Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Pasión 12-5 - in which the comatose fiance of your sister is better than no fiance at all.

Relive the exciting night as Camila is carried off to the lair of the impotent villain! Her parents come to the Big House begging and crying for her release but -- it's too late, sez the servant, they're already - 'Together.'

The dad and mom leave, she's crying "Pig!" Dad says consolingly, "Aw, men are like that. He was drunk with his buddies." "But why couldn't he have done it with his maids?" queries the mother unendearingly. NIMBY.

Mom mutters a dark insinuation: Don Jorge will regret his aberrant behavior. [Do we have to start wondering if Camila herself is product of one of those special first-night events courtesy of a much younger Don Jorge? How old is Jorge supposed to be, anyway? --Ed.] She won't tell her husband Justo, who clearly is lacking in mental acuity and generally looks befuddled, why she insinuated darkly.

Behind Jorge's gauze curtains: "Gee, I don't know why I can't perform tonight. Generally, I can do two or three women at once, when I'm even drunker than this," this is the gist of Don Jorge's thoughts on his passive member.

He wants Camila to do "something" but she's too nice a girl to know what "something" is - he is amused to realize her boyfriend Santiago (Saintly) was too nice a boy to beg for "something" the way most boys would.

[Now we see why Rulli was chosen for this role, it's another wussie 'guerito' - blondie - Rulli role. He will cry and cry and reveal his feelings in a Sensitive New Age Guy sort of way. This is not what I watch telenovelas for. I prefer tough guys on horses. --Ed.]

"I need to rest, to get my strength back, then we'll give it another whack," Jorge informs his unwilling bedmate. She cries and cries. She's gonna cry Monday-Friday 9-10 pm for a few months, como así?

[Suddenly I am completely distracted from recapping by the garish color of her hair. I surmised during "La Fea" that, in order to save on hair coloring costs, Univision bought an entire tanker truck full of this hair color, which does not exist in nature, and backed the truck up to the hair department's loading dock. Every show has at least one or two women whose heads are dipped into the vat. Miles of hair extensions go into the vat, too. So why do they never give this hair color to the men? And tell me, will the tanker never be empty? -- Ed.]

Jorge ties Camila's hands together and falls to snoring holding the cord. She of course manages to bite the inebriated-created knot apart, slips out of bed without showing an inch of skin, steals the keys out of his dressing robe, dresses swiftly (wouldn't you think it would take at least half an hour to get all those corsets and things tied back up?), and escapes past sleeping servants. Once outside, she puts a burlap bag over her head and hides behind a small wicker basket and some horses...

... and then (pardon my excitement) there is a cameo appearance in the marketplace by A DONKEY wearing slatted panniers...

... and she makes it to the riverside and runs for home. She sees her dad and they collapse sobbing. "He didn't do anything to me, he was too drunk!" Her dad sez Saintly is still feeling poorly, she runs to him ...

...he's in her very bedroom, her sister Rita and another woman are watching over him. To save space - in all bedroom scenes it's, "Oh, he's very poorly, he probably won't make it, and if he does, he won't be able to move and will have even fewer functioning brain cells than Rodrigo Montalvo, perhaps he'd be better off dying."

Here, though, is Camila's sister's thoughtbubble: "Even comatose forever he'll still be pretty, so keep your hands off, I'm doing the nursing here." Rita obviously has the hots for Rulli and hence is hostile to her own sister, the would-be bride.

In fact Rita is blaming Camila for this situation - if she had just gone off quietly to get raped by the Massa, there wouldn't have been all that ruckus and Saintly would be fine.

Ignoring her sister's sneers and disapproving looks, Camilla kneels at Saintly's feet and whispers, "I am intact! And you promised to make me happy forever and give me lots of kids, so get with the program." Somebody says: "He doesn't need all this drama, dear," and they push Camila out of the room.

Rita says Camila's claim to be unsmirched is a lie, and anyway, it's her fault Jorge wanted her, because she wears bright colors and acts like a peacock in the marketplace. While she's dissing sis, sis is bathing and telling the maid she's intact. The maid says it's a miracle.

Jorge wakes - no wench, his keys are gone, como así?!?! He instructs his servants to find her - "get the dogs!" He sees: she left one stocking next to his shoes. "She dares defy me?"

He goes to her house; with her father off at the church canceling the wedding and brother Vasco at the mill, there are no men to defend her. She doesn't want to go down to him but Rita says, "Go down there or he'll kill people again."

Jorge scolds. "What did I tell you? I told you to stay put. Anyway, I didn't get my shot, so you have to come back tonight and give me a second try." "But the right of the first night is only valid on the first night." They debate where people will think he couldn't do it, or will think she was so good in the sack he wanted her again, but she suggests, "Let's not and say we did." She further suggests: "Surely you don't want people thinking you lack the vigor of your good old days." "Are you threatening me? Who have you told, anyway?!" "Just my father." A deal is struck: he won't make her come back if she retracts her claim to be intact and tells everybody he's astonishingly virile.

He asks, "By the way how Saintly is doing?" "Muy mal. (I'm adding this to the list of words everybody must know - "very badly"). "Aw, don't worry, there's plenty more where that one came from, if he dies I'll get you a new husband."

Parting, he reminds her that her life, and the lives of her family members, are in his hands, and if she talks things will go muy mal for them, and, "Have a nice day." Leaves.

I really like this villain a lot. He's a tax collector by the way. When my daughter and I went to Bulgaria, we saw a very very nice medieval home in a very very humble village. It had belonged to the tax collector.

Now we see a gratuitous scene of an old crone, she looks to be about my age but with better hair, trussed to a log and about to be burned at the stake. And, oh my word, there's a, there's a DONKEY in this scene, too!

Jorge stride by the execution in progress and enters Justo's workplace, asking: "How's business? Can we talk in private?" In private: "Your daughter is pretty and has good manners. If she has a child and it's a boy, I'll give him my name. Have a nice day." Leaves.

Justo goes home and reviews the contradictory stories with Camila, who protests that she is intact and that Jorge merely wants everybody to think he is a powerhouse of manly hormones and can impregnate a woman with one finger. (A finger? Ah, how innocent and virginal you are.)

She recounts the deal and her father said she'd better comply, because Jorge owns them all, even their souls. "No, father, our souls belong only to God." At this point, I am seriously yearning for pirates.

And now Camila is bugging her sick swain again, wiping his lips with a moist honeyed towelette and whispering that on their wedding night, "You will notice that I am intact. Nobody has touched me, nobody will touch me!" She doesn't notice that -- his thumb twitches!

And now here comes the Bowlheaded Padre to give Extreme Unction. Camila has a fit and is thrown out of the room. Running away, she is pursued by her father, who says Doc Nicorette himself ordered up the Unction. "Some Doctor, he treats pigs and mules, not people!" She runs and cries some more.

At the Big House, Don Jorge regales a friend with lies about his night with Camila. His wife Sofia finds out and is furious. "There aren't enough whores in this house, he has to poke a nice girl from a good family?" [Gee, the maids in this palace are getting a bad rap. --Ed.] She swishes into his presence and says the same thing, he says happily, "Yes, the fact that she is from a nice family means she merits my attention."

"You unscrupulous pig, I hate you. I hope God punishes you by removing that part of you which you hold in highest regard." [It seems this malediction has already come true.]

She leaves and Jorge deflects his friend's string of eager questions. He says the same thing we heard in Alborada -- from Don Diego, was it? "Nice girls don't feel desire and whores only pretend to feel desire, the important thing is simply to enjoy oneself."

A rich blond in pink with a somewhat piggy face proves to be Ursula, Don Jorge's oversexed daughter. She defends her dad's 'First Night' behavior: "It demonstrates his superiority. Too bad the right is not extended to daughters, too." She has her friend go find Vasco, Camila's brother, and fetch him. She and Vasco roll in the grass together and then, hair all discombobulated, she rides away with a very satisfied face, saying next time they'll do it in her room where it's more comfortable. Her companion, Doña Manuela, seems somewhat disapproving.

Camila, meanwhile, is still crying and still running when suddenly a PIRATE cracks a whip. PIRATES smack her, she is thrown over a shoulder and carried away. When one pirate gets tired of carrying her, she is passed to another. The pirates, all with hair extensions, inform each other that should she awaken, they will just knock her out again.

It gradually dawns on people that Camila is not to be found.

Doña Sofia apologizes to Justo. He says no worries, you are a right gal.

Justo gathers his family and miscellaneous others, and says Camila was lying, she really did get boinked by the Massa, a sister gets agitated and cries, "Will this happen to me too?" "No worries, you don't even have a boyfriend yet."

And that's it for today, maties.

Tomorrow - Rulli's eyes open. Hurrah, he will live to cry another day!


Comments: was too good. Great recap.

Okay..thanks again..
I hate to be picky, but I think the Mom with Jorge is Santi's ma. I think Camila's Ma ran off with a pirate or die pumping out one of those three kids. So maybe Santi's ma has done the deed with Don Jorge?

Anyhow, I just love the open for debate virginity question. See and they act like the invention of TV was a bad thing. This how people used to pass the time. I think Cami should sew a scarlet V on her dress.

Had I known back in high school that coming home the next day and giving Pa a two thumbs up and muttering still intact, would give you a free pass, I'd still be living at home.

Good call on the hair color, my husband was snickering over the hair through the whole episode, when he could stay awake.

Still, I say Vasco the brother might be a blondie, put the boy brings it. Rulli already gets no sympathy from me. I do have a strange desire to wander into a hospital and whisper to comatose patients "Don't worry I'm still intact".

I found the pirate with bad extensions strangely charming.

I hope Don Jorge finds his mojo soon, he just really doesn't make a good evil villian, just an ol horndawg.

What a hilarious recap!! Definitely
more fun than the episode. With my three words of Spanish, I think I've figured out the rest of the telenovela. The abducted Camilla eventually falls in love with Colunga, and the nasty sister gets Santi --initially much to Camilla's dismay. But then....I saw Colunga in a film (forgot the title) and am interested to see him in Pasion, but I suspect I'm going to be in and out of this one.

Melinama, Thanks for the amusing recap. Another night of frustration at not seeing our Fernando. I occupied myself with copying the picture of him hanging off, let's see Oldman, I would say starboard while the ship progresses or it's port if he is guiding them while they sail backwards, right? So anyway about my new screen wallpaper set for tiled so there are about 18 Fernandos across the screen.
I also liked your comment last night about Don nopuede or no cumple having hair like Tiny Tim. I will think ukeleles everytime I see Don Jorge for the rest of this series, you are so, so right.

I agree with Beckster that it's Santi's Mom and Camila's Pops that try to reason at the big house but no pueden hacer nada...

Terrific! The day I collapse from exhaustion and my VCR eats the tape after I spent fifteen minutes trying to find one with enough space is the day the pirates show up. Naturally.

Sorry about making mistakes with the parental units, my interest in the genealogy of the peasants is strangely feeble (though of course you never know who's going to turn out to be bastard gentry).

Shadow, no worries, these were strictly second-string pirates, the good ones have not yet appeared. Buy yourself a new tape!

Thank you, Melinama~~~~Pobrecita Camilla. I am put in mind of Judith Viorst's excellent children's book ''Alexander's Terrible, Awful, Miserable, Very Bad Day [substitute ''Camilla'' for Alexander and you have the title of this episode.] Talk about going from the frying pan into the fire...from Don No-Can-Do to getting punched out and carried off like a sack of potatoes by PIRATES [the bad kind...not the sexy, bandana-wearing, hanging off the side of the ship kind.] Familiar faces in this episode. Don No-Can-Do's randy daughter was Manuel's cousin Marie from Amor Real...the grifter who tried to bambozzle his property from him. She had a fake French accent and wore an array of weird pastel outfits with verrrry tight dresses and matching tiny frilly hats. And look what the wind blew in...none other than No-Can-Do Florina Orlando from ''Duelo'' arch rival of One-Expression Emilioooo and would-be deflowerer of De Flower Flor. He looks better with the long hair. He reminds me of Daniel Day Lewis in Last of the Mohicans. [Oh, by the way, the guy who played the army guy Rodrigo , Emilio's other rival for Florina was dancing on Bailando last Sunday.] Okay, where is Fernando ??? I'm getting a little impatient now. And folks, remember, as long as Santi is comatose, he isn't crying...count your blessings. P.S. What are the names of the Doublemint Blacksmith Twins??? I've been calling them Pete and Repete in my mind. They are cute and quiet...I like that in a guy.

Im sorry, but I am really not feeling Pasion at all...I just hope its gonna get a lot better soon!!! I miss D A already...

Thank you for the recap. It filled in the places where I fell asleep trying to watch it. I hope I can get more interested in it. Perhaps my problem is that most of the commentators have some kind of a past with the cast and interject comments about their appearances in other novelas that further compounds the confusion of this pity party story.

Oh, well, I can hardly wait to see the great Colunga after all that has been hyped about him. Please let it be really good.

From lower Ala

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Thanks for the grins, Melinama. As for me, Saintly Santi came across fine for a pretty boy actor. Susana not so much but I'll give her a pass for now. It's hard going cold turkey from DA to the 18th century without detox.

Now, the find for me is Will Levy as Vacant Vasco, Camila's useless, airhead of a brother. Nice looking guy (and for me, he looks like a minor) with a great, husky roll-in-the-hay voice to go with that sumtuous body. Mercy me! Eye candy that can even act --which is more than I can say for the Doublemint twins playing brillo-headed blacksmithing bookends!

Totally disliked the frilly hodge podge for opening credits. Dizzying doesn't even begin to describe the disjointed herky jerky of an editing job those things put us through--seems like since production costs of those sets and costumes ran so high that they figured all the cuttings on the editing room floor shouldn't go to waste so somebody said, "We'll use those so we can all be sure to get bonuses at holiday time!"

Thanks melinama for the excellent and fun recap.

I think they are doing a good job working with technology that they have never worked with before, although they need to work overtime next time with the colors and sets, or else figure out a way to reset the editing computers to make it look like old school film-style. bright colors, styrofoam and painted pvc pipes just don't cut it anymore.

For those who are wondering, the "wonder" twins are Pancho and Crispin. they are identical twins in real life and I have no idea how to tell them apart.

Hooray! from the promos tonight will be the first appearance of the pirate hero himself!

I'm still cracking up over the scarlet V and the thought of Don Jorge with a ukulele.

The funniest thing last night was watching Camila struggle with, what, fifteen layers of clothing while glancing nervously at Jorge hoping he wouldn't wake up.

I hope the virginity talk will slack off a bit after the pirates carry her off, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

As for the doublemint twins, I'm calling them Hans und Franz for now.

Excellent recap! Another night without Colunga but two donkey sightings, so all in all quite satisfactory.

When I saw the poor lady being dragged to the stake I had dreadful flashbacks to all the Alborada public executions. Yikes, Carla Estrada does enjoy this motif. I hope we don't have to see too many of these...until the villains get their just desserts of course.

OMG Susanlynn, I didn't even recognize Orlando! I hope as a pirate he has better luck with his 'failure to launch' problem. He looks pretty hot with his goofy hair extensions.

Camila's hair, bleck. And that whole virginity debate is just icky. "I'm intact", I think I'll have to add that to the vocab list as it could come in very useful.

Great recap Melinama.

Still, no Fernando in this episode too.

Helen J.

Hilarious recap! I too fell asleep through parts so thank you for filling in the gaps. Lots of eye candy for the ladies in this one, which makes the almost-cartoonish acting tolerable. Camilla the peasant had a nice string of pearls on last night...not bad for a peasant.
:-) M from CT

Okay, we’ve had tons of plot, now I’m ready for some character development. Who ARE these folks? And I’m ready for fewer tears! Seemed like a one-hour long cry-fest. I haven’t seen Colunga in anything yet, so I’m eager to see him and see what the buzz is all about.

Really loved the recap!

Thanks Melinama - another hilarious recap. I just knew that sister had designs on Ashley Wilkes, er. I mean Santiago.

They should call this show "It sucks to be Camilla."

I'm loving those commercials for "Desperate Housewives." Hopefully we'll have recaps for that one by one of you lovely ladies and/or gentlemen.


One thing about Colunga I've seen him in a half dozen novelas and never saw him work up a single tear, unlike Rullia who sobs in almost every scene he is in. LOL

Too right about the vats of hair dye. I've been various garish shades of red but never this bad. I just wish i knew where we are supposed to be. To my recollection there weren't a lot of pirates around Mexico. Maybe we are supposed to be in Cartegena.

Thanks Melinama for a great recap!

Yes, that lady who accompanied Justo to Don Jorge's house was ofelia, Santi's mom.

Poor Camila...I think I'm going through a emotional phase cuz I got tears in my eyes when she arrived at her dad's screaming mia culpa....though I was trown off by her hair... i also don't understand what it it with red hair in Mexican Soaps. I think I read Carla Estrada say that she is supersticious and sofar red hair has worked out well for her. Notice her hair is red too :)

hmmm...If I color my hair red, will Fernando rescue me from the evil pirates too?

ps, in regards to who those people are:

* The mom who accompanies Justo tothe Palace on the boinking night, and also the 'another woman' watching for santiago = Ofelia, Santi's mom

* The sis who gets agitated and cries 'will this happen to me too'? = Ines, Santi's sister, Ofelia's daughter.

Thanks Melinama, I love your recap. DA was my first novela which means I've never seen Colunga in a novela before. So, I have the advantage of not being dissappointed that he hasn't made a showing yet. Call me crazy, but I love a man who's strong yet tender enough to cry. I came up in the old days when men didn't cry and women didn't get angry. That didn't mean they didn't experience those emotions, it merely meant they couldn't show them. In fact, some guy on TV made such a comment about a prominent political figure. "She seems angry to me", as if that was the worst trait a woman could have. OK, back to the story:) So far it really has my interest. It's a nice contrast to DA (which I loved).

thanks for the giggles melinama

"So maybe Santi's ma has done the deed with Don Jorge?" I think the character profiles mentions this and Don Jorge gives Santi the last name. Maybe that's why she said that Don Failure to Launch or spanish equivelent (DFL) will regret what he did (or not do)?

I'm diggin the eye candy and jardinera i totally agree Vasco looks like a young, anybody know how young?

As for the virginity talk, I hope that doesn't become the topic of everday conversation, ewww

Okay i am riding this one out as much as I can...

Melinama, thanks for the great recap! Witty and terse, and totally fitting to the fizzle of this first week (weak?) of Pasion. There were just too many funny lines in your recap for me to backquote them all.

“”But why couldn't he have done it with his maids?" queries the mother unendearingly. NIMBY.” ROTFL! I thought this comment was as amusing as it was inappropriate, and it wouldn’t surprise me if some folks think this way and did in that era.

“[Do we have to start wondering if Camila herself is product of one of those special first-night events courtesy of a much younger Don Jorge? How old is Jorge supposed to be, anyway? --Ed.]” Would that make her Santiago’s half sister? Uh-oh. But I got the feeling like Beckster this is Santiago’s mother, Ofelia, with Camila’s father who want to talk to Don Jorge. I read in some synopsis that Santiago is Jorge’s “first –rights” offspring and nothing about Camila. I hope that they sort this out for us soon! And I think I got the idea that these two have a tender for each other, or that Camila’s daddy has a tender for Lady Sofia, I can’t remember which one of those.

“prefer tough guys on horses. --Ed.” Which is exactly why they put Fernando in it for you, Melinama.

“garish color of her hair. I surmised during "La Fea" that, in order to save on hair coloring costs, Univision bought an entire tanker truck full of this hair color, which does not exist in nature, and backed the truck up to the hair department's loading dock. Every show has at least one or two women whose heads are dipped into the vat.” ROTFL!!!!

“... and then (pardon my excitement) there is a cameo appearance in the marketplace by A DONKEY wearing slatted panniers...” ROTFL!!! With all these donkeys so far, the telenovela cannot be all bad.

“Camila, meanwhile, is still crying and still running when suddenly a PIRATE cracks a whip. PIRATES smack her, she is thrown over a shoulder and carried away.” Hooray! We’re closer to our goal! We’ll have Fernando soon!

Schoolmarm Jeanne

Great recap! Yep, the red hair is too much! I remember one of the commentators saying that Pamela's hair(on DA) was "baboon butt red". So is Camila's!!!! What's wrong with brown????

Well, gotta go to work! Can't wait for tonight and hopefully, Fernandooooo!

Hopefully some help for some of you in regards to the hair color on Susy, it does get better. Susy had to wear a wig the first couple of weeks as she couldn't change her hair color due to another show she was doing.

Two things I'm wondering about--is there more crying and shouting and less dialog in Pasion compared to other TNs?
Is the language level a little more simple and easy to understand or is my comprehension improving by some miracle?
Thanks for the fun recap, Melinama. Loved that they threw in some donkeys to hold you until the pirates appear.
La Paloma

To Anonymous 01:49--Yes, there were real pirates in Mexico, in the Yucatan peninsula. Campeche, in particular, was assaulted repeatedly for over a century through the late 1600's. This is well known in Mexico, so much so that the city's baseball time is Los Piratas! However, much of the outdoor part of this production was filmed in Cartagena, Colombia.

He, I laughed soooo loud when I read Ferro's comment about the doublemint twins and showing up for a porno shoot....soo true. What a riot. we are going to have fun whether we like the novela or not!!

Great recap Melinama!!! I swear the recaps are way better than this novela so far...having serious DA withdrawals....

Ok, is it just me or did anyone else notice Don Tiny Tim's wife pulling on the bodice of her dress?? When she goes into the study to tell him what a desgraciado he is, and isn't there enough ramera's in the house?, Tia Isabelle from Alborada with a bad wig in this novela is yanking on her dress...maybe she's trying to get it to fit better, along with her wig?

Sista Rita is already working my last nerve into the ground, with her dirty looks, thought bubbles,her skulking...I can see the writing on the wall now, regarding her and Rulli!!!

I do hope Cami's hair color dulls a bit with her being abducted, but I somehow doubt styles & color normally stay the same in novela land...

I will say one thing, I do like the theme music to Pasion...its kinda if only the acting would be catchy!

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desti/not-bilgewater - Thanks for the Campeche pirate info. I am not clear - what nationality were the pirates generally? Were they English or new world Hispanic or a mix?

Great, humorous recap Melinama!

All these actors are new for me and the period setting is new for me in telenovelas. Maybe that's why I like Pasion so far. There's enough visual interest for me to pick up any slack in the story.

La Paloma - I've also noticed I can understand the language much better in this than I did with DA.

Anon 4:36, thanks for the info on Susanna's hair. I could swear her wig was shifting around which was driving me crazy. I'm glad to hear it's only temporary. Which reminds me of another Carla Estrada pattern...bad hair for men. Remember the horrible hairdos in Alborada? They just got worse and worse. It was hilarious. I'm a huge Estrada fan so that's it for my complaining.

Anon 6:16 Here's my take on your comment. You are right, the language is "simpler" because they are using a dialogue trick to remind us that this was a loooong time ago. There was not so much slang used back then, but even if there was among some of the working classes--it was from a long time ago. The writers might not care to do a lot of the research to use antiquated slang of that era properly (and besides, old-time slang that's gone out of style isn't always understood by contemporary television audiences. When I read some older versions of English it may be slang or it may simply be constructions of that era, but I don't understand it all that well). To give the impression of antiquity, then, they don't use any modern slang and use some of the very conventional Castilian constructions, which is what the upper class would have used long ago in Mexico, and may still with contemporary modifications. Just my take on it.

Yo Amo a Juan Querendón, by contrast, uses more slang than any conventional grammar in a lot of scenes, and can be very difficult to understand by comparison. And it's a beast to recap some nights!

Schoolmarm Jeanne

Melinama - you're absolutely the best. My guess is that you have some clout with writers and producers of these telenovelas. Please encourage them to re-think the opening music and trailer to Pasion. Alborada had a great opening and music - the impact of music on the visuals is incalculable.

Also, Suzanna, was absolutely gorgeous in Heridas with dark hair. I thought her acting superior to Jacqueline's (they should have switched acting roles).

Anyway, my facility with Spanish has improved since my dependency on Alborada recaps -- but I got too over confident. If I hadn't read your recaps, I would never have understood the situation of Santiago's father. (I wondered where he was, just thought he was off making money or something.)

Anyway, I look forward to all your future recaps.

Jardinera--the most famous heist in Mexican history occurred in 1521 when Hernan Cortes sent a boatload 'o gold to the King of Spain and an Italian pirate made off with it when it reached the Azores. Most pirates I've read about in Latin American history classes were Italian, French, or English. The Spanish and New World criollos and mestizos seemed to be victims more often than not.

Thanks Melinama, tough guys on horses, yum...

I sure hope you were watchin' tonight, Susanlynn! You gotcher fill of machoman in this episodio and it was well worth the wait. Loved the makeup job on Fer. He did look mighty fine!

Well, I love this show so far! I just caught up on the first two episodes last night. It's good to have something two watch after several months of nothing.

1) I can understand the Spanish. 2) I can understand the plot! 3) It's silly but entertaining, not dark and pretentious (Amar).

Love how our William Levy from Acorralada has started this show with another airhead role--boy toy to the rich girl. He's supposed to be upset about his injured brother, but instead he's romping with that pink Little Bo Peep girl--who's father is the cause of the trouble.
If you watch Billy when he's just standing around in the crowd scenes, he looks too "modern"--he's not focusing on the dialog or action as he should be. He's bopping around as if he's listening to his Ipod!

Well, that is a real surprise to me that some of you are finding the Spanish easier to understand this time around. I'm often totally lost! I think I've gotten so much slang out of Destilando and La Fea that I'm no longer able to understand proper textbook Spanish!

Well, I may find the Spanish easier to understand, Julie, but my English spelling has fallen down on the job. I meant "whose" instead of "who's" in the posting above. You'd think as a former copy editor I would have caught that mistake.

Not to mention that I notice I wrote "something two watch." Does anyone know how to correct existing posts?

Ninak: Go into "post a comment at the end of the final comment. Once you enter the posting page, go down to your post and you'll see a trash can icon. Click on it and you'll be allowed to delete it, but copy your remarks first and paste them into the box. Then correct away and publish.

Just came along this page after googling Isadora and Fransisco death love all your guys summary. I think the old guy was a vice Rey. Like a Mayor or something

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