Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Yo Amo a Juan- Mon.12/03/07 -Was There a Sale on Wedding Dresses in D.F.?

I'll be the Monday night Juan Querendón recapper through December. Anyone interested in handling it in January should contact Melinama. see the side panel for her e-mail or step up in the comments. It's fun and it super accelerates your learning/understanding of Spanish. And one last whine about my very dead VCR. Yup, it shuddered and died on me 15 minutes into the first showing of Juan last night. This will be my best memory from notes only.

We start with the repeat of Monica and Cesár Luis in her apartment which Jeanne so completely translated. You can always read her Friday recap. To review main points, Monica is ensnaring CL with her coquettish appeal that the big old Farrell Industries is just too, too big for a bitty thing like herself. She had no idea how hard it would be, she can't do it alone, he needs to return. Her errors could cost them a fortune. He was so capable and worked so hard to build it up... Who could run Farrell better than he, she adds cunningly. He avows that he has other plans but you can see that he is deeply effected as he exits. Laura comes in from the other room having overhead this and wants to know just what Monica is up to with this ploy. Monica says CL is driven by only two things, passion and ambition. She bets that it is the second that will win out and he will come back.

Juan is busy outside Paula's darkened house thought bubbling some long shot hopeful thoughts about the unsteadiness of Paula's relationship with CL. He barely controls his impulses to go up to the door.

Paula and Ana are having this same dreary argument about CL. Paula admits that yes he is pressing her to marry him now but she is sure he is the right one for her. Ana cautions that she doesn't want Paula to regret a hasty decision. Paula says she loves CL but is confused. Ana wants her to postpone this wedding and to consider what she really feels for Juan. Paula really isn't a very clear thinker, is she?

Nidia, stands outside her bedroom summoning up all her courage. She is dressed in a sexy black negligee, this woman has good looking legs. She pats up and down her bust and slithers through the door all in the name of world peace. She then leans seductively against walls and in doorways making her little sexy murmurs. Alirio in his prepubescent pajamas is deaf and blind to her performance as he stares in a trance at the soccer game on TV. She finally asks him if he is blind, when he realizes what she is offering, with passion. He dives under the covers with her and begins to make savage piggy sounds that aren't exactly standard Spanish but only the language of love... Outside in the hallway Juan in those short shorts with pillow over his ears and the sisters in pj's wondering if the noises indicate violence, danger, enjoyment, what? Marely says I thought she had cut services, Yadira questions that there were ever services, certainly not like this. Juan worries that he has to get up really early. They mistakenly mutter that this will surely end really soon. Later Juan sprawled on top of his covers, he can't sleep for all the noise that seems to be going on much later. He remembers the story from Fran about the argument CL and Paula had at lunch which seemed to involve some jealousy and reference to him, Juan....

Later, Alirio is unconscious but starts up again saying Nidia has awakened his most base desires. She tells him he needs to see a doctor, it's not normal how he can carry on for hours like this, and how is she going to stand this every night? He slowly repeats, you said EVERY NIGHT? Oh my Egyptian pharaoh queen, my Cleopatra....

Switch to Fran shivering in his lonely bed, talking to NIdia to have her tell Juan or Marely that he can't get up. She hopes he will get better soon. Marely wonders what's he got, Nidia says He's sick... Yadira enters the diningroom and thanks Nidia and the silly grinning Alirio for the concert last night. When Nidia says it was nothing, Yadira says I am not five. You both should be ashamed! How come no kid no matter what age wants to deal with the sexuality of their parents?

Juan and Kiki are driving in the big truck discussing that Fran is sick. Juan wants to stop and check on him it might be something serious. He sings a little diddy, give a hand to your brother... Okay, Kiki gives in we'll go to his house to check on him.

CL on the phone wanting to come have a conversation with Paula. She invites him over but he says with your mother present we can't really talk. Paula starts to defend her mother's right to be in her own house but Ana catching this in the background says, don't worry I am going to shop so I won't be here. CL agrees to come in one hour.

Angarita has Pastor at the market. Pastor's idea of helping is that he can work with papers, accounts. Angarita zings out that when he needs a secretary he will let him know. What he needs now is a heavy lifter, these big sacks need to be piled up right here. Ang's other helper appears and insists that Pastor take his fancy jacket off so he doesn't stain it.

Fer huddles in the bed sucking on a thermometer while Juan tries to understand his mumbles. Finally Juan can't deal with it and casts it over on the night stand. Instead he feels Fer's head and declares that he is burning up and must be dipped in icy cold water to break the fever. They head for the bathroom to dip poor Fer.

Paula stands pouring a glass of wine, sheesh isn't it still morning. This is not the breakfast drink of a happy bride to be. She is telling CL she wants no pressure, she can't stand it. He encourages her with, I too have fear of big changes. My business for instance, but won't you marry me don't you love me enough? Don't you believe in me (see me eye rolling). I am hurt by your doubts but I love you.... Then he abruptly turns and says I can't stand waiting, are you going to marry me or do we say goodbye here and now. Just as he approaches the front door she opens her mouth.

Fer continues in his sickbed whining, I have no family, no wife no children. One could die alone. I thank you for your friendship but a friend doesn't kiss or hug or talk sweetly when you are sick. I am fed up with solitude, fed up! Juan's eyes bug like they do when Pastor waxes poetic about him. I see manly fear here.

Paula finally voices, I have concerns. we have no future, I respect you but I have to protect myself. He says, I'm going. She needs more time, he claims it is a defeat (derrota) for him. I like to call things by their proper name I wish you luck with all my heart. Finally she, breaks, Okay, let's get married. And as soon as possible. He's the happiest man in the world, amoamoamo

Juan sitting by Fer's side on the bed things how he is really loosing Paula.

Angarito and Kiki discuss his offer for Kiki to work with him full time to be his own boss to share a percentage of the profits. Kiki cannot act without consulting Juan. The deal has to include them both. Angarita urges him not to hesitate and tells him that fear of lack of a decision could make one lose the best opportunity of a lifetime.

Ana returns from the store and Paula fills her in that she and CL are to be married next weekend. This time it will happen without fail. Ana is very disappointed but says she respects Paula's decision and gives her blessing.
Paula prays to el Niño de Atocha to give her bravery AND to clear out the memories of Juan from her head!!!

Nidia is drawing at Ana's house and thinks the frown on Ana's face is because her work is bad [actually it's not a beginner's drawing]. But no, Ana is worried about Paula, she is to marry CL.

Paula shows up at Cesár Luis' apartment and says she is willing to go through with this quick wedding but she has one request. She has promised Juan that he could drive her to the church -BREAK- The conversation continues. CL asks are you serious? CL doesn't like the idea of Juan being so close to her. I promised him. Can't you cede something so simple. But, CL protests you had relations with him, he isn't just anyone. She asserts that he can just go look for another fiancé. Well if it is that important to you. He gives the okay but doesn't like the idea!

Juan and Kiki discuss working for Anga on a percentage of profits basis. Juan says he has to think it over because Monica had offered him a promotion to stay at Ferrell. They discuss the possbilities and finally Juan relents and says I have wounds in my heart. Okay, I'll come with you.

Ana and Nidia discuss the wedding it is quick and absurd. Nidia talks on about it's like a venereal disease or not bathing. Ana is worried Paula will be upset with her intimate details with Nidia but Nidia promises not to mettle.

Pastor is now at Anga's desk adding figures in his little battery operated calculator. He after much effort he comes up with 10,520 just after Anga comes up with it in his head. Anga assures him that Pastor's equipment is not as good and doing the accounting by hand one reason why he, Angarita is a rich man today. Pastor adds dryly, and alone. Angarita tells Pastor he can go home. And talk to the furniture? We seem a lot alike. Well we are brothers, we are just getting to know each other. Really we are strangers but we can get to know each other better. Pastor asks Anga if he has other family. No. Did you have a girlfriend. Yes I had one. It was Nidia Cachón, right?

Nidia meets Paula outside Ana's house and says she hears gossip that Paula is marrying CL. When I was your age.... then she looks at Paula and says why is your face so sad. What about Juan, Papirico? Is he the one who can make you truly happy?. Paula says she has made up her mind. Nidia looks skeptical and says you should be very clear in your feelings. [like she really knows this personally, right].

Back to Anga and Pastor. Anga continues the story that the time of love passed that this was an impossible love. My love for Nidia was returned but she ended up going off with my best friend, Manuel Cachón. Pastor asks, did you hate him for getting her? No. But, now if she can resolve her current situation with this imbecile she married. Things have to be right. She is the love of my life.

Nidia with Juan says, I am going to give you a blow without anesthesia: Paula and CL will marry next weekend! Juan thinks all his hopes dashed. There was never a future. Don't worry I am prepared.

Paula thinks of Nidia's and Ana's advice that Juan would be a better choice for her. Then Marely shows up in her head and repeats Juan is best. She tells herself, I love CL, I won't think about doubts. [If you say this enough times you might believe it yourself.]

Juan in his bed is reliving all his romantic and happy times with Paula. [makes me realize what a fool she is, he is so hawt] He wants to tear these memories of Paula out of his heart and soul.

We see him in the next scene driving an S-type Jaguar in white with black interior, bedecked with white bouquets of flowers. [I gotta tell you here that I had an S-type from the first year they made them, it was silver and the most elegant car I have ever owned and driven. It makes me shiver to think of it now. It was hard to afford all the speeding tickets when I pretended to be a race car driver].
But I digress, Back to Ivonne showing up out front of CL's building dressed for a wedding. CL is horrified, he can't let Paula see him drive up with Ivonne for the wedding. She carries on again about being the only woman that loves him because she really understands him. He doesn't have to fool her like he does the others. She predicts that soon he will hate Paula like he ended up hating Monica. He points out that her foolishness is like a bad omen. He says he will risk going forward with the marriage. She wishes him luck as he drives away, you are going to need it she thought bubbles.

Ana in particularly stringy hair sits looking at Paula enter their living room in her wedding dress that looks lacy and lovely but uncomfortably tight like all her so called work wardrobe. Paula begins to cry that she wants her mother to support her decision and to be with her on this most important day. Ana says she cannot stand to see Paula destroy her life and just cannot go to the wedding. Paula tries to blame mom for not being perfectly happy, but Ana isn't having any of it. Ana ironically asks her will she be happiest today but what about tomorrow. She ends with hopes that Paula will reconsider. FIN.

Sorry this was so late but the Destilando Finale assemblage kept me up until almost 4AM this morning and my VCR is dead so sorry about no vocabulary lesson either. But my sighing about the wedding previews is for that Jaguar, well with Juan driving it is an extra special bonus...


My admission...I have not watched this episode yet, (I'm behind), but Nidia and Alirio did IT?????? Caray caray, I'm shocked! I don't don't know what to make of it. What about Angarita?? And yes, Nidia does have great legs, no cosmetic surgery there I think; it's all her.

I'm sighing with you vicariously over your S-type Jag. Wowee, no wonder you are dreaming.

Cheryl, I can't believe that you were able to recap both JQ AND Destilando. Incredible! Thank you for your dedication.

OK, gotta catch the first episode of Pasión and then watch this episode of Juan Querendón. More later...

Heh heh, Nidia said she had to do it with Alirio to achieve world peace. Well that's a new one, but whatever works I guess.

Hey, did you notice that when Juan was at Fern's place they were watching Bailando por la Boda de Mis Sueños? I wonder if Juan's real-life honey Susana Gonzalez was dancing? The picture was so small I couldn't tell, but whoever it was I thought it was an amusing touch.

Ana's hair...bleck. Whoever the stylist is they should be reprimanded.

So it looks like the wedding that we saw in the initial episode is only this wedding, right? And this wedding might not really happen given the on-again-off-again nature of Paula and CL's relationship, Ivonne lurking in the wings, and Monica showing up (I remember her from the first episode).

Juan in the Jag, sigh...

Hey Cheryl...my mouth dropped open when you identified the car. That blew right by me, but I've only been in a hot car as a passenger. Do drive a 5-speed because that way my kids (automatic transmission generation) never borrow it.
Also love it that you're dependent on an old-fashioned VCR like meeself. Got ours at a garage sale and the remote doesn't work so if I can't get someone to press R when I'm out, I'm toast.
Just one small "edit"...Nidia was actually trying to come up with silly reasons to get Cesar Luis to postpone the wedding. Let's tell him Paula has VD...let's tell him she never bathes and her feet smell...let's tell him...and of course Ana tells her to forget it.
I did find the dual scenes of Fernando's loneliness and Don Angarita and Pastor's loneliness rather touching.
And the sex scene with Nidia and Alirio...yuck! I guess they DID consummate their wedding earlier because I remember a similar scene with Juan, Marely and Yadira listening outside the door to Alirio's yowls and later him (or was it Nidia?) maintaining they were pulling out an ingrown toenail (which image is worse?)
CHERYL...YOU ARE INCREDIBLE...doing both the finale and this, and filling in wherever needed...way to jump in with both feet, girl!!!
By the way, what are you driving now? (I'm in a banged up 94 Honda but it has a great CD system).

Judy B.

Thanks for all the support and encouragement mateys. I really do feel I am the beneficiary of this recapping work. It really does drive the vocabulary home with repeated hearing of certain phrases. This show already is easier to understand just with about three recappings and focusing on what they are really saying. I just need to figure out how to record Amar on Friday so I don't have to struggle so to remember the dialog. So just when my understanding of Spanish is reaching interesting levels my short-term memory is about to short out like that VCR that died Monday night in the middle of Juan.
Capn Eve, thanks for catching the Bailando shots on Fern's TV. I bet that was deliberate and very clever of the writers or set directors.

About that Jaguar, yum! I traded the Jaguar, stupidly, but had fun with a Lexus convertible in LA then changed to a Lex SUV, hohum but great sound system and power.

Well I understand the upkeep on Jaguars is horrendous...high bills for the least little maintenance. But hey, maybe that's true on the Lexus as well...the closest I get to one is in the parking lot!
Maybe Santa will bring you a new VCR...aside from a dead remote, our garage sale VCR has chugged along well for 2 years now.

Judy B.

When I was 16-17 my girlfriend Sally Ann and I used to sneak her dad's hot red XKE Jag convertible out for joy rides. He was a pilot and would be gone for long periods of time. Gosh it was fun. We never got caught thank goodness. Her little brother tried the same when he got his license; of course he got busted on his first attempt. Kudos to him for never ratting us out. Girls are much sneakier than boys, heh heh. I recall those time fondly. That car could take the mountain curves like nothing I've ever driven.

Hey thanks for pitching in Cheryl...lovely to have you around these parts. We who are very fond of this lighthearted (well except on the slang ;)) novela appreciate the interest for sure!!

Cheryl, thanks for the wonderful recap! Gee, we’ll miss you in January! But, we know what fun you’ll be having….

“Monica is ensnaring CL with her coquettish appeal that the big old Farrell Industries is just too, too big for a bitty thing like herself.” LOL! Well said. She really does the helpless female beautifully, doesn’t she?

“Monica says CL is driven by only two things, passion and ambition. She bets that it is the second that will win out and he will come back.” I’m guessing he’s counting on having both.

“Ana wants her to postpone this wedding and to consider what she really feels for Juan. Paula really isn't a very clear thinker, is she?” LOL! Nope, and it’s a wonder that the company hasn’t gone under in the few months she’s been there. She’s spent about 1/10 of her time working on the accounts and about 9/10 stewing about CL, Juan, etc.

“She pats up and down her bust and slithers through the door all in the name of world peace.” ROTFL! It was funny when she said it and even funnier when you did, Cheryl!

“He dives under the covers with her and begins to make savage piggy sounds that aren't exactly standard Spanish” ROTFLLLL!!!

“Fran is sick. Juan wants to stop and check on him it might be something serious. He sings a little diddy, give a hand to your brother...” Did that sound distinctly like something he learned in kindergarten when it was “sharing time” or what? I had this vision of a little Juanito in school as a five year old, singing this at the top of his lungs…..

“driving an S-type Jaguar” Wow, thanks for that tidbit! Very interesting to know how racy a life you’ve lived!

Judy B., we have a banged-up 1995 Honda and we LOVE it.

I can’t figure out what Ivonne and Monica can do to CL that will be bad enough for him to stop his evil ways and for them to get their vengeance.

You’ve done a yeoman’s job, recapping the Destilando finale and Juan on a night when your equipment was fried! Whew!

Schoolmarm Jeanne

Jennie/Jeanne, Glad your back on deck where we can see you, I was getting worried. Thank you mil veces for your commentary. You have the most detailed way of appreciating other people's recaps. I always look forward to them to see what catches your fancy.

This was a fun episode to recap and my great pleasure was to get to ogle the Jag two nights in a row. My dad taught me to drive young (a floor shift old pickup truck) and I have always enjoyed driving for days on end and especially driving great cars, it's like meditating. Actually it is meditating, I just don't close my eyes. When I left Boston for LA I was driving that Jag and had Woody Guthrie singing dust bowl ballads about goin' ta CalifornIA... Silly but a fun bit of irony when leaving after 27 years.
So I just could not believe that Juan walked away from that heavenly car. (Actually these Jags run extemely well after Ford bought the company) Just shows you how alterado he really must be. Paula isn't worth it. He could have talked Monica into letting him drive that all the time even home...

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