Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Guapos: Monday Feb. 4, 2008- Perhaps a Christmas Club Account at the Local Bank is a Better Option.

Alejandro is convinced by the lies that Constancio told him regarding the lack thereof a personal relationship between him and Andrea. Al asks Andrea for forgiveness. They kiss and make up. Connie leaves them alone and this gives Al the chance to tell Andrea that the whole business with “Carlitos” was a way to make her jealous. Andrea assures him that she knew that all along.

Outside his office, Connie is accosted by his daughter. She’s come there to let him have it because she’s learned that Andrea is his mistress. Before Connie can get a word in, Al and Andrea show up. They explain the whole “misunderstanding” and Val asks Andrea and Connie for forgiveness. She tells Al that she won’t apologize to him because he’s just a gossip.

Meanwhile, back at home…..Luciana is begging her brother to not spill the beans about her relationship with Eugenio. She tells Damien that he knows that she’s not been happy and that her relationship with Connie hasn’t been good for a long time. Damien is concerned that if Luci takes off, what will become of him and his part in the business. Luci assures him that if she goes, she’ll make sure to put things in order. She tells him that her shares of the company will be given to Alejandro. Damien isn’t happy with this plan.

Regina and Mili have lunch at the convent. Padre Manuel and the nuns gush over Mili and go on and on about her charms to Regina. Mili punctuates this conversation with a burp. After lunch, Mili and Rocky take to the soccer field. Regina sits in the stands and watches. After witnessing some of Mili’s antics, Regina tells herself she’s got her work cut out for her. Mili scores a goal.

Mili and Regina return home. Regina says she’s tired and Mili tells her that going out did her some good, she looks younger (and I have to agree).

Al brings Andrea home for dinner. He fills Luci and Damien in on the reconciliation.

In the maid’s room, Lina tells Mili that the family is gathering to have dinner with Al’s novia---which is Mili. Lina offers to help Mili get ready for the party. We are not treated to a view of Mili during the process, so we know it is going to be scary.

Regina comes down for dinner. The family is surprised that she’s left her rooms. Connie says it is a miracle and Regina says that’s the word for it.

Mili shows up, with big hair, gaudy make-up, eighties-style earrings, and a tight dress. She bursts into the room with her mouth running. She calls Luci-suegrita and Luci flips. Mili suggests that calling her mama might be a better idea. This freaks Luci out more. Al attempts to explain to Mili what’s going on, but she’s too busy exchanging words with Andrea. Once Mili closes her mouth, Al tells her it was a joke. Mili is confused. Al spells it out for her---Andrea is his novia. Val starts in on Mili and Regina cuts her off. Al is surprised that Mili took it all seriously. To save face, Mili tells them that she knew all along it was a joke and that’s why she dressed so ridiculously and she leaves. Regina tells the family she won’t be dining with them after all, because she’s lost her appetite.

Mili runs into the maid’s room. Lina and Karla are there and Lina tries to find out what happened. Mili’s not talking. She runs into the bathroom and locks the door. Once inside, she breaks down and cries.

Dinner is over and Constancio says that Regina didn’t stay for dinner because of the joke played on Mili. The family launches into a round of making fun of Mili, while Karla is milling around in the background.

Mili visits Hugo and they decide to develop a secret knock so he’ll know when it is her at the door. Mili alludes to something happening at dinner and Hugo presses her for more info. She doesn’t tell him. Mili asks when Hugo will finish his painting and he says never.

Regina has a flashback to a conversation she had with Rosario. Rosario was telling her about how Connie’s friends treat her because she was the maid. Regina offered some encouragement and she asked how Connie reacts when his friends treat Rosario poorly. Rosario said he remains silent and that hurt.

Al comes to visit his grandma. She tells him that she expected more from him. He tires to explain and Regina continues to scold him. She’s upset that he would play with people’s emotions. She tells him to go.

Connie finds tickets to Rome in Luci’s purse. He pumps Damien for info on the name of Luci’s lover. Damien isn’t talking, so Connie offers money. Damien finally blurts out Eugenio’s name when the offer reaches fifty thousand.

In the kitchen Karla is filling her mom in on what happened with Mili and the family. Mili and Lina are there too. Karla tells Mili that Al would never be interested in a girl like her. How could Mili think a servant could be with the patron’s son. Lina makes a comment about Karla and Damien. Karla says the difference is that she and Damien feel something for each other. Lina says sure, a couple times a week and only at night.

Al walks into the kitchen and asks to speak with Mili. They go for a walk outside and Al tells her he feels bad. He adds that Mili didn’t deserve to be treated that way. She says he’s wrong, of course she did because she’s an idiot who had confidence in him. She adds that she believed in him and she asks why he did what he did. She doesn’t allow him to explain. Instead she tells him that he’s left her with her heart in her hands, broken. She runs back into the house and Al lets out a frustrated scream.

Val, in her underwear, practices for her catwalk. Connie catches her and tells her that over his dead body will she be parading around in lingerie in front of everyone.

Mili prays that God will help her get Al out of her head. Later, she meets with Gloria at the convent. They talk about Christmas and one of the nuns tells her that they don’t have enough money to purchase gifts for the orphans. Mili says she’ll take care of getting the money.

Hugo asks Braulio about Mili. He tells Hugo that she’s out and then he tells him to be careful with her, she’s a servant. Hugo tells Brau that’s the stupidest advice he’s ever gotten in his life. Brau leaves and Hugo talks to the picture----he tells it that Brau thinks you’re an opportunist.

Luci is tending her flowers. Brau admires them and she says that if she sticks around she’ll enter them into a contest. Brau asks where she might be going. She dances around the subject.

Padre Manuel talks to Mili about her relationship with Al. She rants on about him and PM is convinced that there is no risk of romance.

Constancio meets with Milena, Eugenio’s wife. He tells her what’s going on between his wife and her husband. Milena doesn’t believe it. Connie tells her that they’ll bring a stop to it. He’ll take care of his wife, she needs to take care of her husband.

Connie’s plan is to seduce Luci. He makes arrangements for them to dine alone and tells her how much he misses them having alone time. She is shocked. He asks her out for dinner and she accepts. He gives her a kiss goodbye and he thinks to himself that she’s falling for it.

Mili decides to sell flowers to raise money and she convinces Lina to help. Lina wonders where they are going to get the flowers. Mili indicates that the Belmonte’s flowers are good enough.

Melina snoops in Eugenio’s office and finds his ticket to Rome. She takes a different approach than Connie. When she sees Eugenio, she confronts him with the tickets.

On the side of the road, Mili and Lina sell flowers. Al shows up, he buys all their remaining flowers and seems to pay a hefty price.

Luci discovers her flowers have been taken. She screams for the police to be called.

Meanwhile, Lina and Mili return home and in the maids’ room they find all the flowers Al purchased laying on Mili’s bed, with a note. The note says that if these flowers don’t succeed in making her accept his apology, then Al will have to get all of Xochimilco to do the job. END OF EPISODE.


Great recap. There sure was a lot happening in this episode. I found Luciana's shrieking about her flowers to be a bit of scenery chewing: "My jasmines, my jasmines." Is Alex finally starting to redeem himself with the apology? I loved how Andrea was giving sneaky looks over his shoulder when she thought he was starting to believe her BS.

Meanwhile, I was trying to figure out who the actor playing Eugenio is. He played "Jacks" Reynard in the last few weeks of LFMB.

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Whoops! Tried to post a link to info on Xochimilco, but it was too long. I kept wondering what Alejandro was talking about in his note--since I'm not too informed on DF landmarks.


5ft, here's something from Wikipedia. Sounds like they may have grown flowers there. Also it has a romantic reputation.

Thank you for the very helpful recap!

Due to no captions for a few days, I missed something leading up to this episode. Why did Connie confess to being at Andrea’s place but sleeping on the couch, and doing the fake phone call from her apartment? And then saying he had tried to seduce her but was rebuffed … These would be humiliating confessions for a man, so there must be a good reason that I didn’t catch. Why does Connie want her back with Alex?

Mili didn’t look like a girl with a broken heart when she was addressing the problem of no money for the orphan’s gifts. Perky as ever!

Howdy =)

Xochimilco is more or less a cross between the Love Canal and Venice. Lots of lakes and such with people rowing Gondolas, mostly for couples. The boats and are covered in flowers and have their names written out in flowers over the mast, you get the picture.

For Maggie: Connie tells Regina that if Al dates Mili, he will disinherit him, kick him out of the house and cut him off financially so he will be poor just like Mili. Mom retorts that she will then give Al his inheritance, everything she has and owns, while she's still alive. Connie can't have Al getting all of mom's fortune, so he decides to get Al and Andrea back together so he'll dump Mili and Regina will be mad at Al and give him nothing.

I think Connie is doing it to spite his mother. I agree, the motivations and cross motivations are not quite clear.

Margarita, are you referring to the Love Canal as in the scandalous '70s toxic waste dump near Buffalo?

Thank you Margarita & NinaK!!

Class distinctions sure are alive and well in this episode. People kept dismissing the servants, and even each other. I’m trying to think what the English equivalent would be – it’s been years since I watched Upstairs Downstairs. “You may go”? “You are dismissed”? “Please leave now” doesn’t sound right.

Wow, that is a stroll down memory lane--Upstairs, Downstairs. I loved that show.

Remember that the chief butler, Hudson, was always educating the other servants on how to behave properly. He had thoroughly internalized his subservient position and would have excused himself! (Con permiso . . .)

The days of servants seems to have passed. Both my grandmothers, who were middle class, had women who came in daily to clean and cook. They weren’t referred to as servants, but were called the “household help.” Nowadays it seems like people with spare change mostly just have a cleaning service once a week. Of course, the family in this show seems to be loaded. But a butler with gloves?

I’m now thinking the way we’d dismiss a servant in English would be to say “thank you, [whoever], that will be all.”

I think the days of servants have passed, in name only. The super-rich hedge funders and other wealthy folks still have them, but they call them "help."

I've seen articles about people who study to become "household managers" (i.e., butlers) for such people, and they have to supervise other staff. Often they still wear uniforms.

Regina threatened to give everything to Al so Connie caved since he doesn't want the family goods going to the bastardo.

Loved the episode it just flew by. I hate that snotty attitude the Belmonte's take about the help and their cruelty to Mili who is after all little more than a child. Just love Regina saying she lost her appetite, I would have too. Oh and what is the matter with Mili letting another servant tart her up like that. She has been around Val long enough to know to dress better then that horror she presented. i guess the writers want us to feel sorry for her and hate the B's even more (which i must add worked very well).

Al and the flowers were way too little and way too late. And speaking of the "flowers" those were the cheapest most obvious fakes I've seen in years. You'd think they could have sprung for real ones or at least better looking ones. And why did Luci make such a fuss over them since she had been planning to run off anyway.

Love Connie playing her and she walks right into it. And Damian the greedy big sure is willing to sell out his sister cheap. He should have held out for a few million but it bites for 50 K which he'll soon lose gambling.

Oops i meant Damian the greedy Pig.

Thanks Cathy!

I can't wait for the Belmonte's to be smacked around, figuratively or literally, for their incredibly snotty attitudes, especially Val. Maybe she'll have an embarrassing wardrobe malfunction while modeling underwear!

My husband and I were in a trajinero at Xochimilco just a few weeks ago on vacation. It's one of those must do touristy things.

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