Tuesday, February 05, 2008

02/04/08 Pasión: A Man's Got To Do What A Man's Got To Do

Cami is showing Ascanio the accounts in the back office when Jorge enters and asks to speak alone with her. Ascanio leaves and Jime gets on his case in between bites of apple for leaving her friend alone with the old lech. Ascanio asks her, "What was I supposed to do? Tell him no, I’m staying right here?” “—He’s probably going to ask her to sleep with him!” Ascanio wonders if he should go back in but Jime hisses that that would be even worse.

In the back office, after complaining about all the men Cami has attracted ready to defend her, then saying a few trite, pro forma, words about how Justo’s getting along, Jorge comes directly to the point. He tells her that Justo is old and he doesn't know how capable he'll be after his illness and that with Vasco he has to settle accounts for sleeping with his daughter. Cami suggests it was Ursula doing the seduction, but he brushes it off and tells her he’s not there to argue with her, only to see that his rules are complied with. So, not only did Vasco seduce his daughter, but Cami’s fiancé refused to adhere to his demands also.

Jorge adds he doubts Ric's activities are exactly above board and that he thinks he is either a thief or a pirate. Cami tries to deny it but he tells her to shut up since he’s the one doing the talking here. “You’re father’s useless to me now. Because of all of this I’ve decided to take away the concession for the mill and the store.”

Cami begs for some understanding of their situation and special circumstances especially after the earthquake. He says neither the Government in Spain nor he is interested then arrogantly explains that he is responsible to the Crown for the tax collection and when the only mill and store in town has reduced sales (and thus profits) well……

Cami accuses him of being cruel and vengeful. “It’s neither cruelty nor vengeance,” says Jorge. Just show him the money. BUT, he could be per-sua-ded to change his mind IF Cami cares to provide some demonstration of affection. In other words, “Put out or be put out!” Her choice. (Ol’ Whorehey’s inside parts, it appears, are just as withered as his outside parts.)

Vasco returns home on the other side of town after his dicey run-in with Ric and the boys. Ines gets upset when she sees him bloody and roughed up. She wonders if he found Bernabe and fought with him. Vasco explains how Ric and his men worked him over and says he ended up telling them the truth about Bernabe and the letter; he explains he’s supposed to keep quiet about the fact the letter never really got destroyed so that Cami doesn’t worry. Ines starts to scold him but he’s not up for it and tells her nobody is more sorry about the whole business than he is. Vasco has a big, serious cry on Ines’ shoulder.

Just then Paco runs over to Vasco and says he blames himself for making his grandpa sick. Vasco handles this like a true-loving father and tells Paco that it wasn’t his fault. He was the one who should have destroyed the letter but didn’t. Justo’s illness is his fault, not Paco’s.

Back at Ric’s manse, Lis tells Aunt Fran what Ric told her about the assault on the caravan and how his entire fortune was stolen. Fran’s first worry is that the two of them without Ric’s financial support or Timoteo’s fortune, will be out on the street begging with a cup in their hand. Ric, she says, will no doubt have to return to piracy to live and be away for months or years at a time. Without a man's support or protection and without cold hard cash, Fran warns, the only option for women in their situation will be prostitution or penury. Lis needs to seriously consider Don Alberto’s attempts to court her. Lis refuses, having a better idea: if Ric’s marrying Cami anyway, might as well live off her (and Daddy Timoteo’s) big bucks if push comes to shove. For once, Fran doesn’t argue.


Vasco leaves Paco with Ines and goes to visit his father at Ofelia's.

Santi comes into the store looking for Cami. Ascanio says she’s busy in the back and Jimena adds that she’s with Don Jorge and best not to disturb the two of them. Ascanio tells Santi he figures he can do the books for the store but doesn’t understand why Vasco isn’t in charge of that instead. Santi says because he’s not trustworthy. Jime pipes up then and tells Ascanio how Vasco and his pal, Bernabe, tried to blackmail Cami with Lis’ famous ED letter instead of handing it over to her like he should have. Jime realizes then that she’s just said way too much and Ascanio looks like he’s heard way more than he wanted. Santi shakes his head in disgust over what an incredible winner his future BIL is.

At Justo’s bedside as the music swells in the background, Vasco asks his father’s foregiveness and swears he’ll be turning over a new leaf. He’s going to be the best, hardest-working son and husband ever.

Meanwhile, Ric comes to pay ailing Justo a visit too. While Ric waits out in the garden for Vasco to finish his visit with his father, he passes the time chatting with Ofelia. Ofelia tells Ric she’s glad Cami and he are marrying and he thanks her for it.

Back at the store, Santi is getting impatient and thinking Cami and Jorge have taken way too long for it to be just a simple chat. He goes off in a huff towards the back to find her. In the back office Jorge keeps insisting with Cami and tells her he's keen on getting her into bed. If she just goes along with it, then the whole matter is resolved and nobody has to know a thing. He’ll just send for her at a friend’s house. (Cami,this might have been a good time for you to spit out something about learning long ago that limp lechers make lousy lovers.) Saintly arrives just in time in a Dudley Do-Right moment and he angrily interrupts horny Jorge’s offensive chat with the cornered Cami.

Saintly Santi now loses his temper. Cami tries to stop him but he refuses to be quiet this time. He asks Jorge where he gets off thinking he’s above the law and says the old coot has no right to take the women around there whenever he’s got the urge. He's on a roll now and he tells Jorge that for all the authority he might have, he has no right to trample on the dignity of his people; and Jorge may be able to mock human law but not devine law; when Jorge goes to meet his maker he’ll have to pay the price and he’ll be getting a one-way ticket to Hell. Jorge says, fine, now that you’ve blown off steam, kid, scram. Saintly says no way, he’s not moving an inch and whatever Jorge has to say to his SIL, he can darn well say in front of him. He’s not going to permit one more perverted act from the likes of Jorge and that’s that.

Jorge reminds Cami of the ultimatum and leaves. Cami and Ascanio know the sick b@stard will try to take it out on Saintly now. She asks him why he had to do it and he says he’s tired of everyone suffering such degrading humiliations from the man. Ascanio suggests he skip town for a while because there’s no way Don Jorge is going to overlook such an insult. Saintly yells at him that it was only the truth. Cami says, “But you don’t do things like that!” He starts yelling then, “So where’s your fiancé? He’s the one who should be here defending your honor!” then turns and leaves.

Jime runs in and asks what Jorge wanted. Cami cries to her about his threat to take away the concessions for the mill and store if she doesn’t sleep with him. Ascanio, wide-eyed impactado, swears to God he’s not believing all that he’s just seen and heard.

During all this Ric is sitting at Justo’s bedside. Justo asks him to take Cami far away from there and Ric promises to marry her as soon as possible. Ofelia steps in and explains that Justo, knowing Jorge is a vengeful baddy with his sights set on Cami, means to say he is worried he will try something unless they leave and get away. Ric doesn’t think Cami will leave, especially till her father’s recuperated, but Ofelia stresses it’s now or never. Ric tells Justo he’ll talk it over with Cami and he'll try to live up to the great trust he's placed in him.

At the palace, Fortunata and Sofia discuss Sofia’s decision as Godmother to cover all Ines’ wedding expenses. Talk turns to Ursula and the trip to Mexico City to find her a new husband since it’s such slim pickin’s in San Fernando now. Sofia complains that her daughter brings on her problems herself by being rude and frivolous and all her friends end up running away from her. Talk turns to what a great guy Santi is and how young and nice he is, “Like his mother, fortunately,” adds Sofia. Fortunata asks if she knew his father and if he was not a good man. Sofia says if she’s referring to the old blacksmith, then no, she never did meet him. Fortunata wonders what she meant by “if you’re referring to”, so Sofia changes the subject to Justo and how she loves him as a friend and for being her only friend.


Back at the blacksmith shop, Ascanio tells Saintly that he shouldn’t have treated Don Jorge that way since the guy has the right to deal with his subjects any way he chooses. Santi says Ascanio may be fine with letting him defile their women whenever he wants, but he is not about to. He complains that Jorge has insisted twice now with Cami, and again with his sister, Ines. So Ascanio says he should just take the whole family away somewhere where nobody would order them around.

Horny Jorge, now hot under the collar, has other ways of dealing with disrespectful subjects like Saintly and sends a group of palace guards after him. They arrive at the market and make their way towards the blacksmith's shop, not missing a chance to trample and bully their way through all the stalls. The captain of the guard informs Saintly that he is being arrested for insults and slander regarding their great and gracious leader, the Lord Jorge of San Fernando.

Ofelia and Ric come running out to see what the commotion is about. Ric runs over to Saintly and tries to ask him what’s happened for them to take him like this. Now, finally, it seems Saintly Santi has his chance to rub it in with Ric. He tells Ric that this is happening because of what he did in defending Cami when Ric should have been there doing said selfless heroic deed instead, and (being selfless and heroic) he proudly states he does not regret it. Ric doesn’t understand and Saintly tells him then go ask Cami and Don Jorge.

The guard shoves Ric trying to get him to move and Ric knocks him out of the way; the captain warns Ric that that is an act of contempt but Ric yells at him to go to Hell and storms off toward the store to get an explanation from Camila.

Cami and Jimena come out as Ric asks what caused all of this. Jimena explains that Santi insulted Jorge when he went to defend her and so Jorge sent the guard to put him in jail. Ric and Mario exchange glances.

Speaking of deeds Saintly does regret, GRita comes out just then, swoon-worthy impactada at the sight of her beloved being literally dragged off to prison. She faints dead away as the guard takes martyred Saintly to jail.

At the prison, the captain gives orders for only bread and water. One of the guards knows Saintly and asks what he did to get thrown into jail. Saintly says, “I rebelled against injustice.” The friendly guard replies, “Well you did it badly then.”

Manuela gets into town at the tail end of the procession and calls Ascanio over to explain what happened. They agree it is just another in a long line of tragedies for Santiago. Mannie asks him to come by later and fill her in on the details. He smiles and says maybe it’s not such a good idea, but she tells him her daddy’s out of town and it couldn’t hurt to find out a bit more. He agrees and leaves. The nana isn’t too happy about her conversation with a stranger and a young man to boot, but Mannie insists she’s done nothing wrong. Since she holds Ofelia in high regard there’s no reason not to get as much info as possible as she sees it.

Ric, Mario, Cami and Jime head back to Cami's house.

Inside, Cami gives Ric a quick rundown of Jorge’s proposition while outside Jime snaps at Mario and wonders where in the world his boss was when Cami needed him most. Mario says he hasn't a clue. Upset in general with the whole situation, Jime pulls at Mario's beard and tells him he's being a pain and he better not cross her, then walks off. Mario at that point could be knocked over with a feather. He is definitely in luhhhvv!

Back inside in the living room Ric tells Cami about her father's request for the two of them to go off together somewhere far away. She rejects the idea because she doesn't want to leave her family with Justo sick and the possibility of them being left destitute. Ric explains that he’d take them all away and tells her to understand that San Fernando is not the only place on earth. If it were up to him he’d just as soon go to the palace and slit the guy’s throat. She cries and says she can’t handle it any longer, but he tells her she’ll have to and that there are times when you just have to keep a cool head and think things through.

So together they consider what possibilities they have to stop Jorge from carrying out his threat since she won’t leave. One choice she says is to give up on getting married, but he says that won't solve anything either. “Do you really think Jorge would ever leave you in peace?” She agrees that he wouldn’t. The third option, which isn't really one at all, is to go to bed with Jorge. Ric says then that he’s going over to try to talk to Jorge and get to the bottom of things. Cami asks Ric to help Santi to get out of jail while he’s at it, but makes him swear that when Ric talks with Jorge, he’ll keep himself in check and not provoke another major catastrophe. His answer is only that at times it is necessary to kill somebody when that somebody will not stop harming others.

Up in her bedroom Cami tells Jime the whole story. Jime says if it were her she’d kill the guy too. Cami says, then what? She can’t exactly take her sick father and her pregnant sister in a crummy little boat to some hide away, let alone abandon Santiago to his fate in prison. Jime gripes that she worries too much about everybody else. Cami says, well, these people are her family and she doesn’t have a choice. Jime wonders what choice she has if she doesn’t kill Jorge. Cami’s says she’s only thinking now about what she can do to get Santi out of jail and she leaves.


Vasco and Ofelia go to the prison to see if they can visit Santiago.

At the palace, meanwhile, Sofia and Ursula discuss taking Tita to Mexico with them while they find Ursula a new husband. Ursula thinks she’ll be a nuisance, but Sofia figures any man who wants to marry her needs to meet the little girl and get to know her. As Ric waits downstairs to see Jorge, Fortunata gallops upstairs to tell Sofia and Ursula that Santi has been taken off to prison.

In his office, Don Jorge writes their lawyer that he is refusing permission for Ric and Camila to marry so not to write up their marriage contract. After sending it off he has Ric enter his office, and nonchalantly offers him a glass of wine. Ric refuses it. He stares daggers at Jorge who seems not to notice or to care in the least.

Sofia, Ursula and Fortunata decide to go to the prison to speak with Santi and find out what happened. Ursula wonders what the problem is now with her father and Cami. Sofia tells her she shouldn’t have much problem figuring it out.

Ric tells Jorge that it’s improper for a man of Jorge’s station to take advantage of people the way he does. Jorge says he’s governing the same way his father before him did. Ric tells him that it’s not governing, it’s abuse. Jorge says that’s HIS point of view, but he has his obligations to the Crown and if somebody with the concession doesn’t bring in enough in taxes, he’s got to give it over to someone who can do a better job of it. Ric reminds him that he is willing to be more tolerant with Justo in exchange for something else. So Jorge says, “Then you’ve spoken with Camila?” Ric says yes and Jorge breaks in and says, “I have my rights. Oh, now, now, I already know what you’re going to tell me. That I’ve already exercised them with the girl, but being that she’s remarrying, I can do it again.”

Ric wonders why Jorge’s become so persistent with Cami in particular. He answers that she’s so temptingly appetizing. Ric just glares, doesn’t move a muscle. “But she’s MY woman.” “—Oh, so you’ve slept with her already then?” Ric nods slightly, never taking his eyes off Jorge. “Yes, so therefore you can comprehend why I am not ready to allow another man to put his hands on her.” Jorge walks out from his desk and matter of factly says, “With me you will have to make an exception.” Ric refuses. “Not a single exception."

Jorge turns around and faces Ric again. “Well, if you’re thinking of using that threat against Alberto, allow me to tell you that you have no proof. It’s true that a worker from the hacienda took the wagon off to sell, but we couldn’t find out how he got it, since nobody has seen him since.” Ric smirks. “On the way to LaFont’s hacienda we came upon a burial, the worker from that ranch was murdered. Also the owner of the stable where my wagon was kept, at dawn, dead.” “—What a pity!”

Ric smirks again and changes the subject, “So, what about the blacksmith?” “--He showed me a lack of respect. He must pay.” “--So, what’s the penalty?” “—Don’t know, depends on the judge. Insulting the lord is a serious offense.” “—Capital punishment?” Jorge wonders if that wouldn’t be just what Ric would like in order to get his rival out of the way, but Ric says the only reason is that it seems unfair to do this to him. Ric says his outburst is understandable considering Santi has suffered with certain of Jorge’s demands in the past. Jorge disagrees and says nobody gets away with insulting him.

Ric asks if then Cami is the exchange for Justo keeping his two concessions and for Santiago’s being let free. Jorge smiles and says, “Nice to see you’re so bright.” Ric narrows his eyes and says, well, that being the case, he might as well go on home and leaves.

Sofia gets to the prison. Nobody has been allowed to see Santi. She and Ursula persuade the captain to let them see him. Outside the jail while they’re waiting Cami tries to get an answer from Ricardo about what he and Jorge discussed. He tells her it’ll have to wait till later. Ursula comes for Ofelia and takes her in to see Santi, but Ric refuses to let Cami go with them. Inside the guard tells Sofia he couldn’t understand how someone like Santi with such a kind soul could be put in a hole like that. (In fact, nobody’d been in there for a while and the bars were needing fixing I think he said.) Sofia gets upset when she hears he would only get bread and water and when the captain of the guard objects to her bringing him anything else she threatens to castrate him.

Santi tells Sofia he’s used to dealing with Jorge, but there are some things a man simply cannot put up with. Sofia promises he won’t be in there for long. Ursula seconds that sentiment in the most sickly sweet voice that you got to wonder what is going on with her all of a sudden. As Ofelia and Sofia get a big hug from a grateful Santi, Ursula can’t seem to take her eyes off the muscles in his arms.

When the women come back out Sofia tells Ofelia she wants to talk with her. Ofelia plays dumb, but Sofia tells her she knows exactly what she wants to discuss and she better come looking for her. Ofelia says fine. Then Cami runs over and tells her that Jorge has threatened to take the concessions away from her father and if he does it will kill him. Sofia swears it will only happen over her dead body. (Considering Jorge’s strange behavior recently I wouldn’t tempt fate.)

Paco tells Justo that Santi was taken to jail and Justo nearly has another stroke.

Sofia, followed by Ursula, barges into Jorge’s office fit to be tied. Ursula tells him that jailing Santi was going overboard and he answers back that Santi was looking for it. Sofia complains that he’s acting like a vindictive jerk and all for his lust. He says all round the world is moved by lust. She says then why does he complain to his daughter about her behavior, and he says men are just different from women. She screams she’s not going to let him take away Justo’s concessions and imprison Santiago all for his urges. Jorge, though, asks since when does he take orders from them? He’s lord and his word is law and that goes for the two of them also.

Sofia warns him that if he takes Justo’s concessions away it will kill him. Jorge turns his back on her and says, “Sorry.” She loses all control and starts pounding him on the back. “I hate you, you devil! You’re only doing this because you want to force Camila to go to bed with you!!” Ursula tries to pull her off him. He turns around and slaps Sofia so hard he knocks her to the ground.


Do we have anything harsher than the scorpion pie cart yet? I'd like to nominate Don Jorge for its initial run, if we do.

Are Whoresula's hormones in that much of an overdrive, or is she possibly seeing a seduction of Santi as a means of getting back at Cami for taking what she thought was her man? She's going to be muy upset when Saintly's sireage comes out. (Then again, you have to wonder if even that would stop her.)

A thought occurred to me tonight - Given Don Jorge's tendancies toward overlooking and bending the law, if Saintly ends up heir to the post, is the murder of his predecessor something he could get by with pardoning (or covering up)? Of course, he'd have to do away with anyone who might go over his head and take it to the Crown, but I see that happening anyway.

OMG I hate hate hate Jorge. I want Ric to kill him so bad. He needs to be taken down. He's a pig and he doesn't know close Ric was take slitting his throat. The way he slapped Sophia I wanted to jump through the screen and give him a taste of his own medicine. I wonder what will Ric do so that Jorge doesn't force Camila to sleep with him. This show is so good.

Thanks, Jardinera , for that great recap. Wow..a lot happened in that episode. Horny Jorge [good one, Jardinera] is really amping up the nasty. I was shocked when he slapped Sophie. He usually just lets her rant and rave and then keeps doing whatever he wants to do. Camila has become an obsession to him...probably because he wants another chance to prove his virility to her...whatever. I was watching the travel channel the other day, and a guy was eating something called cow foot soup and some kind of seafood smoothie claiming that these foods had ''special effects'' for men. Maybe Jorge should try some of those dishes. And what is up with Ursula ??? Why is she suddenly fighting for the rights of the righteous ??? She did seem to be eyeing the blacksmith's big muscles. Saintly is accruing quite a fan club. The previews show Ric and Camila about to get married which will not change anything. I thought it was interesting that Jorge figured that Ric must have slept with Camila already...what does that have to do with anything? How will they get out of this mess ? I think that Bouffant is off trying to get information on Ric. We know that Don Gaspar is Ric's padrino and staunch supporter. Maybe he will eventually intervene on Ric's behalf and report Jorge's dirty dealings to the Crown. Thanks again , Jardinera..you rock.

P.S. Guess what....I found Bernabe. He is in the opening , standing outside the church clapping wildly with a big grin on his face as Camila sashays out into the crowd. I think I spotted Jimmy Hoffa, too.

Thanks for the breakfast recap, cuzzin dreaded lucy cash.

It seems that no one can keep a secret so far...except Mario.

There's something especially evil in someone like Jorge who makes other people do his dirty work. I'll bet he doesn't care that Santi is his son. But, I'll also bet that there are a lot more people who do care. I'm with Ric, sometimes the bad ones just have to die...
jb--Iron Jack Cash

Who did Whorje send that letter to? The letter denying permission to marry...PLEASE tell me it was not to the church officials.
Paco, the little bombadier, NEEDS a stick of gum and should be told don't talk with food in your mouth. Of course when he sees Tia Camilla he will require a whole pack of gum.
Paco's father, on the other hand, is extremely closed mouth especially when it comes to confrontations. And WHEN is Vasco going to leave town to look for his extortionist buddy! Ricardo gave him an order and I think Vasco should follow thru, as part of the life change he says he wants to make.

...on an unrelated note, I'm not allowed to use my extremely limited vocabulary at eight in the morning anymore. (What's sad is that it took me an hour to figure out I'd used the wrong word. Ugh.)

Oh! When Ricardo/Antillano goes into the shop doorway and sca..Reems out Camilla's nam!Camilla and Jimena came running! Loved it! But of course Camilla is going to have to do some work on tempering Ricillano. Can't have this man busting locks off of doors, going thru your stuff and screaming for you. Well...temper some of that stuff.

Good to know that I'm not the only one who was baffled by Ursula's behavior! I don't think this is about seduction. Even though she was definitely checking him out, I don't think she would have defended him so openly if she'd been planning to have an affair with him. Anyway, she's going out of town soon.

Instead, I think she was trying to impress someone. But who? Her mother? Ursula's been told that she needs to be nicer to people if she wants to have friends - maybe she's practicing. :) But she sided against her father, too. What is she hoping to accomplish?

Just wait till gRita finds out why Santi was arrested... and who knows what will happen if she catches Ursula being nice to him too! I think Manuela is the only bachelorette in town who hasn't offended Rita in some way yet.

This is a great recap. It really provides more insight into these characters. Up until last night, I thought other people did Jorge's thinking for him, egged him on and moved on. Well, Ursula - or the former Ursula did have her hand in this one. She encouraged the vendetta against the Dariens, and here it is. But, she and Vasco did give each other a good going over outside of the jail. I couldn't tell if it was admiration or disgust.

Speaking of Vasco. When he returned home, he runs into Inez, of course. He then gives her the most thought provoking embrace. Could this man actually be falling in love with this champion crier? She is so eager to grasp anything he gives out. She might be his last resort before leaving town, since he seems to have burned too many bridges behind him. Or is it too many behinds?

From lower Ala

Sofia answered the question about her relationship with Justo-plantonic, but deep. Jorge is such a swine. I couldn't believe he would knock her down.
With Rita fainting like that, I wonder if she'll lose the baby or even die?
The action is really amping up these last few days. Ric is right about needing to keep a cool head.
La Paloma

Sorry, lack of proofreading. Sofia+Justo=platonic, not plantonic.

Wonderfully detailed recap Jardinera! You have such a clever way with words.

Ursula's behavior toward Santi was notable. It was almost like she was looking at him for the first time. Was she lusting after his hawt bod? Didn't really seem like it. Was she acting out for Sophia's sake? Was she seeing something that made her tiny heart stir? Something like BROTHER? Maybe. I'm liking that they're developing her character.

I love it when Sophia gets in a snit and angrily hoists up her bodice. She's awesome!

Hey Susanlynn, I had some cow foot soup when I was in Ecuador last summer. It was tasty! But seafood smoothie, blech, I think not. Reminds of the old Saturday Night Live Bass-O-Matic. Remember that?

Ahoy, Cap'n Sharkbait !~~~So , you've sampled the cow foot soup..Did it make you randy ? That's what this Peruvian dude on the Travel Channel claimed as he slurped his..''it's special..gives men a strong back.'' Yeah..whatever. Watching him drink the seafood smoothie almost made me hurl. As for the bass-o--matic on SNL, I must have missed that one which is odd because I've watched a lot of SNL. [I especially miss Sheeri Oteri. She was one of my all time favs.] I keep waiting for Mariana Karr to slip and mutter ''Caray, caray.'' I am at a loss as to how the good folks are going to get out of the murky mess created by the sexually frustrated horny Jorge. Today, he would be facing a massive sexual harassment lawsuit, but I guess back then the dudes with the power were pretty untouchable and you just had to do what you had to do. It was interesting to me that when Camila suggested that one option was just giving in and Ric responded that giving in once would not be the end of it. I think he's really got Jorge's number. I'm confused though...does Ric know that Jorge failed the last time he tried to assert his rightswith camila ? Jorge has an obsession with Camila...that's for sure. How will Ric thwart him ?

I've been away for almost two weeks and so haven't seen the development of Ric's character and relationship with Camila. But I didn't like it when she wanted to go in and see Santi and Ric just said "no," without any explanation, and Camila listened to him without protesting. It seemed to me that his response was coming out of jealousy and not out of the need to protect her. Am I right about this?
In checking the IL DIABLO CON LOS GUAPOS blog, it was reported that in the afternoon there's a telenovela using the making of telenovelas as the background. Does anyone know when this is on?

I don't think WhorJe has a sexual desire for Camilla. He admitted to Al-the-slime-Boufant that its a matter of pride, and nobody can be allowed to stand up against him. Also in the recent episode Santi infers more than once that Whorje just wants to degrade the women and make the men feel helpless against his power.
I believe WhorJe is ego-trippin'. He surveys the hoard of bastard children as evidence of his power. Very ugly.
Although Sophia hinted that one of those children is a male, WhorJe didn't seem particularly interested. I wouldn't be surprised if his response to his son, Santiago, is just an "oh, no importa".

Oh, what a night! Whorehey definitely has a big target on his back now. You don't go smackin' the missus without an anvil falling on your head. Perhaps Ursula will surprise us all & stick a dagger in his heart (or whatever he has in his chest circulating his cold, cold blood) when she finds a new man whose Fearless Leader claims HIS first night rights. That would be a delicious twist.

I'm guessing Ofelia's confession will get Saintly out of jail but there's still 100 other disasters to mop up. We can't get to "happily ever after" without a long, slow slog through muck & mire.

Thanks for the terrific recap & comments from the fans.

M from CT

The problem with Whor-hey is that he doesn't care about anyone but himself and the power he has over everyone. That's why he must DIE!!(and why Ric should be the one to do it):) Anyway, When it happens, I hope it's good!!

Hola Amigas y Amigos,
I am back stateside and none too happy with the snow and cold wind. Mexico was divino.

I have a great tale to relate: The pilgrimage to find Mariana Karr's restaurant Caray Caray, was more than successful. I was able to chat with HER in person at length on Sunday at the restaurant. She is too, too lovely. I am still dizzy from the voyage and culture shock so will not say more now. I plan to do a little posting to the blog to describe my adventure and to give a critique of this marvelous restaurant. And directions for getting there! It was an astounding end to a perfect month in Mexico.

Last night watching the show, so ably recounted here by Jardinera, was even more vivid after meeting our Patrona of the Caray Caray site.

P.S. She did not know about us, so it was fun and a real privilege to be the one to tell her about the blog and give the address to her daughter Sol so they can find us.

Mad Bess - Camila's told Ric about Jorge's previous effort, and how it failed. I don't think Ric has taunted Jorge about it, though. (Not yet, anyway!)

I'm sorry Jardinera. I just re-read your recap (I so much enjoy your writing) and realized you did write who WhorJe sent the letter to deny permission to marry. Does the church have to obey that letter? And if they marry in another city will it not be recognized in San Fran?

Great recap.
Whoever called Ines 'Champion crier' (was that in the recap or comments?) you hit that right on the head. She puts all other criers to shame, in both volume and ugliness of crying. I hope Vasco does shape up, just so she'll stop CRYING.

Cheryl - that's awesome about Mariana Kerr! I hope she leaves a note.

Ferro that is awesome meeting and telling Marianna Kerr about about her namesake. I hope she visits soon so that she reads how much we respect and admire her work.
It was watching her and others in Alborada that turned me on to telenovelas. I could understand more thru her acting than by the Spanish closed captions and my two trusty dictionaries.

Welcome back, Cheryl !!! We missed you !!! Your trip sounds divino. That's very exciting about you eating at Mariana's restaurant, and it's so nice to hear that she is a nice person in real life. Julie~~~So Ric knows that Jorge is Don No-can-do. I wonder what Ric is planning to do . The previews showed Ric and Camila in a church with a priest and Ric saying ''Accepto !'' However, I don't suppose marriage will stop Jorge from harrassing Camila.

Welcome back, Cheryl !!! We missed you !!! Your trip sounds divino. That's very exciting about you eating at Mariana's restaurant, and it's so nice to hear that she is a nice person in real life. Julie~~~So Ric knows that Jorge is Don No-can-do. I wonder what Ric is planning to do . The previews showed Ric and Camila in a church with a priest and Ric saying ''Accepto !'' However, I don't suppose marriage will stop Jorge from harrassing Camila.

Howdy =)

Anonymos 10:57: The telenovela is called "Amor Sin Maquillaje" (Love Without Makeup) and airs on Univision at 3:00 PM EST. It's a short one though (they called it a miniseries) and it's had it's first week already, but it is pretty good and the history's nice as well.

I don't know if WhoreSula was lusting after Santi or if it was a case of blood being thicker than water, but it was nice to see her doing something that resembled humanity! I think Vasco might be waiting to marry Ines before he goes hunting for Bernie. At least, I hope that's all he's waiting for.

I think Jorge was writing his local Justice of the Peace. He has no control over church matters (not technically anyway, but one can always intimidate). That's why the wedding we saw in previews would supposedly happen in a nearby town church, as opposed to their local one (which Jorge could intimidate) or the next town's civil offices (which Jorge could bribe). Hope it counts, as we don't know what name he'll be using. Maybe he'll be his own proxy!

Great recap as usual Jardinera. You have a knack of retelling the story in such a pictuesque (sp)? way. I always look forward to your gems. You can be humorous, objective and you know how to call a spade a spade. I love the details. I guess what I'm trying to say is I love your style.

Thank you RedMargarita :)
Anxious that nobody shows up to stop the wedding and Ricardo's look in that preview seemed to say he was not happy or 'hurry it up Padre'.
Over the issue of names, the church recognizes the union of two souls no matter who they call themselves. Right?
You may be right about why Vasco is waiting but he's not doing anything while he's there. I take that back. He is observing the unselfish courage and actions of two fine responsible men. He could go mind the store and promise not to empty the till.

Cheryl!! Welcome back, you got to actually meet Mariana Karr???? Woweeeee! Thank you for being our emissary. I can't wait to read about your trip, especially your visit to Caray, Cary.

I'll bet Willa was glad to have you home.

MadBessSusanlynn, Bass-o-matic is from the days of Dan Akroyd and Laraine Newman.

About Ric using a fake name to get married.... In Amor Real , Manuel lost his inheritance and his father's name because the fake cousin showed up and went after his fortune. When he and his troops and Matilde were hiding out at the convent after he kidnapped her, Antoniosolis told the Mother Superior that they weren't really married because his father's name had been taken from him. She answered that in the eyes of the church they were still married. So, let's hope that they will be legally hitched no matter what name Ric uses. However, does he really think that marrying Camila will stop Jorge from badgering her to sleep with him. I thought that Bouffant was a bad influence on Jorge, but Jorge has outdone himself lately and Bouffant is out of town. It will be interesting to see what information he brings back. Let's hope that he found out that Ric's padrino Don Gaspar has connections to the Crown . I think Gaspar might be the key to saving Ric so that he can in turn save everyone else. Cheryl, I am looking forward to hearing all about your trip and your meeting with Mariana. I've missed seeing Willa's photo here. My daughter is fretting over boarding her dog for a few days when she goes to Paris next week, so I'll bet it was difficult for you to leave Willa for so long.

I think LaBouffant already knows Gaspar has connections with the crown - in fact, I think he told Jorge that. (Or maybe it was only a suspicion?) I believe the purpose of his trip is to find out whether Ric is truly connected to Gaspar! I don't remember if he's planning to meet with Gaspar personally, or just ask around.

Also amazed at Whore-sula's change to caring human being. I suspect she wants to get Santi out of jail so her mother will be free to take her to the Capital. She may also be pretending to care about Santi's predicament for the same reason: impress Mama with being a better person, deserving of some time in the big city.

I know it's supposed to represent how cool headed he is, but Ric's relatively calm conversation with the old lech about Camila stretches believability. He never even raised his voice.

great job, so love the vivid, colorful writing.
I think the nana didn't like the fact that Mani was talking to a common worker guy. And yeah, Ursula was way checkin' out the Santi muscles, so I don't think she's gotten religion yet.

I don't know though why you all play mean girls/guys to Inez; Camilla cried many more rios last night. the chillona factor is gettin' annoying.


Novelera, when Ric was in control of himself talking to WhorHey, I could believe it. IMO, he was checking out his enemy and making sure WhorHey was beyond redemption before he plots whatever action against him. Ric can keep a cool head because he has gentlemanly breeding and knows how to keep his temper under control.
La Paloma

I haven't felt sympathetic to Santiago for a long time, but his explosion of rage against all the injustices and humiliations his family has suffered at Jorge's hands was well done. I realize it was motivated in great part by his own continued obsession and jealousy over Camila (symbolized by the green scarf). But it also vividly showed that Jorge's callous treatment of those he considers his 'subjects" is not only humiliating to the women he uses, but is also emasculating to their men, who cannot do anything to protect them. What an odious character and what a good job by the actor playing him to make me hate him so much.

Thanks again for taking the time to stop in, folks. Yep, this is becoming one hell of a chess game and I am just loving it! Santiago has redeemed himself and both he and Ric know it, too. It's no wonder he held Cami back from going in with the others to visit him in that dungeon.

Ursula's changed behavior is suspicious, IMO. At first, I figured it was just to get close again to her mother since Sofia was going the extra mile to please her with a husband hunt to the big city. Maybe that's also why she supported Sofia and tried to protect her against Jorge once they returned to the palace and complained. I couldn't figure out the reason for all that sweetness and light when they were visiting Santi in the dungeon, though. She's obviously seen the blacksmith shirtless a million times before, so now why, all of a sudden, does she get turned on at the sight of his muscles now that he's in jail???? I figure she is just such a nympho she can't help herself. I gotta admit, though, I can't exactly blame her for lusting in her heart, being faced with hunks like Vasco and Santiago. Hubba Hubba!

Cheryl: Awesome triumph snagging a chat with Mariana Karr. I suppose she speaks English as well as Spanish? Curious minded fans want to know!

I wonder if the show will air tonight with the primary results going on ....I do hope so!

NO, Mariana Karr does not speak English. She speaks only Spanish. I was so excited that I think I stuttered through at least half of the conversation but it was in Spanish and now consider myself to have bilingual anomia but hey, we're with friends here. ¿No? She is the queen of telenovelas in my opinion. What a grand lady of the theater and what a special treat it was to meet one of my personal heros. What a fun day I had meeting her.

I think Fernando did a good job in the scene between Ric and Jorge. The most dangerous hombres are those who look and act cool and collected, while just underneath the surface there is a glimmer of rage and fury. If Jorge is Captain Hook, then Ric has become the crocodile with the clock inside ...tick tock tick. I am anxiuos to find out how Ric plans to protect Camila from Jorge's unwanted advances .

Thanks for the great recap Jardinera. Someone commented recently that the reports before Pasion began here that it was a dog were so wrong. I totally agree - I'm loving it.

Mad bess/susanlynn: That was my take on Ric's rage, all carefully kept from view, underneath the surface. He probably learned long ago that hotheaded pirates got turned into shark bait but fast! "Sometimes one has to think things through with a cool head."

Jardinera/Cousin dreaded lucy cash—what a terrific recap, and thanks! Sorry to be slow reading. In the middle of every week, I have trouble getting to them to comment.

““Put out or be put out!” Her choice. (Ol’ Whorehey’s inside parts, it appears, are just as withered as his outside parts.)” LOL! He is such a jerk. There’s a lump of coal where his heart should be.

“Vasco has a big, serious cry on Ines’ shoulder.” Now everybody’s crying, huh? One can hope that this is Vasco’s life-changing event. Ines deserves better than what he’s been.

“nobody has to know a thing. He’ll just send for her at a friend’s house. (Cami,this might have been a good time for you to spit out something about learning long ago that limp lechers make lousy lovers.)” ROTFL! Wouldn’t that have made us all thrilled?

“Saintly arrives just in time in a Dudley Do-Right moment and he angrily interrupts horny Jorge’s offensive chat with the cornered Cami.” ROTFL! One of the all time great lines of a recap, it’s a classic!

“After sending it off he has Ric enter his office, and nonchalantly offers him a glass of wine. Ric refuses it. He stares daggers at Jorge who seems not to notice or to care in the least.” Very bad move, Jorge, not to notice.


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