Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Destilando 11/21: Happily, Mrs. "Be-Done-By-As-You-Did" comes to call

When I was a kid my mother terrified me with a Victorian children's book called "Water Babies." In this horrid story frail, tiny, young, undernourished, tuberculosis-wracked chimney sweeps in London die and are reincarnated underwater. This underwater world of dead children is managed by a sweet, nice fairy called "Mrs. Do-As-You-Would-Be-Done-By" and a scary, mean one called "Mrs. Be-Done-By-As-You-Did." This recap is dedicated to the latter.

By the way, my daughter is here for only one day and this recap is sketchy due to extreme desire to be playing with her. Happy Turkey Day, all...

  • Isa realizes that her dear Frankie has stuffed all her dough - except for a few shekels of milk money for Rickie - and all his fancy clothes and shoes and handkerchiefs into her car and has split for good.

    She calls her mom, who, with Rickie Sr. happily playing golf in the background, tells Isa "This is all your own fault, take care of it yourself."

    She visits Minerva, who is very snippy and says "You should never have come to my house. How did you dare do this? I introduced you to Rodrigo, you just wanted to marry into the Montalvo family to get your clutches on their dough, then you run off with your brother-in-law!"

    Isa: "I thought of you as my sister! But it was YOU who used ME - to keep Rodrigo from the real threat, Gaviota. You saw he didn't love me! It's not my fault! Francisco was an accident." Minerva complacently points out she never strayed even when Aaron did. Then she yells: "You won't spend even one night under this roof! I wouldn't trust you with my husband!"

    Aaron arrives. Minerva announces that Isa is just leaving. Aaron: "I hope you've changed the last name of that little bastard." Isa: "I was one of the many women Aaron has held in his arms - he didn't tell you? He seduced me. Do you dare deny it, Aaron?"

    She leaves and Minerva refuses to hear Aaron's stringy excuses. "Have you forgotten the condition I imposed when I came back to you? That if you ever strayed again, I would leave you? You will never see your son."

    Isa then calls her lawyer and reams him out again about money. He says she hasn't been paying her bills. She says the bills are unreasonable. He fires her as a client and hangs up on her, she calls him an old rat and wonders what to do next.

    Penniless, she is sneaking out of the hotel in the service elevator when who should enter but Jose, grannie of BigHeadBaby!! She frostily informs Isa she's in the service elevator. Isa tearily whines: "I'm penniless, my jackass of a husband abandoned me, please don't rat me out."

  • Rod makes an incoherent confession and exonerates the honorable and innocent Mariana Franco. He lies a lot despite warnings that if he's found to be lying, he'll be in worse trouble. He says "I had one and only one accomplice, he was in on everything, his name is Lorenzo Oñate." He later tells Videgaray: "I'm sure Oñate is key to this whole business, and I wanted to be sure I'd see him."

    Rod is taken to jail where he takes off his shoes and tie and looks quite fetching with his shirt unbuttoned. He sits on the floor in his cell and glowers.

    (Am I understanding that there was ten times as much tequila when the shipments got where they were going? Aaron was diluting it 1:10? Nobody noticed?)

  • Clarita and her giant box of saints and her furious daughter make a brief appearance, Clarita complaining that the airplane hasn't come yet and Gaviota explaining federal regulations require them to be at the airport three hours early. Was this a public service announcement (so we in the audience will not miss our flights) or is somebody going to arrive with an important message?

  • Frankie's shirt is as unbuttoned as Rod's, but he is seemingly much better off than Rod, being on his way to a luxury jaunt with Priscilla. Neither has a functioning credit card - they tell each other lies - Frankie pays the hotel bill in cash. Priscilla tells a friend on the phone that her husband has cut her off and she's penniless.

    In the car, they are smooching away, eyes on the prize - thinking the "shmaltz-grub" (Yiddish for "pot of gold," literally "pit of chicken fat") has arrived... Priscilla praises him for making stupendous time. "This is just proof," he boasts, "that Francisco de la Vega always does as he promises."

    Frankie notices two tractor-trailers side-by-side coming, at warp speed, towards him and his fellow con artist in the sporty little car stolen from Isa. He is impactado - figuratively for now, actual impact will hopefully follow shortly.

  • Aaron is exhilarated in a coked-up way, he's suspicious that Rod has taken the blame but is willing to run with it. He thinks all the Corporation's problems will now be resolved and the freeze on their accounts lifted, but there is an ongoing investigation. He boasts that Oñate has created for him an impeccable paper trail.

    Patricio is furious that his girlfriend Lluvia has gotten a subpoena. She's terrified. He promises no harm will come to her.

    However, he watches wordlessly as Aaron struts and boasts and blames Rod for everything. Daniela enters and tells Bruno "Your son is so cold-blooded and you won't hear a word against him. You, Patricio, you're not cold-blooded but you're weak. By the way, Aaron, Rod has a message for you: if any harm comes to Gaviota, he'll retract his confession." Aaron gloats that he doesn't need to lift a finger against Gaviota, CRT will do the punishing. Daniela clarifies: that would constitute harm and would trip the retraction.

    Daniela leaves. Patricio asks how long Aaron plans to keep this up, and complains that Lluvia is implicated. Aaron says if they move fast they can get it all sewed up, and Rod safely put away, before his team can move against them. Patricio asks: "Have you not wondered how CRT found out about these irregularities?"

    Cut to Pammie, not looking so healthy, thoughtbubbling: "Aaron wasn't sure what his feelings for me were. But I am sure of my feelings for him: great love and infinate hate."

    Realizing that Margarita plays for the other team, Aaron fires her. In the hallway Videgaray whispers to her that she is Rod's only hope (in terms of getting proof of Aaron's evildoing).

  • Pilar, who has been handed a bunch of bull about the whole situation, hears from Av* that Rodrigo has confessed. She asks if she can come see Av* in the morning. "Yes, but don't bring Aaron or Bruno." Elvis is very sweet to her.

    She calls Bruno and insists that he and Aaron come speak to her immediately. Aaron says he's too busy to go but Bruno won't let him weasel out of it.

  • Back in the agave fields, everybody is scattering white stuff around, even San Juana, her baby is going to be born with two heads if she doesn't watch out. Aaron has made some demand about agaves which horrifies James. Sofia tells James about Rod going to jail. He is further horrified. They have a chaste hug.


I enjoyed this action-packed episode. It really moved along. Strangely enough, I felt sorry for Isa. Maybe the now-model Hilario will come and rescue her. How rotten can her parents be not to help at all? If Rod wasn't in prison, I bet he'd help her out because of the baby. I assume Isa's never had a career, except as a money-sucking vamp. A good lesson for women who rely on men and don't develop their own skills, life, etc.
Nobody has given Rod credit for first offering to go with Gavi to London because he recognizes how important her career is to her. And his "sacrifice" although dumb was also to protect her career. In my book, that's a GOOD man.

Thanks Melinama for a recap that captured all the main points and then some. Anon 12:29, I realize that Rod is doing all these dumb things to protect Gavi and her career. But the cruel way he presented his "good deed" to her is unacceptable. The way stubbornly rejected council from his family or attorney shows was selfish. The way he's sitting there lying to the authorities is just plain wrong. He may have good intentions, but his way of demonstrating it cancels out any credit I might otherwise give him.

Yep, Aaron was cutting his exports ten ways with cheap rum, but only in the Eastern European market where the inspections aren't very strict. That's how he got away with it for so long.

I've never heard of "Water Babies" and I hope I never, ever, ever find a copy.

As for Isa's phone call to Mom, Mom said "your dad's depressed." It's probably too much to hope that an anvil will land on both of them.

I'll be bummed if this is the end of Frankie and Priscilla. I was hoping the two of them would last just a little bit longer - just long enough to realize that they'd both fallen victim to their own games.

Melinama: Thanks for filling me (and everyone else) on the details I missed since I didn't see last night's episode. Yes, I, too have mixed feelings about Rod. One one hand he seems so good and gracious, but, on the other, he has tunnel visions and won't take advice - or even listen to - people who are trying to help him and have his best interests in mind.

That just sounds like the rest of us. From lower Ala

Say it ain't so!!. Frankie's demise at the grills of a couple of trucks!? Way too easy a way out for that slimeball. Oh well...still can't believe that Rod took the fall for something that could be proven to have been the doing of Aron, and perjured himself to boot- how is he going to get out of that by the end of the show. I'm sure that the wheels of Mexican justice spin, rather than turn slowly. I, too, have been feeling sorry for Isa lately; tho she has had some "indisgressions", i can understand why she strayed from non-hubbynonRod, a girls gotta do what a girl's gotta do, right? she didn't enter a convent, afterall. You know that the writers won't allow the baby to suffer for the mistakes of the parents, will they? Will Jose' come to the rescue, and offer Isa a place to stay? Interesting. Probably won't be able to watch the next couple capitulos, look forward to reading the recaps. Keep up the good work, recappers....dorado dave

Last night's episode moved along faster than a cup of cafe' through my b.f.'s system (and boy does it move Anyway, it just occurred to me how much I will miss these recaps. I'd like to thank each and every recapper who participated in D.A. and for making my day a little more interesting! Kudos.

Sure, Rod gets a credit for offering to go to London. But he goes further into deficit credits when he decides for the both of them what's right for their future by destroying her heart brutally and unnecessarily lying. He doesn't really ever give her any credit at all.

pasofino, are you in Lookout Mt, Chattanooga?

Maybe Frankie & Isa will slowly suffer in some hospital before they go for good...

Re Julie's comment about the end of Frankie, if this is the end of Frankie, it frees up Sophie, however it does not sufficiently punish the gigolo.

I like the picture of Frankie with a permanent disfigurement in a Mexican charity hospital, maybe with his tongue cut off.

Good one, Melinama. Laughed at the shmaltz-grub reference. You managed to boil it all down to give us all the important gribenas and in record time, too!

I, for one, like the idea of Frankie possibly ending up as one big bloody shmear on the pavement, because I can only imagine that at the moment of impact he felt it all, particularly if he died a few minutes later on. --Yeah, I know it's gruesome, but hey, life and death can be just like that. One minute you're thinkin' you're smarter than spit and the next you're road kill.
In my book, Rod gets points for sacrificing himself, true, but then loses most of them for the unnecessarily cruel and stereotypical way he dumped Gaviota. Perhaps he figured it was the only way to make sure she stayed put in London.....

Thanks for the recap
Okay Okay..after re-reading yesterday's comments. I must back track and say that yes Rod could have lied to Gavi and said he would come in a week. Meanwhile, Videgaray told Rod should he and Gavi appear, in all likely hood they would be held. Therefore Gavi would not have been allowed to go to England, plus the scandal would have probably ended any career with the CRT. If it went to trial, the relationship would come out, plus their names are all over the documents.

You know at this point Aaron has most of his bases covered..
Pammy of the swollen lips is his anvil (Aaron was too coked up to notice the whoooooosh sound as it flew past his head last night).

Think of the scandel of a long trial..Rod is trying to avoid that. The bad loans, the affair, the paternity all this would come out and make that side of the family look even worse.
Aaron would have everything thrown in probably including Clarita & Gramps. Gavi would be painted as a money grubbing whore from a long line of money grubbing whores and Rod would be painted as a dupe.

What a great episode. I am still hooting hours later. I'm with Jardinera, I think the Rodster had to make sure that Gavi left. But lying to the feds? shout out to B. Bonds who will pay the price. but I guess that this is telenovela justice land where lying if done with a noble purpose (e.g., save the girl, smoke out the Aaron-y-Onate-rats) is ok.

My hat is totally off to Isa for playing the yer husband already stalked me and did me, didn't you Aaron you sanctimonious now who's the bastard card. bien hecho, Isa Duarte.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.


Thanks Melinama, these last couple of episodes have been dynamite. I almost didn't comment because all my thoughts and opinions have already been expressed. If a young attractive woman with a normal sex drive enters into a sexless marriage for whatever reason, I can understand her seeking sexual fulfilment outside of the marriage. Isa should have been more discreet. She used bad judgement in the partners she chose and for not using protection. But her punishment is the fact that she is now suffering the consequences of those bad judgments and actions. I think that having her run over and killed is overkill for her crime. Besides, the kid doesn't deserve to pay such a heavy price. By the way, was the kid ever given a DNA test? If not, how can anyone be sure that it's really Frankie's baby and not Hiliario or Aaron. By the way, I loved that scene when Isa gave Minnie the news of having sex with Aaron. I just wish she would've added more details and undeniable descriptions ha ha..(just to get even with Minnie).

Again - thanks to all of you. With the recap and the comments, I am piecing last night's episode together. Alas, I can only imagine the look on Minerva's face when Isa delivered that piece of news.

Anonymous - I'm very close to Chattanooga - about 50 miles south - still in Alabama and very near Georgia. We went to a restaurant across the Georgia state line last night and got hit with two anvils. One - we were an hour late for our reservation - oops, the time change. Two - it's dry and it never dawned on us to bring own bottle. Aw shucks.

From lower Ala

Wow, anvils are dropping right and left now. Guess Frankie and Pricilla don't have a chance with two big trucks heading their way....

I loved Minnie's face when Isa dropped the bomb about her and Aaron fooling around. Talk about an impactada look!

The new baby is actually cute and chubby and very well behaved. What's with Isa's parents??? Are they in denial or something? That's their grandchild, for heaven sakes! I hope her dad ends up in jail again!!!!

Friday's should be a good show!!!

Another cell phone bites the dust! Can't blame Isa for destroying it. What a lousy excuse for parents she has. I think that somehow she and Jose will work something out having both been dumped by the faux frog. I'm kind of sorry about the plot saving trucks. Frankie should have had to pay but perhaps he will live disfigured and without hope of ever living the good life. Can't you just see him during the final credits, rigged with a bandana out working in the agave fields with Norma Rae and the droopy mustache.

Big shout out to Isa for spilling the beans to the haughty pitiless Minne about Aron's indiscretion. The look on her face was priceless. I half hoped she take off one of her spiked heels and use it on him.

Aron has become the master of twitches and tics lately to the point where it is annoying to watch.

God love Dani for telling it like it is and culling the weak one from the herd by turning on Patricio of the deep serious look and annoying raised eyebrow.

Come on Pammie hop a plane with the flash drive and give it to someone who can crack the code and end King Aron's reign.

Lucky Rod, a clean cell and no roommates. Not likely in the horrors of a Mexican jail (have a friend who spend the night in one).

just had a thought- since we have been using "anvil" as a metaphore, and the image comes from the old roadrunner cartoons, think of the times that ole wiley coyote got flattened by a truck or two. maybe there is more poetic justice by being made a pancake of by an acme frieghtliner....dorado dave

Oh yeah I forgot...
Minnie going up the "Staircase of Tragedy" while wearing CFM heels. This being done after she already did the lost one kid on the staircase and the doctor telling her she will never have another child after this one. Plus she maybe barrin the Varren..

She is just begging for a cosmic smack down.

Aw shucks, those darn trucks should be more careful I hope they swerve in time to miss the low life twosome. Pricilla haven't been in the story long enough for me to wish her ill. In fact, I kinda like her for the fact that Frankie met his match. However, with Frankie it's a different story. I don't want him to leave this earth without having to first suffer the consequences of his many low life deeds and tactics.

Can't wait for it to rain anvils on Aaron's parade. Minnie already took a hit from Isa, Yeaaaaaah!! Frankie and Priscilla are about to take a hit...literally, Yeaaaaaah!
Point well taken beckster, but syill would like to have a say in what's happening to my own Ass!!! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!!!

Lisa from Alpena

Oh, before I forget again thank you, thank you Melinama for posting that wonderful roadrunner and coyote. It's now on my computer-- what an amazing insouciant face that little rr has!

Thanks for the recap..

Gavi =>"But when a young lady is to be a heroine, the perverseness of forty surrounding families cannot prevent her. Something must and will happen to throw a hero in her way."

Rod =>"The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget."

Isa => "I can't give you a sure-fire formula for success, but I can give you a formula for failure: try to please everybody all the time."

Fransisco => "Ordinarily he was insane, but he had lucid moments when he was merely stupid."

Aaron => "Honesty pays, but it doesn't seem to pay enough to suit some people."

Minnie =>"Life is a long lesson in humility."

Yes people lets have a happy and safe thanksgiving.

pasofino, I'm in Atlanta and that area you're in is beautiful, especially with the autumn colors.

Gotta say that Isa was an attractive woman with a normal sex drive who knowingly entered a sexless marriage for a very important specific reason. Greed. She wanted someone to support the life she 'deserved' and she would eventually make Rod 'learn' to love her. This reason doesn't justify her actions, discreet or not. For the first time she does seem to be showing some signs of kindness and that's for her child only. Again, that doesn't justify the bad choices she continues to make. But maybe in telenovela world being a mother makes bad behavior okay...

Seems in this case becoming a mother redeems the errant female. Minnie, call your office!

Like others, I thought the end for Frankie and Prissy with two eighteen wheelers was way to easy..I wanted Sofia to put a Mariana Bobbitt on him (some here may remember what happened to that guy,John Wayne Bobbitt)?...

Hilario & Isadora Yes, I think he loves her,but Sacka Juanna of la hacienda isn't she embarazada? I could be seeing something that isn't?

Logically speaking,this novela could not end with Hilario together with Isadora,as it would be too much of a non-perfect ending,as she couldn't live in the hacienda with Hilario..It would be too much of a reminder of her low life ways(Rod,Gavi,Sofia,Minerva,etc. would not be happy)..There has to be a perfect ending,and that probably will not happen..

I love Minerva's payback about Aaron bedding Isadora down..I think it may have gotten Minerva off her high horse..That was one of the great moments this show..

The only problem with Minnie's grand exit "You'll never see your son" was that when she took Aron back and extracted his promise of no more cheating he had already closed the deal with Isa. In Minnie's case it is a case of locking the barn door after the horse has been stolen. It did however make a great exit line.

It doesn't seem fair to have Frankie and Miss Priss riding out of the story on the grills of a couple of 16 wheelers, my own personal preferences would have been the terminally annoying Fedra and Meester James.

Any other nominations for grill riding?

Melinama- thanks for the great recap and the literary reference to Water-Babies. I webbed up some references and saw beautiful illustrations that I recognized but I don't think I ever read it and probably won't now. My childhood pesadilla story is The Girl Who Trod on a Loaf, about the overly proud girl who uses a loaf of bread intended for someone's dinner to step over a mud puddle. Of course, she plunges through the mud to an underworld of grimy characters and is soon covered with wingless flies whom she had cruelly dewinged in spite of her humble but good parents urging her to be kind. A punishment well earned for hubris .
So that could be a just outcome for Frankie. I don't want him to become and invalid, because you know that Doña José would ruin her own life to care for him selflessly. And Hey! Did anyone else notice that neither of the lovebirds has a seat belt on so it is bound to be ugly.
The Minerva realization moment was just priceless, the best I was hoping Isa could come up with and yes, it could have been longer for those of us waiting for the sanctimonious but cruel witch to receive her own special anvil.
I feel so sad for Gavi and disappointed in Rod's cruel delivery of an otherwise noble move to protect her. But, hey we can't get all the way to December 3rd with nothing but te amos and kisses on rose petal covered beds.

I was just reading all comments,as I didn't see the show last night..Issy got mowed down by a truck? Am I reading that correctly..?

Dear Exportred - Frankie ran away with Priscilla after stealing Isa's car and taking all her money except for a few pesos he through back for the baby's milk expenses. What I can't get is why he left the beautiful Isa (even though she has become a shrill witch) for the very average looking Priscilla. He must really be having illusions about her supposed wealth. The twin souled scammers are just meant for each other I guess.

No, it appears that Frankie and Priscilla get mowed down by a couple of 18 wheelers. Maybe, now that Frankie is apparently dead, Doña Jose will magically inherit all sorts of money and will finally be the mother Frankie always wanted. I will just be grateful if I never have to hear "De la Vega, Francisco De la Vega..." again.

Marg. in MN

I knew Panchito & Prissy were roadkill..That was on Wednesday night preview.I thought someone here said Isadora was bumped off last night.Obviously, not..

I knew Panchito & Prissy were roadkill..That was on Wednesday night preview.I thought someone here said Isadora was bumped off last night.Obviously, not..

I was startled to see a reference to Water Babies. My father, who was born in 1922, mentioned it and said it terrified him. I'd never heard any other mention of the book until now! I'm thinking maybe I should get a copy and see what's up with it.'s all about money, with De La Vega...Francisco De la Vega...

y Chavero.

Francisco de la Vega y Chavero. ..hope that fits on the Mexican driver's license, which is only way the cops will be able to identify him after the crash.

This is the first telenovela that I've been around for the whole thing, more or less, so I have a question for the vetrans... For disrespecting his mother, we knew that de la Vega, Francisco De la Vega had to die, but does Aaron have to die too? I like his wickedness, you can always count on the worst from him. He is consistent. Is it possible to have Fedra die in his place, or Minerva, or the both of them? Fate can have a two-fer. Unless he strokes out during one of his fits or is killed by a vicious cellphone ricochet, I kind of want the scum bag to stay alive. Besides, seeing Rodrigo and Gavi happy (as we know they must be) would be worse torture for him then death.

"shmaltz-grub" I roared with true..
You realize Pilar is really a Jewess in real life. Watch her do the 'cross' thing when she blesses someone..
She has done it incorrectly.

The death scene last night of Frankie/Panchito was a little overkill..There was no reason for his death scene to be looking like he baked in the Florida sun for a week..He should have been left roadkill on his way to happy ever after with Prissy..Now Isadora is without a car--no doubt paid for by Rodrigo..

I hope the hammer coming down on Aaron is not as swift as Frankie..

Rodrigo's crying the blues scene from the jail was quite moving..I actually cried..It was such great acting by Eduardo Yanez).I can see why he won the TV y Novela award for best actor..I was hoping someone would give him a kleenex,so he didn't have to wipe his tears on his shirt..

This comment has been removed by the author.

Re: John Wayne Bobbit...

It's a little known fact that Lorena had a twin sister, Morena.

Morena was also in an abusive relationship and she decided to take a page from her sister's cookbok and do some midnight surgery.

Unfortunately for her, her husband woke up when she climbed on the bed and she merely stabbed him in the thigh.

He called the cops and she was arrested on a "misdeweiner".

Thanks for the correction on the name of the ex-Mrs.John Wayne Bobbitt..

I loved the Water Babies. That and The Little Prince were my two favorite books as a child. Guess I wasn't that easily frightened back then ;o)
Kim P.

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