Friday, December 21, 2007
I Love Juan - Thursday 12/20 - In which Juan tells the boys a secret, so his secret's not a secret anymore.
Meanwhile a cranky CL drives and swears that he will not get jealous over that cat Juan Dominguez.
The baptism is over and it's fiesta time at Casa Cachón. Nidia asks who wants to join her in a little snort of tequila? Yolanda's hand shoots up and Juan tries to stop her. Marely and Yadira disapprove of tequila at a baptism, and possibly tequila while pregnant, but Nidia ignores them and leads a conga line of guests to the tequila.
Achichipico, land of Juan Dominguez - the chubby angry guys in tight pants (I can't tell them apart) gripe that they haven't seen Yolanda in a couple of days. Casimero teases the other guy that she must be with Juan. He does this because his own ex-novia is also in love with Juan. These guys seriously need somthing constructive to occupy their time.
Back at the fiesta Juan begs Yoli not to drink too much. Too late; she teases Juan about his "impossible love" (who happens to be perched on a barstool giving them the evil eye). Yoli staggers off. Juan takes this opportunity to horn in on Paula and Marely's conversation. Poor Mari, ever the third wheel, splits.
Juan and Paula make uncomfortable small talk. The dreadful Paula manages to dumb down even conversations with our vivacious Juan. They have a stupid discussion about why they are not going to discuss CL.
Nidia, watching them, says to Ana that they are still in love. Drippy Ana dolefully comments on the futility of their love.
Paula asks what would Juan like her to say? Juan admits he wants her to say her marriage is no good for her, it's hell and she cannot forget him. He has never forgotten her. "Is that why you brought your girlfriend to the capital?" she asks pointedly. She caresses his face, his hands. Ding dong! My my, who could be at the door?
CL enters the party and everybody throws meaninful, impactado stares around the room.
CL lays a big wet one on Paula and pretends to be surprised to see Juan. Mari sees them and rushes over to save Juan, "Juan, your girlfriend is sick in your room!"
Juan scolds Yoli who is sprawled unladylike on his bed. Good thing she's wearing culottes. "Drunk again," he observes, "it's the same old song with you." Yoli blames Nidia for pouring tequila down her throat. By and by she passes out.
CL and Paula arrive home. He wants to know why she was specifically with Juan. She accuses him of spying on her, how did he know she was there? They argue tirelessly.
Pastor explains to Juan that CL came to cause trouble because Paula hid the baptism from him. Juan is surprised, why would she do that? Pastor's theory is that Paula wanted to see Juan alone. Pastor insists that Juan cannot leave the city.
Paula and CL are still arguing. I'm ashamed to admit I find myself fixated by Paula's hard, globe-like breasts. They twitch when she gestures angrily, but
they never actually move. They're weird and separate. Yikes, CL screams and I snap out of it. He wants to know why Paula didn't tell him about the baptism. (Ummm...maybe because you're a screaming control freak wet blanket who ruins all the parties?)
Pastor tells Juan to open his eyes. Paula is still in love with him and that is the problem between her and CL. Pastor gets back to the subject of Juan not leaving...he can guarantee Juan a high and magnificently protected position in the company. (At this point somebody peeks around the doorway to listen. Who is it?) Juan asks why Pastor wants him to stay. "Your happiness," insists Pastor, "this is your opportunity to get your life back!" We see that Nidia is the eavesdropper.
CL accuses Paula of loving that hick, that chauffeur. Paula starts to stomp out, her melons, concrete and unmoving, are held high in defiance. CL tells her that if she leaves she can't come back. I guess that's a threat, kind of like in high school when you cut class and they punished you by suspending you. It's that briar patch thing.
Paula runs home, sobbing to mama.
Juan, Paula and CL, all in their respective beds, toss and turn in tortured unrequited love.
Poor Marely weeps to Nidia that she'll never have a chance with Juan, he just looks for love in all the wrong places so he can forget Paula and Paula is too proud to admit she loves Juan. They agree it's a dismal situation all around.
Back in Achichipico Juanito also lies awake. He tells Delfina his papa will not come back, he knows it. His grandma says that once a person goes to the big city they never return. Defina tries to reassure him but Juanito's not convinced.
Next morning over breakfast Nidia tells Juan about Paula's rotten marriage, they fight like cats and dogs. Juan says not his problem, he's gonna get married. Nidia tells him to fageddaboudit, he should seriously consider Pastor's proposition. Juan looks at her like 'how do you know?'
Paula tells Ana her life is not what she wanted, she wants to separate from CL. Ana asks, does Juan have anything to do with this?
Consuelo shows up late for work. A cranky CL admits that Paula hasn't been there this morning. Chelo smirks, more juicy info for Monica.
Yoli lies to the Cachón women over breakfast. Just last week she and Juan were in Miami, Miami is great lots of tall gringos and one has to speak English all the time they met at work in Veracruz it was love at first sight, hablablablabla...que, you don't believe me? The Cachón women roll their eyes.
Back in Achichipico Molondrón is worried that Juan won't return, and what about the kid? Juan is his best bud but if he abandons the kid... Delfina defends Juan, he'll be back!
Juan and Juanito, in different towns but both wearing bright orange shirts, pine for each other. Juan tells Kike that Pastor offered him a good job but people in Achichipico are depending on him. Kike accuses Juan of hiding something, what is it? Juan gets a goofy look on his face, "I'm a papa!"
Fernando is Moni's assistant at last. He diligently takes notes on the Japanese customers. He asks for a little time off to see Juan. Moni tells him no problem, take the whole day off so you can convince Juan to stay. Fer can offer Juan a job working with them in her office. Fer looks surprised and a little confused.
Fer leaves and sees CL arrive at work. CL tells him if he sees his friend Juan would he please convince him to get out of town and never show his stupid face again? If Fer does that then he can count on a big bonus. "Que the hell?" wonders Fer.
Kike is blown away by Juan's news. A son? What's his name? Juan tells Kike the story, the mama disappeared without saying anything then she died. This kid has changed his whole point of view and that's why Juan has to go back. Also, the people of Achichipico are depending on him for that anthurium deal.
Yadi places a milk order and leaves the phone off the hook. Delfina and Molondrón are trying to call Nidia but keep getting the busy signal.
Pastor reports to Monica that CL showed up at the party and got mad because he found Paula with her hands in Juan's masa. He could do nothing but kill Juan with his eyes. He practically dragged Paula out in front of everybody. Monica is delighted.
Ivonne tries to talk business with CL but he can't concentrate. He complains that he didn't sleep a wink, his marriage is a complete disaster, saying 'I do' was like raising the chequered flag.
Chelo calls Moni and reports that Paula didn't spend the night at home. She predicts the bomb is about to explode. Moni agrees and says the fire that lights the fuse has already arrived.
Ivonne asks CL what he intends to do. How can she help? She lets him rant and they stare at each other suggestively.
Fer, Kike and Juan are at a cafe updating each other about their lives. Fer reports that Monica wants to offer Juan a plumb job but CL wants him to disappear from the map. Juan asks Fer if he can keep a secret. Juan narrates to the audience that he told Fer a modified version of the truth, not out of malice but out of precaution.
CL asks Ivonne to pour him a cognac. "So early?" she comments, "and what else can I offer you?" He tells her he needs someone to hold him, to love him. He grabs her hand and their sleazy music plays. "I need you Ivonne."
Ha! Monica enters and interrupts this tender scene. "Gosh, are you busy?" she asks, as Ivonne quickly leaves. CL tries to pump her for info about her hot date this weekend. "Do I know him?" asks CL, "Don't tell me, it's Gustavo Rivas, he's a parasite."
Moni suggests they keep the talk to business. Can CL update her on the Japanese business? He says they loved the proposal but they have to consult with a major partner who appears to be lost. They haven't heard from him in some days and they fear the worst.
Juan, Fer and Kike are in a Chinese store. Juan attempts to force the owner to read Japanese. Kike sees a buddha and does a pretty good impression of his brother buddha belly. The owner asks Juan what is he thinking? He is Chinese and the papers are in Japanese. He shoos them out, silly men.
Back at Farell Industries CL and Moni are interrupted by visitors. One is the striking Susana Vielma, Latinamerican rep for the Japanese business. With her is the lovely Sung Yu Yamamoto, daughter of Akito. Susana announces that Sung Yu has come personally to look for her father and if he doesn't show up they cannot do business with Farell Industries. CL is impactado.
Tomorrow: Juan bids farewell to la familia Cachón, he must return to the pueblo. Paula drives like a crazy woman.
Ahoy all, this is my last recap of 2007 and I would like to thank my fellow recappers and beloved commenters for a crazy fun telenovela year. Amanda will sub for me next week so I'll see y'all in 2008. I wish you all a wonderful holiday filled with fun, love and cheer!!

Labels: Juan
I want Marely to find her own love. At this point she's seen Juan with so many women it would be horrible for her self esteem to be number 25.
“the chubby angry guys in tight pants (I can't tell them apart)” ROTFL!!! Amanda cleared it up somewhat for me the other day, I had them mixed up. We could just call them Tweedledum and Tweedledee.
Has ANYONE in the history of telenovelas ever gotten such a bad deal as Marely Cachón? It couldn’t get worse. I hope Juan ends up with her. Paula doesn’t deserve him, and Marely does. This is so wrong.
Well, getting close to airplane time, so I’d better finish reading later.
Jeanne (in an airplane lobby, rolling on the floor laughing at recaps—again)
How can anyone that hot leave me so cold? I guess it just goes to show that looks are not as important as character.
Of course, Ivonne on a trampoline would be a totally different matter!!!
In many ways Juan reminds me of a classic archetypal hero (as outlined by Joseph Campbell):
1) Unusual circumstances of birth - I think Juan is an orphan, at any rate as a youth he lived with Doña Delfina (who taught him the arts of love as we might recall).
2) Leaves family or land to live with other - Juan left Achichipico for the big DF.
3) An event, sometimes traumatic, leads to adventure or quest - Paula's marriage to another compelled Juan to leave his new family in DF to seek happiness and fulfillment elsewhere.
4) The hero has supernatural help - el Santo Niño de Atocha.
5) The hero must prove himself many times while on adventure - Juan is always trying to prove a chauffeur, in his many job attempts after leaving DF, and his most recent hurdles are proving himself as a father and his anthurium business deal.
6) Hero has a special weapon only he can wield - this is not so obvious, perhaps Juan's weapon is his luck (or bad luck) with the ladies, perhaps his strength is symbolized by his hair, his boots, his buckle?
7) The journey and the unhealable wound - Juan's unhealable wound could be his heart.
8) The hero experiences atonement - I don't think we're there yet.
9) When the hero dies, he is rewarded spiritually - this will remain to be seen. Juan could be rewarded spiritually, maybe not for his own death, but for the death of another or perhaps the "death" or end of something in his life.
Anyway...just some thoughts
On another tema, folks, I had the Christmas trip from the infierno yesterday. We flew from our home airport in the Heartland to Atlanta, then turned around to fly backwards to the Heartland (long story, needed the miles to be gold this year and I didn't want to drive 8 hours in Christmas weekend traffic, stupid me), but when we got in the air (knowing that all the flights to our little town where I grew up had been cancelled except ours, duh, I should have paid better attention) they told us they would land us in Louisville. That's 8 hours from where we were going the other other direction, I think. But, they landed us in Indy and put us on a big bus and sent us on, three and a half hours to where Mami and Papi live. We got into our hotel at 3:00 a.m., 13 hours after we started.
For the record, if I ever tell any of you I plan to fly at Christmas again, shake me soundly.
One more thing I might add to the archetypal hero analysis, I recall studying (from college days oh so long ago) that an inherent 'flaw' of the hero often leads to his/her troubles and sometimes demise. Everybody else can see this trait but the hero usually seems to be blind to it so does nothing to correct it.
Do you get to fly straight to the island or do you go through my old home first? I am sending you LOTS of good energy. Thousands of flights all over the mainland were cancelled yesterday due to weather (dense fog in the Midwest). If we had driven, we found, we would have been diverted anyway, since parts of the interstate through our state were closed due to bad fog accidents.
Glad you are going on a holiday when most folks will be settled and not in the air. Thanks for the hero trivia addition. That is so true!
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