Monday, March 24, 2008
Juan Q Friday 3/21/2007 Juan wins what CL loses.
Juan arrives to the hospital, he finds Paula ready to leave. He asks if she is ready to go back to her house. Paula says no, she’ll go to her mother’s house because she can’t share her life with a man that drives her crazy; one day he loves her the next day he hates her. She says she is ready to take responsibility for her own life. –But not alone says Juan sweetly. Paula smiles.
Nidia can’t believe that Delirio is willing to sacrifice himself for her. But Delirio says he’ll give even his life for her. Nidia says ok, “de mil amores” I accept gladly. Delirio is a little deflated by this. –just like that? Nidia says that since she has responsibilities (her daughters and granddaughter), she has to accept. Delirio contradicts himself and now he says that when you love somebody you do everything without expecting anything in return. Nidia doesn’t miss a beat, she wants it in writing. Delirio doesn’t understand, didn’t she talk to Paula already? Nidia says no, are you still willing to do this sacrifice for me?
Paula and Juan are talking. He keeps on calling her Licenciada. Paula doesn’t like it. Juan says he is use to calling her that. Paula says that a lot of things have passed since she was Farrell Vice-president. –But you haven’t change, says Juan. You are the same beautiful, charming, smart, woman. Paula says that a lot has changed; Juan is now a successful business man and in contrast she and CL are just a couple of losers. Juan says that she is just going thru a bad time “una mala racha” Paula says that now he should be called Licenciado. Juan says that Paula is trying to evade the question; he wants to know how she feels. She says that she feels ok. They end the scene calling each other Licenciado/a.
Delirio can’t believe that Nidia is trying to manipulate him into signing a confession, whit out telling Paula first. Nidia says that she was just joking; in reality she is very grateful (we hear violins in the background) for the great sacrifice that Delirio is willing to do. Delirio says that there is no need to thank him. Nidia with a honeyed tone of voice says that she wants to thank him. Delirio says that there is no need, because he decided he is not going to sacrifice himself anymore. Nidia can’t believe her ears. –I had already gotten used to the idea (of your sacrifice). Delirio says that the only reason he was wiling to sacrifice himself was because he thought that Nidia had already spilled the beans (Ed Note. This doesn’t make any sense, It really doesn’t matter when Nidia tells Paula about the will; the end result is going to be the same… but then again this is Delirio we are talking about; he NEVER makes any sense) Nidia is impactada.
On the way to Ana’s house Juan thought bubbles about the events of the day. – Our way back to Doña Ana’s house took place between looks and stormy thoughts, and once again “la matraca me estaba dando como rabo de perro” (My heart was palpitating out of control. Lit my noise maker was doing like a dog tail) hope was filling up my chest ignoring the warnings of my head. Be careful Juan this love is going to end up killing you!
At Farrell CL tells Pastor that Paula lost the baby. Pastor gives his condolences and says that he understands what he is feeling. CL says that Pastor can’t understand him, because he did not only lose a baby, he also lost the only reason for Paula to stay with him. He says he doesn’t understand what happened. Pastor says that maybe the relationship can still be salvaged. He is sure that Paula loves CL and right now she needs him. CL, dripping spite from his voice, says that right now Paula has a man by her side that was able to give her what CL never did. Pastor almost not wanting to know the answer, asks who. CL says, who else? “El nagual infalible, el nopal lechoso, el chupacabras ese”(Ed note. I know el chupacabras has been discussed, but I’m not sure if we have talk about Nagual. El Nagual was a witch doctor “brujo” that was able to take an animal form to cause harm to others. Now Nopal is a much usual insult. It could be taken as meaning one of two things: 1) Idiot. 2) As a demeaning way of calling you a low class Mexican. To illustrate this I remember when a friend of mine irritated with his sister because she was ashamed of her Hispanic heritage and had bleached her hair and didn’t wanted to speak Spanish, told her “Even if you call it cactus I can still see it in your face” ;) ) Impactado face from Pastor.
Paula and Juan finally arrived at Ana’s house. Juan wants to let Ana know what happened, but Paula doesn’t. Juan tells Paula to go upstairs and rest. Paula says it is déjà vu, Juan is his nurse again. Juan says that he was thinking the same thing. He tells her to go upstairs and rest he is going to cook for her. Paula tries to resist, but Juan says that he is going to prepare his famous Caldo Dominguez. Paula says ok and goes upstairs. Juan thought bubbles that now he has to make a caldo from his non-existent recipe.
CL is still talking to Pastor. He says that he feels out of control. He doesn’t know what to do about all of his personal problems and that since he can’t take care of the business, Pastor will have to do it, especially since the other company fighting for the same business is the one owned by his brother. Pastor says, ok but I need a pay raise. CL says that he (Pastor) should thank him for the opportunity that he is being given. If Pastor succeeds then he’ll get the pay raise. Pastor doesn’t seem sure, he reminds CL that “del plato a la boca se cae la sopa” the soup could fall from the plate to the mouth, in other words he wants the money first. CL says that Pastor has to decide is he is with him or against him.
At Ana’s house, Juan calls Angarita to ask how to make “Caldo de res”. I don’t know what recipe Angarita gave to Juan, but this is my personal recipe
2lbs beef shank
1 Chayote
2 Potatoes
2 Mexican zucchini
2 Carrots
¼ Cabbage
2 Corns
1 Garlic clove
½ Onion
Salt to taste
In a pot, place 1/3 of water and the beef. Allow 30 minutes for the beef to boil. Meanwhile cut up the veggies in pieces and cut the corn in two. Once the beef is tender to the touch add the veggies. Allow 20 more minutes for everything to boil. Add the cilandro, boil for 5 more minutes. Serve in to big bowls. At the time of serving add lime and chopped onion and cilantro.
Back to the show
Nidia receives a phone call from Ana. Ana is very happy and says that everything is going great. Nidia says that she is very happy for her. Ana wants to know if Paula is ok because she hasn’t been able to talk to her. Nidia tells her that Paula lost the baby. Impactada face from Ana.
After writing the recipe from Angarita Juan wants to go back to cooking. Angarita says that Monica del Rosal asked to talk to Juan because she has a business proposal. Juan takes the number and wonders what Monica really wants.
Topete has been looking for Yadira, she was sleeping in the library. He wants to know what is her decision, is she shaking up with him? Yadira says that she already asked Kike for a divorce. Topete says fine, but is she moving with him? Yadi says she is considering it.
Juan calls Monica. Monica says that she has a big business proposal. Juan is a little hesitant, but finally accepts to meet her. Laura overhears and is exited because she finally will get to know the famous Juan Dominguez.
Topete and Yadira are still talking. Topete wants to know when exactly she is moving in with him. Yadira says as soon as the divorce is finalized. Topete says that there is no need to wait; he tries to explain that in the civilized part of Europe (I didn’t know there was an uncivilized part) but Yadira interrupts him. She says that they are in Mexico not in Europe and she wouldn’t dare to live with another man when she is still married. Topete insists that it is only a little paper and it doesn’t matter. Yadira says that her mother would kill her and that in her house they are very conservative.
Pastor is talking to Yvonne. She gave him all the info for the Campiony? proposal. Pastor says that he is still missing some documents. Yvonne tells him that Monica kept some of the documents and he is going to have to ask her or maybe ask “La escualida con pelos de escobeta” The skinny one with bristle brush like hair (Marely) Pastor wants Yvonne to ask her about the missing documents, but Yonne doesn’t want to. Pastor tells her that she doesn’t have a choice. Yvonne says fine, but she wants to know what is going on with CL. Pastor says first get me the info and then I’ll tell you.
Juan finally finished his infamous caldo, but since he didn’t have beef he made it out of chicken. Paula says that it smells delicious, but when she tastes it she tells him that she thought it was supposed to be a beef caldo Juan says that that is the secret of the caldo it is made out of beef, but it tastes like chicken. Paula just smiles. Juan says that he has to go. Paula wants to know where. Juan doesn’t know what to say. Paula sees his hesitation and says that he doesn’t have to tell her.
Ana is trying to cancel the exposition of her paintings, but Manuel/Damian (I don’t know his name in this novela) tells her that she shouldn’t do that.
At the Cachon residence Delirio is trying to convince Nidia not to tell Paula about the will –Don’t you realize that every time that you try to tell Paula something happens? Nidia says that she knows, but she still has to do it because if she doesn’t do it Marely will.
At Laura’s house. Laura is very excited that she finally will get to know Juan Dominguez. Monica says that Juan is nice looking but very ordinary. Laura says that Juan has to have something special for Paula to love him so much. Monica thinks that is not that Juan is special it is that Paula is weird. The door bell rings, is Juan, when Laura sees him, she is impactada and doesn’t want to leave. Juan realizes that Laura is flirting with him. Laura finally leaves and Juan and Monica get down to business. Monica says that she is willing to sell her shares of Industrias Farrell to Juan. Impactado face from Juan.
At Ana’s house Marely is talking to Paula. Paula is still blaming herself for the miscarriage. Marely tells her not to do that anymore, it is not her fault. Paula tells her everything that happened with CL and how bad he treated her. She is never going back to him.. Marely wants to know what is happening with Juan. Paula says that Juan has been great to her. Juan has taken care of her, and stopped CL from bothering her. Marely just looks at Paula and Paula defensively tells her that she did not provoked what happened.
Monica tells Juan the amount that she wants for the shares. She tells him this is a great opportunity he should think about it. When Juan sees the amount he tells her that she is asking for too much money. Monica says that he doesn’t have to give her all the money right now, he could give her half and they could finance the other half. Juan says that he has to check with Anga. Monica says fine but he needs to hurry up because she wants to sell pronto. Juan wants to know if CL knows about it. Monica says that no and it is perfectly legal for her to sell her shares without notifying CL. Juan says that he is interested but wants to know the truth, is she doing this to get even with CL? She says yes, but it doesn’t change the fact that they are getting the shares for a very low price. Juan says that he is interested and that he’ll talk to Anga right away.
Marely tries to make Paula understand that she is (once more) misleading Juan. Since this is such a waste of Marely’s effort and our time I’m not writing the rest of their conversation.
Juan is on his way to talk to Angarita and is thought bubbling that this is a great opportunity.
At the market place Anga is talking to Heriberto when Juan arrives. Anga is not too happy that Heriberto presented himself as Juan’s personal assistant. Juan changes the conversation and tells Anga about Monica’s Proposal. Anga is not that sure about the business. He says that he doesn’t have enough money. Juan says that’s why there is going to be a new partner in the business, Heriberto. Heriberto is very happy until Juan tells him that to become a partner he has to convince his father to mortgage his lands. Heriberto doesn’t believe he’ll be able to convince his dad. Juan hands him the phone and tells him to make the phone call. Heriberto looks unsure.
At Farrell, CL calls Marely to his office. He wants to know if she has seen Paula. Marely doesn’t know what to say.
At Laura’s House. Monica is scolding Laura. Laura says that she liked Juan, because she is tired of dealing with superficial men. Monica recognizes that Juan is sincere, but she thinks that he is still naco. Laura says that she can help him change his appearance. He can get a hair cut and Italian shoes. She is definitely interested and she says that she always gets what she wants
The end.
Labels: Juan
I think Delirio figured that if Nidia had already confessed, she had taken publicly her share of the responsibility so his magnanimous offer was empty. If she hadn't confessed, then he really could get socked with the whole thing.
Even "de mil amores" as I accept gladly, I wouldn't have gotten...but certainly the nagal and nopal explanations were crucial. And I too will try the soup recipe.
I loved it when Pastor said the dicho about "se cae la sopa"...we have a very similar one in English which I heard all my life..."Many a slip twixt (meaning 'between') the cup and the lip". Mothers, in the 50's anyway, always used it as a warning about getting too involved before actual marriage.
Thank you for translating Juan's thought bubble about his noisemaker beating like a dog's tail. Truly, I was completely baffled by that phrase. It's hilarous.
Melinama, that makes sense about Delirio's change of heart. He is all blather and no substance.
Very interesting...Monica wants to sell her share of the biz to Juan. That woman sure knows how to stick it to CL, first she sells their house for nothing and now she wants to sell the biz to his arch enemy. And Laura...that woman has too much time on her hands!
Thanks Maricruz!
Last week shows were very difficult to watch, with Paula losing the hijo, and CL putting the blame on her, and Juan. This show suddenly took a turn to reality, as the show always end with the declaimer to reality.
I even read some comments on here of those who have had situations simular to Paula and CL losing the baby. Even I know the pain of having a pregnantcy treminated, it is the worst feeling I have ever had. Even now many years later, it can bring tears to my eyes.....
For a show that is an escape from reality, last week was far to real.
May all who have experience the pain associated with the loss of a child before birth, be able to someday live without grief and the sad memory.
When we forgive others than we are able to forgive ourselves, because in every life there have been times when we've hurt others, by accident or sometimes through long-simmering resentment and anger. And sometimes forgiving yourself is the hardest of all!
But you're so right, these "comedies" are touching some very vulnerable spots in lots of hearts. Hopefully there will be some lighter fare in the future.
Caldo de Res is a very common recipe, I hope you guys like it. Sylvia there is not a big difference between one and the other. The Mexican zucchini is a little thicker and its color is lighter, but the flavor is basically the same. You can see a picture at this site (The green one is mexican zuchinni)
Anonymous #1, I too feel like the show is getting too serious, at least it is helping us talk about those things that hurt us, thus sharing the burden.
Judy B, like I said before, I like to recap and read recaps because I’m learning lots of English. I know and understand the slang in Spanish, but I don’t know its counterpart in English, now I know the one about the soup. Thank you
Question about the soup recipe.
Two corns, is that two pepper corns or two ears of corn?
I can't wait to try the soup too. What a bonus to your recap and I agree it is fun to focus on these lighter issues after a week of deep and depressing. I still love this show and am amazed at what depth it has to offer.
Judyb, I had never heard the soup reference that you gave. My Scot grandmother died when I was 13 so I never got her old world wisdom about sex and men. But she had lots to offer about cooking things from scratch, real angel food cake, real scones, real short bread and real tea, no bags which she always was sure was just floor sweepings at the tea company. She would laugh if she saw the Sachet name given to them at expensive stores.
Oh and yes about that corn. Which is it?
OK, I know that squash. We call both it and the yellow Summer Squash. Now I know its proper term.
My Irish-descended mama also used to mention a strange young man who would appear out of nowhere sometimes to visit her grandmother...the local theory was he was a "wood's colt" illegitimate son who came to visit his explanation given. And hot weather was "hotter than Billy be damned". Miss a lot of those expressions now that she's gone.
There's many a slip 'twixt cup and lip - This comes from a Greek legend, as follows: One of the Argonauts returned from his voyage, and went home to his winery. He called for the local soothsayer, who had predicted before his voyage that he would die before he tasted another drop of his wine, from his vinery. As he finished saying this, he raised a cup filled with wine to his lips, in toast to the soothsayer, who said something in reply. Just then, he was called away to hunt a wild boar that was approaching, and died in his attempt to kill it. The phrase that the soothsayer said is translated best as, There's many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip.
And Susanlyn...we wish you'd tried harder to stay with Juan as well...I read the blogs on Pasion (which I don't watch)just cause I think your and Julie's are such a hoot
My friend Susan said her grandmother (English? Scottish?) used to say "There's many a mick that macks a muckle" meaning I think "A penny saved is a penny earned." I love proverbs no matter where they originate. They are such a colorful way of making a point.
I think Maricruz phrased it well (why we like JQ). The humanity, the way the Cachon women stick together, Juan's relationship with his son, there's just always something that's touching in every episode.
I wish Juan would have an epiphany and choose Marely, but I'm afraid that now that Paula is starting to open her eyes about him she will snag him for good. Cousin Laura...not a chance in Hades.
“(Ed Note. This doesn’t make any sense, It really doesn’t matter when Nidia tells Paula about the will; the end result is going to be the same… but then again this is Delirio we are talking about; he NEVER makes any sense) Nidia is impactada.” LOL! I was suspicious about what he had up his sleeve when he first mentioned this to Nidia. Now I realize he was just messing with her. Of course it didn’t make sense!
Oh, I can’t wait to try this soup recipe! It looks like something my husband would love it.
Topete is such a big, greedy baby. He can’t stand to be alone and he wants to compromise Yadira. Why can’t she see what a sleaze he is??
“Topete says that there is no need to wait; he tries to explain that in the civilized part of Europe (I didn’t know there was an uncivilized part)” LOL! What a LAME argument! I guess we expect it from Topete. Good for Yadi for pointing out they are in Mexico.
Manuel/Damian is Willy. What a strange name for a Mexican.
“Marely tries to make Paula understand that she is (once more) misleading Juan. Since this is such a waste of Marely’s effort and our time I’m not writing the rest of their conversation.” ROTFLLLL!!! You are so right and I need to think this way more often when I recap!
“He can get a hair cut and Italian shoes. She is definitely interested and she says that she always gets what she wants” Seems to me that this is déjà vu. Juan got the haircut and Italian shoes and Pastor didn’t get what he wanted, either.
By the way, if you ever want to talk off line, it's
Susanlynn, I can't imagine the hopes that were destroyed for you. The doctor's statements to Juan about 30% of pregnancies having this problem (though your traumas are different) is played out here in real life.
I don't know, is it me, or is it slightly comforting to know that so many share similar experiences, and that if this happens, you are not the only one. Here's maybe an odd perspective for you too, some of us will never even know what it's like to have that connection with a child, even if only to have lost it too soon. In a way, a positive side is that you all were lucky enough to have been loved that much in the first place to get to that point, or healthy enough to have gotten as far as you did. Some people never even get the chance to try. Little consolation, I'm sure, but another way of looking at the experience.
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