Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Yo Amo a Juan, Mon. Mar.17 Carumba, It's Too Hard to Make a Joke About Tonight

About the burro, this one isn't stubborn, he's too loaded down to move. Jethro's life looks pretty lujo compared to this.
Tonight there won't be many revels in the name of Santo Patricio here in el mundo de Juan. The quick and dirty of last Friday's ending scenes. Mareli's wedding is ruined, she is crying in the garden. Fernando's unearned dreams are dashed, he's crying at home. Juan arrives at Campeoni to come face to face with Paula, neither of them is crying for sure, but big smiles for both.
Alirio is assuring Nidia that the clouds from her beautiful eyes are clearing in nebulous Alirio style. We are saved from a boring Alirioism by Juanito trotting down the stairs with the news that Marely is NOT in her room. Across town, Cesar Luis and Paula again receive congratulations on her pregnancy followed by the news that there is no fiesta inside rather a wake (velorio), there was no wedding. Alirio conjures up visions of the horrors of a damsel alone in wicked Mexico City, Nidia adds her own bit of melodrama pointing out that she is not only alone but has no money with her. Well, with that décolletage, wherever was she going to hide pesos? Paula calls Nidia's house where Alirio grabs the phone, shouts at her that Marely is not there and hangs up without ever noticing who called. Paula speaks of her hatred of Perafan.
At casa Cachon, the assembled members pace and wring hands, when Juan returns from tucking in Fernando he reports him as destroyed as he receives the news of Marely's disappearance. He joins the pacers. Meantime, Marely is in a taxi and on getting out because she has no money, she tries to give the engagement diamond as payment but the taxista has a good heart and won't accept such an excessive payment. She cries down the street, replaying the wretched moments of Nidia's and then Fern's confessions. Back to the pacers all taking turns around the room. Finally when Yadira is on the verge of calling the police to report her, Marely knocks (guess there wasn't even room for a key in that dress). Nidia starts to carry on but Marely cuts her short with Don't touch me! She stomps up the stairs
Fern looking pale green in his jammy bottoms, sobs over a phone and lies on the couch, still telling himself there is something he can do to fix this.
Up in Marely's room, Juan comes in to comfort her but in explaining how he counseled Fern to come clean to her about his past, Marely suddenly clicks that Juan knew, she begins to scream that she was the only stupid one and everyone else knew, Get out of my room, leave me in peace. Juan tries to make himself small and gets out the door. Both are collapsed on the floor on either side of the door, Juan suffers for his little rose garden.
Kike, suddenly the knowledgeable one explains to Yadira for a change that Juan tried to get Fern and Nidia to tell Marely the truth. Yadira says even though her mother is slightly nuts (cascas ligeras) the men in this case are all cowards, most of all Fer but also Juan and also Kike. She shrieks that he is underhanded (solapador) and kicks him out of the bedroom. Kike stumbles into the hall way toward Juan. They commiserate. Meantime bedroom number 3 is heating up with Alirio wanting to pontificate and Nidia kicking him out. Moments later the three rejected, dejected ones share a couch each hugging their pillows. [ed note: not sure why Juan didn't go to Juanito's room].
Next morning, Gaytan greets Ivonne with his good news. She has an atrocious hangover (cruda atroz) and eyes him with complete ill humor. She can't even get excited about the failed wedding which Gaytan gayly calls the sunken canoe (hundio la chalupon). Yadira is yelling at her mother now that she finally understands the trickery (muela) of Nidia and Fern having been "novios". Alirio shows up trying to get in on the confidences, assumes that Yadira is wasing the dirty laundry and making confessions to her mother. He almost gets it but never quite. So he goes on to complain of being cuckolded and mostly about his stiff neck. (tortícolis).
Upstairs, Juan x 2 are dressing, drenching themselves in manly perfumes and discussing why Juan can't just make Marely happy by being novios right away. Juan explains to -ito that Marely needs a little vacation from love. They all assemble downstairs, an armored Marely, tells them she plans to move out. Juanito answers the phone, its for Alirio, Kike is going to see Anga on his way to work.
Juan actually is the one meeting with Angarita, they plan their assault to get Campeoni. Anga is ready to fight to a Knockout! Anga adds that they have new challenges and mentions Paula and tells Juan he is the new operations advisor since he can't go to the meeting, he smiles mysteriously.
Nidia brings a breakfast tray of peace to Marely's bedroom but she rejects all forays. Kike is actually with Fern. Commiserating that he is lucky he didn't get married, his own marriage is on the rocks and he looks at Fern's life as peaceful. His marriage to Yadira has hit bad times.
Juan and Juanito are enjoying a sunny day in a park they come upon a large stone statue that Juan tries to bluff his way through explaining as a woman (not), solidly built (macizo) but is probably representing the tortilla! A friendly voice calls out no, no that is Tlaloc . The handsome couple turns out to be none other than our Pomposos. Profe continues on how Tlaloc is the god of rain and fertility. Juan regales them with a recap of how well the contest went, how well the ladies are, the pearls he adds and Sra. Pomposa smiles her approval. Juan asks advice for schools for Juanito. Pomposo reveals that he is actually a primary school teacher and can recommend a good school. Juan thought bubbles over Juanito's crest fallen face that his will hit Juanito like a bomb but he has to go back to school. But not today, the two finish the day with a boat ride and endearments at bedtime.
Next morning, Juan is striding up the stairs to Campeoni's headquarters admiring the legs of a lovely young woman, then admiring the waist and figure and ....oh my it's Paula standing at the desk inside. They turn to each other with the two happiest grins we have seen in many days. After the break, Juan says he is representing Angarita but not in all his dreams did he expect to see her. They melt into you look goods, no you look really good, he says he is looking for Anga's new financial advisor, she grins that it is her [now we know why Anga had such a crafty grin on his face.] Well this gives Juan a blast of pleasure (chorro de gusto).
Fernando arrives at the office in dark glasses, Ivonne rather than rushing up with sympathy chides him as looking all washed up, exhausted (deja agotado). Monica is looking for him, he steps into her office and apologizes for being so late, she brushes it off and tells him she only needs him to prepare a cd of the materials for the proposal to buy Campeoni. Moments later Gustavo steps into Monica's office. His news is that he is going back to Miami.
The presentation at Campeoni is going great, Juan is so proud of how brilliant Paula is, everyone watches the beauty with great attention.
But back to this astounding development in Monica's office. He talks rapidly of having his real business in Miami and his house and all. She is stunned and wonders if he is just going to abandon his contract with Farell. He has only final reports to give and is essentially finished. He tells her he just decided last night and she is the first person to know. He asks her to come with him to Miami and then gets up to go. She has only until tomorrow morning to decide.
Monica strides into CL's office with the cd, papers and busily updates him on the preparation for the proposal presentation. Then hits him with the news that she won't be going to the meeting with him. He gasps, she says simply she has many things to do, she has to define some things in her life. This is more important to her than going to the meeting. When he gasps more, she reminds him that he has always done this closing of the deal (estocada) alone other times. He'll be great, she smiles and shoves off while he stands there.
Another morning and Nidia is trying to make amends. In fact she is cooking [ed note: who knew she could]. She tells Juanito that she is making "hotcakes" with nuts which is Marely's favorite breakfast. Marely swings through the kitchen, looks indignant at the latest peace offering and picks up an apple saying this is good as she leaves just as swiftly. Juanito tries his usual cheery condolences saying Nidia shouldn't be so sad, he will eat all of it. [What a sweet boy.] Nidia asks him, sniffling, to go watch TV while she makes some juice. Outside Yadira is leaving and runs into Profesor Topete who is off his motorbike and wanting to talk to her alone, not go into the house but walk along so they can talk privately. Juanito comes back in looking puzzled, he can't find the TV set. Nidia says it is in her bedroom where it always is, this is impossible it is huge, and didn't get feet and walk away. She goes with him to look.
Yadira faces Profe Paco who takes off his glasses while he tells her their friendship has reached another stage and he wants a personal and intimate relationship. She jokes, giggles and suggests he is exaggerating. He ups the ante by telling her he is lost in love with her and his life functions on hers. They can say to the devil with everything and go off to live happy.
Nidia is meantime trying to figure out what caged cat (mystery) or two footed rat is behind this TV disappearance. It couldn't have been thieves in the night could it? We hear intermittently about Nidia's worry that the grand cinema of Mexico will be lost to her and she will miss if the TV can't be found. [Kind of like the storms and problems some of us have had lately, it's horrible, just horrible].
Profe continues his declaration of love, he wants to be so much more than just her teacher, he want to have her at his side his whole life to see her grow and succeed. She is dazed, but catches sight of Kike approaching in his truck.
Juan and Kike appear and engage in the discussion of the mystery about the TV. Kike has shown up to see his daughter and goes up to see her. Yadira is amazingly sitting calmly on the bed near the baby's crib. She launches in about wanting to finish the divorce papers and hurry up, she doesn't want to be his wife.
Alirio jumps out of his chair in his office accusing Nidia of trying to give him an infarct when she comes in yelling about her missing TV. He tells a story of some friend down on his luck needing the TV and he will replace it with a plasma. But he is also yammering about his pride and cuckolding so one wonders if this is some oblique revenge [only Alirio can be this oblique]. Nidia yells about him for bringing his buddy Topete around all the time and this is endangering Yadira and Kike's marriage which is in crisis, CRISIS.
Yadira taunts Kike saying she can't stand him another minute, she is going to live with Professor Topete. Kike takes no prisoners either and says he too is more than tired of this marriage. But, there is one condition, he will sign the papers for divorce only if he gets custody of the baby. She says don't threaten me, but he says if he doesn't get his daughter he will not sign the papers and he will not agree to the separation.
Laura and Monica are discussing Gustavo's appearance in Monica's office and his proposal that she go to Miami with him. Laura takes the sensible lead that Gustavo has always adored her, there is nothing more for her here now, why not go out to a new life and a chance at happiness. Monica expresses fear of going off with someone she barely knows, and how she would miss certain things she loves like the company, and ... Laura finishes "and CL???" well yeah, Monica meekly admits, well sort of. Laura holds firm for Monica to take on this new life and not live to regret that she didn't grab her chance to be happy and to be a complete woman.
Nidia and Alirio are arguing again, this time something said about Paula, Marely is listening to the screams outside the door and bursts in demanding to know what about Paula. What new secret??. Alirio leaves, and Marely tells her mother she's waiting for an answer. Nidia tries to wiggle out by saying Marely's heart is too clean and white to hear such ugly things. She is filled with shame. Well, do you promise to forgive me ahead of time if I tell you? Marely says no, but tell me.
Paula and Juan emerge from the presentation in triumph bubbling to each other that this success could lead to them getting the company. Cesar Luis appears asking what Paula is doing with this guy (fulano). Juan's look of irony is punctuated with the reminder of any resemblance of reality being a coincidence. Perhaps, or perhaps not. More showdowns to follow.
Labels: Juan
Dark times at Casa Cachón, eh? Everybody is mad at somebody else and the anvils are falling like crazy.
Thanks Cheryl! That was an excellent recap of an episode that was filled with much conversation. You clarified several big question marks for me. Great picture too, it goes very well with the several burro dichos we have on the vocab list.
I know this is supposed to be a comedy, but I'm always distressed by the hurtful things Kike and Yadira say to each other. Now when Nidia rants and raves at Alirio, no problem!
But lots of sadness...first Fernando/Marely and ongoing Kike/Yadira....bring back the laughs please, writers! we've got enough sadness going on in our "real lives".
And also, even though Fern is a dufus and deserves what he got, he didn't look too bad without a shirt on...I never saw him in quite that light before. :)
Ronda in OR
Upstairs, Juan x 2 are dressing, drenching themselves in manly perfumes and discussing why Juan can't just make Marely happy by being novios right away. Juan explains to -ito that Marely needs a little vacation from love. I just love little scenes like this. LOL!
Dark times at Casa Cachon, indeed. :(
Cheryl, I forgot to thank you for the Tlaloc link. I fink when I'm not recapping I get quite lazy about some details, knowing (hoping) that you recappers will solve some of the cultural mysteries that elude me.
“nebulous Alirio style. We are saved from a boring Alirioism by Juanito” LOL! Alirio’s getting so predictable—what a spook. He gives me shivers. I had a boss like him once, and I’m surely glad I didn’t end up married to someone like this. (I don’t think the boss was so nefarious, but it’s been over two decades so my memory has faded).
Pastor made me cringe, too, when he faked his pleasure to congratulate them on Paula’s pregnancy. Ew. Sometimes I really like the man, and sometimes I wish he’d crawl back into his mudbank.
“with that décolletage, wherever was she going to hide pesos?” LOL! That was about the most risqué thing we’ve seen Marely wear, wasn’t it? Of course, she couldn’t have made it that way without Yadi’s help.
“three rejected, dejected ones share a couch each hugging their pillows. [ed note: not sure why Juan didn't go to Juanito's room].” Great observation, Cheryl, why didn’t they? It didn’t even occur to me. Maybe the writers were counting on that.
“Juan x 2” LOL! Very cute (them and your moniker for them)!
“Kike is actually with Fern. Commiserating that he is lucky he didn't get married” Sheesh. Timing is everything, and Kike’s is poor on this topic.
“will hit Juanito like a bomb but he has to go back to school.” One can only imagine the Pomposos idea of a good school. I see another scam coming. Juan dodged the bullet on the first one and got off easily. This time, his precious son is involved. Not good.
“she reminds him that he has always done this closing of the deal (estocada) alone other times” Heck, the woman never even worked with CL. She always had a job that made her travel. We remember that.
When Delirio received that phone call that Juanito answered, he told Delirio that is was someone like “Manzana” (apple) and it was probably Manzano. Manny probably got out of jail and is going to blackmail Delirio, so Delirio ripped off the TV to give to him.
Topete is an a**. That’s all I have to say about that. How could I have thought he was good-looking?
“grand cinema of Mexico will be lost to her and she will miss if the TV can't be found. [Kind of like the storms and problems some of us have had lately, it's horrible, just horrible].” Pobrecita!
Jeanne, I think you are right that the pobrecito that Alirio is helping must be his old sidekick out of jail. It was the only purely light moment in an evening of tristezas.
The Tlaloc is an interest of mine but I also wanted to start using html which I admire and appreciate being carried straight to additional information so I am going to try to add one in this message to see if it works. To wit, I have been building web albums on Slide.com and have a website on mac.com. Here I will try to imbed the slide.com page so you can see swirling santos, melting iglesias, revolving dogs, etc. I keep changing the special effects that are kind of gimmicky but ever so much fun to make. New Slides . Now lets see if I did the formula right.
It seems we all agree that this story line has gotten way too sad. We need some great belly laughs in the next few weeks.
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