed to rearrange her hair do after the baño ruckus which made Minnie look even worse in comparison.

Dear Jardinera,
Thank you again for your usual concise recapping.
Finally, it looks like we are moving forward.
Let's hope the next 6 weeks move along quickly and interestingly so we can prepare ourselves for the Pirates. I'm ready to be shanghied.

Very nice very nice..
bwahhhhaaa cherylnewmex..
Don't get high off your buy..

Ewwww Springertime..I had sex with my aunt.

Aaron, Minnie & Fedra just scream bad taste, so worried there will be less for them.

JudyG..Hell if I thought the old man left me something..I be driving all night to Mexico City to get it, plus doing the talk to the hand dance in front of the family. Crass I know, but money talks and this is a once in a lifetime chance...Strike while the iron is hot, I say before the AssHat family has a chance to contest. I'd totally go all trailer on their asses cause yeah dignity is nice, but it's not like Clarita travels in their I say WTF go for it.

It would be one of my lil moments of intense joy..

Thanks for the recap Jardinera. Very interesting afternoon at the Montalvo's! That clan really knows how to spice things up! Even Franky decided to show what a buffoon he truly is. To think that he would do anything nice for others, let alone cook for them...GET REAL!! He must really be feeling guilty about something!
Rodrigo continues to confuse, he brings up Gavi, but then he doesn't want to talk about her, what's up with that??
I did feel bad for Pilar, though, she was really thrown for a loop with Clarita and Gavi being mentioned in the will. But now I see how the cycle of believing the worst about the one you love is perpetuated with these Montalvo's....except Dani, of course. I also don't believe that Clarita would have knowingly let her daughter sleep with her nephew, for all her craziness, she loves Gavi. Any theories about what went on between the Don and the jimadora????

Lisa from Alpena

Thanks Jardinera, excellent recap as always!

The product placements crack me up. They don't even pretend to be subtle about it.

I'm enjoying watching again - hopefully now that we're in ultimas semanas things will keep moving.

Thank you for the funny recap. What I would like to know is, have Clarita and Gaviota ever talked about Gaviota's real father? I started watching this novela midway through, and I never witnessed a scene where they mention him?

(I have been tied down w/ work and haven’t been able to watch the shows, so again thank you for your detailed recaps and some very interesting discussions I wish I had been there to participate in.)

In spite of how ridicilous these novellas seem to eventually dissolve into over time, you can learn some valuable lessons on relationships after watching them:
HYPOTHESIS: Whoever has the most problems/ power or money controls the relationship.
THEORY: (Problem people w/ person with more money or power always seems to controls (run) the relationship over the person with less.
OBSERVATION: (Rodrigio/Gavi)(Rodgrio/Erika)(Rodrigio/Isa) (Isa/Frankie) (Frankie/Sofia)(Sofia/James)(Acacia/James)(Bad Uncle/Acacia until Acacia went crazier then Acacia/Bad Uncle) and now Gavi& Clarita/Everybody
CONCLUSION: If you want to be in control of a relationship, always have more power/love or problems than the other party.

DISCUSSION: Think about it. Have you been more than a viewer and participated in a "novella-like relationship" and felt out of control? Who had the most problems/power/money at that time, you or them? Hmmmmm

Now that Gavi/Clarita are going to be getting more of something, guess who is going to be running things?

Sistah Val

Well Frankie and his silly chef's hat keeps him at the head of the lineup under strict wardrobe-police surveillance. I cracked up at Frankie thinking he and Sofie might be remembered in the Amador bequest letter. He wasn't even on the scene until Amador and Sofie's parents were all dead and buried. What a rich fantasy life this gigolo boy has. But, I agree with Beckster that no one beats the drooling greed of Aaron, Fedra and Minnie. Notice only Aaron of the blood relatives seems to show this clutching at the money. Even Sofie who kind of takes it for granted, is not all that materialistic. Proof: see how much sensible denim she has invested in.....
Next week should be fun with Gaviota's no,no,no I won't be a kept woman even by a dead guy.
Someone asked recently if Gaviota knows anything about her father from earlier in the series. She did try to pry it out of Clarita way, way back but Clarita kept her silence. I have a feeling you could leave your deepest secrets with her for a life time if she thinks enough of you. Kind of an interesting contrast to her usually fluffheaded ways and talk.

Goodness Gracious , great balls of fire!!! Thanks, Jardinera. Now let's see. What could the relationship between Clarita and Amador be that would still allow Gavi and Rod to be together in a non-incestuous way? It had to be pretty important to Amador for him to put Clarita in the will. If Gavi IS in fact Amador's daughter, someone here mentionned that Rod must be adopted. We know that Rod and Gavi are destined by telenovela law to be together at the end of this looong voyage that we have all been on. Maybe Clarita became pregnant by someone else, and Amador became her protector. Maybe they were lovers , but Clarita couldn't have children and so she adopted a friend's child [Gavi].I am so waiting for Minnie to discover that Isa was one of AAron's many indiscretions, but since only AAron and Isa know about this fact, one of them will have to spill the beans or Min will have to overhear them talking about their noche de amor. Hell hast no fury like Minerva. Who is going to demand the DNA test on Little Ricky ???? As for Sistah Val's theory of power in a relationship, I think that the power goes to the person who loves the least. When you are head-over-heels in love, you put a lot of power into the other person's hands. I have been on both sides of the equation.

About the money part...I in agreement with my ex-sister wife, now only my sister hacienda dweller. I too have been on both ends of the love was who was the more in love, or enamoured or lust or whatever..Money had nothing to do with it. I never had a boyfriend with money, I often had them without jobs. When I met my husband he was unemployed and well not the most gallent of men. My family was certain it was another disaster in a long line of 20 years later, it was the best thing I ever did. Yep things worked out and all without the help of an Erika.

Beckster^^^ Right on , Sister. At this point, I do not care who inherits Amador's wealth and holdings...I just need to inform whomever it is that I am NOT giving up the palomino OR Mustang Sally. That's that.

I agree also that the power goes to the person who loves the least. My husband tells me to this day that he's always loved me more than I love him....and that's one of the reasons why he prove himself wrong......We've been married a long time.

Excellent recap. I don't get the sense that Gavi is Amador's daughter (nothing specific) but that he and Clarita loved the agave and the earth and, the fact that she came back every year to work the fields, they became bonded. Maybe he was her protector because she had a child; he gave them the nifty cabin that Rod so thoughtlessly distroyed. Things are finally getting exciting, again.
B in Mass.

maybe rod and gavi were switched at birth so that the montalvos could have more than Aaron.

I bought into the line that Gavi might be a Montalvo and Rod was adopted. At least for awhile.

But re-watching last night's episode with my wife translating for me, and reading the recap, has made me change my mind.

I think the relationship between Clarita and Don Amador was totally non-sexual. Judging from what we know of Pilar and the "Montalvo" burden, I feel that Don Amador simply found himself totally able to relax around Clarita and simply enjoy the "land". Perhaps it was Clarita and her singing that made Don Amador realize that the best things in life are truly free. And so Don Amador is returning the favor to Clarita and her daughter.

Notice when Don Amador talks about the 2nd letter, he specifies that Clarita must be there, or "her" daughter, Teresa (Gavi). Nowhere does he indicate that they were lovers or that Teresa was his.

It is only Pilar, who assumes that her husband had an affair (Can anyone imagine her as a young woman?)and that Gavi is the result of that union. Her comments about Gavi's appearance and attitude are just as class-conscious as her constant predjudice towards Elvis.

Very clever editing to make it look as if Rod's confusion was a proven fact!!

So, if I'm correct, then Gavi is not related (a simple DNA test could be used to prove that as well) and she and Rod will be able to be together at the end of the show like we all know is going to happen.

I also happen to feel that this is the issue that will be used to drive Rod even more into Dr. Erica's arms (the lucky bastiche) until Dani (I'm sure it will be her) manages to prove that they are not related!!

Oldman 54 I think you are right on. I belive that somehow Gaviota will have to take a DNA test to prove that either she is or is not a Montalvo. Somehow Rod will wind up taking a DNA test for other reasons and will find out that he is not related to Gaviota. This will clean up the story so that they did not have an incestous relationship and are free to marry in the Catholic Church. This same DNA test result will also reveal something to prove that Isa's baby in not his. May towards the end Isa/Frankie's baby will have some inherited pathology that does not show up in Rod's DNA/blood type/etc. and that will clear up that little mess.Rod & Isa's marriage is going to get annulled since it was never consumated. And inbetween the will be more outrageous chaos of course.

FYI: Regarding my Theory on Relationships (remember this is a rule for CONTROLLING/DRAMATIC/NOVELLA styled(i.e unequal) relationships. I do believe that "Love is a perfect bond of union" and "covers over a multitude of sins" especially in lopsided relationships. "Novella relationships" are so draining even to watch on the sidelines because they are so lop-sided (lop sided love/power/money/problems. All kidding aside, I believe that successful relationships (when mama and daddy are BOTH happy MOST of the time)are easier and less draining when they have more in common, but most importantly L-O-V-E.
Sistah Val

This comment has been removed by the author.

Sistah: Glad to have you stop in - and thanks for allowing me a little fun with your profession in these recaps!
Oldman: Hope the translation is at least 99% on target, so if your wife, being bi-lingual, thinks something is off, by all means let me know and I'll correct the recap. I've enjoyed the male perspective your comments add and the hubby enjoys the "male solidarity" you share. ?~:3 )
Julie: JLL was a musical genius and a prolific talent whose break with social norms brought his downfall. Though different in its details, it seemed to symbolize the problem Amador's will at this point brings for the love affair between our two main characters as an example of another, though unintentional, break with a social norm.

None of us would believe that Clarita would have allowed such a thing to take place, no matter how closed mouth and loyal she was to Amador. Only the likes of the decadent Montalvo's would dare to consider this and run with it. Anyway, it breaks telenovela rules and adds to the suspense of the story but good!! I do remember the time Clarita told Amador's picture that he'd be very pleased that the children had fallen in love with each other.

As for Dani and Rod's discussion along these lines, I think he'll go searching for other answers, and not necessarily run straight into Eureka's arms and bed. IMHO I think she'll remain a sounding board for him and nothing more. I think Rod, having come to terms with his jealousy and having made peace with himself, knowing and admitting he is still in love with Gavi, faces his second true test with her at the reading of this codicil. I see him acting guarded and more mature and eventually when the truth comes out, approaching her with his love on this new found level, and offering her one last ultimatum: him or Alonso. It won't matter at that point in time whether she ever had feelings for Alonso or went to bed with another man, and the fact that he can finally believe the truth of that work-only-relationship will be liberating for him.

I remember Clarita's secret reaction to Bruno's heart attack, and right or wrong, I think he's the connection here. We still haven't played the baby-switch card in this novela and perhaps that is the key to the mystery.....

Jardinera and Julie^^^ Have you ever seen Dennis Quaid [one of the few blondes I am attracted to] in the bio of JLL ??? Dennis did a fine job of depicting this rock legend who always seemed to be in Elvis's shadow. He certainly was a a musical legend and a rebel without a cause. Winona Ryder played his young teenybopper cousin/wife. Good ol' Jerry Lee...rock on , you wild and crazy guy.

One more note on relationships. You just never know about love. The general opinion is that rebound relationships always end badly. In reality, every theory can be disproved. I rebounded into hub after my heart had been broken into amzingly teenytiny pieces by a guy I dated for almost a year..someone I was absolutely crazy about who really liked girls and had many admirers and ended up dating a friend of mine with no explanation or closure for me. I was crushed. When I started dating hub , I had no idea that I would marry and have 3 children with him. I think that at the beginning of our relationship, he was definitely more in love with me and I pined secretly for that other guy for a long time. However, we've been together a loong time through many good and bad times and now I think the power is evenly distributed. Someone wise once wrote ''Love is what you've been through together. '' Eventually, you see people for who they really are, not who you want them to be. I had a bad accident just after I broke up with Mr. Wrong. He never called, sent a card, or came to see me. However, the guy I ditched for him came to see me in the hospital and at me home several times. Now that's a good guy...I didn't love him , but I recognized that he was the kind of guy I should love. Then , I rebounded into my big, sweet hubby. The End. You just never can tell about L.O.V.E.

Never got a chance to see the movie, but I've always liked Dennis Quaid's work. W.R. is hard for me to take, tho'. Her voice grates on my nerves. JLL was the original wild and crazy guy 4 sure!

Flaubert, I think, put it this way (but in French): in every relationship there is one who kisses and one who extends the cheek.

JLL was always one of my favorites too. I was disappointed when the "scandal" broke, but later thought he was immature and innocently acting in some ways like a lot of geniuses are. Great reference Jardinera, what a wide range of topics we delve into here.
And kudos to Sistah Val for her Theory of Telenovela Relationships. It certainly works when I apply it to Pecados Ajenos, Esclava Isaura, the other 3 TN's I watch that aren't recapped here on CarayCaray. And, yes, I agree too that real life can be better and calmer, more loving and less draining.
It will be fun to see Rodrigo be gallant with Gaviota and Clarita next week in front of the Montalvo Crows! Even if he is still smitten with Erika, I think he is doing that "run to something new trick" rather than working out his current problems. It is more fun to walk in all glowing, with a big brass band than to sit down and untangle the mess he's made of his life. Notice he didn't have a romantic parting from Erika scene and next thing we know Isa is irritated and shaking him awake on the couch. He does seem to be separating himself from her little by little, jeesh, about time....

Melinama^^^I've always like that French proverb...and it is so true.

Melinama...good proverb.
My husband is the cheek extender. For many years I believed that if I just left, it would be no great loss to him. Finally after years I realized it is just his nature & I quit being so needy, became more independent & everything is great. He is the same with his own family.

Now then I forced him to watch the will episode as he missed it. Upon viewing it the second time, I am becoming easier on Rod. I noticed when he was Erika's, he is like someone with AA. When they first stop the addiction, they are constantly at the meeting to fill the void. I think that is what Rod is doing, his behavior is very maniac. He likes Erika well enough and would maybe do the deed if prompted, but he is using her to stay away from Gavi.

Now then Gavi I was totally on your side cause damn you sit around crying all the time. You did hang with Alonso though the entire night. Rod is only doing what you told him to do. I therefore now think she should have maybe tried to ask him "What's up", if he had told her I am so over you. Well it would have been indeed bitter, but at least it would have been done. Maybe he would have said "Let's get some Tequila and do it like camposinos".

This however in no way excuses that freakish sniffing fetish, or that manical behavior of bringing bands to peoples homes late in the evening.

So...what is in that second envelope?? Will Amador explain hisrelationship to Calarita and Gavi ?? Will they get a big chunk of his wealth or a share of the hacienda?? Why did he wait 4 years to spring this little surprise on his family ?? When and how are Rod and Gavi going to get back together again [because we all know that somehow they will be together by the end of this novela]??

OK here is another theory perhaps Clarita or her mother was Amador's illegitimate sister/aunt thereby making Gavi a cousin and safe for Rod to marry (happens all the time in novelaland). It would also explain why her coloring is so much like the Montalvo's.

Then again the old baby switch number would account for Rod looking like the cuckoo in the nest with his dark coloring among the fair Montalvo's. We really don't know much about his dead father either. Could it be possible that Rod is really Clarita's and Gavi is the true Montalbo. Oops I must be cyber sniffing too much tequila.

One more thing. Gavi needs to gag Clarita who blabbed to both Nestor and Rod about Gavi clocking Minnie. The woman apparently never knows when to shut up.

Melinama, Thanks for the erudite comment about Flaubert on being the kisser or the cheek kissed. I don't remember the quote but it is So true. Is that from Madame Bovary or Sentimental Education? I haven't read his work for many decades, perhaps it's worth a revisit as so many great works are. Reading the classics as a girl to young woman is truly different than returning to them in my autumn (and Ojala, my wiser) years, with the enlightening experiences in between on human nature and the mystery of love...

Maybe Amador is waiting for the whole group to be assembled again, with Gavi and Clarita, in the presence of an officer of the court (Vid) before letting everybody know Gavi is the only direct blood decendent of the Montalvo line, assuming Pilar has a deep dark secret about having adopted both sons to keep Amador as an heir from his granddad (hubby's idea), and handing over part or all of the whole shebang to Gavi/Clarita if the other two "grandsons" broke the conditions or failed to meet the conditions by this 4 year deadline. There's no real male heir from either "grandson" once Ricky's DNA is tested, nor hope of one at this point.

While i speculate about the content in the second envelope.... i cant get over Aaron slapping the housekeeper's ASS when she went to get Minnie's

Clarita's story shouldn't be too complicated... they fell in love, they couldn't marry because of class difference. Old-man Montalvo marries Pilar to please his family.

Pilar later in life finds out about the other woman who owns her hubbies heart.

Clarita leaves comes back with Gavi...or she adopts Gavi.....COMO ASI


Cherylnewmex--re: reading the classics. What you said is true. I should reread Madame Bovary. I remember reading it in college and thinking it was romantic and so sad. Its themes are the stuff that telenovelas and soap operas are made of..unhappy wife who is looking for love and affection. I've also seen about 5 different versions of Anya Karenina on the TV..each a little different but all full of longing,frustration, and doom. That's another good candidate for a telenovela turn. I can remember my English teacher choosing me to play Emily in ''Our Town'' by Thornton Wilder. At 16, it didn't have much of an effect on me [I guess that I was too concerned about the prom or a basketball game at the time], but when my daughter was doing a paper on it and we read it together, I cried and cried. It took some living to really understand the poignant lesson Thornton was giving me. P.S. I also used to cry uncontollably every time I tried to read ''The Velveteen Rabbit'' or ''The Giving Tree''to my kids. Maybe I've just gotten weepier as the years have rolled by.

You all noted Rodrigo's comment to Dani about Gavi being his grandfather's child would mean that --gasp-- he IS IN LOVE with his aunt!
It's in present tense. That would wipe the smile off the face of Erika psicologa extraordinaire!

I'm also thinking maybe it's kind of normal for people to bring mariachi bands into other people's apartments late at night. Surprise, neighbors!!
I'm recalling staying in an apartment in So. Mexico when the next door neighbors had a nice party that began at 5 pm or so with some lovely quiet guitar hootenanny, not unlike the Erika gang songfest. It continued on -- overnight -- with the mariachi band arriving around 1:30 am and playing on until the rock band arrived to take over about 3:00 am with the set ending about 7:30 the next morning.
Nobody in the neighborhood or apartment bldg minded (!!), and they all just said , oh, it was a party, people have parties like that all the time. Over time I have seen that that is true, and nobody seems to care.
Where kitty & I live, the neighbors would all come over with baseball bats and shovels and a lot of policemen. Except during Halloween in the Castro :)
LaZorra en SF

Clarita is a generation younger than Pilar, she is the age of Fedra/Bruno...Fedra goes to the spa & has a good hair colorist..
Clarita doesn't...

So it is a bit confusing cause I think when Pilar first told Rod the Jimadora story it was like 50 years ago. No way Clarita is in her 70's.

I'm very impressed with everyone who did not have the temptation to read the book or read the summary on Esmas :)

Lynne, Please be careful. Note that this is a spoiler free zone as stated in the upper right hand corner of the CarayCaray home page. You wouldn't want to spoil someone else's joy and privilege to be surprised or even to pretend to be surprised, would you? I just want to enjoy the fun of it and wallow in the present moment of each episode. It is much more fun to think about the characters and what it all means. Thanks for not tipping your hand.

Oops, that Spoiler comment is in the upper left hand corner of home page.

And about Clarita and Amador, in the flashbacks it looks to me as if Amador has a calm, contented smile on his face when he is walking the fields with little Clarita. It might be her way of remembering it, but I believe he would have found great peace and a profound relief to talk with someone down to earth and not always listening to the silly bubbleheads down stream in his bloodline...

Yes, Clarita is in Bruno/Felipe's age bracket, so we're back to autumn/spring or autumn/summer love affair with Clarita/another lover who died leaving an orphan = daughter, or = granddaughter if it was with Clarita's mother. But then why allow them to live as migrants for 2 1/2 decades? He could have set them up in style somewhere else in Mexico and nobody would have been the wiser. He could have sent Gavi to convent school and to college on the sly, too as an anonymous benefactor.

I simply cannot get comfortable with Rod being a true, blood grandson if that is the case, sorry. I cannot remember seeing distant cousins marrying in contemporary-style telenovelas, either, though perhaps so in novelas de epoca. So, I hope they don't keep us hanging after tomorrow night, or string us along for another week! Too much else has to be resolved in this thing.

Thanks for the thorough and professional recap, Jardinera. Of course, Rodrigo is a true Montalvo grandson. He has his grandfather's spirit and his true love of the land. That was established in his Scarlett O'Hara scene, stumbling out of the burning shack, falling to his knees and clutching a handfull of earth as he channeled his grandfather's voice. And yet again in that episode where he honors his father's and his grandfather's tombs. And yes, Clarita's relationship with Amador will be resolved this week.

We're all anxiously waiting for Rod and Gavi to get together. But to quote Nancy Peloti (speaker of the house), "Hey, not so fast". (She made that comment after the Republicans had mistakenly predicted that they would win the senate) Anyway, I'd love to see Rod get out of one marriage before jumping into another. Right now he has 3 women in his life. I wish novelas weren't so predictable. I'd much rather be in suspense as to whether or not Gavi and Rod are going to get together. Rod's current behavior is so annoying. Yet we have to live with the fact he still walks away with the prize. By the way, I didn't get to add a comment on Thursday. So, I want to add a late comment about Gavi's dress. Yes, the color looked good on her. But otherwise, that was the worse looking outfit of this entire novela. Gavi doesn't look her best in mini skirts, let alone a micro mini. Especially at a business/memorial type affair. And even though I'm sure her hair was pinned up in preparation for the bathroom brawl, I would have preferred to see her in her long flowing trademark curls. Still love you Gavi, but you looked AWFUL!

As usual, I offer a defense for the other side!

I’m also a cheek extender – but that doesn’t mean my feelings aren’t as deep as someone who is the kisser and openly passionate. My love for my husband and my family is sure and strong. My feelings run deep and don’t usually just burst forward without having given them real thought. Sometimes I think that what you see on the surface is all that exists for some people! Unexpected bursts of fire that quickly burn out to coldness. Jealousy and possessiveness do not equal love to me.

Being a cheek extender is also why I don’t have the need to see the mean telenovela characters cast into the bowels of hell for their actions. In real life I just try to stay the hell away from people who are out to hurt me and want them to dejame en paz, I don’t wish them horrible punishments.

I do believe it's just as Susanlynn says: Amador and Clarita bonded over something they had in common, but weren't lovers.

I also suspect that Clarita wasn't the singing jimadora that Pilar remembers. We've heard Clarita sing, and I don't think the other workers would have tolerated it. (I suppose her voice could have better in those days and then deteriorated over the years, though.) Maybe Clarita was friends with the singing jimadora and eventually taught the song to her daughter.

On the eve (or eve's eve) of Gavi's birthday, Clarita specifically talked about giving birth to Gaviota, so there wasn't any baby-switch there, at least not that Clarita knows of!

And I still have doubts about Aaron's lineage.

As for Frankie, I think he just bought the chef costume because he thought it was cool. And then he had to cook something in order to justify wearing it. :-)

I am with you Julie--- No way is Clarita the singing jimadora. Yeesh, remember the caterwaul with thee Midniter trio at the apartment jimadora (not the basura one). and maybe, just maybe Clarita lost the voice with all of her years of tequilazos. Not.

Didn't somebody knock over Frankie's tray or was I just imagining that these rick folk are trashier than the nearest traila- park denizens? I may just be imagining things here. or filling in the blanks because it seems that something may finally be happening here.

Frankie looked just swell in his chef duds. I love what a poser he is! (poseur too, but we'll skip the franch talk) Looked almost as cool as the white suit and panama hat duds he wears. Can his clothing get any whiter?

I for one was sadly disappointed that Gavi stooped to thump Minnie. tsk. tsk. she's proven herself smarter in so many other ways....

no way is she the sexy tia. someone months ago set me straight about how that would violate rule number quien sabe que of the Codigo de los telenovelas. and that Gavi's mom would not have let her daughter do that.

Let's nominate Dr. Chicle Santovena as the recipient of the award for Worst Timing Ever, shall we?


To Anon of 10:31, I really liked your quote from Nancy Pelosi, but if you think Gaviota's too short, too silly turqoise suit was the worst outfit ever in the novela, you haven't been watching Isadora the whole time. The wardrobe staffers must really hate Isa. Didn't you see some of those animal prints, the naked belly at pregnancy with jewels and those gawdawful furry hightop boots she wore in the beginning. Then don't let us forget Sofie in denim and dreadful little shirts in her country hacienda phase. The costumes have been all over the place on this series. But I agree that Gaviota would have done well to be the heighth of classy style on this night of nights. She knew she would see Rodrigo and be faced with all the MontaWitches
Val, I agree that Clara can't sing and Dr. Coffee has clingy habits. From the previews, the cat fight of the year isn't happening until next week. The baño scene was just a warmup. Gaviota should have kept her cool, but I bet it felt good to just throw caution to the wind and let 'er rip!

Hi Cheryl, I know that this is a spoiler-free site. I will not spoil the tension for anyone. Actually I think it helped my Spanish by doing some actual reading in Spanish.

Yes, Frankie had his tray toppled. But hopefully, that's just a taste of what's to come for him.

I thought Gavi looked her worst yet, although the color of the dress helped. Her dress and do aged her. The micro made her look like she was trying way to hard. The trailer-trash thrashing was just that.

And, I'm not interested in anything Pelosi says.

Anybody remember this guy? That's who Frankie reminded me of.

I admit that I may be naive about the outfits the different characters are wearing. Until I saw Gavi's outfit, I thought the wardrobe department was doint a pretty good job of fitting the clothes to the persons personality. Isa's clothes were slutty and cheap just like the role she's playing. Sophie's denim goes well with her homely clueless character. Minerva's wardrobe is that of an elegant bitch. Erika's outfits impressed me as flirty from the very beginning. So, overall I thought the wardrobe people were doing an OK job as far as fitting the clothes to the person until they dressed Gavi in that micro mini skirt with the extention attached.

Great recap! Clarita has never forbidden Rod and Gavi's relationship, so it's obvious they aren't related. It will be interesting to see what Clarita's explanation will be.

What I like about the week-end comments is that they evolve into interesting topics. I enjoyed reading everyone's opinions on love and relationships. That's what's so great about this site. I

Dear Anon 10:47, You are right on about the fashion styles fitting each character, good observation! And if I think back about the silly suit with lace bottom mini-skirt it was so inelegant. It seemed an attempt to make her look sophisticated with the suit top and upswept hair then they got worried about it aging her so the cut off the skirt and the scissors slipped and then they added the lace back or whatever it was to try to cover up the mistake, oh dear time to shoot and not time to fix it again.... At least it beat out Erika's peplum/bustle look on her otherwise fun looking black gown for the hootenany fest at her apartment. Or does it?
Lynn, I too like to read in Spanish to keep my various skills at a similar level. I am reading novels now and trying to stretch my writing skills in my Mexican Lit class we are writing sonetos after reading Sor Juana Inéz de la Cruz.

Cheryl.. I love your description of what happened to Gavi's skirt.
It sure looks like that is what could have happened. Wonder why they didn't just switch the entire dress rather than attempt a repair? I'll bet they didn't realize it would be so noticable to the viewers.

I have to get this fashion comment in before the day is over - didn't I notice that Daniela had some kind of floaty thing like a tail or a bustle attached to the back of her skirt, too? From lower Ala

Jardinera, the last modern novela where I saw blood kin get involved with each other was Morelia. The hero in that one fell in love with the daughter of his mother's cousin.

As for Frankie how interesting that at the hacienda he has to have Sofia do all of the cooking for him yet at the shockfest there he is in the kitchen whipping out haute cuisine. What skills the little devil has!

The turquoise mess Gavi wore isn't the only outfit she has worn that has some stuff tacked on to the hem. Seems like I'e seen her in a tweedy suit that has a ghastly ruffle attached. I guess it comes from wardrobe being clueless about how to dress an almost 40 year old actress as a twenty something. Let's see oh yes make her wear short skirts oops she hasn't got the legs for it so tack on some trim. Fortunately they have not done the same thing to Sofia who doesn't have good legs either. Meow!

Yep for some hideous reason they did appear to tack on some netting to Dani's dress but then she is supposed to be arty so I guess they figure anything goes for her.

I can't help thinking that it would be a stone cold blast if Bruno turned out to have had an affair with Clarita and Gavi was his daughter. Minnie, Aron and Fedra would be so jaw droppingly shocked they might never recover. But, Bruno is too nice a guy to have ever ignored his own daughter but wouldn't it be fun.

Wasn't there a cousins couple in Mundo de Fieras? That is-- they thought they were cousins, and it was okay to be together. Then they found out they weren't cousins and they weren't together. Whatever...

Cheryl, that was a good style description of the dress Gavi wore. Their wardrobe choices have made me nauseous at times. I'm just glad they haven't had James in the same room with the brujas and all the other women. It would drive me to take some of that stomach medicine they're pushing...

Now I have a question that has been driving me crazy...

Remember the Alonso the Chef..episode where Rod was busy sniffin in the LocoResort & Gavi just had to (work orders you know) go to Alsono's apt & have a 35 course meal all based on Tequila.
Well what the hell ever happened about that? Where they supposed to have some huge event? Que the Hell? Now he is getting shipped to England & Gavi is getted booted over there too.

Was this event cancelled out of fear that Blondie would read and induce a coma state on the audience or perhaps a mass suicide?

Yeah I remember it was supposed to be the big ho ha in Monterrey. It's never been mentioned since. Perhaps the CRT group got ousted by Aldo and LFMB bunch. LOL

The only reason Gavi is getting booted to London or out on the streets again was because of her unprofessional behavior with the potty punch out. As has been said before, Minnie had it coming but Gavi should have restrained herself in a professional setting and bided her time. In the company I worked for she would have been fired the next day not been shipped of to London.

Cheryl, I am by no means at your level of expertise. I'm only playing around with some Spanish for fun. I work in IT and spend too much time trying to relearn Latin, learning German, French, Spanish and Italian to be good at any one of them. I think that the Spanish novelas have helped me with Italian - going to Italy twice this year.

Oh, and I'm also spending a lot of time - and money - getting rid of all carpets and rugs, old beds etc etc as I'm allergic to dust mites - what a pain.

I watch this novella religously and I missed the last episode because I had to attend a rehearsal dinner. So I thank you Jardinera for your recap!
At first I thought Rod and Gaviota were in fact related, but as the saga began to unfold, plus the hints that were dropped, it was evident that that wasn't the case! Plus I don't think that Clarita would have encouraged a relationship between the two if there would have been blood ties. I think she would have like expired on the spot when Gaviota told her she was preggers from studly Rod.
Speaking of Rod-I love him, but he is such an IDIOT!!!! He constantly doubts and believes the BS and the worst about Gavi, but when he pretty much suspects if not has tangible proof that his wife is having an affair does he do anything? NO NOTHING!! Meanwhile Gavi who hasn't slept around, gets her name dragged through the mud! PULEEEZE!!!! Who HASN'T that cheap fake blonde bimbo slept with???...its seems like almost everyone, EXCEPT for Rod!!! C'mon now...

As for Minnie, she needed to have the crap beaten outta her...I say Gavi was too easy on if Aaron is a god, NOT!!!!

Frankie needs to get a "REAL" job...can't stand that worthless parasite...

I agree with ya'll; WHAT IS UP WITH WARDROBE???!!!!! Open toe taconnes with pantyhose??? Can anyone say tacky any louder?? Isa needs to lay off the self tanner ...its starting to make her look orange...

Thats just my humble opinion...can't wait for tonights episode!!!

Welcome to the pow-wow, Sweetcubangirl64.
I added the bit about the knocked over tray. It happened in the back of the set right after Fedra suggests an affair between Amador and Clarita.
I'm torn (pardon the pun) on the wardrobe business, but I thought the blue dress and yellow ruffle they put Gavi in for the tribute was hideous along with the black voile? bustle they seemingly tacked on as an afterthought to Dani's otherwise tasteful evening dress.

As for "Madame Bovary" I had to read it twice in college and it sucked both times as far as I was concerned. It has its place, but I think Cliff and his notes came in quite handy that second time around......
Decie girl: thanks for the backgrounder on Morelia. I suppose that turns into a once removed or a second cousin sort of thing, maybe? The other one I was thinking of was Fieras when the first cousin business was the big taboo reason the two leads stayed apart for a while till they found out the girl was adopted, and then this was the scandal between the two young villain leads who then parted because of it later on.
As for Frankie and his get up, one thing we can say for sure is that he always "dresses" for the occasion whatever it is and never does anything half-way.....

Thank you Jardinera!

I'm glad I found this site and forum...I don't have anyone I can compare notes with as no one else I know watches TV novellas cuz they say they are too addicting! While that may be true, I still watch them! LOL

So when I go on a tangenent about "Las brujas Montalvo" no one really knows what the h*** I'm talkin' about! (deep sigh)! LOL

Thanks again! :)

When is the last episode? It is just displaying "las ultimas semanas." Have you noticed that Hilario's last name is listed as Montalvo? Great recaps.

5 wk countdown........

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