Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Yo Amo a Juan, Mon. April 21 - Kike Needs a New Job While Paula Already Has a New Personality

I am going to try writing a more compact recap just to see if I can do it.

To begin we revisit Ivonne has her job back, Juan and Fernando brag about women. Paula looks generally unhappy but since she hasn't told anyone why, she is losing a lot of attention getting. And Laura prepares for a romantic dinner with Juan featured as the main course.

Angarita affirms that he is tossing Enrique out on the street. His job is gone at least Anga agreed to pay a normal severance package. Anga smirks when Kike tells him he will feel guilty for the rest of his life.

In the elevator Juan and Fer play the tall hot men that they certainly are, enjoying the charms of so many women, which they certainly are. Fernado tells him how jealous Paula was when Juan didn't return to work. Juan brags about how his dates with Laura are such a steamy pleasure.

Kike helps Nidia with her packing box. They discuss Perafan's disappearance, then Kike has to announce to her that he was fired. Impactadisima, this is so unlike Angarita.

Juan introduces Fernando to his new (to him) shiny RED Ford Mustang. He isn't completely satisfied with Fer's underwhelmed reaction. They discuss how BIG Juan is very different from his predecessor Cesar Luis the short. Juan sees himself ushering in a new age with a very different image and character. He prompts Fer to tell him what he wants to hear that when people see him in this shiny cool Mustang they will think Farell is in the hands of someone???? Fer fills in low class, crude (charra) NO, Juan says he means a man of the people (popular). This new era will assure people of his high principles, traditions and commitment to honest hard work.

Back in the prison Perifan runs down a hallway with his buddy Manzano.

Fernando and Ivonne rush off to lunch barely avoiding Heriberto from snatching Ivonne for a tryst of his own. At the restaurant Ivonne begins to question Fer's true reasons for being so nice to her and inviting her out.

Heriberto is complaining of Ivonne slipping through his fingers again. Gaitan points out that he is treating women like objects. Heri isn't worried about that but he resents the competition from Fer and will do what he has to to gain Ivonne. Gaitan criticizes his bitterness while encouraging Heri to open his heart to him. Heri only wants to do open heart work with Ivonne.

Ivonne finally spills her great fear of losing her life. Fer cheerfully tries to emphasize all the advances of medicine and is sure she will ocme through the operation and continue her life for many long years. Ivonne isn't so sure, her disease is very advanced too. She mostly wants everyone to treat her as before, she would prefer that Fer and she fight like they always have. He promises to be there for her with sweet sincerity.

Perafan and Manzano try to get a meeting with the director of the prison.

Paula is pampered by her concerned and warm Mom. Like Fer, Anna is in the position of pumping Paula with the positive outcomes that may result from investigations of where Cesar Luis has gone.

The prison's sexy secretary agrees to interrupt the director for the guard. The director is totally unhappy at the prospect of recognizing that they have the wrong prisoner since this means they have to admit and possibly report Gutierrez' escape.

Ivonne and Fer return to the lizard lounge. After Ivonne goes off to the powder room, Heribert is waiting to pounce on Fer.

Alirio is trying to explain his dilemma of being in the prison. The director explains the essential problem that he was never registered as a proper visitor. Delirio tells him that he signed in as Sara Guttierrez, for the day of conjugal visitation. Everyone laughs.

Juan and Juanito enjoy the attention the Mustang affords them but they are so cute in matching sunglasses, they don't really need the car to intrigue females of all ages.

Paula is doing painful flashbacks of pathetic memories of splitting up with CL and then Juan answers her call in his Mustang and she actually apologizes for her behavior in the office. Juan is all over accepting her apology and further thinks how he would like to kiss her doubts away. He clutches his steering wheel and she her bear.

The strutting and posturing of Fer and Heri accelerates which only Ivonne is able to cool down to avoid a fisticuffs. The lounge lizards smell the hormones and gather from their sunning spots. Fer adds that he and Ivonne have been friends for years. Ivonne scolds Heri and warns him to let her work in peace. Julia scuttles across to Ivonne's desk to stir the waters. Ivonne tells her to mind her own business too and not make this something bigger.

Alirio is talking himself in or out of a corner. Manzano says he didn't realize Alirios errors/slips (resbalones) Everyone except Alirio is laughing heartily now. He doesn't see the humor. The director thinks if he wasn't coming for homosexual reasons, he must have been trying to help Gutie excape. Alirio quickly accepts that he was only there because he missed Ramon so much. And he admits that Gutie is his partner, lover.

Juan and Juanito go to Flor's and Juan goes in to convince her Mom that he will give her a job so that Flor can go to school. Juan can't resist making his son happy since this makes his eyes shine so.

Aliro now adds that he really has to be going because his wife is waiting for him. The director is more confused but tells Alirio that he will have to spend the night in jail. Manzano and the Director decide that Alirio is immoral.

Juanito and Flor discuss that Juan is so helpful and guapo. Flor says no one has ever before taken so much trouble just for her. Juan emerges with happy news that everthing is going to be great.

Marely serves tea to Nidia and Kike. They discuss how wonderful Juan is to help them with the house and wonder again where Alirio could be.

Laura is baiting her trap, with dinner and candles and lascivious thoughts.

Juan arrives home and realizes Marely's questioning his plans is jealousy, he has a dinner appointment. NIdia asks Juanito who this woman is. Juanito is clueless. Marely prods Juan to find out who this woman is. He leans in suggestively to tell her it is a SECRET.

Ana advises Paula to talk to Juan who has been with her through all of her bad times. But he has changed whines Paula. You mean he has money and power now? Ana the wise Mom encourages her to learn to get along with him in harmony.

Back at the Casa Cachon, Juanito has his own plan. He begins to cough and sag in the bed. He has a fever and cough that make Papa Juan run about wildly planning advanced medical treatment to face this crisis. Through the packing chaos, they determine that Nidia has a thermometer in the medicine cabinet. The temperature is high 39 degrees. Juan on the verge of hysteria rushes down to call Laura to cancel the dinner. Juanito pulls out a hot water bottle as the grin spreads from ear to ear. Laura is dressed to kill or at least commit one of the seven. deadly sins. She grits her teeth as she assures him that Juanito's well being is the only thing to worry about but tries to extract a promise that this date will resume tomorrow. Juanito has his personal plan that no one but Marely will do for Juan's love interest.

Juan is sitting in the principal's office being assured that Flor will be admitted to the school free. Flor shows up with her mother with only a concern for not having her uniform. They scamper off to the classroom.

Alirio who has been sleeping on the cold prison floor is released by the prison guard who says they have decided not to bring charges against him. His back hurts which causes him to be cranky and begin to complain of injustices... but thinks better of it and follows the guard out.

Juan enters a bank and finds yet another yummy bank loan officer whose shapely legs are adorned with a really short skirt. Who knew there were so many loan officers waiting to serve hunks like Juan. Oh is this the same one, she admits that Juan has been such a good customer. He he kisses her hands and sincerely says he must borrow a lot of money to help his family.

Alirio tries to sneak in the house but Nidia leaps out at him. She smells perfume on him and where has he been??

Nacho er, Ignacio Copete is introduced to Juanito's classroom by the principal. The classroom is impactadisima al maximo.

Gaitan has to tell Paula that the meeting with Campeoni was a disaster the day before because she wasn't there. They continue discussing, Paula realizes that Juan has been against this purchase from the beginning and she accepts responsibility {{{am I hallucinating or what}}}. She is making a charming point about keeping ones personal issues and work issues in different baskets when Juan knocks on the door. Juan comes in, Gaitan leaves so Paula can explain what happened at Campeoni the day before.

Juanito want to know when Professor Lorenzo will return. The crowd turns vicious, the Principal is irritated but leaves the class in Copete's hands. His first words to the cherubs is SILENCE. So effective. He then demands that the children tell him who they are.

Paula totally takes responsibility for trashing the Campeoni deal. Juan is charmed out of his mind.

Yadira shows up at the market and finds out Kike has been fired by Angarita.

Paula continues that none of this was Gaitan's fault but only hers because she neglected this important meeting. Juan is putty in her hands with his forgiveness lovingly excusing her errors. This really doesn't seem like reality to me but it would be a coincidence, hmmm.

Next: More apologies from Paula and another interrupting call from Laura.


Has anyone noticed that Paula, with-out make up, looks older and adverage. Ivvonne with-out make up looks better than when she has make-up on....

Laura, and Marely look the same, with or with out make up. Laura lacks in the "milkshake" area, or she has yet to reveal hers.

Thank you for your prompt and informative recap. Last week there
were two recaps missing, and at other times the recaps have been two or three days late.
Again thank you, and I wish that
Juan's other recapers can be prompt and get on the ball.

There haven't been any recaps missing but if they weren't tagged, you might not have been able to find them. You can always go to the main page and scroll down until you hit a Juan recap.
However, remember, the recappers are volunteers with the usual work crises, family crises etc. that may make a recap later than usual. One of our team members was up for several days straight working on an urgent project...that she managed a recap at all was a miracle.

Good Morning Anonymous 6:25. Thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention. There are no recaps missing from last week, although I did notice that one of them did not get posted to the sidebar and I added it just now. Forgive me for being a little snippy, but if you have been paying attention to the comments then you will know that we recappers all have very busy lives and sometimes the recaps get delayed. The past three weeks alone we, as a team, have experienced the death of a parent, work load that has required all-nighters and over-the-weekend work schedules, hospitalization of a parent, death of a best friend, and doubtless other unmentioned interruptions that require our attention. Considering all the above I think we are doing very well subbing for each other and covering each other's backs. We are more "on the ball" than you can ever hope to imagine.

Are you aware that due to the excessive conversation in Juan Querendón our recaps take hours to complete? It's not unusual for a recap to take 6-8 hours or even longer. We do not get paid for this. We do it because we are dedicated, we love it, and we feel connected with each other and with our commenters. I'm very pleased that you care about our recaps and that you are anxious for them to get posted, but a bit more patience and understanding from you would be appreciated.

If you have not already done so I highly recommend that you try recapping. Melinama is looking for recappers for Fuego en La Sangre. I guarantee it will be a fulfilling but eye-opening experience for you when, bleary-eyed but proud, you post your recap at 3:00 a.m. then stumble off to bed for a good three hour night's sleep.

I salute the recappers! I can't imagine how long it would take me to do such a thing, and how mediocre the result would be. While I always look forward to reading the recaps, I certainly don't get upset in the rare event that one doesn't post or is missing. It's a good thing that anon 6:25 didn't use any other identity. Better keep it that way. Thanks to all! dorado dave

Maybe "Export Red" was right, we should all register, so we know who is saying what....

The Anonymous that was criticle of the re-cappers, need to chill out, and wait until the recaps post...

Thank you for your support Anon#1 and Dorado Dave!

Anon#1, I actually think Paula looks much better without all that makeup. Obviously Ivonne does too. They are both very beautiful. Way beyond beautiful in fact. Now the one I would absolutely love to see without all the makeup is Yadira. I wonder if I would even recognize her. Something tells me Laura is about to start "shaking" it up soon.

This story line with Alirio is slightly weird.

CherylNM, that was an excellent recap and didn't feel short at all. The humor seemed to pop right out, maybe because the recap was slightly more concentrated. How did that work out for you? I love your lounge lizard motif...sunning spots, scuttling, etc. You know your reptiles all right. Life in the desert, no?

I can't wait for the kiddies to eat Nacho alive.

Wow, what a comment set to wake up to. After slaving over a hot computer until 2:00AM, getting 5 hours sleep then looking forward to the fun and repartee I find on this blog, I actually had to leave the room for a few minutes when I finished reading anonymous 06:25's comment. I am so speechless at the lack of empathy imbedded in what I would salute as eagerness and enjoyment of the results of our labors. I need to let the able comments of the other bloggers and recappers stand. I would have made you go out back and conjugate irregular verbs for an hour if they had left it to me. However, my eloquent friends, full of charity and hopefully not blurry eyed from lack of sleep like I am, have suggested better remedies like imagining what we all go through to do this for fun and community for ourselves and others. The best cure for you Anon6:25 is to write one recap. Just one, I would bet will help you feel remorse at your words. "On the ball" indeed. I need more coffee then I will be back for a more cheerful discussion.

I forgot about Yadira, and "all" her make-up....I bet the sink is green and blue when she washes her face....

Re-cappers, don't let anyone tell you what to do...you all do a fine job, as I could not recap a show, if my life depended on it...

Cheryl, didn't get a chance to enjoy your recap until I got back from work but what a lot of humor you managed to pack into your "more concise" recap...delightful.
I loved the "with Juan featured as the main course" as well as "dressed to kill or to commit at least one of the seven deadly sins".
And your description of the testosterone-laden face off between Herbierto and Fernando was a hoot.
On our "with or without makeup" question...Marely seems to have the kind of face and skin that will always look young and lovely. I predict she will be as beautiful at 60 as a lot of women at 30. She just has that dewy quality, lucky gal. And so petite, she is truly a "pocket Venus" as the Brits like to say.
I've seen the actress who plays Yadira in another telenovela...normal makeup and quite presentable. But without makeup who knows?
I scare myself in the morning when I get up, but that's another story.

I'm just catching up with recaps, dvr recordings, and comments from last week. Whew, what a discussion. I wonder what Anon 6:25 would think of my spending 13 hours on some of the early Juan episodes when all the slang was flying so fast and we were so inexperienced--and didn't have our lists of the dichos, idioms, refranes, whatever they all use????

Thanks to all of my team buddies who clarified how we put in so much time and love with our day jobs still getting done and family lives getting done. Anon 6:25 can feel free to work on Fuego, as I am sure Melinama will welcome an additional on the ball recapper.


I missed something not reading this yesterday. Oh well. I'm an "offender" for sure; I've had weird recap karma with this show -sometimes I'm on and lots of times I'm off.

I know it's a bit of a let down for a reader to wait, but sometimes anticipation is exciting.

Eh, en fin, we do what we can do. We're not crack pushers. Moving on...

Hysterical recap Cheryl! Liked the Pau comments. Thanks for staying up to share this with us.

This is the Blog Mom, finally weighing in. I wish I'd seen the infuriating, ungrateful comment by Anonymous 6:25 sooner. Unbelievable. Dear selfish, self-absorbed reader, if you are not happy with what we provide, go elsewhere. Please remember we owe you nothing and if I pulled down this blog tonight (one click and the whole thing would be deleted forever) you would be mighty sorry. DO NOT CRITICIZE MY WONDERFUL RECAPPERS EVER! EVER!

And, to my wonderful recappers: please remember that most of the 888 people who log into this site every day ARE grateful, even if most of them never say so. Some, of course, do manage to make their pleasure known -- with those nice, courteous visitors, I am very pleased.

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