Saturday, March 22, 2008
Guapos Friday 3/21/08 Dastardly Damien strikes again . . . this time Morgan is no hero
No Regina in this episode, BTW. Not even much Mili.
We last left Alex in a freeze frame when Bobby managed to put some doubt in his mind as to whether Andrea was really pregnant.
Now The Odd Couple go over to the bachelor pad, where they plan to have the Pigeon Sisters over for a night of hot monkey love.
Mili shyly approaches Connie. She tells him that she didn't mean to eavesdrop, but she couldn't help hearing and seeing him with Valeria. She wishes she could have such a relationship. Her dad left her, etc. This was heartbreaking. After she leaves, Connie says "wow," in that regretful way he has.
Turns out that Al is not ready for any new talent. He stares at his Pigeon sister, but he won't dance with her. She calls him a dud.
Connie and Luci have a discussion that ends with Connie reminding her that her dear son might inherit his father's craziness and end up in the manicomio. Think of his future: he might be Hercules . . . or Napoleon!
Mili comes into Val's room, where Val is lying on the bed sadly. She wants to be like a sister and says she's all ears if Val wants to confide in her, but Val isn't having any of it yet.
Val's now out by the pool sleeping on a lounge chair. Connie spills some of his drink on her to wake her up, and they laugh. She wants him to get wet in the pool, and he takes off his shoes and coat as if he is going to jump in with his clothes on. One, two, three--ha ha--he throws Val in, but he balks. Damien watches. Val calls her Dad "tramposo," or sneaky.
Al has given up any pretense of making time with the new girl. He asks Bobby how he could find out if Andrea was really pregnant.
Damien tells someone they'll get the money even though banks are closed. (Guapos team, help me out here. It seems like Damien is somehow behind the kidnapping we know is coming (from the avances)--agreed?)
Then he comes out to chat with Val and Connie, who are still by the pool. He says they are a cute family. Connie wants to throw Damien in the pool, and Damien doesn't want to get his suit wet. Connie says that he doesn't have to worry because he buy cheap suits.
Damien has now been beamed directly to the office. Andrea tells him that everything is under control (with the Alex situation, I think).
Alex comes in and wants to take Andrea for coffee. She tries to avoid it by claiming work responsibilities, but Connie lets her go.
Hilarity segment: Morgan is in training for his taco stand. He sets up a barbecue grill right by the pool where he smokes everyone out.
Alex and Andrea have an uncomfortable chat at the coffee shop. He wants to know which hospital she was at so he could speak to her doctor. She says that since they are not husband and wife yet, the doctor won't talk to him. (must be the Mexican version of HIPAA)
Morky has finished his training for the day and takes Val to the office. He lets her off in the basement garage. While he's waiting, he is distracted by a girl who needs help starting her car. Soon we see two kidnappers carry Val out to a van. She tries to grip the outsides of the rear opening as they push her in. (It reminded my of what my old cats used to do when I put them in the cat carrier. RIP Bubbles and Fred.)
As soon as the kidnappers drive away, the distraction girl suddenly "finds" her keys, so Morgan no longer has to hotwire her car.
Alex asks Hugo about Andrea's doctors. Hugo fudges. He can't even remember what hospital they went to. Hugo gets on the horn and warns Andrea. Shouldn't they have gotten their story straight first, by at least having the name of a hospital?
Socorro talks to the new naco. Horacio plays strict papa--he doesn't want Lina going with Naco.
Closeup of the nude picture of Mili. Hugo and Andrea plot how to keep Alex from finding out the truth. They must keep him from going out tonight. (What about other nights? Are they going to enlist every doctor in the DF into supporting their scheme?) Hugo doesn't want to lose Mili.
Morky now wonders where Val is. He calls her cell phone, and a man answers.
Andrea kisses Connie. Damien catches them. What a great opportunity. Damien wants Connie to cash a check for him. Connie refuses and tells Damien to go to the ATM. Then the ransom call comes in. Uh-oh, the banks are closed.
Alex remembers the things Mili and Andrea said to him.
Damien counsels Connie to remain calm. Don't call the police. Damien knows how to get the money. (he has the money in the safe) He'll help Connie if Connie will just sign some papers that Damien happens to have--turning over the company to Damien! Connie balks.
Morky has now come home and tells Horacio that he's worried about Val.
Luci overhears--where is Val?
Another ransom call comes, and Connie realizes he has to give in to Damien's demands. He signs the papers reluctantly. I imagine he'll get out of this sooner or later, especially when he finds out that Damien was behind the kidnapping.
Alex takes Hugo to visit the ER where Andrea lost the fake baby. I guess Hugo decided to make one up. They've never heard of Andrea. Hugo swears this is the right one. Alex asks him to look him in the eye and say that. Hugo says of course he is telling the truth . . . yada yada yada. Alex says that Andrea has a lot of 'splaining to do.
At the end, Luci walks in when they are discussing the kidnapping. They have a huge argument over who's a real Belmonte. Luci, you have some 'splaining to do too . . . Connie offers her a drink. He tells her to get drunk, 'cause she usually makes more sense that way. Damien takes a drink.
Meanwhile, Karla is stealing the money from the safe! (Damien, you shouldn't have treated her so badly . . .).
Now they move out to the entry hall so they can stage the farcical entrances and exits needed. Damien leads limping Luci out (Luci is now wearing a long skirt to hide her cast, but she has no crutches). Karla tries to sneak out with the money, but sees them all, so she hides momentarily. Connie sits with his head in his hands. Karla now sneaks out.
Andrea marches in with a problem. Connie doesn't want to hear her whining, but she forges ahead: Boo hoo--Alex is suspicious and thinks she had an abortion. Just as she mentions "her baby," Alex and Hugo walk in. Yeah, Alex says--the baby that never existed!
My DVR cuts out here.
Labels: guapos
>Thanks for the IMDB explanation, Nina. I'm not an internet user, other than Caray Caray and e-mail so you all are really educating me.
Lots of painful moments in this one...even though Luciana behaves despicably most of the time, I hate it when Constancio rips into her. Val is clearly the only one he loves, other than his hidden tenderness for Mili. Evidently if you're not of his "blood", you get no loyalty or affection. Still, he's such a skillful actor, he manages to keep us rooting for his eventual rehabilitation. Quite a feat.
I learned a new expression in last night's show..."me da flojera a ir"...(I can be bothered going). Love it when I can pick up something new...Have a great weekend with your guests and thanks for the timely recap.
When the characters act real stupid - as they have appeared to have done so last night - I get so frustrated with them. You're right about Cesar - he plays a despicable character, but for some reason I see redeemable qualities in him.
But, as far as Damien is concerned, may a big anvil fall on him.
From lower Ala
Luci gets no sympathy from me whatsoever. I think her concern for Val is a sham, all of her attention is and always has been on Al. With Val she just goes through the motions.
Good thing Bobby has some common sense and managed to do what the truth telling Mili couldn't do and that is make Al think about faux baby.
Aha the skank had to blab in the foyer confessional so now Al knows the truth. Unfortunately it seems that Andrea will continue to stick around the Belmonte's.
Nina, you missed a bit of the previews which show Mili finding out that Al knows the truth and running to his room only to find him sucking face with a new, and and not very attractive girl. She is Pilar, shown on the credits being played by my least favorite by a long shot novela "actress" Michelle Vieth. Looks like Mili is not going to get a break with Al and we have slobbering Hugo waiting in the wings to pick up the pieces. UGH!
Coincidentally, I looked up the actor playing Alex yesterday too and saw the wide age range listed in various places - birth dates were listed from 1964 all the way to 1984. There's no way he's 44, but probably not 24 either. I'm 43 and I have to admit I felt a little pervy admiring him in a towel!
It is like they all live in the same house, but only have polite interaction, like you would with a neighbor you saw once and awhile on the steps of your building.
We will see what happens next on Monday?
Yup, in Andrea’s conversation with Damien about things being honky dory she’s referring to Al. I’m also pretty sure Damien is behind the kidnapping.
The part you missed is Damien opening the safe and finding the cash is gone and Karla left just a note: Thank you for helping me get rid of the uniform! Poor Val is in quite a pickle now. With Damien’s money gone, who knows what the kidnappers will do. My gut feeling is they won’t kill her off just this early into the telenovela. Then again, Francois and Sergio are still in the credits and Bobby’s parents are still in the opening montage, so you never know whom they’ll be dropping!
Damien is also in somewhat of a pickle. He could try to call the cops on Karla, but she’d probably just spill the beans about his wanting to use the money to get his shares back, which would make Connie add 2 and 2 together about the get the point. By the by, Connie didn’t sign the whole company over, just the shares he got Damien to give him when he was supposedly about to be killed. To add insult to injury, this is theoretically just a loan since Connie gave Damien a check for the $10,000,000. Of course, Connie could stop payment on the check. Either way, now that he has no money for the blackmailers, Connie might just kill him, and if he doesn’t, the kidnappers might....
As far as the “info sharing,” Damien convinced Connie not to tell anyone at home that Val’s been kidnapped so they won’t call the police. Connie originally told Luci and Morgan (when he walked in telling Connie that Val never came back from her shopping) that she was staying with a friend. It wasn’t until Luci overheard him and Damien that she realized what was going on. I think Luci genuinely cares for her daughter. However, she feels closer to Al because she thinks she has to protect him from Connie. Also, with Val getting constantly spoiled by Connie, she didn’t feel as needed by her as by Al. Val probably prefers daddy as well because he’s the one that buys her toys like cars and new shoes! Luci may be a b!+¢h, but even wolves care for their cubs.
Re - Andrea’s doctor not sharing with Alex: She first knocked his request to meet the doctor that treated her miscarriage by saying she didn’t want to remember the painful incident. He countered with an offer to go with her on her next gyno appointment because he was concerned about her health and any complications from the miscarriage. He pointed out that many husbands go with their wives (we know this is usually only during pregnancies or touchy situations like menopause, suspected cancer, or an STD he gave her, but it was a nice try) and Andrea returned with the fact that he was not her husband. She told him once he was willing to make a commitment and get engaged, etc., then he could come with her to the doctor. That’s when he had to switch to plan B.
Hugo pulls the hospital out of his bum because Andrea’s plan to keep Alex out of the house backfires (I agree, her thought that keeping Alex away for the night didn’t allow for the possibility that he’d go another day, but she probably thought she’d seduce him out of the idea). Hugo pretends to look for the doctor he spoke with, but says he can’t find him and says he can’t remember the name. Al asks how long he was there and he claims about half an hour (Yeah right, how many times has anybody gone into the ER and gotten seen and diagnosed in half an hour?). To make himself look innocent, he asks Al if he thinks Andrea made the whole thing up. Al says it looks that way, so Hugo tells him he knew nothing, and that if it was a scam, she planned it with someone in that hospital (he’d already told Al that Andrea told him what hospital to go to). Andrea may be a psycho, but Hugo has his dark side as well.
I must say I’m very disappointed with Al from the previews I saw. Let’s say he didn’t want to wake up Mili and the rest of the girls just to apologize (not that it’s ever stopped him before) but wouldn’t he go see her first thing in the morning? If he truly loved her, he wouldn’t play tonsil-hokey with his ex right after finding out that Mili was innocent. It’s bad enough he thought her a liar! This boy has a lot of growing up to do. I suppose he could argue surprise, but from the previews, he was pretty into it...
I had a thought about Connie: Having his alleged son marry a maid might actually be a GOOD THING for his political career. She would need some polishing to go to public appearances, but as an orphan who was raised by nuns, there’s nothing that could embarrass him politically speaking. Instead, it would be a testament to his willingness to help the less fortunate (employing orphans from a convent in his house) and what better way to show that he’s a man of the people that by letting someone outside of high society into his own family? His cronies could really spin this one into a touching Cinderella story and paint him as the fairy godmother who can make everyone’s wishes come true - if they’ll just vote for him... He was already told that marrying Luci after Al was born was actually a good thing since it painted him as a man who lived up to his responsibilities. He’s just not looking at the big picture. This would in turn alleviate his guilty conscience (and man is it yelling at him right now!) since Mili would get what she never had. He could even tell his mom the truth and get her to keep the secret since she could continue to dote on Mili and even ask her to call her grandma without raising suspicion. Heck, he could even ask Mili to call him DAD without anyone thinking it was weird! Sometimes you just wanna smack him. Other times you actually root for him ‘cause he’s just so good at being evil.
NinaK – you are to be complimented for whipping out a fast recap and making it funny too!
I was reading in TV y Novelas that the Luci actress had knee surgery.
About the abduction of Vale – it seems to me that in the avances a few days ago somebody says “Get Constancio where it hurts him most.” I think it was a voiceover. But in the next day’s episode, that wasn’t heard. So yeah, I think it’s somebody who wants to hurt him, but it might not be Damien – maybe Damien is just taking advantage of the situation. Poor Vale is going to be doing some quick growing up… (oh and I read she is 21 in real life).
Seeing tonight's ep (Monday) Alejandro's hair, even when free, seems longer or at least not as curly. Could he be growing his hair out to allow for that accursed pony tail, or was it just a bad hair day?
A girl's gotta know....
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