Thursday, March 06, 2008

Thursday March 6: Univision gives us no Pasion

What gives? They tell us Pasion is in the final phase and then they yank it until Friday for 2 hours of Guaypos?


What the?!?@%#? Somebody mentioned this possibility on last night's comments but I didn't want to believe it.

When the Tivo didn't record it I looked it up online and it says that there was a two hour guapo. Hopefully that was so because if it wasn't I missed it!

Exactly my thought, Margaret! I am still watching (even though I haven't had time to comment), but when I saw there was no Pasión from the ads last night, I was incensed!


Margaret - It's unfortunately so. I caught Guapos skimming channels about 9:30 and repeated the impolite remark I made when I read the TV Guide listings. I don't spend all day wondering if it's Pasion time yet just to have my cozy rug yanked out from under me, demmit!

RATS! This is the week I have no evening meetings so can watch every episode and what dirty trick do they play on us! UNFAIR.

So next week I am the emergency hostess for El Grupo the Spanish speaking group in the Albuquerque that meets every other Thursday most of the year with a few breaks. If any of you will be in the Albuquerque area on the 13th, let me know and I will send directions to my house. There will be about 30 to 50 people mostly all speaking Spanish with a strong possibility of guitars and singing. Spanish speakers from all over the Hispanic world are in this group. It's the best thing about Abq. Let me know when you can join us!!

Excuse me I'm going to go sulk

I just don't understand why they wouldn't air Pasion annoying...I made sure to be home, so that I wouldn't miss it after I missed yesterday's awesome episode and this is how I'm rewarded?

Is it normal to call it "etapa final" when there are 37 episodes left?

The absolute noive. Maybe for some special programming. But just for an extra hour of Guapos? WTH?

JEANNE! You're here! Someone mentioned that, over on JUAN, you said you weren't feeling well and wouldn't be around much. I've been worried...

Good to see you. :)

I was so excited to see Captain Jenny Cash/Schoolmarm/Jeanne, that I forgot to use my pirate name. LOL!!

Silly me.

You folks are a hoot. I noticed yesterday afternoon that Guaypos was listed for 2 hours with no Pasion. Bummer...and as Mad Marley said...demmit. Que the hell? Well, here's my theory : I think that TPTB know that Pasion has a strong fan base , so perhaps they are trying to get us to watch Guaypos in the hope of getting more viewers for that show. Sneaky sneaks. JMHO Cheryl, I wish that I lived closer so that I could take you up on that invitation. I could sit there and not know what 90% of the conversation was about !! I am sooo looking forward to seeing some Pasion tonight. p.s. About Rita's problemos with the lactation.... could it be a way of underscoring the idea that Rita is so egotistic and selfcentered that she is even to selfish with her own baby to provide her with nourishment. I thought it was interesting that Rita's first comment was ''I thought I was going to die.'' instead of what most new mothers' first woeds are ''Isn't the baby beautiful.'' JMHO

I know it's kind of vicious, but when I heard about Rita's lactation problem, my first thought was, oh good, maybe she's got some kind of problem and will still die! The baby can survive, they just have to find her a wet nurse.

WHY!!!!?? was my response to a tv screen, and I continued asking 'wha' before accepting that no special event had caused a time delay for Pasion. I think you're right maddbess, that they want to drum up viewers for Guapos. I certainly don't want to see that show now.
I rewatched the previous taped episode of Pasion. And I was wondering too about those gifts for the new mom. They sort of looked like what my GrandMother called 'tits'. The 'tits' were little clothe hankies with sugar lumps soaked in breast milk tied up inside. They used them until the new mother's milk was flowing.

Cpt. Bonney, very interesting obvservation about the 'tits'. I'd never heard of that. I discover a lot of cool things from everybody's comments. Thanks!

Hilda - they're not calling it etapa final. They're calling it etapa culminante. That'd be the climactic chapter - when the problems hit the highest point (or lowest, in terms of misery).

What this might mean is that we could actually get a denouement (in drama, this is the "unraveling" or solving of all the problems).

What usually happens is the novelas I'm seen before is that the climax and resolution all happen during the last week (sometimes the last two or three hours!). The anvils all fall and are quickly dealt with. I hate that. It's insane. I want a reasonable way of solving problems, and more than five minutes of happiness after the Big Problem is overcome.

Julie, Hilda was right, on Wednesday they changed the preview shot from etape culminante to etape final, at least here in Nuevo Mex. What one usually sees when there are about six weeks to go is Ultimas Semanas. That should be in a couple of weeks. Without giving any information of plot away, the series did end in Mexico in about the 3rd week of February and I believe it is about two to two and a half months behind here.
Have no fear, Fuego en la Sangre looked hot when I saw 2 or 3 episodes of it in Mexico in January. Imagine having Eduardo as a scruffy bearded, hot bread making peasant as a consolation prize to soothe our fevered brow when RicRicRic rides or sails off into the sunset....

Eduardo of Destilando fame?? Sorry, Ric is still numero uno for me with MMMMMMMario & Ascanio tied for second place. But I'm sure I'll find a way to watch the brawny boy with the big grin!

Yes, least when Pasion ends and Fernando is gone, we will still have Eduardo to drool over !!!!!!! :)

Madd Maggie, I have only seen MarioMarioMario come out as the bad guy in other novelas I've seen in the past. They should make him one of those tough leading men. Preferably in another period novela!!!Wouldn't that be great???

BBecky: yes, I agree, Mario should get his shot at leading man. I'm sure his unconventional looks (not the drop-dead handsome type, for sure) put him in a class by himself but I think he'd be terrific. Liam Neeson isn't classically handsome but you wouldn't catch me kicking him out of bed for making crumbs!

It crossed my mind as well that GRita deserved her lactation problem with that ugly-sour-mean disposition she's been carrying around, and thank god the poor baby wasn't partaking of said milk. But I didn't want to offend anyone who might have suffered heartache over that very problem themselves.

But I did think it in imaginary character GRita's case! Yes, I did.

Sorry! I didn't realized they switched to Etapa Final after, what, just a couple of days? How confusing! (No, I still haven't seen Wednesday's episode yet!!)

I went to a Tastefully Simple party at my daughter's house tonight ,and Hub assured me that he was taping Pasion for me. I had a good time at the party...feeling smug in the knowledge that I could enjoy tonight's episode when I got home. But...guess what...he somehow only taped the last 15 minutes. Que the hell ? I wonder if he did that on purpose. I am not happy. Guess I'll go to Youtube and see what I missed. I'm pretty sure this is grounds for divorce. ~~~Mad Bess, packing her bags

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