Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Yo Amo a Juan, Mon. Mar.3 - Angels and Devils Take Your Pick

Just for fun a picture taken in an antiques shop in Guanajuato of angels, devils and ex votos (little pictures on tin sheets that celebrate milagros and offer thanks to a saint or divinity) from my trip to Mexico in January. Anyone know the origin of the twin or two-headed angels?
Well, On to Juan's own set of angels and devils:
Repasar: Juan receives the message at the hotel to retrieve the Achi-Lovelies, Yadira and Kike have their umpteenth fight in bed in front of sleeping baby. She barks that he should be married to Juan when he tries to explain what heartbreak Juan is going through. Back at the jail Juan and Juanito scowl as the bedraggled tribe of jailbirds comes forward abashed but not devoid of self-serving excuses. Juan's full blown tantrum cows all but Delfina who knows to ask Juanito what Juan is so upset about besides the Achi-escapade. Son reveals that Popi's meeting went very badly and Delfina retorts that she knew Paula was going to break his heart. That night Juanito worries about Popi's sleeplessness and cheers him with the charming, en-deer-ing story of the little deer (venadito) losing his mother but finding his father. Juan's thought bubble commentary urges himself to power up again (pone las pilas, batteries) as he warmly hugs his darling boy.
Bed scene two is CL awakening to find his bed empty then seek the pouting Paula sulking in another room. She says she can't sleep because of perhaps the pregnancy, her hormones, she is depressed and is worried about how they can be ready for an innocent baby, be good parents, she doesn't think she can be a good mother. Cesar Luis in a rare moment of tenderness assures her that they will absolutely have a happy life for this baby to come into.
Gustavo and Monica are in serious flirt mode at a restaurant. She jokes are you trying to get me drunk and further was it a coincidence (casualidad) that he showed up at Laura's door looking for her? She was busy the other times he has called, did Laura tip him off? Well, he did learn of her divorce and on trips to Mexico as his business grew, and he woke up one day and realized he had everything. Everything but the woman of his life, and that woman is you, Monica...
CL sits in the pale light of their bedroom watching the sleeping Paula while he murmurs in soft stalker-like tones how she has obliged him to follow her every movement from now on.
Back to the romantic table with Gustavo. She questions his sincerity and they discuss her surprise in him turning up again after so much time, the last time she actually saw him was before her marriage to CL with whom she was lost in love and Gustavo was only... and he finishes her sentence, "a friend." You chose (elegiste) him, unfortunately. When he wonders if she is still so in love with CL, she says her feelings died a long time ago. Sure? Completely! Now I am a free woman and she gets her hand romantically kissed by an attentive Gustavo.
Gaytano and Angarita are having their own tete-a-tete and the subject is also CL and his untrustworthy ways. Gaytano thinks he has only a few details of his contract and working scope to work out. Anga the more pragmatic brother says you can kiss that goodbye (vete despidiendo de eso), but Gaytano insists CL is a man of his word. Anga says this guy is a jetstream of slobbering (chorro de babas). Anga also says he will offer this helping hand only once to Gaytano and wonders who will be betrayed later, the friend or the brother...
Next morning, CL instructs Consuelo to be vigilant of Paula's every move and every visitor and conversation. She brightens to the task and tells how Paula questioned her recently about how she had come to be recommended to CL, Consuelo repeats that she felt her honor was attacked and offered to quit. She also tells CL that she told her she had never met Monica. CL looks that CL look. While across town, Laura tries Monica to spill about the romantic encounter. Monica demures but does say Gustavo is the same enchanting man as always. Laura predicts that Monica's future will be him. Monica says with a cute smile that she is not really ready for a relationship with any man, even if he is the blue prince of fairy tale fame.
We return to the Achi-Lovelies receiving another round of bawling out by Juan who reminds them that their behavior will be discovered by the paparazzi will be quick to pick up on their scandalous behavior and then where will the reputation of Achichipico and the fine reputation of the beauty contest be?? He beats back the protestations of particularly the mouthy, leggy Lorena. Juan assures them they will need demanding, serious charm and deportment lessons. Juan and Kike sit to scratch heads over how to find a modeling school they can afford to turn these country ruffians into beauty queen worthy ladies.
CL drags himself across the lizard lounge while the bouncy Monica chirps about the plan she wants to review with him right away. Fernando approaches Marely's desk right after to present a festive looking bag. She sniffs wondering if he is hoping for a pardon. He definitely is doing just that. She takes out a fluffy kitten and finally softens to commute his punishment this time only.
While Juan and Kike continue wondering how to transform their savage contestants, Monica is bubbling through her plans while CL looks asleep or in pain. She finally stops and says he hasn't paid attention for 30 minutes of important information, he confesses it is because of personal problems. She jumps up to leave assuring him she doesn't want details but will be ready to continue when he is ready to work.
Profesora Margo Gomez show up at the gate to the Cachon house greeted by Nidia as Alirio sidles up assuming she is there for him. She assures him she is there to see his Señora not him.
Gaytan sails proudly into CL's den of pessimism wanting to talk about his new duties, new salary and new office. CL growls what has he done to find Juan? He already has hired someone to watch Paula and he will not talk about Gaytan's issues until he sees this dirty (mugroso) Juan.
Nidia and Profa Amarga, or Margo are ensconced in the office as they get down quickly to why this visit. Margo reveals herself as the wife of one of Yadira's professors. Nidia fears something is wrong with Yadi, while Marga begins her condemnation of Yadi's insupportable scandalous attachment to her HUSBAND. After listening at the door a bit, Alirio gets on the phone to Profe HUSBAND to warn him that his wife is there and on the warpath with Nidia about Yadira. Nacho, abruptly hangs up and stomps off and as he does he miraculously runs into Yadira with her baby carriage. He tells Yadi they need to go to her house right away because his wife is there throwing a fit with Nidia. Interspersed scenes, Nidia and Amarga turn up the volume. NIdia makes a good mother hen protecting her chicks and puts down Amarga's condemnation with Yadi's illustrious childhood being educated by nuns, having been married in an apostolic church to a wonderful man who is the admirable father of her grandchild. She maintains that Yadi is incapable of looking at Amarga's husband like this. Amarga shouts that she must poke holes in this vision of paradise that Nidia is painting.
Yadira questions wide-eyed, how could Nacho's wife have known her address? They better get to the house before Amarga ruins her life. Nacho assures her his wife is craftier than you can imagine. Amarga is shrieking that Yadi isn't the mild dove her mother imagines as Nidia orders her out of the house.
Over at Farrell, Gaytan confesses to Marely that CL has betrayed him by withholding the raise, the promotion, the new office until he finds Juan. Marely answers that Juan is not at her house but staying with the Achi-Lovelies at some unknown hotel. Gaytan says he won't betray Juan a second time but Marely needs to tell no one but get word to Juan that CL is on the warpath with jealousy and is capable of anything. Marely can find him through Kike to warn him. Does he know about the baby? Is he devastated? Marely assures him that Juan will overcome this with the help of his son. Gaytan makes another plea that this stay between them.
Kike and the Juans approach a big door with a big for rent sign on the building. Unsuspecting as usual, they knock and are received by Madame Pomposo, still not reading the signs, they present their plight. She at first assumes that these rough gents are the ones looking for culture classes but they laugh through their ballet bows and go in to discuss the diamonds in the rough that they need to bring to her fabulous program.
Gaytan next complains to Ivonne that CL is making him look for Juan and he has the same job, salary and office until he finds him. If not he will end up working in Archives. (We all know how much that helped Alirio). He has sent warnings to Juan through Marely. Ivonne is less than impressed even though he confesses that he burned his bridges with Anga and can never return but he now realizes that anyone near Farrell is going to be wrecked.
Oh did I mention that Paula is still crying while dressed in her loveliest aqua sob suit.
Juan and Kiki and Juanito continue being intimidated by Madame Pomposo as she shames them for using less than lovely terms to describe any woman/lady. Juan tactfully changes diamonds in the rough to his forrest lovelies. That's a little better. She continues to correct them at every turn, make them sit formally drinking tea until they are all 3 squirming. They get onto the classes which Madam explains needs to take 3 weeks of beauty queen training in glamor, etiquette and physical expression as she sweeps and swoops up the stairs to illustrate how graceful they will be. For 20% more she can squeeze this into a one week, 8 hour per day wonder class.
Somewhere in here Nacho and Yadira arrive at the house but Nidia comes down to talk to Nacho alone in the office. While there she gets from him that there has been nothing between him and her daughter. His wife exagerates and explodes easily. Nidia assures him that Amarga came with her sword unsheathed. She also gets kind of turned on while she assures him that if he were her chumi-chumi she would feel the same as wifey. He is ordered to keep hands off Yadira.
Ivonne tries to intrigue Monica with the office gossip about CL and Juan but Monica already knows and finds the three so boring and predictable.
Finally Lorenzo Pomposo shows up and quickly catches on to being the professor of the intensive course of urbanity training and will wait eagerly for the chicas to show up tomorrow with a check.
A bored looking Monica answers her phone and coos at Gustavo suggesting that he come pick her up for their date at the office. Besos for the benefit of the amazed Ivonne who is then told she can get back to work now.
Yadira asks Alirio what happened but he pretends not to know. Nidia emerges with Nacho who leaves and she takes Yadira up to tell her about it in private. Upstairs, she reads her the riot act for messing around with a married man.
And did I mention that Paula is still crying? This time with her Mom as she sobs that she has now lost Juan forever! FIN!!
Labels: Juan
I'm so impressed with your camera skills and your computer skills, Cheryl, and many thanks for that wonderful picture. Also, loved CL's "office of pessimism" and the translation of "vete despiendo de eso" kiss that one good-bye. A great one to have in the vocabulary repetoire. Get some sleep and we'll happily wait for the rest.
Why oh why did Pastor go back to Farell? Silly man.
I'm starting to soften toward the idea of Marely and Fer getting together. If Juan truly cannot get the big blue crybaby out of his mind then Mari would be better off moving on.
Marvelous recap Cheryl! Thank you. I'm still at work so I'll read it again when I get home.
“Back at the jail Juan and Juanito scowl as the bedraggled tribe of jailbirds comes forward abashed but not devoid of self-serving excuses.” ROTFL! They were a real mess, and their excuses were so lame. Juanito was adorable miming Papi. In fact, every time he does anything this cherub steals the show. Don’t tell my hubby, I think I’m in love. It’s a new twist on telenovios.
It was hard for me to tell if Gustavo is for real. Does he really love Monica? And CL having Paula followed—is it just to make sure she doesn’t meet Juan, or to make sure she doesn’t do something that would endanger herself or the baby? Or, is it both of those?
“Amarga” ROTFL!!! I love it!!
Did you all notice that Madame Pomposo was Irmita on LFMB? What a character change!
“Oh did I mention that Paula is still crying while dressed in her loveliest aqua sob suit.” I wasn’t sure if I was happy that she’s not whining so much. This could be worse.
Count on Nidia to rescue her child while promising a chomi-chomi she’ll do WHATEVER is necessary to make it happen. Read between the lines, Nacho, WHATEVER is necessary.
You hit the nail on the head, CL did mutter in stalker-like tones...creepy.
I don't have a clue about the two headed angel, but they look like cherubs which are often portrayed as a pair. It looks like they're blowing something.
Jeanne, I really hope Gustavo is for real. I like Monica and want her to come away with a really nice prize for having endured the underhanded betrayal by Cesar Luis. I also think this very handsome actor, Lisardo Guarinos, does nicely as a good guy, unlike his portrayal in Amar Sin Limites of a slimedog womanizer. Yeah for Monica, she should get this hunk as a devoted lover/husband.
I wish I had two heads and four hands. :)
Cheryl, thanks for the info on that actor. He's a doll!
Cheryl, now I'm even more interested in those little cherubs/angels/whatever.
Yes, that guy playing Gustavo I've seen on many novelas..He comes across with some class in this one,and so handsome & cute,contrary to that cigarette puffing,blowhard CL..
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