Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Fuego April 29 - Episode #2 - People Die

Hello everyone - good to be back after missing the last part of Pasion, I'm still crazy busy but I'm going to try recapping again anyway. Maybe I can keep myself from going on and on and taking forever to write (don't hold your breath I seem compelled to go on and on). I lost my Friday slot since I bailed out for a while, maybe doing something midweek will make me hurry up more.

First of all I missed the beginning of the show, my DVR didn't record the episode. Somehow the guide changed the title of the show to 'To Be Announced' so my series recording didn't pick it up. This has happened more than once. Come on Comcast, make it work! Here's where I came in -

Bernardo is leaving the house, Gabriela says he isn't free to leave, he would have to die first. Wow did anyone miss the sledgehammer foreshadowing there?

The brothers are all dressed nice and Libia shows up, they ask her about Bernardo. They don't like that he is old, and they want to know if he's married. They want to go talk to him but she says he's on the way over. She tells them she's pregnant. After their tirades yesterday, they should have torn down the entire city in rage over this, but now today they are all nice about it. Whatever. I think they are all bi-polar. Well maybe not Franco since he only has one expression, maybe he has been lobotomized. Before accepting her pregnancy Juan cries like a baby himself and wants to know how he failed her. Maybe he didn't explain the birds and the bees, that would have been failing her very specifically to this situation. Bernardo shows up, Libia tells him she's pregnant, he's happy. The brothers ask when they'll get married, Bern says he'll make sure Libia is happy. Notice he didn't say anything about marrying her. The brothers are all too dense to pick up on this.

Gabriela and the sisters are milling around outside their house worrying about where Bernardo is, like he's some mental patient who wandered out of the yard. I'm sure a 60 year old father of three can handle himself out of the house for a couple hours. Jeez. We see him riding his horse, happy as a clam. FeoNando (awesome nickname that I am totally stealing from yesterday's comment thread) drives his SUV across Bernardo's path. They argue, FeoNando says he knows Bern was with his lover.

Eva, back in the house, makes love to Bernardo's coat before finding a picture of Libia with a love note written on the back. She cries about it.

FeoNando and Bernardo argue, Feo says he won't tell on Bernardo, insinuating he can be bought. Bern says, basically, 'screw you' and punches him.

In town (I guess) three drunk guys are hanging around their truck with the radio cranking some stereotypically Mexican music, a lady comes out and calls them drunk (just so we know I guess, thanks for cluing us in) and tells them to get lost. They argue that the street belongs to everyone but then get ready to leave anyway.

Bernardo tells FeoNando that he'll pay him nothing! (Judge Smails - You'll get nothing! And LIKE IT!) Now FeoNando threatens to tell everything, Bernardo gets on his horse to ride away. Feo says you aren't going anywhere and holds the horse's reins. In the scuffle, Bernardo falls off the horse and cracks his head on the only rock for 100 feet in any direction, killing him instantly. Since this is novelaland, Libia drops her glass of water at that moment, feeling 'something' - maybe a great disturbance in the Force? FeoNando and the horse then stare at each other, Feo willing the horse to keep it's mouth shut, the horse giving Feo the stink eye.

Gabriela and the sisters worry some more. The girls want to go look, Gabriela says no. Sofia and Gabriela argue about who has the worse marriage and Sofia throws the rape in her face again and cries some more. Ok they don't get along, we get it. I have to say that Gabriela is Bertha from Heridas all over again, like exactly the same. "poor me I gave everything to you girls" Even three girls, it's the same character! "when I'm gone you'll be sorry!" Um no I don't think so.

Grandpa Augustin is dressed up like Napoleon, looking out an upstairs window, he keeps writing notes in a book. I guess he's crazy.

Libia waits at the waterfall/pool where she made gross love with the old dude before. I think I see Alejandro and Miranda frolicking behind her, this looks like the pool/waterfall where they got freaky back in Heridas. Maybe it's like that one rock formation from an old Star Trek episode that has shown up in like 15 other shows over the years. Yes I'm a huge nerd.

FeoNando puts Bernardo on the horse, then walks the horse. He hears the loud truck with the naco music cranking and the drunks yelling coming up the street, he pushes the horse in front of it. Right before the truck hits it we see what appears to be a completely alive Bernardo (bad stunt work here, you can totally tell the person on the horse is alive in that split second) and then the truck hits the horse. Feo wanders out from behind a bush and blames them for killing Bernardo. How convenient.

FeoNando brings Bernardo's body back to the hacienda, they all have a good cry. Upstairs, crazy grandpa sees it and tells Eva that Bernardo is dead. Eva faints.

Juan, who apparently can only bake topless, works hard. The other two are apparently useless, Juan does all the work. Libia is leaving to go look for Bernardo. Juan wants info on him, phone number, address, Libia doesn't know any of it. Juan gets all macho about it and Libia says fine, if Bernardo ditches me, I'll leave town to spare you the scandal. Juan gets softie, totally against what we've seen of his character so far, and says no he'll always take care of her and the baby.

Bernardo's wake is going on at the Hacienda, lots of black clothes and crying.

Libia sees Hortensia (the lady who ran off the drunks) on the street, just then she sees a newspaper saying in huge 'Kennedy Shot/Pearl Harbor Bombed' 50 point headline saying that Bernardo is dead. She faints.

More crying at the wake, Gabriela is stone-faced.

Libia cries that she wants to see Bernardo, some random guy says he'll take her.

Rosario (ok now this is what has been missing from the shows I've been watching. I prefer a classier version of Jessica Rabbit bodied hot chick, but this is a step up anyway) is in her dressing room practicing her dance moves. Thank you Rosario, please don't stop on my account. Anyway that clown Franco just walks in and kisses her. She gets mad and says he just desires her, doesn't love her, then kicks him out. Then she talks to herself about how she loves him but can't be with him. I guess she kicked him out as a front to get rid of him since FeoNando has some mysterious hold on her. I suppose we'll find out later what that is. As long as it doesn't involve her putting on more clothes, whatever.

Libia shows up at the wake. Big dramatic scene. Everyone wonders who the hell she is, she isn't even wearing black. We also see that Bernardo has a huge-ass bling picture of the Virgin on his casket. She predictably throws herself on the casket, just like a ghetto mother in a gangsta movie, and cries very loudly. Luckily she is very cute and not an ugly crier or the amount of crying she does this episode would be excruciating rather than just annoying. We've all had horrible days, but after a while you just can't keep up the wailing. No matter how bad the day has been, who died, whatever. At some point you just give out and can't keep up the screaming. Anyway Gabriela confronts her, Libia says she was Bernardo's fiancee and is having his baby, Gabriela says she is his real wife and tries to throw Libia out. In the lobby Gabriela slaps Libia while FeoNando just stands there and watches. Then FeoNando throws her out, with crazy grandpa saying "wait I want to talk to you!" Outside Eva catches up with Libia and says she believes that she was with Bernardo and is pregnant, but Libia doesn't want to hear it since Eva didn't help her inside. She continues crying and leaves.

The brothers stand around and worry about where Libia is off to. Man everyone has to report to everyone else on this show about where they are at all times.

Libia finds Hortensia again and cries some more, then accuses Hortensia of not telling her the truth about Bernardo. I guess Hortensia knew they were together?

The brothers put on their huge sombreros and ride around looking for Libia. It starts raining.

FeoNando and Gabriela discuss Libia. Gabriela is only concerned about scandal and says this bastard baby will get half of the family fortune. FeoNando immediately says no way and quickly leaves the room. Gee I wonder where he is off to. Gabriela looks at a picture of Bernardo and curses him and throws her wine glass at the picture.

The brothers have managed to find rain ponchos but not their sister.

Libia is at the waterfall/pool again and sitll loudly wailing. Now she is mad at Bernardo and is yelling at him. Some guy suddenly grabs her, we see soon enough that it's FeoNando (big surprise), he grabs the necklace off of her. They struggle in the water, then he conks her on the head with a comically big stick and then drowns her. Again, since we are in novelaland, Juan has what feels like a heart attack at that moment. Uh Oh. I need to find a recording of Alec Guiness saying he feels 'a great disturbance in the Force' for every time this happens.

Tomorrow - no idea, since the entire teaser just recapped what already happened today. All I know is that it will involve brothers with poor anger management skills wearing sombreros and riding horses. I'm sure there will also be yelling and crying.


Loved the recap! Bros w/anger management skills and the horse and FeoNando giving each other the evil eye. Well done!

Great to see you're back in the saddle again, Chris! Loved your snark about the disturbance in the force. This novela is just way over the top. Hopefully now that the plotline is set, these characters will become a little less self-parody and a little more realistic. The brothers are still way too melodramatic for my taste and the sisters are also overacting, even for the high drama that we saw tonight.

I liked the scene between Rosario and Franco, where she throws him out of her dressing room. She's wailing about men only wanting her for her body while wearing a skimpy exotic dancer outfit and flaunting her double DDs. Was this supposed to be funny or what?

Ferro, I suspect this telenovela is right up your alley. It's positively ripe in the cheesiness factor. I know EY is a hunk and all but I'm having a hard time getting past the sweating, wiping the face, bare-chested kneading of the dough. Maybe I just can't get beyond that pesky Safety and Sanitation training I had as a youth.

Libia is cute and all but that girl was seriously as dumb as a post. Let me count the ways. Bawling her eyes out in front of a storm drain during a downpour? If the serial killing son-in-law hadn't gotten her the flash flood certainly would have.

Wonderful recap Chris, welcome back!

Chris, Welcome back to recapping. From what I've read so far, I'd say we're very lucky you've been lured back. I'm not watching "FELS" (wasn't that a 60's brand of laundry soap?) because I'm way too big a fan of the original novela; the odor on this one is already too much for me. But after reading this recap, I'm definitely going to keep checking in here. Too darn funny...

Glad you're enjoying Ninel Conde (Rosario) & her "Twins". The actress that played this character originally also had a killer figure, but more in terms of muscle tone & definition; her "assets" didn't quite preceed her when walking into a room the way Ninel's do. She'll be dancing - a lot - during the 190-plus episodes of this novela, so not to worry. There's more where this came from.

Keep up the great work!

Chris, This is just the perfect irreverential madness for you. I was hoping to hear from you about the end of Pasion, but I am so glad you are here. Now I am down to just Juan on Monday's and it is fun to just be a passenger on this magic bus.

I love Yanez no matter how testy and sweaty he gets and am enjoying the pretty boys and girls to lift our spirits and make the improbable plot more fun. I think or hope that the story will calm down after these larger than life May-to-December love and the boys with anger management problems, and the major funerals are over. That Momma Gabriel looks like a nasty piece of business and Feonando will be her toady. It's all a bit of a stretch to think this small time doesn't have better communication systems or is it just Hermanos Reyes that have turned off their receivers and can only broadcast....

Make that small town, but small time almost works.

Glad that Gramps and his "nina" Libia are out of the way. The ick factor was really getting to me. Did you see Gramps sitting upright on the horse after he had hit his head and was declared muerto?

Now we have a crazy killer but who else needs to be gotten rid of to obtain the fortune? Maybe Gabriela or her papa?

After watching Juan's bread making techniques, I will never look at pan the same way again when I go to the Mexican bakery.

Great recap, Chris. I'm glad you're back. This story is definitely up your alley. I could not watch last night after all, and your recap made me feel like I hadn't missed a thing.

I just thought of something . . . Beckster always calls people Asshats--that epithet is perfect for this group . . .

HAH! Chris, as everybody is saying, you're back in perfect form! I, too, found Pasion too hard to recap because I don't like the straight ones... I thought of you whenever Rosario's implants threatened to explode out from under her skin ... you made me laugh several times in this recap... Those brothers are way too old to be so stupid ... do you think Franco had a Botox overdose maybe? ... do any Mexicans really wear these huge hats any more when it's not their birthdays? ...welcome back!

Awesome recap. Was that just not the worst casket party evah?

I looked at my husband and said, should anything like that happen to me, I will hunt you to the gates of Hell.

He was pretty funny though when he suggested maybe lil sis went after old guy cause her father died; as a replacement father figure. I wanted to know what was his excuse, I have three hottie daughters so I want a youngin? Eekkk

Was it only me or did that girl strike you as a bit on the slow side?

Melinama, I thought the same thing about the sombreros. Do men really wear those things today (when not playing in a mariachi group)? And these actors are too old for the parts. I'm watching the original on Telemundo, and those guys are much younger, which makes their volatility, naivite and lack of judgment more believable. Besides, it's much more fun watching Mario Cimarro punching the dough and jiggling the buns (LOL)!

Hey MadBunsSusanlynn, is Hortensia played by the same actress who played Blanca in Duelo?

Chris: I'll add to the chorus welcoming you and your wry sense of humor back to the recap stage.

I hope we don't end up calling the Brothers Reyes the three stooges before this is all over. Brother Franco (Pablo Montero?) apears to have acting skills that run the gamut from A to B.

Like Cheryl NM, I can take EY in any form. But, I did wonder why his shirt was off for most of the first few scenes while the other two wore shirts. Maybe the writers need more time to figure out what they should do and say.

Also, being what is commonly referred to as a "horse" person, I found it pretty unbelievable that Bernardo's horse didn't pull Feo across the paddock. And, it's hard enough to stay balanced on a horse when you're alive, so it was unbelievable that Bernardso was able to ride even a short distance when dead.

This is going to be fun. And, yes, I think the "boys" are all too old - except EY.

From lower Ala

Im spechless about this Ep!
It took a couple times to get threw it,
Let me saying that this the turning point and i recomend PDG ep 3 to compare,
I must credit Sherlyn's acting in this ep it was very strong,She should have an award for it. I was truely amazed.
I want to say this about Fuego and PDG,
In this episode 2 F, 3 PDG,
PDG:Was a real accdent on fathers death Of course Fern was chaseing him on horse when he ran into the streets and well Libia jumped off a bridge into the water and drowned herself,
Fuego: set in this ep FeoNando as a muder,
I seen comparieing once before and this is twisted, Im starting to wonder what kinda guy is Fern in PDG,
I must say watching Libia death,
Well the first thing this part(which I had seen 3 three times) Is one brutal painful death. At the time I watched it was nightime on all three counts and let me say i cant sleep after it.It is truely painful and heartbreaking so much it makes me feel funky inside.I wish they had masked Libia's murder its only the beging.Now a highlight to the scene was when FeoNando takes one last hit to Libia's head and she dies in style with her arms flung out into the water ..that arms wide out scene was the one thing i found in comon when Libia jumped well flung or flew of the bridge was the arms out and i found that amazing to see they both did well on that.Another thing is I like how Juan felt his sisters pain it was touching, That didn't happen in PDG,
I have to say this ep was more played out then PDG, More drama,pain,heartache and sadness
Anyone catch when Fern and Bernardo were fighting the horse stuck its tounge out? lol!
Well scripted recap,

Emilee: Don't understand all your abbreviations. Please folks, have pity on those of us who haven't watched every telenovela, don't know the names of all the actors and don't use shorthand.


Welcome back Chris! I'll join the chorus. Very funny recap. I think this one is just your style. Keep up the good work.

Excellent recap, Chris. Glad you're on board with your rapier-like wit and insight. Loved the willing shut mouth/stink eye comment, i was wondering at the time how i could describe the scene. I hope that we are done with deaths for a while, we'll soon run out of characters; but I think that you recappers, and we lay people, will have plenty of laugh fodder in the weeks ahead I'm looking forward to the chucklefest....

Chris, that was just an awesome recap. Brothers with poor anger management skills indeed! Hubby and I noticed the horse giving Feonando the stink eye, too. In fact, we figured the horse would have to be called as the only witness at the murder trial. It could stand in front of Feonando and stamp a front hoof and whinney.
So far, the crazy Grandpa in the costumes is my favorite character.
La Paloma

I like the name Fernasty.

Murder always tweaks my interest. He seems reasonably brite about how he kills. Uses the moment and location, no overplanning or outsourcing to unreliable co-horts.
Silvia Sharkbait, I that the editors/Libia were a little long in having the killer arrive and do the deed. I expected the flood would'a done it.

Seems that Ava also had a physical relationship with the walking old guy. Maybe in the weeks to come we'll get history of what was his 'inner beauty'.

Please can someone post this with the other episode? Thank you and thank you Chris for a fun recap.

Thanks, Chris. I am quite familiar with the Star Trek rock formation. As for the waterfall itself, it was also in Destilando. As was Hortensia - she was Ofelia, mother of Hilario.

I'm sorry you missed the first few scenes, because I was hoping to get a second opinion as to whose medical problems they were referring to. If Libi had a medical problem then I guess that problem has solved itself. If one of the brothers has a medical problem, it will probably come up again.

I think the only other thing of interest that you missed was Gabriela giving him a hard time for abandoning her at the party. He complained that she wasn't putting out for him any more, that their marriage wasn't working for him any more, and he wanted out. She refused and said she'd keep him in the house forever and make both their lives a living hell rather than get divorced. He accused her of being more concerned about appearances.

I thought Feonando got too elaborate with Bernardo's death. I thought it would have been smarter to say that he scared the horse with the jeep (which is true) and that the horse threw Bern (almost true). Then it's just a terrible accident and Feonando feels soooooooo guilty about it. But no, Feo's got to complicate the whole thing to keep his image totally spotless. Ridiculous.

I'm not so sure that Grandpa is crazy. I think he's just trying to amuse himself! I bet there's some useful information written in that book.

So Emilee, Libia killed herself in the other version? Had her brothers already promised to support her and take care of the baby? It wouldn't make much sense to kill herself in that case.

On the other hand, that murder was awful.

After two episodes I'm still not clear as to whether Franco and Rosario have ever had a conversation before. In the first episode it seemed as though she'd only noticed him and not spoken, but in last night's episode it sounded as though they'd had similar conversations before.

Thanks, Chris for the hilarious recap!! Your wry sense of humor is perfect....too funny!(Franco being lobotomized) :)

Well, Feo has killed Bernardo and Libia already! Who will be next? He's such a creep! Although I like Yanez, I would rather see him shirtless sometimes....not all the time. He seems to showing off a bit much! As for Rosario's boobs....they are way too perfect...they don't seem to move, either!!! Scary.

Wonder who might die tonight????

Why is it the walking, now defunct, old guy's fortune would be half for the now defunct baby bride almost? I'm assuming the wife has concluded she and his legalized children would only get half his fortune.

Thank you Ferro for the great recap. And I see that I didn't miss the part where walking old guy told the brothers he would marry their baby sister.

Gee-whiz, now he's defunct we won't get to observe his charisma. Must have had some.

Is bernardo's widow, non other than Grita from Passion, made older looking??

yea the brothers knew,
in the other one all the parts played up when she left to the house except she didnt lay on tyhe casket, she was pulled aside outside to to talk to gabby after the person (who we see now but with out her son)drove her there and was speaking of why libia and them were there, then in not so much strength libia speaks up and Gaby pulls her aside and they walk outside the house then they end up inside where the family is gathered and well Libia runs out slaps the drivers son and well doesnt wanna feel like troulbe because the town was all against her and the family of her lover. so she runs threw the fog and at dawn climbs on the rail of this high and i mean bridge and jumps more flings or flys in the water and just drowns herself.
you know how people get lost iin there minds.... take that one who plays Camila on pasion,in pricless love suesan as Maria liz went to drown herself cause she couldnt go back home and she got saved by her husband.
Gramps inst crazy i think he's just funny.

Anon 12:09 - no, that isn't Grita from Pasion. The actress who plays Gabriela was last seen as Bertha in Heridas de Amor, and is playing apparently the exact same character with the exact same tendencies.

Thank you all for your wonderful comments! This show has been way too easy to mock so far. I enjoy that of course, but I hope it doesn't end up making the show almost/completely unbearable to watch (Duelo/Amnesia part of Amar, I'm looking at you).

I'm finding the mockability to be almost a relief after Pasion. I love high-quality stuff, but this is much more relaxing.

I'm genuinely curious, though, as to why Pablo Montero is in this. I didn't see him in Duelo, but from what I've heard, it's hard for me to understand how he managed to land another big role. Do a lot of women find him incredibly attractive, or something? I can't see it, but it would explain it. Otherwise, I'm mystified.

Does he sing? Maybe he sings or dances...and this will be his debut venue at the cantena?

Oh! I bet you're right, Bonney. That would explain why he's in this!

Agree about Pablo Montero, although so far, the role of Franco seems to be the least demanding.

Gabriela is pretty much an exact clone of the aunt in Heridas. Right down to the dialog: "[insert young female character name here] you are the last person who should be...[criticizing me, offering advice...etc.] FeoNando may yet turn out to be a clone of El Guapo, the psycho-killer who got high on the smell of fear.

Pablo Montero's one great talent, maybe only talent, is that he has a beautiful voice, believe it or not. So he is mainly a singer and not an actor as we well know. Don't know why he isn't singing the theme song so we can appreciate something about him besides his mockability.

Great snarky recap, Chris. Really admire your writing style.

I was also thinking, why in the world these guys would ride around on 3 horses looking for their sister? Wouldn't you think the Panadaría Hermanos Reyes would have a delivery truck?

I'm also wondering about Adela Noriega. I've seen her in 4 novelas: El Privilegio de Amar, El Manantial, Amor Real, and parts of La Esposa Virgen, and I've never seen any part of her legs. She ALWAYS wears some sort of long skirt that sort of resembles the ones worn by female Mariachi singers. Does she have horrible legs? I don't mean this to sound mean; I actually like Adela, but never an ankle or calf?

And 190 capitolos???? Yikes! One thing about Carla Estrada, she always leaves you wanting more.

Chris, speaking of the dread amnesia plot on Amar--isn't that the same waterfall they used there too?

I'm imagining...um.mmm.mm, the bakery is a wholesale business. Retailers pick up from the brothers three ranch (horses you know) and the naked baker is not a problem because no buyers see him bakin.
Did someone say that one brother is a bricklayer? Whats the other brother's line of work? I couldn't see much work getting done what with the family coming to crisis time.

Oh, sorry. My theory was as to why no bakery truck.

Nina, that may very well be the Amar waterfall too. In Novelaland there is only one church, one hospital, one doctor, one policeman, etc, so it stands to reason that there is only one waterfall.

About Pablo Montero - we discussed him at length during Duelo, since we all couldn't stand him. He is apparently a very popular singer, at the beginning of that show he sang a couple times in the show, I guess to pull his fans in. He proceeded to act about as well as that little kid from Star Wars Episode I. That is to say, like a mannequin. Maybe he got a 3 show deal up front or something. Regardless, he can't act. I'm glad it's obvious to everyone so it doesn't seem like I'm picking on the cute guy or whatever, though in this show so far he looks as bad as he acts.

Regarding the theme song, what a wonderful voice Vicente Fernandez has. Not my style of music, but you can't help but appreciate his talent.

Adela Noriega is very thin, extremely thin, and always wears long skirts to avoid speculation about her weight.

I adore the music on this show - the opening theme, I mean. (I don't need to hear the bonbon song again.)

I didn't realize we were in for 190 hours. Yikes. I hope there's no temptation to extend it!

I noticed that in addition to not having a delivery truck, and seemingly no phone, the Reyes Bros. Bakery does not seem to have a industrial mixing/kneading machine. Juan can still finish the kneading by hand if he wants to, but he doesn't have to do it all day long.

Or maybe it's better that he keeps his hands busy, since he seems to want to punch people the rest of the time.

Also, even in some of the semi-remote little villages or destitute dumpy towns along roads, every single person in Mexico now has a cell phone, just like in the US. Why didn't they call Libia on her cell phone? Everyone is driving really nice cars, why not have cell phones?
Bernardo too, for that matter. They all sat around wondering where he was, and then later Berth... I mean Gabriela talks about the family fortune, but they can't buy a cell phone even when that kid I saw one time with no shoes had one?

Ferro, what a hillarious recap! I still didn't watch the show and I'm not sure if I should - may be just stick with reading recaps?
Anyway, I really liked your presentation of the story, especially that it has a lot mocking.
I've never seen Pablo Montero on a screen but I don't like his looks at all. And now all of you are saying that he can't act as well. Why he is in this novela?

Eve from Cleveland

Thanks for the recap Chris and I'm glad your back. As others have mentioned, this novela looks rip for mocking.

Regarding Pablo, I didn't see Duelo but read the hilarious commentary about him. My concern in this novela is that he's supposed to be intellectual as well as sensitive. I'll wait and see but based on the comments made in Duelo having Pablo as the smart one might be a real stretch.

Actually, Franco was shown reading a book in the first episode - the kind of book with lots of words in it. I guess that's how we know he's the "intellectual" one.

Oscar and Juan don't seem especially clever to me, so it's not a huge stretch. (Like the way Butthead is smarter than Beavis.)

Julie, the person with the medical problem was Libia. From what I gathered from the first episode, she had some sort of medical problem earlier. This was revealed when Oscar was emoting outside the Panadería to the other two brothers that maybe Libia should marry the viejo rico so that he could provide her with appropriate medical care. Apparently the bakery's bottom line didn't extend to "medicinas" and she was almost a goner.

OK, thanks Novelera. I wasn't sure who they were referring to in that scene.

Between the medication problem and the lack of any 20th (never mind 21st) century technology in their bakery except for the lighting, I'd say the Reyes Bros. Bakery should consider a price increase.

"Also, even in some of the semi-remote little villages or destitute dumpy towns along roads, every single person in Mexico now has a cell phone, just like in the US. Why didn't they call Libia on her cell phone? Everyone is driving really nice cars, why not have cell phones?"

Ferro - Unlike with the cars, it must be that Televisa didn't work out a lucrative product placement deal with a cellphone company!

I very much enjoyed the recap - much more than the part of the novela capitulo I managed to watch before switching the channel over to Futurama...

Yaayyyyyyyy Ferro. I think our dancer might just put someone's eye out with those things. Yikes.

This novela kind of makes me think it doesn't know whether it wants to be in the past or in the present - very confusing in some ways.

Anon 12:09 I said on an earlier post I thought mom is the spittin image of Grita even though I know it's not her - they could be twins.
Pablo is a famous singer. It's funny, he just kind of misses being good looking - has almost all of the elements yet that little somethin somethin is missing. ha ha

And, while were at it, can someone tell me why the bad guy knew where libia's "safe and happy place" was but her bros didn't have a clue (rhetorical). Maybe the hats were too tight.

I just would like to say that I am glad that Fuego is here. I watch to see another good novella since I am not happy with Al Diablo.
I loves the music that starts off the show. The scenery are beautiful too.
I like the Reyes brothers at the moment. Please renamed Fernando. He just creepy and sleezy. I don't like him all right.
Good recap. Thanks!

OK, I'll confess...I turned this on for the wailing Libia draped over the coffin scene & even with that smidgen of action, I kind of figured it was the old goat who kicked the bucket. Egad--a little cliched? But, I will also readily confess, Chris, that your recap totally cracked me up. I may have to watch this train wreck, if only for the laughs. (I'm sorry if I offend anyone. I promise to give it a chance but so far, it kind of makes you wonder if they were serious or trying to make this as campy as possible)

I definitely miss the comments & comraderie! You guys are all too funny & we all need a little harmless guilty pleasure in our life, right?

If Pablo Montero were older, fatter, and had big hairy eyebrow, and fat lips, and a gut, he would be the spitting image of Rubberlips in Barrera. He acts exactly as well.

Jazzee: Feonando told Bernardo that he knew about him having a girlfriend - so perhaps he was following Bernardo and already knew about the waterfall and haystack and guessed that she'd be there.

Either that or he followed Libi from the hacienda. Perhaps he will explain on his deathbed. :)

We still don't know where this place is, or what (if anything) they produce at the hacienda, correct?

There are no cellphones in Fuego thanks to Aaron from D A who used up the telenovela cellphone quota for the year.

LOL, 5:22. And here I was, hoping there'd be more cellphone abuse soon. Dang!

Just got home from work and immediately checked for the recap. I haven't read it or the comments yet, but Ib nhad to jump right in and say that I love the title. It kind of reminded me of ''Alina wept.'' from Duelo. OK, I'll be back after I read the recap.

So funny, anon 5:22. Plus, cell phones would remove much of the confusion that causes the drama to break out.
La Paloma

I'm not sure I like Feonando. How about AssFern?

Ferro: Glad to see ya back! I couldn't wait to get back to read your recap. Terrific snarkfest here so far and you caught all the highpoints (including Rosario's) the birds and the bees lecture not withstanding......

First Impressions: Bakery - Uggh! Visions of the one in Sweeney Todd. Where's the bug bomb? I wouldn't step foot in that thing let alone eat something baked in it. // Court testimony from the horse! LOL! //The three amigos...er Reyes brothers: I couldn't help feeling the whole family was a few loaves short of a baker's dozen. // As for the ick factor regarding the relationship between ol' Bernardo and naive Libia -Damn! We're not even talkin' May-December relationships here. I'd say more like March! I was wonderin' when I saw the old age spots on Bernardo's arm if we wouldn't catch a glimpse of Libia's favorite stuffed dollie somewhere in that scene tossed to the side of the hay pile. Yechhhh! The rich old fart couldn't even take her to a decent hotel? What's up with that??

Ok, I read the recap. Thanks, Ferro. I always get a kick out of your sense of humor. First things first--Sylvia, Hortensia was married to the Human Pinata in Duelo, and she was also the lady of illrepute who served as Hippolita's caretaker when Diego was trying to set Hip up in a house and make her his ramera in Alborada [She had an interesting schtick in that one...she kept wiping the corners of her mouth...She is evidently a method actress.] Second, not that I wish for 2 deaths in the second episode of a novela , but I am relieved that we will no longer have to watch Miss May and Mr. December skinnydipping and smooching. Wow...that was disturbing...and so close to my bedtime. After Monday night's premiere, I dreamt I was making out with High Hefner. And, about Pablo, I realize he is supposed to be the ''smart'' artistic brother as evidenced by the BOOK and the bandana around his neck, but I just am not buying it. As for Bambi McBooberson, I was afraid that she would put her own eye out with those things during that spiited dance routine. I did like the music..even the bobbon song. I was dancing right along with Bambi, but I was wearing a sweatshirt , capris ,and socks. Even I've had enough of Eduardo's barechested baking. I agree that the bakery should be shut down due to multiple health code violations. I am ready for Juan to meet Sofia and start putting the moves on. Adela does not seem as thin in this novela as she did in Amor Real. I think there was one scene in that novela where Manuel took her skirt off and she was standing there in her bloomers, but she had leotards on under the skirt. So...I'm not expecting Sofia/Adela to be up on stage in a costume she borrowed from Bambi or making out with Juan wearing a thong like Susana in Pasion. Evidently Adela is all about decorum. Well, let's see what unfolds tonight. P.S. Oddly, I bought a couple throw pillows for my new sofas today, and I didn't read the tag until I got home...They're by Cristina the talk show person . I didn't know that she had a line of home decor products. ***Mad Buns Bess, wondering if Ric and Camila and the kids are all settled down in New Orleans...insert big sigh here

Anonymous...You had me at Assfern...THAT is my alltime favorite suggestion.

As for Pablo Montero, first I saw him act in Duelo (one night was enough for me of that fiasco). Then I saw him sing. Uh, did I say I saw him sing? Finding out he was in this gave me a real "Ah, shucks" moment.

Allow me to add to the general chorus of welcome back Chris and killer recap. Shout out to Julie, too, for yesterday's, I couldn't post till today. This looks like it's gonna be a good one for unintentional humor and I can't wait to see more and read more from the recappers. Quick question, speaking of Amar Sin Limites, isn't the lady who was making out with Disgusting Old Perv's coat the lady who played Valentino Lanus' mom in that? I only occasionally watched after the amnesia thing so I'm not sure. I was also totally grodied by the whole May/December thing (that being May 1822/December 2008 by the looks of the two actors). I'm not against those kinds of romances, mind you, but that one really did push the envelope.
Anyroad, here's to another novella, praying for no amnesia or angels in daisy dukes!
Kim P.

Yeah Maria Sorte played Diego's mom Clementina and plays Eva, the housekeeper(?) in this one.

Welcome back Chris to doing recaps. You have a great start to the Tuesday nights so far. I think Ninel was hired for you and every guy out there to have something hot to look at.

About Pablo Montero - the first time I saw him act was in Nunca Te Olvidare and he played a mariachi singer who seranaded Esperanza (Edith Gonzalez) twice. He was also in Abrazame Muy Fuerte, and played Carlos Manuel's best bud who turned out to be his long-lost half brother. Both times, his characters died. The only time I ever heard him sing the theme song was for Gata Salvaje - not bad, in my opinion. All in all, in my opinion, he's okay but he ain't Fernando nor Eduardo.

And for those who don't know - PDG refers to Pasion de Gavilanes.

Jody :)

Isn't the hacienda the same one used on Destilando Amor? It seems new decorations?? It looks so familiar..I watched show last night trying to catch up,but didn't see past the funeral of sister of the three "lookalike hermanos",Jorge,Pablo,and Eduardo..Just off the success of Destilando Amor,it seems Eduardo Yanez would have not been cast in a similar role as Rodrigo,but very different in many respects..He is required to do some big time crying & wailing..That can't be easy for any actor or actriz...

TVyNovelas awards Sunday Night on Univision at 7:pm...

Ferro, MISSED ya! I was glad to hear suhijo won, too. Great recap, thanks!!! Your sense of humor soothes my soul. ☺ In spite of all the false starts you had with Comcast and the DVR, you seem to always pull it off.

“Gabriela says he isn't free to leave, he would have to die first. Wow did anyone miss the sledgehammer foreshadowing there?” Probably not. Although when she said “over my cadaver” once, I was hopeful it would be her, but then we wouldn’t get months of Eduardo shirtless.

“but now today they are all nice about it. Whatever. I think they are all bi-polar.” ROTFL! That hadn’t occurred to me, but now that you mention it….it’s the best possible explanation.

“Well maybe not Franco since he only has one expression, maybe he has been lobotomized.” LOL! Before Duelo, you reckon?

“wants to know how he failed her. Maybe he didn't explain the birds and the bees, that would have been failing her very specifically to this situation.” ROTFL!!! You’ll be sure not to make that mistake with suhijo, right? (Not that it matters with the boys, though.)

“Bern says, basically, 'screw you' and punches him.” Well, initially it was a good plan, but Bern didn’t reckon with how evil FeoNando is.

“Bernardo falls off the horse and cracks his head on the only rock for 100 feet in any direction, killing him instantly. Since this is novelaland, Libia drops her glass of water at that moment, feeling 'something'” ROTFL!!!

“Feo willing the horse to keep it's mouth shut, the horse giving Feo the stink eye.” ROTFL!!!! (who’d have thought Sylvia and I would have so much influence on you with our Hawaii pidgin “stink eye?”)

“Grandpa Augustín is dressed up like Napoleon, looking out an upstairs window, he keeps writing notes in a book. I guess he's crazy.” Nah, that’s just what Gabriela wants you to think. She’s crazy, he’s totally sane, the only one in this house.

Juan, who apparently can only bake topless, works hard.” And we gals are SO glad for it, too. The topless part, that is. Rosario was gratuitous and put into this novela strictly for you, Ferro.


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