Saturday, November 17, 2007

Okay anyone want to destil some Amor?

Okay I may need some help...The last nite the big finale will be 12/3 and 2 and 1/2 hours. I believe I may need some help here. Would anyone like to help me navigate through this freak show...ooops scratch that. Would anyone like to help me recap this epic drama of love, hate, family betrayal, and returning to the rich red earth that gave me life? We could do shifts like LFMB did on the their finale?

Give it a shot...the God's will be with you and help you release your inner muse.
Rumour has it Rod will send a special never empty bottle of his burning passion Tequila to your home, Frankie will donate facial cremes, SanWanna will donate left over love potion, Pilar will allow you to wait on her for twenty-four hours and she will treat you just like one of her own servents, Gavi will donate a cassette "Oh Rod you let me down....again" Vol 1-5.


Beckster! I just tried to email you about this but it bounced... I musta been using an old address. I set up a meebo chat room (doesn't need a login or anything) and then all six of us can watch it together (yeah, time zones, trust me it's part of the fun) and figure out how to split it up.

PS the only prize I care about is the tequila. Frankie can keep his face creams.

Beckster, I would love to be in on the marathon with Rodrigo, et. al., too even though I am not one of the Six, I am a relief recapper and and ardent fan.
It was fun to see him in the award show last night and to see "Nidia" aka, Sylvia Pasqual from "Yo Amo a Juan...", shimmy up and down Eduardo Yáñez like she gets to do to Eduardo Santamarina on her own show. What a job, why don't I have a job like that? I could do that very well, with a few dozen takes for practice.

You would indeed be most welcome to join. Sylvia Pasqual was awesome in a TeleNovela, where she played an evil manipulator that smoked unfiltered cigs & always had tobacco on her teeth. Aaron was in it and he was a good guy (the only time I ever saw him as a good guy), he was a sap just like all galens, he is much more fun as a RatBastard.

I sent an email to Julie & she has to let us know how do this..but welcome aboard..PS I forgot Sofie is also throwing in fashion tips.

Whatever that other team did sounded way too complicated to me. I volunteer for the first part. Any amount up to an hour (less is fine). This way if you do some high-tech thing I won't have to worry about it.

It's very low-tech. You go to:

You don't need a login. Nobody's hanging out there right now, but if you leave a greeting, people will see it when they check in later.

ON the night of the finale, we all go there and chat.

People on the east coast make note of the time of each commercial break. We also mock the proceedings in vague terms, which amuses us and torments the people in other time zones. Then we cackle with glee when folks in other time zones finally see what we were laughing (or, occasionally, crying) about.

Then, depending on the number of recappers and commercial breaks, we figure out how we'll divvy it up. I was going to also volunteer for an early (doesn't have to be first) segment since I am on the east coast and work slowly.

The main trick is that someone (pref. on the west coast) receive our segments via email and then puts them together in one big recap.

Although they're advertising a 2.5 hour finale, I'm wondering if it will be 2.5 hours of new material. The LFMB 3-hour finale consisted of the previous rerun, plus two hours of new stuff. So it's possible there won't be 2.5 hours' worth of stuff to do.

That's why I suggested the chat room. We've seen how unpredictable/closemouthed Univision can be about gran finales. We might not know anything until the last minute!

BTW, the reason I tried to email Beckster about it first (before she even posted this message) was so that she would get to decide how much of the recap she wanted to do. She's still entitled to the entire thing, or at least a full hour, if that's what she wants!

And I wasn't kidding about the tequila. I'm almost out of añejo *and* blanco. (I always keep a surplus of reposado, just to be on the safe side.)

So - beckster suggests half hours. I'll go first, then (in some order) becky, julie, cheryl, do you think jardinera wants the other slice?

Just got Melinama's g-mail and "officially" replied. Sure! I'm in for a fin. Just hopin' y'all understand I'm a techno-turkey. Julie may have to guide me thro' in meebo-world like Pilar.....

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P.S. I'm in the Midwest, like Beckster. Just a suggestion, that if Cherylnewmex is on west coast/Pacific time, we follow Julie's plan, I'll do a 15-30 minute chunk (depending on how much is real and how much is just Memorex) somewhere in the middle and we can e-mail our write-ups to Cheryl--if I understood Julie's plan correctly. What do you all think?

p.p.s. - I meant Midwest, and so the Central Time Zone, like beckster.

You folks are so faithful!!! Thanks for doing this complicated ''gang recap'' for us all here at caraycaray. You are the best ! I'm excited about the finale and the start of our new adventure traveling back in time with ''Pasion.'' ~~~Susanlynn, looking for her hoop skirt and sword

This all sounds like such fun. I am on Mountain time here in New Mexico but we also get the California feeds so I have options from cable on viewing. For instance, the regular episodes of Destilando appear first at 7:00PM and the last chance of seeing it begins at 10:00PM. I will be happy to be the final recapper and put the pieces together. I will sign out with my e-mail follow-up.

Well that didn't work the way I thought it would. So here is my e-mail for you all to use to send your pieces of the recap:

okay so it looks like
julie, melinama have parts 1 & 2,
Jardinera & I have 3&4, then Cherylnewmex will bring the Agave home.
Shout out to you Cherylnewmex..cause you'll get all the "romance". Jeez I hope it is better than the LFMB finale..

I hope I get angst..

Sounds like a plan. I'm psyched!

After accessing the chat room as a non-logged-in person I can see why everyone hated it so much.

I just posted some instructions (here on caray, not in the chat room), which should make the experience less appalling for everyone. Try it out and let me know if it's still loathsome.

Julie, Thanks again for your efforts. It will be fun no matter what happens. Oh, I get romance dodah dodah.... But, I could chew into some angst too so we will all have fun.
About the various chat rooms, I don't care about spoiler effect, I mean we all KNOW the big outcome can only go one way, right? So don't worry about a separate far west or southwest room, I'm afraid I'd be there all alone any way and I want to have fun so will probably crash in to both of the rooms you have set up at least during commercial breaks.

I set up the east and west coast chat rooms because I thought it would be very confusing for people to be talking about things that are going on at two different times. Not to mention the west coast people don't want to go to the chat room before their show has even started, only to read something like "OMG I can't believe Aaron just threw a toaster into Pamela's bathtub!!!"

Of course, any one on the west coast who wants to find stuff out three hours earlier should certainly feel free to do so. I just wanted them to have the option to discuss it without seeing the spoilers.

Of course it wouldn't make much sense for the recappers to be split over two rooms, which is why I made us our own room. But I'm pretty sure you can have two or three chat rooms open at the same time if you want to follow along with what other people are saying.

Julie, Ahhh, at last I understand. Yes of course it all makes sense now. What a good job you have done to set this up for everyone to join in the fun.

I could give it a shot in helping. My husband is willing to help as well.

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