Monday, January 07, 2008

Juan Q 1/7/2008 -The tigers are loose..Nid after Ana, Ivonne after Fer, and Delfi after Anga

Here's a quick and dirty recap for my die-hards since we have no regular Monday recapper. If you would like to sign up, please e-mail Melinama. This is a great show, and so much fun!!!

Molo happily greets Herlinda in the street. Sadly he agrees to do her the favor of saying hello to Juan and telling him how much she loves him.

Pau takes the therapists words to heart she begs Moni for forgiveness. She goes in to CL and suggests he does the same he protests there is nothing left hanging between him and Juan and she says fine, at least make good with my mom.

Fer asks Marely if she liked his present of chocolates. She smiles that silly schoolgirl in love smile and tells him yes.

Laura is being nosy asking Ana all kinds of questions about her marital status. Ana is disturbed. After a call from Yadi to Marely announcing that Mom has escaped again she shows up at Ana's interrupting the design review by attacking with a rolling pin and wondering where her husband SAmuel is hidden.

Juanito is trying to talk his way out of going to school in favor of working with Pa in the business but Pa Juan says that school is where he belongs.

Nid chases Ana up to her room where she calls Marely to come get Nid cause she's crazy. Mar and Pau take off to the rescue.

Chavaz Papa tells his son he'll work with Dominguez or he'll leave the house and put his nachas elsewhere. He also says besides, you need to endear yourself to him so that you can convince him to marry your sister, because that's the only way to do it.

Juan tells Molo he's going to bring Herlinda around so Molo can see her night and day.

Alirio is at a market demanding Tolucan Chorizo, and to make sure that it is absolutely authentic.

At the battle between the enemies, formerly friends, now enemies again, Nid breaks through the bedroom door after Ana and yells at her for putting the horns on her husband. Needless to say Ana is impactada.

Laura has called the police, and this manages to frighten of Nid who agrees to leave, but not before saying that she and her daughters are waiting for Samuel at home.Nid calls Laura Cucsa, Metiche, Mirona.

Laura calls Moni and tells her what just happened, that Pau's Mom was doing Nid's man. Moni is happy.

Pau and Mar arrive, but too late. Ana tells Pau the details while Marely rushes off after her mom. Pau learns that Laura saw the whole thing, and that the police coming was only a threat to get Nid to leave.

CL and Pastor discuss Alirio and CL says let him have what little he wants or else he's going to keep controlling Pastor, and we don't want him to surpise us with anything. He also gets around to telling Pastor what Pau wants him to do.

Meanwhile Alirio shows up in reception with a huge bag of Chorizo, asking to see Cl and Ivonne tries to blow him off.

Ana tells Pau that even though Laura tried to save her life she's unsettled about something, that she seemed to be more interested in Pau than the designs. Pau tells her to ignore it, but she says she still doesn't like that woman. Pau tells her CL is coming today and Ma reluctantly agrees to talk to him. Pau begs her Mom to receive him with an open mind.

Fer asks Ivonne for some papers and Ivonne takes this opportunity to launch cheap shots at him about Marely. He says she is his friend and Ivonne shouldn't confuse friendship with business and orders her to provide him the papers. The exchange culminates in her accusing him of moving up rapidly in the business and wondering how he did it, then him saying his own merit, but others can't even move up by sleeping with the boss. The lobby lizards (thanks Jeanne) are listening in and Cl and PAstor come out and yell at the two of them for arguing about personal matters in the office, instead they should do it in the street.

Later Pastor yells at Fer that there are more discreet ways of solving problems and that Ivonne has been through and suffered so much for him,poor girl. Fer says that's crazy because she had plenty of opportunities with me and she threw them in the trash. Pastor says that everyone commits errors, she does and he does to, and even though she's immature etc. try to understand her, and don't repeat this scene ever again in the office. Fer agrees he won't.

In Achi, Anga is with Delfi being amorous when all of a sudden he falls to the floor. Delfi screams and runs for Juan.

Mar and Yadi are debriefing Nid about her crazy behavior, they tell her she and Ana have already patched things up, and even are friends now, oh and DAd is dead. Nid is impactado.

While Delphi is in the other room crying over Anga's death, Juan and Molo pick him up. He's ok and admits to Juan he was "playing" with her. She runs in the room glad he's ok and cuddles with him. Juan tells himself he can imagine what game they were playing and he walks out.

Nid still doesn't believe SAm is dead even though Mar offers to take her to cemetery. She thinks The girls are trying to drive her crazy. Nid wants to know why Mar hates her so much and sends her to her room for disrespecting her mother.

The doctor leaves his recommendation with Juan regarding Anga. Good news is his head is ok, but bad news is that his heartbeat is accelerated and he needs absolute rest to fell better. He emphasizes this to Delfi who thinks ok, so he needs to be in bed. He elaborates that no, that's absolutely nothing to give him an emotional rise...that is no ñiqui ñaca or ñaque, and the oldest remedy to help her cope with that is a cold shower.

Guti tells Alirio maybe he should get close to PAstor to convince him to go along with their scheme. He yells at him that he has had opportunity after opportunity and keep blowing each one. Alirio says no way will he feign amor for Pastor but asks him if there might be a campito for him to stay in Guti's house. Now that will be hysterical if they live together.

Cl at CAsa Davila is beginning his penance to Ana. She is reluctantly listening.

Juan is consoling Anga who thinks he saw death near him this time. Juan tells him not to say such things and says he cares for Anga like a Dad. Anga says he would be honored if Juan was his son, that he thinks he will leave a large part of his estate to Juan. Juan is of course impactado.


Keel-haulin Lea Dread, I haven't read your recap yet, haven't watched the show yet, but I think YOU are fantastic!

More later...

:) thanks...I'm watchin' and my computer is in front of me, so I just thought how could I not..? It's much easier if you aren't trying to do too much I noticed... :)

Well it was great of you to do the recap.

Regarding Angarita, he told Juan he was playing with Delfina but of course he really keeled over and bonked his head. I guess that's why he's concerned about his estate. I guess it hasn't occurred to him yet that Yadi could be his daughter. I wonder what's up with him?

Finally Mari told Nidia that Samuel is dead! I was wondering how long they would keep up the bizarre charade. I'm starting to grow weary of Nidia's amnesia. And as somebody already pointed out, isn't Nidia curious as to why there's a baby in the house?

Methinks Fernando got a little too irritated at Ivonne. I'm guessing he still has a thing for her. Poor Marely!

Thanks Kris!!

P.S. I forgot to add, great title!

Kris, you weren't by any chance in Hawaii over the holidays were you? I saw a woman with a pink hat like yours in the airport and I hissed "Hey Kris!" a couple of times until people started staring at me. She never turned around so I figured it wasn't you. That would have been funny though.

Wow Kris...that wasn't a "quick and dirty recap", it was a fine, detailed recap. Thanks for going that extra mile.
I certainly don't want Don Angarita to die...he's one of my favorite characters. And I'd like to see him end up with Nidia...but now it's looking like he has to die to benefit Juan financially!?...please...nooooo...and while Fernando and Marely are a cute couple...and he's bright and well-educated enough for could it possibly work out since he's slept with her mother. Sure don't know where this novela is going but I'm enjoying it.

I'm also very confused about this novela, it doesn't follow the typical novela rules, however I enjoy its freshness and it's nice to be surprised once in a while. Finally somebody told Nidia about Samuel, but then she did not believe it. I wonder how they are going to resolve this problem.
Thank you K for the recap, I'm going to sub for the rest of the Mondays until Cheryl comes back on February, I wish I could be as fast as you.

Bless you Maricruz for offering to sub, it's great to have you with us! I didn't know that, and I hope I didn't jump the gun on you for last night at least, either!!

Gosh Sylvia, that is funny, and actually, I was in Hawaii last month, but not around Christmas, so alas it wasn't me, I actually flew the other direction...but thanks for trying to get my alter ego's attention!! I think we should chat offblog one of these days, though.

Susana, if you see this, are you on this week for Tues or next? If not on, do we have anyone interested in tonight's recap? If not, I can do another quickie I think...unless someone else would love to whack at it...

Kris, you’re a trouper! Great job and thanks for doing the Q&D recap to fill in! Wow, you summarized everything so neatly and got it all in there. What’s more, you did it so fast –judging by when it was posted – that it’s awesome! Lordy, you're offering to do Tuesday, too??? It's downright humbling!

“Laura calls Moni and tells her what just happened, that Pau's Mom was doing Nid's man.” ROTFL—Kris, you have such a way with words!

Delirio and the chorizo was one of the funniest things I’ve seen. He’s so pompous, he can’t even think they might be messing with him. He looked like such a chump carrying it and laying it on Ivonne’s desk.

“Juan is consoling Anga who thinks he saw death near him this time.” Thanks, Kris, I wasn’t sure but thought this might be it. I guess we would say “I saw my life pass before me” but it’s a different concept in Spanish?

“asks him if there might be a campito for him to stay in Guti's house. Now that will be hysterical if they live together.” Oh, man, it makes me shudder to think!

Sylvia, that's right. We still haven't heard the last of Nidia and Anga and Yadi, I think. Hmm!

Thanks again, Kris—you’re terrific!


Kris, I don't know if Susana plans to do tonight or not. She may be working on it right now. I would say just hang loose and see how it falls out. If this is not her Tuesday maybe, if you are willing, you could incorporate a couple of tonight's highpoints in your recap tomorrow. Once we get on track with her schedule maybe we can take turns doing quickies on the alternate Tuesdays. Thanks again for doing this one, you have really gone above and beyond.

Hey Maricruz, that's very cool that are subbing for Cheryl until she gets back. Thank you!

I've got one ready. It's just easier to write it as I I'll wait to see if she posts, and if not I'll put mine up.

You're too much! I just KNEW you were going to do that!

You WRITE as you watch? Holy moley. That is impressive indeed. I have to watch once while I'm on the treadmill, then watch a second time to recap.


:) Actually it depends how detailed I'm going to get, but for the quickies it's really just easier for me to note it as I watch if no one is interrupting me, then fill in missing parts on a rewind. This usually means less dicho detail though. If I don't do that, I find it takes me forever. If I used a DVR that could rewind while still recording, well I could be even faster I think.

It depends on the episode too, because some are easier to follow than others. Like, I'm kind of not clear on the Alirio/Guti plan, and what the heck were the sausages for anyway? Was that an idle task to get Delirio out of the office or something? I missed any instructions he received....

PS...what's really impressive is that you are on the treadmill while you watch!!! Wish I had one for that!! I'm usually just on my okole. :)

Kris -

"you are on the treadmill while you watch!!! Wish I had one for that!! I'm usually just on my okole. :) "

Amiga, my okole is the reason I'm on the treadmill....


...and I forgot to tell you I LOVE that title!


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