Tuesday, November 27, 2007

11/27 Juan Q "She looked as if she'd been poured into her clothes and had forgotten to say when*

Happy Tuesday!

Pastor plays it cool; saying he also was looking for CL. Paula won’t play. She asks if CL is in the office with Monica. Paula just threw Pastor a bone and he latches on and won’t let go. Of course, that’s where CL is! Paula thanks him and dismisses him in the same breath.

CL seats Yvonne in a chair to calm herself. I am not aware that CL is a doctor. Nice lab coat. Seriously, who does wardrobe for this show? CL seats himself at Pastor’s desk and tries to reason with Yvonne. He tells her that she’s the only one that’s ever known him. Their relationship is safe because it’s in the shadows. Yvonne can’t believe that he wants her just for a lover. CL says, no, for a girlfriend – his permanent girlfriend. CL tells Yvonne that only she can decide if they can continue this relationship forever.

Nidia thinks that the plan is perfect. She and Anga will run away together, and when the “tide” has gone out; they’ll return. Anga thinks that sounds perfectly romantic but a little impossible. He asks about Nidia’s girls. What will they do? Nidia points out that her “girls” are really women; they’re all grown up and need to learn to take care of themselves. Anga tells her that may be but what about his dignity. He’s not going to run away from anybody, much less Alirio. Nidia doesn’t agree with Anga. She thinks that if Anga’s love was truly that strong, then they would be at least in San Luis by now. Anga asks Nidia to be reasonable. Nidia stands and agrees that she’s not reasonable but if he wants her then he needs to take this chance. If he doesn’t take it, then he just better forget about her and her “honey lips.” Nidia sashays from the table while Anga looks on with a confused look on his face.

Paula’s in Monica’s office and they’re talking about the news. Monica congratulates Paula on the engagement. She sees the engagement as the logical conclusion to Paula and CL’s relationship. Just in case you couldn’t guess, Paula doesn’t like this. She thinks that Monica’s playing a game. Monica claims to just being reasonable. Paula won’t accept that and demands that the farce end.

Juan tells Kike that he doesn’t understand how the world can completely change so fast. Kike replies that it’s really not that bad. In truth, it’s nothing that they didn’t expect. Kike reminds Juan that Juan helped restart the fire. Juan understands that, but he was sure that the relationship was over. CL’s trip was decided and Paula was completely done with CL. Juan says that at the very least, he deserves an explanation. Kike tells Juan to go ask for one, but Juan refuses. Paula doesn’t even want to see a painting of Juan. Juan says that CL will tell him what happened. (He insinuates this).

CL comes out of the office and runs into Pastor. CL tells Pastor that Yvonne is a nightmare. She wants to be his wife and he had to promise her the ocean, sky, etc. to get her to be happy with her current position. CL asks Pastor to use his influence over Yvonne to make sure she doesn’t do something stupid. Pastor agrees but says that there’s a more urgent situation right now. Monica and Paula are in the office together and the tone is getting louder and louder. Paula is absolutely belligerent. CL asks if they’ve been shouting insults. Pastor says he doesn’t know anything for sure, but he thinks that this time anything may happen.

CL looks as though he’s about to leave, but a slimmer Julia approaches before he can leave. She tells CL that Juan’s waiting in the garage. CL grabs the phone and wants to know what’s up. Juan says that he personally wants to speak with CL in the garage. CL sarcastically asks if he can bring Juan anything to the garage. Juan apologizes for the inconvenience but he wants to speak where no one else will hear.

Before he leaves for the garage, CL tells Pastor that he wants a detailed run down of the hostilities on both sides of the fight between Paula and Monica. Pastor thinks it would be better if CL went in there. CL agrees, but he says he never knows what to do with those two women and he thinks he should go down to the garage to speak with Juan. Pastor reluctantly agrees to the plan. CL tells Marely to tell Paula that he’s in the garage.

Monica stands and tells Paula that if her accusations were true Monica would be expressing herself in a very different manner. Paula asks if this means that Monica would fire her. Monica says that she would not and she asks Paula to calm herself. Paula doesn’t wanna. Paula doesn’t like that Monica’s being so calm and reasonable; Monica thinks she’s just being a lady. That pretty much sums up the fight. The women finally agree to stop talking and keep the relationship professional. Monica escorts Paula out the door.

Paula immediately stomps over to Marely and asks for CL. Marely keeps Paula from running down to the garage. Marely tells Paula that she thinks CL and Juan are going to have a “talk.”

CL can’t believe that Juan would ask why he didn’t go to Spain. Juan explains that when it comes to Paula; it is his business. CL explains that Paula re-opened a door and told CL that she loves him. CL proposed marriage and Paula accepted. CL tells Juan that he’s a dreamer and that CL is a planner. Planners always win over dreamers. CL says that if Juan wants to suffer less; he should lower his expectations. Juan says that he only has one response. He lands one right on CL’s chin. CL removes the lab coat and kicks Juan in the knees. Juan attacks again but misses. They spin and beat each other a while longer. Apparently, CL was a professional wrestler in a past life.

Pastor tries to play Yvonne. He says that he personally spoke with CL and that CL doesn’t want to change anything with Yvonne. Yvonne says that’s something but really it means nothing. Yvonne says that she’s gotten something positive out of this. The best thing in life is to accept life as it. Yvonne says that in order to accept being CL’s lifelong girlfriend; she has to give up the idea of being his wife. Yvonne says that there’s something liberating in that. She thinks she’s going to continue her role with CL but with a better attitude than before. Pastor, of course, thinks this is a lovely idea. Yvonne thinks that the best thing is that CL will marry Paula. Paula will not know that the package includes a lover for CL. Yvonne can laugh in Paula’s face without Paula ever knowing about it.

Kike and Fernando manage to pull the fighting men apart. CL breaks free and says that this is an issue between him and one only. He tells the employees to leave or be fired. They men continue their fight. Instead of a wrestling champion, CL morphs into a black belt. Fernando and Kike helplessly watch the fight unfold.

Like the VP that she is, Paula spends her time complaining to Marely about Monica. Paula says that now that she’s with CL she has the courage to confront Monica. Marely says this means that it will be open war between the women. Paula admits this and thinks that she should resign [again], but first she wants to speak with CL. Paula wonders what’s going on downstairs. She’s sure the men are being much more civil than she and Monica.

The men are acting more civilized. They lay on the cement and talk about how good it felt to get that out. The beatdown really helped. Juan asks if CL wants to go at it again. CL says no. Juan mentions that he thinks he’s going to be fired, but CL doesn’t want that either because it was a personal not professional problem. CL announces that if anyone says anything about this they will be sacked. In unison, everyone says that they understand.

Guti rushes into Alirio’s office and gleefully says that he’s got a “bomb.” Guti announces that Nidia’s going out with a man. Alirio accuses Guti of wanting to be a Colombo. Guti whips out some photos as proof of what he said. Guti asks if Alirio wants details. Alirio can’t get over that his woman was with another man.

CL says that he hopes this means everything will be tranquil. Paula rushes into the garage and wants to know what happened. CL explains that he and Juan and to arrange things like men. Paula tells Juan that this is unpardonable. She stomps out of the garage and demands that CL follow. Juan thinks to himself that he didn’t get one consoling word. He can’t get over the look Paula’s giving him over a fight with CL.

Alirio tells Guti that the photos don’t prove anything. Guti says he can get a video. Alirio says that Anga was at the wedding. Guti can’t believe that Alirio wants to stay idyll about this. Alirio declares that he does not. First, he wants to talk to Juan; Juan can clear up this problem.

Nidia explains that Alirio has some virtues. He’s caring, prepared, loyal. He’s the most considerate man possible. Nidia says that Alirio is a tiger in bed. Ewww. Gross. Gladys wants to know if Alirio’s so great, why does Nidia look for elsewhere. Nidia explains that despite it all, Anga remains the love of her life. Gladys wants to know what will happen with Alirio. Nidia thinks that Alirio just needs a good woman. Gladys plays along for a minute but then accuses Nidia of just wanting to get rid of Alirio. Gladys refuses to mix herself up in this. Nidia says that all she wants is for Gladys to distract Alirio. Gladys strongly refuses.

Paula cares for CL and wants to know what he was thinking fight. CL explains that they were fighting over her and she should be proud of it. Paula doesn’t like it, but she wants to know who won. She can’t believe that he fought with the company chauffer. She asks if he’s just going to have more fights. CL says that of course he will not. He thinks that both men are now satisfied.

Back in the garage, Fernando and Kike take care of Juan’s wounds. Fernando mentions that he thinks they should put someone lemon juice on the wounds. Juan leaps up and says he doesn’t know if the fight or the cure is worse. Juan accuses Fernando of not telling Juan about CL’s fighting skills. Juan complains because the man has style, etc.. The only thing he lacks is the ability to fly. At that moment Monica enters the garage and wants to know what happened.

Monica can’t believe that Juan fought with CL over Paula. Juan apologizes, but Monica tells him not to worry. She says that CL looked for it to happen. Juan explains that it helped him get rid of some of his rage. Monica asks Juan really thinks that Paula is over him because Paula doesn’t think that Paula really is. Monica leaves a thoughtful Juan on the street.

Monica and friend chat about the upcoming marriage. Monica says that the fox ended up being a little wilder than she expected. Her friend sweetly points out that now Paula will have the benefits of being Mrs. Farrell, including the home that CL and Monica constructed together. Monica declares that she will never permit that.

Juan gets some loving care from Marely. Marely can’t believe the sloppy job Kike and Fernando did with the band-aids. Marely washes his wounds and asks what inspired him to fight. Marely says that his love for Paula really will kill him. Juan thinks to himself about Marely and how lovely she’s being. She must be a good person for doing this.

Nidia dances the Cachi-bom-bom alone. Alirio enters. Nidia wants to know why; she tells him to stop looking at her.

Kike and Fernando socialize. Fernando tells Kike to rush home, but Kike asks if he can stay at Fernando’s house.

Alirio catches Marely walking out of Juan’s room. Alirio says that he came to speak with Juan but didn’t realize that Juan was occupied. Marely tells Alirio that he can go speak with Juan but that Juan needs to rest. Alirio comments that Juan must be exhausted.

Alirio rushes to Nidia to complain about the youth today. He says that Nidia’s bad example has not gone unobserved. Her daughters are going down the same path of perdition. He tells Nidia that Marely was in Juan’s bedroom.

Ana yells at Paula for accepting to marry CL. Paula claims that life is just giving her and CL another opportunity. Ana says that people don’t just change overnight. CL used Paula before and he’ll use her again. Ana says that she refuses to forget all those painful nights with Paula when things went bad. Ana demands that Paula quit her job immediately.

Alirio repeats that Marely was in the bedroom with Juan. He goes on to tell Nidia every word that Marely said to Alirio. Nidia doesn’t want to hear anymore. Alirio tells Nidia that Yadira also lacks respect for the home. He says that it figures, with their example of a mother. Nidia demands that he shut up and rushes out of the room.

Next, we see Marely asking Nidia what she wants to talk about. Nidia first says that she wants Marely to think with her head, then with her heart and then with her…instincts. Nidia says that she’s worried about Marely because there’s no cure for love. Nidia thinks that she needs to explain some things to Marely.

Paula accuses her mother of being immature. Okay, maybe Ana said that she was going to resign from the job CL got her. Ana says the decision’s been made. She tells Paula that she thinks that Paula and CL should date. They should get to know each other and then possibly talk about marriage. There should be no rush. Ana excuses herself and stomps off to bed.

Nidia approaches Juan and is shocked about his appearance. Juan explains that he just fought with some “changos.” Nidia tells Juan to be careful with that type of guy. Nidia says that she came to say something important to him. Nidia warns Juan that Marely’s fragile. She begs Juan to be careful with Marely and to take care with her. Juan adamantly states that there is and has been nothing between him and Marely. Nidia says that regardless she wants a promise that Juan will care for Marely when the day comes that she cannot. Nidia just wants to know that her daughter will never be unprotected. Juan promises to care for the whole family. Nidia loves this answer.

Yadira catches Nidia coming out of Juan’s room. Nidia says it’s not what Yadira thinks and why isn’t Yadira resting. Yadira explains that Kike has not come home. Nidia thinks that first Yadira should make sure that Kike’s okay and then Yadira can be mad.

The ladies get Juan to call Fernando. Juan asks if Fern knows anything about Kike. Fern says that Kike’s with him. Yadira asks Juan to ask Fernando to ask Kike when he’ll be home. Kike replies not to be bothered. Yadira wants an answer. Kike refuses and says he’s staying at Fern’s. Kike says to tell Juan that he’s sleeping. Juan thanks Fern and hangs up. The women are left semi-speechless.

Nidia continues on her doom and gloom when I’m not around anymore speech. Yadira thinks that this means that Nidia’s considering suicide. Nidia assures Yadira that no. Nidia tries to explain why she’s thinking that way, but can’t really get out an answer.

CL hears his doorbell ring and rushes to greet Paula. Oops, sorry, Mr. Farrell; wrong Davila!

*PG Wodehouse (Really, this quote has nothing to do with today, but it reminded me of most of Paula's outfits.)


Amanda, you continue to amaze with wonderful recaps and lightening speed. I'll lay odds you're going to be a terrific lawyer, too--so organized! Thanks!

I wanted to shake Paula tonight, and Juan for not realizing what a gem Marely is!

Schoolmarm Jeanne

Thanks for a super and supersonic recap, Amanda. I am in awe of your speed too. I am at that point with the language that I can sit and understand almost every word I hear but a different part of my brain has to turn it from Spanish into English. That is slow for now, but practice, practice, right...

It was fun being at the back of the bus again tonight enjoying an episode with tons of sparks. Wasn't that fight grand. I could just feel my own tension level lowering as the two pounded on each other. What beautiful choreography, these two actors are such pros. It was also vicarious if imaginary fun that the hierarchy could be flattened like that for the two to have a fair fight with no dire consequences for the mere driver. It's the only noble thing I have seen Cesar Luis do the entire show.

And yes, Marely is my favorite too. She is a treasure waiting to be discovered by our big lovable lunkhead.

What is it with Nidia and Yadira though? Kike's right they are not nice, not nice.

Cheryl, that fight was delightful because it was so comically staged. The two of them carrying each other back and forth across the garage, disappearing like PacMan off the screen and reappearing in a different body lock--too funny! Yes, it was serious but it looked like they were having fun (the actors) with the goofy staging of it. I think I'll play it over for kicks tonight because it was such a chuckle.


I had somehow gotten the impression that Nidia and Alirio don't have sex! ??

Well I assume the same...that Nidia and Alirio have never consummated the marriage but she portrayed him as a tiger in bed as part of her ploy to pass him on to her friend. When she said he doesn't even snore, then I KNEW she was lying.
Now Amanda...tell us your secret. Did you grow up bilingual? Truly, we are in absolute awe of your ability to turn out a smooth translation so fast, and with clever literary quotes to boot! Okay, for sure you're super-bright (always a good quality in a lawyer) but HOW LONG have you studied Spanish as well? You're awesome, no doubt about it.

Judy B.

Great title !!!! Or as Oldman would say, ''Ten pounds of woman in a five pound bag .''

This really was a fun episode. I wish I could have been more colorful with the fight, but I honestly don't think I could have added anything. It was a delight to watch.

Judy, you're always so sweet! I started speaking Spanish when I was five, so essentially I did grow up bilingual. I think the main reason I can do this so fast is that I worked on a Spanish language customer service line for over two years. I just grew accostomed to hearing Spanish, speaking Spanish and typing notes in Spanish all at the same time.

Forgot to say that I hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable holiday!

Wow, Amanda, thanks for explaining that tidbit about your bilingual life! That's wonderful! Everyone should be able to speak more than one language from very early, but unfortunately here in the US, that's not often the case.


LOVE the title. They just keep getting better and better. Amanda, your bilingual background is very interesting. The legal profession is lucky to have a shining star like you.

I dream of the day when I can actually "hear" what our characters are saying without having to read the closed captions. Even then it's a challenge. But as Cheryl says, practice practice.

At first I thought this episode would be a drag with all the conversation, but when Juan and CL began whacking each other things really picked up. Agreed, it was a hilarious (and not really violent) fight scene.

Nidia and Alirio have definitely never done "it". I was wondering why she was fibbing to her pal but I think Judy nailed it, she's trying to pawn Delirio off on Gladis.

Thanks Amanda, that was a great recap!

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