Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Pasión 4/14/08: Pirates, Pirates Everywhere -- Ursula’s Orgy
To avoid a rehash we begin as Marcelino frantically tells Jorge that he’s worried because Sanctiago wants Ascanio to have free access to all documents and he fears that he will discover the false permits they wrote up.
Jorge pays a visit to Ascanio to supposedly see how he’s getting along in his new position. He offers him a little advice and makes him an offer he is sure Ascanio cannot refuse. “You know, these documents all probably have tons of errors and most of them are just written up as a formality because of bureaucratic regulation. Rather than learning what you need to do your job well, you could become more confused than ever.” --Ascanio wisely plays dumb and nods.-- Jorge makes him understand that he will make Al give him Manuela's hand in marriage if Ascanio would help him keep Sancti pacified regarding the examining of certain questionable city administration records. “Not a bad trade, wouldn’t you say?” says Jorge as he walks out the door. Impactado with this bribe, Ascanio just sits there with his mouth open.
Across town, after Cami has left with Sofia and Ursula for Puerto Paraiso, Jime tells Ines that God willing Ascanio might find something that Cami had asked him to look for in order to help Ricardo. Ines and she worry that he might be more loyal to Sancti. Jime says that Ric’s fate depends on Ascanio finding something and acting on it. She looks down at the ring Mario gave her and tells Ines that if Ric doesn’t come back then Mario probably won’t either. Ines teases her about having the hots for Mario and they both giggle. Then Ines tells her that Vasco and she are getting along great now and she begins to tell Jime how Vasco turned Ursula down flat at the mill the other day.
Foreman, Hernan, Antillano, Mario, and Pablo and the other captains assemble for the meeting on Foreman’s boat to plan out their attack strategy for Puerto Paraiso. They will disembark on a small bay and from there will arrive after crossing through jungle. Within a week the assault on the city will take place and all the pirates cheer as Ric frowns pensively at what this will mean: an outright massacre of innocents.
Matteo, Uriel and Alberto are discussing the delay of the next caravan shipment and how they’ll need more men to cover a double shipment. Uriel asks what Jorge’s involvement is. Al says Jorge’s turned coward because he doesn’t want his son learning about their involvement in caravan hijackings so they aren’t going to tell him about this one. Matteo says with reason and he is worried that Sancti might turn them in to the authorities. Al sneers loudly at Matteo, saying why should he do that since people generally don’t wash their dirty laundry in public, meaning that this would be too embarrassing to even consider for Jorge and his son. Neither Uriel nor Matteo seem all that convinced.
Meanwhile, Sofia, Ursula and Cami, are stuck in the middle of nowhere when their coach breaks down and one of the men must ride hours to find another wheel or coach. (Yeah, I’d say that basket of goodies Fortunata thoughtfully packed for them probably came in handy after all, since they must wait a few hours till the coachman can return with help.) Ursula, dressed in tons of petticoats under a long-sleeved black dress can’t stop complaining about the heat and the bugs. She’s been driving her mother crazy because of it. The women wait for help to arrive from the next inn, some three hours ride up the road.
Jorge goes to see Alberto about Ascanio’s looking over their false documents and not wanting to alert Sancti to all of their dirty deeds yet. He is still too naive about the ways of doin’ bidnez. Besides, if Ascanio finds anything and isn’t properly stopped with some sort of meaningful incentive, that being Manuela, Al’s neck ends up in a noose.
However, Ol’ Party Pal Al, self-consciously pulling his forelocks over in a useless attempt to hide his eye patch, disagrees and stubbornly (methinks, foolishly?) refuses to permit Ascanio to marry his daughter as Jorge suggests. Defiantly he tells Jorge he’s got to find some other way to avoid him finding proof of their dirty business dealings. Since both of them are in this up to their necks together they will either sink or swim together. Thus threatened, Jorge answers him, “Oh, then it’s war?” “—Take it however you want.” Jorge pulling out his scabbord and examining the stiletto in side it, warns LaFont, “Were I you, rather than think twice about this I’d say think 5 times before forgetting that I am still the Lord Governer of San Fernando.”
Just then Lis walks in holding “Clotilde’s niece’s” baby. Jorge notices it and asks about it. Lis tells him it’s orphaned and Al is refusing to let her be its godmother. Al gripes that he doesn’t want her baptizing the kid of some farmer, murderer or what have you. Jorge, figuratively poking a stick at Al’s one remaining eye, says that his wife is godmother to numerous orphans and unfortunates. He is certain that Sancti would charitably join Lis in being the child’s godparent.
After Jorge leaves, Al, enraged, drags Lis into his study and beats her complaining that she put on that little comedy in front of Jorge just to make sure she got her way. Lis can’t understand why he won’t allow her to baptize the child. He hisses while nearly strangling her with a chokehold, that he’s not about to baptize someone else’s child, only his own. Lis says she’s been a dutiful wife in bed and it’s not her fault that he hasn’t gotten her pregnant. Alberto malevolently elucidates for his wife that when a woman doesn’t get pregnant it’s always the woman’s fault, not the man’s then angrily strides out of the room. Lis, choking and gasping for breath tearfully swears to herself that one day she’s going to take revenge on him. “You perverted, disgusting old hog! One day, you damned, damned pig!!” (Lis, I, for one, hope that day comes a few decades or so down the road.)
Finally days later, the three women arrive in another coach at the home of Brigida de Mendoza in Puerto Paraiso. All Ursula can do is complain about the way the house smells old. Sofia tells the others that she’s not interested in the money left her, but rather in taking family mementos back with her. Herminia, the elderly companion of Sofia’s aunt, comes in and greets Sofia very lovingly. Sofia introduces Cami and Ursula to her.
That night Ursula is still complaining, now about having to share a room and the bed with her mother while Cami gets a room of her own. Sofia tells her she’s tired of hearing it and she should have just stayed home. (Many of us mothers out here in Viewerville commiserate, Sofia. Truly we do!) Ursula wants to know how long they’ll be there. Sofia figures a week should do it till they get the legalities handled.
In her bedroom Cami takes out and rereads the letter to her father from Ric. “Camila is my wife in the eyes of God and will be till the day we hand our souls over to our Creator. I know that it will mean great sorrow my taking her away like this, but it was never my intention to separate her from you. ”
Ric tells Mario that his child ought to be about 3 months old by now. He is still tormented by not having been able to go look for Cami because of this business with the plague. Mario reminds him there just wasn’t enough time, but not to worry. Just as well since Sancti saw him and would be waiting for him. Ric says, “The same way we’ll be ready for him when we return for them.” Mario continues to cheer him up saying that after the attack at Puerto Paraiso they can afford to hire all the pirates in the Caribbean they need to confront Santiago’s palace guard and no little army of his will be able to stop them. Mario then advises him to shut his heart and mind to this and concentrate his efforts on the business at hand. If Fortune smiles on them they’ll have one heck of a pile and their future depends on that. They toast to good fortune.
Ursula sneers at her mother and chooses to take a walk around town instead of accepting her mother's offer to pay respects to the dead relative at the cemetery. Later, on their way to the grave site, Sofia tells Cami that she understands what Ric means to her, but it seems a little loco to want to go off alone to look for him. If something should happen to her along the way Sofia is going to feel entirely responsible. Cami tells her that she is a grown woman now, one who has survived any number of things, that even though it may be crazy she wants to, needs to, and must go to La Iguana. Besides, Cami says she has already inquired from the shoemaker in town and San Jose is only two weeks journey and from there it’s just a turn off the main road.
With their individual gangs of pirates in league Foreman, Ric and the other brigands make their way over the next few days and nights through the jungle toward Puerto Paraiso for their final foray. (It looks more like prairie with a few trees to me, but hey, what do I know from Mexican rain forest and jungle?) The week passes quickly for the women who are planning to return the next morning to San Fernando. They only need to pack the mementos and a few family paintings.
The night before their departure Sofia comes to see if Cami has hired her coach. She has and will leave at 5 AM, but she refuses to let Romualdo accompany her as a bodyguard as Sofia suggests. (I’m all for brave, pioneering women, but venturing alone in a hired coach to the middle of nowhere in that time and place is more than a little bit harebrained.) Sofia reluctantly agrees then gives her a pouch of money for emergencies and tells her to come say good-bye before she leaves.
Outside the city, El Antillano gives his men their final instructions before initiating their attack. “Pirates fight fearlessly, but honorably; don’t kill anybody who gives up or who is unarmed. There is enough money in the city for us all to go back very wealthy. Fight bravely and may God bless us all!” Mario wishes him luck and reminds him that if he dies he gets his share of the loot. Antillano asks Mario in case he dies to share his loot with Cami and his child and to remind her not to forget the people living in La Iguana. Mario asks Pablo who his share goes to, doesn’t he have anybody to leave it with? Pablo says it should go to his mother. Mario laughs, “Of course, though in truth La Paisana knows how to take care of herself better than any of us.”
Ric, Mario, Pablo, and his men now join with Foreman and Hernan. Foreman tells his captains to make sure the men fight with precision, fight for their lives and for the riches that await them.
Within their individual bands, the pirates begin to climb rope ladders they’ve secretively strung up along the fortress walls. They jump over the tops of the fortress’s guard walk and kill the distracted soldiers who are playing cards, then enter into the city. More soldiers come to fight the hoards of pirates climbing over the walls and the bloodbath begins as Sofia and Ursula go to sleep.
At the sounding of the alarms all bedlam breaks loose in the city. Cami is getting her baggage ready to leave for La Iguana when she hears an explosion of gunfire. The shots are followed by dozens of church bells ringing the alarm throughout the city. Cami wakes up Sofia and Ursula and tells them something dangerous must be going on outside. Ursula wonders if it’s a fire or something. Herminia runs into Cami downstairs in another part of the household and tells her that it is a pirate attack and they have to flee. Pirates are evil and have no respect for anyone or anything. The three women get dressed, wrap their valuables, money and jewels in sheets. They try to get Herminia to leave with them but she refuses saying she’s too old and will be a hindrance, so Sofia and the rest are forced to flee without her.
At the fort the bloody battle continues between pirate and soldier. Romualdo carrying the little bit of possessions they are bringing and his rifle, leads the women through the streets through absolute mayhem and carnage. (Ursula, honey, is this enough excitement for you?) Cami tells them that they have to get out of the city to safety. All around them, in the streets, there are others with the same idea who are also trying to flee. Cami, Sofia, Ursula and Romualdo eventually find their way through the throng to a stable yard, barricade themselves in and manage to finally sleep a little.
There are dead bodies of men and women strewn everywhere, all around from the pirates’ handiwork. Foreman arrives accompanied by Hernan, Antillano, Mario and Pablo, together with several other pirates. He announces that the city is won and they are free to rape, pillage and plunder as they see fit. “There. It wasn’t so difficult, was it?” he asks Antillano. “Too many dead,” he answers and shakes his head in disbelief. Foreman tells him death is part of life, but now he has all the money he needs to make up for what was stolen from him. He orders Antillano to organize the patrols in the city to guard against the Spanish guard coming back to ambush them all, but advises him first to wash up since with all the blood on his face and clothes he looks like a butcher. Ric turns to Mario with an aside, looking at his bloody hands and dagger with a dazed look in his eyes, and tells him that he feels like a butcher.
The next morning Cami wakes up and tells Romualdo the well is dry and they need food. He tells her it’s best to wait but foolishly Cami refuses-- making me wish somebody would “Grita-slap” her and knock some sense into her for putting everyone’s life at risk this way when she, more than anybody, knows how murderous and depraved these types are supposed to be. (Word up, Camila! They aren’t all like Antillano, remember?) She says she’ll go while he stays to guard the others. Romualdo has no choice then and says he’ll go with her. They hear shots just then. “Hear that! You cannot go.” “—and neither can you!” and since he’s da man and obviously women don’t belong out there in this he says he’ll go see what’s what.
Cami returns to their little storeroom hideaway and the women begin to pray, even Ursula, who this time (as hubby noticed) looks like she means it! Romualdo opens the gate to the street beyond and sure enough three pirates violently barge in and immediately rush around the yard chasing the women (--did we expect any less?) intending to ravage them and steal their valuables.
Outside and down the street pirates are threatening to hang people unless they tell them where their money and jewels are. (According to historical accounts they hung men by other, more sensitive parts of their anatomy than their necks and also tortured the women and children in order to get this information out of them, but I digress.) Antillano followed by Mario is not a happy camper…er…pirate as they walk through the streets trying to find some order. Mario reminds him that he fulfilled his obligation to Foreman and now is rich. Ric says he’s repulsed by the excessive abuse he sees all around him. Mario says it’s just the excitement of the victory (which was incredible considering the fortifications). Ric says they’re high on wine and blood lust and he can’t stand it anymore.
Antillano goes around chasing off various pirates from the weak and defenseless and those who obviously haven’t any valuables or money left to offer in exchange for their lives. Mario warns him his actions are dangerous since the pirates are in their right to take and demand whatever they want. Ric complains he is disgusted and sickened by so many dead men, women [and children]. He throws money at a few pirates who are harassing a couple who’ve already given them everything they have and tells them to scat. Mario tells them the couple obviously haven’t got anything else and are not rich people. The pirates complain that the Captain General gave them instructions. Antillano tells them to heck with that and scram! They do.
Mario reminds him worriedly that all the captains agreed that Foreman was the Captain in charge and the boss. Antillano yells back through the noise that this time with the excesses he has gone too far and he’s sick of hearing the screams of helpless men and women. It’s one thing to fight armed soldiers who have the same chance as they, but all this killing and harming of innocents is not right.
Just then Ric and Mario hear the screams from Ursula and Cami in the stable yard. Ric kicks open the gate and runs inside to see the two pirates on top of the two younger women fighting through scads of petticoats in hopes of (eventually) “having their way” with them. (In an A-Hah! moment for anyone in Viewerville still wondering why wealthy women wore layers of petticoats, the term makeshift chastity belt might come to mind.) Before these pillaging rapscallions can get their fly’s unbuttoned, our two pet pirates push their way in and recognize Sofia being held by one against the wall at knife-point and that it’s Cami and Ursula on the ground screaming, in the respective clutches of the other two. (At this point I have to admit I was cackling at the screen at Ursula, “Enjoying your orgy, Ursula? You’ve got one in spades now, don’t ya, hon –or rather, ‘espadas’?” More cackling, now from Hubby.) Romualdo is unconscious and wounded on the ground over in a corner of the stable yard.
Ric and Mario quickly start to rescue Cami and Ursula. “Let them loose! Let them loose!” Swords start slicing through the air. The pirates are angry (hopefully getting a good case of blue b@lls about now) and complain. “What’s the matter with you, Antillano??” the guy who was on top of Cami asks him. “‘—That is MY woman!!” “—Since when?” “Since I say so!” (Wonderful playground dialogue.) Mario tells the other pirate at sword point, after fighting and kicking them off the women, that Carmi is Antillano’s woman and the others are the wife and daughter of Foreman’s friend. The two pirates gripe that the rules are that whoever sees the woman first can have her for whatever they want. Ric says not this time and if they don’t think it’s right they can settle it right here and now. They back away and stomp off saying that they’ll confront him about it, but in front of Foreman.
Freed, Sofia runs over to help Romualdo while Cami explains to Ric that she’s in the city, accompanying Sofia to see about Sofia’s dead aunt’s inheritance. Ric asks about their child and Cami tearfully tells him the child was born premature and died at birth. They console each other then compose themselves. He tells her they’ll discuss it later because it’s too dangerous to stay there. He has the women get their things and they leave to return to the meeting hall in the central palace.
Ric, Cami, Sofia, Ursula, Mario and Romualdo arrive. Before they go inside Ric pulls Cami aside and warns her not to say a word and not to intervene. “One word, one scream of yours and I could be distracted and that could cost me my life!” “—Why?” “You’ll find out later. You must promise me that whatever happens you will put up with it. You must tolerate it.” They all enter the great hall at the central palace where Foreman is overseeing the drunken revelry as Pirate in Chief.
Foreman leads them all in a toast of the Brotherhood’s grand triumph as Antillano and Mario appear with the women in tow. Cavalierly Foreman greets the women. Both Sofia and Ursula are drop-jaw impactada to find Foreman is there. He offers his gallant apologies and says that he is captain of the ruffian horde as he introduces himself as Captain John Foreman, English corsair for the British Royal Navy (and thus a legitimate arm of the English Crown in what has been a massacre of a major Spanish holding.) Sofia reprimands him for having lied to them and demands that if he’s in charge that he tell them all to stop this horror immediately. “Have you no shame?”
Ursuala starts screaming at Foreman that if he’s the one in charge then punish the one who tried to rape her. He assures her that whoever has laid hands on her he’ll cut them off, then tries to calm her down. He then turns to Ric and says there’s been a complaint made against him. “Yeah, I imagine so.” Foreman turns to the crowd and says, “We all know that hostages belong to us all.” Antillano yells out at him, “Not when one of the women belongs to one of them already, they don't!!”
Antillano reminds Foreman that it was evident to Foreman himself, having eaten at his home with his family that Cami was his woman. Foreman nods, but the pirate who wanted Cami yells out, “Yeah, but I didn’t know that!” “—That’s your problem, not mine,” Antillano yells back. The pirate argue s with him that the rules say that a women belongs to whoever finds her first. Antillano insists not when it has to do with another pirate’s woman. “And in this case I will pay for her.” The second pirate yells out that he will pay also and he wants the blonde. Yells break out all around the room.
Foreman offers an economic arrangement. “Fight for her or buy her. Antillano?” Ric yells over at the pirate who was trying to rape Cami, “Confrontation or money? Which do you prefer?” He refuses the money and demands to fight. His buddy yells out then that fighting El Antillano is like fighting three of the rest of them so he demands to fight alongside his pirate buddy. A third pirate and then Mario complain that it is unfair to allow two against one in a fight, and the rules don’t take into the account something like this for a woman. Foreman tells the crowd, “This is an unusual situation, so majority rules.” The room votes for them to fight it out.
Antillano accepts the challenge. (Swooning here. Hubba hubba!!) Foreman warns him this must be to the death and Ric agrees, “To the death.” He turns to Cami and warns her again not to utter a sound then hands her off to Mario for safekeeping. He pulls out his swords, does some mental calculation and makes the first strike……
Labels: Pasion
What have I forgotten??
Last night's episode was non-stop action. I loved your description of Mario and Antillano as "..our pet pirates."
But, to go back to the beginning. I hope we aren't going to see the one man who has unfailing integrity become as corrupt as the rest of the lot. Of course, that is Ascanio. I'm hoping that he will be able to outwit Jorge and evil LaFont somehow.
I also wonder if we'll ever get the whole story about LaFont. There have been so many allusions to his past and how he came to San Fernando and became Jorge's chief lieutenant. Perhaps he escaped from an insane asylum.
Lisabeta is becoming somewhat pitiful. But, sorry, she'll not get my pity or sympathy. As the saying goes, "..you made your bed, now sleep in it.."
Ursula is another cat who seems to land on all fours no matter what. Sofia was a model of restraint. She should have exercised her rights as wife of the high lord by giving Ursula a good smackdown.
Oh, well - tonight's episode looks great. I, too, will miss the pirates, but we sure are being tempted by Fuego en el Sangre. Wow!
From lower Ala
I'm confused about one thing though. Everyone called the city Puerto Paraiso but the cursive subtitle during the scene when Cami, Sofia and Ursula arrived at Aunt Brigete's house said it was Puerto Principe.
J.R. :)
And, yes - there's excitement in every episode. I did sort of chuckle at the pirates fighting their way through the brush to sneak up on the city - if they're not sailing on the sea, are they still pirates?
I'm hoping Ascanio can resist the temptation - but Jorge's bribing him with the one thing he wants more than anything else ... and it would protect Manuela from her father. We'll see ....
And mad maggie marlow from ct - I like the idea of Fortunata getting the twins! I'd like to see her marry someone nice, settle down, and raise lots of happy children. Uriel, maybe? or someone we haven't met yet?
In re the baby - unless Lisabeta, Francisca, or Auxiliadora 'fesses up, all we can hope for is that he carries the de Salamanca birthmark (OF COURSE there's a family birthmark!).
And a nit-pick - I noticed Sofia and Ursula were both in black; mourning for Rita, I assume. Howcome Camila's wearing colors? shouldn't she be in some sort of mourning for her sister?
Perhaps the "Puerto Principio" just meant that it was the main port within Puerto Paraiso. Either that or the person who was doing the graphics wasn't told the name of the city!
Regarding all the speculation about Ascanio's sister - she probably can't be as young as Conchita (the other woman who gave birth the same night as Camila). I don't remember exactly how long Ascanio said he belonged to Don Timoteo, but it was at least 10 years, maybe 20. From his story, it sounded as though his sister was at least in her teens when he killed someone to defend her.
Conchita seems a bit young for that - but who knows. I still think she's the girl who greets Camila at the end of the opening credits, but it's hard to tell for sure!
Jimena seems closer to the right age, I think she and Ascanio would have recognized one another by now.
And the grungyness of the pirates in that great hall, the dichotomy of their barbarism toward others and brotherhood to one another. Wait now, it just occurred to me that isn't to far off from Jorge's compatriots!
Mad Maggie: Is it too late to put you in touch with the writers to tie everything up? I don't think you missed anything. Though I actually have a soft spot for the spoiled and petulant Ursula even though she's a bad mommy. Hope she finds a galan to, um, please her. Saintly was only at peace at Mt. Carmel and needs to go back there and continue looking for his lost soul. Claudio, son of Carla, is guaranteed to make some sort of comeback.
Pasofino: I loved your speculation that maybe LaFont was an escapee from an insane asylum. That just cracked me up.
Mad Maggie, I loved your tidy tying up of loose ends!!! (...putting a scorpion in Tia Frankenstein's wig!) Too Funny!!!!!
Did everyone notice how Ric always looks down and then up again before he gets ready to kill someone?
MHM, perhaps you missed it, but in an earlier episode Ursula was saying that pirates sounded exciting with all their partying and orgies. It was she, not some recapper or commenter, who evidently didn't know the difference between a gang-rape and an orgy. (I think Ursula's clear on that point now.)
MinMN, I also thought it was odd to pray for a blessing before embarking on an epic crime! Maybe by "blessing" he actually meant "forgiveness"... blech. Why risk life and limb to save one town from the plague, only to turn around and destroy a city? I sure hope this doesn't go unaddressed!
...actually, I'm kind of envying Ursula right about now. Sure, she got almost-raped by the grungier type of pirate, but from the previews, it looks like she's still right up for getting the best of them.
Best hold on to Camila, Mario! You know what she's like!
I'm so glad Cami got trapped inside the city - I was half-afraid she'd leave just before our merry band arrived, missing Ricardo by that much! I assumed he'd run into the others, of course, but he'd still have to go looking for her afterwards.
Lawdy. *Breaks out the fan* So much happening, and so much still to be done! I've been running around wailing to my family, "But what will I do when it's over?"
You know I thought most first ladies on deck would know how to defend them selves.
I reflect on the sofie and ursula moment of complaing of shareing a bed.
God my mother hates finding me in her bed, I always use to sleep in her bed for the longest time and times when she cant wake me we end up shareing the bed with the zoey the pitbull. Its so funny how many times I have heard how I kicked and kicked people out of bed all the people who had to share a bed with me(I still kick but i now toss and turn till i fall asleep). What more funny and anoying is my mom talks in her sleep (oh god she says some of the funiest things) and the dog barks in her sleep(I think she got that from mom) you gotta shake them both to wake them like really shake them. My mom works all week and is gone (shes in a battle with my dad) so i have taken over her king size bed (mines a queen) with the anoying dog.
great recap!
And yes, Blackhearted Becky, I noticed Ricardo bowing his head and turning it to the side just a moment before he accepts he has to do it again. Thank the time restrictions that we will not have to go thru Camilla coming to grips with Ricardo's participation in this recent carnage.
Well, but, I also told my tv screen last night that I didn't want to go to a commercial break just before the blood thirsty pirates broke into the stable where they were hiding.
Maggie, I love your predictions! Don't forget something realllly nasty has to happen to that horrid, brutish midwife!
I'm sorry this is almost over, too. I can't wait for the next Carla/Fernando production. I keep thinking I won't watch Fuego, because I don't want to be tied to the tv for the next few months (especially in the summer), but after seeing the promos, I'm sure I will! It looks like it's going to be a humdinger!
Thanks again to the recappers and all of you posters, you make this so much more fun!
Susanna J.
Anyway, Camila, Sophia, Ursula, and what's his name would have been toast if Ric and Mario hadn't shown up. (Or would the rest of the pirates been defeated and turned without the help of Ric's men... hmmm...)
Yeah Ursula, get mad too; and be indignant treatening to sue or whatever!
I'll see you all tomorrow during the daily discussion .
Eve from Cleveland
This is moving so fast - I truly didn't expect Cami to meet up with Ric during the pirate siege.
How will Ric live with his complicity in making the siege possible? I feel sick for him.
Yeah, can't overlook this, any more than I can Santi's mistreatment of Cami, even as he does good deeds for the people.
I don't like being conflicted about Ric. :(
Those ads for "Fuego en Sangre" sure are putting some fuego en mi sangre!! Mercy!
I fell asleep before it came on!
I've tried Youtube but no luck. Any suggestions?
Quick thoughts:
I don't think Ursula deserves to be punished for sleeping around when everyone else does it. She did try to cajole Mani into it, but in her disturbed little mind, she thought she was helping out a friend who would probably get stuck marrying some horrid man and she might as well get to do it with someone she liked before being forced to do it with someone she didn't. Her only truly evil deeds were: a) trying to blame Cami for getting Claudio to kill her would-be hubby (she was jealous and probably thought Cami was in on it) and b) trying to get daddy to sleep with Ines to get even with Vasco. I think getting rejected by the only men she actually wanted (Ric and then Vasco) and almost getting raped are probably enough to teach her a lesson about the difference between right and wrong. The previews did seem to show her getting it on with Foreman who might actually be falling in love with her. In a way, she would be ending with a guy similar to her daddy.
Conchita did talk about her dad, so she couldn't be Ascanio's sister (their dad had passed before his sister was raped). Both Ascanio and his sister were old enough that they would have recognized each other. What I don't know is if he actually met Magdalena, LP's sidekick and main prostitute. If so, she's the closest contender I can see for the role.
Speaking of Conchita, I could see her spilling the beans as well. If she finds out what town the other woman came from, she might go to SF looking for her baby and the whole truth could come to light. Just a thought.
Re: "Fuego" - This is what I've gathered from the previews, haven't seen the esmas.com synopsis. Three brothers take a blood oath to avenge their sister (Sherilynn - Marina in Alborada) who was "tainted" by an evil rich man. It's not clear whether she was raped or deceived, but we know she got pregnant. She tried to bring this to light at the man's funeral, but his widow shows her the door. Since the boys can't take it out on the doer, they decide to take it out on his daughters (not very nice if you ask me) by romancing them, seducing them, and dumping them. The monkey wrench comes when at least one of them (Yanez, the eldest) falls in love with his mark (Noriega). He now must choose between his promise of vengeance and the woman he loves. In his efforts, he encounters a rival. An evil guy who mommie dearest has named the administrator and who has become engaged to the eldest sister. As far as scantily clad women, it looks like it's primarily the middle sister and a dancer at a bar (don't think she's a stripper, but rather just a performer who dresses revealingly to get more buts in the seats). It looks like she also has her eyes set on the Yanez character, but has a past with his evil rival. The boys will probably be shirtless a lot as they do a lot of backbreaking work baking and working fields.
I suppose for our new nicknames we can find names to do with fire, blood (icky, but could be funny, like "hemoglobin platelet"), haciendas, cowboys, fields, or baking (I like the last one as I loved all baked goods).
But Ursula did begin to care about others a little bit. She did decide to help Manuela get a lover because it amused her (Ursula). Still not quite the charitable unselfish person her mother is but able to change. She did stop being almost cruel to her cousin. Like her father she may become a likeable old woman simply because she cant' get around much anymore. :-)
Maybe now Ursula can begin to look past her class to her sisterhood, like her mother.
Mad SusanlynnBess, our Mario is Alberto Estrella. We gotta see him again, we just need to! Such talent, such musculature, such devilish sweetness, such... oh never mind.
I am supposed to be finishing my very late Yo Amo a Juan posting but couldn't resist slipping over here to share the excitement.
Oh an one more opinion, Fuego en la Sangre is really sexy, I saw such heat in the first few episodes in Mex in January. Who cares if it is deep or not, it's our Yañez again!! Ferro, I sincerely hope you get your scantily clad lovelies this time, just because you deserve it!!
Was I being cruel to insinuate that at that point she might be reaping the whirlwind? Perhaps, but she's had her come-uppance and I am not sorry in the least that she has. She's deserved that fright and more for the nasty things she's done to the innocents around her, not the least of which was purposely, defiantly and selfishly setting out to destroy Ines' marriage simply because she could. It was my opinion that she deserved a bit of disdain and so I addressed and expressed it as fully as I could. IMO I would also say that it was the telenovela gods' way of making her "see the light." Thanks for giving me the opportunity to clarify. =/8 > )
There are plenty of free clip art things you can download and sift through if you care to google them for an avatar. I've got a site if anybody's interested.
I got my sneak peak started for the fuego show and I will say,
its a third remake of first Las Aguas Mansas then second Pasión de Gavilanes, now im starting to read a bit of the first few episode summaries of the first of the show and on you tube i am watching episodes. I watch the first part Pasión de Gavilanes(i didnt find the first show) then the first of the fuego show and compaireing the two i like the Pasion de Gailanes its more softer beging then the new. I must say i still havent reached the second ep with my compare testing. should give it a shot. Im getting a taste of all three of the shows. with out watching the first.
Thanks mhm
Whoever thought that the really sweet girl who gave birth to the stillborn might be the one to reveal the truth about Ric and Camila's baby had a really good plot idea. Remember, she was in labor when Ric came to the door asking for Camila and might recognize him. Although I can't think of a scenario where they'd encounter each other.
I was pretty disappointed with Foreman. They've occasionally shown him as not a complete villain, but not letting El Antillano protect his own wife because of the "Pirate Code" infuriated me. Of course, we know FC is going to win the swordfights, hopefully not getting wounded in the process so we have to sit through another recuperation.
There's another woman (I assume it's a woman!)nsmed "Cariszz" who has posted pretty much all the episodes there, too. Again, she has them listed by episode number. Good luck finding what you're looking for!
I have resisted the temptation to look ahead, so far! Youtube saved me last Friday when I was away and my DVD recorder didn't tape the show. I'm taping it every night to save.
Be still my beating heart, I thought. Do we have a Ric/Cami reunion already? I was also worried that Cami might leave town and pass Ric on his way in, totally clueless at what she'd missed.
What a relief for Ric and Mario to rescue the ladies from dire peril. Now that's how a hero behaves! I, too, hope Sofia can help Ric get out of his mess and start the new life he desires.
It would seem that Lisa's revenge on LaFont is being set up. She deserves the pleasure of killing him as much as anyone.
It warmed my heart that Pablo wanted to remember his mother in case of his death. I was also very touched by Ric & Cami's scene as she revealed the death of the baby. She was still recovering from being attacked and had a bloody nose. His facial expressions were so good, as he digested the news, what it meant to him, and then the sweet way he comforted her. It will make me so happy for them to recover the baby, as they surely must.
So, in the previews it looked as though Ursula gets some action with Foreman. He may live to regret it, unless she can change.
Hoping that Cami has learned enough wisdom to follow Ric's instructions about keeping quiet.
La Paloma
Well I am totally shocked that my heart didn't finally leap out of my chest and lay there gasping from ALL OF THAT. Holy Moly. What an episode.
During the "get off Cami and Whoresula!" in the courtyard scene, I was so holding my breath because I was terrified Sofia was going to get plot-sacrificed then and there. And I was going to be PISSED. Thank the TNGs she made it. And she proved just how much she deserved to live by, barely seconds after the blade was removed from her neck, she immediately goes to see if the poor redcoat trying to guard them was all right. Not thinking about herself. WHAT a woman.
Then I thought MMMario might get it when it looked to be three on two, but the douchebags backed off and left. *whew*
What a nasty piece of business, the whole men, women, and children's guts spilled by laughing pirates thing. Awful to watch, really, which speaks to how well the scenes were done (hats off the the crew).
And that business at the end, at Foreman's Headquarters--yikes. I hated that (but it was done really well, wasn't it?!). I couldn't believe we'd EVER exclaimed, "We love pirates!!" More like "We love pir-- eh, Antillano, MMMario, Pablo, and their ilk ONLY, the rest of these douches should be boiled in a vat and we want nothing to do with them whatsoEV-vah."
You gotta feel sorry for the idiots Ric will be fighting tonight. Might as well call the coroner.
Tomorrow's preview: Uh-huh. I knew Whoresula might get her pirate. LOL!
Jorge really does know how to manage his territory, doesn’t he? What a great negotiator. He’s got Ascanio all tied up now.
Alberto La Bouffant, on the other hand, has no sense at all regarding how to manage his territory and will end up worse off than he is now. He really doesn’t understand that messing with Jorge won’t be to his advantage, does he?
“Jorge, figuratively poking a stick at Al’s one remaining eye,” ROTFL and ewww.
“Sofia tells her she’s tired of hearing it and she should have just stayed home. (Many of us mothers out here in Viewerville commiserate, Sofia. Truly we do!)” LOL! Well-said!
“Romualdo carrying the little bit of possessions they are bringing and his rifle, leads the women through the streets through absolute mayhem and carnage. (Ursula, honey, is this enough excitement for you?)” LOL! Just wait until she sees Foreman. That’ll really make it interesting.
“(In an A-Hah! moment for anyone in Viewerville still wondering why wealthy women wore layers of petticoats, the term makeshift chastity belt might come to mind.)” ROTFL!!!! Great one, and it sounds totally plausible to me.
Ursula's punishment for sleeping around, in my opinion, is that she is one miserable human being. She's all alone, unloved, unwanted by anyone except for a booty call, ignored by parents who don't hide their digust for her, and everyone she sees on the streets knows she's a whore. She even hates herself, but hides it behind all that fine clothing and her ugly comments to Fortunata and other people. Bad parenting (sorry, Sofi) got her right where she is today, and it's too late to reverse it now. She wasn't taught how to be humble, happy, or a mom, but expected to just *snap* act accordingly. Her potent power over men with sex was the only power she really had (she certainly witnessed the lengths her father would go to to get nookie her whole life), thus she used it. I don't like her, but I do feel sorry for her.
Yeah, don't forget Clothilde with her endless seal-flapping hands. Someone needs to throw her a big fish to choke on.
Thanks for the Fuego info, redmargarita. So, our three handsome hunks are DOUCHEBAGS coming right out of the gate? Terrific. :(
Pablo: "Leave my money to my mother in case I die." Awwwwwwww! :)
I find that I'm not really conflicted about Ric myself - I don't know if it's because I'm looking at it as, "Bad situation, few choices," or because I've got just enough ice in the sangre not to be bothered by it.
The top 5 things yelled at our TV at my house resulting from last night's Pasion:
5.) La-dee-fricking-da... (Ursula and her Scarlet O' Hara diva attitude, pre-pirates.)
4.) Yikes- (Pirates amok!)
3.) OMG! (Or fill in your favorite expletive here.) (THE scene. Need I say more?)
2.) Hurray! (Reunited, and it feels so good!)
1.) Hurry... (Can't wait until tonight!!!)
I'm not ready to let go of Pasion yet though. I hope the episodes maintain this heat.
Mmmmmmm... Adrian Paul... Highlander... Duncan McLeod... *droooooooooooool*
Hi, Jeanne. :-)
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