Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Juan Q-12-26 CL is back to his old habits, Ang searches for new habits, Erlinda is out of habit, and Juan has a habit of getting himself in a bind
Kike is on the phone and I think he tells Susanna that he might know where she can find Akito, because later on in the program we see her and Sung -Ju on a bus, presumably heading to Achichipico. Some guy in the background is watching Kike on the phone in a suspicious manner.
Juan is first on the bus heading back to Achichipico. He catches the eye of a lovely peasant girl and he asks God why he is so irresistable. He is looking forward to getting back to see his son he tells himself, along with something about the DF.
Along the way we see the bus break down and everyone gets off of it. Juan offers to help the driver fix it. The driver isn't so sure but Juan assures him that he studied mechanics and knows what he is doing. The guy says well fine, as long as you know what you are doing...
All of the Cachons are sitting around the table, very forlorn. Alirio remarks that this has to be the first time a guy who isn't even dead yet, has had two wakes, and says something about another funeral. He wonders, accordingly, if there will be another party if Juan shows up here again. Nidia tells him so what if there is.
Somehow CL is seducing Ivonne again, and she agrees that she'll finally give him another chance. He takes her home to his apartment.
Upstairs at Casa Cachon we see Marely crying. Nidia goes in to console her and this time isn't letting her off by her saying there's nothing wrong. Nid tells her that she can't hide it, that she needs to get everything off of her chest, and that Nid knows she is upset because Juan left again. FINALLY, Marely breaks down and proclaims how mad she is at herself that she will lose him for being stupid and proud; that she should have taken the chance to tell him how she felt while he was here, but now it's too late. Nidia tells her not to beat herself up, that there are plenty of nice guys in the world and she will meet one, because she deserves to be happy, she's too great of a gal to be a solterona (old maid or unmarried lady) and her time will come; so not to give up on herself.
Pau and Ana are talking, and Pau thinks she's made the decision, that she's left with no recourse but to ask for a divorce because things have degraded from bad to worse between her and CL, so she's going to go see him at work. Ana wonders if work is the best place and Pau says she needs a neutral place. Ana worries about the gossipers there. Pau says they will already find everything out anyway.
Pastor is assuring CL in a very sad demeanor that Juan is definitely not coming back and that he is out of the way of CL. CL wants to know how he is sure and Pastor tells him because even though it was really hard for him, he personally convinced Juan not to return, despite the great offers that were being made to him. Pastor takes this opportunity to remind CL how fiercely loyal he is, even when his own interests conflict. Cl is pleased that he may be rid of Juan.
Pastor also tells Monica the same news, and of course she tells him he screwed up to let Juan get away. He insists to her that he could say or do nothing to change his mind. I think this Jekyll /Hyde stuff has to be getting to him. I do not envy Pastor.
It's clear that back at the apartment, CL and Ivonne have rediscovered each other. She stays over but has to make a call first. She calls Fer and apologizes that she's going to have to cancel there get together. He knows that it's not something that came up, but rather someone. She says she'll see him tomorrow at work though.
Back on the road, the bus riders get impatient with Juan who has managed to make himself look authentic, by putting things all over the place, yet still the bus isn't running. He tells the riders that he has covered himself in grease for them and they are not even grateful. The driver tells him he has fixed nothing and now he's going to have to go find a real mechanic and they force Juan out of the way. The peasant girl takes his side though and she walks off with him.
In Achichipico, Buddy Dark One (Negro) sings another song and Delfina comes in. They wonder what to do about this situation with Juanito running off. I don't think they have to wait very long because the Chavez show up. They begin interrogating the two as to where Juan went. Both Delfina and BDO refuse to tell them anything. They keep trying to get it out of them. Later we see them tied to chairs with their feet in dishpans and one of the Chavez about to pour maybe boiling water into the bins.
Kike gets a call from Angarita and Kike wonders why he isn't coming back. Don Ang says something else came up down here regarding the business and so he's going to stay a little longer and see what else he can arrange.
We see Moni talking to Chelo, who confirms that things are really bad, that Pau isn't sleeping at the house anymore, and asks her not to think she's half crazy, but Chelo swears Cl had another women in the apartment.
The next day at the office, Fer comes in and berates Ivonne for blowing him off because he pretty much knows what she's up to. The whole office kind of hears this and gives her funny looks, including Marely who manages a smug smile.
Moni and Ivonne have a nice little conversation. Ivonne attempting to show loyalty tells Moni that she knows CL has taken up with a lover again, and Pau isn't in the house. Moni says she already knows this, and oh, do you know who the lover is? Ivonne says more or less. Moni of course knows it's her and Ivonne admits that she stayed the night with him, and that he will always come back for more because they are like associates and it's only a matter of time and patience because he needs her. Moni is not terribly pleased.
Back in Achichipico, just when the Chavez are about to pour the water, Juan busts in the door and wonders what the heck is going on. He argues with the Chavez about this not being the way to solve anything and wonders what they were pulling. He says they should be ashamed of themselves and that they are torturing innocent people and that he gave them his word he would come back, and he did, and they should leave others out of things. They say that they were protecting their interests or something but they end up leaving.
Both Delfina and Dark Buddy call him Saint Gabriel and are thankful that Juan arrived when he did and don't know what would have happened if he hadn't come right then. Juan is all excited and tells them of his long trip back and the bus breaking down and pulls out a truck to show them what he brought back for Juanito. He keeps on describing it, and they try to interrupt him that Juanito is gone, back to his grandmother's, because he thought that Juan abandoned him and he doesn't want to see him anymore. Juan is upset and says he has to go right away to tell Juanito he would never abandon him for 5 minutes even.
Back at the Chavez home, Elder Chavez yells at younger for having such a dumb idea and that he should never have listened to him. Just then Erlinda shows up and her Dad tells her the good news that Juan did come back, and now it's her turn to work her charms and reel him in. She gets a hopeful smile.
Ivonne is talking again to Pastor and telling him what happened with CL. He has this piece of advice, that she's not a guy and that this little display of love is going to cost her dearly.
At Casa Davila, Pau is getting ready to go. She tells Ana that CL is a reasonable man and that he will understand that they need to take this step. Ana laughs and does not believe CL to be reasonable. Pau dresses nicely to go to see CL - I liked the outfit a lot actually... just as she opens the door to leave, Nid has arrived. She wonders where Pau is going so nicely dressed, and Pau tells her that she has to go but come in and Ana will tell her the gossip. Nidia says she should throw away her shoes so that Nid can go and retrieve them, essentially she thought the shoes were really cute. FYI, they were peek-a-boo toes I think, so that would counts as open...
Dark Buddy and Delfina want to go with Juan to see Juanito, but he says this is his problem and he needs to go alone. He strikes out. In the street on his way, who does he run into but... Don Ang who detains him for a drink and a chat about what's going on, and why he left, and the business etc. Juan tells him that he already knows about PAu and the whole bit, and says he'll only tell Ang the rest if he doesn't tell anyone. Juan also doesn't want to be rude but after listening to Ang for a while he says he's in a hurry and has to be somewhere.
Pau shows up at Farrell and Ivonne asks her what she wants, to which she replies to see her husband. She goes in to CL's office and he offers her some hard liquor. She declines saying that they have to talk seriously and reasonably.
Ivonne calls Moni to alert her to Pau's presence in the office. Of course Moni is impactada.
After Pau gets CL to react seriously she confirms that yes, she's there for an important reason. She wants a divorce.
Wishing everyone (if anyone is still reading) a wonderful NEW YEAR 2008....PROSPERO ANO NUEVO A TODOS!!!!!!!!!!
Labels: Juan
Peek-a-boo heels does count as open toe, and even though to ask for a divoice, she was going to see CL. Note* Mayrin Villaneuva AKA Paula, is a very attractive woman...the main reason I watch this show...Since the start of this series, she has had her teeth capped, and I am sure she is sleeping with sponges between her toes, in order to correct them without surgery. That is why my "Paula Shoes" theory may soon stop being accurate. Latino women love to wear shoes that show their feet.
Finally, the predicted "milkshake" contest will be heating up soon. Paula scored first, with the baptism blue dress, so she has 1 point already. Erlinda, Yolanda, even Marely, will put up points very soon. An added contestant will be the "cutie" traveling with the Japanese woman. CL will fall for her, and get rejected, as she too will want to get next to Jaun....This could play out in the "Hinderlands" and not the DF, as I think Paula will go in seach of Juan.....stay tune
I am glad that this show is continuing to be such a delight. I'll miss it when I leave for Mexico next week but will certainly enjoy recaps here in Caray2. So yes, there are people out here watching this week, in between festivities and family gatherings. How devoted of you to watch Juan and do this fine recap while you are away from home.
I too love the village setting. Has anyone caught the credits to see where the real village is and what it is named?? It might make a fun excursion for me some weekend if it isn't too far from Cuernavaca.
Doncha just love how Nidia always defends Juan? He can always count on her. Delirio really is so clueless--he hasn't figured it out at all. He needs to keep his mouth shut.
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