Friday, October 19, 2007

Destilando Amor - Oct. 18, 2007 where everyone seems to be developing OCD

EPISODE - Oct. 18, 2007:

* Don Roberto and Alonso in a heated discussion about the fight between Gavi and the "Witches of Montalveno". Don Roberto wants an end to the ban of the witches to the events; Alonso agrees and suggests Gavi take his place with the public relations projects. Don Robert agrees. Don Roberto tells Alonso to be ready to attend the meeting tonight for work. Alonso stutters and tries to get out of it - Don Roberto won't let him.

* "The Witches" meet with Granny P at the house. Granny reminds them to stay away from Gavi, and don't cause any problems with Don Roberto or the ag. commission. Fedra is insulted by the lack of support from Granny - Minnie and Isa support Fedra - they leave. Dani enters and talks with Granny P. Granny is tired of fending off the witches from Gavi - she can't take anymore, especially with Don Amador's memorial ceremonies and the general assembly coming up.

* Gavi tells Clara over the phone about the invitations that Alonso has stacked on his desk. They will attend all of them, and she will be so busy, she won't have time to even think about Rod or his family. Just then, Alonso enters her office - Gavi hangs up with Clara and asks "why such a long face?" Alonso tells her about his meeting with Don Roberto, that he's been summoned to attend meetings around Japan and Asia for the commission. Gavi is a little sad but understanding. Alonso explains the plan for the office in his absence. Alonso is disappointed that he has to cancel their plans for tonight.

* At the hacienda, James works on computer in the living room. Pancho and Sofia enter - Pancho is trying to convince Sofia to go to the Fair with him tonight. He really plays up how much fun it will be and what will be there. Sofia reluctantly agrees to go. Pancho goes upstairs to use the jacuzzi. Sofia stays downstairs to talk with James. James wonders if they've patched up their marriage. Sofia says ignore what you've just heard - nothing has changed, they are as far apart as ever. Sofia and James discuss Sofia's continuing suspicions of Isa and Pancho. Sofia wishes Rod would return soon so she won't have to confront this deception alone.

* Aaron comes home to the condo and kisses his wife, Minnie. They talk about his tequila project and he over-embellishes how wonderful his tequila venture is doing. She mentions Bruno. He grumbles and then changes the subject. Minnie tells him the latest about Gavi's ban on her, Fedra and Isa, and about Rod's trip. Aaron puts down Rod's business acumen. Aaron then mentions Isa being lonely without Rod around. Minnie tells him about their curious evening together, when the two men (Eugenio and Alfredo) flirted with Isa. Aaron becomes jealous over the thought that Minnie was flirting with another man. Minnie calms him down and says she left the table and Isa got rid of them. Aaron and Minnie realize they really don't know Isa very well.

* Isa calls the hacienda - Sofia answers and tells her that she and Pancho have been together all day long, and now they are preparing to attend the Fair all night. Isa mentions Granny P. Sofia hangs up. Pancho asks what Isa wanted - Sofia says she doesn't know and doesn't really care.

* Gavi returns home and commiserates her disappointment with Clara about Rod and Alonso both on business trips away from Mexico. They go through what Gavi likes about Alonso, in comparison to Rod. Gavi wonders if she's in love (with Alonso).

* Rod sits nervously in a waiting room, thinks about the advice Erika gave him, and wonders how he can get past the absence of Gavi (his personal challenge).

* Gavi cries her question. Clara tries to advise and console her - take this month to figure out what she wants. Gavi cries and wonders if the psychiatrist will cure Rod so he forgets all about her. Clara tells her not to think like that, then (like every jewish mother I've ever known) she goes to make something to eat.

* Gavi comes to the office as Hurricane Alonso gives Nancy whiplash as he prepares to leave on his trip. He calls and calls for Nancy to check on papers and reservations and things. In the midst of the Hurricane, Dani calls and Gavi takes it in her office. Dani and Gavi discuss Rod, Alonso, the two business trips, the "witches" and Granny P's wish. As Gavi tells Dani to assure Granny that all the family will be included in all the events for Don Amador. Gavi has to hang up as Hurricane Alonso starts shouting for Gavi. Dani mutters she hopes that Rod isn't wrong.

* Gaspar is about to leave on a business trip and goes to see his wife in the office - Pammie is still in bed. They discuss Pammie's need for vengeance against Aaron and the astuteness of Aaron to commit fraud and hide it so well. Gaspar says he will be diligent in investigating for proof of the fraud and crimes, especially surrounding Artemio's death. Just then Pammie enters, Gaspar has to explain to her about the questions that surrounded Artemio's death. She prompts her dad to do whatever he has to do to get the proof needed to hurt Aaron badly. She won't have any peace until then.

* Aaron in office working with his three employees on earning money through the futures markets.

* Dani is on phone with secretary of Dr. T. Elvis enters and listens as Dani ends the phone call. She explains that she needs to find out for her brother who is little Ricky's real father - she needs to see the medical records in Dr. T's files. She also tells Elvis that Rod suspects Isa has a lover. They change the subject and Elvis gives her the good news about his new project for a video business.

* Hurricane Alonso is still going full force in his office. He shouts for Gavi - she enters and has to show him where the documents are in his briefcase. He shouts for Nancy - where is his luggage? Nancy enters in tears to explain about the chauffeur taking them down to the car. Nancy leaves. Alonso is frantic looking for his laptop and stuff - Gavi has to show him the laptop case and calm him down before he leaves. He gives her last minute instructions. Before he rushes out the door, he tells Gavi he loves her. She is impactado.

* Bruno spies on Aaron and his employees working on his futures transactions. Bruno enters and asks what in the world he's doing? Aaron explains his game plan. Bruno says this isn't a game, it's speculation! Employee tells Aaron they are losing money on the Tokyo market. Aaron looks at the screen and tells them to sell. Employee says they can't, too late. Aaron is frustrated and sits at his desk. Bruno comes around and asks how much did he lose. Aaron tells him. Bruno hopes he isn't using corporation money for his little "game". Aaron is confident he can cover all his debts and repay the loan to the corporation. Bruno reminds Aaron about the important conference coming up, and then asks about Rod's return. Bruno leaves to go ask Margarita. Aaron mutters to himself what new surprises are in store for him, and if Rod will return to seek out Gavi again.

* Maintenance engineer finishes installing the new blinds in Alonso's office, under Gavi's supervision. Gavi is on the phone talking with Dani about when Rod will return, also when Alonso will return. Gavi asks Dani not to say anything to Rod about her phone call. Gavi hangs up. Maintenance engineer leaves. Nancy enters and compliments Gavi on the blinds, says Alonso will faint in delight when he finds out Gavi did it. Alonso calls and tells Nancy he will return tomorrow morning, but he doesn't speak with Gavi. Nancy asks Gavi what happened between the two, she and Alonso haven't spoken to each other for the entire month. Gavi is vague and goes back to work.

* At hacienda living room, Sofia holds the mail and asks Ofelia if she's seen the latest phone and cell phone bills. Ofelia says not lately. Sofia asks her to keep watch for them. Ofelia agrees and leaves. Sofia opens one of the bills and starts to read it. James enters and scares her. Sofia explains to James that she's checking one of Pancho's bills. James is shocked she's opening the bill. Sofia says it's an old one. James tries to come up with humorous story. Sofia is curious about what Pancho is spending his money on. James mentions something about Pancho's secret activities in the office, then leaves. Sofia sighs, and mutters that when she gets her hands on the fracture of the cell phone, she'll know for sure if Isa and Pancho are seeing each other.

* Don Roberto and Gavi are discussing the marketing campaign for the Tequila Casadores de Arana. A knock at the door. The secretary shows a man inside. Don Roberto introduces Gavi to Inaqui Andabulo(?). Inaqui talks with them about his new tequila "Tequila Corza" and the campaign to launch it to market. He shows them the artist drawings for the bottles.

* Isa and Pancho have their secret phone conversation. She tells him to call her immediately when he arrives in Mexico City. He agrees with pleasure. He then asks her for a huge favor - for some money. She asks what for? He tells her his sob story of his credit cards and the list of creditors. She asks how much does he need? We don't hear the amount but from the bugged out eyeballs on Isa, we can only imagine the number of zeros on the amount. She tells him she will have to talk with her banker to see what she can do. He apologizes for making such a large request and promises that as soon as his business is successful, he will pay her back in full. "I'm sure you will," says Isa.

* Larry the snake meets with Aaron the skunk to show off the latest figures about their investments. Aaron is very pleased with the results and tells Larry to keep up the great work. Larry leaves just as Rod walks down the hallway towards them. Rod stop to talk with Aaron. Rod goes off to his office - Aaron enters his office to return to work on his 'futures trading'.

* Rod enters his office with Margarita following him inside. He tells her about his successful business trip and shows her the award he received in Brussels. She asks where he will display it. He wants to give it to someone very special. She smiles, thinks it is for Gavi. He plays along with the assumption. As Margarita is about to leave to wrap up the award, Rod asks why there are no phone calls from the ag. commission. Margarita says because there are none. Margarita leaves. Rod is impactado.

* In a meeting with department advisers, Gavi isn't paying attention to what they are saying. They ask for her signature on a document so they can get started with construction. She snaps back to reality and asks about invitations. The men ask her about the points they just went over. She apologizes for not paying attention - she has a lot on her mind today and asks to reschedule for tomorrow. They leave. Gavi calls to Nancy to make a phone call. Nancy calls Margarita, who informs her that Rod was at the office and then left for the day - Nancy relays the information to Gavi. Gavi looks disappointed.

* Rod makes a surprise visit to Dr Erika's office. He puts the gift box on the desk and enters to start his impromptu psychiatrist session with Dr. Erika. She's impactado and smiling. Rod tells her that he was so tempted to call Gavi -- BUT HE DIDN'T! He didn't call because he wanted to see her (Erika)!

* Gavi tells Clara her disappointment because Rod returned but didn't call her. Clara tries to cheer Gavi up, but Gavi is too disgusted and hurt. Clara asks about Alonso. Gavi says he told Nancy he returns tomorrow morning. Clara tells Gavi to be prepared with an answer for Alonso.

* Rod gets all excited talking to Erika about his successful business trip through Europe and the U.S. He is so excited that his father's dream has really come true. He is equally excited because before his life seemed to revolved around Ricardo, Isa and Gavi and now with his venture becoming so successful, he finally has something all for himself. Erika asks him about Gavi and he tells Erika he came to this conclusion after thinking about something she told him before he left - he is doing this for himself only. Then he pauses and starts to think and wonder how Gavi is doing.



Well Sofia got as brain all of a sudden. Who'd have thought she go looking at the phone records to confirm her suspicions. I see she's back in frumpville again.

Aron and his phone abuse are getting to be the only reason I keep sticking it out with the group of self obsessed losers.

Rod's behavior is inexcusable. He jumps from Gavi to Erica without a second of thought. If he gives that award to Erica who had nothing to do with it I'm afraid my remote will be headed for the screen ASAP!

Well if we only have 6 to 8 weeks to go there are certainly a heap of things to be resolved in a short time; Let's see:
Isa affairs
Ricky's paternity
Frankie's real identity
Acacia's (will she be cured or die paving the way for the ghastly James and Sofia)
Pammie's revenge
Amador's letter
Maybe Gavi's paternity
Aron's dirty dealings
Dr. Blondie and Erica's doomed obsessions
Hilario's relationship with his family
Sanjuana the leech (did the previews hint that she might be pregnant?)
Punishment for the coven
Oh yeah Gavi and the bonehead Rod

Am I missing anything?

Thanks, J.R. I finally had enough last night, and only watched about 10 minutes. Little did I know I would miss a whole month in novela time. Gee, too bad we missed Gavi staring at the phone for a month.

Looks like Aron's back in the spotlight, and getting into big trouble. Yippee! Something fun to watch!

Pammie looked like h*ll last night; did they film her under weird lights? Terrible skin tone. Are they signaling that she is ill?

As DA goes into ultimas semanas, will the novela wheels of justice, which are grinding muy slowly, finally grind exceedingly fine?

As a former therapist and psychologist, I am amazed that a few sessions of "therapy" which mainly consisted of flirting, dancing, scarf-sniffing and tequilla drinking were enough to cure Rod of his GRAND Obsession. If I had known there was such a simple technique, I would never have given up my practice. And what happened to Erika's resolve not to have any contact with him? Ugh --this Rod/Erika theme is driving me crazy.

Poor Gavi! Instead of moping around and being inattentive at work, she should draw on her reserves of feistiness, which I think is her most attractive quality.

I know I am old (I am!) I am very turned off by men who act like babies, and who are insensitive to the women they "love." I dont care how hunky they are or what nice, even teeth they have. If I had the choice, I'd take Alonso and teach him how to be more fun.

Thanks, J.R.!

decie girl: would you want to consider possible pair ups before the end? Or any more deaths? There have been only two and that's low for these things. We don't have enough men for the good gals, either.

I'd say like, Hilario and Nancy/ Nestor and Pilar/ Erika and Dr. Coffee/ SJ and the bar owner/ Frankie and Isa (but I think she'll end up running her own high-class brothel after her night out at the bar with that traveling bidnez man) Pammie doesn't have a good man to latch onto right now and that sort of bugs me.

Anon. 5:51PM - regarding Alonso, I am right there with ya'. I sort of think Gavi should have sought out some help just like Rod did and hopefully she'd have gotten the very advice you'd have given her. Besides, she was at her wits end and on her last nerve from all his obsessive behavior and jealous outbursts. She'd have had an impartial 3rd party to bolster her and then to help her heal her damaged ego after his cruel rejection, and might have helped her to see Alonso in his own light as his own man.

Thanks, Jr. Larry the snake and AAron the skunk...that's so right. I wish things would start moving along. I feel like we are in a holding pattern.

J.R. Many thanks for the fine recap. I guess it is time to review the open issues as Decie girl points out. So here is my list of open sores (oops, I mean issues):
Aaron is way to coy with not "knowing Isa" much. As he knows her in the biblical sense, maybe he means he doesn't know who she is shagging lately... Will Mini Mind ever find out about this?
Gavi, by the Great Pumkin Girl, if you have to ask if you might love Dr. Blonde Coffee, the answer is always NO! Crikey, you're not in your right mind let alone in love.
Sofie, One month of being too scared to act because big Brother Rodrigo is out of town?? Don't you even worry about STD's in this haze of yours? No wonder your wardrobe choices fell apart again.
I'm pretty sure I heart Pammy say she won't rest until she sees Aaron the Arrogant "behind bars". And he hasn't thrown a cell phone in quite a while. I remember the only time he looked at Gaviota with admiration rather than with lust, or disgust was when she threw her cell phone down in his office. It flew across the room and you could tell he had nothing but admiration for her throwing arm. He seems so delighted to be buying and selling futures with, isn't it the M. family fortune? Well has Bruno had another little TSI, why doesn't he get a grip on this bad boy of his and maybe think about slapping Fedra, just because she needs slappin' so badly.
I'm having real fear nightmares about the winsome Hilario ending up with gushy, schemy SanWhiney and mostly I hate seeing Rod drooling all over Erika even though she may be more interesting to him than Gaviota. Her unprofessional behavior can't be rewarded with a ride on horseback with our galán, could it??


Well the only reason Erika may be more interesting than Gavi is cause they have only talked about one subject, yes, "Big Headed AssHat", I mean does he even though anything about Erika, other than she dresses in garden frocks and isn't married. Now, I'm not slammin the girl, but isn't Rod all about purity? Cause hopefully Erika has been around the block.

I totally feel justifed in snarking these people. My Rod hatred deepens daily. Is Gavi aware that there are an addtional 20 million people in Mexico City and hooking up with someone other than Rod or Dr. Dullsville, can't be that hard.

Oh my hatred deepens, but in a fun..wishing they'd all get a rollicking STD, not a deadly one just a painful one.

Thanks for the recap J.R.! It would serve Rodrigo right if Gavi ended up with anyone besides him. Rod is so misguided, but I guess the saying "you teach people how to treat you," is so true in Gavi's case. She should have slapped Rodrigo across the head years ago, and told him in no uncertain terms that he was hers, and they were going to be together no matter what! Now we have to watch her mope around with nothing but her memories. It is a shame that Erika seems to get Rod at his best, even though that didn't take long, and Gavi who has hung in there for 4 ungodly years gets his ass to kiss! I am looking forward to resolution of all the storylines. I just hope they make them especially good for our villans!

Lisa from Alpena

I also thought it was strange for Minnie and Aaron to reflect on how little they know Isa, given that she and Minnie were once best friends.

As for Alonso, I have a question: How does this guy dress himself each morning? (As I type these words, I get a feeling of deja vu... like maybe I already asked this question months ago.) Seriously. He strikes me as someone who, as a kid, probably always needed his mommy to pick out his clothes, feed him, gather his things and walk him to the bus stop each day until he graduated, otherwise he'd have no idea what to do or where to go.

ITA, Julie. Some psychotherapy could go a long way with Dr. Blondie too. His ranting at the least little issue, really makes you wonder. Gavi definitely doesn't need another one on his way to the therapist. Where in the world do they get these sissy men????

Just viewed an old Miami CSI that had Edwardo Yanez in a small villianous role. Interesting! EMO

---This is regarding the Fri nite episode---

Rod before I was mad, but now Dude, you are dead to me. DTM
Therefore, do not expect me to gentle into that good night, Wait til' Mondays recap...Rod, the bell tolls for you.

Basil guy that helps Frankie..Dude you are all shades of hawt..

Aaron a most awesome meltdown

Thanks J.R. I have to ditto that Rod's DTM also. It isn't right that he'll be redeemed for all his bad behavior. He's one of the bad guys now, inflicting pain on everyone and patting his son on the head once in a while.
And Gavi is just stupid, even though she's an "executive" now. It's been four years of abusive treatment from a married man and she still want him to call...

Wouldn't it be fun if------
Rod and Erica saw more and more of each other and soon were hot and heavy for each other and then ---
Old Rod found once more he couldn't get his Willy to stand at attention with anyone but Gaviota.

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