Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Fuego, Wed., May 21: If a person with multiple personalities threatens suicide, is that considered a hostage situation?

Buenas noches a todos. So, we have a nice little telenovelita in which walls magically disappear (they magically are built too), our galanes are slightly retarded, and really forgetful/confused/clueless, most of our characters are about twenty years too old, and our female antagonist can only worry about her roses. Actually, having said this, this telenovela sounds pretty interesting; if only it were…

We start the evening with Eva and Padre Tadeo talking. She tells him that the Reyes bros. are not real bricklayers (shocker), and that they are Libia’s brothers. He reasons that they are bakers, and that they simply lay bricks to supplement their bakery profits. “No, this is a truth that could devastate the Elizondo sisters” she says.

Jimena, Sarita, and the Gabster are talking in the study. Jimena tells her mom that the party was a little dull and much too juvenile. “Well, I’m gonna have you married to people who I think would be good for you.” “But mom!” “Hey, you want to be married don’t you? Well, you’ll meet these guys” when I think it is convenient for me. “Now get out of here.” Notice that she is always in a hurry to get people out of her face: what else could she possibly have to do?
Gramps overhears this conversation and vows that he will develop a plan to stop Sister Storm at all costs.

Juan 1, I call him this because he clearly has three personalities (maybe a fourth one is emerging), and it is easier to distinguish him this way. Anyway, he is the personality of the big, burly, vindictive, man-man who wants to avenge his sisters death at all costs, and will not tolerate anyone falling in love with no nonsense girlies. Of course, the other bros. oppose. In walks the Padre; “Boys.” Oh my God, I can’t believe they are actually having this discussion. “I thought you were Christians” says the Padre. “Well, you know about oaths, and we made an oath to our sister” says Juan 1. “Yes, but it doesn’t make any sense” says the Padre, and it’s a good thing too, because someone other than us recappers needed to say it. He continues to reason that Libia never would have wanted them to hurt the girls as they are doing. And if she did, then she isn’t with God.

So then, they are confused, as always, and naturally go to their “thinking place;” the cave. And of course, the three don’t have a brain between them, and they ask Libia for a sign as to what they should do (obviously nothing of what the Padre told them stuck). It’s Tink! Oh, no, it’s that flower on Libia’s chicken-wire-protection-thingy. It lights up with a brilliant green color and makes a little noise. Now, how are these guys going to decipher this if they can’t even understand cohesively spoken sentences?

Sofia is having a nightmare, well, actually she’s remembering her mother’s “guidance.” “You’ll never get married because you were raped. No one will ever love you. You’ll end up abandoned and hurt.” Sofia stirs. “I can’t love him, I can’t.”

We move to the three-person bedroom where we see Juan 2 (the loving, boyish, immature, and idiotic persona) dreaming of Libia. He reaches out to her and she leaves him. Apparently she’s in Heaven. So does that mean that she doesn’t want them to avenge her death? It sure does if that magically appearing flower has anything to say about it. “She doesn’t want us to avenge her, know I can fall in love with Sofia!” says Juan 3 (the one who processes information and somewhat logically reaches a conclusion).

Sofia is praying for guidance from her father, and Juan 3 walks in. He has to tell her something and she has to tell him something. Sofia never wants to see Juan 1, 2, or 3 again. She explains that she was raped. “I thought about it a lot, and I decided that I needed to tell you about it. Flashback time: I was giving catechism classes for Padre Tadeo and then I was driving home when my car stopped, so I decided to walk home alone on the really cold and dark night. When it got really really dark I decided to run, but a man came behind me and threw me to the ground. I couldn’t see anything, except the snake tattoo. I fell asleep and then I saw Fernando who saved me and took me home. He told my mom and then she got mad at me and made me marry Fernando. The whole time I was so weak that I could never oppose the marriage. And ever since then I have been like this.” Juan 3 responds that he would love to kill her aggressor. Sofia lights up at the fact that Juan 3 is not mad at her for being raped, like her mother, and wants to be with and protect her. They hug tenderly.

The Padre is passionately praying that the bros. forget about all their vengeance so that there can be peace in their hearts.

Juan 3, or maybe 4 (the completely rational, reflective, and up-front one) tells Sofia that he has decided to forget the whole vengeance thing and to forgive her father because he really doesn’t have anything to do with Libia’s death. But, there is still something that he can not tell her, but one day he will take her to his precious place and tell her all about it. Sofia is ready to fight for her love for Juan, and tells him that he helps her to forget about her past. But, she’s just worried that one day she might be freaked out by him because he’s a man, and therefore she would remember her rape and not respond to him. However, he assures her that he will never leave her and that he loves her with the most pure love. They kiss.
See, I enjoyed this scene with Juan 4 and Sofia. No one was overly dramatic, irrational, or plain nuts. If we could only have more of these moments the telenovela would be a little less like watching paint dry and more like fire in my blood.

Having said this, we move to the gramps and two brothers’ scene. It’s confession time! Gramps is a womanizer and Franco was kissing a beautiful woman when Sarita walked into the bakery. “Well bro, it’s okay to have three or four girls at one time, but just as long as none of them knows about the others” says an insightful Oscar.

And then Jimena and Sarita are talking about how they don’t want to marry some guy that their mom has picked out for them. Going off of the last party, we know the guy will hardly be a man; he’ll dress like his mother dressed him, speak with a stutter, and play video games. Wahoo! Sofia walks in and finds out. She vows to do something about this immediately and walks out.

Back at the confessional lunch stump the bachelors are chatting. Oscar resumes his conversation regarding more girls at one time is better than one girl at one time. “Well, it’s okay to love many women, but just don’t hurt them, or you will pay” says Gramps as he then starts to cry.

And then it’s confrontation time with Sofia and Gabby. In an attempt to win back her sisters’ liberty, she tells her mother not to force them into marriage like she did with her. “Fernando is the best man anyone could ever find” says Gabby. “Well, I’m close to finding real love, and it’s not with Fernie!” Gabby doesn’t like the sound of this…

Sofia is talking to her other sisters and tells them that they cannot let their mother make their marriage arrangements. Then they ask why Gabby is always arguing with Gramps.

Well, they certainly don’t leave us hanging on any questions around this place! That’s why we see Gramps wheeling into the chapel saying “Aida, Aida, my beloved wife.” He apologizes for all of the pain he caused her and he wishes he could do it all over again. “Too late to ask forgiveness. Don’t you think?” asks the cynic Gabby who walks in.

Eva approaches the worksite and she wants to see if the bros. gave up their little vengeance whim. “Yup. Sure did” says Franco. “Not so fast.” Oh no, here comes Juan 1. “We will not be leaving the Elizondo girls alone because I know that you had something to do with Libia’s death.” Okay, what the heck did we just spend half an hour talking about? Why us? Well, then again, the effects of multiple personalities are always brow-raising, as well as frightening…
Question: When Juan 1 threatens suicide, which I’m positive he will, does that constitute a hostage situation? After all, let's not forget the diverse personas of Juan 2, 3, and 4.

Also: 1 grandpa + 3 bakers + 3 days + many breaks = an elaborately built brick cabaña on a cement foundation that just appeared.
Does anyone want to check my work?

“It’s easy to blame others. Isn’t it?” asks Gabby. “You know that you were responsible for your mother’s death and for my being in a wheelchair!” responds Gramps. “No, you were the one who provoked it. You were the one who killed my mother!” “No, I didn’t know! I didn’t know!” Gabby smirks and then walks out as her father is sobbing over the altar. Wow she’s a b!%$h! And by the way, I wish I had a chapel in my house…

The brothers are reproaching Juan 1 for accusing Eva without any evidence. Juan 1, who is slowly coming out of this character, doesn’t really have a good excuse and walks away. Anyway, Oscar decides to pursue Jimena and her money. Franco says that he is selling himself. “So what if I am?” Oscar thinks to himself.

Sofia and Eva are in the kitchen. Why is Sofia, like Juan, the only one who ever does anything? Sofia confesses that she really loves Juan with all of her heart. Eva warns that she is not a free woman and that a relationship with Juan can never be. Sofia responds that she never wanted to marry Fernie, and that her mother forced her into marriage. Even so, Eva says that her mother would never let her leave, much less divorce Fernie. “Well, I guess I’ll just have to tell her how much I love him” says a delighted Sofia.

Gabby is reviewing some papers and remembers the conversation she had with her father. She convinces herself that he really was the guilty one in the situation, even though “no one will ever know the truth, no one.”

Jimena and Sarita are consoling a crying Gramps. He misses Grandma. The girls want to play a board game, but he’s not in the mood. They won’t take ‘no’ for an answer and remind him that he always says that playing cards makes one happy.

Sofia is about to tell Gabby about her love for Juan, but Eva tries to get her to rethink this whole thing. Fortunately for Eva, Gabby has left the building.

Again, we aren’t left with unanswered questions or mysteries when we see our friend Gabby with a manager of an old folks’ home. He assures her that he has everything ready for her father. However, this visit doesn’t regard that little detail. Instead, it concerns her own health, which is “very, very special.”

The girls can’t cheer up Gramps. But, they do want to know why he and Gabby don’t get along. He doesn’t say, and everyone leaves.

Jimena has gone to play hide-and-seek with Oscar, who traps her and kisses her a lot a lot. She wants them to watch out, but he doesn’t care. Actually, he wants to tell Gabby about their relationship. “No, she would kick me out of town!” says Jimena. “But would she take you out of the will?” asks Oscar. That Oscar, what a card!

Sarita is looking for Jimena when she figures out that she is with her bf. “I warned them. I warned them!” she says through her teeth. What a nun!

Jimena starts to leave Oscar, but he stops her and tells her how much he loves her and wants to protect her. Convinced, she returns to kissing him.

Sarita is on the loose and will stop at nothing to split up Oscar and Jimena. At the same time Eva sees the brick “engineer” and is in shock.

Sofia has cheered up Gramps when she sees Juan 2 working. He sees her too, and waves back. “I’m going to talk to my mom once and for all; she has to know the truth.” Uh oh. Seems like Gramps has spotted something on the radar (telescope), and it smells like a Gabby explosion.

“I warned you” says Sarita to Jimena. “I’m going to tell mom on you.”

Eva goes to the bros. and tells them that their cover is about to be blown. The engineer is here and he will tell Gabby that you aren’t the real brick layers. “But our fortune!” says Oscar.

Gabby gets out of her car and walks toward the engineer. At the same time Sofia is approaching Gabby to confess her love for Juan. And yet, at the same time Saria is dragging Jimena along so that she can tell Gabby about Jimena’s love rendezvous. And of course, the three macho Reyes bros., and their sidekick Eva, are walking toward Gabby to do something (as always, they won’t know what until two minutes into their conversation).

Gabby proceeds to talk to the engineer. You can cut the tension with a knife!

Thursday: Sofia has taken the decision to tell her mother about her love for Juan. Everyone brace yourselves for what awaits! (I didn’t say that, the Univision guy did)

I also wanted to mention that I read "Bodas de Sangre" by Federico Garcia Lorca the other day and I couldn't get over the similarities to "Fuego en la Sangre," or any other telenovela for that matter. I guess the thing that most parallels the telenovela is the fact that the 'novia' is about to enter a loveless marriage (Sofia), and she ellopes with Leonardo (Juan), the man whom she loves. One of the themes is the difference between dying for a true love or living in a relationship devoid of love.


Thanks for the recap, Nicolás!

I didn't hear much of what happened after Juan held Sofía's face and declared that her skin was made for his hands.

Pretty much melted into the exercise bike seat and puddled into the floor. So thanks a bunch for the recap! ;-)

Thanks so much for the recap Nicolás. I loved your take on Juan and his multiple personalities. I like 3 and 4 - the calm rationale personalities that say great things to Sofia (thanks Jeri). With this multiple personality angle, I foresee even more fun theories for you and other recappers to explore.

Did you notice that Juan 1, 2, 3 and 4 were shirtless for most of the night? I don't think an undershirt counts as clothing. I guess the budget on this novela is not much for wardrobe compared to D A. I remember all of Gaviota's outfits not to mention all the Montalvo womens'. This way they can spend the extra money on more special effects of picture hearts and glowing flowers.

Notice I am not mentioning the story since it's pretty inane. But I'll hang in there.

Thanks for the funny recap Nicolas.

G in CA

Ditto, ditto, Nicolas. Great recap!

I too enjoyed the scene with Juan 4 and Sofia--a little too much, and slid down onto the carpet into a warm puddle much like jeri LOL. That was terrific indeed. That kind of stuff, and Gramps, are what keep me going when it comes to FUEGO.

Speaking of our beloved abuelo, his inner pain--and the way Crabby delighted in it--during this episode was sad. SHE provoked her mom's death and his being in a wheelchair?? Too bad that chair isn't a motorized HoverRound or some such, so he could run back and forth over the heffer a few times when she starts crap like this. Vroom-VROOM.

One of our Anons has developed a bit of a crush on Oscar, eh? With his dimples so fine. I ain't hatin'. Crush away, honey. :)

Libia's glowing lily of the valley is starting to get on my nerves.

Could it be? The only glimpses of Mean Mad Fernie in this episode were in a flashback and a cut going to commercial? Cool.

Did anyone ever nail down exactly what ages the brothers and sisters are supposed to be? Is it that we have older actors playing younger parts, or effed-up character-building?

Eh... someone was nice enough to post the lyrics to the FUEGO theme song to enhance our listening enjoyment, and now for some reason Univision isn't playing the intro, just launching into the story? "Vale mas...." BOOM, straight to drama. Que the heck?

Good personality building, Nicholas, with Juan 1-4. The answer to your title is YES (hostage situation).

I didn't have CC last night so I didn't understand everything. I missed that romantic line that Jeri mentioned. Shucks.

G in CA

Nicolas: Thank you for your insight. How clever of you to give Juan's multiple personalities numbers. It's hard to keep them straight.

Anyway, girlfriend Sofia, we know you don't love Ferd and that you never will. You've told everybody, including him, the same thing over and over. We've got the message.

And, now, Sofia, you're going to tell Crabi that you've found your true love? Yep, you must be crazy, and I'll bet that nasty little smirk on Crabi's face in the doc's office was evidence of her intent to have you locked up!

As to the Elizondo mansion - or, is it Mansion Augustin - does anyone know what it really is? Or, where it is?

I can't let the glowing flower go by without a comment. What the

From lower Ala

Nick, if you weren't born for this recapping, you are certainly growing into it- fine, fine recap. Yes, Juan is schitzoid, your count of 4 Juans is an accurate count so far. I, too so enjoy the scenes with #4 and Sofia, EY and AN do have some chemistry between them, I think. And no Feonando last night, must have had the day off. I thought that Crabi was gonna do something nasty to Gramps at the chapel after disturbing his private moment with her ma. That scene of Crabi and the guy at the asilo was weird. Was it just to remind us that Gramps time on the farm is coming to an end? Waddya wanna bet that he's not there for long, los hermanos Reyes will come gallpoing in for a breakout.

A great recap, Nicolas! I just had cataract surgery and was supposed to keep my left eye closed yesterday so it was hard to see the novela with one eye, but I managed!!:)

I can't stand Crabbi!! A big truck needs to run her over several times by accident! Isn't it elder abuse what she is doing to Gramps???? Am so glad he is loved so much by his granddaughters!

I also loved the scene with Juan and was so romantic... what a man! Especially when he smiles that smile of his!!!

Nick, if I didn't know better, I'd swear you'd been with us for years.

As for the location of the hacienda - I think Beckster said it was somewhere in Jalisco? Obviously it is near mountains. But I'm pretty sure we have no idea what it produces since no one ever talks about specific business (that I've noticed).

Possibly it produces nothing, but this seems unlikely since there is a lot of bookkeeping to do (which I guess Sofia isn't allowed to do any more) and it's bringing in enough income for Furd to embezzle.

Maybe they lease the land to farmers, and that's where the money comes from, and also why we never hear about crops, pests, etc. because that would be the lessees' problem. :)

Yes I know I'm over-thinking this, but I really like to know these things! You'd think it would be a point of interest somewhere in the story.

PS - I like Oscar too. Especially when he doesn't talk with his mouth full.

Ooh I laughed so hard when the boys in the cave, with their most idiotic faces on, told the dirt and the flower, "we are so confused." Heheheh.

Franco's tight filthy striped pants are the worst ever, they make his legs look like sausages.

Gabriela gave an envelope to that doc in the old folks home, was that a bribe, or a prepayment?

Gramps explained to his wife's tomb that he had been such a womanizer, he had broken her heart and now he wished he'd loved her properly. He was saying straight out that Gabriela caused "that accident" that killed her mother and put Gramps in the wheelchair. Gabriela as much as admitted it, I thought, but swore nobody would ever know the truth. That usually means we will but not for many tiresome months.

Great recap Nic and you're right about the inconsistent behavior of the Gigantic Lummox Juan!

susana, I answered your post at yesterday's comments late last night.

I mentioned I'm not positive if this is the same website or not; but it is a telenovela researcher: Dr. Carolina Acosta-Alzuru, an Associate Professor in the Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Georgia. She has a nice website. Click the link at my name.

Thanks for the comments everyone! Can anyone tell me how to post these recaps under the little 'fuego' link on the left side of the blog? I know that this will make it easier for people to read my posts. Thanks

I think the envelope must have contained a bribe; otherwise there would be less call for the dramatic lingering of the camera on Gabriela's wink-wink, nudge-nudge leer.

Thanks Nick for that wonderful recapp and easing my confusion about the strange flip flop personalities. Ditto what many others have said.
Hope you'll do Sophia too. If she's the heroine shouldn't she be smart as well as pretty?
In previous episodes she revealed to us viewers that her mother has never been loving or supportive. Its either a stupid heroine or such lousy writing to have us now think she would go tell Mama she's in love and with whom. OR she too is a multiple personality.

I agree with Gabriella about keeping her deep secret and never telling anyone. Please don't tell us ever. Let US use our imaginations.
The secret I want to know is why she gave another brige envelope to the doctor after Feo Nando already took care of that.

I think Sophy could be better flattered if he had said - your skin was made to be touched. Thats different from - your skin was made for my hands. huh?

bonney churros, I think the line was right; Juan was cupping Sofía's chin with his hands as he said it -- and most of all, because he's a man who works with his hands.

What big fire could happen today in one hour?! Friday is said to be two hours!
Did Juan realy talk about Libia to Sofie?
hmmm seems like Bitterella and her dad have some past secret...wonder what it is? Seems like everyone has tons of secrets,

Hey jolly Nicholas, great, great recap again. Thanks for making me laugh and snort coffee with your hostage theory.
I agree with Pasofino and others who think CrabiGabi has a little asylum time in mind for Sofia. Gramps is in equal danger however, as she clearly tells one of herself that she knows she caused the accident that killed Mom and maimed Dad. I don't know how to divide her personalities, they are all so evil to the core.

Oscar is sexy and looks like a great kisser but his slip about the inheritance was just too callow. Juan and Sofia scenes make me melt right along with Jeri and ButterBiscuit. But every TN or interview I have seen Eduardo in makes me react the same way. What a fuego that man keeps going in all of us...

bonney churros, I think the line was right: Juan was cupping Sofía's chin with his hands to illustrate as he said it; and because he's a man who works with his hands -- and to show he can hold her cares that she just confessed.

Huh, that was a surprise. I didn't mean to post that first one; just the second one.

Anyway, I had to laugh at that scene where Oscar nearly shot himself in the foot again with the inheritance question. He was lucky he got out of that one; it could have been a good delaying tactic.

About the skin. I think that must be a romance topic in the culture. Remember in Fea, at the resort of the proposal (the one lush oasis in a large, dry desert)? Lety tells Fern, "Your skin and mine also have to meet again." And actually she's not talking about sex, considering that she gives it as a reason they have to proceed gradually, not just pick up where they left off.

Things just sound so romantic in Spanish. How is it that something that sounds beautiful in Spanish just sounds crass in English?

Oooooh.... Thanks PPalvarone.
I think I'll try a translation of 'stay in touch'. ;-)

Well, 'mantenerse en contacto' just sounds businesslike to my ear. But maybe it would sound sexy if I were suggesting it as I stared twinkling-eyed up into Fernando Colunga's eyes.
Ah-yes, I could get my point across.

Good point Paula. Actually, 'piel' can mean love, or have a connotation related to love. Remember the Laura Flores and Rene Strickler telenovela "Piel de Otono?" Translated it means "Autumn Love," not "Autumn Skin!"

Very good recap,
I think the personality thing is a good call, I believe it may go along with my theory's of some kind of chemicals or radition that my have stunned mental growth.

Please make Sofia quit wearing all little Laura's handme downs.

I don't know if they have anything as high-tech as chemicals or radiation in that town.

I think it's because he keeps sticking his head in the oven. He's permanently baked.

Thanks for the translation Nicolás because I had read a few translations of that title that did say Autumn Skin.

Also Jeri thanks for the website address for the professor on novelas. Tried to send you an e-mail but it bounced. Hope all is well.

I think Bonney is onto something with Sofia having multiple personalities as well. Based on all the horrible things her mother has done to her (Crabi probably has said countless horrific things said but my current #1 is how no man would want you after you've been raped), only an alternative personality would feel compelled to tell Crabi Juan's the man for her.

I'm glad Ferro was wrong and Juan didn't freak out on Sofia about the rape. Now maybe I'll hope (against hope) that the writers will have Juan and Sofia be a couple that doesn't let stupid things come between them (like Ric and Cami, remember I acknowledged the fantasy aspect of this hope already).

Was I hallucinating last night or did Juan literally say the exact thing twice in the same scene?After Sophia tells him about the rape he actually said "it does not make me love you less, to the contrary, it actually makes me love you more. He said that twice. Like the director was standing behind the camera making that "stretch it out" gesture. I can see it now. "We have this much film and only this many lines."
I actually snickered when Oscar and Jimena were giving each other the eye.

Okay, maybe you guys have covered this already (since I don't always get here to read the comments) but I read somewhere on Adela Noriega's site a year or two ago, that she and Eduardo Yanez had a thing in REAL life about 12-13 years ago. At that time, I didn't know who he was, but since I have always admired her, it was one of those weird things that I tend to remember. :-) Maybe THAT is why they can have chemistry on screen?? Reliving old times....?

IMO, I still think her best Telenovela kissing scenes were with Fernando Colunga in Amor Real, though. (But of course He would bring out the Best in every Actress, right)!?

Thanks so MUCH for the GREAT Recap, Nic!

Thank you, Nicolas, for the giggles your recap gave me. I like the Juan 1,2,3,4've provided us with a kind of graphic organizer for the many faces of Mighy Joe Juan....which will be handy in case there is a pop quiz later. I would take any one of the Juans just to hear that line, ''Your skin was made for my hands.'' I am planning on writing it on an index card and having hub read it out loud to me.

Oh yes I thought of that also...My theory is the US Govt..had a land lease deal with Mexico and did the experiments.
(Impossible you say? Ah what about the atom bomb in the desert back in the fifties where soldiers were in trenches with sun glasses like a mile away)

I mean come on that or a giant lead vein has leached into the water, although Mr. Ed seems smarter than the average horse, maybe it effects different people differently, maybe that is why Rosario has those hooters, Sofia has bad fashion and Sarita has an awful case of stickupherassness.

Maybe Fuego is the Mexican version of know, a show about absolutely nothing. That would explain a lot....A LOT. All telenovelas repeat the same things over and over again, but this one takes the cake [*bakery reference.] How many times do we have to hear : 1]Sofia cannot stand Ferd. 2]The Bros have a BOV[Blood Oath Vendetta] against the sisters 3]Crabi plans to find husbands for the girls. 4]Crabi thinks that Ferd is the best thing since sliced pan [*bakery reference] 5]Sofia loves Mighty Joe Juan...but isn't free 6] Juan loves Sofia but can't have her due to the afore mentionned BOV. 7]Oscar likes women and money. That's enough...I casn't go on.

*ROFLMAO @ beckster*

I am going out on a limb here but I am starting to doubt that Father Tadeo is the real thing . I mean I got the whole bit about "Your sister must have been a bad person if you think she would wish vengeance on innocent girls/people,"thing.Trying to convince them to do the right thing. But I have my doubts that the brothers have the power her to actually condemn her to hell with their actions like the good father said at the end of that one scene.Perhaps just another bit of novella theology.

I was going crazy last night trying to figure out where I had seen that nursing home/mental hospital/whatever administrator guy before. I think I just remembered -

Is he Oñate, aka Larry the Snake, from Destilando Amor? The guy who was helping Aaron and flirting with Elvira (yuck) at MontalvoCorp?

That was an excellent recap, Nicolas, with a convincing analysis of Juan's multiple personalities. Sounds like a reasonable theory to me, if anything about this TN can be said to be reasonable.
I really like the stump where Gramps and the boys hang out. It's obviously the cool guys' clubhouse, with some yummy looking food spread out there last night.
I'm worried that Oscar is going to damage Jimena's ear lobes. She always has on those giant earrings and he always puts his hands right over them. (Ok, that's nitpicking, but sometimes my attention wanders from the highly charged action.)
La Paloma

On a similar note, I notice that Franco's thumbs often end up dangerously close to a lady's eyes when he is kissing her.

Becky and Julie: I love your theories!

What is this "Lunes" crap?? Are we getting cheated out of our Friday episode??

Great recap. I agree that was an excellent scene between Juan and Sofía when he took her face into his hands...very romantic! very convincing!

I noticed on Telefutura they are reshowing Rosalinda, and I caught the part where the guy who plays Fernando in Fuego was playing almost exactly the same villain. He was smoking a cigar, trying to attack his secretary, and his name was Fernando! He must like playing that type of character.

I was very disappointed in Oscar when he brought up to Jimena about her inheritance. Very crass and shallow. I hope they develop him into a better person; maybe when he gets jealous of the new beau picked out for Jimena.

I think Friday is that Gran Noche special where they recap everything up to the present. I know they did that when Alborada was on.

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