Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Amar Sin Limites Monday, November 26: Arnaldo's "union" membership is in doubt

We open with Azul asking the sleeping Katy to forgive her for what she’s about to do. She knows that she promised her that she’d be her Mommy, but she didn’t know that when she made the promise, she didn’t have long to live and well, it’s time to make up for the time she’s going to be losing. She feels bad though, that she isn’t going to prevent Katy from having to go through losing another Mommy.

GSD and Mo are arguing about why Mo decided to tell Azul about her being infected. Mo says that he did it to keep Azul from running off with Diego again. Clemencia told him that Azul and Diego were meeting secretly and that they were planning something. GSD agrees that it’s bad that his daughter was involved with Diego again, but it wasn’t the right thing to do, to break the news to her suddenly, when they were arguing, in a fit of pique. Mo says, that to be fair, GSD must have known that Azul and Diego ran off together, the first time, after the wedding. GSD says no way, that wasn’t Azul’s idea. Mo says Azul’s defending Diego after the fact shows that she wanted him to kidnap her and everything she’s done since, basically proves that. Mo says that if she had gone with him again, Diego would not have known what to do when she presented symptoms of the illness. GSD looks like he buys that excuse.

Next we have Hot!Azul in her tight red dress telling Diego to basically “do me baby.” She screams that she loves him and wants them “to make love…like it’s the last time…with whatever time I have left.” He doesn’t seem to be getting any of those hints, but let’s face it, he’s distracted. Smooch Smooch Smooch…rolling around in bed…you get it.

Manuel and Lida are at the hospital, waiting nervously for word about Clemencia. Suddenly, a doctor walks in, a woman this time, who tells them without preamble, that she’s sorry but “the patient suffered a heart attack.” Manuel and Lidia are impactados. Manuel asks for clarification. The doctor says that she’s very weak and they don’t know if she will last the night. Lidia starts crying.

Azul and Diego have progressed to being nekkid rolling around in bed.

Back at the hospital, Lidia suggests that she should call Diego. Manuel gets all in her face that Clemi said that she didn’t want to see him again. And besides, it’s his fault she’s there. Lidia cries that Diego has a right to know his Mom his dying. She cries some more and Manuel says that Clemi is strong, she’ll survive. He then begins ragging on the doctor, that she was too pessimistic. “She practically told us to call a priest.” He ends up saying, “we have to have faith.” (More like denial, looks to me.)

Isela, Gloria and Silvana are at Casa Silvana. They are rehashing the moment when Isela caught Gloria making up an admirer and sending herself flowers. Gloria is protesting that it’s not true. Isela is saying that it’s obvious since there are no legions of admirers around. Silvana, who is sporting curls now, screams that she’s had enough of their fights and leaves to go to her own room.

GSD is with Emilia, recounting the traumatic revelation to Azul of her fatal illness. GSD says that it was one of the most painful moments in his life. GSD says he wishes he was a stronger person. Emilia says, you can only do what you can do, and now he has to work hard to find a cure. GSD says he’s tried (must be those moments between fixing leaks at Inez,’ gossiping about his gay son and ciggy breaks) but that he keeps trying different formulas and coming up empty handed. And when he’s working, he always sees Azul’s face…he pounds on a table in desperation. Emilia comforts him. Emilia says that she wants to go talk to Azul herself, but she’s afraid…afraid that she might get emotional and hurt Azul more than help her. GSD says that after he told Azul, after the initial shock, he saw in his daughter a strength…he was proud of her. He said that he promised her he would find a cure. And with that, he’d better get going. Emilia begs him to stay and rest. GSD has decided to go to the university lab to work right away. Emilia offers to drive him there, and to stay with him while he works, if he’d like. GSD smiles and agrees.

Diego and Azul are in après amour mode, cuddled in bed. Azul has tears in her eyes and Diego asks her why she’s crying. Azul says it’s from happiness. She says that if she died tonight, she’s die the happiest woman in the world. Diego seems suddenly struck by the morbid tone her conversation has taken of late. He tells her not to talk like that. Azul says, to shut up and hold her. Diego thinks that maybe she’s thinking that Mo is going to come after them. “Are you afraid of what’s to come?” he asks. Azul denies this and says she’s not afraid of anything. She says that she “escaped.” They both giggle at this and Azul relates how she skipped school once the same way, by going out a window. She tells him there was no other way to leave the house without tipping off Mo. Diego says she won’t have to do it again, because she’s not going back there.

Meanwhile, Mo is pounding on the door of Azul’s room at Casa Malicia. She’s not responding because as we have seen, she’s not there. Andres shows up and asks Mo, if he wants him to break down the door. Mo says sooner or later she’ll have to come out. Mo fills Andres in about Azul knowing about her being infected. He says that now more than ever, she’ll need security and special care and she’ll be forced to stay with him. Andres agrees.

More kiss and cry in the sack with Diego and Azul. They laugh about how Diego’s mom and Azul’s Dad will have to be convinced to accept the other. Diego says they’ll have to be strong, but their love is strong and it will help them overcome all obstacles. Azul gets serious, thinking about that’s not going to happen. Diego asks her what’s wrong and she says that she’s thinking of little Katy. Diego says that that’s a tough one. Mo, will never let her go, since he is after all, her father. Azul agrees, absently. Diego says that when he thought of Mo touching her (Azul) it made his blood run cold. More kissy kissy. Diego suddenly says that they’ll look for proof of Mo’s guilt together. And she from outside Mo’s house. More kissy kissy. Azul starts whining about Katy again. What will become of her when Mo is caught? She wants to talk to her. Diego sees he’s not getting anywhere on the Katy front. He agrees that she’s innocent, she’s not to blame for her rotten Dad. They’ll have to figure out a plan for Katy, to make sure she’s not left to fend for herself when it’s all done. Azul suddenly decides to make him promise that no matter what happens to her, that he’ll make sure that Katy is taken care of. Diego happily promises. But he doesn’t like this “no matter what happens to her..” Azul successfully changes the subject. More kissy kissy.

Back at Casa Silvana, more comic relief. Silvana has shut herself up in her room. Gloria has dibs on the couch and Isela is left out. (I thought this was a two bedroom place or was somebody sleeping with Ivan?) Isela finally goes and crashes Silvana’s room and finds her moping on the bed, unhappy that Diego and Azul are together again.

Manuel and Lidia are weepy at the hospital. The minute Manuel turns his back, Lidia is calling Diego on her cell. Diego and Azul are still going at it like bunnies. He jokes that he should have turned off his cell but Azul tells him he should answer it. Lidia croaks out that Clemi took a turn for the worse and is in the hospital. Diego tells her not to cry… he’s on his way. When he hangs up he tells Azul that they are going to look for a safe house for her. But first, they have to go to the hospital to see his Mom.

Azul and Diego rush to the hospital. When they get there, Manuel starts shouting . Lidia explains that she called him… but not HER. Lidia starts riding Diego about how it’s all because of the relationship he has with HER that Clemi is ill. Diego shouts at her ENOUGH! He demands to know what’s going on. Then Manuel starts in that it’s all his and his LOVER’s fault. Diego shouts at his father to not talk to Azul that way and to apologize immediately. Azul tells Diego not to worry, she’ll leave. She doesn’t belong there. Lidia agrees but Diego tells Azul that she’s not going anywhere. Manuel accuses him of “bringing his mother to the point of death with his stupid behavior.” Diego resists this, saying that he would never hurt his mother. Manuel says for maximum dramatic effect that the doctor just told them that Clemencia might not last the night. Diego is impactado. He wants to know what happened. Manuel says he should talk to the Doctor who RESUSCITATED her when she was having A HEART ATTACK. Diego melts, he looks confused. He hugs Azul. We next see them in the hospital chapel, kneeling before a statue of the Virgincita begging her to save Clemi. Angelic choirs swell in the background. Diego promises the Virgincita that he’ll tell Clemi all about how bad Mo is and explain to her what they are doing. (Some promise, he wanted to do that anyway). They grasp their hands together, Azul, with tears streaming down her face.

Angelic choirs still singing, we get a glimpse of GSD in the university lab. Apparently with all the budget cuts, this publically funded lab has no pesos for bunny suits. All he has is a pair of safety glasses and a paper mask, like the kind you can buy a pack of for $7.99 at Home Depot. Emilia is standing by the door, with her own paper mask.

He must have worked through the night because Gloria shows up at Diego’s apartment and Chucho remarks on the earliness of the hour when he opens the door. Gloria vamps Gramps but she’s looking for Diego. Chucho explains that Diego isn’t there. He never made it home last night. Gloria says that she came to tell him that she doesn’t know what Diego told her but last night, Silvana was all broken up and this morning she had huge bags under her eyes. She stops and compares herself favorably to her daughter, that in contrast she’s MAGNIFICENT (Regia). She gets Don Chucho to repeat this. Chucho goes on to explain that the reason Diego isn’t there is because his Mom took ill. Gloria is fake impactada but says she’d better run home and tell Silvana because she knows her little girl adores Diego and his Mama. She asks if she can borrow the phone. Chucho says sure, and could she help him out by modeling for him? Gloria feigns shock at such a suggestion but he explains that he’s working on some dresses. She gladly accepts. She doesn’t pass up an opportunity to rag on Isela. Chucho asks if they are still fighting with eachother. Gloria says, no, it’s all Isela’s fault. She relates the tale of the flowers sent to her and how Isela accused her of sending them to herself. Chucho is shocked by this and offers to be her “secret admirer” and take the credit for sending the flowers. Gloria pretends to dismiss the suggestion but then agrees with the plan “to shut up Isela.” They have a laugh.

Diego and Azul’s prayer vigil must have worked because the doctora is out in the lobby telling them , Manuel and Lidia that Clemencia seems to have passed the worst and she has now stabilized. Diego asks if he can see his Mom. Manuel says “What?!” and Lidia shakes her head in the background. Manuel says no way! Especially when she sees you beside THAT LADY (he indicates Azul). Azul interjects that she won’t go near Clemencia, but that shouldn’t make him bar Diego from seeing her. The doctora says that as long as everybody understands that they can’t upset her. Diego agrees that he will only try to calm her. The doctora says OK, but only 5 minutes. Manuel insists that he and Lidia go too. Diego kisses Azul and they go.

At the boutique, Gaspar is racking clothes and Julio and Arnaldo walk in, with Julio telling a joke. Arnaldo doesn’t react and Julio asks him why he’s so quiet, distracted…nervous. Julio points out that he’s been like that ever since he slept over at his Daddy’s. It’s like he doesn’t want to be with him. Julio thinks that GSD had another go at trying to trash him to Arnaldo. Arnaldo denies this. Gaspar complains that the fabric salesperson has arrived and is waiting for Julio. Julio rushes off leaving their conversation unfinished.

Ceci arrives at modeling school, looking freshly scrubbed and in a pretty dress. Her teacher (who looks sort of like a younger Cristina Saralegui only with a sort of German accent) praises her better grooming this time. Ceci says that she really wants to prove to her that she can be a better model than Silvana. The teacher says, “We’ll see.” Ceci points out that she’s there early, “as fresh as a head of lettuce.” But where is Silvana? Not there yet, huffs Ceci. The teacher says she’d better look out for herself. She hates gossips. Ceci does her little mimic thing and sticks out her tongue as the teacher leaves. (Ceci is just no good at sucking up. No wonder she keeps getting fired from her jobs. ) Since she’s there early, Ceci decides to call Azul on her cell. Checking in, she asks how it went with Mo. Azul has too much to tell her. In the meantime, she asks her not to tell Andres that she talked to her. She asks Ceci to “do her a BIG favor.” We don’t get to hear what the favor is, but from Ceci’s wide-eyed impactada “COMO?” It must be a doozy.

Back at the boutique, Arnie is alone with Gaspar. Arnie complains that Gaspar probably told everybody what happened with him and Ceci. Gaspar huffs that he did no such thing. And besides, Arnie and Ceci were whispering together, all the next day, about it. The day after…"the day after you left our ‘union’.” (I guess he means union local 696, the federation of GAY boutique salesmen, chefs, waiters and sommeliers.) He shakes his head and sniffs. Arnie tells him to shut up already. He’s gay, and just because he did it ONE TIME with Cecilia doesn’t mean that he’s not gay anymore. Gaspar asks him if he’s sure. Arnie says he doesn’t even remember what happened. Besides he’s more worried about damaging his relationship with Julio. They haven’t slept together since his night with Cecilia. Gaspar continues to freak himself out with the idea that Julio might find out that Arnie isn’t gay.

At the hospital, Lidia is fussing over Clemi. Manuel too. Diego hesitates but comes forward as well. Clemi asks to be left alone with Diego. Manuel and Lidia resist but then relent and go. Diego asks her forgiveness and tells her that he and Azul talked and Azul is going to divorce Mo. Clemi says she can tell right away that he’s lying, because of her delicate state. Diego says no, Azul is separating from Mo. Clemi tries to get him to agree not to see her until she’s divorced. Diego says that they will do things the right way but that when she gets out he’ll be able to explain to her why they have to do all this, and what’s really going on. Clemi says she wishes she could trust him. Diego launches into an impassioned speech: “I love you Mommy, I want you around for a long long time…” kissing her hands.

Silvana appears to be cutting modeling class today as she shows up at the hospital to see Clemi. She sees Azul napping on the couch. Azul explains her presence there but there is a renewed coldness between them. Silvana reminds her that they are only working together because Silvana wants the answers to her son’s death. Azul explains that she’s leaving Mo, but she’ll keep her word and help her find out about Nico for her, and for Katy’s sake. Manuel and Lidia appear and make a big fuss over Silvana in front of Azul.

Chonita is serving Mo and Andres breakfast. Mo asks if Azul is up yet. Chonita says no, and Katy woke up and couldn’t find her so she went to the guest room and bawled her eyes out. Andres remarks on it but Mo says he’s going to be tolerant this time, since Azul just discovered that she’s dying.

Back at the hospital. Manuel and Lidia are leaving. Lidia asks that Azul not go in to see Clemi and Azul is like, no worries, not going. Diego waltzes in and says he’s glad to see Silvana and Azul together like best buddies. Silvana grimaces and leaves.

Elsewhere, Arnie is with his beloved Aunt Inez at her physical therapy. They are chewing over the Arnie-Cecilia-Julio triangle. I had forgotten that she knew that the mystery girl was Cecelia. In any event, they talk openly about that

Lidia is back at home at Casa Moran. Gustavo is there, he brought flowers for Clemi but he sees that she’s not home yet. He says he’ll bring them to the hospital. The doorbell rings. It’s Piero. He starts to say that he came by after hearing that Clemi was in the hospital and thinking that she must have been alone…then he sees Gustavo. He points at him and says, “the Mechanic?” Gustavo points at him and says, “The brilliant executive?” Lidia looks quite pleased that she’s got two suitors.

Inez is on the phone with GSD, she asks if she can get a ride from him after her session, because Arnaldo can’t wait for her to finish. It’s probably another ruse, since Arnaldo is standing right there. GSD is reluctant, since he’s kind of busy trying to find a cure and all. Right now he’s driving somewhere, so I don’t see what the big problem is. When Arnaldo walks away for a minute, Inez tells him she‘s got more information to tell him about his gay son’s not gay one night stand. GSD says to tell him. She says she can’t go into a lot of details because he’s still there. She can say that Arnaldo told her that since the incident, he no longer wants to sleep with his partner. GSD says, “Great, good news, in the middle of such disaster.” Inez laughs and asks why he says that. GSD tells her that Azul now knows that she’s infected. Inez sighs and looks concerned.

Back at Casa Moran, It’s high noon with Lidia’s two suitors squaring off. Piero asks what Gustavo is doing bringing flowers to a married woman. Gustavo says it’s none of his business but gee, aren’t they DIVORCED? Piero says that the Divorce isn’t final yet and Lidia is still his woman. Lidia interjects that the way things are going, she doesn’t know if she WANTS to be his woman. “We had an agreement. I want you to respect it and get out of here, RIGHT NOW.” She’s going to the hospital to see her mom.

---Tivo cuts off here---


Great recap Margaret, thanks. I wonder when we'll find out that Arny and Ceci didn't really do anything. That's what I suspect anyway. One day one of them will somehow remember what happened and it will be nothing.
Otherwise, I just can't wait until GSD discovers a cure, or the infected people die. One way or another, this mysterious disease thing needs to go away.

Margaret, Great recap, thanks so much. I am slaving over a hot translation for Juan and noticed that the gay guys are so arrogant about what they KNOW about women. Puleasssse, But at least Arnaldo is ultra-sexy unlike my Pastor Gaitán who so madly thinks even gay guys have got it all over women. Unfortunately, the women they are all dealing with are proving their point in every episode. So it is comical for all of us....
Looks like Science Guy stubbed out his cigarette for a few minutes and is making some progress on his cure. But, I had to love the sparkly double helix they showed him working on in the computer. Too, too silly....

Thanks, Margaret. This recap reminds us to always look for the union label, n'est-ce pas ????

Thanks to you Margaret for such a great recap and the "union" membership title made me smile. I love the actor who is playing Gaspar, he reminds me of Jack (Sean Hayes) from Will and Grace. Excellent work and so lovable. I just want to express my deep appreciation to all the Amar recappers for hanging in there when the going gets so stupido. I am ready for this one to be over, but after awhile, one just sticks around to see the Mauricios get their just desserts. I don't think I will ever see
René Strickler in the same light..his success as evil incarnate has been stunning.

Margaret, I loved the bit about the "union" so much I created a "union" label, but I can't post it in comments, only in a post :( I'll have to stick it up with my Wednesday recap, in honor of your excellent snark!

¿GSD significa..?

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