Thursday, January 24, 2008

Al Diablo Con Los Guapos #3, Wednesday 1-23: Mili's first day at the Big House

Woo hoo! Here we are again on a Wednesday night, trying to comprehend both the vagaries of the Spanish language, and the insane logic of telenovelaland. I'll get right to the new stuff….

Mili loses it when Alejandro calls her Carlitos again. I wish they wouldn't bleep her so I could figure out what she's saying. Okay, okay, and so I can pick up new curse words. Mama flips out and says Mili's going, but Alejandro says he'll "take care of it." Abuela calls her a zarrapastrosa (a ragamuffin). Mili tells Abuela not to get into a "gacheses" fight with her because she'll win, but Abuela corrects Mili and says they're called "ofensas" (insults). Abuela doesn't think she can put up with "that," and Mili corrects her that she's a woman and you don't call a woman "that." Alejandro pleads Mili's case. Abuela says she'll give her a chance and Mili says she'll be the one giving Abuela a chance, because as of right now, she's had it up to here with her!

Rocky/Morgan struggles up out of the pool, much to Valeria's amusement. She tells him he couldn't be more "tarado," (retarded--in the sense kids use it as an insult) and now she'll have to disinfect the pool. Rocky/Morgan complains the pool was "refria" (way cold) and she shouldn't go in. He splashes her with water out of the buckets in the process. Good times.

Up in the servants' quarters, Braulio tells Mili he needs to take her clothes and burn them. This gets about the reaction you'd expect from our plucky protagonista. Brau leaves and Lina comes in to introduce herself. Mili confirms that she's there to look after "the old lady," assuming she lasts long enough and Lina replies that she's only there until she's done with her training to be a stylist. Lina warns Mili about Karla, the harpy. As Mili's bouncing around on the top bunk, unpacking her meager belongings, her chain gets hung up on top of her ear and Lina reaches up to fix it. Mili shows her the Virgen de la Soledad. Lina points out the coincidence that the house is named Soledad (loneliness).

Abuela talks to Braulio about how she prays every night that she gets to see Rosario again and see her grandchild before she dies. Braulio still thinks she needs to give up, but despite her persistent high blood pressure, Abuela won't. She reminisces about how she meant to tell Rosario the story of the Virgen de la Soledad, but never got the chance. Braulio changes the subject to Mili. Abuela calls her a "respondona" (a back-talker, cheeky) and says she'll get over it. She sends Braulio to go get her.

Apparently, on the way, Braulio meets up with Damian to let him into Hugo's room. Hugo bitches that he doesn't want to see him. Damian mentions he'll be getting lots of money soon. He wants to take Hugo to Houston to see a specialist, but Hugo doesn't want to . He says he lost everything and Damian might as well spend his money on chicks and booze. After Damian leaves, he says that this is Damian's punishment, seeing Hugo in a wheelchair. When Damian killed Carmen, he killed Hugo's life.

Mili comes into Abuela's room screaming about Braulio and Abuela makes her go back out into the hall and knock on the door. It takes some doing, but Mili complies. Abuela makes her knock twice, but then asks her in. Mili slams the door and then screams about Braulio wanting to burn her clothes and treating her like she's lice-infested. She makes a comment to Braulio, "cuando me buscan, me encuentran" (something like, if you come looking for me for a fight, you'll get one, as close as I can figure). Abuela dismisses Braulio. She talks to Mili about either using proper language or keeping her mouth shut. Mili tells Abuela she needs to quit making her lose her temper or she'll get wrinkles…and by the way, how old IS Abuela anyway? Aw, come on, she does have the appearance of an older woman, but she's not "wrinkly."

Hugo asks Braulio not to give the key to his room to anyone. He also doesn't want anyone coming into the room without knocking first and getting permission to come in. Braulio agrees. As soon as he leaves, Hugo puts on his homeless man disguise: a fake beard, moustache, wig, and dirty clothes.

Lina introduces Mili to the other staff. Karla starts right in asking what trash can Mili got her clothes out of; Mili: "One near the brothel where you work." They start getting verbal, but Socorro, the cook, busts it up and introduces herself as do Horacio, the gardener, and Rocky, the chauffeur…but the bosses call him "Morgan." This goes over Mili's head. She says she's never gone to the movies and Lina invites her on their next free day. Karla makes fun of them, calling them cats; Mili replies that Karla's a cat too, but she thinks she's a Siamese (meaning, I suppose, that Karla's in the same class as Mili and Lina, but thinks she's better than them?).

In the living room, Constancio asks Valeria what her plans are for taking a year off before college. He offers her a job at the company, but she laughs at that. He says he doesn't want her to waste her time, but she asks, doesn't he want her to be happy? He hugs her and replies that of course he does and she's the thing he loves most in life. Valeria notices Mili and asks what she's looking at. Mili very honestly answers that she was watching how Valeria's dad "la mimaba" (was sweet to her, fussed over her; you can use this word for "spoil" but that's not appropriate in this context). This is probably the first time she's responded to a challenge without going off on the other person. It's probably also the first time she's seen a father-daughter interaction like this. Constancio seems to recognize her. Valeria remembers her from church and calls her a savage beast; she demands Mili be thrown out, but Constancio tells her to wait. She leaves and Constancio remembers Mili as the girl he almost ran over in his car. He thinks she's there for money, but Luciana introduces her as the new maid here to watch over Abuela. Luciana summons Braluio and tells him he needs to get her into a uniform even if he's got to put it on her himself. Wacky hijinx music plays as Mili looks shocked.

Hugo, in his homeless-guy disguise, visits his mother's grave and promises her that he'll get revenge on Damian for killing her and Carmen. He sees Damian arriving and takes off. Damian asks Roberto, a groundskeeper, who he is. Roberto says he's a harmless homeless guy. Damian gives him money to throw the guy out if he sees him again.

Mili, now in her pink maid uniform is complaining to Regina (the character formerly known as "Abuela" now that I've looked it up) about having to wear said uniform. Regina says she's not going to give explanations to "una mocosa malcriada" (a snot-nosed, bad-mannered girl) and orders her out of the room. Regina laughs over how "contestona" (mouthy) Mili is and says that she reminds her of…but no, it's impossible.

Out in the hallway, Mili cries in frustration. Alejandro comes up and asks what's up with her now. She asks what everybody's got against her. Alejandro deadpans that he can't imagine, since she's such an angel. He brushes away her tears and kisses her. Mili asks what the look in his eyes is and he replies that he's surprised because she doesn't know how to kiss. I'm with the sound guy, who adds in a scratched record sound. That's just cold, man! He goes on to say that must mean he's the first. She calls him the first "tarugo" (hunk, block of wood, blockhead) and says "the first" in her life is the guy she's going to marry. Alejandro offers to be her kissing teacher. More smooching. Now he says she's getting better, but is going to have to keep practicing. Practice, practice, practice. She shoves him away, asking if he takes her for an idiot. When he says he doesn't, she says "ok, then, let's keep going," and they do. He asks for an evaluation of his teaching technique. She says he's pretty bad and he'd better cut it out--she doesn't want him getting the idea that she likes him passing her spit all day. They both agree they didn't feel anything. He compliments her uniform. She says it's uncomfortable and he offers to take it off…in his room, along with some more kissing practice. Wow, he's got quite a pair, this one. She shoves him into a potted palm and asks who he takes her for. "A servant." She reminds him servants don't go into bedrooms with their bosses (hey, I thought she met Karla already). He reminds her that servants don't use "tu" for their bosses. She starts calling him "sir" and takes off. He calls her Carlitos again to get on her nerves, which pulls her up short until he sneaks up and shouts "go" in her ear. They're kind of cute together, but I swear I've seen this exact dialogue in a trashy romance novel. Hm, must be why I like this show so far :) And also, where can I get a job where I get paid to make out with pretty guys all day?

Hugo comes back in from his trip to the cemetery just as Braulio comes knocking to ask if Alejandro can come in. Once he gets himself un-homeless-guy-ed and settled, he says Alejandro can come in. He and Alejandro talk about the painting of Carmen with no face. Alejandro talks to him about meeting Mili, without giving her name, and says her face would go perfect on that painting. Alejandro offends Hugo slightly when he says it would look better than Carmen's, but then corrects himself and says "different" instead of better. He asks why Hugo doesn't finish painting it and Hugo insists he doesn't paint anymore. Alejandro asks him to go out with him and Bobby. Hugo begs off on account of the wheelchair, or rather, uses it as an excuse not to go.

Lina and Mili make plans to go dancing. Well, it's Mili's plan actually. She says they'll borrow some of Valeria's clothes to go out in.

And we're back at the Rodeo Bravo, where Mili and Lina are having a good time table dancing (No, wait, that's not what I meant...I meant sitting at the table, dancing while the table). Lina wants to dance, but she thinks she's got to wait for a guy to ask her. Mili says they can go dance together, as "no necesitamos vejiga para nadar" (we don't need a bladder to swim…a reference to a fish's swim bladder, so…"We don't need bladders to swim with, therefore we don't need men to dance with?" I'm way overanalyzing this.) Bobby and Alejandro show up and see Mili and Lina dancing.

Damian asks Braulio for the key to Hugo's door. Braulio says Hugo's sleeping, but after Damian leaves, he goes to check out the room. He doesn't find Hugo and ends up shutting the door and leaving.

Lina points out Bobby and Alejandro to Mili. She wants to leave so she doesn't get fired and insists she'll wait for Mili outside. They're already calling each other "hermanita" (little sister). Lina starts walking out and runs into Alejandro, who gives her a look, but says nothing.

Constancio comes to visit Andrea to ask what she and Luciana talked about. Andrea tells him that Luciana asked about his lovers.

Lina and Mili are back at a table and Lina's telling Mili that, based on the look on Alejandro's face, he's probably going to tell Constancio to fire her on Monday. She can't convince Mili to leave, but Mili ends up following her as she walks away. Mili is intercepted by Homeless!Hugo, who grabs her. When Alejandro tries to come to her rescue, Homeless!Hugo knocks him out. Homeless!Hugo says "you've come back." to Mili…but who is he referring to? Commercials. He says again that she's back and that she's beautiful. Lina eventually pulls him off and he runs away. Lina points out that Alejandro is starting to come around and what should they do. Mili says they've got to think, but since neither of them has any ideas, Mili says they'll just have to run. Bobby comes over to pick Alejandro up off the floor and ask him what he's doing.

Andrea tells Constancio that she told Luciana that as far as she knows, Constancio doesn't have any lovers. Plus she can't suspect the two of them, since she's not his lover. She tells him the past is past, thanks for the apartment and all, but he's getting nothing more for her. Constancio growls some nominally romantic stuff, but Andrea kicks him out. He leaves.

Back at the house, Mili tells Lina that even though Alejandro saw her, she doesn't think he connects the girl at the club with "Carlitos." She also says that if Lina gets fired, she's going with her. Solidarity, baby.

The two girls are getting into bed when Karla comes in. She threatens to tell "the bosses" that the two of them are going out at night to do who-knows-what. She and Mili have words…again. Then they start with the grabbing and the hair-pulling, and poor Socorro has to come in and bust it up. There's a knock on the door, which Mili supposes is Alejandro. She grabs a nightcap to cover her (very heavily made-up) eyes with and answers the door. He asks for Lina, but Mili says Lina's asleep. Alejandro apparently goes away.

Constancio comes home and Luciana gives him a hard time about where he's been. He torments her, saying she's got such an imagination and she can think whatever she likes. She reminds him he's her husband, which he says he regrets every day and it's none of her business to find out whether he's got lovers. She asks if he's afraid she'll find some surprises and he drags her over to the mirror, grabs her by the neck/chin and tells her to look in it. He tells her he only sees a drunk in it, not a woman, and she doesn't move even a hair on him. She starts trying to hit him, but gets nowhere. He tells her he doesn't have a lover…right now…he always has before, just not now. He goes to the nightstand, pulls out a bottle of some alcohol, and tells her to drink so she'll quit shaking. She asks him why he stays with her. He replies that if he divorces her he'll have to give her half and he wouldn't do that even if he was crazy…he'd rather let the alcohol consume her. He leaves and she grabs the bottle and takes a desperate several swallows before throwing it on the floor and crying. So, how do you say "dysfunctional" in Spanish? That is one messed up relationship.

The next day, at the office, Constancio handcuffs Rocky/Morgan to a suitcase full of money. Rocky/Morgan is nervous and tries to joke about it. He also asks what's in the suitcase, but at the point you're letting someone handcuff you to a suitcase, it's way too late to be asking that question. Constancio and Damian give him his instructions: go to a certain address, confirm that the other guy's Calvillo, and then once they're alone, unlock the handcuffs and give Calvillo the suitcase. Rocky/Morgan leaves and Constancio wonders it's a good idea trusting him with this. Damian assures him it's going to be fine.

Alejandro is quizzing Mili about Lina being out last night as Mili keeps trying to wipe away her eye makeup. Mili insists she was in bed asleep. Alejandro says Lina shouldn't have been in a place like that and if he busts her again, he'll have her fired. He says he isn't doing it now because he feels sorry for her, like he feels sorry for Mili. He walks off as Regina peeks out her door and Mili makes noises of disgust. Lina runs up to show Mili that she's gotten Valeria's dress dirty and is now going to be fired fo' sho'. Mili's sick of hearing all this talk about being fired and says she'll get the stain out of the dress.

Valeria's at school, taking a test, but she's daydreaming about Rocky/Morgan (Rorgan?) falling into the pool.

Rorgan meets up with Calvillo, requests ID, makes a remark about the hair confusing him because the guy's name is "Calvillo" which he thought meant something to do with being bald (calvo). It's much less funny the way I'm explaining it. Rorgan hands over the suitcase and confirms that the $2M is in there, in small bills, "because if the papers were letter-sized, they'd never fit, right?" He asks what Calvillo's going to do with the money--roll around in bed with it? Calvillo tells him to shut up. Rorgan fusses that he was just trying to make things less obvious, and hasn't Calvillo seen the Godfather movies. What is that boy talking about?

Regina is complaining to Milagros that Becker is a poet and she likes to hear his poems read, but Mili is apparently a "sonsa" (yet another variation of "stupid"). Mili tells her not to get angry and reminds her about the wrinkles, then makes a comparison to "those dogs who are so wrinkled they're useless." At Regina's shocked look, Mili asks if she stuck her foot in it. Regina nods. There's a knock on the door. Braulio came to see if Regina needed anything and Regina asks him to get this "pelada" (peeled, hairless) out of here. Mili is shocked that Regina called her that and Regina has to repeat it a few times. Mili finally busts out with "pelada las pelotas!" (hairless, my balls! I swear, she said that and they didn't bleep it). She won't let Braulio escort her out and leaves on her own. Braulio leaves as Regina laughs.

At the office, Andrea seems to be coming down with a cold. Constancio sends her home, but Damian comes in asking if they've heard from Rorgan and tells Andrea to find him. Constancio tells Damian to do it himself since Andrea's not feeling well.

Socorro peels potatoes while Mili tries to get the stain out of Valeria's dress. From the look on her face, I don't think she's having any luck. Horacio, the gardener, comes in and flirts with Socorro--something about the potato being cut by such pretty hands. He calls her a flower in spring and offers for them to go out together. She tells him that men are all alike and as soon as she says "yes" he'll be gone. Mili drinks this in and looks bothered--obviously thinking about blondie.

Damian is worried because Rorgan has his cell phone turned off. Constancio suggests that he call Calvillo directly, already. Damian, after half a second, says he's not picking up either. Constancio says he's going home and to call when he has news. Damian now picks up the phone on the desk and asks Calvillo if he's got the money. Calvillo insists he doesn't know what money Damian's talking about. Calvillo tells him to just try telling anyone that Damian tried to bribe him and see what happens, chump. Calvillo hangs up on him.

Mili tries to get Lina to leave the house for their free hours to go out into the street and make some money. No, not like that, and Lina's thinking it too. Mili "borrows" some eggs from the refrigerator and the two girls are off.

Hugo talks to his faceless painting of Carmen and tells her he's got to see her again.

Mili's scam is to have Lina toss eggs at windshields and then offer to clean said windshields for 5 pesos.

Valeria finds her dad in the living room and tells him she had to take a taxi because Rorgan didn't come to pick her up. Damian now comes in to tell Constancio that Calvillo got "nothing." Constancio tells Damian to try calling his cell again. He's got it on now, and Damian asks what he did with the suitcase. Rorgan comes into the room, talking on his cell, and says he did as he was told--hand over the suitcase with the papers. Damian grabs him and he and Constancio start demanding to know where the money is. These guys aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer.

Mili's still running her scam, but her next egging victim is Alejandro, who refuses to pay. Mili says she'll do him a favor and not make him pay, but now he's hung up over owing her a favor, so Mili takes care of it by re-egging his windshield.

Tomorrow: Constancio and Andrea's relationship is found out. Alejandro kisses Andrea and then runs into his dad at her place. Ewwwww!


Nice recap! You even made me wish I had time to watch this show too!

My thoughts exactly...this show sounds cute, at least in your recap, and I loved all the translations you added. Maybe I'll check in from time to time when it's not such a busy night. Sure sounds better than that gruesome Amar sans Limites that you all suffered through.

Thank you for the super recap - fun, with lots of detail, much appreciated!

I'm really liking the performances in this show, a welcome relief from those in Pasion, for which I blame that director, not the actors.

This lead guy is really dishy, I think!

I'm really enjoying the relationship between Mili and Regina. The girl has spunk which no one else seems to. I can't blame Connie for not wanting anything to do with his drunk wife. What a mess this must be, forced to marry for money and to stick it out with the bought and paid for lush. i wonder if she always drank or was it the loveless marriage. Obviously something went on because that snot daughter seems to be both of theirs while we know from the synopsis that curly locks isn't. Shades of the old Maria Jose where only granny knew the truth.

What's with Hugo turning himself into a bum to walk the streets/ And know Mr. Gloves knows something is fishy.

Great recap, 5ft. I really liked all the vocabulary also. I think it was endearing the way Regina seems to like Mili's spunky ways--she was smiling to herself about Mili's antics. I am enjoying this so far.

Thanks for the recap and vocab lessons. There is so many words flying by--especially when Mili is speaking-- I've given up looking it all up in the dictionary.

I'm finding Mili annoying....she's too obnoxious. So I can only hope that with Regina's influence she'll tone down a bit.

The egg-throwing/car wash scam seems like it could only end up in trouble. So Mili will most likely find that out tonight.

I can't believe Alex is so slow on the uptake to realize that the girl at the club with Lina has to be Mili.

All complaints aside, I'm liking this show and it is such a change of pace from Amar.

Enjoyed your recap 5ft. I'm enjoying Mili and Hugo.. VERY interesting. And I like the lack of makeup on least now. Regina is the most "with it" person there.

I don.t get what happened to Digos mom and the other person? Help explain please

If you're talking about Hugo's mom and his girlfriend/fiancee, it sounds like they may have been killed in a drunk driving accident while his dad was at the wheel. It's the same reason he's in a wheelchair...or at least that's how it started.

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