Saturday, April 12, 2008
Pasión, 11 April Fri, Don't Ask For Whom the Pieman Cometh, He Comes For Thee, LaFont
With fond regards to some of my literary heros Donne, O'Neill and Hemingway: we go slogging onward with the scenes of terror in LaFont Land. After arriving late at the TGIF-fratboys outing where they have teased him about his pirate like eyepatch. Santiago aggravates his loss of standing in the boys club by informing Bouffy the Badazz that he has his father's authorization to name his own police inspector/manager (intendente in Mex.) of San Fernando. A scowling Bouffy then hears that Ascanio has been chosen and further Ascanio and Manuela get on well together (simpatizar). Enraged by Santi's words and the razzing from the other boys, he orders his horse. Why Ascanio, he's a nobody? Why not me for her husband chimes in wavy haired fratboy (sorry, I can't remember his name). Santi defends that Ascanio is his friend and such a decent person, Bouffy, further humiliated, rides off toward home.
Battling the plague and pestilence is so much pleasanter in contrast, as Ric is greeted by La Paisana. By the look of your face I can imagine the inferno you experienced last night. How are things going? BAD. There are new infected people. Where is Pablo? Not back yet. She sets up his bath things and with such gentleness asks him if his thoughts are with his wife. She must have had the baby by now. He thinks she has. Put the clothes here, I will come for them. Everything is going to come out fine. Ricardo prays with all his heart to heaven that this wife and baby are well.
Bouffy is an explosion in the making as he blasts past the abashed servants and begins screaming questions at Manuela about when and how often she met this Ascanio, whipping her with his coach whip, while she insists she has only seen Ascanio a few times. He screams that she is a whore and loose woman, you will be locked in here until I say so. He will finish off the low born Ascanio, he demands a virginity test from a midwife even swiping the whip at Nanny. Fran ducks in her head saying you are going to kill her. He lunges toward her and Fran disappears. Manuela sobs that she doesn't want one (probably neither the locking up nor the virginity certification). He then stomps into Fran and Lisabeta's room where Lis is hearing that Manuela has just been called a whore by Daddy Dearest, Lis's crack about Mannie's servant boyfriend Ascanio is cut short as Bouffy holds the whip to her throat and demands that his shame is not to leave the house and if anyone asks, Lis and Fran are to say she is sick. As he smashes his way out Fran and Lis share a knuckle biting moment about how dangerous this man is, Lis realizes that if Bouffy finds out the baby is Ric's he might kill him with his bare hands. Even the intrepid Fran's wig trembles as she adds that he might kill both of them too.
Ascanio is crossing the plaza in his fine looking clothing when he is accosted by three strange ruffians who determine he is Ascanio. He has been involved with a little doll who he shouldn't mix with and her father wants him castrated! They pound on him while people watch until the twins see the attack and approach with long sticks which are almost a match to the swords and knives. Ofelia yells for Vasco who also comes running in, hurling a box and then showing that his fighting technique has greatly improved. He then rushes to Ascanio who has been stabbed. Vasco screams for help, the twins struggle on until Santiago comes through the crowd on his horse. He jumps down grabs a sword from one attacker and makes short work of the villain. One clean sword plunge and voilá, Santiago has made his first kill! He throws the sword back on the lifeless body and ponders his action. Mom looks on in horror. An unconscious Ascanio is lifted up. Night falls and Santiago tells Jorge that it is inconceivable, there is no pardon from God. Santi assures him it was the work of Bouffy. Jorge hesitates that they don't know this for sure. Ascanio could have just stumbled on to these villains. But if it is Bouffy's work Jorge (for real playing the devil's advocate) can understand that a father might be outraged at someone seducing his daughter. Santi says there was no seduction, Ascanio is in love with her. He tells him Bouffy was outraged at his suggestion that Ascanio marry Manuela. Am I your true son or only a commoner? Jorge still defending says he can't make all things happen, even the king of Spain doesn't have absolute power. Besides, Bouffy is his long time friend and collaborator and so he has to reconcile viewpoints. Sofia sidles up to a screen and listens intently to the interchange with a smile. Santiago asks Dad, why can't you simply say no? I did say no, he is an impulsive man. He obviously contracted these villains to kill him. It seems you can allow this type of atrocities but I am not going to agree to it. Jorge with dry irony observes that if Ascanio had demanded the assassination of Ricardo you wouldn't have moved an eyelash.
Santiago stomps out and Sofia moves in. Jorge says, I suppose you heard every word? She nods then shrugs and says you have to choose between your son and Alberto. Jorge says this will cost me work, there's business between Alberto and I. Dirty business? Well, let's say it is barely correct... Do you have to protect him (amarrar) are you afraid he will betray you? It could be, says Jorge. Sofia goes on to say, Alberto is bad and he will betray you. If for some reason or other you get him in your way, Kill him. A dead dog is finished being a rapid/furious dog.
Vasco is being cleaned and tended to by the maid with the twins close by, Santiago appears still in his fine dress asking how is Ascanio. Vasco answers that he is really bad. The police came for the dead man and the others denied what happened. They express thankfulness that Santi showed up just in time. Inside, Ofelia is sewing up a big gash on Ascanio's bare side with Jemena's aid. Ofelia tells Santi that the wound is serious but Ascanio is strong and will survive. Ascanio protests to Jemena that he doesn't want scandals or to do anything, she pushes that it was Alberto, he needs to denounce them, but he just murmurs about Manuela, Manuela.
Back at LaFont's house, Nanny is telling Bouffy that the midwife has already come and Manuela is INTACT, she is a pure virgin. Jorge is announced in. What you did was stupidity! Bouffy isn't going to tolerate..! But Jorge insists that he has to listen. You came here from no where like any poor devil. Bouffy says I'm a nobleman (hidalgo). Jorge lowers his voice and says so you have told us, but it doesn't all fit, you could have been a thief, an assassin or pirate.. I liked you. I made you my friend, my partner my, my accomplice, and a VERY rich man. Now my son detests you and my wife advises me to kill you. If you persist in this, I'm not going to be left holding the bag (no me colmes con buche de piedritos).
On La Coralina, the priest is pressing his message of perdition on the frightened looking peasants and the disgusted looking pirates. He basically says by God's mercy they have been finally freed of this pestilence but it was brought on by their sinfulness and if they persist in their sinful ways, God's wrath will return. La Coralina is an island of sin, it is a Sodom and Gomorrah. After this cheery message that doesn't even mention the filth and rats, Ric meets up with Foreman who says your priests are always alarmists. The plague has ended and the port opens back up tomorrow to navigation. I have sent a message to all my capitans that we will meet on my boat in one week to plan our strategy for the attack. I am very sorry Antillano, but you will have to wait longer to see your beloved.
Sofia and Fortunata are strolling as Sofia tells of her concern that Camila is still so depressed but working with the children helps so much. This won't be forever? No, Santiago has sent to Vera Cruz for a professor to be at the school. Ascanio could be a teacher but now he is healing from his wounds and is back at work at the administration offices. Fortunata asks if he has had more problems with Don Alberto. No says Sofia but there is a new distance between Alberto and Jorge which thrills her profoundly. When will we see Manuela? Don't know, poor thing.
Camila is in the classroom with a munchkn by the hand teaching the classroom of cherubs about washing their hands before eating, praying at bed time and getting up the next morning. Sofia and Fortunata come in with baskets of sweets and fruits. The children will all get lunch, Camila looks a bit unthrilled when she finds out it was all Santiago's idea. Never mind, Sofia wants Camila to come speak to her later when school is out. Just to talk...
Once again Santiago is pleading with Justo that he can't get his extreme rightness across to Camila because she won't really listen. It has been six months since Rita died and 4 since Camila lost her baby. He can't understand how she can continue to feel so bitter against him. Justo listens with so much patience but finally advises Santiago that perhaps he should just forget about Camila. Santi is just bewildered (aturdirse) that Camila doesn't see the justness of his point of view. Justo slips in that she rarely ever talks about him at all...Undaunted Santi adds that everything he did was for her own good... Justo now Camila's good and true advocate counters with, She doesn't think so. Justo points out that Santiago lately seems to dedicate himself to worldly pleasures. Santiago excuses this because he is doing so much good with the professor for the school and the surgeon and health clinic, he is doing so much good. He can't forget Camila, he thinks about her constantly. Moments later he shows up at his Mom's house to learn that Camila is in with Ana Maria. He asks the maid to leave and tells Camila that they had agreed some time ago that they were above all still friends. Yeah, she remembers. Then why have you changed so much? She counters with circumstances have changed so much and that has changed their lives. She blames him and her father for the death of her child which he accepts but drives on with his rightness and quest for justice. JUSTICE, she says, I don't understand! He presses on that he can't believe that such a great love they had doesn't have something left to it. In fact he is really, really desperate for her. He wonders how she could have slept with this disgrace (Ric) after two days but she has never slept with him. She looks disgusted and he grabs her face to tell her more about his hot blooded craving and his rage at her love and lust for Ric. As she breaks away she says his mother is right, every day he is more like his father. Still not getting it, he insists they will clear this up. But she just leaves the room. His parting words are you owe me Camila, you owe me... [Huh?]
Camila approaches the palace and goes in while upstairs Sofia is telling Ursula that since she is so bored and has no girl friends she should come with her on a journey. She points out to Ursula that it is a real town much larger than San Fernando. Ursula says well take Fortunada then, I don't want to go. Camila is announce in Ursula sweeps out saying she is doing very badly. Sofia suddenly thinks why shouldn't Camila come with her. Come where? Sofia has an old auntie that died and left her an inheritance and she has to go see about it.
Mario is telling Ric that they cannot get to San Fernando and back in time for the big meeting of Foreman's. Ric is anxious to see that Camila is safe and sound in the village with their child but is worried because if they made her hide her pregnancy they may be hiding his child now too. La Pai tells him not to be so negative. Inside of a month he can be heading toward San Fer with all kinds of booty. He thinks differently, they could lose their skins in Puerto Paraiso. La Pai then asks what he will do with the little boy he is caring for? If the nun's list of the dead show that his mother died, he plans to keep the toddler with him. BREAK for halftime, and the score is: oh never mind.
Camila and Sofia discussing well where is this place? A little far from here on the coast. But what if Ricardo comes for me and can't find me? Well you've already had a long time waiting for him. Camila asks, do you all think that he isn't going to come? Sofia sagely says do you want to hear the truth or a kind answer? I just thought the journey would be partly for me to have your company and also a little distraction for you but if not, forget it. Doña Sofia, you have always been very kind to me, so I am going to ask you for a very big favor. Ricardo came to look for me when they had me in Garbancillo and he told Jemena that he would return to get me but it has been so long and I am desperate here. I lost my baby and even though I have my family, I feel very lonely. I need to go look for Ricardo. Where are you going to look? I will go with you and if we don't find him I will go on looking. If I leave here with you no one will suspect a thing and, she fights for a clear plan, and cries but Sofia, says, don't worry, I am going to help you.
Ofelia arrives home, asking the maid, Ramona, how is my granddaughter? She tells her that Camila and Santiago met there and had an argument then both left.
Camila coming across the plaza runs into Candida who had heard that Camila was sick. Candida then reports that she is working for Lisabeta and Francisca at Don Alberto's house and there is a child she is caring for that they have taken in that is Clotilde's nephew, a poor orphan. Since Candida is also a niece she is a bit puzzled about who this kid is. Camila asks how many years old is he? Oh, not years he is only a few months old. Camila gets a strange feeling in her stomach and the music should warn her that something is unsettling about this news... Well Candida has to hurry back or face trouble. Later Camila is sharing the real purpose of the trip with Ascanio, Jemena, Ines and she shares that she can figure out where Mario went last time. She knows she has to find La Iguana. Ascanio thinks it is maddness for a woman to go alone on this quest. Ines remembers that when Vasco and Bernabe went to look for her, they went to this village and she can ask Vasco where they went. Camila warns that no one is to know why she wants to know, apparently not even her brother Vasco.
It's tears and beers or whines and wines for old Santiago on his luxurious bed sulking and remembering when he had to go to Ric at night, but Ric told him it wasn't an appropriate time to wake up Camila. Santiago's message was that Justo was paralyzed. He cries or drools or both wondering why for Ric, it was yes but for him no, why or why. [Why indeed my pretty blockhead.]
Camila is a regular idea machine as she enthuses that Ricardo had plans to prove that the robbery of his wagons was really conducted by Jorge and LaBouffy. If they could find the proof and condemn the robbers, Ric could get a pardon. Ascanio looks nervous and says that that would mean condemning his boss' father and his father's best friend. It certainly is not going to make him popular at the office if he helps put Papa Jorge in jail.
Ursula comes into the mill office in an outfit that took longer to put on than the time needed to walk from the palace to the mill. She tries to seduce Vasco on the spot with kisses. He who has learned a lesson or two asks what she is doing here. He is leaving right now and he will escort her back NOW. She can't believe he isn't interested but he says he doesn't want trouble and further that he loves his wife. Ursula is in disbelief but he continues, while Ines sneaks up outside the door and listens with a worried look, it's true he didn't love his wife before but little by little he loves her so much and now realizes that she is the best thing that ever happened to him in his life. Ursula looks annoyed and finally leaves, Ines grins in her hiding place and Vasco breaks into a cold sweat.
Sofia explains the journey to Jorge, she needs to attend to the will and get some of the things that were her family's. Ursula flops in and announces that she will go on the journey afterall. Sofia tells her it will be rather crowded with four. When Ursula finds out that means Camila is invited she says well, uninvite her! No! As she exits, Jorge suggest that Sofia look for another husband for her.
Vasco crosses the yard to get the sexiest greeting with squeals of delight from Ines. They laugh and disappear quickly upstairs. [smart girl, Ines] In the afterglow, Ines with her head on Vasco's shoulder makes a playful questioning about the place were he and Bernabe went that time. It turns out through the finger play that it is San Jose to La Iguana on a secondary road and about three days apart. Vasco doesn't want to talk anymore, neither does Ines.
A serving man brings a very large trunk with clothes for Camila to make the trip in style. The maid finds out it is very heavy. Camila tells Justo she is going off with Sofia to see about her inheritance. Justo thinks it is a good idea for her to go. He gently tries again to say Santiago still loves you and what if Ric never comes back? You deserve a chance to have a happy life. Camila says unequivocally that even if Ric never comes, she will still never want Santiago.
Camila next has to tell Ofelia about the journey, Ofelia gently asks her about the disagreement with Santiago, but then they do blessings about the journey and Ofelia wishes her a safe and sound journey. She is going tomorrow!
As Camila starts off toward the carriage in her lovely dress, Ines walks along reciting the directions she got out of Vasco, take the path (vereda) to the village... Paco knows more than his father and asks if Camila is going to find uncle Ric. Yes. Well tell him I want that ride on his ship!
In front of the carriage Camila argues with Ascanio once again, he has fears of her going off alone, perhaps he better come with her. No! She kisses him goodbye. Jorge is advising Sofia about the dangers of a big place like Puerto Paraiso, it's a, well it's a big place... Fortunata appears with an enormous basket, cheerful even though she now doesn't get to go. She has empanadas, sausage, cheese, bread, fruit, sweets. Kisses all around except Santiago must look on with his poor-me eyes and gets a curt curtsey from Camila. He hopes the journey will help her get over her anger at him. After, he asks Ascanio what she said about him. Ascanio, with butter wouldn't melt in his mouth resolve, retorts, should she have said something??
Ascanio and Santi go off to the cafe for a meal. Santi offers him the big job again. Ascanio thinks perhaps it is too big. Santi says he knows that Ascanio will find out how dishonest Bouffy, Marcellino and the others... have been when he starts to audit the paperwork. Santiago says he wants to find some honest people to surround himself with so he can trust them when he becomes the Señor. He will be lucky to have one. hmm, what's happening with Manuela??
Later at the office, Marcellino trembles on tiptoe while wheezing out to Jorge that Ascanio wants to see EVERYTHING! They agree that there is a big problem with those little falsified import papers for Uriel's store. Jorge strides into Ascanio and basically bribes him that if he puts Santiago's worries to rest, he, Jorge, will help Ascanio win Manuela's hand. Ascanio wears that knowing look.
NEXT: LaFont is throwing another humdinger of a fit over Lisabeta's time with the baby. He justifies striking her because a husband has the right to punish an insolent wife. He wants her to get busy having his baby. When a woman doesn't get pregnant it is the woman's fault not the man's. oh Bouffy, oh Bouffy...
Labels: Pasion
I have to say that I feel for the actress who plays Fortunata. The character's weight has been the butt of so many unsubtle and snide fat references throughout the story that it's getting on my nerves. I can only imagine what the actress must have felt like after endlessy rehearsing and taping those scenes! Whatever her reasons for being overweight, it could not have been easy to do those scenes.
The good part for me is that Camila is getting her resolve together and is from now on unstoppable. It's like watching time-lapse photography of a flower opening. She's impressive.
I am sorry this show has two weeks to go, I have really enjoyed it. I occasionally sneak a look at some of the other telenovela posted and still am reading that people left Pasion because they thought it was dull. DULL, it is exhaustingly not dull with these white knuckle episodes each night.
Hopefully, Camila will run into Ric soon. Sophia maybe knows what she's doing getting her away for awhile.
As for Fortunata, I don't understand why there should be any references to her weight....Wasn't it considered a sign of beauty back then to have a 'Rubenesque' figure? At least the paintings used to portray women that way.
I agree with Cherylnewmex, this novela was never has been exciting from the beginning!! And it will be over too soon. :(
Frankly, I wish Ascanio could end up as the new Lord Of SF. With Manuela as the new Lady.mhm
Manuela is LaFont's daughter and Ascanio's love interest. She is quite slender and very young. She seems sweet and thoughtful but scared of her terrorist father.
I hope this clears it up for you Anon at 12:13pm
Sancti continues to become more crazy. He asks Cami if they can remain friends which (no surprise) is so insincere. He wants to marry her and can't seem to understand why she wants nothing to do with the man who caused her to loose her child. If it weren't so pathetic, it would be funny.
And where is Pablo? I guess he's okay because I think he appears in the promos.
Thank you for an informative and entertaining recap.
As to Fortunata's "weight problem": this is a charming character, ably portrayed by an actress whose physical type enhances the role. I'm not sure self-censorship serves us well. It is not a disability to be fat. There are fat people in the world. Lots of them. Just as there are plenty of flacas. Some cultures are more squeamish than others about referring to people by their appearance. But we think nothing of saying someone is tall or short, guapa or fea. It's part of the whole complexion of the character/person. I hope I've not opened a can of worms off the subject of the novela, but I think this show tries to be about reality and Fortunata is a very real character. Just my 2 cents.
And a quick goodbye to all for a few months. I've so enjoyed this forum and this novela and I'll be back for whatever awaits in the fall.
I must say that from the time Cami went to Garbanzobeanville to wait out her pregnancy up to the present, her character has been impressive. She found her voice and her spine and is letting no one take it away. Awesome acting, SG. I am so darned proud of both actress and character! I love whenever she comes on the screen.
Yep, Santi is simply not going to get over Cami. Not going to do it, and I should have figured that from the start, what with him love-obsessed for close to TEN years now (remember those four years he was taken from her and enslaved or something at sea, probably by pirates, which is why he hates them so much, duh). He'll spend these last two weeks as sanctimonious and stupid as ever, and end up either dying that way, or redeeming at the last minute by dying, which is really going to make me mad. The writers should at least give him some kind of decent ending, if not for the ridiculous CRAP they've put him through, at least for little Ana's sake so she can have her daddy. Give me a break. Cami, Ric, and AJ are going to be happy--c'mon, we know that already. No one really thinks this show will end with Santi between Cami and Ric--c'mon. The majority of our beloveds will be content when this is all over as well. I'm just saying throw Sancti and Ana a bone. Good grief.
Dear Jorge, you've been thieving ONLY the last few months and cut way back on your atrocities. I commend you for that. But don't think I've forgotten. When your brain-addled son has raped the newlywed and engaged women of SF for a few years and sent them back to their husbands damaged, that's when I'll say your son is worse than you.
I've seen some interesting guesses about Ascanio's sister in previous posts. The show is coming to a close fast--does anyone think they could actually leave us hanging about this??
Yeah--where is Pablo? Where is Mani?
Will Le Bouffant kill again before getting offed himself?
Dq, I feel sorry for Santi too. But it seems that he just hasn't learned that he can't be right all the time. He preaches to Camila about her unholy lust for Ricardo while he frequents a brothel! I was hoping they would find someone for him to love, but with two weeks left, it doesn't look good. Too bad, 'cause he's pretty hot, even with that hair of his.
I just hope we get to see Ric, Cami and Ricky Jr. enjoy some happiness together, Ascanio with Manuela and Mario with Ximena. Want to see them together vs. a quick anos despues with everybody together at a big family pic nic, mop-head children in tow ala Destilando Amor. Love this show!!
I hope you will put the reference back in as it is a legitimate part of the scene as well as of your recap.
At times I've enjoyed the lighter hearted (yes, silly!) Al Diablo Con Los Guapos a little more simply because I personally wanted less intense drama during my daily exposure to spanish. Real life has been seriously cutting in to my telenovela time, but I never stopped wanting to watch Pasion.
Speaking of intense, LaFont is just begging to be killed now. And I'm really curious about what will happen with Lis and her Tia - what Ric will do when he finds out their part in the switch of his son (we know he'll find out). And then there's Santi and his bitterness. So many things to wrap up in the next few weeks. Should be fun!
Great show and for those who bailed, I was glad cause some of them were whining. Hey, give a show a chance to set the foundation for character and the mores and attitudes of the times. And SG seeming not passionate at first with Ric, that was right on target having been a small town girl whose fiance is skewered at their pre-wedding bash, then she's kidnapped and gang-raped by pirates and sold into slavery - Sheesh! SG nailed it!
Thanks to recappers who had the perfect amount of editorial sniping, guffaws and parenthetical parody without going so far with the mocking as to make one wonder why they watched.
Thanks to the community of commentors for your funny and insightful comments. I will definitely be hanging with this blog for whatever other novelas I watch. This has been so much fun!!
I find the recurring references to her eating so much annoying, but as others have pointed out, the recappers have no responsibility to edit!
1. I didn't think it should be that difficult for Vasco to turn Ursula down--if he loves Ines. He was all shook up. Perhaps he was more fearful of what Ursula might do?
2. Ofelia knows her son best of all. I think she knew from the beginning, he didn't have what it takes to walk the talk. He was very 'religious' until it applied to him and he wasn't getting what he wanted. It wasn't power that corrupted Sancti, but rather his decision to allowed it to change how he lived his life...
jb-Iron Jack Cash
My take is that Santi's on a dizzyingly slow, pity-filled ride straight to the bottom of the barrel... pity parties, drinking, whoring, killing a man- he's scary close to rock bottom... If he hasn't hit the dregs already.
Santi's character appeared to be a decent man the first half of Pasion- one I thought worth rooting for. Jorge's opened Santi's eyes, unfortunately for the worse- to his twisted vision of life. Jorge has (at least for now) a small hand in corrupting what was basically a good man (at least in his life as the blacksmith) to conform for his ideal father/son outings...schemes, mayhem and general debauchery, plus the occasional midnight brothel run.
Still, I am holding out the tiniest shred of hope that Santi could still somehow discover the holes peppering his faulty thinking, and regain his lost self. Then (finding a good woman) while letting go of the bitterness of the past, his character could experience a healthy, returned love- not live a fantasy. I would love to see his character growth spin the full cycle back completely losing hope it will happen at this point though. Even with his hypercritical statements and poor judgement of late, I still feel enough sympathy for this character and would be saddened when the inevitable anvil with his number written on it flattens him.
I believe this character has enough innate goodness inside to deem rehabilitation, unlike Bouffant, who has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. He deserves whatever comeuppance the Telenova gods have designated him. BTW, with Bouffy's hair matted down and pushed away from his face, his look reminds me of Anthony Hopkins crazed appearance in 'Silence of the lambs.' Just add Chianti and fava beans. LOL
So, if Rick keeps the orphaned child that's being cared for now... and if something happens to Santi, would Camilla get Ana too? So, it's possible that by the end, adding to the group their own child, that would make a brood of three! Hmmm...LOL
I can only add that when Paisana was pouring the water for Ric's bath, I hoped he was going to get in it. No such luck, and I'm thinking these thoughts on Sunday.
I, too, am now a Cami supporter. Her character has certainly matured. She is quite different from the young woman we thought we knew at the beginning of this novela.
I'm going to miss this drama.
From lower Ala
This link proved to be very informative for me regarding bubonic plague and the actual risk factors involved.
To add to what a commentator stated, I don't want a Destilando where everything was rushed and unfinished or a Duelo where they cruelly killed off our favorite character( Gaspar) and we never knew what happened to our main hero, Tonki (the dog.)
I think they respect the viewers enough to present us with an exciting and satisfying ending. Well anyway, I have really enjoyed the ride so far. I am very thankful for that.
Thank you for your recap, but where did you find the April 25 date as the final episode? I visit the official emas website to follow the story, and by my calulations it seems it will not wrap up until May 14 in USA. If you are right, I am going to miss the April 25 and will be muy triste.
I'm hoping for a good end for Santi. He isn't the only one who is crazy in love in this novela. Nor is he the only one who has killed someone. Sure, I disagree with his change in personality since he came to power and I know it's going to be commented on. But even taking this into account, this endless ripping him apart is overkill.
April 25th date was shown on Friday nights episode just before the previews, right after Diablo/Guapos ended here on Univision New Mexico. So that has to mean that they are not going to slip to half hour time slots like they did in Mexico. I was there in January when they did that for the last episodes and it made the show last about a month longer since they did two weeks worth of hour long shows stretched to four weeks. I found it frustrating and I am not sure it would be a successful with the US audience. It seems like they do that to interlace the next show and get you hooked on the new before the old one is entirely gone. But hey, Eduardo Yañez is en El Fuego en la Sangre, think I'd miss a minute of that unless I had a date with death or something truly big? Not likely, not likely at all....HA.
1. Ascanio's sister. Do we know for certain that it is not Jimena? Lately those two have been so close, with some really "intimate" scenes but with no hint of romance. In novelas, isn't it rare to see a man and woman that close, if they are not either related or destined to fall in love? Especially period pieces?
2. Vasco & Santiago. They both suffer from the curse of being young men, prone to impulsiveness, ruled by emotions and hormones. Vasco, in the past, had no self control. He paid the price, learned his lesson, and is determined to change. But when someone like Ursula is all over him, he is still a young man ruled by hormones. It is hard work to overcome that drive; that's why he struggled.
OTOH, Santi was always self controled. The problem is, he had boy-size self control, and now he is facing man-size temptations. I don't think he became weaker; I think the temptations became stronger. Stronger than his defenses. I think his mama knew he didn't have the strength of character to handle the rough stuff.
3. Ship jumpers. I admit, I jumped ship. Not in the beginning. Rather, in the middle when it started to bog down. I was never a whiner, but I stopped watching daily. Cut back to once or twice a week, when convenient. Recently it has been really heating up, so I'm watching daily again.
I admit, my biggest obstacle is my limited Spanish. While I can understand some other novelas adequately, Pasion is really "beating my lips" (Army linguist slang for "I can't understand it).
I need to confess here and now that I was one of those who continually commented on Fabio's (aka Santiago's) unkempt hair but now I actually am feeling very sorry for him and find him attractive - who da thunk it!
She really doesn't look much bigger than the other women to me, and I actually thought it was cute and refreshing to see a woman eating well and not complaining about how fat she is. I can see where some might find it offensive to have her characterized that way, though. (Or maybe I missed something specific that would have bothered me to?)
With that and the Virginity test no wonder she yelled "No quiero".
The plot thickens or gallops ...mhm
I hope it will be revealed by Manuela to Ascanio on why Le Bouffy is so damned cruel to her. Maybe he is just plain loco cuz somethin just ain't right with Le Bouffy.
Maybe we'll see a Ric/Cami reunion this week???????
Speaking of the Gran Finale on April 25, if the "Christina" show does a Pasion "reunion" show, would it be possible for someone to post a recap on here for those of us whose Spanish isn't that great? Personally I'd be interested in knowing what the actors have to say.
I've got my apt. halfway packed up for my move this week. Still have more to do but it helps I'm taking this week off from work. To add insult to injury, I've come down with this cold crud again for the 3rd time since December (gggrrr!!). If it ain't one thing it's another.
It also made me think of capons which my Iowa farm relatives raised, castrated roosters that became feasting size birds for special Sunday dinners. Hmmm, Ascanio better hire a body guard to at least keep an eye on Bouffy. Bouffy's going to have all of us coming for him not just the pieman, if her tries to hurt our Ascanio again!
It's the weirdest thing. This is only my third telenovela, the second one where Sebastian Rulli (Sancti) is concerned. And I swear, it's like the writers of telenovelaville have have decided the poor actor will simply play the same character over and over again, but in different settings. In RUBI, just like here, they started with a noble, hardworking, compassionate guy, got him hooked on the love of his life, then deprived him of the love of his life and spiralled him right down into insanity past this stuff. Even my brother was shocked at the horrible way his storyline ended.
I think he was in MUNDO DE FIERAS as well, and though I didn't get the chance to watch that novela, I know his character started the same way, a great guy engaged to a great girl, then everything went in the toilet concerning the love of his life (my dad's not my dad, my fiance is my dad's daughter and therefore my sister, et cetera, barf-o-rama). So I can just imagine a horrible end there too. Did anyone watch that?
Does somebody in Mexico have it in for Rulli? Just who did he piss off? LOL!
I was really happy to see Fortunata on the show, representing hourglass figures everywhere. Whoresula was always purposely making discouraging remarks to the woman. But then Whoresula would.
LOL @ Anon 8:28! Fabio (aka Santiago) ROFL!! Good one.
I wouldn't be surprised if Ascanio and Jimena were brother/sister.
You are all so cool to communicate with. ALL of you. Honestly, what are we going to do when this thing ends??
Santiago ... I think people on the show are still assuming he's the person he was, the good religious man ... and he's not that person any more.
I'm hoping for happy endings for everyone (all the good people, at least - the bad guys will end, naturally, badly).
The discussion of Fortunata is interesting. I'd noticed she was shown as having an appetite for sweets and she is heavier than most of the other women; but I think she's what my father would have called "a nice armful". She's not the prettiest woman on the show, but Fortunata's good humor and generosity (notice she packed the enormous basket of food for ther others) make her someone I've become very fond of.
And, finally - die, Bouffy, die!
He had clean, shaggy, shortish hair and he was just the purtyest thing ever. :)
But that was such a one-note role for Rulli that I couldn't tell whether he could act or not. I think we have our answer now. :)
Glad to see Vasco come to Ascanio's defense. Yes, Vasco's fighting technique has improved, and here we thought he was a lover, not a fighter. Ines was so cute and sneaky working the pillow talk to get info from Vasco.
Sofia is truly a good advisor to Jorge. I would love to know more about their backstory, beyond the hints we've had. There seems to be mutual respect and even some reluctant love, yet it's obvious that something went awry at some point.
It's good that the thought crossed Ric's mind that someone could be hiding his baby. He'll need to remember that soon.
Santi on the downhill spiral, so sad. It's true he has no sense of humor. Ric, as noted, does have one. Jorge has a sense of humor, or at least a self-aware sense of irony. Santi lacks it, as does (need we say) LaFont.
So much fun dissecting the plot and characters here. And where is my little sweetie Claudio??!!
La Paloma
Cloe is wearing an amulet bag as it is called in some traditions. But her bag holds snacks not prayers! Humm...
If inSanity lays a violent hand on Camila and it looks like he's going that far off the deep end, Ricardo will probably not have that card in his deck.
Anyway, I hope all the loose ends are tied up, too. It would be nice if Fortunata could end up getting married. She has such a sunny disposition and is pretty. That would show Whorseula!! Remember the time when Ascanio was shirtless awhile back? Fortunata made a comment about Ascanio being strong looking, or something to that effect.
Those plague outfits at that website were scary looking! Just looking at those might have scared some of those people to death!!:0
I also noticed that Santigo's hair looks cleaner. Now, if only he would comb it......
Ric looked a bit skeptical during the priest's rant about sin causing the plague. He doesn't buy it.
I sure hope Pablo survives and the orphan wasn't "put in" to comfort Paisana over Pablo's death.
Vasco -yay! He's grown up!
I really want Fortunata to find a nice husband. I'll be very mad if she's relegated to spinsterhood just because she isn't a skinny girl. So wrong!
I'm thinking that maybe Lis is killed by loco Lafont, and Tia tells Ric about the baby, in exchange, of course, for a nice retirement pension. Even better if Lis doesn't die, but gives up the baby because she fears LL will kill him.
Two more weeks, que lastima. Pero, that's better than months of drawing it out until I want to throw my Spanish-Eng. dictionary through the t.v.
Cheryl great recap! I didn't get to watch until last night so my comment is now #239 or something.
I have been wondering how Ric/Camila would find out the truth, the theory that Fran will tell to save her own skin is a very good one. I wouldn't be surprised to see Lis herself try to exchange the baby for her own freedom, which softie Ric will of course provide. Hopefully by stabbing the hell out of LaFont rather than just paying him off or something.
Maybe LaFont will die, then Jorge can blame him after the fact for all the accounts that don't add up, getting himself off the hook. Ascanio will, as usual, not say anything to anybody about anything, which Jorge and Santiago will reward by making sure he gets to be with Manuela. That's my theory.
I'm wondering if Santiago doesn't eventually see the error of his ways and repent and either (a) die with a moving deathbed scene or (b) enter a monestary (a vow of silence might be nice ... and he'd have to cut his hair!). The Mancera reign would come to an end, Claudio could return as the rightful Duke of Salvatierra, annex San Fernando, and run the place well. Kind of a reverse of what Jorge was trying to do.
And with the end of the story drawing nigh, the possibilities are pretty limited. I can think of only one thing... and I think I'd better shut up right now. :-)
Especially the wig-trembling of Fran...
I have to say that I was one of those people who thought this novela was dull and uninspiring in the begining, and only stuck it out, because Ric/Fer C. However, I am sooooo very glad I did, because it turned out to be an EXCELLENT novela!!
Susanna G./Cami has truly made Cami come to life, and all the actors have really brought to life their characters...when I can feel hate, emotion, laughter and just downright incredibility at some of the stupidity of some (I won't mention names, but we all know who they are)! Alright, I'll mention names! LOL Grita, Santi (working my last nerve into the ground), Lisa, LeBouffy, just to mention a few;that type of acting says to me wonderfully executed acting!!
Hats off to them all!!! Especially Fernando!!! I love that man!!!!
I think Fortunata should marry also and I could forsee Chip and Dale being given some sort of position as trustworthy friends of the jr. Señor and that would make one of them elligible perhaps, since she doesn't have a dowry. Also, I could see Sofia giving her dead aunt's inheritance to Fortunata to make her marriageable to one of the minor nobles in the area, somebody we haven't learned of yet. Hopefully not Matteo or Uriel since those guys are creeps and part of Bouffy's murdring and thieving goon squad.
La Paloma
And that was quite the riposte from Sofia--telling Jorge to just kill LaFont and be done with it. She's one tough cookie. When she went off on the trip I couldn't help but think that Jorge was glad not to send her off with the secret service. He'd be getting rid of a few problems if his wife and daughter never came back.
Rape... I don't know. Sancti's too wishy-washy. He's all puffed up Lord of the Manor I Got Power Now and My Word is Right and I'm Owed This, but he's still not crossing certain lines, like trying to make sure the books aren't doctored, keeping helpless people from being killed, etc. He's swinging back and forth like a stupid wind chime because he just doesn't fit. He might THINK he could force Cami, but I'll bet money he wouldn't be able to get the ol' apparatus to properly obey with her pissed and crying. Wishy-washy. (I'm really feeling the urge to look ahead on YouTube now, in case I'm digging another hole! But I won't! URGH!)
When Le Bouffant and posse came to the engagement party to collect Cami for Whorehey, way back, I do believe Sancti was slicing in her defense. So I wasn't surprised to see him skewer that fool trying to kill Ascanio.
This is my first Fernando novela. I'd heard so much about the man from many of you before actually seeing him. And from the beginnings of PASION, I could see why everyone was so crazy about him. He has more than fulfilled my expections in playing the different faces of Ricardo, not to mention the fact he "smolders" even when he's not doing anything. Mmmmmmm.
I wonder what he'll be in next...
This PASION thing must just be a fluke. :-)
Second round, "I don't NEED those kind of muscles when I make bread".They're pushing awfully hard on the near naked males. Is there a story that is not formulaic.
BUT I will tune in just because I enjoy this blog SO MUCH.
But I guess that's just me :) I know I'm in the minority here.
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