Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Guapos: Monday 4/21/08- "Incompetence and Insubordination"

A beaten up Constancio, wearing a neck brace, sits in what appears to be a wheelchair as Damien holds a press conference calling Connie’s attackers cowards. After the press conference, the neck brace is off and Connie’s on the attack. He is up and about and throwing things at Damien, threatening to kill him. Damien tries to play all innocent, asking why Connie is doing this. Connie just rants and throws more things. Perlata tries to intervene, but Connie ends up ordering both men out. Damien scampers out, glad to have his skin saved.

At the mansion, Karla is trying to gather info for Andrea and she gets caught by Braulio while she’s listening at Regina’s door.

Inside Regina’s room, Al and Mili are telling her of their plans to get married in secret. Granny gives the couple her blessing and is told she’ll be the only guest.

Alone in his office, Connie gets a phone call about Damien. The person isn’t too forthcoming with information, but does say the word “casino”. This gets Connie to thinking.

Luciana takes a call from Perlata.

Socorrito and Horacio lament over how terribly Lina’s mother has treated her. The couple decides they need to support Lina.

Meanwhile, Lina is crying on the shoulders of Mili and Gloria. She’s upset with how Roxanna treated her and when Gloria offers her comfort, Lina lets the cat out of the bag and tells Gloria that at least her mother is looking for her, to ask for forgiveness. Gloria is confused and Mili tries to get Lina to shut up. Gloria realizes her friends have been keeping some important info from her. Upset, she takes off.

Luci orders Brau to go pick up her dress---she’ll need it for the dinner party she’s planning for her and Connie’s anniversary. The majordomo questions why he’s being sent on a errand and Luci tells him he’s the only one she trusts with the task, and besides she knows how much he likes her clothes.

At the office, Bobby is summoned by Connie. He wants to know how’s it going with Damien. Bobby says “good”. Connie asks him for a favor---tell him what’s going on with Damien’s bank accounts. Bobby says he knows nothing and Connie says he believes him and hopes that Bobby’s telling him the truth (the last bit was said in a mildly threatening manner).

Mili follows Gloria out to the garden. Mili wants to explain, but Gloria has no interest in talking. She tells Mili she’s got no mother, no friends, nobody!!

Bobby goes to Damien and tells him he wants the account Damien set up in his name cancelled. Damien tries to talk him out of it, to no avail. Damien promises to take care of the matter the next day. Bobby leaves, Perlata enters—while taking a call assuring the person on the other line that “they know what to do.” With no other option (his words, not mine) Damien asks Perlata for his help with hiding the money. Sure, Perlata says, but at a cost of 20%.

Karla is rubbing Luci’s feet (is this really a maid’s duty?). Karla tries to pump Luci for some info, but Luci’s not talking---she’s too preoccupied. Valeria comes in and says she needs to talk. She gestures for Karla to be dismissed and Luci sends the maid off. Val asks her mother to send her away for a couple months. Luci questions they why of it all, and Val says she needs to get away to clear her head before she does something stupid in the name of love. Luci agrees.

Back at home now, Connie meets with Padre Manuel. He tells the Padre that he wants to take care of Mili. PM thinks this means that Connie is wanting to spill the beans that Mili’s his daughter, but that’s not what Connie has in mind. Mili and Regina come into the study, Mili acts quite properly when greeting the priest and Regina is glad that her lessons have taken hold. PM tells Mili that Connie’s got something to tell her. Connie sends the priest a dirty look (that’s got to be some sort of sin---cardinal, venial? --who knows). Connie is at a loss for words and Regina prompts him on, she wants to know what he’s got to say to Mili. He tells them that he’s decided to help Mili with her school expenses and Regina thinks that’s very generous. Mili says “thanks, but no thanks.” She doesn’t want his help, she’ll work for the money to pay for her education. Mili leaves and Regina tells Connie she’ll work on convincing Mili to take the help.

Brau is just outside the dress shop. He drops something and at that exact moment a gunshot is fired. Luckily, it misses Braulio.

Connie tells Padre Manuel that he’s not ready to tell Mili he’s her daddy. PM questions Connie’s motive. It is because of his political career, he can’t dirty his reputation (methinks he’s got/done enough things to mar his image already). Padre Manuel defends Mili and says she’s not a dirty mark!

Val fills Rocky in on her plans to leave. He asks her not to go. She says it’s a done deal. He asks if she’ll write to him, she says nope.

Lina tells Mili she should accept the Belmonte’s money for school.

Gloria comes back from her pity party and Mili tries talking to her again. She lets Gloria know that she just found out and hadn’t thought of a good way to give her the info on her mother. Gloria thinks Mili betrayed her and Mili stresses that in no way could she betray a friend like Gloria. Gloria tells Mili she has no interest in getting to know this woman, as far as she’s concerned she abandoned her and therefore Gloria no longer has a mother.

Horacio and Socorrito have a little snog in the kitchen. They are interrupted by Braulio’s return. He’s in shock, but manages to tell them that he was at the point of death.

Luci receives the news that her plan failed, but is assured that the problem will be resolved. Perhaps she and Perlata need to hire some goons who aren't quite so incompetent.

Val packs and admits to Pilar that she’s leaving because she’s got feelings for Rocky. Pilar wants to know why the Belmontes all have things going on with the servants.

Gloria goes to see PM and tells him that she’s got no interest in meeting her mother and she just wants to be left alone. Just then her mother shows up and Gloria pretty much tells her the same thing.

Rocky loads Val’s things into the taxi and says a very teary-eyed goodbye.

It is the next day and Connie is upset to hear that there will be a dinner celebration for his and Luci’s anniversary. He says the last 20 years are nothing to celebrate, in fact to him the party will seem like a funeral.

Luci sends Braulio out again. This time for flowers. He tries to tell her he’s not comfortable leaving the house, but she’ll hear none of this. After he leaves, Luci places a call to Perlata.

Damien goes and asks Al for some money. Al informs him that Connie put out a directive---no Belmonte Enterprise money should be given to Damien. Damien tries to pit Al against his father, asking his nephew to ignore Connie’s orders. Al won’t do it and Damien gets angry.

Gloria tells Mili about what happened with her mother. She asks Mili why does she cry so much when she doesn’t care.

Connie meets with someone (a goon perhaps?) and gives him money to fix things.

We later see this someone—I guess he’s a foreman-- in Al’s office with a whole bunch of workers. They are refusing to follow Al’s orders, they insist that they only answer to Constancio. Al tells the that he’s the new president, so they better get back to work or they’ll be fired. They complain some more and Al tells Andrea to call down to personnel and have their walking papers drawn up. The men leave the office and the foreman tells Al that there will be consequences. Yeah, where I work, insubordination is a fireable offense, think those would be the consequences.

Connie spots Bobby, Damien, and Perlata outside the bank. Later he gets Bobby to get in the car and demands to know what’s going on.

Rocky overhears Luci on the phone, she's learning about someone's death (I think a relative of Val's friend Barbara). She mentions the cab ride to the airport and Rocky jumps to some very big conclusions and thinks it was Valeria who died. He runs out of the house in grief.

Brau goes to the flower shop. A masked man comes in pointing a gun at him. The shopkeeper clobbers the masked man over the head with a clay pot.

Mili visits Al at work. They make lunch plans, but before they can leave the workers come back into the room. They complain about how they’ve been fired when they’ve got kids at home, a sick wife, bills to pay, etc. Mili is upset that Al’s responsible for these men losing their jobs!! END OF EPISODE


Cathy: Thanks for the recap. You covered it all, and I have nothing to add. Just wanted to let you know I'm out here.

From lower Ala

Poor Mili, jumping the gun again, and right after Granny praised her for her progress in deportment lessons. Oh, well--it looks from the avances that Mili and Alex made up.

Loved the look on Braulio's face when he came back from the almost shooting; also loved how he was ogling the dress in the shop window.

The thing with the workers was ridiculous. I don't know how else Alejandro was supposed to handle that. How much money could Constancio possibly be paying them in order for them to put their jobs on the line like that? It can't be worth it.

How many more failed attempts on Braulio's life are we going to be forced to sit through?! I feel sorry for the actor whenever he's forced to go over-the-top...he's so much better than that.

5ft. I agree with you. This is basically a very good story, but the slapstick supposed comedy just turns me off. And, the actor playing Braulio and the actor playing Rocky are very appealing, until they do something that is just plain stupid.

From lower Ala

Don't forget that Connie paid the workers to challenge Al's authority, thus proving that he is too young to run the business. Al did the right thing under the circumstances which will probably surprise Connie but of course wound Mili, the champion of the underdog.

Luci is nuts having Peralta try to off Braulio just because he knows all her dirty little secrets. And how come Peralta who has never missed on any of his other little schemes screws up with Braulio. Oh right story telling purposes.

You have to admit that there is monumental jumping to conclusions in Guapos (more than most novelas). Rocky overhears part of a phone conversation and takes the giant leap of believing Val is dead. This could be interesting to watch.

I was mildly disappointed in Mili's rather graceless refusal of Connie's offer to put her through school. Granted the girl has a boatload of pride and a determination to do things on her own but she has to know she isn't a really fit bride for Al the way she is. I love her but in reality she would never be accepted in the social circles he runs in unless she improves her deportment and vocabulary.

Connie worrying about a blot on his image? Oh puleeze this is Mexico where honest, blemish free and politician don't exist on the same planet. He would probably earn a few more votes by stepping up to the plate and acknowledging Mili as his daughter and show he is trying to help her.

This was one of the goofier episodes. And I failed to see the humor in Rocky actually thinking that Valeria had been killed. It was played slapstick with him shrieking down the lane and just seemed inappropriate. However he underplayed his sorrow at her leaving very nicely...he actually looked handsomer than usual.
The foot rubbing came me a queasy feeling also. Karla was on her knees and it seemed abusive. And yet, when my friend was being treated for leukemia, I would rub her feet for hours with cream because it made her feel better in the midst of the nausea and discomfort from the chemo.
What a difference when it's out of friendship and for someone who is truly suffering!

Thank you Cathy for your recap of this action-packed episode!

I’m with you 5ft on this too– I like best when Braulio is doing his one-eyebrow acting. Which reminds me – I love that thing Damien does with his ears when he is surprised – how does he get them to shift like that?

I was surprised that Bobby knew about the casino. I mean, it makes sense since he was in on the construction, but I seem to recall that before the campaign party, Damien was indicating to Bobby not to touch the big painting that opens the door. Plus if Bobby is Alex’s best friend, you’d think he would tell since he’s supposed to be a straight-up guy.

The family seems surprised that Connie is taking his son’s appointment so badly, but I think even a sainted character would have trouble accepting his loss of power and the vote against him.

I am impressed by the ear-moving also. I tried to do it while looking in the mirror the other day, and I can't get my ears to move at all. I don't think I have whatever muscle Damien uses to do that. Agreed, the subtler gestures are much more effective acting than the loud shrieking and arm-waving. Although when the guy tried to kill Braulio in the flower shop, I could hardly watch, so then I was glad it was played comedically in the end.

I also thought Bobby didn't know about the casino. He knew there was a false wall in the campaign office, but it seemed he didn't know what was behind it. Maybe he did a little investigating on his own? Those bunny suits on the casino wenches make me roll my eyes every time I see them. I'm sure Damien thinks they're hawt.

That's funny we all noticed Damien's ears moving. I saw it too. He wouldn't make a good poker player with that reaction.

Wow, I totally forgot to mention the Valeria being "dead" in my recap....I guess it wasn't that important of an event, IMHO.

I also agree that the actor who plays Rocky looked rather handsome in this episode.

I do think the actor playing Braulio is underutilized. The writers need to give him better material.

Okay, I just added that little bit to the recap and now I must be off to watch tonight's episode.

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