Thursday, May 22, 2008

Al Diablo Con Los Guapos #83, Wednesday 5-21: Oh, that Regina, she did it her way.

I'm baaaaack!

First, some leftovers from last night: Damian is already thinking of Regina's death as a campaign strategy for Constancio. The will is going to be read at Casa Belmonte early the next day. Constancio reminds Luciana that he's put up with her "bastard" for a while, so Luci better get used to treating Mili like a member of the family.

Luciana hugs some random guy, then Nestor, while Damian looks on.

Florencia hangs all over Alejandro and says a bunch of meaningless stuff designed to console him as a secondary objective, the primary one being to get him into bed. Alejandro wants to leave, so they leave.

Poor Nestor watches and feels bad for Alejandro. Luciana reminds him about his promise, but won't tell him why he has to keep his mouth shut. Nestor finally says she's asking too much and walks off. Padre Manuel digs at Luciana, saying that Mili would make Alejandro happy, and doesn't she care about her own son's happiness?

Horacio, Socorro, and Rocky talk about how Doña Regina will be missed and how she was so much happier once Mili showed up. They also comment that Braulio and Valeria also seem sad. Rocky goes to console Valeria and tells her he hates to see her so down. Valeria asks to leave and Rocky makes a joke about needing to keep her dad from seeing them or he'll kill him. Valeria just gives him a sad little smile and leads him away by the hand. I love these two together, I really do. Now if we can just get Valeria to grow a spine and quit hiding her naco love away!

Marisela (Florencia's sister) and Bobby hit on each other a little bit.

Mili cries, attended by the Miliettes, Sor Cachete, Madre Superior, Padre Manuel, and Tio Braulio. Everybody works on making Mili feel better and stop crying--Doña wouldn't have wanted to see you like this, etc. Mili says she doesn't want to cry, but it's like her tears just keep coming out. She thinks maybe she's crying for her mom too, since no one cried when she died.

Mateo and Licenciado Robledo Sr. plan to leave and be ready for the reading of the will the following day. Mateo makes to go talk to Mili but she asks Braulio to take her away. Lina tells Mateo that Mili doesn't want to talk to him and not to bother her.

Everyone goes home. In the foyer, Constancio comments that none of them have slept in a while and he tells Mili she needs to get some rest. Mili snaps back with, "Like the Doña? Is that how you want me to rest?" Luciana takes it badly and Hugo tries to chill her out. Constancio tells Luci not to make a big deal and then tells Milagros that if it's any consolation, he knows how much she loved his mom and he knows it was returned. Mili starts to go off to her room, but Braulio tells her that she's been installed in a guest room. Luciana gets upset and says she's surprised Regina didn't demand that she and Constancio clear out their room to leave it to "this one." Constancio tells her to shut it or they'll do just that. Braulio, Constancio, and Mili head up to get Mili settled in her new room. Mili calls Luciana "sister-in-law" ha! Damian, being the kind, supportive brother he is offers "Mili's sister-in-law" a drink. Hugo tries in vain not to laugh.

Braulio sees the mess that is Mili's room and he tells Constancio and Mili the room's not ready. He convinces them both that Mili should take Regina's room. Constancio thinks that's a stupid idea and will make Mili even sadder. This, of course, gets Mili's hackles up and she decides to sleep there, but she's going alone. Braulio comments to Constancio that Regina's is a bigger room and once Constancio tells Mili that she's his daughter, he (Braulio) can take the guest room.

Mili stands in Regina's room, looking around and remembering some of their conversations. Like the time Regina refused to promise she wouldn't ever leave Mili and said she'd always be with her, in her heart. And Regina on her deathbead, finding out that Mili was her grandchild. Mili cries some more.

Alejandro and Florencia are at her apartment. Alejandro can't believe that Mili was only after his money. Florencia spouts some crap about women being mysterious. Alejandro's not buying that either. Florencia says when you love someone you don't hurt them. Florencia says that now that Mili has gotten what she wanted out of Regina, it's over. Then she preys on Alejandro like the wounded wildebeest that got left behind at the spring. And down he goes.

Braulio gripes at the staff ladies about the room being wrecked. Lina and Gloria accuse Karla. She makes a poor show of denial. Braulio tries to fire her, but Socorro begs for Karla to keep her job, promising it won't happen again. Karla finally apologizes to Braulio," even though it wasn't me". Braulio says he's only doing it for Socorro since he wouldn't even believe Karla if she said "good morning." Braulio asks Socorro to bring Mili a tea to help her calm down and says she's in Regina's room. Karla flips out now saying that's a supercool room and Mili should just have the other one instead. Once Braulio leaves, Socorro says they'd all better get used to working for Mili. She tells Karla that Karla will take the tea up to Mili and apologize, because Socorro's not going to cover for her again and Mili needs all their support. Socorro storms off and Lina and Gloria bask in Karla's dressing-down. I can't blame them.

Mateo and his buddy celebrate Mateo's good luck that his student and the mystery servant-heiress are one and the same. Mateo doesn't think Mili wants to talk to him since he found out her lie about being a businesswoman. Mateo comments that she's already got 2 guys after her and he needs some way to talk to her without those guys getting in the way. His friend suggests sending her a summons.

The God Squad chat in the convent kitchen after the funeral. They talk about how Regina was such a good person. They talk about how Mili and Alejandro seemed the most upset. Then they talk about how Mili and Alejandro aren't actually brother and sister. Sor Cachete wonders why they don't tell Mili that she really doesn't have the hots for her brother. Padre Manuel says that the information was confirmed outside the seal of the confessional, but Madre Superior says they have good reasons not to tell, like Mili's security. Padre Manuel practically swears Sor Cachete to secrecy. She complains that she's not a gossip. Oh, Sor Cachete, so misunderstood!

Mili lies, fully clothed, on top of the covers, in the middle of a fort of pillows. That beeyotch skank ho trampy wench, Karla, busts in with the tea tray and says "Don't even think about asking me to knock before I come in, leave that to the real owners of this house." Oh, because knocking before you enter isn't just common courtesy, you jerk? Karla gripes some more about having to bring the tea tray and that Mili should even think about asking her for anything. She's trying to pick a fight, but Mili just asks her, very quietly, to leave her alone, please. Karla leaves without a change in facial expression, but also, thankfully without another word.

The next morning Luciana flashes back to how upset Alejandro was at losing his grandmother. She bypasses the loving arms of her buddy Mr. Flasky and takes refuge instead with one of her full-size bottles of hooch. Loving brother Damian has come by to get her to sign to paperwork giving her shares over to Hugo. She tries to balk, but he threatens with the truth getting out and neither her son nor her friends being very understanding. She caves and agrees. Oh, look, he even brought his own pen, how thoughtful. And he offers his back for her to sign on…careful, there, she might just push the pen right on through.

Lina checks out the ripped up mess Mili's clothes have become, courtesy of Karla. Mili borrowed a dress from Lina. My guess is that Lina also did Mili's makeup, since she's got some color in her cheeks, despite her overall paleness. Braulio comes in to check on Mili and to tell her that Licenciado Robledo the younger is here for the reading of the will. Mili gives Lina a worried look.

Mateo sits in the study and tells Constancio (as Constancio sums it up) that he's not interested in Mili for her money. Only he uses a lot more words. Constancio's like, whatever, dude. Mili walks in and Constancio says she's just in time--the young man was asking for her hand, what should he reply? Mateo gives Mili a panicked look, while Mili looks shocked, confused, and disgusted. Heh, nice to see Constancio hasn't lost his sense of humor. Mili tells him his brains are scrambled and storms out. Constancio says he did it to see if Mili had feelings for Mateo, which apparently she doesn't. He tells Mateo to stay away from her, she doesn't need anyone causing her anymore conflict and he intends to protect her. Mateo is surprised that Constancio is so ok with Regina's decision to adopt Milagros. Constancio accuses Mateo of thinking that the family wouldn't want Mili and so they'd be ok with him taking her off their hands, inheritance and all, of course. Constancio ends with "I'll be watching you" and a friendly pat to the side of the head.

Damian, that rat bastard, reads over the contract again and again, just enjoying it. Luciana complains that he left her with nothing. Damian tells her to chill, the shares are staying on the Arango side of the family. He shows his dimples as he tells her to have a lovely day.

Milagros sits in the kitchen being angry and having Socorro commenting on it. Milagros then moves on to talking about how much she misses Regina and how the whole room smells like her. Socorro doesn't think it's a good idea for Mili to sleep in that room. Mili says it doesn't matter where she sleeps, she'll never forget Regina. Socorro still wants to know why Mili is upset, but Mili doesn't answer before Mateo comes in. She tries to avoid talking to him, but he yanks her back. She complains about guys liking her arms so much and then about him going behind her back. She says she likes things to be up front…"So that's why you hid that you were a servant?" Mili apologizes for that, saying she never lies and rather than answer why she did it, she asks him to go to the garden.

Damian shows Hugo the papers showing his shares. Hugo's so happy…I wonder if he knows where those shares came from? Luciana walks in and Hugo thanks her (I guess Damian must have lied about them being a gift?). Luciana asks to speak to Damian alone, asking what they're going to tell people about the shares. She ends up asking Damian to ask Hugo to keep it a secret until they come up with a good cover story.

Milagros explains to Mateo that she doesn't know why she lied, she had never gone to school before and she didn't want to be "less" than the other students. Mateo tells her that he did treat her differently because she's special. Milagros seems to like this. Mateo tries to kiss her, but she turns away. Mateo tells her at least they don't have secrets anymore and at least now he can call her. Mili would rather he didn't, though. Mateo now invites her out, to distract herself. Mili says they'll see. Mateo ushers her back inside for the reading of the will.

Alejandro tells Bobby he spent the night with Florencia. Bobby tries to parse (a) why he did it and (b) why he's so pissed off now. Alejandro says he's getting tired of Mili blowing him off. He still doesn't believe that Mili was in in for the money. He thinks Mili is suffering as much as he is. He's going to leave things the way they are since he's tired of begging and playing "stupid games." Valeria comes to summon him to the reading of the will.

Florencia, wearing my grandma's nightie (doesn't matter which one, just pick one) brags to Marisela about last night's bag and tag.

Chamuco tries to cheer up the staff, but they're not having it. He tells a really bad joke: "A man is at his wife's vigil and everybody's calm, when suddenly the devil shows up and they all run, except the man. The devil asks why he's not scared and the man says 'Of course not, I was married to your sister for 50 years.'" Chamuco's the only one laughing. The staff goes on preparing the hors d'ouvres for the reading of the will. At the mention of Mili being a millionaire, Karla throws a tray on the floor. The rest of the ladies yell at her. Which will happen first? Will Karla get herself fired for throwing things on the floor or strangled by Damian for whining about her uniform?

All interested parties are present for the reading of the will. Lina comes in to serve coffee. Lic. Robledo Sr. skips the irrelevant stuff and gets right to "I Regina Lascurain, widow of Belmonte, being of sound mind, in the presence of Lic. Ernesto Robledo, make known that at my death, I leave as sole heir of all my goods, she who is now my adopted daughter, Milagros Lascurain." I wonder what Milagros' last name was before. Luciana looks pissed, Damian amused, Valeria smiles, Alejandro looks horrified, and Mili looks like she's going to start crying again.

Tomorrow: Luciana tries to convince Alejandro to contest the will…and probably some more stuff, but my DVR cut off right then, so I don’t know what else.


would anyone know name of funeral music played for Regina in church on Tuesday nights airing?

vespers maybe


5ft.: Thanks for the recap. Fun as usual.

I thought the man that Luciana hugged at the funeral was Florencia's father.

Anyway, Carla has really outdone herself - or is it undone. She should probably be the first to go since she's the most dispensable - whatever that means. Like, least important of the villains.

Luci the Lush has now sworn too many people to secrecy: Consti, Nestor, Padre Manuel and company, Bobby, Damian, Mili. Who have I left out? One of these characters will crack eventually.

Matt the Rat didn't seem to impressed with Consti's threats of "...I'll be watching you..." He went right out into the kitchen where he knew he could find Mili and ambushed her. He is one of the most offensive. Or, should tha title go to Hugo the Weird?

From lower Ala

Welcome back again, 5ft.

In answer to your question, Damien did not tell Hugo about his deal with Luci.

I loved the way Connie administered the love test to Mat and gave him the warning.

I was really confused about the God Squad (great name!). It suddenly occurs to me that the nuns should not have known all the information about the various parentages.

Padre Manuel says he has been released from the confessional promise because of Luci's independent revelation of some of the information. How did the nuns get in on the secret earlier? He can't break his secrecy vows with them.

hsbcnomore : I recall hearing part of the Mozart "Requiem". Is that what you mean?

Yes, that was from Mozart's Requiem--"Lacrimosa" (when Padre Manuel handed the ashes to Mili).

The nuns knew that Connie is Milli's dad. PM was concerned about Milli and Al being involved until Connie told him in confessional that Al is not his son. That's when he told the nuns not to worry, that Milli and Al were not committing any sin, but didn't give any further details.


Welcome back 5ft, amusing recap, thanks!

I thought Carla had a slight change of expression before leaving Mili alone in Regina's room - she looked confused as to why Mili wasn't fighting back. Carla is such a brat, seriously, she needs to be smacked. Maybe by Soccoro.

I agree with Pasofino, way too many people know the "secret". Someone's going to crack.

Good to have you back, 5ft! I missed a lot of the details last night, so thank you for clearing them up for me.

Mateo seems to have forgotten about the ban on student/teacher relationships. Or maybe now that he has his money, he’s quit the teaching job?

I love how people are always mentioning Luciana’s friends and how they will think less of her for having a bastard son, yet we never see her with any friends. Maybe she imagines that other rich ladies automatically count as friends.

Someone is sure to crack but not for a while. In any event once again it sure didn't look like the Belmontes have many friends since the church was filled only with family and servants and lawyers and the odd inclusion of a mafioso and his psycho daughter. Regina would have loved that - not, especially since said duo is sure to cause massive pain for Al and Mili.

Karla was shocked that Mili didn't fight back. Looks like one of them may be growing up. I loved Braulio firing her skinny skanky behind if only until her mama begged him not to.

Loved Connie waring Rat boy off Mili. He is astute enough to pick up on that greedy pig's unseemly interest in somewhat he met only recently.

Poor Al not thinking yet again. He knows in his heart something is hurting Mili but runs off to the first available warm bed. Any sympathy he had gotten from me is seeping away.

There are some interesting family dynamics going on. Damian and the lush have one of those bickering brother and sister things. The kind where I can say anything awful to you but God help anyone else who does so. I loved him telling her she is going to keep her secret because she wouldn't want her high class friend (who knew she had any) that she was lying garbage. And it would cost her her son (I live in hope).

Poor Val she drifts around like a ghost while Al and Connie go off on their grief and guilt laden ways. Al has always treated her fairly offhanded as a big bro and it will interesting to see how it all works out with her new big sis. And speaking of that it hasn't seemed to hit Mili yet, that in addition to now having a tio, a brother, and a father she now also has a sister. Totally loved the cunada shot at Luci.

Are there no depths to which luci will not sink???

Thanks Debbie and Anonymous.

I copied Lacrimosa
then went directly to youtube , copied it into search and found it.

very easy.


This has been a sad, sad week. I'm ready to move on from the crying. I was glad they gave Regina a nice dignified funeral before they started attacking each other again, though.

I cannot wait to see Luci get taken down. I hope that party gets started soon.

Vapid Val has had more character development than any of the others, I think. Did I mishear or did she actually apologize to Al for being so awful to Mili? It will be interesting to see whether she follows through and is nicer to Mili.

It gives me great glee that the costume people seem to hate the mafia princesses. Their clothes always look awful.

Julia - Snort. You are right about the mafia Princess and her tacky clothes. Add to that the Katie Holmes Scientology hair cut and just in case we are too dumb to know it - she is a trouble making harpy. LOL.

I too am hoping that Val will seek some kind of relationship with Mili. Let's face it the rest of her family hardly knows she's around and Mili could use someone in her family outside of Tio Braulio to love her. Both girls could benefit greatly from being close.

Pasofino -What secret has the lush forced Bobby to hide? As far as I know he doesn't know about Al or Mili's real father and I don't think he caught her sucking face with Nester.

Julia - Snort. You are right about the mafia Princess and her tacky clothes. Add to that the Katie Holmes Scientology hair cut and just in case we are too dumb to know it - she is a trouble making harpy. LOL.

I too am hoping that Val will seek some kind of relationship with Mili. Let's face it the rest of her family hardly knows she's around and Mili could use someone in her family outside of Tio Braulio to love her. Both girls could benefit greatly from being close.

Pasofino -What secret has the lush forced Bobby to hide? As far as I know he doesn't know about Al or Mili's real father and I don't think he caught her sucking face with Nester. She has sworn Andrea to secrecy about Mili but doesn't know that the original skank knows about AL or does she???

Help! How does one delete a post where they screwed up like i just did.

Yes, it has been a sad week for Mili. She was hit from several directions this waek. First, finding out Consti was her fahter from Luci. Second, find out all that Consti said and did was a lie to Mili. Third, find out that her fiance' is her brother (another lie by Luci to protect her son- no herself), so can't married the love of her life. Fourthly, find out the father and sisters knew that Consti was her father and not telling her. She feel betrayed. I would be too. Fifth, the person that was like a mother (who she tells is her grandmother) dies. Mili feels alone. Sixth, not being able to tell anyone about her father except the church folks who she can't truat at the moment. Seventh, pretending and lying to the man (Al) she loves. Eighth, being attack by Luci, Karla, and whoever jealous by saying mean things. Ninth, Mateo coming on to her.


The all the men (Al, Hugo, and Mateo) need to give the girl some space.

It was tasteless for Mateo to go after Mili and hit on her. The girl just lost her adoptive mother-grandmother. He is no good. Mili is not even interested in him.

Lastly, I wanted to say that I felt sorry for Al at the hospital when his mother Luci let him suffered because of her lie and when he need someone's shoulder to cry on. He turned to Consti, but he rejected him. I thought this was badly done by Consti. Someday when Al finds out that Consti is not his father he will know why Consti treated him like this.

To me, this week's episodes were good compared to before. I am watching nightly again. Please keep up the good shows.

Due to the fact that Regina did not include this hard working Servant in her will, I was toiling away at my job and missed most of the show, Oh the futility...what a world, what a world.

so Uber Gracias por El Recapo.
Bueno Jobo, see I am trying to broaden my SpangLish.

Now, then a question, how come Mili while wailing on the SisterHood plus Friar Tuck, did she not call them on skankyness, letting her get all involved with her own brother? I mean I would have called them on that, saying "Thou Art Sinners", oh yeah give me a Bible quoting inch and I'll take a mile.

You know this being a TeleNovela all will be forgiven in the end...I however do not live in a TeleNovela.

I still like Damien.

I was thinking the same thing the other day, Beckster--it's a giant plot hole. The other day, when Mili said, aghast, to Padre Manuel: You knew?!
I thought the real question was how did he know and let them have a relationship. I wonder if the writers missed the gap.

Ninak & Beckster,
On the same vein,was Constancio aware of Mili and Alejandro's relationship? Wouldn't Mili think it strange that her father would let this relationship go on if they were silbings?


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Miranda, you have spotted another inconsistency. I had thought about that one too, but I think Connie does not realize that Alex and Mili were having a relationship. They have been keeping it "secret," at least from certain people, and especially him.

Decie, you can delete your comments by looking at it on the left of the post a comment page. You will see a trash can next to your comment and you won't see one next to other people's comments. So yours is accessible to you for deletion.

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