Thursday, March 06, 2008

Pasion – March 5, 2008 – This never happened to Errol Flynn!!! (Parts I and II)

Alas, I again was unable to finish last night, but will finish it later today. I have posted the first half as I know many of you read it with breakfast. I may be dating myself with the title, but it refers to our MMM (Main Man Mario) who is not having as good a day as he thought. I will start with the sad news that Pasion has reached its “etapa culminante” (culminating section or portion) and is therefore not long for this channel (I’m guessing 6 weeks or so?). The good news is that it’s heir apparent is the already discussed “Fuego en la Sangre” (Fire in the Blood or Blood on Fire) starring Eduardo Yanez and Adela Noriega.


As we saw from yesterday’s episode, Al and his cronies are discussing how they will supplement their caravan assaulting income with some nice safe contraband. Uriel is a little concerned as he’ll be doing much of the selling at his store, but Al assures him that Jorge will take care of the paperwork so it looks legit. They will go with Foreman to “La Paisana’s Holiday Pirate Camp” so they know where they’ll drop off the stolen dough and pick up the contraband. They ask about Gonzalo, and he tells them he and Jorge had a chat and they will dispose of him.

Next we see Ric discussing the ED letter with Vasco and Ascanio. He believes that Lis overheard something at the house and went with the chisme to Al, who then killed Bernie and now has the letter. Ascanio questions Lis’ choice and Ric explains that Al’s courting Lis. Vasco goes into his litany of how Bernie must have burned the letter and Ric tells him he hates how lightly Vasco’s taking the whole thing. They start getting riled up and Ascanio tells them to break it up so they don’t upset Justo. Ric tells them how he plans to return the $$ to Lis so she’ll lay off. Later we see Justo’s clan hanging out at Santi’s kitchen. Justo asks Ric & Cami why they haven’t had their wedding feast. Cami looks at Ric and he answers it’s his fault ‘cause he’s been busy, but they’ll have one next week. Santi overhears this and stomps back in the house to see how the birthin’s going. He hears a baby crying and marches into the room to see his surprisingly clean baby. Everyone else also hears the baby crying and smile to each other. Ofi tells Santi it’s a girl and he holds her and cries (from joy for a change). Rita looks surprisingly calm (guess labor exhaustion will actually prevent one from throwing a tantrum).

On to today’s show. Over at the bar/brothel, Main Man Mario tells a group of women the drinks are on him (probably while they entertain Foreman’s footmen). He asks them when they are leaving and they tell him tomorrow. He wants to get the scoop on Foreman’s visit and they tell him to mind his own business. He explains that Foreman tried to get Ric to work with him on the contraband. Since Ric said no, he figures Foreman went to Al and Jorge ‘cause he buys them the money they steal. Hernan says they know nothing and he tells them he wants the cards face up. Lorenzillo says “what if he is?” MMM tells them there’s nothing wrong, he just wants the chisme. They ask what Ric’s story is. He tells them they came for some family business, but he fell in love and that’s why they’re still there. They say: “that’s it?” He responds that nothing ties up a man like a woman. Lorenzillo can’t believe the Dread Pirate Antillano would be all worked up over some “enaguas” (petticoat, underskirt). MMM says they won’t stay much longer as Ric’s getting tired of being a landlubber. He asks what’s next for them and they tell him that they’re off to Chez Paisana to see if El Chino arrived. Then they’ll go back to sea. MMM comments that Juancho won’t be too happy. They tell him they’ll settle it amongst themselves (the pirates @ Chez Paisana).

Now Ric, Jimena, and Cami arrive at Chez Ric. Camila greets Esteban (I think he’s a servant they hired locally, instead of one of Ric’s boys) and tells him that she has a niece. He asks about Rita and she tells him she’s fine. Cami talks about how she’s glad all’s well. Jim says goodnight ‘cause she’s so tired you’d think she was the one that had given birth. Ric and Cami kiss and go back to their room. Cami talks about how pretty the baby is (so far she’s still nameless) and comments that most men prefer boys. She asks Ric if it would bother him if his first-born were a girl? He says no, he’d just make her a pirate captain. Cami says no way, but still smiles. She thanks Ric for coming with her and tells him that when she first saw him at the Iguana, she would never have imagined he’d be so sensitive: Capable of hanging around for a birthing, entertaining an old man who was ill, or with the patience to deal with a child. He tells her he’s only human and that’s the kind of life that he wants. She tells him that must be why she loves him so much. He says he imagines she’s tired (ie – everyone to their own room), Cami says yes, but she’s happy everything went well, you? He says he is too, but she can tell something’s wrong. He says they’ll speak tomorrow but she’s having none of it. He tells her Jorge came. She wants details, but he tells her it would take too long. She says she doesn’t care, she’s got the time. Man, this guy likes to beat around the bush!

Back at Chez Santi, Ofi looks at Rita and baby as Santi walks in. Rita asks if he would have preferred a boy, and he says no, ‘cause that’s what God sent them. He picks up the baby again and says he’s very happy that she (the baby) was born healthy and whole and that Rita’s well. Rita says she thought she was going to die. We, the audience, collectively sigh our disappointment it wasn’t so.

Cut to Ric and Cami lying on the bed discussing what Santi did for Cami. Cami doesn’t think it’s fair that Santi should give up his rights for her. Besides, she’d rather not be reminded of that unpleasant business, how about Ric? He wouldn’t like it either. She asks Ric if he’ll talk to Santi about forgetting the whole ugly mess. He tells her it’s not his place, only she can have that conversation. She nods and they kiss. She starts unbuttoning his vest. He looks down and decides not remind her they’d taken a vow of celibacy ;)

Al bangs on Manuela’s door and tells her he’s going out and won’t be back ‘till tonight. He tells her to deliver a letter to Lis, but not to let anyone see it, especially Ric. He leaves and Nana comes in to bring Mani her hot chocolate (non-sequitor, if you haven’t tried Mexican hot chocolate, I highly recommend it ‘cause it’s awesome). Nana asks if Al’s going on another trip, and Mani tells her about the letter and how she’s always running errands for him. Nana tells her that’s ‘cause he’s her dad. Besides, his intentions towards Lis are probably honorable. Mani speculates that they can’t be that honorable if he hasn’t talked to Ric. Nana reminds her that Ric’s not related to Lis, but Mani reminds her he’s the one that brought them to SF. Mani wishes she knew what it says. Nana scoffs that it’s none of her business and she shouldn’t even think about opening it. Mani says she wouldn’t dare, but if he sends her letters every time he leaves town, he must be keeping her informed about something. She wonders if they’re officially engaged.

MMM lurks as Al gallops toward Foreman and company. Hernan asks if Jorge will be riding as well, and Foreman decides that when in Rome, he’ll take Lorencillo’s horse and send the rest of his peeps on the carriage. Jorge, Aurelio, and their 4th musketeer whose name currently escapes me, join them and they discuss how a carriage can be stuffy. Jorge tells Foreman he likes to ride when he hunts. Foreman mentions that he’s never killed an animal. Jorge asks what about a Christian (meaning a human)? Foreman says he’d rather not talk about that. MMM runs back home with the chisme.

Back at Chez Ric, Mario tells Ric that Al and Jorge went with Foreman to La Paisana’s. Ric asks how he knew and MMM tells him about his drinks with Hernan and Lorenzillo the night before and figured Jorge would be joining the, at Chez Paisana. He suggests following them and corroborating. --- Stay tuned for the rest of our exciting tale!

On to Part II. Since we last left our heroes....

Ric mentions that El Chino will probably be arriving soon, but Mario wants to take a little ride ‘cause he’s getting cabin fever. Ric tells Mario that he told Lis that Camila will be giving her the $$ back and that he’ll take care of the difference. Mario asks why, but we don’t hear the answer as they cut to the next scene.

Santi’s at church telling padre Agustin that Jorge refused to make a public announcement that he didn’t rape Cami because it would be humiliating. Santi feels Cami’s honor should be taken into account, and Augie tells him that both he and Jorge are very proud men. He tells Santi he should be more humble and accept God’s plans. He asks Santi if he came to give thanks to God for his daughter and asks after Rita. Santi says they’re both well. As they exit the church, they see a procession of men with some fancy red flags and comment it must be a high-ranking church official. They see Gaspar exiting the carriage and the priest exclaims it’s an archbishop. Gaspar gives them a quick blessing in Latin and they both run to kiss his hand. Augie asks what brings him to SF and Gaspar tells them he was on his way to Veracruz and decided to visit someone very dear to him: Ricardo Lopez de Carvajal. Santi is quite impactado and asks if he knows him (no, he just goes around visiting and appreciating people he’s never met!) and Gaspar tells him that Ric is his godson. Who are you? Padre Augie tells Gaspar that Santi is the town blacksmith and that he’s the church pastor.

Back at Chez Ric, Cami brings him some coffee and he asks if she’s off to see Rita. Cami says yes and gives him a flower (aww!) and asks him if he wants to come. Ric starts telling her that his current life is killing him and his men. She asks if he wants to go back to sea and he says he’s spending all his time going from town to home and doing a whole lot of nuthin’. She says she thought he wanted to retire and he says he was hoping to farm or trade. She tells him to do it and he asks if she would leave with him. She says yes and he says she doesn’t sound very convinced and she explains that when she was kidnapped she just kept hoping to come back to her land, get married and start a family near her own people. Besides, Ric said he wanted to buy some land and install himself there. Ric says he can’t buy land if he has no money and Cami tells him to use hers. Cami says things could change tomorrow and even if she keeps her money he can’t accept it. He didn’t marry her for money, but for love and he thought she did too. She says she loves him too, but is afraid of running off into an adventure. He tells her love should be unconditional and that it’s like giving wings to your heart (hey, that’s part of the theme song lyrics) knowing that there is someone by your side who you can trust blindly knowing they’d rather die than let you down. He tells her to go see her family and they can talk when she gets back. He exits and she starts crying for being such a coward. He’s giving up everything for her and she’s being stupid.

Back from commercial break, Cleo is helping Fran and Lis pack. Fran complains that she thought they’d stay a little longer now that Lis and Ric struck a deal. Lis doesn’t think so. Cleo asks what will become of her. Cami will probably throw her out and she has a sick uncle and a grandmother who doesn’t even have something to fall dead on (this is a Mexican expression referring to being so poor you don’t even have a bed to die in). Lis assures her it will only be for a few days, and then she can come back with them. Cleo asks where and Lis says she’ll know later. Next Cleo loads the cart and Ric asks Lis what is going on. She tells him they’re off to the Mancera’s and Ric tells her he thought that had changed because of their deal. He asks if she changed her mind. She says they’re still on. He asks if she can give him a few days. She agrees and he tells her he’ll have his men take them to town. Lis looks angry and starts yanking out her doll’s hair.

Cut to Palacio Mancera where Sofía is talking to a local couple who are thanking her for something. The hubby sounds foreign. After they leave, she tells Ursu that since Santi is her brother and the future SSF (Señor de San Fernando), they should go congratulate him on the birth of his daughter. Ursu says why bother, dad’s not going to recognize him. Sofi says he will, don’t you worry about that. As they exit, Fortu notices Gaspar’s carriage. Sofi’s all exited seeing an archbishop. Santi tells Gaspar that Ric has a house in the outskirts of town that’s not too far. Sofi and company run to Gaspar to kiss his hand. Sofi welcomes him and introduces herself as the wife of the local ruler and asks what brings him to SF. He tells her he’s coming back from Mexico City and stopped along the way. She says he must be tired from such a long trip and he says yes. She invites him to the palace for a little rest and refreshment. He says he’d be grateful for it and she starts introducing him to Ursu and Fortu. Augie tells her that Gaspar is there to visit Ric and she says no problem, she’ll just send word to him to come on over. She then congratulates Santi and tells Gaspar that Santi just had his first child, a little girl. Gaspar congratulates him and Sofi invites Santi to join them. Santi says he needs to get back to work but wishes Gaspar a pleasant stay in SF. As they walk to the palace Gaspar comments Santi’s a little strange and Sofi tells him it’s a long story, but Santi’s a bastard of her hubby and the only male. Gaspar asks if Jorge plans to recognize him and she tells him he tried, but Santi said no. He thinks this is quite interesting.

Now Cami and Jim run into Santi and ask about Rita and the baby ‘cause they want to see them. Santi starts walking them over and Jim asks about the carriage. Santi tells them it belongs to an archbishop, Ric’s godfather. Cami finds it interesting.

Back at Chez Ric, MMM asks him if he thinks Lis will keep her word. Ric doesn’t see why not and MMM tells him out of revenge ‘cause she hates Cami. Ric doesn’t want to believe Lis could be evil and MMM tells him that a woman scorned is. Ric says he never promised her anything and MMM tells him it doesn’t matter, it all depends on any fantasies Lis had. He then asks if he told Cami she has to return everything. Ric nods no. Just then, a messenger walks up to the gate and says he has a message for Ric. Pablo asks what the message is and the messenger won’t tell him. Ric gives a little whistle and Pablo lets him in. (I’d find this a little offensive – Pablo is no dog – but whistling orders and other info was common among sailors since it carried through sea noise better than shouting. Total non-sequitor: In theatre, whistling is considered bad luck. That’s because back in the old days sailors, because of their fancy knots; did most of the rigging and they often communicated by whistling out of habit. If you whistled at the wrong time, you could have a piece of scenery land on your head or someone else’s). Anywhoo, the messenger tells him that Don Gaspar is at the palace and he and Sofi are expecting him. He’s muy impactado.

Over by the palace, Mani and her Nana see Lis and Fran in a carriage with all their luggage. Mani runs over to say hi and asks if they’re going on a trip. Fran guides Lis through every step on the stairs, which aggravates Lis. Inside the courtyard, Mani asks why they’re moving to the palace and Fran says things were getting unbearable with Cami. Mani feels bad and Fran says she does too, but it’s impossible to live with people who are so “corriente” (base, common) and ambitious. Lis comments that it’s her fault (Cami’s) that she now has to ask for charity. Mani says she laments it, and that she has a letter from her dad. Lis grabs it and hands it to Fran.

Inside the house, Fortu is all impressed that Gaspar is going to the court in Madrid and then to Rome, she says she’d never met anyone so important. Gaspar humbly replies he’s a mere servant of God. A servant notifies Sofi that the Salamanca’s are in the house and she asks Gaspar to excuse her as there are some women she needs to attend to. He says it’s obvious he’s imposing on them and that they must have other business to attend to. He’ll gladly leave if they tell him how to get to Ric’s. Sofi tells him it’s no bother, and that Ric is probably on his way, she just has to take care of these women, but please sit down. She asks Ursu to join her and tells her to go fetch Lis and Fran, but not to say that they are moving in, but rather just visiting since she’s not quite sure what their beef with Ric is. Ursu’s annoyed mom’s sending her instead of Fortu, but Sofi tells her that Fortu is busy entertaining the archbishop whereas Ursu just stayed all quiet like a mule.

Over at the courtyard, Fran is telling Mani that her dad (Al) is the only one that can help them. It looks like she’s going to tell Mani the whole story, but Ursu interrupts. She aks what Mani’s doing there and she replies she stopped to say hi to Ursu. Ursu tells Lis and Fran that Sofi sent her to tell them to come in through the service door ‘cause mom has an important visitor. Mani protests, but Ursu says it’s ‘cause of the visitor, so they won’t have to make all sorts of presentations, explanations, etc. Lis says fine, and Ursu leads the way and shouts to Mani to come back tomorrow ‘cause they need to talk. Mani tells her Nana they better leave. They are then magically transported to Santi’s foundry and Nana comments that Sofi probably gave no such orders and it was probably all Ursu. She asks what they’re doing there and the twins walk in. Mani asks after Ascanio and they tell her that he went out with Santi a little while ago. They ask if she wants to leave a message and she says no, well, yes, tell him a dropped by to say hello and will drop by later. The twins comment that Ascanio is getting himself into a fine mess.

We now see Ric and MMM riding over to the palace wondering why Gaspar didn’t just go straight to Ric’s. Once they arrive, Mario will take off and snoop in the area. Back at the palace, Ursu says that the women didn’t want to disturb them and the special visitor and went straight to their rooms. Gaspar asks once again how far Ric’s house is. Sofi says it’s not far, but maybe they didn’t find him. A disembodied voice (probably a footman) tells them Ric has just arrived. Gaspar says Finally! Fortu asks if she likes him a lot. He says he cares for all his godchildren, but this one is special. Ric enters and Gaspar comments how he came to the end of the world to visit and he takes forever to arrive. Ric apologizes and Gaspar tells him to hug him and calls him a “bribón” (rascal) while all look very impressed.

Over at Chez Santi, Jim and Cami run down the stairs and tell Ofi how cute the baby is. Jim comments it makes her want to have one. Ofi says the baby looks like Santi and asks Cami how Rita looked. Cami says she looks well and happy. Sofi says she’s just complaining a little bit and that she’s preparing something for the baby ‘cause Rita’s milk hasn’t come down (How long does it take someone to start lactating?) and offers Cami a taste. Cami seems to like it. She asks after Santi and Ofi tells her that he and Ascanio went off to do something and asks if it’s urgent. Cami says yes, and Jim suggests Cami tell Ofi since she’s Santi’s mom and could help. Ofi asks what’s up and we hear the baby crying on cue. Ramona runs down saying the baby’s hungry and Ofi gives her the stuff she made and a rag (I think that’s what people used before they invented baby bottles so babies could suck from the rag). She then asks Cami what’s up. Cami asks if Ofi knows why Santi didn’t want to be recognized by Jorge. She says yes, and Cami tells her that neither she nor Ric want the whole ugly pernada incident to be dragged out again. Besides, she doesn’t think it’s fair that Santi give up what’s his because of her.

We are magically transported back to the streets of San Fernando as Jim tells Cami she doubts Ofi will tell Santi what she said because she doesn’t want him to become a Mancera ‘cause she hates that family. Cami understands, but she doesn’t think it’s fair. Jim tells her everyone has a right to what they believe and that she should stay out of it. Cami says she can’t since it was because of her. Jim tells her it doesn’t matter. It’s their problem, not hers. Cami says she still wishes she could have talked to Santi, but she’s very nervous with Gaspar’s visit. They now find themselves face to face with Gonzo (I think they’re near the tavern) and he greets them and tells Cami how beautiful she looks today. If she hadn’t married the buccaneer, she’d now be his wife. Jim tells him he has no right to talk like that and he says he can speak however he wants because he’s a Montes de Oca and she’s a whore. She tells him his mom is a whore and he tells her no prostitute talks to him that way. He throws Cami aside and Jim tells him not to dare lay a hand on her. He slaps her and she falls to the ground. Cami tries to pull him away and Jim steps in front of him and they start slapping at each other. Other patrons tell Gonzo to knock it off and Vasco hears the commotion and runs over to help and tells him to leave his sister alone. They start to fight and Gonzo gives Vasco a few good punches and knocks the wind out of him, thus proving Vasco really has no useful skills whatsoever (except for sex). Gonzo yells at Vasco “Defend yourself miller’s son” as someone throws him a sword. Vasco says he’s unarmed and Cami yells for someone to call the police. Gonzo tells Vasco that’s his problem. Vasco adjusts his belt and Gonzo slashes at him, which sends him back. He tries again and finds his rapier blocked by Mario’s short sword and dagger (sailors like their weapons short ‘cause there isn’t much room on a boat). Mario binds Gonzo’s rapier into a corps a corps (French fencing term meaning body to body) and says his signature “calmadito tiburoncito” and tells him he warned him that he really wanted to take him on and he’s given him a wonderful opportunity. We get a nice look at Mario’s sexy scars. Gonzo tells him to take it as there’s no time like the present. They fight and Mario spins in sexy Errol Flynn fashion as he attacks and avoids. Alas, our MMM gets his dagger caught on a table and then Gonzo slices off a piece of his sword (something that was already disproved on Mythbusters, but is still good drama) and they continue the fight. Gonzo disarms Mario who first points at his chest (‘cause he’s the man!) and then takes off his vest. He swings it at some of Gonzo’s attacks and someone yells at him to throw it at Gonzo (I seconded that as I was hoping for a cloak-style fight) but he instead throws it at a nearby lady and jumps onto a table and jumps to avoid a couple of swipes at his feet from Gonzo. He then jumps unto a window-type opening which he uses to step on Gonzo’s sword, swing around to avoid the same sword, throws a potted plant at Gonzo and finally swings to kick in the face with both feet. Gonzo doesn’t like the sight of his own blood and tries to cut Mario’s head in half, Mario catches the sword arm with both hands and they look at each other menacingly. Gonzo head buts our MMM and he stumbles onto a table. Gonzo runs at him sword first and Mario turns to face him. We see a sword has run through someone, but it takes a minute to see that it was indeed Mario’s dagger that went into Gonzo’s side. Gonzo falls as Mario holds up his dagger with a mixture of elation and disgust. Our heroines look on appreciatively (esp. Jim who’s a little turned on). The police finally arrive.

Ric and Gaspar have moved on to Ric’s place and discuss that Al and Jorge are the obvious culprits, but Ric has no proof. He sent Gaspar a letter a few days ago telling him about it. Gaspar remarks that letters takes longer than people. Ric then tells Gaspar about how they stole his money, but he also has no proof of that.

We now see Santi and Ascanio rolling what must be a broken wheel promising the people on the carriage they’ll bring it right back. Santi tells Ascanio he would never have imagined Ric was the godson of an Archbishop. Did you know? Ascanio says no. Santi says it’s obvious Gaspar cares for Ric, so he must not be a bad person after all (Santi hasn’t gotten the memo about corrupt church officials, probably ‘cause both his local priest and the ones at Monte Carmelo are good and honest – luckily so are Ric and his padrino). Ascanio tells him once more that Ric is not a bad person; it’s just that life sometimes puts us through difficult times. Santi asks if Ascanio has had them and Ascanio says: “Havent’s you?” They agree they both have as they arrive at the foundry. Santi tells Pancho they’re fixing the wheel and that their cart will be ready the day after tomorrow. They will then send Ascanio to get some orders for their lamps. Pancho asks Ascanio how many he thinks he can sell in a week? Ascanio says at least 40. Santi says they will make more dough and Luis (I think that’s the name of twin number 2) says they sure can use it. Ascanio says he can too. Santi says maybe he’ll eventually get good enough to sell 70 per week, and Ascanio says maybe they’ll get good enough to Build 70 per week. They all chuckle and Santi asks if there is any news. Pancho tells him that Don Darío wants some new doorknobs and Don Carmelo wants them to shoe his animals. Luis says to Ascanio that Doña Manuela stopped by. Santi asks if she needed some service and he says no, she just sent her greetings. Santi walks away all pensive and Ascanio asks Luis why he said it like that. He says he told nothing but the truth. Ascanio asks the twins if they don’t understand that the only one they are harming is Mani. They look at each other and shrug.

Over by the house, neighbors congratulate Santi and he comes to his mom and asks about the baby. Ofi says she and Rita are doing well and she hopes Rita can lactate tomorrow. He tells her that they got a cart and that they will start the new lamp business in a few days. She says she’s very happy and Santi goes to see his wife and kid. Ofi looks pensive, probably trying to decide whether or not to tell him about Cami’s visit.

Jim and Cami arrive at their house in a cart and Esteban greets them and asks after the baby. Cami tells him she’s well and asks if Ric has a visitor. Esteban confirms it and says it’s an archbishop. In the courtyard, Cami tells Jim that she will talk to them. Jim is worried about her MMM and Cami tells her that he had no choice, Gonzo was going to kill Vasco and totally roughed up Jim’s face. Jim says yes, but Gonzo was an important man. In the study, Gaspar asks Ric what last name he used for the marriage. Ric says “Lopez de Carvajal” and Gaspar remarks that they aren’t really married then. Ric says circumstances forced them and Gaspar says no, that’s terrible. Does she know? Ric says she knew later and Gaspar says that’s even worse! Ric says that’s why he wants to obtain a pardon from the crown, because he loves her. Gaspar explains that’s no small feat. Luckily the Bermejo think was settled and he’ll give him the papers on that soon. Ric asks if Fran was mentioned and Gaspar says no, ‘cause you asked. Cami walks in and asks if she can interrupt. Ric introduces her and Gaspar says it’s a pleasure to meet her and she kisses his hand and tells him it’s an honor to meet him. Gaspar says “so you’re the woman of this “tunante” (crook, rogue, rapscallion, scallywag) because you’re not his wife. He tells her Ric told her the story. Cami looks devastated and Gaspar tells her there’s no need for such a face. Then to Ric that they simply shouldn’t have done it! Ric reiterates that it was necessary. Also, he knows that God doesn’t unite last names. Gaspar says yes, but we must respect the laws of men. Give unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and unto God what is God’s. But well, they’ll see what they can do. If he’d known when Ric’s dad asked him to be godfather what kind of godson he would turn out to be, he would have turned him down. Ric says Gaspar knows better that anyone that he didn’t choose that life. Gaspar says yes, fine. Then smiling to Cami, well child, independently of what this man decides to do, we must agree that he’s a good man. He’s had tragedy in his life, but there’s still hope for redemption. Cami apologizes for interrupting the talk, but Mario killed Gonzo. Ric asks why and she tells him it was legitimate defense, but since Gonzo is an important man, the police took him. Ric looks impactado and Gaspar looks concerned.

Tomorrow: Cami finds out Al has the letter. Ric tells her Al and Lis are engaged, and if she lied about that, she probably lied about other stuff. Cami asks if he means the arrangement, and he says yes, so she needs to run away at dawn. She asks if she’s to go alone and he says she will go with Jim and with his men. She asks why he can’t come with her, and where is she to go?

- Gaspar tells Ric that he’s on the edge of a sword and he’s not God to protect him.

- Ric tells Cami the only thing that matters is that she is safe.


First, let me say that I am pretty reserved. But when Gonzalo started beating on Jimena, I LITERALLY shouted at my TV- "You'd better watch it- Mario's gonna whoop that A**!" When Mario did appear, I squealed like a schoolgirl. Heh- that's good television!


All I have to say is go Mario. He defended his woman and I enjoyed every minute of it. Vasco was useless LOL. He couldn't even take on a drunk man LOL. I loved that look in Mario's eyes when he let Gonzalo have it. I was glad to Ric's godfather Don Gaspar in town. This really stirs up the pot with all the suspicion about Ric being a pirate and I wonder when will Ric get around to telling Camila that the ED letter has resurfaced in the worst possible way. LOL at Camila being the aggressor and unbuttoning Ric's vest and he didn't bother to stop her.

Margarita, I can't believe you were up at 6am posting this recap. Thanks, and I'm looking forward to the 2nd half. What a swashbuckler! Mario really showed his stuff. Methinks Uriel, and the rest of those landlubbers will be outmatched if they try to mix it up with the real pirates.

And, when they all get to “La Paisana’s Holiday Pirate Camp” who decides whose loot is whose? These guys aren't all part of the same crew, are they? I thought Juancho and Chino were sort of rivals? Or are they just freelance guns for hire? Will Ric's cofres be part of the consignment? Does he know about this deal? Can he rob the robbers and get it back? I know he goes around giving the old pirate brotherhood shoulder shake with Foreman, but is there really honor among thieves?

Thanks for a great first half. I appreciate being to vent about such an emotional episode. Wow, birth, sword fight, death, horses galloping off and red hot sex. They are really packing in the action.
I guess once you've been chastised by the Archbishop it's fair game to get really sexy while living in sin. I loved seeing Camila openly initiate what we would all like to do to our RicRicRic.
Mario the Magnificent was the BEST. His facial expressions were so poignant through out the fight. Avenging the attack on his woman, Camila and the feckless Vasco was the most satisfying scene I could have imagined except for the sex scenes with Ric of course.
And then Lis ugly with raging hate and GRita for a change calm and happy for her lovely and amazingly clean daughter. Very sweet scene with no sexual heat at all between Santi and Rita but Ofelia makes a beautiful beaming abuela.

I too was appreciating Ophelia's look of glowing peace and pride. Nice body language job.
Dona Sophia was also awesome. Even though the dialog in such situations is yada-yada, Sophia's body language and I do include facial, kept me listening.
The Padrino Monseneur came to town! And I was thinking good, you can pray with Ri-car-do 'cause things are going to go from bad to worse than expected.
I don't understand. Did Ric go to bed without going to see about my hero myMMM in jail?

Hello everyone - I miss the conversation here, I have been one or more days behind watching the show for the last couple weeks and I hate spoilers so I haven't been commenting or reading comments until you have all moved on to the next day.
So - I hope everyone is well and I hope to catch up on my viewing soon so I can get back in! I had two deaths in my family within a week and have had to go out of town twice, etc etc, so that's why first Jardinera and now Melinama have been kind enough to fill in for me.
I know I always feel weird when a regular disappears (like whatever happened to oldman54?) so I thought I'd pop in and offer an explanation. See you soon!

Ferro, I am glad to hear you are okay. Your presence is greatly missed. How awful for you to go through two sad family events at one time. I am so sorry. We look forward to seeing you back on the blog when you feel like making the leap.

Yeah, I asked recently about Oldman54's whereabouts and didn't get a response from anyone. I thought he was a Navy man. He certainly gave us lots of great information about ships and the sea at the beginning of Passion.

I've had some trouble watching all the episodes in a timely manner, so I haven't seen this one yet. I'm working at home today, so I just might try to squeeze it in on my lunch hour. I don't know if I can wait any longer than that!

And I'll add my "yes yes" to the recommendation of Mexican hot chocolate. I don't take a "Mexican" restaurant seriously if they don't have it.

I'll also add my "yesyes" to the praise of Sofia's facial expressions. It's interesting to watch her and Fran react to Lis. Fran rolls her eyes openly and makes other blatant signs of disgust because she's used to being around someone who can't see her reactions. Sofia is much more subtle, yet her scorn still shines through when she knows someone's putting on a show for her benefit. :)

Thanks, Margarita, for another great recap. Having been there and done that 3 times, I am usually panting and grunting right along with the women during scenes of labor and deliver , but Grita was on her own. I just sat back and watched. Mario is such a hero...the pirate with a heart of gold. It's nice to have a hero to run someone through with his sword to defend your honor...or maybe just say, ''Don't talk to your mother like that, Missy.'' The actor who plays Mario really knows how to bring a character to life. Pero....What will happen to poor Mario now?? Even though Lafont and Jorge wanted the increasingly obnoxious Gonzo dead , is Mario going to be punished for defending the ladies's [and Vasco's] honor??? I hope that having the padrino in town is good news for Ric. Foreman seems to be trying not to give Lafont and Jorge the info they seek on Ric. I hope that he will prove to be an ally. La Paisana is definitely fond of both Ric and Mario, so let's hope she can be helpful to Ric in his hour of need. Fernando is great at depicting a sexy angst. He gets better with each novela. And it appears that RicRicRic has awakened Camila's inner sex kitten because although the falling anvils seem to have flattened Ric's libidio just a tad to the point that he is not completely focusing on puuting the moves on Camila 24/7, Camila is unwrapping the goods and hearing lyrics in her head :''I know what I want, and I want it now..'' Gee, with all those layers and layers of clothes, it must have taken 15 minutes to get nekkid back in the day. I love this show. It keeps churning forward. Can't wait to see what happens next. ~~~Mad Bess, still singing that song

Oh, no Ferro! Two in one week! I'm sorry. :(

Ferro~~~Welcome back. So sorry to hear of your losses. Please know that you are in my thoughts. I missed you. Hope that you'll be able to jump back on this terrific roller coaster ride that we are on. p.s. Speaking of regulars gone missing, where are Jardinera and Jeanne ??? They haven't posted for awhile. I remember when we got back from Canada after a few days of not posting...I was amnazed to find lots of messages left for me..''Where are you?'' don't phone; you don't write .'' That was back in the days before I had not taken on my pirate personna of Mad Bess and was just plain Susanlynn. It's nice to be missed..even in cyberspace.

Ferro, may the smiles you find here bring you respite.

MMM was so funny running up onto porch rails, kicking off potted plants and looked like he was trying to dazzle his victim. But the man insisted: to the death. And then to have MMMario looking into his eyes as his life drained away was so chilling. What directing! What acting! I love these people's work.

Wow! was Mario in good form! And he did have a really murderous look on his face!
Anvils falling all over the place! But didn't it seem like they left something out after Mario killed Gonzo and the soldiers showed up? More editing out?

Can't wait to see tonight's!!!

Wasn't it good? I was impressed with the actor that played Gonzalo, he was alive looking at Mario and then his eyes went dead, that is good acting.
I just wanted to add that Jeanne has been under the weather, and to use her own words a little oversubscribed. She left a message over at the Juan side that she was not going to be posting as much as she did before.

Maricruz~~~Thanks for the update on Jeanne. Please let her know that I miss her and will keep her in my thoughts. She always livened up the discussions and gave me some smiles and giggles. It seems that lots of people are fighting nasty bugs. Hub, my daughters, and I have been passing the germs back and forth since Thanksgiving , and my students have been sick alot this winter.

As far as I know, Jardinera is well - but she's been on the road and it's possible that her boss is cramping her style. ;-)

MadBess, I hadn't thought about the weight of all Ri-car-do's cares and woes. You're right. This could definitely having an impact I think, and he just might become, shall we say 'unavailable'? ;-)
Its time for Camilla to protect her man! ...go strangle Tia and Liz. Whorsela will let you in the side door.

BlackHearted Becky I thought there must be a whole lot of something missing. Like going to the jail to see MMM before going to bed! ... Unless I'm confusing the bed scene with promos for tonight's episode?

RedMargarita, thank you and I loved your episode title. and also "Rita says she thought she was going to die. We, the audience, collectively sigh our disappointment it wasn’t so."

The episode ended right when Cami told Ric about Mario. So, it must be the promo that is confusing everyone since there was no bed scene after that.

Is Pasion on tonight ? My TV schedule lists Al Diablo con los Guaypos from 8 to 10 ????

LOVED seeing Mario in his fight! The fight, the expressions, the whole thing. I thought for sure LaFont would kill Gonzalo and frame Ricardo for it, but this was better.

And Vasco ... sigh ... he'd probably be the first to say he's a lover, not a fighter.


Mad Bess, I'm pretty sure the promo after the show said mañana, so I wouldn't trust your TV schedule.

Also, I was thinking Ric was just trying not to pressure Cami too much after he got her to give in the night before, but maybe I was giving him too much credit :-)

Thanks Margarita, excellent job on the recap!

Ferro, thank you for checking in. I'm sorry to hear of your difficult times.

It seemed like this episode was the first time that Ric really gave Lis the "OMG you're totally BSC" look. Also, I loved how she got pissed off and started yanking out her dolly's hair. Lis is awesome; I love her insane behavior.
Sylvia, gleefully appreciating the best of the bad.

I didn't get a chance to watch during lunch, so as you can imagine, every comment just has me more tantalized. (Lis pulling her doll's hair??)

Does anyone else see a facial resemblance between Ursula and Lis?

No show tonight. The previews last night said Friday and the schedule has Diablo on for two hours...

Sweet that means I can catch up finally!

I almost hope it is off tonight, so I have a chance to catch up. Anyway, I don't know if I can take much more excitement. :)

Poor Vasco--how humiliating. Gonzo got rid of him pretty easily. LOL!

I cracked up when Mario did a "Juan Querendon" (beating the chest, posturing, and starting to strip), and it excited me so that my brother came all the way downstairs to see what I was jumping up and down and hollaring about. All he could hear was "Get him, Mario! Beat him like he stole something! Whoop his @$$!" GREAT fight, stepping on the sword, using a monk as a stepping stone, the eyeball to eyeball thing, Mario stabbing the fool without even turning around... Mario standing there in the aftermath with his hair all a'tumble made me want to rip his shirt OFF (sorry Ric, Saintly, Scani, but I'm just telling the truth). "Main Man Mario" is right.

Good for Jime and Cami, sticking up for themselves. Bye-bye, Gonzo (wasn't that one of the Muppets?).

Rita says she thought she was going to die. We, the audience, collectively sigh our disappointment it wasn’t so. LMAO!

Finally Cami and Jime are getting out of there. If only Ric and Mario were going with them...

Nicely done, RedMargarita.

Thinking of ferro and familia...

Thanks for the detailed and delightful recap, Margarita. I liked the line about Vasco, "proving that he has no usefull skills whatsoever." And then, a flourish of trumpets and roll of drums when Mario steps in to clean up the mess.
I was another one hollering and jumping in my seat, encouraging Mario. That man has some great moves. There were so many witnesses for self-defense (or defense of the ladies), that I hope Mario's not in jail for long.
Ric's stock really went up with the locals when Don Gaspar came to town. Again, hoping for some help with Ric's problems.
Ferro, sorry about the losses in your family. It's even more
difficult when that kind of situation is multiplied.
La Paloma

Thank you for the great recap Margarita.

So sorry about your losses Ferro.

This whole name and marriage problem always confuses me. It seems like it's the people who are getting married, not the names. If they were just in Scotland, they would be married because they have called each other husband and wife in front of witnesses. I understand that the civil marriage is invalid, but it's still not clear to me whether the church gives their vows any meaning. And why don't they just take a trip to an island they don't plan to return to and get married under their real names there?

Cami Supporter

I will guess that Mario is being arrested for show, and in private Jorge might just give the guy a medal.

Cami Supporter - like Don Gaspar said, "we must respect the laws of men." I guess that makes sense in a place where church and government are still closely related (like apparently Gaspar has high-ranking connections in the Spanish government). It doesn't sound as though he actually disapproves of them as a couple - he's just eager to make it legal.

They could get married on some faraway island with their real names, but that wouldn't solve their problem: it'd still be his real name on the marriage certificate and therefore they couldn't dare show it to anyone who needed proof of their marriage; and if the people who did the ceremony knew the name "Salamanca" they might still be tempted to turn the couple in.

Ai-yi-yi! I thought it was my lucky day when we got to see Foreman on a horse (being a bit of an equestrienne myself, I always appreciate a man who can cut a dashing figure on his seed - and good lord, this novela is full of them!), but Mario, Mario! You are indeed the man! Good-night, Gonzo! I'd say it was nice knowing you, but it really wasn't. Hate to see you come, but love to watch you go!

Is there any chance we're lucky enough to have Fuego be a period novela as well? I couldn't really tell from the short promo I saw, and I have a hard time getting into even English TV if it doesn't have that 'fantasy' aspect to it - I missed you all terribly after Alborada ended, but between a rash of computer problems and the rash of modern novelas, I just sort of fell off the good ship Caray for a while. It's like some sort of crazy extended family around here!

Er. Also. His steed. The image of the boys riding around on plan sprouts was about the least of the crazy ideas invoked by that typo, there...

Dunno, Mad Marley... it's pretty funny just the way you wrote it. :)

Ferro, glad you are back and so sorry for your loss, too.

Well, since there is no Pasion tonight (boo hoo!) we can comment for another day (yay!).

Remember when Vasco was beaten up by Ric awhile back? He definitely is not a fighter!

And the look on Cami and Ric's faces when Gaspar chastised them was priceless! Don't want this show to end any time soon...

Ok, now I'm really bummed that I missed last night's episode. I had checked on YouTube and according to those episodes Mario and Gonzalo's fight should not have occurred until episode 61.

Is it possible that Univision is cutting the novela shorter? Or maybe it aired differently in Mexico due to a special circumstance and so it appears differently on YouTube?

I'm really upset I missed the big fight (it's not the same to watch it on YouTube), but I'll be even more upset if Univision is cutting scenes.

BTW, Fuego en la sangre is not a period novela. It's supposed to take place in present day. It is Mexico's remake of Colombia's Pasion de gavilanes which aired on Telemundo a couple of years ago.

Sorry to hear about your losses Ferro.

In case anyone is wondering, there is about 3 inches of snow where I live in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. I swear I have never seen it snow like it did this afternoon. The snowflakes were as big as cotton balls & they were coming down fast & furious! It took me an 1 1/2 hrs. to make what is normally a 30 min. trip home. Me & some of my neighbors took pictures & had fun playing in the snow. Supposed to get more tonight so I may not be going into work around mid-morning on Friday.

Well last nite my favorite scene was Mario's whoop a** on Gonzo (sorry the Muppet Gonzo is Until the scene with the archbishop, Cami & Ric. Cami & Ric's faces were absolutely PRICELESS!! They both looked like two kids who got caught with their hands in the cookie jar. What were they going to do, argue back at the archbishop?!?! I gotta give kudos to Fernando & Susanna for their acting on that scene cuz it was great!

Oooh I can already see the fireworks between Ursula & Lis. Meow!!

I have found my own answer. The person who posted the videos on YouTube explained that episode 60 only aired for 30 minutes due to a special program in Mexico.

Good thing I found out quickly or Univision would have felt my wrath. So I guess now the episodes will be different than those found in YouTube.

Man...can't believe I missed that fight!

Julie, thanks for answering my question. I was thinking of the secret marriage solving more long term problems (and the "living in sin" problem). I'm sure Ric's real name will come out eventually, and then they can say "See, we're really married", solving any censure problems. My faraway island idea was so they could slip in and out and no one would know where they went if they wanted to report them. Do I think about this way too much, or what?

Cami Supporter

Ah, well. I knew the notion was too good to be true! Maybe I'll give it a try anyway. Broadening my horizons, and all that. Thanks for the fill-in!

Julie - They don't call me mad for nothin'! My too-quick fingers, my just-slightly-over-there mind, my accidental rapier wit...

Hey folks =)

Ferro, sorry about your losses. Death is painful enough on its own, can't imagine having two so closely together.

Sorry I haven't commented much lately. I've been too swamped to keep up with all the posts (especially since we are such a large happy group, 43 comments on this one alone!) and usually end up answering questions long after they were posted!

I have no idea how much validity there is in weddings at sea, but apparently a sea captain can marry any two people on international waters (dunno if they get any written proof though). If this is the case, Ric could ask El Chino (being he gets along with him better than Juancho) to marry him and Cami on his boat. He could also ask La Paisana who actually likes him, but I don't think she has her own boat, so who knows if she can be considered a captain. This of course would only take care of Cami's concerns, at least until Ric's name is cleared.

As for whether Cami's money would go to the Freemasons, I think that would happen if Cami gave Lis the money directly. If Ric, as Cami's husband and controller of her money, were to give the money to Lis, they could argue it wasn't her, but her husband. If she lost her money because of the ED letter, they would invalidate the marriage, and thus the whole will. This would then pass the money to Lis as Tim's next of kin. Ditto for Cami as part of Tim's property =( It's not that Tim's ED makes him unable to draft his own will. Instead, it supposed that the will was written to become effective after Tim consummated his marriage. It didn't happen, so it's not valid yet (nor ever since he would never pull it off). That's my interpretation, but I could certainly be wrong (and have been more than once, or twice, get the picture).

The upcoming "Fuego" seems set in fairly modern times, but at least it seems to takes place in a distant land. We see Eduardo Yañez in a big sombrero riding his horse through a plantation and Adela Noriega in some equally agrarian gear. There was also a shot of Yañez kneading bread, which was kinda hot.

I have no idea whether the judge will rule that Mario acted in defense (of others if not his own) because of the evidence, or if Jorge will use this as further proof that Ric must be a pirate. Hopefully the presence of Gaspar will lead him to let justice work on his own. Unfortunately, this could take a while, and poor Mario might be stuck for a while (and develop even worse cabin fever). Maybe they'll let him have some conjugal visits with Jim. She'd make a good pirate queen if Mario agreed to marry her and take her to sea with him.

I know, Cami Supporter... we can't help it. :)

LMAO @ mad marley!

Your "seed" comment was awesome. :D

All I can say is, thank goodness I didn't miss anything last night because Wednesday was a humdinger.

Not to sound like a broken record but Mario, you da man! Gotta love Jimena too...the 2 of them take no guff from anyone. Grrrr!!!!! Vasco: what you see is what you get. Not a lot there but nice to look at. Lis: you are nasty...blind but nasty. I'm looking forward to Whoresula & La Lis rolling in the dirt & messing up their intricate hair-dos.

Nice to see women of a particular age with all the brains (Sofia & Ofelia). They're not marginalized & they see the big picture. Love 'em both.

Cami: girlfriend, it's about time you started stripping the million layers of clothes off of your husband. There's quite a few of us who can show you how it's done...

Thanks for the awesome recap! Don't know what I'd do without all of you!


I had to pause! Margarita! and compliment you on the description of the fight!!!!!!!!!!!! and all that extra info about the short swords/rapiers. Thank you Margarita, details so descritive that I got excited again!

This comment has been removed by the author.

I'm finally all caught up now with yesterday's break -
Jimena certainly did look turned on after Mario killed Gonzalo, now there's a woman who would appreciate being a Pirate wife. I'm sure that's how it will work out with her and Mario, she won't be the wet blanket "change your ways and become a shepherd" wife like Camila.

Speaking of - Camila being like that annoys me, but how appropriate! Think about how often so many women choose the bad boy over the nice guy and then are immediately up in arms over why that bad boy won't suddenly settle down with kids and get a real job. Some things never change.

Thank you all for your well wishes, I'm taking one more week off from recapping tonight while we get our home life back on some regular schedule and I'll be back next week.

And, bad boys say they want to change; either because they are sincere or they know they ought to say it. I'm reminded of when early in their relationship Ri-car-do was telling Camilla how tough the life of a pirate and Cami said something like, ...and you enjoy the danger. Ricardo was smiling with that well-ah-shucks-I'm-good-at-it until he lifted his eyes and saw Cami's reaction.THEN he went on to say he wanted to leave that lifestyle. ...but I caught him and thought his save was smoothe.

Margarita: What a great recap! The sword fight was great to watch, but your description and use of terms for various moves was an unexpected treat! Thanks! --Had a great LOL moment reading your remark about GRita's birthing and us in Viewer-ville "collectively sighing" our disappointment at her not departing post-partem.
Ferro- Glad you're finally back and my sympathy to you and yours over not one, but TWO deaths so close together.
The Blizzard From Hell caught me on the road and I am happy as all getout not to have been turned into a permanent popsickle. However, stranded as I was I have had to catch up myself on the last 2 episodios. WELL WORTH THE WAIT!! MMM did me proud and I was cheering like crazy once Gonzalo got it through the proverbial gizzard. Vasco was such a stunning disappointment, I was embarrassed for Camila, not to mention poor Inez.......

Don't understand why it doesn't occur to Don Gaspar to do a quickie wedding in secret to square it with God, but what do I know? Looking forward to more fireworks this evening!

I think he said that God was okay with it... it's the laws of man that he's worried about, and for that they need to be able to put Ric's real name on a marriage certificate.

(I typed "gift certificate" first. Hmm.)

Okay, I finally saw this! Whee

Man, Vasco can't fight for crap, can he? That was sad!

In addition to fighting corps a corps, I believe the habit of fighting with an additional, shorter weapon in your nondominant hand is called main gauche. Who knew we'd be doing so much French in one episode?

I wonder what was Ursula's real reason for sending Fran and Lis straight to their room? I mean, I know she just doesn't like them anyway, but was she just doing it to be mean, or was she trying to make them think that Sofia was snubbing them?

I thought it was funny that Lis told Clotilde they'd keep her on. Did it never occur to Lis that someday the nosy maid just might spy on her, too?

And am I crazy, or did Lis and her doll have the same hairstyle?

Finally, what is it with Ric always waiting too long to tell things to Camila?? He knows it pisses her off, why push his luck? And what if she goes out and buys a Ferrari or something??

Ferro. I, too, am glad to see you back and so sorry for your losses. How nice that you can share this information with your "extended cyber-family."
Re going to some far away island--I don't think it's possible for Cami to go anywhere secretly, not with those family members and friends. Secrets are not all that well-kept around San Fernando.
Loved the respect and awe engendered by the archbishop. Imagine having that kind of power? Who has that kind of power in AND out of their own country in this day and age? --I guess only the Pope.

Julie~~~~Do you remember the episode of Highlander called ''Duende'' where Duncan and some evil Spanish immortal dueled with swords in one hand and daggers in the other while staying inside a circle ??? Mario is handy with both sword and dagger...whataguy . I think that he is Fernando's best sidekick ever.

Madbess/Susanlynn: Mario is certainly the most entertaining.

Ferro and Family-- a cyber abrazo.

Red Margarita Bonney-- I think the theory (legal and prolly even in the eyes of god, or the god-guy-in-red with the kissy ring (all right I'm catlick, so I can crack that way!) is that your marriage is void if you do not consummate it. Since his man-cane was worthless, there was no marriage. something like that.

And as for Mario-- I betcha his man-cane works just fine. :)


(I typed "gift certificate" first. Hmm.)

Well, I guess we know what someone wants for Christmas. ;D

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