Thursday, April 17, 2008

Al Diablo Con Los Guapos #58, Wednesday 4-16: Slap on a face mask and watch Mili break up with Hugo again for the very first time

Luciana, complete with face mask (is this a theme?) threatens Damian with turning him in for Valeria's kidnapping. She wants his vote for Alejandro's presidency of Belmonte Co. Karla's the one who ratted him out to Luciana.

Braulio and Rocky/Morgan go knock on the door of the Bunker of Babes, but they don't know the "password." Looks like a secret meeting of the "everyone but Socorro and Horacio" club. After much back and forth, it turns out that the password is that there's no password. Ja. None of them know what's actually happening, so Braulio wants to leave, but Rocky/Morgan reminds him he can't handle too much more of Socorro and Horacio's behavior. Braulio asks for a proposal--1, 2, 3! Gloria's plan is to get them alone together, get the truth out of them, and then put them back together. They spit shake on it (no spit for Braulio). It should be noted that Rocky/Morgan is taking advantage of Braulio's crush and making eyes at him every chance he gets--Braulio makes eyes back.

Luciana actually has to spell it out to Damian that she wants that vote. He tries to talk his way out of it, but Luciana's got him by the…er, I don't have to say it, do I?

Valeria comes looking for Rocky/Morgan in the kitchen. He's napping lying across three bar stools. She yells to wake him up and he falls off his chairs. Valeria says she's bored and wants to go out. He suggestively suggests some things they can do and since he's doing it in front of Braulio, Valeria won't have it. She gets pissy and says she changed her mind. Rocky/Morgan gets a taste of Braulio's avocado face mask and complains that the guacamole needs salt. Hey, it is face mask night!

Luciana goes ballistic on Damian (still in her face mask). Constancio wants to know what's up and Luciana says they're setting the date of the next board (bored?) meeting for next week, ok hon? Braulio walks in and announces to Damian that Hugo is home.

Socorro hugs Karla and fusses over her for being home while Horacio watches from around a corner.

Damian greets Hugo and asks where he's been. Andrea has to tell Damian that Hugo has amnesia. Alejandro, Regina, and Mili all walk in and Hugo is delighted to see Mili. He tells her he loves her and gives her a big hug. Oh, so I see there are some things that are still forgotten. Alejandro gripes at Andrea for making up the amnesia thing, but Hugo says he still doesn't remember anything--starting with the fact that Damian's his dad. Yeah, it would be hard to remember if he never actually acted like a dad. Alejandro accuses Hugo of faking, but Regina tells him to cool it. Hugo asks who Milagros is and giddily announces to everyone that she's the chick in his painting. He asks if they're friends and Damian says they were going to get married. Hugo's like, "Cool! Then I was a happy man!" He asks if Mili's happy to see him and she says she is while Alejandro fumes.

Socorro asks Karla what happened with Andrea. Karla says she'll tell her later, but don't worry about the job, Luciana took her back. She asks if Socorro's still with Horacio (that "muerto de hambre", that loser). Socorro sadly says it's over, but she hurts. Karla tells her she's way better off without him. Selfish bitch. Oh, sorry, sometimes these things just slip out. Jealous harpy. See, there I go again.

Mili asks Hugo if he really doesn't remember anything. He asks about their engagement and whether she was kidnapped from in front of the church. Mili tries to explain, but can't get anything out. Hugo says he's sure they're going to get married even if he doesn't get his memory back, because he loves her. Couldn't he have forgotten that and remembered something else instead? Like that he hates some girl named Carmen or his locker combination from 7th grade or something?

Alejandro complains to Regina that he's the one who got Andrea to bring Hugo home and now Hugo and Mili have been locked up together. Alejandro doesn't think the amnesia thing is true. Regina has to keep talking him down. Alejandro's afraid Hugo will get Mili to agree to marry him again. Regina tells him to trust in the love Mili has for him. Um, Regina? You're a sweet lady and all, but I don't think you've been watching the show we've been watching. Regina tells him to let Mili and Hugo talk things out. Alejandro is mad as hell and he's not going to take it anymore! He's going to make sure Mili knows what Hugo is capable of.

Hugo keeps insisting on being physical with Mili. Hugging her and being close to her. I would say it's less creepy now that he doesn't remember everything, but since Amnesia!Hugo can't seem to read Milagros' social cues for "quit touching me, you freak!" it's not. Mili asks why he was at Andrea's, having to explain her nicknames since Hugo doesn't remember. He asks her to kiss him just as Alejandro storms in. Mili goes after him and breaks away from Hugo to do it. In Alejandro's room, Alejandro gets snippy and tells her to go back to her boyfriend. He says a number of other crappy things. Mili tells him to cool it and that she can't tell Hugo what's up. She has to remind Alejandro she likes him and also, she wasn't kissing Hugo, idiot! Alejandro won't drop it and Mili tells him to go to hell. So, everything's back to normal.

Damian and Constancio discuss Hugo's memory loss in Constancio's office the next morning. Constancio's insult is that since Hugo doesn't remember anything he won't be complaining that Damian killed his mommy and his fiancée. Creep. Damian gives Constancio some campaign money. Constancio asks how much Damian skimmed off the top. Damian swears he didn't, he's waiting to skim after Constancio's gotten elected. He claims the businessmen who gave them the money did it all because of the Belmonte name, no deals involved. Constancio threatens him with needing his vote at the next board meeting. Damian says he'll vote for Constancio. And we all believe him, right?

Lina, Gloria, and Rocky/Morgan talk about the fate of a long-stemmed red rose. The girls send Rocky/Morgan off to sneak it in to Socorro. She's sitting in the kitchen and Rocky/Morgan scratches her leg with the rose and then sneaks around to leave it on top of the counter. Socorro assumes it's from Horacio and goes off to find him and yell at him.

Rocky/Morgan and Gloria spy on Socorro and Horacio in the garden. She yells at him and slaps him across the face as Rocky/Morgan and Gloria narrate.

Damian shows Constancio his campaign headquarters, wallpapered outside with that nasty poster from before. Constancio starts talking to some guy walking by. Random guy tells Constancio he's one more thief. Damian and Constancio, of course, question random guy's judgment.

Rocky/Morgan tries to talk to Horacio, who won't talk to him. Rocky/Morgan asks if they can share their pain. He asks Horacio to please tell him what's up. Horacio asks for another hanky and Rocky/Morgan obliges. Grossness follows. "Mocos" means mucus.

Milagros and Padre Manuel discuss the return of Hugo. PM came by to ask Milagros to ask Gloria to come by the convent. Mili gets nosy about why. PM tells her he wants Gloria go because "the mother" wants to meet her. Mili laughs, thinking he means the mother superior. PM has to break it to her that he means the actual, biological, flesh-and-blood, she-who-gave-birth-to-Gloria mother. Mili is impactada!

Damian and Bobby check out the inside of campaign headquarters. Bobby takes notes about what construction and plumbing stuff needs to be done. Bobby asks why there's a false wall there, but Damian warns him off that there is no false wall, get it? Bobby plays along.

Socorro cries about Horacio and tells Lina that it's because Horacio said he wanted her, then he left. Rocky/Morgan listens in on the conversation. Socorro mentions that Karla got mad when she found about her and Horacio. Rocky/Morgan comes in and exclaims he put it all together! Karla must have threatened Horacio. Socorro looks shocked, but in that "oh, crap, she did, didn't she?" way. Socorro is now happy that Horacio didn't turn out to be a scummy man like all the rest.

Gloria asks Mili about her talk with Padre Manuel. Mili lies and says nothing, but that PM mentioned he misses Gloria and suggests that Gloria should go over to the convent and say hi to everyone. Mili gets out of going by saying that Regina won't give her the time off. Mili tries to feel out Gloria on the subject of what she'd do if she every saw her mom again. Gloria insists it's not possible since she's an orphan. Mili insists, and Gloria says if she saw her mother, she'd hate her.

Gloria's mom gets all nervous about Gloria coming over. Padre Manuel reassures her that Gloria probably doesn't hate her, but she should be prepared.

Rocky and Lina coordinate Socorro's next assault on the garden. Using walkie-talkies they confirm that "The poisonous snake is not in the garden, over." Socorro tells Horacio he's an idiot. Horacio flirts. Socorro asks why he didn't tell her about Karla. He doesn’t answer, but she can tell it's true. She hugs him, but won't kiss him. She says things should continue and they should be "a little more than friends." She gives him a little kiss and he tries to negotiate for a bigger one. Score! Horacio's happy again. He can now stop making all the topiary animals in the garden look depressed.

Luciana, after explaining to Hugo that she's his aunt, tells him to take advantage of his amnesia and forget about marrying "that servant." She goes to "work" and wishes him a good day. Damian comes in and Hugo asks why Alejandro's mad at him, was there something going on between him and Mili? Damian says it's just cousinly jealousy.

Gloria comes to visit Padre Manuel at the convent. He brings in Gloria's Mom and introduces her as "Yolanda."

Alejandro comes downstairs and tells Hugo he's going to tell him the whole truth about marrying Milagros. Alejandro says Mili doesn't love Hugo, that she was going to marry him because he deceived her into it. Mili breaks in screaming that he has no right to do this and Alejandro says he has "this right" and kisses her. Alejandro gets smacked by Hugo, then Mili smacks Hugo, then Alejandro brings in the big guns, aka, the tape recorder. Hugo hits play and hears his conversation with Andrea. He looks just as shocked as Milagros does, with her one big glycerin tear running down her cheek. Hugo says it's not possibly, although he admits it's his voice. He says he can't remember anything and Alejandro scoffs at this. Hugo asks to speak to Mili alone. Alejandro grabs the tape player back from Hugo before he leaves. Mili says she no longer even believes in his amnesia. Hugo says he doesn't know what kind of person he is, though he agrees that what he heard on the tape was vile. He says he doesn't remember anything and all he knows is that what he feels is love for her. Mili tells him she was never in love with him and he knew it, but she did have affection for him…not anymore! She'll never marry him, so he'd better forget her. She tells him she doesn't want to see him again. I think I'll feel sorry for Hugo, but just until he remembers he really did have it coming.

Padre Manuel stalls on telling Gloria that Yolanda's her mom. Gloria's not interested in this stranger…she needs to get to whatever Sor Cachete's cooking. Yolanda is thrilled with Gloria. PM says this isn't going to be easy.

Horacio reads love poetry to Socorro as she sets the table. Rocky/Morgan comes in with his walkie-talkie to announce that the enemy is approaching and they need to disengage. Lina comes running in a minute after, saying the same thing. Horacio hides under the table as the other three do a terribly job of looking casual. Karla comes in and gets suspicious. Rocky/Morgan claims they were rehearsing for the church choir and Socorro and Lina screech for all they're worth to drive Karla away.

Alejandro goes to check on Mili. She's sad about telling Hugo off, it seems like, but she doesn't want Alejandro's comfort. She asks how long he'd had the recording. She's suspicious of the tape (a) coming from Andrea and (b) him not showing it to her earlier. He reminds her about the cabin and kisses her as Hugo looks on from the balcony and Pilar comes in the front door. Pilar coughs to get them to separate. She tells Alejandro she's not there to look for him--she wants nothing to do with him. Pilar heads upstairs. Mili says she feels bad for Pilar. Oh, quit that! It won't lead to anything good.

Pilar visits Hugo in his room. She tells him she's sorry about the Milagros thing. Hugo thanks her, but tells her he doesn't remember her. He tells her he doesn't remember anything and it's driving him nuts. Pilar says it's ironic--he's trying to remember things and she's trying to forget. Pilar says they should keep each other company and tells him they've known each other for years, but she was out of the country for a lot of it. Hugo asks if she has a car and asks for a favor.

Sor Cachete and Gloria chow down in the kitchen. Padre Manuel asks her to go to the library because Yolanda is waiting for her. Gloria's weirded out, but PM won't tell her what it's about. Gloria goes to the library. PM tells SC that Yolanda is Gloria's mom.

Gloria comes into the library. Yolanda tells her she can call her "Yolanda…for now." She stalls over what she wants to say to Gloria, but Gloria wants to go back to her food. Finally Yolanda tells her "I'm…I'm…."

Hugo comes to talk to Andrea. Andrea makes excuses about the Karla thing. She tells Hugo it was revenge for Hugo betraying her. All's fair in love and fake babies. Hugo asks about the recording. From her tone, he says he sounds like a monster. Andrea tells him to sit down and she'll tell him the whole truth. The hamster on the wheel in her head starts running as Andrea thinks about how she can use this to her advantage. *sigh*

Yolanda tells Padre Manuel she couldn't tell Gloria. She's convinced Gloria hates her and she doesn't think she can ever tell her. Yolanda blah-blah-blah's about how she didn't have the money to support a kid. Yeah, ok, sad, but I wouldn't call leaving her at an orphanage the "only" option. PM doesn't think so either and says he won't approve of her decision, although he doesn't blame her. PM tells her she's the one blaming herself and maybe she needs to think about forgiving herself.

Between my DVR and the computer, things were getting cut off, so the next thing I know, Alejandro and Mili are walking outside Casa Belmonte and Alejandro's declaiming loudly about his luuuuurve for Mili. They kiss and then we cut to tomorrow's avances.

Tomorrow: Luciana tells Constancio that he's got to get Mili out of the house if he wants to stay president of Belmonte Co. Puh-leez, he's so kicking her out.


5ft. Great recap as usual.

Is the money Damian presented to Constancio the same money that Constancio gave to the fake charity? I wonder when Constancio will figure out that Damian is a bad guy.

OK, I know, this is telenoveland, and it's art imitating life, or something like that.

From lower Ala

Loved your reference to the poor depressed topiary. I'm so glad that Horacio/Socorro plot was resolved quickly, and they are kind of cute too.

I hope they don't have another mask night too soon--scary!

I didn't know that Gloria was so dead-set against meeting her real mother. I know Lina keeps saying she hates her mother, but I don't recall Gloria expressing that sentiment. Does anyone else have a better memory?

I'm wondering when Constancio's going to notice that the suitcases full of cash keep getting smaller and smaller :) A few more weeks and it'll be a lunch box.

I think Gloria was always told she was an orphan, so she didn't have any resentment toward her parents, since she couldn't blame them for dying! (Well,she could, but Gloria's not like that.) When Mili pushed her, she said that if it turned out that her mom had abandoned her, then that would be a different story and she'd hate her. I guess the difference is that Mili has always "known" that her dad abandoned her mom (hm, but how did she know that if her mom never talked to the nuns?) and so she hates him.

I am finally happy that Hugo got what he deserved because for awhile he came out looking good to Mili. Hopefully, Mili sees that parent like Hugo, Pilar, Andrea, and anyone that is interesteed in Al are capable of lying and deceit to get their own way. She is too trusting. I would be guarded if I were living in that house with those people.
Al should be more nice to Mili instead of riping her too pieces over Hugo again. Does he remember that how much he had to do to get Mili back to how she is - be able to talk to him? He needs to grow up more to where he will be more worthy of Mili.
I understand and agree with Gloria about her mother. What does the mother want now that Gloria is old enough to support herself? Gloria has a right to be mad and resentful to Mother because she gave her up. I understand because my mother gave me up and was raise by relatives.
Consti should come clean about Mili and say she is my daughter. This is not the most disturbing thing he did. He done more devastating things in his life that could came to haunt him and his campaign. The knowledge of Mili could be the one thing that saves him and his campaign. If the writeer could spin the story to where this benefits Consti him, but I would know what is going to happened towards the end of this telenovela.
I am wondering if Al and Mili will marry or not? I know about Francois that Al is going to marry and she will be pregnact. I could I saw somewhere that Mili and Hugo finally did get married. I just wonder however Mili and Al will finally get together and married?
If someone could tell me a little about the ending parts I would appreciate it. Thanks!


We don't post spoilers here. If you want to see how it is going as it approaches the end in Mexico check out and read the esmas summaries. You can also read a summarry of Muneca Brava which is the colombian novela this one is based on although they have taken liberties with it.

Thanks 5 ft. Latina, I enjoy both the thoroughness and the wit of your recaps. I'm bored blue by all the Damian shenanigans and the Andrea plotting. Other than the sweet kisses between Mili and Alejandro, my interest is waning. Time for good ol' Al to take another shower!

Ah yes mask night at Belmonte Casa. I've never worn a mask that didn't tighten up so that you could barely talk and certainly not one you wear for hours. I was amazed that as shiny as it was it didn't just run off her face under the hot lights they use for filming.Poor Luci must need lots of work.

PMSing Al is getting on my nerves with his constant flip flopping around. At this point Mili as immature as she is deserves much better than him or waco Hugo. I'm glad he finally played the tape and did it in front of all the players. Yike the psycho Pilar returns to stir up more trouble.

From those previews it looks like we might yet again be on the verge of someone dropping Connie's dirty little secret. Luci now thinks she has the upper hand and can get rid of the biggest threat to Al and his chances of inheriting mucho dinero (that is if Damian doesn't steal it all or she send the company into bankruptcy.)

Did anyone notice in that scene in the kitchen when Rocky was hiding under the table that the chairs looked like the seats had been covered in plastic. Sett me into hysterics.

What the heck is gun-totin' Pilar doing back at the house anyway? Shouldn't she be in the pokey?
I don't think she's someone Granny promised to take care of.

Thank you for the fun recap! I had missed many details and was glad to have everything clarified.

I was kinda surprised to see the Socorro/Horacio thing get worked out so quickly. I mean, we have months to go and this was a fruitful story line that could have been played out for a long time.

I was also surprised to see Karla back in the dreaded uniform – I had thought when Luci said she could have her job back, it would be the assistant one.

Luci really is thick as a brick – here she is all fired up about getting control over Constancio using Braulio’s big idea, and she is ready to give up all the power she’s trying to put together only to get Mili out of the house. That’s a pretty pathetic goal – she could do that and so much more with power over Constancio if she got in control over at the firm.

If I understood correctly (always in doubt!) the padre was saying that Gloria can be temperamental. It seemed to me that up until now, Gloria’s been pretty sweet and quiet. Did I understand him correctly?

I'm a little surprised Luciana is seriously trying to get rid of Mili, knowing she's Braulio's niece. Everyone knows you NEVER cross your butler -- he knows all the secrets.

Can Pilar and Hugo just get together and leave everyone else out of their lives? That would be great. I was wondering a few days ago whether Hugo was faking the amnesia. We know he's not above that sort of thing! Also he does not have too much dignity to do this in order to get Mili to feel sorry for him and thus maybe perhaps marry him, because he knows she can be manipulated that way.

Thanks 5ft, great recap!

Like Maggie, I thought that Karla was going to return as Luci's assistant. I would think that her new 'tude would require someone in that position anyway!

I don't think Hugo is faking the amnesia right now, but it occurred to me that he might decide to fake it later when his memory does return.

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