Tuesday, January 29, 2008

"What happened to the sidebars" - recappers, please read!


The "disappearing sidebar syndrome" happens in Internet Explorer - I read on firefox, which doesn't do that, so I didn't know it had happened.

It happens when somebody posts something which is wider than the right text column and can't be divided - either a picture which is too big, or (in this case) website URLs which are so long they don't fit on one line. Then Internet Explorer makes the right column wider and there is no longer any room for the left sidebar so it gets bumped to the bottom.

I edited the two files with long URLs and now the sidebar should be back.

Since I don't browse with IE, please let me know if this happens again.

Recappers - reminder (1) best to input your file either right on the blogger site or as a text file, if you do it in word save as a text file before proceeding because if you cut-and-paste a WORD document many odd things creep into your files.

Also (2) when you post links, make the text comment shorter than the long URL.

Thanks all!


I use word but I copy and paste as text. I sure hope this works. I always check with IE (which I browse with) afterward to see if anything looks amiss. The only thing I have to do in blogger is break up the paragraphs since it doesn't carry over the carraige returns. I love the way word 2007 corrects most spelling mistakes as I type it saves tons of time.

If this isn't working out, I guess I can try to save as text only, reopen the file in word pad and then cutting and pasting it. I don't know if that would even fix it though, because word is nasty about saving formatting as "rich text" buried even in text files.

I've had too many mishaps in the past typing long posts directly into blogger to rely on it. It's supposed to save every few minutes but sometimes it loses posts. I think I'd slit my wrists if it lost a recap I was almost finished with.

Anyway, if there is trouble with my posts, let me know and I'll try another approach. It's not working if you are having to go through and fix people's posts.

Melinama: Thanks for fixing this. I'm glad I brought the subject up because I thought I might be the only leftsidebarless person in the universe.


My apologies, Melinama, because I posted the suspect URL. I also put in a photo, and I'll quit doing that. This was the first time I think I had done both of those (I think I've posted a less extensive URL once). Sorry.

I also have better luck when I use text in Word and cut and paste. I will work harder to make my recaps shorter, though, and perhaps that will help.


One of the problems I had with Word was the so-called "smart" (curly) quotes. I was typing my urls in "a href=" tags where you put the url in quotes, but the curly quotes break the url. (Yeah I know you can do bold, formatting, and link urls afterwards in the blogger entry form, but I'm likely to forget.)

I could have just disabled the smart quotes in Word, but I switched to WordPad instead. (Notepad was a little too flaky for me.)

Sorry if my URLs were too long. I thought I used Wordpad, but I've been switching back and forth between that and Word 2007. I'll know better now that you've found that to be a problem.

What is Wordpad? Is that only on PCs? (I have a Mac).


Jeanne: Yes, Wordpad is a PC program. It's somewhere in between Word and Notepad as it has some useful, but not all, the great features of Word. Notepad is the absolute basic early electronic typewriter-style program. I have no idea why anyone (me included) ever bothers with using it.

Jardinera/Cousin dreaded Lucy-

Thanks for the clarification. I used PCs long ago when I worked for an organization that served blind people, because the PCs at that time didn't use the graphics and were accessible. I haven't kept up with PC technology though, because the Hawaii public schools use Macs and I went back to Mac.


Notepad is extremely useful when you need to create a plain text file, edit raw html code, or any other activity where you need to avoid proprietary formatting codes (because you're transferring text from one format or platform to another).

But it's lousy for casual writing, that's for sure. And if you paste text from Word, it still doesn't get rid of the curly quotes, which are my bane!! (Those and caterpillars!)

I think there's a Mac equivalent of NotePad and/or WordPad... I just can't remember what it's called. It's the application that opens text files (like ReadMe) by default. SimpleText, maybe?

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