Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Al Diablo con los Guapos Monday 1/21/08: An introduction.....

Here's the first recap.....posted in haste. If I missed anything please add it to the comments.

At the soccer field we discover our heroine, Milagros, out on the field playing the game with a bunch of boys. The Padre (didn’t catch his name) is explaining to some woman that the star player is really a girl from the orphanage, who is about to turn eighteen and will have to be leaving soon. The woman questions how she ended up at the orphanage and Padre tells her that her mother died giving birth. Just then Milagros scores a goal and Padre says that her name is Milagros, but they call her Mili, Mili gol. She sees the woman watching and says “what are you looking at?” with some attitude. She actually puts the woman off and the woman leaves.

Meanwhile, across town Constancio Belmonte arrives home from work. His son, Alejandro, is hanging out with his friend (think his name is Bobby). Const goes to get ready to leave for the evening and his wife Luciana finds him and says they need to talk. He wants to know about what….that he lies around at night wondering how he ended up in a marriage with an alcoholic? She slaps him and he tells her that never again will she do that or she’ll be cut off. He goes to leave the room, she goes to find a bottle. Her bottle is empty and Const says from the doorway that he emptied it, so she’ll have to have a little glass of water. Luci throws the bottle, which smashes against the wall. Const passes his son in the hallway. Al tells papa that he needs to talk to him, but Const doesn’t have time and says ask your mom about what happened. Al implores Const with a “papa” and Const looks at Luci and says… “papa, papa?” (if you’ve read the synopsis, you’ll know what that’s all about). Const heads downstairs. Al tries to talk to his mother, but she just breaks down crying.

Downstairs, Const is stopped by the majordomo/butler (not sure what he is exactly), Braulio. Brau tells Const that his mother would like to speak with him. Const says have her come down here. Brau says you know its been years since she’s left her rooms and you know the reason why. Const states he’s tired of Brau and his mother. And need he remind Brau that it was his sister that left, not him that threw her out. So remember that and tell my mom to remember that too.

As Const heads out, his daughter—Valeria—says she needs to talk to him about Morgan. He doesn’t know who Morgan is, is it a new boyfriend? Nope, it is the chauffer. Apparently she’s decided to christen the chauffer with a new name. Const doesn’t have time for her, but seems to have a better relationship with her than he does with Al.

Brau goes to talk to Regina (Constancio’s mom). They discuss how Const used to be happy. Regina mentions Brau’s sister. Brau says she’s dead and Regina says no, she’s not dead.

Horacio, the gardener, brings flowers to the cook (who’s name I didn’t get, but imagine it is something close to Flor because of his playing on the word flor when he gave her the flower). Rocky aka Morgan, the chauffer, is also in the kitchen. Valeria comes in and gives him a scolding for not being ready with the car at the time she told him to be ready. He jumps up to attend to her. He questions Val as to why she’s calling him Morgan. She says she saw a movie with a chauffer who was devoted to his mistress. She liked it and it had her favorite actor, Morgan was his name (Driving Miss Daisy, I assume). So she decided she would either have a chauffer or a dog named Morgan.

After bed check at the orphanage, Mili and her room mate (Gloria I think) sneak out to a club. Mili isn’t wearing her boy clothes, she’s got her hair all nice, and is wearing a skirt. The girls are dancing and Mili’s singing….they’re having a great time. Alejandro and his friend are there. Al notices Mili and later she runs right into him and walks away without a second glance. While she’s up on stage, another guy tries to woo her with lewd comments. Al intercedes and almost gets into blows, but Bobby defuses the situation. Mili barely notices.

Const is with his secretary, Andrea. He tells her that she’s driving him crazy. He promises her that he’ll make sure she’s got a good future. She tells him that right now he can’t offer her a future, perhaps someday if he were to divorce his wife….she launches into how she’s sick of taking the taxi and really wants a little car. At first I thought she was asking him to buy a car for her, but I realized she was talking metaphorically.

Hugo is Alejandro’s cousin. He lives in the Belmonte home. He’s in a wheelchair. He talks to drawings on the wall. He’s obviously depressed.

Regina discusses hiring a detective to find Rosario. Brau tells her she’s hired 23 before and they all found the same thing----nothing. Regina gives us a little background….apparently her husband made Const marry another woman (Luci) when Rosario was pregnant. This broke her heart and she took off before the baby was born.

Mili and Gloria are caught sneaking back into the orphanage. Mili comes up with a couple whoppers to cover up their being out. The nun doesn’t fall for it and she tells Mili that she's got a week and then she's got to move out of the convent. This comes as no shocker, since the Padre already told Mili she needed to leave the nest [thanks for the correction, 5ft.].

Damien (yes it is Manuel from Amar), Luci’s brother, also lives with the Belmontes. He’s Hugo’s dad. He’s having an affair with Carla, one of the maids.

Al notices his father coming back home in the morning and he questions where he spent the night. Const says “what’s it to you”. Damien tries to step in to help his nephew, but Const shuts him off with a “should I follow your example and kill my wife and my son’s girlfriend?” Luci walks in on this and tells Const not to be cruel. Const tells her to have her brother not mess in his business.

At the soccer field, Padre is coaching the boys. Mili begs to play, but Padre tells her that she can’t , it’s a boys league. She can, however, go sell beverages to the crowd.

Back at the Belmontes, Regina also asks Const where he spent the night. He tells her that she may be shut in, but she’s got good information. Regina gives us more background---yes your father ruined your life. C- I’m remaking it now, how many times have I told you. R-Don’t you ever think of Rosario and the child? C-why don’t you bite your tongue (a polite way of telling his mother to shut up?).

Al is at the soccer game with Bobby. He orders a soda from a vendor. It’s Mili. He looks at her strangely and calls her Carlito. She dumps the soda on him. She gets scolded by Padre. Al walks over and asks Padre if that was a girl? Padre says much more than that, she’s Mili gol. Al looks perplexed.

Brau and Regina rehash some more about what we’ve found out so far about Constancio. Regina mentions that Luci was a victim of the whims of Regina’s husband and Luci’s father. Then Regina has a flashback to talking to Rosario before she left (Rosario is played by Monica Sanchez---the actress who played Silvana on Amar—FYI). In the flashback, Regina is happy about her soon to be born grandchild and she gives Rosario a medallion, with Const’s initials. Rosario mentions that she grew up without a mother because she died when Rosario was born.

We then see Mili showing said medallion to Gloria. She has her own flashback of what the nuns told her about what happened on the day she was born….her mother died. Mili says it had to be from heartbreak. Mili blames her father, whom she doesn’t know. She hates him and someday she’ll find him and let him know what she feels.

The Belmontes have a business. It seems like it might be in real estate development. Constancio has 40%, Regina has 20%, and Luci & Damien 40%. Const and Damien are at odds over some deal. Regina has just given her proxy to Alejandro to vote and Const is ticked. He and Al talk aside. Al wants to know what it is he did to get such disdain from his father. Const tells him that he was born.

Mili sells saint cards to stopped cars along the street. She happens to approach Al’s car after he left the business meeting. Al says “hola Carlito”. She screams, pulls his hair and then takes off running.

Const goes home and asks his mother for an explanation for why she gave her proxy to Al. C calls Al immature but she really knows his reasons for not wanting Al around…he’s reminded every time he looks at him. Regina says that Const lost one child because of his cowardice, is he going to lose another because of his arrogance? C- I want him out of the business. R- he’s staying, like it or not.

Damien apparently is also a bit of drinker because we find out that he killed his wife and Hugo’s girlfriend in a drunk driving accident. Hugo is furious with his father over this and Hugo can walk!!!!

Alejandro finds Mili and tells her that she's bad mannered. He calls her Carlito again. She says, can’t you see I’m a woman. A-let me check. He kisses her. She pulls back, then goes in for another kiss, but ends up kneeing him in the family jewels. She says she needed to check if he was a man. Al is down on the ground, still trying to recover when the episode ends.


Thanks for a good recap. Funny to find "Silvana" and "Manuel" of Amar Sin Limites on this show. Now we know their true ending!

Milagros/Carlito is a charming character. Unfortunately, that can't be said for the rest of the characters, so far.

Of course, Abuela is nice. Are they any BAD telenovela grandmothers? Mine was awful.

OOOOH Yes there are horrible telenovela grandmothers. How about the one in Barrera who poisoned her daughter-in-law and tried to kill the baby by (gasp) leaving the windows open? Or the granny in Alborata who was the Cruella De Ville of the whole event? *RICH* grannies can be psychopathic as all get out - *POOR* grannies are always nice.

Incidentally, I had a rich granny who was a mean drunk and a poor granny who was one of the nicest people in the world. Your mileage may vary.

Thanks for the recap!

And we're off! Great recap, Cathy, especially for the first night. It's always so hard figuring out people's names and what it is they do.

One correction: What the nun told Milagros after she busted them sneaking back in is that this was the last straw and she's got a week to move out. Not too harsh, given that Padre was already saying she had to leave because she was over 18. But I'll bet Mili was just hoping everyone would overlook that until she was 80.

"Your mileage may vary." ROTFL, Melinama!

Cathy, thanks for the great recap. I watched enough of this one last night to know I'll stick with my other two. But I might drop in once in a while. I thought it was funny about Silvana and Manuel, too.


Thanks, Cathy. Lots of familiar faces in this one. I'm not sure if I'll watch. Melinama...I get a kick out of you...''Your mileage may vary.'' Neither of my grandmas were rich, but my mother's mother who lived with my family was probably the poorer gram and I adored her. She really raised me more than my mother did. My dad;s mother was richer and much vaner ...too concerned about her own appearance to be much of a grandma. So, maybe the telenovelas are on to something !!!

Thanks for the great recap! There was a LOT going on this first episode and I'm thankful to have it clarified.

This one looks like fun...

Ahhhh....Milagros with her wide eyed stare n not takin crape from no man......yes yes she is a feisty one she is, she kinda remind me of Gaviota.


Thanks, Cathy, for the recap. Well, I'm not rushing to judgment. I didn't like Pasion at first, now I really like it and am a devoted Fernando fan.

So, I'll watch this some more and see how it goes.

From lower Ala

Isn't the guy who presented to housekeeper with the flower one of the Cuartel husbands from la Fea?

And is anyone else getting a Matthew McConaghey vibe (at least looks-wise) from Alejandro?

Our 2 Duelo people playing very different roles here too I might add (Constancio and his wife)

Jazzee--it's the hair. That man's hair is way too pretty!

Milagros and Alejandro reminds me of Dawson and Joey from Dawson's Creek LOL looks wise.

Thanks for an awesome recap. I am rubbing my paws together & licking my already chapped lips. Oh the gapping holes!!!!

& yes that boy's hair is way too pretty and my husband wonders how lil Mili tucks all 35 pounds of her flowing locks so neatly in her caps.

Thanks for the kick off recap!

The young man in the wheelchair, oh yeah, he really can walk. He prefers to waste his life away making his father feel guilty. Puhleeze...a few prozacs, bright sunshine, and some uppers, and that kid will be dancing down the stairs.

Alejandro has a definite Matthew McC. look. And I did think the gardener looked like Marta's husband in LFMB.

Grandma looked like Miss Ellie from "Dallas" - Barbara Bel Geddes. I swear, between her and the Matthew look alike, I thought I was in the 7th hallucinatory dimension of too much t.v. memory.

What's with the white gloves on the butler? Very Victorian Gothic when he's delivering the tray to the two shut ins upstairs.

This one's going to be a doozy, I can see it already! Milagros gets on my nerves with her wide eyed tomboy pugnaciousness.

This may be the first novela in which I have no sympathy for any character, even the "nice" ones.
My first mockfest novela!

Miss Ellie from Dallas! Yes! That's it! I kept trying to figure out who she reminded me of. Thanks!

Yes, I definitely got a Dallas vibe...the 2 brothers, Miss Ellie...

I know it's been only one night, but I think I'll like this show.

Yes, I got the Joey-Dawson vibe from their looks. He does have some perfect hair.

Thanks 5ft. for the correction on what the nun said. I knew I missed a lot throughout the entire episode. I'll go and amend my post to get it correct for future readers.

At work today I was thinking how I forgot to put in that Al told Mili that she was malcriada (bad mannered, not raised well) and that's why she pulled his hair. I'll add that too.

I had a grandma and a step-grandma. My step filled all fairytale expectations of what a "step" is supposed to do ---she was loaded and evil(she even had a hunchback). My real granny is crazy and poor, but nice (don't get her on politics however--that's where the crazy comes in).

I like this so far. I also thought that was Marta's husband from LFMB. I think Milagros is a bit too tomboyish now, but that will probably change.

OMG Miss Ellie that's who granny reminded me of - that's hilarious - I kept thinking I must have seen her before on All My Children. Thanks for clearing that up Anya - I can now sleep without weird telenovela/soap characters going through my already crowded cabeza.

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