Sunday, January 27, 2008

Guapos Friday 1/25/08 Who's your Daddy?

Sorry this is so late. I had a computer malfunction, and I had to be away from home for several hours. I am glossing over a couple of scenes where I still don't understand who's blackmailing whom and why. I think this will be revealed in future, and if I rewind and try to watch again now, it is an exercise in futility. If anyone has any ideas, please fill them in. This is quite the action-packed episode!

We're back at the convent for the birthday party where the mariachis are singing. Now I realize why the episodes were running together in my mind--because they were running together literally--the mariachi scene is the overlap from Thursday.

The song is very sweet:
We are going to love forever.
We are going to live together.
There's a new dawn.

The padre comes over and wants the MS to get rid of the blessed mariachis, but she says he should loosen up--it's okay.

Then Mili and Alex sing together. I really liked this--very sweet.
He says "Happy Birthday, Carlitos," and he seems to mean it. They run off together away from the others. He asks her to dinner that night, but she has to decline (she's going out with her friends).

Cut to a discussion between Constancio and Calvilla (the blackmail guy). Calvilla gives him one more chance to pay up. Just think of how the news will look, he says, if the story is revealed (the story that I don't understand). The exact same tinkling piano music of doom from Amar plays. I swear, they have lifted the theme music from Amar! I will henceforth call it PMOD.

Back to the party. Mili wants to know why Alex is so interested in going out with her. He says he really likes her. She is suspicious. He says she likes her as she is, he likes her hair, her laugh, her face, her insolent skin and her lips of water. (Yes, this is what he said.)
They kiss, but suddenly she pushes him away. Then she accepts the dinner invitation.

Her friend whose name I don't know calls her to cut the cake. While she cuts away, Alex calls that friend whose name I also don't know on his cell phone to share the good news about how his practical joke is going. I really don't like this type of practical joke--it smacks of the horror movie Carrie--but I guess it will turn out okay in the end, so I'm going with the flow. But I'm not sure how this prank even got started. Anyone?

Back at the mansion, Hugo is fondling his wig, but he hears someone at the door and quickly stuffs it in the bag. In comes Braulio. Braulio wonders why Hugo doesn't eat; he wants him to build up his strength so he can push his wheelchair. Hugo reminds him that it's a motorized chair. Hugo says he'll call him if he needs him. More PMOD.
Hugo gets up and gets dressed in his disguise.

Constancio and Luciana are arguing about Alejandro. Constancio does not want him to go out with Andrea, but he won't say the real reason--that he is having an affair with her. So he says it's because Andrea is older than Alex, and she's a golddigger. Regina wants to know why he's so bothered by it.
He warns that if Alex doesn't change his attitude, he doesn't want him in the business anymore.

She wonders how he could treat his son so badly--"What son? He is not my son. He is your son." Braulio overhears. Luciana walks away.
Constancio asks if Braulio if he hates him. Braulio says no--your own hate is enough. Constancio says that it's not his fault Braulio lost his sister (this must be Rosario). Braulio says to himself that yes it is.

Now the kids are back at the soccer field. Mili kicks Alex when he tries to kiss her, and the padre tells her to kick the ball, not the legs. Hugo is taking pictures in his bearded getup. Everyone wonders who he is. He says he is scouting for great soccer players. They remind the padre that they saw him lurking around the day before.

Damien and Luciana now have a further discussion about Constancio and how he hates Alex. She regrets the day she married him. Damien tells her that he needs help or he'll go to prison.

Comic relief alert! The gardener who is Marta's husband from Fea is giving "Morgan" more advice on how to get the look of a chofer. He tells him to go rent a particular movie, but it seems he can't remember the name. I will cut to the chase. "Morgan" goes to the video store, where the clerk realizes he asking for Driving Miss Daisy (starring Morgan Freeman--get it?). Hilarity ensues when "Morgan" sits in a chair watching the video and operating an air steering wheel. Marta's husband nods approvingly. I hope they don't keep up too much of this.

Meanwhile, Luciana probes Andrea for any news of whether she and Alex are going out. Yes, and she approves. (note to Chris Ferro and anyone else: I also thought Andrea was Lida from Amar, but actually it's a different actress who sort of looks like her.)

Now Luciana and Constancio are having an argument about Damien. She says it's too late now, and Constancio must help Damien. Constancio is fed up with "her shameless brother."
They talk about voting for something in the company. This is another part I don't understand.

Now they switch to arguing about Alex and once again Constancio calls him "her" son. This time, Alex overhears! Alejandro walks in and asks "what did you say, Papa?" He is stricken.

Is it true? Who is my father? I want to know. He asks. Mom, is it true? She tries to cover up by saying, no he didn't say that. He did too, says Alex--I heard it. No you heard wrong. Constancio torments them both by saying, yes, you heard right--Alex should know the truth. Finally, Constancio actually covers up by saying that Alex is preferred by his mother and Valeria is preferred by him. Mom says that he should not think she doesn't love his sister--just that she (Luciana) and Alex have more affinity. Alex stares. Constancio asks what Alex is looking at, and dismisses him. He says he has a lot of work to do. Alex leaves, and Luciana stammers out an "I owe you one." Constancio winks

Hugo is editing pictures of the kiss between Mili and Alex and fuming at the same time. Finally he slams down his mouse and says he doesn't want to see any more.

Shirtless Alex is pouring coffee at Andrea's apartment. She is wearing a scanty baby doll. They talk about whether they have a future. She is really all business--she wants to modernize the business and says that Constancio is so antiquated. She says that the next day she is going to Monterrey on business. They talk about whether they can get together before she leaves, but he has his date with Mili, so he scampers to make an excuse.

Mili and her friends are now out for a night of fun at the Tejano bar. Alex and his friend whose name I don't know arrive. They are talking about what Alex overheard. He obviously was not completely fooled by what Constancio said. Then they skip to the fun. Alex and friend repeat those same silly seduction lines. He also tells his friend that he's going to use Andrea's apartment for the seduction of Mili. That's kind of creepy, isn't it?

Hugo climbs out the window and is caught by Braulio. Braulio says he's had his suspicions. He will keep the secret.

At the club, the girls are dancing, and Alex is smitten with Cowgirl Mili. Shades of Aurora/Lety, as he doesn't recognize her. He gets her over to the side and asks her for dinner. She says, sure--how about tomorrow (when she knows that Carlitos has a date with him . . .). He weasels out and starts the seduction line: I like your hair, your laugh, your insolent skin, your lips of water. Oh, where did I hear that before? I just love how the actress plays this--she is not betraying anything to him.
She asks where he got that language. Oh, it just came to him--he was inspired. She slaps him. He says what are your doing? She says she was inspired! After the break, she says stay away from me, you cretin and cockroach.

Braulio and Hugo continue their discussion. Hugo says his father (Damien) must pay for leaving his mother. Braulio is going to keep the secret, but I don't really understand what it's all about.

Mili rehashes with her friends. She feels like a fool for having believed Alex the day before. Her friend says "no me haces bolas, Mili." Anyone know what this slang means? Don't make me crazy?

Constancio and Andrea have a discussion. He wants her to go to a nice hotel in Cabo. She is really blowing him off now that she is going to get Alex. She also mentions Peralta.

Next day, Mili is back in her pink uniform tending to a sleeping Regina. She daydreams of Alex and his seduction lines, and slaps the arm of her chair in a fit of pique, waking up Regina, who wants to know what happened.

Constancio gives the blackmail guy a briefcase filled with money. He says he can count it if he wants. No, says Calvillo--this is between gentlemen. Constancio tells him that he doesn't know the meaning of the word. He demands the video and tells him to get out. And he repeats that there will be no more payments. He doesn't want to see him there ever again--capische?

Damien comes in, and they are playing the video. It shows two men walking in a parking garage talking, as in "All the President's Men." You can't see who they are, but it must be Damien and someone else. Consty tells Damien that he paid. If this got to the police, Damien would be a dead man. Or at least he would end up in the same cell as some guy named Carminio.

Damien says he's grateful that Constancio saved him. Who told you that? sneers Consty. Now more than ever, you are in my hands. Damien wants to know why--the video implicates Consty just as much. No, says Consty--it's your word against mine.

Andrea is over at the mansion lounging by the pool with Valeria and gloating about how Valeria's daddy gave her the day off.

He goes in the house and sees Mili and kisses her. She doesn't want to do it because people will see. He says "see you later, Carlitos."

Andrea overhears and sees Mili. So you're Carlitos, she said. How do you know? Andrea says she saw her once at the office. Mili says that if she comes looking for a fight, she'll find one. Andrea says, "Stay away from Alejandro, esquincle (brat)--you hear? You are all alike on offer. (this sounds like she is accusing her of being a prostitute? Not sure of this slang). Then Mili replays--just so you know, eses pulgas no brincan en mi petate. I have no idea what this means, but it seems to come from a song, and the literal translation is "these flies are not carried in my small duffle bag." Maybe it means these insults don't stick to me.

Cut to Luciana, who is studying a picture of her son. Oh, son, she says, our life would have been so different in Paris--we would be away from these tasteless philistines. I suppose the real daddy was a French artist? Damien comes in and tells her that Constancio has paid off Peralta.

Cut to Andrea kissing Alex in the kitchen. What a nice surprise, he says--that bikini is marvelous. She says she put it on so he could take it off. But they are interrupted, because he has to make some calls. She says she is taking advantage of time before going to the airport to tan with his sister by the pool. He then falls into the pool, but Andrea is now gone. Andrea is fully dressed and talking to Luciana. I don't really get the point of these couple of scenes, except that they needed to have her confront Mili.

Alejandro is setting up the dinner at the apartment with lots of candles. Mili knocks on the door. She is wearing her full tomboy getup and carrying a large bag. She is really laying it on thick. First, she asks if he has deodorant. What? he asks. You heard me--do you have deodorant. Well, there must be some in the bathroom, but why? Because we were playing ball on the corner for a while and I smell like a goat.

Mili now starts gobbling her food like a slob. She is mopping up the sauce with a huge hunk of bread. Alex stares speechless. He asks if she likes the food. Oh, yes. I really like garlic, she says--especially when the smell stays in your mouth. She then jumps up and puts on the lights and blows out all the candles. She doesn't like candles, she says, because it reminds her of the convent where they could not use lights and had to use candles. Suddenly she jumps up again and grabs her bag and heads away from the table. Alex asks where she's going. Don't worry, she tells him--she's just going to the bathroom. While she's in the bathroom, he starts relighting the candles. Of course, he takes time to call his friend about how well the scenario is going.

Meanwhile, Damien is playing poker at a sleazy casino. (Maybe this is the same set they used when he was playing poker with Silvana in the last episode of Amar.) After a few hands, he seems to reach into his lap to pull out cards. They all push all their chips in, and then Damien tries to claim he won the hand and take all the chips. The other player pulls a gun and says the equivalent of "not so fast, buddy" and calls him a disgraceful cheat.

Now for the fun part--here comes Mili out of the bathroom dressed in the cowgirl getup. Alex looks impactado.

end of episode.


thanks for the recap....

Alex's friend's name is Bobby i think.

When Alex is with Andrea i also noticed that they r also using that sleezy music from Destilando the one they played when Aaron was with his many lovers..


Too funny about Damian and the scene from Amar. I thought the same thing and also about those tedious scene in Destilando with the dad. Guess they only have one small gambling set LOL>

As to how the prank came up I think it was just alex being a punk. Mili has embarrassed him many times and he is looking for revenge. I hate how this is such a standard cliche in novelas. I can name three right off the top of my head where the rich kid has to seduce the maid. Ho Hum.

I really dislike Luciana. She is a terminal whiner but then thats Laura Flores stock in trade.

I mentioned this in an earlier comment, but Andrea is Herlinda or Erlinda from Juan. Somehow she seems taller in this go around.

I just found out that Allison Lozano (Milagro) is only 15 years old! As a father, I now find it difficult to watch the romantic scenes between Senor Guapo, jr. and Mili!

The seduction plan just shows Alex up for the immature little rich boy he is. The arc of the story will be to bring him around to realizing the error of his ways and help him become a true caballero!

Finally the blackmailer is played by Arsenio Campos a veteran Mexican actor with many telenovela credits.

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