Thursday, January 24, 2008

Pasión, 01/23/08: What's the worst that can happen?

Cami tells Justo and Ofelia of Vasco's roll in the hay with Ines. Justo is hopping mad. He doesn't think Vasco needs "more time" for anything. He runs off to see Vasco at the mill, where Vasco is "consoling" Ursula at this very moment. Ofelia and Camila worry about how Santi will take it. Cami offers to tell him. Ofelia says better not, because Rita is more jealous than ever. They hope maybe it's just because of the pregnancy.

Fran admits to LaFont that Lis has always had a crush on Ric. He tells her that Ric and Cami are engaged, and asks point-blank if the Ric they know is the same as Ric the pirate. Fran wordily denies it. LaFont also suggests that Lis ought to get out more. Fran politely agrees with him, and fans herself as he leaves.

She goes in the house and tells Lis of LaFont's suspicions about Ric. She thinks maybe LaFont and Jorge sent their friend to La Mariana to dig up some dirt on their family - Ric would get sent to the gallows, and Lis would lose her inheritance. "How can you think about money when Ric's life is at stake??" "Excuse me if I'm more interested in your welfare than in his. By the way, he's engaged to Camila."

Lis is impactada.

Justo gets to the mill and rushes up the stairs. Vasco is sitting alone with a very contented air. Justo smacks him right off of his chair. "How dare you?! You ARE getting married this time!" (So I guess Vasco didn't marry Paco's mother... Santi mentioned in his chat with Ascanio last week that she died.) "Okay, so when do you want me to marry her?" Justo says he and Santi will decide. And if Santi wants to beat him up, Justo will let him.

Ines is crying her eyes out with Ofelia. It's been two weeks; they hope she's not pregnant. Ofelia says Santi doesn't know yet, so don't let on with all the crying. Ines worries that Santi will throw her out; she thinks she deserves it. Ofelia doubts that, but reminds her of all the things that are wrong with Vasco. "Maybe he'll change!" Ofelia tells her not to get her hopes up.

At the forge, Ascanio tells Santiago that he learned reading and writing from nuns as a kid. I think he's writing a business plan for selling the lanterns. Santi thinks they should offer turnip seed oil at the same time (as lamp oil). They seem to have some big plans for making a lot of money. Santi thinks that people treat you better when you have money. Memo to Santi: people also treat you better when you're not a selfish jerk.

Justo comes by and tells Santi they need to go to Ofelia's for a talk. He assures worried Ascanio that it's not about Camila. Ascanio says he can move in now; Justo says "okay, whenever" and wanders off with Santi.

They get to Ofelia's. Justo orders Ramona (the maid) away from the stove so they can speak privately. Santi pokes his head in to let Ofelia know he's there to talk to Justo. Ofelia tells Ines to go out there and face Justo. She doesn't want to, but it only takes Justo two seconds to explain things to Santi. "Your sister and Vasco are going to get married." (Ines cowers nervously behind Ofelia.) "They HAVE to." Santi blows up... at Ines! She invites him to hit her (or some less violent translation of "pegar..." I'll leave this to the Caray Caray Brain Trust to figure out!).

Santi hobbles over to the forge, looks around aimlessly, and leaves without saying anything. Ascanio and the twins look at one another in confusion, and then there's a lengthy shot of Santi going to the church. (Normally, when people on this show go anywhere, not only is there no travel time, but the edit is so abrupt that you don't even realize right away that they've moved.) He turns down a chance to give his confession, but the priest gets him to talk. Santi says there's no peace in his life. He talks about his love for Camila (the priest has already heard about that one). He's prayed and prayed to get over it, but it hasn't happened. The priest says maybe this is meant as a test. (If so, he's only earned himself a D at best, and it's time to move on to the next test.)

Next, he talks about Rita's jealous nagging, and Vasco taking advantage of his sister. He doesn't want Ines to turn out unhappy like him for marrying the wrong person. Santi says it's not always God who decides - sometimes it's the devil. The priest urges him to pray for all of these people in addition to himself, for peace. Santiago gets down and prays.

Vasco and Bernabe are hanging out at the bar. Vasco's telling him about the world of hurt he's in now that their parents know about Ines. And this all came down right after he was with Ursula, consoling her for being an almost-widow (though, he tells Bernabe, it seemed to him that she couldn't have cared less about that guy).

Bernabe laughs and then suddenly gets serious. He says money makes problems smaller. "A little money never hurt anyone," he says. (He reminds me of the little devil that sits on a cartoon character's left shoulder.) "Camila deserves it," Vasco agrees. They drink to that.

Ric, Mario, and their posse approach La Paisana's Home for Wayward Pirates and Highwaymen. Mario is saying that if Juancho's men are the ones who were robbing caravans and killing people, Ric'll get his fortune back, as well as a pardon, and then he can marry his beloved.

Ric isn't sure it will be so easy, and anyway, they don't even know how many of them there are. Mario says that each one of their guys is worth two of Juancho's. As for La Paisana, they'll just tell her to scram. Mario asks about the chat he had with Camila last night. Did they fight? Ric ignores him.

Lazaro asks to see La Paisana. A girl tells him LP hasn't left her room in days and has been acting strangely, but LP comes out to talk to him. She asks (or tells?) him that Pablo worked for Antillano. He was going to ride with the caravan for better security. (Looks like a strong paper towel would have been more effective.) Lazaro explains that it was Ric's money that got stolen from the caravan, so it's probably here. LP says no, Juancho came back with mules, but no big trunks full of money. There's no way he could have hidden them. (She says something about nobody messes with Foreman's stuff?) LP tells Lazaro that Juancho said some other people were waiting for the caravan too.

(This conversation is confusing... I thought Lazaro witnessed the whole thing! The ruckus woke him up!)

Manuela runs into her father in the plaza. She seems to shrink in her shoes when she spots him. She's dressed in her church duds, and he chastises her for prudish frumpy clothes, even though the kids she teaches are having their first communion today. "You're never around when I need you," he complains. She offers not to go. He wants her to invite Lis and Fran to the house tomorrow. She whines that she wanted to spend some time with Ursula after her fiance's death. He tells her to send the note first and then she can do what she likes, but he doubts Ursula will care much anyway.

Jimena is back at Camila's house - Fran told her that Ric ordered one of the servants to care for Pablo. (I hope Jimena confirmed that before leaving.) They talk about Claudio's little mishap, and how Alvaro deserved it but Claudio shouldn't have done it, and it's a good thing Ric was there and took him to the Iguana. Maybe they'll turn him into a rich and handsome pirate like Ric.

Santi brings home some flowers for Rita and apologizes for being testy with her. He assures her that he's all done with Cami. Rita says she'll have to see for herself. He says that what he did for Cami last night, he would have done for any friend. Rita says Cami is no friend. He changes the subject to the handkerchiefs she's embroidering and says he wishes the baby could be born tomorrow so he could see it. This cheers her up. She hopes this baby is the first of many.

Camila prays for Claudio. Ascanio comes in with his bags packed and she says she should pray for him too, that he does okay at her father's house. They talk about how they'll miss each other, and Claudio. Cami says it only takes a second to make mistakes that follow you for the rest of your life. Jimena catches them on their way out, and they walk out together, bidding fond farewells. The women realize it's just the two of them now. They say they're glad they have each other, even if they do bicker a bit. "Men come and men go, but friends are forever," Jimena says. Aw.

The kids have just finished their first communion service. Manuela comes out of the church and sees Ascanio. He seems to have the opposite effect on her that LaFont does. (That is, she can look at his face instead of her shoes when she talks to him. I think she likes looking at his face.) He tells her he's moving in with Justo. She says she's going to see Ursula. Also, she told her father that Ascanio didn't need the loan. "It was VERY nice to see you, Doña Manuela." "Me too."

Fortunata tells Sofia that Ursula must be very sad. Sofia says yeah, not even for two whole days... a servant saw her sneaking out in the morning. Sofia says she wants to ask Justo if he knows anything about Alvaro's cousin, Claudio, whose mother Alvaro had been married to. Fortunata wants to know if they're going to find Ursula another man. Sofia says they'll talk about it when Jorge comes back, but she thinks it's better to leave it alone... Ursula doesn't want to get married. The only other man she was interested in was Ric, and he preferred Camila - and Sofia can understand that.

Fortunata says it's just a shame that the Mancera fortune should default to the crown because Jorge doesn't have an heir. She starts to ask if Jorge would try to make an heir with another woman, but Sofia cuts her off only to finish the sentence anyway. She mysteriously says maybe there's someone else who has priority. Fortunata is intrigued to hear that there might be some boy-baby-bastards she doesn't know about. "Eh, I'm just sayin'," Sofia says. "You never 'just say,'" Fortunata protests. Sofia gives her a dirty look.

Ursula is reading something from Spain (as evidenced by the second person plural verbs) when Manuela shows up to offer condolences. Ursula laughs at her and says the only thing that upset her was the spoiled wedding plans. "I had only just met him, and anyway, he wasn't all that handsome." She liked the idea of being a duchess and partying with the viceroy, and putting on pretty things, and having everyone look up to her as a queen. (Excuse me, Ursula, that's duchess.)

"Well, sorry anyway," Manuela says. She asks if they caught the guy who did it. Ursula thinks Camila is protecting him, and that she put him up to it. Because she's a tramp. She coaxed Ric into dumping Ursula. Manuela protests. Fortunata listens at the door with her mouth open. Ursula gets angry with Manuela for not agreeing with everything she says. "Fine, I'll leave," Manuela says meekly. Ursula impatiently tells her to sit down, and tries to pump her for information about Lis. Is she still drooling over Ric?

Ascanio arrives at Justo's house. Justo looks like it's the only good thing that's happened to him all day. During their tour of the house, they run into Ines, who is playing with Paco. Paco is happy to have a new roommate and asks if Ascanio will play with him. Ines looks like she wants to disappear.

Justo shows Ascanio his room. Ascanio says it's okay about Paco - he likes kids. Justo says the room used to be Cami and Rita's. Ascanio says he noticed Ines looked a little downcast. Justo says she's going to marry Vasco and join the family. (After which, they'll all be downcast.) Ascanio looks confused. Justo changes the subject to suggest lunch.

Fortunata whispers in Sofia's ear as the two descend the staircase. Sofia warns Ursula not to mess with Camila. Ursula asks, "who told you about that?" even as Fortunata's legs are still vanishing back up the stairs. "She's suffered enough," Sofia tells Ursula. Ursula scorns this with, "I've always said she was a dead fly." Sofia warns not to defy her.

Team Ric scopes out Team Juancho's camp from afar. They see the mules, but not the wagons. A couple of guys are carrying a big trunk, but it's obviously not heavy enough to be filled with gold. They don't see Juancho or el Tuerto, but Ric thinks they must be inside.

If I'm not mistaken, el Tuerto is dead. Someone else (is this Juancho?) is telling Lazaro he still doesn't trust him. Lazaro just wants to know when the captain (Foreman?) is coming, so he can bum a ride on his boat.

Lazaro tells La Paisana she's got a good business going there; does she work for Foreman? She says she works only for herself. She asks him if Pablo had a wife or kids. Lazaro asks, why so much interest in Pablo, was he a customer at your old bordello or something? She tosses a bucket of liquid in his face and calls him a dog. She walks away as the saloon patrons snicker at Lazaro.

Justo reminds Vasco that they're going to Santi's house this evening to make a formal marriage proposal.

Ursula is practicing archery... on living things. She lets one fly at a groomsman, who ducks just in time. The horse whinnies in terror. Fortunata tells Ursula they're having a Mass for Alvaro. Ursula snidely says he's not her fiance any more. Fortunata asks where Ursula went in the morning. Ursula says she went out and she's done it before and it's none of Fortunata's business. Fortunata tells her not to be rude and asks if it was to see Vasco. Ursula aims an arrow at her. Fortunata warns her that she was seen out in broad daylight within hours of her intended's death. It was shameless. If her parents found out...

Ursula leaves, guffawing.

A lady is singing and dancing at the Bad Pirate Camp when the Good Pirates ride in. "It's the Antillano!" The bad guy pirates surround them. "Is that any way to greet your colleagues?" Juancho says he's not sure they're colleagues. Did Foreman send them? Ric says yep. "I don't believe you," Juancho says. "I haven't heard from him." "Why would he write you if you don't know how to read?" Mario wisecracks.

LP comes out to investigate. She is much happier to see them. Juancho warns her that they're lying about being sent by Foreman. She tells him that he can go ahead and hide if he's afraid. She's the boss around here, and if he pushes his luck he'll have no food, drink, or women. She sends him to his room and invites Ric and Mario in. Mario tells his men to arrange the horses around the front door, and if they see anything suspicious, to take off.

LP brings them into the saloon, loudly orders the ladies to bring them food and drink, and takes them to a table in the back where she tells them she doubts they're here on Foreman's orders - this is Ric's own business and he doesn't want to discuss it with anyone else, because unlike those guys out there who'll do anything, when it's Antillano it's always something big.

They ask her why she left La Coralina. She said she got tired of it; too many people. They ask where El Tuerto is. "He was here, but I killed him," she says, because he murdered a colleague who had begged for mercy during their last caravan heist.

"Do you mean Pablo?" Mario asks. She looks like she wants to tell him everything, but instead she answers "that's what they told me he was called." Ric tells her that Mario found him and he's out of danger now. She gasps with relief. Mario asks if he's the son she'd told him about. "What's going on with our damn food?" she yells at one of the girls.

Juancho and another guy are wondering what's going on. He repeats that he doesn't think Foreman sent them. He thinks they should kill the whole bunch of them. "But they haven't done anything!" the other guy says. Juancho doesn't want to wait for them to do something. The other guy says Juancho's nervous around Antillano because he killed El Negro, but Juancho killed Manolo, and Antillano's not even pirating any more. They're here for something else. Juancho isn't so sure that the rest of Ric's team is in agreement. He thinks they're all afraid of him.

The full moon looms heavily over the earth. I.e., it is nighttime. Ric, Mario, and LP are still talking about the heist. She knows Ric's money was taken. He tries to play dumb, but she doesn't let him. She denies that the money is there, though. Ric says Pablo saw El Tuerto take off with it. She insists that all Tuerto brought back was mules and loose change. They think Juancho must have hidden the wagon, then. LP doesn't think so. These guys talk a lot, even more when they're drunk, and no one's mentioned any money.

La Paisana says Juancho mentioned something about another group, but they weren't "colleagues" - as far as she knows, they're the only "colleagues" in the area. Juancho didn't see them, he only saw something moving. But if anyone took his money, it had to have been those other people.

Ric wonders, if Juancho knew about the wagon, why didn't he bring it? She says she hasn't discussed that with him. In that case, Ric asks, how does she know about his money?

"Lazaro told me."
Ric is impactado.

Vasco and Bernabe are discussing the intended blackmail. Vasco can't go through with it tonight because he has to go get engaged. Bernabe is getting frustrated with Vasco for not being able to make up his mind about the blackmail. Vasco points out that it's his sister at stake, not Bernabe's. Vasco says he's got to go and they'll talk tomorrow.

Ofelia is waiting for him. Justo and and Santi aren't home yet, and Ines didn't want to be there for this. Rita comes out to say hello. This is how she finds out that Vasco is going to marry Ines! From her tone, it sounds like she thinks they're all out of their minds. Vasco nods sheepishly.


  • Santi warns Vasco that if he fools around on Ines, he'll break every bone in his body.
  • Ric makes a formal appointment with Justo.
  • Lis, still impactada, turns to her dolls for comfort.
  • Camila receives an unstamped piece of mail that's read and white. And black. So, so black.


How many novela stereotypes does Pasion break?

Last night I realized, Pasion goes against the novela norm in many ways.
1. The biggest conflict looks like it will be Ric vs Jorge, but Jorge's side is more about power than love of Ric's woman. Yes, love, lust, etc is there. But a lot of the conflict is about power.
2. The most wicked women are young, not old. True, Fran is no angel, but Liz and Ursula are worse villians. And old woman Sofia is noble.
3. There is a middle class! Como puede ser?
4. You don't have rich man falling in love with poor lady.
5. Not as much rehash as many novelas.
6. So far anyway, sex is between a man who is a cad, a woman who is a slut, men who are rapists or close to it, and a woman who is very stupid. The admirable characters are pretty chaste so far.

Did I miss any?

No brother-sister romances of any sort, yet?

Thanks for a great recap Julie!

Thanks so much for the recaps, I am learning Spanish and It helps so much.

Way to go Julie. Once again you did a superb job of clarifying so many confusing (to me) details. That whole pirate "colleague" business is still not clear in my head. There are several factions working with and against each other. Well, it was probably like that in real life I suppose.

Oh far his apathy has saved him from double-crossing his sis, but I fear that won't last long.

Rick, sigh, that man can ride AND kiss. I have really enjoyed the last two or three episodes, largely due to you recappers. Thank you!

Ah, Vasco...pretty face, empty heart. Can't hold a candle to Ric, Mario, or Ascanio (my favorites & all suitable for dating, depending on your mood: Ric for suave romaniticism, Mario for drinking & dancing & Ascanio for foreign films & deep discussion...ah, what a trio!).
I've grown to love Sophia. Hate the hair but love her strength.

M from CT

Yes, M from CT, I hate her hair too, but last night it seemed a bit shorter. Maybe it will start to change for the better. Unfortunately, I think all these hairdos are a rather crude, low-budget rendition of actual styles. If you spend a lot of time in art museums (as I do) you have to admit Carla and the gang are not entirely making this stuff up --Agnes

Another missing stereotype: no switched babies yet. And no amnesia.

Thanks Julie!

I like your list, Mad Polly. I REALLY appreciate the minimal recap time. With Fern and Omar, at least they tried to make it funny, though it wasn't much help. With Gaviota and her mother, you could just feel the life draining out of you.

I didn't notice nearly as much rehashing in Mundo or in Heridas, so maybe the ultra-rehash phenomenon is unique to Fernando Gaitan's stuff. Or maybe it's unique to novelas that get extended way beyond any reasonable length.

Meanwhile, Pasion seems to have been condensed (it would explain the very spare editing, anyway). I'm enjoying the intensity. I'm just afraid it'll end before I'm ready to give it up!

Saintly choose the saintly path! NO-no-no, after Justo missed the enflagrante and did a short slap-around with Vasco. I was looking forward to a beat-down from Saintly.
(I'm really into my positive/negative side. Ah.hhh.hh the influence of pirates.-)

The flowers and not taking the bait with GRita is a good start I think. Now he just has to rerun his series until Law and Order leaves the airwaves.

I don't know what was the resolution between Cami and Ricardo's almost argument.

Maybe they'll turn Claudio into a rich and handsome pirate like Ric... I'm sure nothing could be better than the original, but I wouldn't object to a clone of El Antillano ;-)

La Paisana's Home for Wayward Pirates and Highwaymen... LOL

Melinama: I have a theory about the fact that we haven't seen any switched babies yet... Could it be that Camila is actually Sofia and Justo's love child? Think about it--Sofia had an affair with Justo, and in pure novela coincidence, Whore-hey takes advantage of Justo's fiance/wife. Sofia wants her child to have a loving environment to grow up in, and suspecting that Justo's wife is having a bastardo of Don Whore-hey, she switches babies. That would explain why she is so darn interested in the affairs of Justo & family and could care less about Ursula, her own 'daughter'.

There are no switched babies but there is the classic stereotype that somebody doesn't know they're sombebody's mother, father,son, daughter, brother or sister. In this case, Santiago doesn't know Jorge is (probably) his father. And does Pablo know that La Paisana is his mother?

Carina Luna: I like that idea! I mean, ex the creepy Jorge wanting to do the dirty with his (unknown) daughter, it would definitely balance the evil. Cami would still be rich, Ursula would get bounced on her lily-white arse, & Ric could end up scoring big time.

Good plot twist scenario!
M from CT

Greetings , Colleagues ! Thanks for that most excellent recap , Julie ! I took notes. Here, in no particular order are some of my favorite quotes. 1] ''He was here, but I killed him.'' [How many times have we all wanted to say that ???? 2] ''What's going on with our damn food?'' [Again, how many times have we.... ] 3] ''Maybe he'll change.'' [Ines, Ines, Ines, you silly, silly girl. Have you seen any flying pigs in San Fernando ??? 4] ''Men come and go , but friends are forever.'' [Every divorced or jilted friend has uttered these exact same words to me.] 5] ''Why would he write to you if you don't know how to write?'' [GOOD ONE , Mario...I LOVE you SO much....You should be king.] 6] ''A little money never hurt anyone.'' [So says the slimy Bernage to the smarmy Vasco. News flash : Money will not save you guys...nothing will.] Now, my tribute to Julie who offered us these words of wisdom : 1] ''People also treat you better when you are not a selfish jerk. '' [in regards to Saintly. Pragmaticism wrapped around truth in the true Mario/Jimena tradition, Julie.] 2] ''Saintly got a D at best on this test.'' [You are generous, Julie. I would have failed the lad.] And finally, I love to watch Ursula practice archery. It reminds me of my 8th grade gym class and Miss Myles NEVER turning her back on a bunch of girls holding bows and arrows.

How safe haven can La Iguana be since EV-ER-Y-BODY knows about the place?! Liz, who'll probably tell on Ricardo to Rooster head; Fran who is a snake, Lazaro of course, Forman, GrandMa Pirate, Juancho and a bunch of jealous compadres.And of course the joven was taken there for safety.(!)

How 'bout Ricardo have Cami and Jemina brought there, build a fort and wait for the invading army.

Sharkbait, the pirate colleague thing - I think it's a nod, nod, wink, wink thing. We're not bloodthirsty thieves, we're colleagues. And honor among thieves, in this world there are us and them (all non-pirates). Now, if you meant which team each pirate plays for, I'm still waiting for color-coded name tags.

M fm CT, I love how you categorized the men.

Julie, about Fern & Omar (you know I can't pass up a Fea comment!), their rehashes revealed the extreme depth of their shallowness (mixed metaphore alert!). When Omar calculated how many women he needed, for a different one every night, or when Fernando said that pre, he's loco for tonight's chica, but post, empty... you got a clear, high-def picture of just how horribly bankrupt they were. And you saw Fern gradually grow a conscience, while Omar, none. Reveal by uninhibited dialog was clearer than reveal by actions. Besides, their chemistry was so fun. And Arana would so often blow his line and Camil had to recover for him. I rather enjoyed their rehashes.

Julie, you said "I'm just afraid it'll end before I'm ready to give it up!" Is it ever not that way with the good ones? Even when they run longer?

You do have two sisters, Cami & Rita, after the same man, but that is quickly resolved.

Madd Bess, I am laughing out loud. "... how many times have we wanted..."

Mateys, skip this post if you don't like history.

Cap'n Jenny Cash, thank you for yesterday's clarification about Henry, Arthur, etc. I often know the main points and I'm fuzzy on details. Can you clarify something? off-board if this is too OT, .

When Henry said the lack of sons was God's judgement for taking his brother's wife, was he just desparately grasping at straws, or did he really believe it? I know he was desparate because the Wars of the Roses were still fresh in memory, and he didn't want to cause another one (thank you, Schama, for your lessons).

But how could he believe taking his brother's widow was sin, if it was required in the Old Testament, witness the story of Tamar? Did he know his church law better than his scripture? Was it a pretext? Was he hard driven to find any explanation for lack of legit. male heir, so he even latched onto an irrational one?

Julie, thanks for the as always hilarious and detailed recap.

"La Paisana 's Home for Pirates and Highwaymen" LOL!! It reminds me of the "Vortex of Stupidity and Perpetual Prattle"! Sigh

Carina Luna - that was very interesting.

Vasco is so annoying. Sooooooooo annoying.

Vasco is annoying. I love Mario and his wisecracks. Jimena is more a sister to Camila than her own sister. Wonder what will Ric do now that he knows that Lazaro is around. Looking forward to tonights show.

I love the gnarly La Paisana character. It must be a Carla Estrada thing to have these older women, living in exile, who won't take sh** from nobody. Remember La Poderosa in Alborada? --Agnes

I haven't seen this mentioned on the blog...has anyone noticed the green scarf that Santi wears usually around his neck. I think it's Cami's, but don't remember when or how he acquired it. In a couple of early scenes, I seem to remember him wearing it on his head as kind of a sweat band. I don't think I've ever seen him without it.

Yes, BK, Camila gave Santi the scarf so he wears it all the time. He has had flashbacks to her giving it to him. I guess gRita doesn't know about it because she sure wouldn't be happy about her husband wearing his old girlfriend's gift all the time.

Wow, Julie, great recap. I'm with Manuela. I'd rather look at Ascanio than my shoes.

From lower Ala

I think Santi only wears the green scarf at the forge. I agree that gRita would not be happy to see it; but if she doesn't like it, she should give him something pretty to wear too.

Knowing her, it'd be a t-shirt saying "PROPERTY OF RITA" on the front, back, and both sleeves.

Capt. Bonney - which argument are you referring to? I don't remember a real argument - do you mean the one where she suspected Ric was hiding something, and he didn't tell her the complete truth? I think that's as contentious as it got.

I guess Ric's still sore about it because he can't really tell her anything yet. It would only upset her more. I do like to keep informed, but I'd go nuts if I knew that there were so many interdependently ugly, scary, dangerous things hanging over my sweetie's head.

Not to spoil anyone's fun, but we are only 1/3 of the way through this novela. There is plenty of time for stereotypes--amnesia, baby switching, stupid miscommunications, Ric and Cami thinking they are siblings, etc.

At least we know there won't be a Viagra/date rape drug combo!

But it'd be okay with me if Ric turned out to have an evil twin with an eye patch.

Hi. You folks do such a SUPER FINE
job.I read your ReCaps to make sure
that we fully understand what is going on.Thank you for your amazing
efforts,(and we enjoy the "adlibs",
too). Pilaf.

Julie, it’s just great when you’re spunky! Thanks for the awesome recap!

“"How dare you?! You ARE getting married this time!" (So I guess Vasco didn't marry Paco's mother... Santi mentioned in his chat with Ascanio last week that she died.)” Wow, thanks, Julie. I didn’t catch that part at all. It was so gratifying to see Justo finally get mad and not be a wimp.

"How can you think about money when Ric's life is at stake??" "Excuse me if I'm more interested in your welfare than in his. By the way, he's engaged to Camila." Well, we know that Fran might have been in on his demise with Tio Tim paying Bermejo to set Ric up, so her response here leads me to believe she’s not innocent like she says in the set-up.

“Santi thinks that people treat you better when you have money. Memo to Santi: people also treat you better when you're not a selfish jerk.” ROTFL! Right on the money! He’s a total selfish jerk! Definitely not worthy of a saint’s name.

“Ric, Mario, and their posse approach La Paisana's Home for Wayward Pirates and Highwaymen.” ROTFL!!

“(This conversation is confusing... I thought Lazaro witnessed the whole thing! The ruckus woke him up!)” He did, but I don’t remember him telling LP and the boys about that. He just glossed over a lot of things when he came to stay with the group.

“"Eh, I'm just sayin'," Sofia says.” ROTFL! I cracked up when Sofia said this. She’s not one to utter idle words, as Fortunata pointed out.

“A lady is singing and dancing at the Bad Pirate Camp when the Good Pirates ride in.” ROTFL!! I was half expecting all the Bad Pirates to tie Ric and company up and keelhaul them or something, but apparently his shadow looms large and no one wants to mess with him. It was awesome when La Paisana sent him to his room. And he WENT.

Mad Polly, great list! I’ll go offline to talk about Arthur and Henry VIII, but the bottom line is, he was deeply in lust with “the Boleyn” and would have said most anything to make her a wife since she held out for the real deal and no fooling around without the paperwork all done.


Oops, I meant it was awesome when LP sent Juancho to his room.


Julie, thanks for the recap and all the quotable lines. I liked the idea of the three datable guys and I love La Paisana and Dona Sofia--tough ladies who give no quarter and demand respect.
La Paloma

Thanks for the wonderful recap Julie. I think I can say that we're all fans of your great sense of humor.

>>I think she likes looking at his face>>> Yes, don't we all.

Novela stereotypes not seen so far: someone falling down the stairs to either their death or serious injury. Then there is the whole sick child storyline (lukemia seems to be the novela choice), nothing manipulates the heartstrings like a sick child. There is still time for these things to happen--we've got Paco and Ursula's daughter. As for falling down the stairs-- there is the double staircase at Jorges and the molino stairs are pretty rickety---it's just an accident waiting to happen.

As for rehashing, I think that Zorro has to be the worst novela I've seen for that. It made recapping it a lot easier as time went on, all you had to say was that they were rehashing the same s**t, different day.

Agnes, La Poderosa rocked! She was a very complex character. And do you remember her daughter? She, too, was a pirate queen. She came out of pirate exile to find her long, lost daughter.


A very painful, often fatal punishment (used in the Dutch Navy and associated with pirate lore).

The offending sailor was tied to a rope that passed beneath the keel (bottom) of the ship. He was thrown overboard and dragged under the ship to the other side.

If he was pulled quickly, he would be dragged against the hull, which was often covered with barnacles and other sea growth, resulting in severe lacerations. If pulled slowly, he could swim down below the keel, but then might drown if not brought to the surface in time.

If the rope broke, which occasionally happened, the Captain could order the punishment to be administered again!!

A little bit of Navy history! Arrgghhh!

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