Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Pasión, 03/17/08: The Jailhouse Rock …Er… Crock

We begin as Jorge, Al, Marcelino and Eustaquio are discussing why Cami spent so much money. It was to help out her family after the earthquake. Jorge says he wants the case settled ASAP since he’s upset at the huge amount he’s spending daily to keep the additional troops in the city. Marcelino wonders why they are even needed to begin with. Al gets huffy and tells him that “unfortunately (yes, yes you scum) Camila will have to be put in jail and her husband may try to rescue her.” Marcelino thinks it laughable, which irritates Al even more. “You don’t know him!” “---What do you mean I don’t know him?” Marcelino asks him. Eustaquio pricks his ears up at this but Jorge shuts this risky part of the discussion down saying it’s senseless. He wants to make sure then that nobody knows of his involvement in the trial and gives orders for them to say he knows nothing if anyone asks.

Outside Ric and his men arrive with numerous big chests as his part of the agreement to return the inheritance. He sends his men home against his man Jesus’ better judgment. Inside Eustaquio’s office the judge and Al are now arguing over some drastic measures Al wants to take against Ric. Al just wants to know if what he’s planning is legal or not. Eustaquio feels a gentleman’s word is always taken at face value but yes, it’s legal. Al gets testy again and insists that Ric is NOT a gentleman. Eustaquio mentions it’s the second time Al’s brought this up and wonders what he knows that the rest of them don’t. Al sneers it’s his “intuition.”

When Ric enters the office to discuss the terms of the agreement Al has already bullied the judge into allowing him to stay for the meeting between the two. Ric refuses to bring Cami back to appear in court to settle the matter. Al tells Eustaquio to leave the two of them alone to talk. Eustaquio, uncomfortable with this leaves them alone.

Outside in the plaza, Chip –maybe it’s Dale—and Santi ask one of the soldiers standing around why they’re there. He answers it’s to prevent an attack from pirates. Santi can’t believe it and the two walk on to the forge.

Once the judge has left his office Al sneers that they are going to lay their cards on the table and speak openly. He says that as the pirate known as El Antillano he will not keep his word. Ric smiles coolly and says he knows who Bouffy is too: someone who steals the King’s gold from caravans and sells it to an English corsair known as John Foreman. Bouffy is briefly impactado, having what seems to be a perfect Mexican standoff, but unfortunately for Ric it is only momentarily. Alberto recovers and tells Ric that despite knowing who is who, neither of the two has proof about the other.

Ric says he does have proof and mentions Al’s farmhand who sold the cart carrying his two stolen chests and that he recovered it. Bouffy smirks, self-assured now, and says it doesn’t mean a thing since the farmhand could have bought it from someone else and that it could have changed hands who knows how many times before. Therefore, being a pirate, his word to pay back the rest of the inheritance is worthless. Ric answers not as worthless as the word from a pig like LaFont. They both touch their swords, but Al catches himself just in time and laughs advising Ric not to bother provoking him into an argument in order to kill him. There are too many guards around and Ric wouldn’t get out alive. So, Cami must return. Ric is adamant. “She will NOT return!” Al says then they will just have to hold him hostage until she does. (I swear, the only thing missing in this scene is Uriel’s discarded mustaches for Bouffy to twirl.)

Over at Palace Mancera, meanwhile, Ursula makes her entrance and greets Uriel. She giggles at the fact he cut his mustache off. Uriel says her daddy said she didn’t like it and now he hopes she likes the new him. It’s all the same to her, not that she ever really took a good long look at him before she says and circles her new prey. Forunata frowns.

Ric is led to a cell. They take all his weapons away and lock him in down in the dungeon. (Well, hey. At least he doesn’t have to share it with 10 others.) Ric wipes at his nose from the smell.

In the meantime Cami and Jime gossip on the beach about what it’s like to make mad passionate love with a man like Ric–at least, Jime tries to wheedle it out of Cami. Cami is too embarrassed to talk about it. Jime says she hopes someday to have some hunk make her go crazy in bed. Cami says she has Mario, but Jime wrinkles her nose and says he’s just a playboy looking for a good time. She remarks at how different Cami’s two loves have been. Cami says basically they’re both the same: good men, noble and generous. “Ric is a bit more dangerous but Santi isn’t a coward either. He just thinks about things differently and sees things that happen as the will of God. “--and don’t ever underestimate the wrath of a godly man,” she tells Jime.

Bouffy tells Jorge that Ric is being held prisoner till he reveals where Cami is being kept. He says according to the law the authorities have the right to hold him till he talks. Jorge thinks it’s a bit extreme to hold him in jail. Al suggests they can allow him visitors and wait for him to send a message to one of his people and follow them to wherever Cami is hiding out. He tells Jorge that it is the opportune moment to get rid of Ric and avoid him giving them away as the ones attacking the money caravans, not to mention the future business deal they’ve just put together with Foreman. It seems Ric has most of it figured out already. The two of them speculate that Foreman must have told him about it.

Jorge asks what Bouffy has planned and he says he’ll get a brawl started in the jail with one of the guards. The guy, being excitable, will get into it with the guard and the guard can then kill him. Jorge isn’t very convinced because Ric’s death inside of the prison could prove very suspicious especially to Ric’s well-placed connections. People will start to talk because it’s not like a clean, fair fight in the middle of the street or something. Inside the jail there are other witnesses besides the guards themselves.

Al says this is more important than even getting back Lis’ money. Ric is unarmed, but if the reverse happens and he manages to kill the guard instead, then they can accuse him of murder. Jorge still refuses to agree to the plan. Alberto gets upset. “-- But something has to be done!” (Think about this, Al, before your megalomania turns obsessive, or perhaps it already has.) Jorge now looks resigned and nods.

Alberto later goes down to speak with the jailer and tells him that Ric is to be treated with deference. Any food he gets will not be common prison rations but will come from Al’s own household. The only thing he will not be permitted is visitors.

Clothilde is now at LaFont’s working for Lis and Fran again. Slavishly she promises to keep her eyes and ears open for them and come running as soon as she finds anything of interest to tell them and leaves. Fran says she is still worried that Ric might take the inheritance thing out on her. Clothilde comes back in to say Al is in the living room and wants to speak to Lis in private. Fran and Lis suspect it has something positive to do with the case so Clothilde takes Lis out to speak to Bouffy.

Alone, Al explains Ric’s situation to Lis. She gets upset when she hears he’s been jailed. He says if she wants to get her money back Ric’s got to be held hostage until Cami returns. She smirks and says Ric will die before he’s forced into telling them anything about Cami. Bouffy, who is more than a little jealous by now, suspiciously asks Lis point blank if she is in love with Ric. Lis quickly denies it, saying the one who should be imprisoned is Cami.

Bouffy tells her not to worry, Ric will be let loose soon; but it does worry him a bit that she should get so anxious about a guy who supposedly came to help her and deceived her instead. She makes excuses about Cami having snared Ric in her net. LaFont puts his hand over Lis’ now, rubs it slowly and says in a sad attempt at being romantic, “My Queen, Ric is no naïve youngster. He’s his own man and if he got involved with Camila it was because he thought about it long and hard first.” He moves in close and begins to kiss said hand, then Lis’ ear and then her neck. With each progressive nibble Lis’s eyes bug out bigger and her skin crawls more and more (--along with mine out here in televiewer land. Gawd, give me a shower!) Lis obiously didn’t count on this little …er…complication.

Across town Mannie is at evening prayers. She turns around to notice that Ascanio, back from his trip with a huge (and nasty looking) 5:00 shadow, has come to the service also and is sitting a few rows behind. She smiles at him; he looks a bit sheepishly at her. The service ends and they take a walk together with Agata uncomfortably forced to chaperone. He asks Manuela if she’s upset her father is marrying Lis or if she’s treated Mannie badly. Mannie says she scarcely has seen Lis, but she doesn’t like the way Lis is going after Cami taking her to court. As far as she’s concerned, if her father chose to give his money to Cami, then that’s that.

Mannie tells Ascanio she’s glad she thought to ask him to become her friend. He says it’s dangerous for her and worries that her father will take it out on her. He asks if Al hits her. She answers what fathers don’t hit their kids, and he says that doesn’t excuse it. Well, he doesn’t hit her, but he might lock her away in some dark place as punishment and adds she really is afraid of the dark. He wants to know what she really wants from him, friends yes, but.... Mannie smiles at him and says whatever God might want is what they’ll be. Ascanio says more likely The Devil instead. She replies that this is not the Devil’s work and he kisses her hand at that. He says the whole thing frightens him because of the danger to her, but she smiles back at him and says it fills her with joy.

Al has the Captain of the Guard, Carrasco, come to his home and he explains his plan regarding Ric. Since Ric is a gentleman he is to be treated like one he says. The next day he is to be taken briefly to the outdoor garden and cleaned up. Being that Ric is a meticulously neat person he won’t refuse the offer. Carrasco asks if Don Jorge has agreed to this and Al loses it again. “Of course Don Jorge agrees!” So Carrasco apologizes and leaves. Bouffy grumbles to himself about everyone always asking him if Jorge agrees. “Doesn’t my word count for anything??”

Just then Manuela arrives home late and makes some excuse to her father. She asks what the news is with Uriel and he informs her that Uriel is now going to marry Ursula. She tells Agata the news and Agata says that it doesn’t necessarily mean she’s going to be allowed to marry Ascanio, either, but Mannie says dreamily that she believes in miracles.

Across town Ines gets after Santi for refusing to intercede with Jorge to keep his pal, Ascanio, or Cami from what’s coming. She gets so angry at him and says if it’s because he’s still angry at Cami for marrying somebody else perhaps he should consider she might have done it in order to try to forget him. He says tough. Cami has a husband and it should be his job to protect her then limps self-righteously home.

GRita greets Santi (yeah, that was all he needed just then) and she asks for the details about what’s been happening to her sister. He tells her in short that she’s got to give back her inheritance but doesn’t have it all because of helping others out with it. He adds that it’s all Vasco’s fault for doing something rotten and cowardly to Cami in the first place.
GRita says it was more likely Cami’s fault for greedily marrying some old man for his money, like she did afterward with Ric. Everybody, she whines, wants to put Cami on a pedestal for no good reason, and so their life is turned upside down and they don’t sleep in the same bed even anymore. Because of her they argue all the time and …yadda, yadda, yadda. Santi gets angry and says Cami didn’t do any such thing and to stop griping already. In particular he doesn’t want to hear anything more about Ric-the-wretch and stomps off leaving GRita with nobody to b!tch to but the baby. (Poor baby, first curdled milk and now this kvetching from her mom all the time.)

It’s late in the afternoon and Jesus and the other pirate are becoming worried that Ric hasn’t returned from the court proceedings. They go into town to try to find him.

Inside the dungeon the jailer carries a basket with food to Ric that was sent over from LaFont’s house. Ric wisely suspects something and, deciding not to eat it, he asks for water to drink.

At the beach hideaway Cami tells Jime she’s afraid something will happen to Ric. She knows he’s impulsive, but Jime says if he were that kind of impulsive he’d have killed both Bouffy and Jorge long ago and been done with it.

Back at Frankenstein Manor Fran tries to calm Lis down about Ric being held hostage. She is telling her that surely they have jailed Ric in order to force Cami’s return to San Fernando so she will be forced to hand herself over to the authorities. Then they’ll surely let him go. Lis is feeling remorse for listening to Fran and definitely for ever having asked barfwad Bouffy’s help. Fran says, but you’ve got your money back now, don’t you? Lis argues it was necessary to jail Ric and she complains that now Ric is going to hate her for sure. (I thought she knew this going in.) Lis can’t stand it anymore and says she HATES, HATES, HATES Alberto and she should never have agreed to marry him. Fran and she end up griping again about who’s to blame and who approached him for help first. (Yawn.)

Ursula tells Fortunata that she wants to try Uriel out in bed before the marriage. This scandalizes Fortunata who is worried what would happen if Uriel should tell all this to her father. “Then he’s no gentleman. Besides, better a whore than a dried up old prune like you and my mother!!”

At the tavern Uriel tells Matteo he can’t take the time to go speak with Romeo Castillo yet. He’s got to woo Ursula. Matteo is anxious to get the new business rolling because he will need the cash coming in. He’s not going to be as well-fixed as Uriel now that Uriel is marrying Ursula. Uriel laughs (Woah! Try saying those two names together 10 times fast!) and promises to give him over the store once he’s married and has deep pockets.

Across the plaza Carrasco tells Jesus that Ric’s been jailed and no, they cannot see him. Jesus and the other pirate wonder who they can talk to about this and figure someone from the family could help, but they don’t know who would be part of the family. Just then they spot Ines and figure she visited so she must be either a friend or a relative of some kind. Jesus introduces himself and they tell her Ric is in jail. Now Ines is impactada with the shocking news.

At the prison, Bouffy is ticked when he hears that Ric refused to eat the food in the basket and he tells Carrasco to try again and leaves. Carrasco hides his disgust till after Bouffy’s gone then goes to see Ric with the basket. Ric says sorry, but he hasn’t had an appetite.

Ines tells Ric’s men she hasn’t the slightest idea why he’s been jailed, but Justo might be able to find out. Then she sees Bouffy in the plaza and runs over to ask why Ric’s in jail. He explains and says as soon as Cami appears they will let Ric out. Then, Bouffy takes a step towards Ines and caresses her forehead and cheek in another skin-crawling move of intimidation (and/or lust –hard to tell with him) while he asks her if perhaps she knows where Ric has Cami hidden. Ines pulls away and says nobody knows. He wouldn’t tell any of them either. Bouffy walks off and she goes over to explain to Jesus that once Cami returns they’ll let Ric go free.

Ines goes home then looking for help from Santi but Ofelia says he has gone to some fair to meet with some other businessmen and won’t be back for a few days. Ines tells her Ric is in jail. Ofelia is impactada and wants to know why.

Captain Carrasco tells Bouffy that Ric has now refused the second basket of food and they agree he must think it is poisoned. (Perish the thought!) So Al tells Carrasco to try something else, to take him out of his cell with a few of the other convicts and make up the excuse that the cells have got to be disinfected for lice and flees and whatnot.

Down in the dungeon Ric asks the jailer to get word to his men since they’ll be worried that he never returned home the night before. He’s willing to pay him. The jailer tells him he has orders that he is not allowed any visitors. This enrages Ric who says every prisoner has that right, but the jailer admits not everyone. The truth is, he explains, Don Alberto put him there and he’s afraid to cross him. In the end he agrees to take a message to Justo but he’ll have to wait till his shift ends to avoid suspicions.

A while later, Carrasco with the jailer nearby, makes up a story for Ric saying that they must go out to the courtyard because they must clean the jail cells to prevent epidemics. Ric and the jailer both think this is pretty strange since they know it to be generally unheard of, but Ric has no other option but to go along with it. He and three other prisoners are tied up and taken out of their cells.

Back at Ric’s Jesus and the other pirate decide that Mario needs to know what’s happened. Jesus tells the other guy to stick around there while he goes to find Mario and the others. Mario will decide what to do then.

Ines and Ofelia find Justo and tell him what’s happened and what they know. He decides to find Sofia and discuss it with her since none of them knows (and Ric had the foresight not to tell them) where Cami is hiding out.

Ursula is telling Uriel that she wants to go riding with him sometime soon as Justo arrives and is let inside to see Sofia. He explains what has happened and tells Sofia that Ric never told them where he sent Cami.

Sofia tells Ursula on her way out that Ric’s been jailed and she’s going to the prison. Once Justo and she have gone Fortunata, Ursula and Uriel consider it is probably because he killed somebody. Uriel tells them about how he nearly killed Gonzalo that night in the tarverna. Ursula thinks probably not, because her father would have hung him already. She says provocatively then thatshe would like to know some real pirates because they aren’t subject to laws and rules and regulations. Uriel says that’s because they are criminals who rob, rape and murder everyone (another guy who conveniently forgets what he’s been party too all this time). Ursula laughs and asks what high and mighty gentleman hasn’t done exactly the same? Uriel puffs and pouts self-righteously indignant.

Back in Jorge’s office at the city hall, Marcelino pleads Cami’s case to Jorge. He says this wouldn’t be right, particularly since Justo is a pillar of the community. Eustaquio again says the law is the law and if they back down with her then others will expect the same response tomorrow and the day after. Just then Sofia arrives with Justo, interrupts the meeting and says she’s waiting for Jorge to give her an explanation. Jorge says there’s not much to explain. The law is the law. Sofia answers that around there he makes the laws.

Jorge denies this and adds that once Cami returns her husband can pay the remainder of the debt off and that is that. Justo says the problem is that Ric’s money and belongings were stolen from the last caravan heist and he doesn’t have the money now to pay. This comes as a surprise to Sofia and Jorge plays dumb.

The prisoners are led to the free area inside the dungeon where there is a basin of water. The guards want to force Ric to approach the basin to get a bowlful of water splashed on him. He resists them, starting a brawl. The guards kick him and beat him with huge rocks. The jailer arrives a few minutes later and tries to calm them all down then advises the guards that Doña Sofia is outside and demands to see Ric.

Justo and Sofia wait for Ric who is helped by two guards to walk since he is almost doubled over because of the beating he got. The captain of the guard tells Sofia that there was a quarrel among the prisoners. Sofia doesn’t believe him and orders the guards to go for a doctor. The captain is worried and says that he has his orders and tries to justify himself. She says to get out of her sight. He says it’s against the law and Don Alberto has given him his orders. She says her husband is the law around there. She wants to forget his position and to order them to kill him (Al or Carrasco, I’m not sure). Sofia says she doesn’t give a whit for Alberto and he should tell him so; and if Alberto has the stones he should come and complain to her.

Carrasco delivers the news and Sofia’s message to Al and says Doña Sofia didn’t leave him any other option. Al says he has Jorge’s support in this but Carrasco says she’s Jorge’s wife. Al says for all the excited demands a wife makes she must bend when her husband demands it. Carrasco is too frightened to refuse Jorge’s wife and explains that when somebody that powerful puts themselves in the way, you have to bow to their will. Bouffy angrily screams that only cowards do that and he should have held strong.

Carrasco tells him nervously that Sofia says if he still disagrees then he should speak with her about it. Al, who by now has the red-eyed, wild Dr. Zorba look from old Ben Casey days going for him, blows his stack and yells, “Did you tell her I had something to do with this?” Carrasco stutters back no, excuses himself and scurries away. Bouffy is beside himself. “Stupid clod!” he grumbles and we are left to wonder if he meant Carrasco or himself.


I nominate Uriel for the calendar.Now that he's lost the stash. It was a nice touch having Grita tell the baby that Santiago doesn't love them.

Jardinera: A masterful and detailed recap.

How convenient of Santi to be out of town just when he's needed. It's about time he got on his high white horse and rode in and saved the day. It's now time for a true crusader to take charge. He's so high and mighty and jealous over two people who fell in love after he was out of the picture. For crying out loud, did he expece Cami to go live in a convent for the rest of her life?

LaFont has gone beyond malevolent. He now looks completely loony. How wrong can a guy be. He is so very mistaken if he thinks that putting Cami in jail will win Lis over. She is blind, but he cannot see. And, Auntie Fran is also a force to be reckoned with. She seems able to return his evil looks in kind. Or, is that just her norm?

Justice for LaBouffy would be the dungeon, not a quick slice of the sword.

Can't wait to see how Ric saves the day.

From lower Ala

Ok LaFont has to die now. After what they did to my Ric trying to poison him and ganging up on him while his hands was tied (because we know if Ric had his weapons they'd all be dead) was wrong. I was glad that Sophia and Justo showed up when they did and I'm hoping Camila doesn't stay put and come back so that Ric can't get out of that stinking jail and get LaFont, Jorge, and even Lis and Fran for their treachery.

I meant to say can get out of jail. I'm so angry at LaFont I'm making typos LOL.

Lafont wins the prize for extreme creepiness throughout this episode. Yuck, yuck, yuck!!!

A few seconds of Ascanio and Manuela cheered me up, but then Lafont came back and acted yucky again.

The mental picture of him twirling Uriel's ex-mustache did not make me feel any better. :)

It was a masterful recap!
I actually cheated this time and watched the episode beforehand on Youtube, read something from Esmas website ( all in Spanish) and also watched last nite with subtitles. But still missed some points. Thanks Jardinera for clearing up.
Yeah, Buffy IS creepy.
I have to give award to the actor who plays him, great job! Seeing his caressing of Liz ( and some of Ines) makes me shiver. His relations with Jorge a little bit cooled down. I remember him saying that Jorge doen't have friends, after Jorge probed him with knife.
I didn't like Santi's attitude as well - sooooo self-righteous. gees! Now I can see that he is a son of Jorge - genes talking!
I think that Urielsula will work out OK - she will probe him and he can't wait to be probed.
Hope Ric will get to Buffy soon, can't wait, he soo deserved it!

Eve from Cleveland

Great recap!!! Yuck! LaFont is so sadistic!! He reminds me of a gargoyle with those ugly looks he was giving to the guard and the lawyer!! Now Ric will surely kill him when he gets the chance! But first La Font will have to be jailed and tortured.....and THEN he can be finished off by Ric!!!

Can't wait till Lis has to marry La Font! They deserve each other! What a lot happened on this show!!!

Yeah, thats kind of quirky that Uriel doesn't seem to recognize himself as a landlock pirate; brutal killer and thief. Whorsela would just be more turned on. I still say Uriel comb out those dog bones on each side of your head!
Yikes, my goodness, that Buffant is so slimy. Even being sincere in his feelings for Lis leaves a nasty yucky shudder. Poor Lis. Still failing to 'get her man'. She just can't seem to come up with a plan that works. And now she and her partner are locked in, in more than one way. That devil Al has the keys to the locks girls.
I also felt a personal hate for Al and the judge daring to lock up my hero.
Meanwhile, isn't Inez coming along nicely?! She's on my list of best friend characteristics. Her brother needs to take note of how Inez is moving thru her heartache.
I must conclude even if or when Santiago takes steps to help Camilla he will be doing it for himself. He does not know how to love Camilla, except in relation to how she makes him feel. I think he is glad that Ricardo looks inadequate and like a failure. Probably the way he felt over the years that Camilla was away. If now he were to become her hero it would not gain him what he wants, for her to be his. So his angry response is 'not my problem'.

Jardinera, your recaps rock! Lots of humor, lots of clever sayings and best of all, packed with details. Now, on to Santi. Although I'm a great fan of his I'm too am getting a little impatient with his stubborness. By being more agreeable, he can move the story along. But I disagree with those who feel that it is his duty or obligation to intervene & save the day for either Cami or Ric. At some point, both of them has more or less told him to get out of their lives. So, now that he's out, he owns niether of them nothing. That said, I hope he does intervene soon as an act of kindness because I like Ric & Cami also. By the way Jardinera, I laughed non stop at your humorous remark "he limped away self righteously". That was so funny because there's no denying his limp does seem to have an attitude;.)

Anon01:03:00 PM ,
"Limp with attitude" - I like that!

Eve from Cleveland

Jardinera```Thanks for the detailed recap. I hate seeing my neat and tidy Ric in that filthy jail. We all knew that he would not allow Camila to come back and be thrown into jail or enslaved. And what was up with the guards laughing and rubbing his belly when his hands were tied and he was first in jail ??? Gay guards ? I liked the sweet moment that Ascanio o o and Manuela shared. These two sweeties belong together. After living with the repulsive Lafont, Manuela deserves a good guy who will treat her gently. I hate Liz, Lafont, and Tia....they deserve each other and a gruesome end. Ojala.

Anon, I agree that Cami and Ric have make it plain that Santi can not play the part in their lives that he wants to be. He has ignored her husband with him standing right there, to get across that Ricardo has no standing with him. He has been derisive and back-stabbing when Ricardo was not around. He has indicated to Cami that he is willing to be her man on the side and that their love is so strong that it would be okay to have an affair. Now just why shouldn't they want to exclude Santiago from their personal lives. Santiago even tries that stuff at family gatherings. Remember the Inez's wedding? Why with all those people around should Santiago be professing his undying love to Camilla!? No, he has made it plain; my way or the highway.
He owes Camilla. Because he loves her he owes her. I see it as because I love you I want you to be happy. If this man makes you happy; or a swimming pool and new car makes you happy, or cooking dinner and putting the kids to bed one night a week makes you happy, I owe it to you to do it. :)

Good lord! When I said we needed more non-Ric/Camila love scenes, I didn't mean LaFont! Every time he put a hand out, I imagined the poor victim running home and screaming, "Mommy, mommy, he bad-touched me!"

I almost want to see him try and pull something with Sofia, to see if that would finally put him over the edge with Jorge. I'm really starting to wonder which one will kill the other first - Jorge, to get Bouffy off his back, or Bouffy because somewhere in his warped mind, Jorge is becoming a hinderance to him! I can't see any way that would actually be advantageous (unless he thinks there's some way he could wheedle the Crown into giving him the post, if Jorge dies heirless?), but the way the crazy's spreading like syphilis around San Fernando, who needs a logical plan? (And you know, if you think about it the right way, a lot of this show could be blamed on 'limp with attitude.' I'm just sayin'.)

On a related but far less creepy note, bold moves for Mannie today! You go and get that lamp-seller, girl. ;D

Anyone else feel a certain sense of irony at Ric having a bowl of water splashed in his face?

YES Mad Marley, I did. Deja vous slaves i.e. Camilla, aboard his ship.

Wow! Oh what a night! My fists were clenched in rage when poor Ric was getting smacked by the WWBs (Wicked Wigged Boys). Who rides to the rescue? Dona Sofia! LOVE her!!! If Whorehey had 1/2 her brains & bluster, he might actually gain some respect. And, EW!!! Bouffy makes my skin crawl. He is a slime master. Sorry, Lis, you deserve it. You made your bed, now you get to lie in it with a complete skeeve. EW!!!!!! ('scuse me while I reload my brain with a much nicer image of shirtless Ric)

OK, I'm back. Interesting sneak peek for tonight: Cami & La Paisana...hmmmm....they might make a good team!

Thanks, Jardinera! Great recap...lots of laughs.

Mad Marley and Cap.Bonnie you brought back my memory as well!

Eve from Cleveland

Forgot to add an impromptu survey: who do we think is going to kill Bouffy? We all know he's going down and there's lots of candidates to do the job.

Personally, I'd love to see Ascanio run him through, to save Manuela from his psycho temper. Then he can marry her & they can ride off into the sunset...on a horse...in a field of daisies...with me & Ric along side!

I'm voting for Ric getting rid of Buffy - it's a must!

Eve from Cleveland

Maybe Lis does. Beats him to death with her dolly or something.


I especially like Lis, in the bedroom with her dolly. BUT I think maybe Foreman. And it should definitely not be Ascanio.ooo.oo because the one-day happy couple don't need that you killed grandpa(?) story.

Maybe Manuela isn't really Boufy's daughter...maybe he kidnapped her for ransom & when she gets to the "happily ever after" part, she finds out Ofelia is her real mom.

LOL! I love making up studid scenarios!

Is there anyway we can get Tia Fran to take a few dolly whacks to the head? I want to see her hair dented.


I think maybe Jorge eventually has to kill Lafont.

But the idea of Lis braining him with her doll is pretty cool too. :)

Quack Quack Quack from soggy Dallas. I know we need rain here but dang it's ridiculous today. I found my hand held tv last nite so I can watch "Pasion" & "Dancing With the Stars" at once.

I also noticed last nite that Uriel is actually easy on the eyes withhout that gay mustache. He needs to lose that goatee however.

Cuz Liz with her doll is starting to creep me out.

Ric tried to put the smackdown on the guards. He even did a headbutt! For a minute I thought I was watching "Monday Night Raw". But Le Bouffy put my baby in jail. That's so wrong!!!

Manuela & Ascanio are so sweet together. I'm so rooting for these two to hook up. Even Manuela's nana got teary eyed watching them talk.

Le Bouffy should be called Le Bonkers. I think last night's show proved he's losing his marbles.

In the preview for tonight they show Cami & La Paisana. If I was Cami, I wouldn't be so quick to trust La Paisana. I'm sure out of respect for Ric that La Paisana wouldn't do anything to jeopardize Cami. However, La Paisana is a pirate & since times are tough in pirateland, who is to say she wouldn't turn Cami in for a buck or two even if Cami is Ric's wife? La Paisana can plead "I had no idea she was your wife" once Ric confronted her. Who is gonna say no to her & say she is lying? But if I was Cami, I'd watch it.

Poor Mario. He leaves town for just a bit & everything goes to hell in a hand basket.

Okay, who might kill Bouffant?

It could be
Ricardo, to defend Cami;
Jorge, since Buffy's been going too far and questioning him;
Lis, since he creeps her out
Mannie, to prevent abuse;
Santi, to sacrifice himself for
Cami and allow her to be with Ric;
Vasco, to make up for his goofs;
Sofia, cuz she's cool and knows who's good and bad!

Paula, Paisana knows that Ric's people saved live of her son and I don't think she would do anything to hurt Ric ( including Camila). I have a faith in Paisana, she probably is looking to get back her son and might do some good on a way there.

By the way, tia Fran is even worse the cuz Liz because Liz at least has a remorse for putting Ric to jail, Fran only worried that Ric will get back to her. And he definitely should!

Eve from Cleveland.

Really enjoyed your recap Cuzzin Dreaded Lucy Cash! Lis - YAWN - LOL! They don't call you the master for nothing.

Shy little Ines is picking up on things and growing, just like Manuela and Ascanio. Ahhh, nice.

Santi hasn't been Saintly for a really long time, if ever. Another big Yawn. Ditto to Cpt Bonney Morgan on Santi's boarish, childish, unrational behavior.

ewww, LaFont can really bring on the slimy, evil crazy in a big way. I was hoping Jorge might somehow be redeemable, but not anymore. Making people swear to his innocence, just adds coward to his list of sins.

Now, Ric. Did Ric have a plan? What was he thinking?! It probably felt good to tell LaFont everything he knows, but hey, he's alone, surrounded by guards and no plan? He's thinking LaFont will be reasonable and so he'll walk in and be arrested??? He can't do anything from the cave/cell. So, what does he think his dimwit of a heroine will do? Of course, she'll come back and make things worse. Oh well, she's predictable, but not interesting.

Maybe MMM Mario will save the day...
jb-Iron Jack Cash

Thanks, guys.

Mad Bess/susanlynn:

"...what was up with the guards laughing and rubbing his belly when his hands were tied and he was first in jail ??? Gay guards?"

No gay guards this time. They were disarming Ric and patting him down. The captain snickered and asked if he had any other weapons hidden around his belly ("barriga")underneath his shirt.

Mad MarleyGray: Good catch on the watersplashing scene! My mind noted it as far as the similarity but not the irony.

Ric's plan backfired in his face and I think this is the one time that Camila's impulsiveness just may save his life. As long as Ric is in that cell LaFont will keep trying to kill him until he succeeds and Camila coming back (and we know she will from the previews) that will help Ric to be able to take care of the debt and go after LaFont. I too noted the irony of Ric being splashed with the water just as Camila was on his ship.

Good point Pirate Babe regarding Cami coming back and saving Rick. Initially I was stressed at the thought of her returning as I thought she was only going to complicate things. I hope you're right because I've already breathed a sigh of relief.

Splashing water - can someone please enlighten me? I missed many of the early cap's.

Who should kill LaFont? There are so many worthy candidates, I vote for stoning. The great thing about stoning is:

1. Everyone gets to participate, and feel that they contributed to the accomplishment.

2. You don't have to touch the person. You don't have to touch anything that touches the person. Evil pollutes everything it touches, but with stoning you don't get polluted by his cooties.

3. It has the potential to be a slow and painful way to die. That's a plus.

Thank God for Jardinera. Wonderful recap, as always!

Thank God for Sofia. Thank GOD. I only hope that now Bouffy (in his pathetic madness) doesn't kill her on the sly. All that touching and slobbering he did to women in this episode-- *upchuck* Making my skin crawl doesn't even cover it. I thought his rat tale was going to put Lis' eye out for sure (not that it would matter much).

Eve--the first time I saw the actor who plays Bouffy, his role was that of Santi's godfather on Rubi. A good, juicy role, but without this creepiness! He did it well.

Santi is indeed way too locked up by the past and not having Cami. But it's realistic as hell. That's how men behave a lot of the time when their manhood has been smashed. They limp away self-righteously. I am ready for him to start unscrambling his brain now, however.

I was horrified to see Ric thrown in jail. At the same time, the pirate lover in me was thrilled. There's nothing like seeing our alpha heroes have to get out of a wrongful, dangerous situation, flex their muscles so to speak, either by fighting or being rescued. Makes me want him even more! LOL! Pissed me off when the guards starting hitting him with those rocks. Get OFF of him, you bastids!!

LOL @ mad marley! Good lord! When I said we needed more non-Ric/Camila love scenes, I didn't mean LaFont!

Bouffy was the ring-leader at the very beginning, egging Whorehey on about getting his first rights with Cami, and going to get her. Does anyone remember if HE was the one who ran Santi through with the saber? Because if he was, Santi should return the favor, with the same sword if he can get his hands on it.

If not that, then Dolly Death by Lis would be awesome. She can beat him in the forehead with it and he can plunge to his death from her balcony or something. Works for me.

*admires mad polly!*

Mad Polly - When Camila & Co. wre captives on Antillano's slave ship, they were brought up for a 'bath' that pretty well consisted of what we saw today - move up, have a bowl of water thrown in your face. Don't rinse, don't repeat. I believe that was also the day Ric offered Cami his hanky and she spat it in his face. Facials for everyone!

Mad Polly:
"Splashing water - can someone please enlighten me? I missed many of the early cap's."

On the slave ship that El Antillano captained, the pirate crew tied the prisoners in a long line and had them march in a circle on deck in the morning. They splashed a little bit of water on the filthy face of each one (including Jimena and Cami) as they passed by the bucket. The crew got a kick out of mocking the slaves as they spashed them.

This was all apparently most people did to clean up in the morning back then, if that. It looked humiliating and like a worthless waste of good drinking water. Now that the shoe was on the other foot, I'd say El Antillano obviously wasn't in the mood to be humiliated by ignorant lowly prison guards working for Bouffy.

Maybe Lis could walk out a window and fall on Bouffy and we'd kill two bad birds with one stone.

Fantastic recap Jardinera. You had me thinking UrsulaUrielUrsualUriel all afternoon!

Dynastic queen, I didn't mean that the actor who plays Buffy is creepy, I meant that he is a very good actor so we all can see the "creepiness" of Buffy.
I have to admit that I like all the actors in this telenovela, and if you stop and try to disassociate with "bad boys ( and girls) " you can see how good the actors are. Grita, Liz, Jorge, Buffy, Fran - all are superb in their interpretation.
We hate them with all our hearts and actors did a really good job putting us there.

Eve from Cleveland

Certainly, I understood what you meant, Eve. And I agreed whole-heartedly. :)

And that is an excellent point about disassociating actors with their roles--and appreciating them all the more for it. :D

LOLOL @ Cap'n Sylvia's Lis/Bouffy sandwich. splat

Sylvia~~~Having Lis fall out of a window onto Lafont is a very efficient suggestion. Mad Polly~~~Yours is a very democratic method...everyone gets a stone....or a rock....or a rotten egg...or a tomato...creativity counts. Both suggestions work for me. In my best case scenario , Lafont would die at Ric's hands. [If looks could kill, Lafont would already be dead because for quite a while now, Ric's beautiful eyes have been shooting deadly rays at Lafont from under those lovely bangs of his.] I also think Lis and Fran need to pay for their combined arrogant, selfish nastiness. Either they suffer and die, or they end up in a convent with Rita as a roommate....and wish that they were dead. The Beatles told us that ''in the end , the love you take is equal to the love you make.'' For all the evildoers of San Fernando , substitute the word ''crap'' for ''love.'' What goes around, comes around...payback's a bitch on telenovelas.

Eduardo Yanez is waiting in the wings....hooray!!!

I think La Bouffe would make a way-bitchen pinata......


Does anyone know the derivation of my new favorite word 'ramera'?


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