Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Guapos 05-27 "From the Mouths of Babes"

This is dedicated to my heroine Val...

Sorry this is gonna short & quick…I got home just in time to see Paula annoy me for like two minutes before Juan Q. ended…I only see brief parts of that one, but everytime I see her I just have to let out a big STFU, is she not the most whining, annoying heroine? She is in a late night TeleNovela, I saw a few years back, she is just as whining and annoying in that one, but I do believe she is pre-enhancement so at least she isn’t hanging out while whining.

We open with the scene of Al pulling out all the stops, think of abuelita, think of our love.
Matt the Rat arrives, Mili greets him as my love, yeah I’m going to marry him.

Karla comes Mili says to prepare lunch for Matt & Mili
Karla gets all snippy and says she doesn’t take orders from Mili.
Oooops sorry Karla, Al begs to differ, she does take orders from Mili.

Mili tells Matt she wants to go out to eat. Matt is just way confused by all of this.
As they are going out the door, Al of the weepy eyes calls Mili back. Matt will wait outside.

Al tears up and says he would give up everything for her. She can’t really be happy he is going to marry. Yes she is. He presses her for more information, but she blows him off and leaves. Oh Al, I so want you to find out the truth, or something.

Meanwhile Consti is getting ready to put the tuff love on lil Val. He has Rocky stop the car in a rather dicey neighborhood, the yard is full of trash and a Televista extra is lounging as the Borracho Naco.
Consti goes into the full Ghost of Christmas Future,
Oh Ghost is this what will be?

Look he tells Val, this is it, this is where you will end up, I will cut off your credit cards, you won’t get one centavo from me, you will be disinherited.
Rocky is this what you want for my daughter, she is like fine gold and look how she will end up.

Thank Gawd, Al’s parents, friends and family are so caught up in there own pathetic lives, that no one ever wonders why he constantly has red rimmed eyes and a dripping nose. He looks like the poster kid for one of those PSA’s about could your kid be on drugs? Anyway he is approached by Hugo the Creepy, “Say where is Mili? Cause I haven’t stalked her for like a half and hour”. Al tells him Mili went off with her new soon to be married too boyfriend, Matt the Ratt.

---Say Consti, wouldn’t this be a fine time to say you understand, why just twenty years ago that could have been your fine ass up on that trash passed out. But you came to your senses and kicked Mili’s Ma to the curb.---

He tells Val to get back in the car. Then Consti turns up the heat, is this what you want for my fine daughter? Living off hard bread and crappy onions? When hunger comes in the door, Love flys out the window. Consti is so smirking through this whole thing. Now he isn’t going to try and buy Rocky off, no he expects Rocky to do the right thing. Geez, this guy is such a tight ass, he isn’t even going to give Rocky some money to hit the pavement.

Damien comes to talk to Hugo. Hugo tells of Matt the Ratt. Okay Damien tells him to make his move or the lawyer is gonna get everything. Hey, Pa it isn’t like that, I really respect Mili. Hugo says with his crazy ass stalker eyes. Yeah whatever son, I’m thrilled for you, really now move it or lose it.
---This is why I love Damien, he gets straight to the point---

Rocky gets in the car and Val is sobbing, she tries to talk to Rocky. He says call him Morgan. He is only her lowly chauffeur. Once again Consti wins.

Now Mili is having lunch or coffee or something with Matt the Ratt. He is questioning her about the marriage nonsense. Matt knows it was all for Al’s benefit.
Sorry here, I missed a lot of what was going on. I think Matt was telling her he wants to know her better in the Bibical sense. Mili is quite taken aback. She is indignant that Matt would suggest such a thing. This girl really needs to broaden her circle. She says something about Church, seems like Matt isn’t much of a church goer. She asks if he wants to go with her, like you in a white dress with me at the alter? I think Matt wants to take the Love Bug for a spin before he actually buys it. Too bad Matt, Mili isn’t gonna give up the keys.

Now back at the Hacienda de Good Manners, Consti, Val & Rocky arrive. Consti sends Val up the steps, she doesn’t want to go but Rocky says obey your father. Now Consti, uber Rat Bastard that he is fires Rocky. (Really I guess, heartbreaking as it is; Consti knows better than anyone the consequences of dancing the horizontal Mambo with a servant). Val does a pouting, teen stiff leg walk up the steps.

Now Consti takes great pleasure in firing Rocky.
---Why oh why doesn’t he have a seventies porn star moustache? Cause that would have been the perfect addition to his raised eyebrow of glee---
Horacio happens in a this time and tells El Putron (no that is not a typo), you fire Rocky, you lose a gardner. Consti thinking perhaps, Luci will drunkenly fall on Rose Snipping shears, says gladly, your Ass is done too.

Now Consti is upstairs with Val and Luci, when Luci finds out the truth about Val, she does what every good mother would do, gives her a good hard smack across the face. Parenting 101, these people should have been sterilized at birth. Consti just stands there, for once backing his wife up 100%. Val screams she hates them both.
Oh Val, millions upon Million of viewers feel your pain, not cause of your star crossed love, but because WE HATE THEM TOO. My girl crush grows by leaps and bounds; Val says what Al should have said sometime around kindergarten when Consti took the coaster brakes of Al’s HotWheel, right before the big push down the really big hill and Luci took Whiskey Sours instead of punch on her mother’s day at “Little Lord Fauntleroy’s Academy of Future Wealthy Pricks”.

After hating them a bit more, Val runs out. Like a scene from High Noon, both fingers are cocked, aimed and drawn. Well it is all your fault, cause you are a drunk, Consti fires first. Luci barely grazed fires back with you and your behavior. She whips out the picture of Andrea and Consti, you have done this for years. All you care about is your Political Aspirations. Pull anything and this goes straight to the press. Luci blows the smoke away from her pistol. She exits stage left. Consti ransacks her drawer, but damn Dude she is a drunk, not an idiot, the pictures aren’t there.

Oh I almost forgot, Gloria’s crappy father shows up at St. Deception’s and gives Gloria’s Ma grief about Gloria getting all smart ass with him. Ma says, well it is what it is. She says she loved Rat Ex once, but unlike Americans in 2004, she won’t get fooled again. Ha Gloria’s Ma, you just doomed yourself. You already got a soft spot for the little brother, I beg to differ, you will get fooled again. Strangely back at the Manor of Good Taste, Mili is discussing said Rat Bastard father of Gloria with her posse, the uniformed chiclets, Lina & Gloria. Gloria is still mad about her father. Hugo sticks his big lips in the room and says he wants a word with Mili. The other two having both better sense and taste than Mili leave.

Now Al is at a bar with the Bobbster. He is playing the same sad tune, why oh why have I lost Mili. Bobby says try to think of her as a sister. Al says never, he could never do that. Bobby is like, well never say never. Oh look here come the sisters, Flor and Margarita. I am sure Margarita is thrilled that Flor now has a keeper. Flor quickly slithers around Al and Margarita grabs Bobby and now gives him a deep and probing tonsil hockey kiss. If you watch the patrons of the bar closely you can see the exchange of money in the bar, yes the wise people put money on the bet that there was only one virgin in the bar. Al & Flor gawk and smirk. This prompts the blonde member of the slutty monkey sisters, to favor Bobby with a second oral exam.

Meanwhile, Hugo questions Mili about Matt. No she isn’t going to marry him. Poor Mili her heart is broken. This prompts Hugo to try and weasel his way in. He wants a chance to prove he can help her through this, stand by her. He swoops in for a kiss. Yuck, this guy is so gross. He realizes Al was the love of her life. Mili says Carmen was the love of your life. We can help each other Hugo says. Hugo so wants to tap that.
Rocky knocks at the door and tells Mili he has been canned.

Next, Consti the Big Swinger life ruining Putron, is telling Andrea that someone gave Luci the fotos. No he doesn’t suspect Andrea. Divorce her, Andrea says. Never. Andrea gets a bit pouty. No worries El Pervso is gonna give her a great dinner, in two hours. He looks at his empty arm. Damn where is that watch you gave me with the engraveded message? Oooooops, I left it at home.

Socorrito, Lina & Gloria, along with evil Karla are in the kitchen, Socorrito is crying cause Rocky & Horacio are gone. Karla says some nasty remark and Gloria says she must have been switched at birth, she came from a snake’s egg. Brau comes in and hears the bad news, then Mili comes in and says don’t worry she has given them use of her house (Rosario & Brau’s) house and they are going to work for the old deaf guy at his tire repair shop, plus Taco Naco. Yippppeee Mili saves the day. Everyone including Brau do the Snoopy happy dance.

Now we see the Tire shop, it has the old deaf guy who gets everything wrong. Well mostly they stand around bored and Rocky dreams of mucho dinero & asking El Putron for Val’s hand.

Val is lying in bed. Luci comes in and wants to talk to her, Val says bite me. Really she says she hates Luci, Me too Val, Me too. Anyway Luci tries to be understanding mother, but Val gets up and turns the radio up real loud until Luci leaves.

Lina is cleaning and Karla is there, Lina finds the timepiece of guilt and reads the Consti & Andrea engraving. She smirks. Karla snatches it away and tells her to move on. Luci comes in the room she is frantically looking for missing cubic zirconium ring al la Nester. Karla spots it, snatches it up and stuffs it down her top to join the timepiece of guilt already resting in her bosom.

Consti comes in and Lina gives him the ah hah, eye and he is all like “What?” and she is all like “What?’
She tells him that Luci is upstairs in their bedroom and she is very serious. Consti looks scared. He comes in the room and they both give each other the stink-eye, what? What?

------------------The End-----------------

Consti, you are the once and future Putron
Luci, you suck harder than Andrea

Tomorrow Mili & Consti play tug of war with some giant stuffed bear and Rosario’s necklace falls to the ground…Consti picks it up, knowing what it is and gives Mili an inquiring look…She gets the Rebel Teen Look..and I laugh out loud…As if, we won’t be fooled again…
No way, no how the Truth will not come out.


Connie does come off as a hypocrite taking Val and Rocky out to nacoville. We now pretty much feel that Connie never kicked Rosario to the curb she ran after her brother called her a whore. I don't think for a minute he would actually cut Val off after all she is his little princess.

Mat looked like an idiot and a slow one at that while Mili used him to get away from that painful conversation with Al but he is so slimy he thought he might as well make a play for the goods. I wished she had hit him harder than that punch on the arm. This poor girl has to keep fending off these creeps - first Mat than Hugo who really does need a load of bricks to fall on him to get it that he ain't got a chance with Mili.

Poor old Bobby trying to give Al a hint that maybe he should think about Mili as a sister without telling him he is. Then the sleaze sisters show up for several minute of awkward kissy face. These two girls are pathetic with a capital P.

Looks like Connie is going to get busted with that necklace of Rosario's coming to light but I suspect that he will be in for a shock with Mili's reaction. He is still clueless about how much she hates him.

Wouldn't you just know it Karla now has two more chances to put her blackmailing skills into action. I don't know why she is in such a hurry to get out of that uniform when it provides her with so many chances to make money. Must say I totally love it every time someone reminds the little slut that yes she does have to take orders from Mili.

Beckster you rock my world ;) I loved the whole Hot Wheels tirade!!!

One thing to add as it's had me laughing since yesterday: when Luci shows Connie the incriminating pictures she tells him Val learned her ways from him 'cause he'll fool around with anyone and adds "you're like a pet food commercial, 8 out of 10 cats (female cats) prefer you!"

At least Mili is starting the old "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice..." with Hugo. After the stolen kiss she tells him she's hurt and vulnerable and he's taking advantage of that. Of course she then turns around and tells him she doesn't want to hurt him 'cause she doesn't love him. He turns right around and says he'll take that risk and if he falls on his face it's all on him. Ya know, it's a shame he and Mat are so durn sleazy and slick. Thankfully, Mili's starting to get the hang of what lying and manipulating look like. All she has to do is look at Connie ;)

Great recap Beckster, but you forgot to mention how short Val's dress was? Did you notice she had to really struggle to pull it down when she was climbing the giant staircase of lost baby's?

Also, when the Pigeon Sisters came in, blondie asked Bobby whether he didn't have a girlfriend already. He said she was "no vale la pena," with emphasis on the VALE.

Beckster: Thanks for my morning laugh.

Why is Karla still alive? Why is she still working at the mansion. Everyone from the top down knows that she is bad and cannot be trusted. What on earth is she up to now, and what will concealing the ring and watch do for her. What a coincidence that both things should fall into her hands. But, in novelas, the law of coincidences works overtime.

I thought Consti told Rocky/Morgan that Val was born in a golden cradle. Is that right?

Anyway - have a good day.

From lower Ala

Yes, I think Constancio did say Val was born in a "cuna de oro". Doesn't sound very comfortable to me!!!

The episodes are miserable right now, but your funny recaps make up for it Beckster.

And glad you find Paula as annoying as we all do on Juan...it IS the quality of her voice...like chalk scritching on a blackboard. The" visuals" have our menfolk captivated however.

I am going to a conference today at noon and wouldn't be back until Friday afternoon. I am going to miss Tonight's show and tomorrow's show. I am hoping that whoever recaps tonight and tomorrow will do a good job. I hoping for details of what happens.

I really wanted to see when Mili lets Consti know that she knows that he is her father. I wanted to see what she says and does. Hopefully, I will still see it on Friday night. Thanks.

When I came back on Friday, I will try to catch up to what is going on. Bye.

Ha a golden cradle huh? I'm so lame I just skip the words I don't know unless, they keep saying it. I knew it was a golden something.

Yes, I did catch that skimpy dress going up the Staircase of Never were Babies, I forgot when recapping.

Well now you know we are seriously entering the LaFea stage of this Novela, where there will be many a stolen look of longing, but no conclusion til the fin...I am not spoiling I just have been down the TeleNovela Road way too many times.

It will all be angsty love and bad choices of woe from here on in. I hate these parts cause, usually by the end I so don't care.

I just keep hoping, A) Consti is diagnosed with a nasty STD, and literally everyone including Brau has to be tested, oh yeah think about that one.
B) Luci's liver literally explodes right out of her tasteful two piece set.
C) Val has an illness and when blood tests are taken it turns out Luci and Consti are actually half siblings, and both Bastards, that'll teach em to hide stuff. Thus Mili and Al are only 1/2 first cuz's & free to marry.

also that fullfills both Luci & Consti pervy sides.

Actually I kind of like this stage of a novela. In the beginning all the characters are set up along with all their big and small problems. In the middle we see them screw up, make bad choices and in the case of our way too young protagonists and their sister and friends, grow up into adults. In the end we finally see happiness for those who deserve it, misery and shame and punishment for those who deserve it and the inevitable redemption for those who earn it.

Considering the cast of this show that means a lot of people, all the young ones except the Pigeon Sisters - excellent name by the way will find happiness, and Luci, Karla and Damien will pay for their rotten ways and Connie will find redemption at long last. Hugo, Mat and the Sisters with any luck will be vaporized and never heard from again.

Ghost of Christmas Future – you slay me! The whole recap was a hoot.

I was wondering why Morgan wasn’t incensed that Connie would suggest they would end up in an actual slum. Also, I was surprised by the tire shop… I thought sure Morgan would expand his Taco Naco empire and end up as rich as Roy Kroc while the fortunes of the Belmontes were scattered, which means they then would have to come begging to him. Darn.

I was surprised too that Andrea had Connie’s watch engraved on the side where a person could read it instead of on the back, AND that Karla managed to stash it in her tight uniform and modest bosom.

I was reading in that fine publication, TV & Novelas, that they thought the Vale actress should have been given the lead. There’s an interesting thought. (This is such an outstanding publication that their synopsis for this week was about the costume party at the Rodeo which happened ages ago. Sheesh.)

I don't understand. If Constancio fired Rocky, what sort of hold does he have over him now? Just the threat of cutting off Valeria's funds? Was he going to do that if they even dated, or just if they married? I would think it would be totally easy for them to date now that Rocky isn't working there...it's not like Luci and Connie are going to lock her in the house or follow her around all the time; they're too caught up in their own scandalous lives.

Anyway, I hope Val and Rocky won't have to wait too long to live happily ever after. I'm hoping that since they aren't the leads they won't have to suffer so much. I need them to be happy! When Rocky told Val to call him Morgan I nearly cried, and TV hardly ever makes me cry.

Very funny as always, Beckster. Thanks!

Carla seriously gets on my last nerve, but it is kind of fun that she keeps tormenting Luciana & Constancio with her discoveries.

Val and Rocky are going to have a pardon the pun rocky road to how before they find happiness. I sense that Connie is going to go all protective Daddy on both of his girls. He has already shown that tendency with Mili. Tain't going to be easy for him either since both of those girls appear to have the backbone he lacks. This should br fun.

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