Sunday, March 16, 2008

Pasion March 14 - sorry but this is a quickie

I'm back after being gone for a while, thank you all for your well wishes. In happy news, my son won that calendar contest I was pushing a while back. When we go to the award lunch, he might possibly get into a national calendar! Thank you all for your votes.

Friday's Pasion, in a nutshell (I'm sorry to not give it the full treatment like usual) -

Ricardo finds out that Camila would have to appear in person before the judge, which would likely get her put in jail, so he goes to visit her on the beach, boink her, and then leave, telling Jimena to make sure Camila doesn't do anything stupid before Mario arrives with the boat to take them away.

Paco cries until Ines takes him to visit Vasco. Before they go, Ursula visits Vasco. Vasco tells her it's over, she demands the keys back. She's super pissed. (without the keys, how will Ric get into the palace? Oh - maybe Santiago will help someday). Of course as she is leaving Ines comes with Paco and sees her. Inside Vasco and Paco cry a lot, finally Vasco tells Ines that he's done with Ursula, she screams at him "AND WHY SHOULD I BELIEVE YOU?" Great question!

Uriel shaved off his moustache to please Ursula, he still looks kind of funny. Also, he visited Santiago to ask about selling the lanterns in his store, Santiago says no way, you were one who came and stole Camila away that night, go to hell. Uriel actually has the balls to say "yeah but time passes." Not for Santiago.

Nothing from Rita this episode, which was nice. Except that nobody had the opportunity to slap her.

Alberto seems to have forgotten that Jorge is the boss, not him, Jorge holds a knife to his shoulder to remind him who's who around these parts. Alberto seems to be losing it a bit, he's getting out of control. He has taken on Lis's psychotic need for revenge against Camila/Ricardo.

There was a mention at the beach that Claudio is safe in New Orleans. Also, while Ric and Camila are doing the nasty, Jimena sits in her room eating alone and mooning over Mario.

The pressure gradually increases on Santiago to take his place as Jorge's son, to help the families.

Ascanio and Manuela manage to have another conversation about nothing while desperately wanting to jump each other.

Lis decides, even though it's waaaay too late, that she doesn't want to marry Alberto after all.

LaFont has had a bunch of soldiers brought to town 'to protect against a pirate attack.'

Ending of the show - at another court date, Ric and his cronies show up with all their money, maybe it's the beginning of a payment plan. Alberto confronts him and says he knows he is El Antillano, Ric replies with "I know you rob the caravans and sell the Crown's gold to Foreman!" Alberto looks like he crapped his pants. That was a bit more than he was ready for I think.


Thanks Ferro for the quick recap which did pretty much covered everything and congrats to your son for winning the calendar contest. Shiver me timbers mateys it's getting good with a high drama show. Another edited love scene. Sheesh. I guess anytime there's a love scene I might as well check it out in YouTube because it will be edited. Loved hearing about Claudio and I was surprised to hear that he's in New Orleans. Wonder if this means Claudio may show back up in town then. Looking forward to Mondays show when the face off between Ric and LaFont continues where it left off.

Thanks Ferro and welcome back after your horrific month. I am so glad your son won the calendar contest too. Tell him his fans that voted for him congratulate him but are not at all surprised his excellent picture won. A well deserved victory.

Back to the hilarious recap: you hit all the right highlights with an impressive degree of snark! I loved it. The episode had a nice balance of sex, insults, threats of piling anvils and with a Rita free night it seemed nearly perfect.

Thanks Ferro for the quickie, it was almost complete coverage with all major points taken care of. And congrats to you son on winning the contest!
I also now after each love scene go to YouTube to get the "full coverage". And actually this time I wonder why they cut anything at all. By the way, why they "do it" under the blanket - it's Mexico, centuries ago, did they have air conditioning back then?
LaFont got good slapping twice this time - from Jorge, who finally showed him Who Is The Boss around here and later with Ric. I LOVED that look on Ric's face when he revealed his truth to Buffy. Actually, I just probably love Ric. What I'm going to do without him in a few weeks???!!!
We all overdue for Jime and MMM love scene, looks like it should be coming soon.

Eve from Cleveland

Funny recap as always. The love scene was edited a little. Found this longer version on YouTube: Pasion cap. 67 "reencuentro de camila y ricardo"

Really nothing naughty, too bad Univision feels it needed to edit. After all, the program is called Pasion.

Thanks Cuzzin Cash, glad you're back.

It was great when Jorhey gave LaBuffy an attitude adjustment with the big knife. Also, liked the dissing when Uriel comes in and Jorhey says he wants to talk to Uriel 'alone' and 'see you later' to LaBuffy.

Loved the gold skull head ring MMM Mario gave Jimena. I'd like one...

jb-Iron Jack Cash

Ferro: Just as hilarious as always. Sorry I can't say more, but I'm rushing off to YouTube, Pasion 67.

From lower Ala

Ferro - thanks for the recap and congratulation to your son, this is really great!

Liz and Lafont make the perfect couple, they have so many things in common. Now that I am thinking, GRita should also marry Jorge. They could all meet every afternoon to drink a tea and make plans to kill, corrupt and steal from people.

Thanks, Ferro. That may have been a quickie recap, but it was excellently hit all the high points with your usual wit and wisdom. And, I add my congratulations to your son. Bravo. Now, on to the latest news on the Pasion front. You may call it a boinking at the beach...but I call it the stuff that fantasies are made of. I've loved the beach and have featured it in my fantasies ever since my family starting going there for vacations when I was a teen.... But...I never had Fernando riding on a horse in my romantic beach fantasies....and now ...I do. Beach Blanket Boinking Bingo with RicRicRic. Yes. Also, I got great pleasure out of Jorge pulling out the big knife for Al. Ouch...Al was probably surprised and a little concerned about his fine threads. p.s. Don't forget that there is a special on Univision about telenovelas tonight called ''Mentiras y Verdads'' or something like that. Thanks, Ferro for fitting the funny quickie into your busy weekend schedule. I enjoyed it. Can't wait for tomorrow night's episode.~~~Mad Bess, heading over to youtube to get the complete, uncut boink

Hi again. I'm just back from Youtube, and I must say that I am really getting annoyed at the chopped up boinking scenes . Fernando is doing some of his best boinking in this novela , and they are consistently cutting out parts. NOT FAIR. p.s. I did take a peek at some upcoming boinking scenes , and kudos to Camila and RicRicRic for turning up the heat...the chemistry is definitely building between them~~~Mad Bess, mad at the editors

That kills me that you all go searching for extended boinking scenes. Even my wife starts drumming her fingers with impatience when we hit a love scene, but maybe she would act differently if I weren't there. Who knows. But I find the whole thing funny anyway!

One other thing - I just finished reading the comments for Thursday's recap, and I have to add my support for DVRs. Someone mentioned having to channel flip when dancing with the stars comes on, someone else suggested getting a DVR. YES. You will never watch TV the same way again. And you'll never be able to do without it again.

Now, now. Just because we don't see Rita getting slapped doesn't mean that it isn't happening.

Anyway, we're all slapping her in our minds. :)

My, oh my. A lot of boinking going on in here. LOLOL!

And quickies, too.

Thanks much, Ferro, as I missed Friday's episode entirely. Grrrrr. At least I can go into Monday's ep well informed.

And yes, I am off to see the YouTube Boinking, as I got no boinking at all. Hmph.

let your wife watch boinking without you present - you will appreciate it later. I know, my hubby did!

I watched ''Mentiras y Verdades'' last night. It's a look at telenovelas from the earliest to the most recent. I recognized two of the older actresses--the gossipy reggador's wife from Alborada and Evil Bertha from Heridas de Amor . They were in an old telenovela called Cuno de Lobos. [Cradle of Wolves ???] in which another actress wore an eye patch. Some of the people from La Fea were on at the end of the hour. Next Sunday they will continue the tribute to the old telenovelas. I am anxious for them to get to Amor Real, Alborada and Destilando Amor.

Thanks for the recap. I was on the phone with a friend I haven't talked to in ages & had to wonder what was going on since the cc is screwing up on Univision's channel on my tv.

Ferro I'm the one who someone suggested to get DVR. I will be getting month when I move. Until then, I'll have to channel flip for 30 minutes cuz my vcr died.

RE: the "chopping" of the love scenes: remember that while these shows are filmed in Mexico & other latin countries, we live in the U.S. and, of course, the wonderful censors have to step in & "chop" scenes that they feel little kiddies might see since Pasion is aired in primetime. If they didn't, someone would pitch a fit. The only thing Univision can do in order to show the "unchopped" scenes would be to show Pasion after 10:00. Hey at least there is You Tube thank heavens.

Well, it looks like by the preview for tonights show that Cami doesn't stay put (can I have a big DUH!!!!).

I also watched "Mentiras y Verdades" but for me the only telenovela known was LFMB - my first. It was nice to see Angelica Vale with Patricia Navidad and "Tomas Mora" - forgot the name of this actor.
Brought back good memories and I started shopping for the DVD. Did anybody bought the latest DVD set of LFMB? If yes - how is it? It's sells everywhere for around $20 with 4 disks. Does this set have Spanish subtitles ( vs. English only)?

Eve from Cleveland

Just taking a quick detour from all the passion, to ask if any of you pirate/history buffs had heard of the recent discovery of a sunken ship off the Dominican Republic that is thought to be the remains of the Quedah Merchant, a 400-ton treasure ship that sailed the seas about 300 years ago. The Quedah Merchant featured 50 cannons and carried treasures such as gold, silks and opium. It fell into the hands of the notorious Capt. William Kidd around 1699 and sank shortly thereafter. Its whereabouts have remained a mystery these many years.

An underwater archeology team from Indiana University is in charge of studying this shipwreck and it is being protected from looters. Although it will take up to two years to authenticate, all signs point to its being the real thing. This discovery is expected to provide much information about pirates and piracy, including whether Capt. Kidd was a pirate or a privateer. i thought the timeframe and location fit in nicely with the Pasión activity.

Good to see you back, and congrats to your son! I've actually been tapping my nails through Ric and Camila's love scenes, too (though I did rather like that spin he put her on the other night), but that's just because I'm waiting impatiently for a romp with Mario, or Ascanio, or even more Vasco (if he ever manages to get his act together and start thinking with the right head, maybe Ines'll let him make nice with her. Maybe). Now there's some stuff that'd be worth the still-in-the-stone-ages-here load time to get a look at the unedited versions. -g- (And you know, I never noticed before just how long Uriel's ponyail is. If he'd shave off the rest of that goatee and do something about those rdiculous-but-admittedly-period side curls, I might be willing to give him a re-assessment.)

Thanks Farro for the short but sweet recap. As they say, even a quickie is better than none at all. I am also impatient with the love scenes, the crying and the Cinderella music. I don't need it to get my kicks and if I demonstrated a new move learned from the novela, my hubby of 17 years would wonder where the heck I got it. So, I stick with the same ole, same ole tried and true no fringe methods:-)

Eve - the LFMB disks are about what you would expect when someone chops a 300-hour series down to 15. Most of your favorite scenes won't be there.

Think of it as going to Disneyworld without a camera, and bringing home a small pack of postcards. Looking at the postcards will remind you of your trip to Disney, but you'll wish you had taken your own pictures instead.

I watched the disks on my old TV, which doesn't have regular captions. The English captions are nice, but I don't know if there are Spanish captions. I didn't see a menu option for them, but maybe they play like regular TV captions (which I don't have on that TV).

It's weird because the card that gives you the chapter list is all in Spanish. You'd think we would have either gotten a chapter list in English or the option to have Spanish captions.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Liz's cackle was so ugly evil I think it took everyone's breath away! (Great job by the actress.) I'm thinking, and obviously Liz is NOT, that she will need slaves for company because Al Bouffy is not going to let her out of the house until she says 'acepto'! Funny how she hasn't noticed that being 'protected from Ri-car-do' means she has no protector anymore from a man that wants something from her ...something she doesn't want to give!

I want to correct myself. It was not the Tango I believe I caught in that love scene, when Camilla is being sent away. It was the Rumba positions! :-o
Even the extended fingers of his hand as Ricardo reached backward across his body to caress Camilla's face. and then the wrap up whip wrapping Cami across his body?! MARVELOUS.
My standing applause to the director! Sex imitating art. Loved it.

Thank you for review of the LFMB dvd set. I probably will go for it because I really liked the show and I started to watch it in September ( 2006 ) missing the first few months. At least it will be my "postcard" as a reminder of my entering into telenovela world.

Eve from Cleveland

Welcome back Ferro. It may have been a quickie but it was still satisfying. Congrats to your kid!

I thought Uriel was kind of handsome without his moustache. Now if only he would get rid of that scraggly horizontal beard...

Jestena, thanks for the heads up on the Quedah Merchant. It sounds fascinating and will be a fun thing to follow.

Oh, don't get me wrong, Eve, I'm glad I have it. And I'll probably want the "official" Pasion disks when they come out too.

I don't need to have the entire series; on the other hand, if there's a scene I know I'll want to see again, I'll keep it on my own disk so that I don't have to worry about whether it's on the DVD or not. Because the kinds of scenes I like are usually silly stuff that would never make it to the DVD.

Like you can bet that when the Pasion DVDs come out, there won't be a montage of Rita-slapping scenes. Or the time on Destilando when Frankie the Grifter whined, "don't cuss at my hankies, they're made from the finest Italian silk and they're very expensive etc etc." Those are the kinds of moments I'd like to preserve. :)

Yeah - Uriel's not bad looking. I hadn't realized that he was a widower whose children had died. I guess I have a hard time separating his participation in the illegal activities and general debauchery from the possibility that he could be a decent father to Tita. (Ironic when you consider that Ric is no angel either.)

Uriel paid more attention to Tita in five seconds than Ursula normally does in a week, so assuming that it's sincere, who knows - Uriel's probably a better match than Ursula deserves.

Oh! Now that you said Rumba, I recognize it, Cpt Bonney Morgan!! LOL

I don't know my rumba from my tango, but it had rhythm, was well choreographed and enjoyable scene--worthy of a replay...
jb-Iron Jack Cashbelid

oops, got carried away in thought and couldn't even spell my name...
jb-Iron Jack Cash

Can you believe it ????...after being so totally absorbed by his ridiculous Dali moustache, I didn't even realize that it was gone last night. However, this once happened in real life, too. Hub dropped me off for work, and when he picked me up, he had shaved off his beard [black]. I didn't even notice until he asked, ''Do you notice anything different ??? I still think that Uriel looks like Castulo [Thelma's boytoy] from Duelo de Pasiones. Is it the same guy ????

Shipwrecks : I have a necklace that has a Half-real coin minted between 1772 and 1783 in Vera Cruz, Mexico. The coin was recovered from the wreck site of the 18th century Spanish Brig of War El Cazador which was lost at sea in 1784. I collect coins from all over the world, but this one is the only one I have that was recovered from a shipwreck site. The story goes that because the money did not reach the Spanish in Louisiana, the United States was able to buy the Louisiana territory from the Spanish because they were short on cash. Louisiana has a fascinating history. It was founded by the French but later Spain owned it. Then, I think it went back to French control...then back to Spain and finally the U.S. bought the entire territory from Spain.

Ferro, thanks for the great recap and congrats to your son. It was a great picture. Re: Shipwrecks -I come from a small town in Minnesota and when I was a kid, one of the families here had something to do with finding the wreck of the Atocha (I think they helped with financing the dive or something similar). Anyway, a bunch of the stuff that was found was brought here and put on display. Talk about bling! It was amazing. There was literally piles of treasure and that was only part of the find. All of us kids at school wanted to be pirates after that. I still have the necklace I was given that was made from gold from the wreck and modeled after an actual necklace found in the wreck.

Mad Bess! Yes!!! Uriel sans bigote looked familiar and I think he was Castulo, in which case he is a complete stud muffin! Why oh why are they covering him up with foppy clothes? He should be wearing nothing but a leather apron. OMG what a waste of manhood to keep him covered up like that!

ITA Cpt Bonney Morgan. It was the Rumba. The dance of love. That so far is my favorite love scene in the novela. I loved the way Ric whipped Camila around and the sensual movement. Heading back over to YouTube to watch it again LOL. I agree with Mad Bess. Fernando is doing his best boinking in this novela.

Ferro: You are another master at the quickie recap! Thanks! Glad to find out your son won the contest.
I would love to see a little boinking with MMM and Jimena, but I just don't think Ascanio and Mannie could pull it off. He could, but she is just too angelic a character to imagine her having a rough and tumble in the rack.

Captain Sylvia~~~I fear that the porno twins have been a bad influence on you because you now want to see everyone in a leather apron...well, maybe not creepy Lafont...for him better a leather muzzle like Hannibal Lechter. And, why does Ascanio o o insist on wearing his good white shirt under his leather apron ??? Que the hell ? I say stoke up the forge fires and push him a little closer and we'll get that shirt off. Now how do we get RicRicRic and Mario in those leather aprons ? ~~~Mad Bess, watching the promos for Fuego en la Sangre and enjoying the men in sombreros on horses and Eduardo making bread ...[we should all have bakery names for this one...I'll be Cupcake]...also , I noticed crazy evil Bertha is in this one

Yes, and she's wearing black. Do you suppose she carries a big stick too? Heh, bakery names, maybe mine will be Hot Cross Buns.

Sylvia~~~HotCross Buns...that was my second choice. ~~~Mad Bess, worried about RicRicRic not getting conjucal visits while in jail

Bertha from Heridas?
I did not know that. Man, she was evil. Count me in!

Uriel's mustache was not as obnoxious to me as those dog bone curls. Probably the costumer wants to indicate aspects of the character's personality, very current and image flashy man about town. Sounds just like Whorsela's tipo. AND he's got several brothers?! Whoo-hoo for Whorsela, it'll be just like not being married.

Anon and Pirate Babe you talked me into it... I'm going over to youtube and see if more of the Rhumba was on view there. ;-]

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