Sunday, April 13, 2008

Friday April 11, Juan Q Where Juan learns about "Netas" y "Brutas"

Once again, I’m substituting for our beloved Schoolmarm, AKA Captain Jenny Cash/Schoolmarm-in-Black to whom I sent my good thoughts and prayers. Following K example I want to dedicate this recap to all and each of the brothers and sisters that gather together every night to watch this crazy novela, including the anonymous ones (starting with you anounimous#1) because what makes this site special is the diversity of backgrounds and opinions.

I’m copying the end of Sylvia’s recap because I’m very practical (My father would have called it lazy) and she does such a good job that I don’t see the need to change it.

Ivonne goes to Pastor's office as he's inspecting his girth. He asks her is his stomach fat? No no, of course not, you're very handsome she answers. Pastor admits to Ivonne that he completely dissed her to Heriberto. Ivonne is aghast, how could he impugne her reputation in front of just anyone? Pastor corrects her, not just anybody, the man of his life! Ivonne gets angry and tells Pastor it's not she he should worry about but Julia. And yes, he does have a fat stomach! Pastor buttons his jacket and sucks it in.

Heriberto blusters to Juan that he wants a piece of the action. Juan tries to ply him with big pink marshmallows but to no avail. Heriberto says they are partners, right? So this is what he wants, at the very least he should be made Vice President! Juan guffaws, caray caray caray caray, what? Heri seethes, either Juan makes him a VP or he will tell his Papa to demand back the money that Juan used to buy this little stand. Agreed?

Juan is Que the hell? impactado.

On to Friday’s show

Pastor throws the code of conduct to Julia very much the same way he did with Juan waaaay at the beginning of the show. He tells her that it is strictly forbidden to have romantic relationships with coworkers (Aaaaaargh! I just realized that my youngest erased part of the tape just right at the beginning I don’t think is much, but if somebody could fill out whatever happened here I would appreciate it).

Now Heriberto is talking to Pastor. He tells him that he is tired of the unfairness of it all. Pastor tells him that he understands and calls him my future vice-president, and since they achieved so much, they should celebrate. –What about going to dinner tonight? Heriberto says that his schedule is a little complicated for tonight. Pastor says that tonight, tomorrow, any day is ok for him. Heriberto agrees to the dinner.

Juan is complaining to Fernando that Pastor is filling out Heriberto’s big head with flowers. Fernando answers sagely “Cria cuervos y te sacaran los ojos” (Help ungrateful people and they will hurt you. Lit. Nurture crows and they will peck your eyes out) Fer tells Juan that it is all Juan’s fault he defended Pastor and now these are the consequences. Juan is at a lost on what to do. Fer asks him incredulous –You don’t know what to do? Aren’t you the boss? Can’t you stop that bold guy? Juan says that of course he can, but he didn’t want to be known as egotistical or arrogant. Fernando tells him that he is going to have to do it with Pastor, other wise he is going to get him in a lot of trouble. Juan says that he will talk to the “chipote con patas” (bump with legs). Juanito encourages him with a “well said dad”.

Delirio wearing his absurd disguise, talks to Gutis about his escape from prison. He gives him a 100 pesos calling card so that they can keep in contact and tells him that he has everything planed. He found a little piece of land adjacent to the prison and he is ready to start tonight. A guard approaches and Gutis changes the conversation –Please tell my “jefecita” (mom) that I miss her. Delirio takes the opportunity to insult Gutis without repercussion and answers back –sure, you know that I’m always remembering your mother. (Translation: I’m always telling you to go and **** your mother) (The way that Mexicans, I don’t know if other nationalities do this also I can only speak for Mexicans, are able to turn the most innocent phrase into an insult has always fascinated me, it is call alburear and it got my attention when I realized that my favorite program growing up “El Chavo del Ocho” a program written and targeted for children took a total different dimension once I grew up and understood the second meaning of the phrases. They never used bad words, however like in Delirio’s and Gutis conversation the delivery of the phrase the emphasis in certain words or the change of the natural accent makes a big difference, children don’t even notice it …but I digress. ) Delirio tells Gutis to take care and leaves.

At the Gallery Ana is talking to Willy. She tells him that Nidia was Samuel’s legitimate wife and she understands how she felt; she even says that maybe in her place she might’ve done the same thing. Willy is charmed by Ana’s wiliness to forgive and asks her if she accepts his proposal. When Ana agrees to become his partner he proposes a celebration; Ana accepts to go to dinner with him with one condition, Paula should go with them. Willy only answers with a –You have a beautiful smile.

At Farrell, Juan enters Pastor’s Cave of Creative Concoctions AKA Pastor’s Office and starts chewing him up. He demands to know what is he saying about him –I respect you as a man and as a man I want you to answer me, what did you tell Heriberto about me? Pastor realizes that he is in trouble and tries to minimize what he told Heriberto. –I only told him that you were a little stubborn. However Juan doesn’t believe him, he tells him that he knows that Pastor told Heriberto that Juan is the kind of person that forgets his friends. Juan is very upset and tells him that he has always defended him (Pastor) but today he (Pastor) has fallen from the pedestal Juan had him on, and Juan has realized the kind of person that Pastor really is. Pastor is very troubled now and tells him that he did everything for Juan, to facilitate communications between Heriberto and him. He promises that this will never happen again. Juan says it better never happen again and over all I don’t want anymore gossip in this company, because gossip turns people into tepocatas? cemetery spiders and venomous snakes, is that clear? Pastor says yes Mr. President.

At Ana’s Dwelling of Dutiful Devotion, Willy is telling Ana that he wants to sell paintings from the foreigner artists that he manages. Ana is very happy with the idea. He is explaining his plan when Paula arrives. Ana tells her the happy happenings (That Willy is her new partner) and tells her that they were waiting for her to go celebrate. Paula declines the invitation saying that she is very tired, and that Ana and Willy should go celebrate. Willy asks Ana if she is ready and Ana says that she can’t go because she really wanted to celebrate with Paula. Willy says ok then you tell me when you are ready. He leaves.

At Farrell Pastor is venting. He tells Yvonne that not even CL (BTW still no CL in this episode) had talked to him the way Juan did. Yvonne is not too sympathetic and reminds him that he did this to himself. Pastor says that he didn’t know that Heriberto was going to “soltar la lengua” (Tattle. Lit. Let go of his tongue) Ivonne asks Pastor if “Le pagaron con la misma moneda?” (Heriberto did the same thing to you that you did to me? Lit. Did you got paid with the same coin?) Yvonne thinks that Heriberto wants to take advantage of Pastor. Pastor says that that is the story of his life. He wants to talk to Juan and make things better. He tries to tell Yvonne what he’s planning to tell Juan, when Yvonne starts complaining of a stomach ache. Pastor tells her to go home, to rest because she can’t get sick now that the company is in such a pickle.

Fer and Juan are working in the office. Fer is trying to explain to Juan the difference between the net profit (Ganancia neta) and gross profit (Ganancia Bruta). Juan is totally distracted and drawing a yellow heart with Paula’s name in it. Fer asks Juan to repeat and explain what he just told him, Juan tries, but ends up recognizing that – “La neta” (the truth) is that I’m very “bruto” (dense). Fer says that even if they stay all night he won’t be able to teach him everything that he needs to know to defend himself against Paula. Juan insists that he needs to show his “palomita” that he is as good as she is. Fer reluctantly agrees and starts explaining about business viability. Juan silently prays to God to help him concentrate.

Kike arrives at Casa Cachon and finds Nidia crying in the dark. She tells him that this life is like a circle it goes round and we end up at the same place we started. Kike wants to know why she is so moody. Nidia cries more and tells him that she is losing the house. She has to give it up in exchange of her and Delirio’s freedom.

At Ana’s house, Ana enters Paula’s room; Paula is surprised that she is still there. Ana explains that she did not go to dinner because she didn’t feel like going out. Paula wonders if maybe, just maybe Ana is afraid of going out with such a handsome guy. Ana denies it and asks Paula to please change the subject of the conversation.

Back at Casa Cachon, Marely is now sitting with Nidia. Nidia is still crying and asking why, oh why these things happened to her? Marely voices my own thoughts and tells her that she (Nidia) knows exactly that this happened because she changed the will and stole the money. Kike tells her that at least she is still alive. Nidia says that she would prefer to die; she doesn’t want to see the fall of Casa Cachon. Marely tells her that she (Nidia) is very strong and always found the positive side in all situations, this shouldn’t be different. Nidia tells her that before she only lied to herself; her whole life is a big lie. –Tell me; tell me what do I have to show for all this years? Kike reminds her that at least she has been happy. –Happy? I have laugh, but I haven’t been happy. Marely tells her that at least she has been able to laugh, there are people that can’t even do that, and at least she has shown them (Yadira and Marely) how to laugh. Nidia reminds her that in reality Yadira and Marely have a very bad temper, and all is because of her. Nidia says that it is her fault that her airhead of a daughter is leaving in who knows what conditions, and that her despicable husband is in jail paying for the crime of loving her.

Cut to that despicable husband jumping a little fence with a shovel, he walks a little and starts digging (So I guess his great idea is to make a tunnel)

Laura called Juan at the office and tells him that she just wanted to say good night. Juan sends kisses thru the phone and Fer tells him that Laura is really crazy for him. Juan says that he is tempted to go out with her, but his heart won’t let him. Fer wonders what happened to the womanizer that arrived to Mexico City, the guy that had so many women at his feet. Juan says that he thinks that he left him at Achichipico. Fer suggests to bringing him back and to take advantage of this opportunity. Juan says that he’ll think about it but right now he has to concentrate all of his efforts in showing everybody that Campeoni is a very bad business. Fer hesitates a little and then tells Juan that in reality all the documentation that they have been revising shows that Campeoni is a really good business. Juan looks crestfallen, but Fer tells him that they need to go home, relax and then they will think about what to do, besides, Juanito needs to rest. Fernando tells Juan that he’ll take them home. They leave; Juan carries Juanito in his arms.

At Casa Cachon Kike is telling a story to his daughter. Marely has been observing him and tells him that she doesn’t understand why she didn’t fall in love with him; she describes his qualities, and tells him that he deserves the best woman in the world. Kike tells her not to get moody like her mother, because he won’t be able to deal with two depressed Cachon Ladies, and jokingly tells her that if she wants to have the Bueno Lindo last name he is available. Marely calls him a liar; she knows that he is still in love with Yadira. Kike recognizes that he is still in love and tells her that they (Yadira and Kike) ate together. Marely is impactada

_______________________ This is the missing part.

Cut to Yadira at the Shed of Shocking Shakiness, she is cooking or doing something, when Nacho arrives and tries to kiss her. Yadira says that she is not in the mood. Nacho tries again but Yadira doesn’t budge; Nacho tells her that he’ll find a job soon, she needs to be patient. Yadira says that the problem is that she can’t stand the place. Nacho says it is just for the moment, he’ll find a job soon. Yadira doesn’t believe him and says that the situation won’t change and it is better if she leaves. Nacho tells her that all the beginnings are hard, but together they can overtake all of their problems. Yadira answers that there are a lot of things that she could tolerate; he could “ponerle los cuernos” (go out with other women), could go out to get drunk with his friends, but there are two things that she can’t stand 1) She can’t be away from her daughter, 2) she can’t be away from… her TV.

At the Cachon residence, Kike is telling Marely that Yadira told him that she wanted to see her daughter, but he knows Yadira and she was too nice to him, he suspects that Yadira is not happy with “Profesor Tapete”. Marely asks him if he would be willing to forgive Yadira if she wanted to come back. Kike says that he loves her with all of his soul, and maybe under his own conditions he would let her come back. –Haven’t you heard that love that is not able to forgive is not love?

Back at Topete and Yadira’s place, Yadira is still scolding Nacho, she tells him that the clock is ticking and things are the same, all of these problems are affecting the way she sees him, before she admired him, but now… Nacho says that there is still love between them –Do you love me? –If I didn’t love you I wouldn’t be living in this match box, without my daughter. Nacho asks her to be patient, but Yadira doesn’t want to hear his excuses anymore. She lets him have it and yells at him that he is a “mediocre”. Nacho affirms that everything is going to change very soon, all they need is a “Picudo” (successful person) that resides out of the country and wants to come back, once that person comes back, they’ll have all the money they need; they will buy a big house with plenty of space. Yadira tells him that she had that already. Nacho tells Yadira to trust him; pretty soon he’ll buy her a huge TV set, plasma, HD that will go from wall to wall. Yadira likes the sound of that and asks hopefully –Really? Nacho grasps the opportunity and tells her that he promises, and all he needs is a little bit of time. Yadira looks half convinced.

At the Cachon residence, Juan is puting Juanito on his bed, and thought bubbling how important Juanito is for him, he wishes he could protect him from the boys that are bothering him, but he knows that he needs to let him grow and take his own decisions; he decides that he’ll talk to Maestro Pomposo and will ask his opinion. He also thinks that he was very worried for Juanito, he wonders how can God take care of so many sons if most of them are irresponsible and ungrateful.

Paula is in bed hugging his Teddy Bear and remembering when she asked Juan for forgiveness. –I did want to ask for forgiveness, why did you change so much Juan? (Honey you are the main reason for Juan’s change)

Back to Juan in the office of the soon to be ex Cachon residence, he is going once more over all of the papers of the Campeoni deal. He thought bubbles that he was very sorry for not finishing school because he couldn’t understand anything, and he doubts that there is somebody that could comprehend those papers. Not even Mandrake the Magician nor Kaliman could understand them, he knows that the only reason he is opposing the deal is because Paula wants the deal to happen. He says to himself that he can’t “achicarse” (back off. Lit get small) in front of Paula, however he recognizes that before her beauty he has no other option. While he tough bubbles, we are treated to scenes of his relationship with Paula. I had forgotten how good he looked with his hair short… but I digress again. We hear the “hay amor” song.

Juanito enters the office and tells Juan that he had a nightmare. Juan asks if it is because of the thugs, and when Juanito doesn’t say anything, he suggests a change of school. Juanito says that he doesn’t want the thughs to think that he is afraid. Juan is proud of his child and tells him is time to go back to bed. Junito just has one more question. Why are Don Lorenzo and Doña Pepita separated if they love each other?

Cut to Delirio digging a hole. I don’t know if I’m right since I have very little experience digging holes; but I can tell that the actor doesn’t even know how to hold a shovel, and yet after a few minutes (It might be hours in Novela land) we see Delirio inside a big hole.

Back to Juan and Juanito, Juan tells him that when 2 people are fighting and neither one wants to back off; there is no way to resolve the problem. Juanito asks if it is the same as when mules don’t obey, Juan laughs and says yes, it is exactly the same. He also tells him that there is a need to have a mediator to fix the problem. Juanito asks who the mediator between Don Lorenzo and Doña Pepita is. Juan hesitantly says –me.

Marely goes to Nidia’s room to talk to her. Nidia is still crying. Marely tells her to see the good side of things; this is an opportunity to star all over, to change. Nidia is not too sure; she says that now the daughter is teaching the mother. She also says that to start anew sounds very romantic, however in real life is not that easy. Marely tells her to see the example of Licenciado Pelafan he was able to change.

Cut to the “changed” man, Delirio is now sleeping in the big hole. A group of men (I think they are Cops) approach and wake him up asking him what is he doing. Delirio doesn’t know what to say, and just laughs nervously.

The End.


Maricruz, Thanks once again for your superb recap. I am enjoying the treasure of having the cultural, linguistic and historical references enrich your writing about this show. The guionistas/screenwriters have given us such full colorful language in this story and you help us enjoy it so much more.

I took a business Spanish class in Cuernavaca in January so was able enjoy Juan playing with the business lingo. When I was in business, it was always amusing to watch someone like Juan get sudden power. The truth is power goes to one's head and then the person has to calm down or in some cases you see people never come back down from the clouds. I remember going through this personally and Juan portrays this stage so perfectly. Being the great guy he is with a loving soul, I think he will be one that will come back to realize that having power and position doesn't really make you better than anyone else.

Maricruz, all I can say is that I'm glad you had this episode and not I. Some of the rapid conversations made my head spin.

I really enjoyed your commentary about turning an innocent phrase into an insult. I find that sort of insight really helpful. I think maybe we don't do it so much in America, however when I studied Shakespeare in college I was amused that he did that type of thing frequently throughout his plays.

I look forward to reading the rest of the recap later...

Maricruz, you’ve given us another total gem of a recap! Thanks, and especially for covering for me on this so graciously. We made our all-day drive to my hometown and I thought of you often, working in the recap. Your cultural bits are superb, and the vocab is always just exactly what we need. I really appreciate the lagniappe about the discussion between Delirio and Gutis on Gutis’ “mom.” Thanks again!

“I’m copying the end of Sylvia’s recap because I’m very practical (My father would have called it lazy)” LOL! Definitely practical!

Heriberto’s rainbow sherbet suits are well-cut, great styling, nice fabric, and well-coordinated with his ties (which, by the way, are tied perfectly and not short like Juan’s). Darn shame about the color choices! Apparently, though, Julia is not put off by it all. Anyone making book on if they end up together?

Ana is terrified to fall in love with Willy. Is she afraid of being used again, like Samuel used her all those years while staying married to Nidia? Samuel may have loved her but he didn’t give her the one thing she wanted—the stability of a real marriage. Is Ana afraid it’ll happen again?

“Pastor’s Cave of Creative Concoctions “ and “Ana’s Dwelling of Dutiful Devotion” LOL! Very nicely said, Maricruz.

Delirio is such a twit. Whatever makes him think he can tunnel into a penitentiary?

I had a terrible thought that Juan’s business sense about Campeoni might be exactly right, and his intuition is 100% on target—it’s a bad bet, and everyone else could be wrong. What if??? That’d make him a hero to block the purchase.

Jeanne (on the road again, helping Mom, but with a little time to read recaps, maybe)

Thanks, Maricruz! This is great.

Thank you everybody! I often wonder what makes us work so hard on the recaps and I answer to myself (does this qualify me as crazy?) that it has to be the satisfaction of sharing an activity that we enjoy and also the fulfillment of knowing that we are giving a little bit of ourselves with every line we write.
Cheryl wasn’t it fun the way Juan played with those words? He can be such a riot; I just hope that by the end of the Novela he is able to manage the business successfully.

Sylvia, yes it is very amusing to see quick wit at work and that is why albures fascinate me, however it is consider the language of the “low” classes, and that is why it is taboo to use it in a “decent” conversation.

Jeanne I’m glad to hear that you are doing better, don’t worry about the Friday recaps, as long as I’m not kicked out of Caray, Caray for my terrible grammar, I’ll be your substitute. So you think that Juan is correct in his assessment of Campioni… I’m not that sure because the only reason he opposes the purchase of the business is because Paula wants it, but what do I know, I’m the one that thought that Kike was going to end up with Julia and Marely with Juan

Thank you once again for your comments.

Wow Maricruz. I didn't have time to get to this until Monday but it was worth the wait. Have a ton of notations from your vocabulary and cultural info to put down in my big Spanish notebook.
My eyes glazed over during the business discussion (I suspect they would have even if it were in English) but I sure appreciated the ganancia neta vs bruta explanation and then Juan's remark is truly funny. Wouldn't have gotten that at all without you.
And I loved your editorial comment about Paula hugging the bear and bemoaning the change in Juan. So true.
Just finished reading a very interesting book called Mistake Were Made (But Not by Me) about how we cling to self-justification to protect our concept of ourselves as "good" even when we behave badly. It also talks about people's preference for the "victim narrative", ignoring their own faults and emphasizing the defects of the romantic partner when the relationship goes south.
And oh, Dona Ana...I understand her perfectly. I have walked with several friends, newly widowed or divorced, who were very wary about dating again. The whole thing is scary! Especially today when the question is not "yes or no" (to hop into bed) but "when!?"
And yes, how could puny little Alirio have dug a hole that deep...would have taken a team of brawny lads to do that. Oh well...this is a fairy tale, is it not. So whatever.

I think an American/English equivalent to the crow dicho could be "you reap what you sow." This proverb also relates to Nacho Topete; he sure has his hands full with Yadira! The irony of this situation is that if she leaves Nacho she may not have a home to go home to.

Maricruz I agree with you that Alirio doesn't even know how to hold a shovel. The way he grasped it he might as well have been using a trowel. Also, he was using the wrong kind of shovel.

Thank you for the links on Mandrake and Kaliman. I'd heard of Mandrake but neve Kaliman. How funny that Juan's paragons of intelligence are of the comic strip variety. I checked the Kaliman site, cool graphics!

JudyB, interesting comment people clinging to their own "innocence" regarding bad behavior. I think this telenovela, more than any other I have watched, is all about the character's search for self. Almost every character, at some level, is going through a journey of self-awareness. Interesting.

Thanks Maricruz, fantastic recap!

thanks, Maricruz for another stellar recap. I especially like the vocab and cultural insights. Since I don't have subtitles or recording /playback abilities, all of the recaps fill in a lot of gaps for me. All along I've felt that Juan's reluctance for the Campeoni deal has been a gut feeling aversion, and I think that they may well not go thru with it, and he will be proven correct and praised for his "acumen". We'll see real soon. funny, we all noticed Delirio's apparent lack of experience withe the wrong shovel/wrong technique. The actor really does have a bit of comic talent, even if he overdoes it most of the time. Keep up the great work, recappers....dorado dave

Dorado Dave - if your television was made for sale in the United States, and after July 1, 1993, you have captions in it by law. You just need to go into the menu and turn them on (thanks, Senator Tom Harkin, for the CC decoder chip law). They'll be in Spanish depending on the city where you live--some cities and some programs have both captions.

You need to find the closed caption command, set it for CC1 or if it is digital/HDTV set it for "primary." It depends on your television, though.


Wow, Maricruz, you topped off an already fine recap with a smashing ending. I loved the side trips to Juan's cartoon heros especially Kaliman. Interesting that he was so fabulously popular in Mexico but not the states. Juan could use Kaliman's encyclopedic knowledge about now. (Also, wonder if it is deliberate that Kali means good in Greek).

The search for the self with various characters is what elevates this telenovela from near slap-stick comedy to thought provoking stories of people who really get into corners (or dig themselves into holes so to speak) that they must be very resourceful to get out of. I think it must be very good for the telenovela fans to be seeing people struggle to overcome humble beginnings, poor education and even the reverse, the spoiling effect of having everything given to one on a silver platter. They do all have these struggles in common.

By the way, Maricruz, I haven't asked you or heard you give an opinion on Mexican law regarding the wife's rights. Can a Mexican will of a spouse exclude the other legal spouse?? It is hard for me to grasp since I don't know of any state where that could happen here. That doesn't mean there isn't one, mind you, and I am not a lawyer, I'm just saying... Anyway I would love your thoughts on this big problem so central to the action now.

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Cheryl, I checked out the Family Code of Mexico and according to Article 6.142 The succession can only be applied when there is no will; in other words. The will supercedes any right that the wife could have. If there is no will, the wife inherits the same portion as the children…very interesting. In that case Nidia is out of luck. If any of you feel like reading a little of legalese in Spanish this is the link

thanks, Cap'n Schoolmarm, i'll try it tonight, and i hope that tteh captions are in spanish. The set isn't too old, but it is controlled by a universal remote from radio shack, so it should be an advennture dorado dave

Anon # 1, I have registered, and now all is well.....

I did not watch, or tape a single episode last week, the re-caps were great, as I try to get back into Juan Q.

I hope all is well with everyone here.......

Anon #1, that's great, you're registered!

Thanks, Maricruz and others. I am back to reading although not able to watch due to family obligations (but this is a Good Hotel with Univision).


Dorado Dave, look forward to hearing if it works with a universal remote.


Cap'n Schoolmarm- nope, didn't work. The remote doesn't have any effect other than on/off, channel, and volume. I have rabbit ears, no cable. Is this a factor? Maybe a hardware upgrade is needed... dorado dave

No, Dorado Dave, the chip is in there if you bought the television new after 1993 in the US. Do you have a menu button on the television itself? And rabbit ears should not make a difference for rabbit ears (though they will as of next February, as it's not clear that the signal will broadcast for captions with the "converters" the government is advising folks to use).

If you have a menu button on the television, you should be able to stumble through until you discover how to turn it on. If not, you definitely won't get captions unless there is a "CC" button on the television itself. They'll be buried in there forever.


Also, Dorado Dave, when in doubt, any teenager can tell you how to do what we mature adults can't do.



Sorry, I meant "rabbit ears should not make any difference for caption transmission" although I will add that sometimes it's choppy with rabbit ears, just because all transmission can be choppy that way.


Dorado Dave - no promises, but:

Go to channel 2 on your TV. Then press the down-channel button (whatever it is called) a few times as if you're going to channel 1, channel 0, channel -1... Often the menu is located on a "channel" that's located somewhere after the highest regular channels, or somewhere before the lowest ones. Next, you need to figure out how to use the volume/channel buttons to scroll through the choices and change them.

If your TV is too old it won't have this, and if the reception you get from the rabbit ears is really bad your captions will probably be so garbled as to be useless. But I figure it's worth a shot!

Anon # 1 , Just a thought as some areas do not offer close captions. Google seach the Name brand, and model of your should find the information as to your T.V capabilities, of close caption, and how to activate it.

If T.V. is close caption ready, then contact your local, or cable T.V. affiliate , as to if they offer CC.

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