Friday, March 21, 2008

I Love Juan, Thurs 2/20 - It's the first day of spring and Pau and Moni grow brains

We left CL and Juan tussling in the hospital corridor. Juan subdues CL, CL blames Juan for everything and he swears he will kill Juan. If looks could kill Juan would already be dead, but they can't so he isn't. CL stomps off, defeated.

Our pragmatic Anga has become engorged with passion (so to speak). He tells Nidia that when she tells Paula the truth all their impediments will vanish. He recommends that she divorce Delirio and marry him, pronto. Nidia fans herself and admits she needs time to think.

Pau tells Juan she is tired and sad. She asks him why he so good to her. Juan says she know why and he caresses her face. He tells her he will stay with her.

Laura tells Monica that she (Moni) used to be carefree and optimistic, but lately she has become bitter. She should go with Gustavo (and move out of my house already). She asks what is Moni waiting for, for CL to come through the door asking to be by her side?

The doorbell rings; whoever could it be? My oh my, it's a drunk and disheveled CL. He probably stinks of cigarettes too. How attractive.

CL asks for a whiskey and Moni asks what he wants, why is he there? CL tells her that Pau had a miscarriage. Moni looks truly disgusted when he tells her he thought she would be glad. (He is SO self-centered and clueless.) He cries and says he is the most miserable man on earth, he blamed Paula for losing the baby. "CL how could you?" she asks, appalled.

CL blames Juan for his psychopathic hissy fit. He tries to elicit Moni's sympathy but she pulls back and tells him she's very sorry but this is not her problem. She is no longer his shoulder to cry on (el paño de lagrimas, lit. crying towel). For once in his life he should think of others. She tells him she is re-evaluating her life and he is not part of it. She has an appointment, yes with Gustavo not that it's any of his business, and he has to get out.

Mari tucks Juanito into bed and tells him Papi is late because he has a lot to discuss with Paula. Juanito adamantly declares that Pau is not the right woman for his papa! She makes him suffer and she doesn't deserve him! (Hear, hear) He says Pau doesn't love his papa but Mari, sí! "You love him more than Paula, correct?" he demands. Mari clucks and tucks him into bed.

Moni admits to Laura her disgust at the way CL treated Paula. When Moni had her miscarriage Pau was there to help her. She swears that CL is the height of egotism and cynicism. How could she ever have loved him? For the first time she sees CL as he really is, a man who deserves nothing.

Now that Moni has dumped him for good, CL decides to try his luck with Paula again. Unfortunately for him Juan stands guard outside her room and over his cadaver will he allow CL into her room. CL insults Juan, calls him a common Nahuatl. Juan answers "Fine, and this common Nahuatl will stand in your way." The strapping, muscular commoner calls CL filth, he doesn't deserve Paula or anyone. CL claims he loves Pau. "False!" answers Juan, CL doesn't know what love is. Love is not hurt and betrayal. He asks has CL ever loved anyone enough to sacrifice his life for them? Juan thinks not. Juan stands firm and a resigned CL wanders away.

Mari complains to Nidia that Juan never came home. Nidia tells her Juan and Pau were probably just talking business...all night. Mari remembers to tell Nidia that Delirio left the house. This causes Nidia to squeal, very loudly, with joy. She prances around the room, heads for the bar, announces they should celebrate Delirio's departure with...(brakes squeal)...a little cup of coffee?

Moni surprises a sultry and robe-clad Gustavo. She says she's decided to go with him to Miami and in response he lays a big wet one on her.

Moni tells him she was blind but she finally opened her eyes. She thanks Gustavo for helping her away from her bitterness. He replies it's he who should be thanking her, he didn't think she would really leave with him. He wants to go ASAP but Moni says she needs a couple of days to arrange things. They enjoy a celebratory make-out session.

CL tells Consuelo the news about Pau. Chelo asks why isn't CL with her? "Because I'm an imbecile," he answers. He also blames Juan.

Juan calls Mari to tell her he won't be home until the morning. She's appalled that he's spending the night with Pau. Juan says he'll explain everything in the morning. Mari stares at the phone in disapproval.

The next morning Juan tells Pau he's going to run home to see Jito then he'll come flying back. She says she doesn't know what she would have done without him.

When Juan arrives at Casa Cachón Mari gives him a tongue-lashing about his responsibilities as a father. What could cause him to think he can just leave his son for the entire night? When he can finally get a word in, Juan reveals he spent the night in the hospital because Pau lost her baby.

He tells Mari that he and Pau were celebrating the success of their proposal she felt a pain, they went to the hospital, and she lost the baby. Mari looks terribly sad, but they are interrupted by Juanito who runs down to give his papi a big hug.

Moni tells Laura that she wants to stick it to CL one last time. She calls Anga and arranges to meet with him when Juan shows up at work. Anga looks curious and suspicious.

When he shows up for "work", Nidia cheerfully tells Topete that Delirio moved out and perhaps Topete should looke for him at the prison. Oddly, Topete seems to find this news amusing.

A contrite and sober CL shows up at Pau's room. Her lips become pencil thin and she looks away in distress.

Juanito wants to accompany Juan to the hospital but Juan says kids aren't allowed. He tries to explain that Pau is very sick, she lost her baby. "Where," asks Jito, "in the house?' Juan hugs him and says it's more complicated than that and he'll explain someday when Juanito is a little older.

CL wants Pau to forgive him; Pau says she doesn't even want to see him. CL blames Juan but Pau firmly says No, what's happening between them is their own fault, not Juan's. CL begs another chance but Pau says no, decidedly no. He whines and she tells him not to be pathetic. He indicates that if she changes her mind he'll be waiting for her.

Juan tries to rush out of the house but he is interrupted by a phone call from Heribierto. Gosh, I'd forgotten about him. Tweedle says he's tired of waiting around doing nada. Juan gives him directions to the market, presumably so Tweedle can work unloading boxes or something.

Mari tells Nidia she has terrible news. "Perafan has returned," gasps Nidia? No, answers Mari, Paula lost the baby. They are very sad but Mari points out that Pau's tragedy will be no excuse for Nidia, she still has to confess her guilty secret to Pau.

Ivonne tells Pastor that many perverse theories about the Fer and Mari split are flying around the office. Pastor advises her to stay away from the festival of vultures (buitres). She says she hates seeing Fer so sad. Pastor asks would she prefer to see him happy and married to Mari? Ivonne scoffs and says she's good but not a blockhead.

Monica visits Pau at the hospital and Pau asks if she's come to enjoy the suffering of her rival. Moni says quite the contrary, when she heard the news she was very sorry. She remembers when she experienced the same pain Pau was there for her. Pau asks if Moni is trying to be her friend and Moni responds that they both know that won't happen. However she wants to make peace. In reality they aren't enemies, they competed for the love of a man who doesn't know what love is. Pau agrees it was all an illusion.

Monica indicates that for her the illusion is over. She hopes Pau finds love with a good man; they both know that man is not CL. Pau wishes the same for Monica. Moni grins and says she's found her guy. They both smile and share a warm handshake. Moni has one more thing to say before leaving; she reveals that Consuelo was her spy who became CL's spy, typical, no?

Nidia happily meditates and beats away the house's bad spirits with a palm frond. Unbeknownst to her the Bad Spirit has returned and stands behind her. He speaks and Nidia jumps out of her skin. "No puede ser," she wails, facing Delirio, "I thought I was rid of you!" He blathers until she tells him she told Paula everything and it's only a matter of time before the police show up and haul him away. Delirio thwarts her by announcing he will stay at her side and take what comes.

Fer paces the office waiting for Mari to come to work. When she arrives she gives him the cold shoulder and announces she will talk to him about work but nothing else.

The clock ticks and Delirio sits awaiting his destiny. Juanito sees him and asks Nidia (chopping vegies in the kitchen) what the crazy man is doing. Is he coming or going? Nidia stabs her knife in the counter Luba-style and stomps out to the living room. She makes faces at Delirio until he resonds. He says his first reaction was to flee (huir), but he recapitulated. He has decided to assume full responsibility for what happened with Samuel's will. He will go to jail and Nidia will be free.

Juan arrives at the hospital to find Pau fully dressed. She announces that she wants to be taken to her mother's house; she doesn't want to see CL. Juan looks hopeful, very hopeful.

Tomorrow: Juan drives Paula to Ana's house and CL throws a glass against the wall.


Lovely recap! This show is just great.

Waaa..."engorged with passion" were in a saucy mood Sylvia! However, it was an apt description...things were definitely heating up at the warehouse between ever-patient Angarita and Nidia.
I liked the making peace scene between Paula and Monica, but even then, Paula started it off harshly by asking "Have you come to gloat!?"...I still think this gorgeous lady needs a class in relationship skills but evidently the writers think this fiery, aggressive conversational approach is attractive. The little heroine in Guapos, while having a heart of gold, is also fond of tearing into folks, dumping popcorn on them and engaging in fierce tussles. Must be the Latino notion of sex appeal...clearly I'm way too Anglo-Saxon to "get" this.

Thanks for your comments. I was happy to see Moni and Paula make up. It bugs me to see women fight over a man; we are more powerful when we combine forces. I learned this a long time ago.

I'm off to the mountains for a long Easter weekend with my cell coverage and last time I was there no internet access, so if I don't comment that's why. I hope y'all have a lovely spring weekend wherever you are!

Have a great long weekend, Sylvia! And thanks for the terrific recap.

Sylvia, Thanks for a wonderful recap. Have a happy long weekend and holiday with your cousins.

I was also relieved to see that Monica rose to the occasion to support Paula in her time of trouble and to make a peace pact with her former rival. Great woman to woman scene.

Also I liked the peace making scene between Anga and Nidia. He is slowly guiding her to right action. And Monica with Gustavo, holy cats she finally saw the light. I'm glad she didn't let this luscious galan slip off to Miami alone.

Didn't see this one yet, but went ahead and read - thank heavens she came to her senses and decided to go to Miami. Sheesh, in classic novela syle I sure hope she doesn't end up changing her mind!!!! Thanks sharkbait!

Sylvia, this is your usual delightful recap, complete with fabulous title! After the junk of Wednesday, I was so glad to see CL begin to get a taste of what he deserves and you captured it so nicely. It was especially satisfying to see you highlight what a jerk CL is by “commenting” about him blaming everyone else – in blue. Thanks!

“Our pragmatic Anga has become engorged with passion (so to speak).” LOL! So now it’s clear why Nidia kept fanning herself—she was leaning against him, right? ;-)

“She should go with Gustavo (and move out of my house already)” LOL! She’s got more patience than I would have had. I would have gotten Moni gently moved on to bigger and better things ages ago.

“He cries and says he is the most miserable man on earth, he blamed Paula for losing the baby” Nothing like letting the words slip out before you realize how over-the-top they are and then repenting. At least he understands that this is not good form. He’d do it again, though, because he doesn’t think much before he does what HE wants to do.

“CL blames Juan for his psychopathic hissy fit.” I’ve never heard a better description than this for what I saw from CL. Good call.

“Juan stands firm and a resigned CL wanders away.” Our Juan was truly magnificent last night. It made me proud of how much he has grown. Not that he wouldn’t have defended Paula before, he would. Somehow, though, the logic was flawless where I am not sure he could have been so well-spoken before.

“perhaps Topete should looke for him at the prison. Oddly, Topete seems to find this news amusing.” That was pretty weird, wasn’t it? Why on earth would he find this funny?

“He indicates that if she changes her mind he'll be waiting for her.” After he’s had some time with Ivonne, of course.

Have a lovely weekend, Sylvia! Everyone else, have a lovely one as well. My recap partner, Maricruz, has graciously agreed to recap this weekend and for the next two as well while I get ready to go on two back to back trips and still keep my day job stuff up. Thanks in advance, Maricruz!


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