Saturday, May 17, 2008

Guapos Friday 5/16/08 The family tree grows some strange fruit tonight

Mili and Alex have a new love theme.

Before we return to the new episode, I wanted to give a shout-out to the servants, who are absent in tonight's episode. I forgot to say that in Wednesday's episode there was a scene where they were all (minus Karla) gathered around the table praying for Regina. I found it very touching.

We return to the hospital, where Mili has just arrived to pay respects to . . . she's my mother, she's my grandmother, she's my mother . . . Okay! Padre Manuel arrives, and she doesn't want to talk to him. Connie asks what's going on--why is Mili so angry at the world? Padre Manuel heads for the elevator, and Mili agrees to accompany him only that far. Luci swivels her head triumphantly.

Padre M begs Mili's forgiveness. She has always had a special place in his heart.
He leaves. Luci reminds Mili of her promise. Mili says don't worry, she's not going to say anything to Connie, especially not in front of everyone. But what about Granny? Well, that's a horse of another color, as they say in Oz. Mili says "harina de otra costal," a new dicho. Luci warns Mili to be careful of Granny, as the news might kill her. Luci smiles malevolently. Mili cries as her burden mounts.

Alex now sees Mili alone for the first time since she left him at the altar. He asks why she didn't tell him she was adopted. She tells him it was a secret, and he responds that she has never been good at keeping secrets before. "Then I'm going to have to learn," she replies, indicating that she has grown up ten years in the last ten hours.

Mili says she doesn't want to talk to anybody. Alex says he's not just anybody. Why did she leave him at the altar? She tells him not to ask her now.

Now Val has her turn to visit Granny. She asks Granny why she adopted that servant. Granny says that from now on Mili will not be a servant but a member of the family. Val can't be a snob anymore and she must respect Mili. Val now says she's not as bad as Granny thinks. She has been hiding something. She is in love with someone "inappropriate." She reveals that
she is in love with Morgan. He is funny and kind and tender, a wonderful man. Is she sure? If so, Granny is very happy. She tells Val not to care what people think but to fight for her feelings and always be true to herself. Val cries and hugs Granny. (I think the writers let us down a bit here with this turn-on-a-dime transition, but I'll accept it.)

Val hugs her father and Mili looks on with rueful resignation. Morgan is going to drive Val home, but Connie sends Braulio as a chaperone.

Granny tells Alex that the worst is over and she feels much better, but Alex has to get used to her not being around, as she's not going to live forever. Alex says he can't imagine life without Granny. She makes him promise to always protect Mili and to make sure she has the place she deserves while Granny is out of the house. From now on Mili will leave off being a servant and will have the guest room. Luci will have a cow, he says. He adds that he loves Mili more than life, and this makes Granny very happy.

Damien now takes Luci for a drink in the hospital cafeteria. She doesn't want to leave while Connie and Mili are there alone. Connie sends her off with one of his usual insults: Don't get drunk--one person in the hospital is enough.

Connie tries to talk to Mili now that they are alone. She's having none of it. She says he's a maldito and he destroys all he touches. Look at Alex, your son--you hate him and his life is miserable. Your wife is a mess. And the worst is your mother, the woman who gave you life. Connie says "enough," but Mili says no, we're not done. There's the servant who gave you a child--you killed her. He says "I can't talk to you." He reaches out, and she says don't touch me--you'll contaminate me. She says that it's a good thing that Granny adopted me, so I'm now in the family, whether you like it or not. Hugo walks in, hearing only the "in the family" part, so he continues his misunderstanding from the last episode: "So it's true . . . you married him."

Hugo asks Mili what happened with his uncle. Mili says Connie's a piece of trash and leaves.

Alex is still having a heart-to-heart with Granny. They adore each other. Now she makes him promise one more thing: to help her find her missing grandchild. She has never given up hope and she never will.

Back to the waiting room. Connie tells Hugo that his father just went out. He asks why Hugo said that about Mili getting married. Hugo tries to cover up.

Padre M has gone back to the church and desperately wants to talk to the Mother Superior about the disastrous Mili situation, but Sr. Cachete says it will have to wait, since Padre M's brother has shown up. Huh? Turns out they were orphans and PM was adopted at 13 and they lost track of each other. Place your bets at the identity of mystery brother now.

Alex comes back to the waiting room and finds out that Hugo's back and that he and Mili have gone to the cafeteria.

Padre M is talking to a mystery shoulder. It's not worth arguing about whatever happened in the past--they are brothers, and all is forgiven. The camera pulls back to reveal . . . Nestor!

Mili cries to Hugo. He says it hurts to see her cry. It hurts me to see Hugo paw Mili's face. His hair is also still too long and straggly for my taste.

He tells Mili that he recovered his memory and it explains many things (including what a psycho stalker he is?). She wants to know where Pilar is, and he says she's still in Barcelona. Everything has changed, he said, except his grand sick love for Mili, as he paws her some more.
Enter Alex! He asks Hugo when he got back, and Mili leaps in and says "yesterday." Now she starts spinning a tale. Yes, they were going to be married, but she knew Hugo was coming back and told him the secret. When they were at the church, Hugo came in, and she left with him. Hugo wastes no time in joining in the deception and gloats: You stopped my wedding and now I stopped yours. We're even. Mili continues defiantly: Hugo saved her from making the biggest mistake of her life.

Nestor now tells about how he has a shameful admission: He has a son, and it's not with his wife. PM thinks it's a little child, but Nestor sets him straight--his son is a grown man, and he never knew about him. Can he be forgiven? Padre M says Dios mio about fifty times. He must realize that they couldn't look less like brothers if they were Abbott and Costello.

Back to our story: Nestor says that he doesn't think his brother would know the mother of his child. It's someone named Luciana Belmonte. Dios mio. Do you mean the wife of Constancio Belmonte? Impactado music plays. So his son . . . is . . . Alejandro. Nestor explains that he wants to be with Luci, but Padre Manuel warns him that this woman is not what he thinks. Stay away. But his son is suffering a lot now. Nestor should stay near to help his son.

Alex has left in a huff, so Mili now apologizes to Hugo for lying to Alex without explaining first. She asks him to hold her. Ugh.

Meanwhile, Luci and Damien have returned to the waiting room. She is exhausted and is going home. Connie tells Damien that his son is back and that he's with Mili. Just then Mili and Hugo walk in. Hugo tells his father that he's sorry he hadn't made it back while his father was still sick. Don't worry, says Damien. I'm as healthy as ever. And just as cinico as ever, adds Connie. Mili says, look who's talking. (What she really says is "the rabbit is talking about family planning." Hah!) Cinico means cynical, but it usually seems to be used, as here, as an insult, like shameless lowlife.

Back at the mansion, Val and Morgan are talking in the garden. Unfortunately, Bobby is hiding behind a bush. Val reveals her love to Morgan, and they kiss. She says don't you trust me? Morgan misunderstands and says that they can be alone in the house and . . . no, silly, she says. She was only talking about how he should start to tutear with her. And she will do it too? Yes. They try it out. Te amo, they repeat to each other. They agree to meet in a little while. She starts walking back to the house when stalker Bobby jumps out and ambushes her. So you love him? She asks what he wants, calling him a piojo, or louse. He says he's not a louse, and that gañán (rude lout) is making her crazy (trastornada). She tells him to stop interfering, because for the first time in a long time she is happy.

Back at the hospital, Mili tells Connie, oh big deal, you stayed all night at the hospital with your mother. Good thing she has one good child, and it's me. Damien wants to know what's going on, and Connie says Mili can't forgive him for arguing with Granny. Hugo asks her if she wants him to stay. She says no and kisses him on the cheek. He paws her some more, displaying some beautifully manicured metrosexual pink fingernails. Double yuck.

Damien takes Hugo home to talk.

Connie says he is going to speak to his mother.

First we see Mili talking to a sleeping Granny. Mili calls her abuela while she's asleep. She says Granny deserves to know the truth, and she'll be really happy when she finds out. Connie comes in. He tells Mili that he wants to give his mother a kiss. He kneels at the bedside while Mili looks on. She tells him not to wake Granny. Connie tells Regina that it's all his fault and begs her forgiveness. He says he knows he's not the perfect son, and it hurts. He knows he has made many mistakes. He asks for a second chance and tells her to recover soon. He turns to Mili and asks her to forgive him too and asks her not to treat him this way. (Note that Connie and Alejandro always call Mili by her full name, Milagros.) She looks longingly at Connie, and he leaves. She goes over to Granny and cries. I defy anyone to remain dry-eyed during this scene.

Luci is asking Alex why he didn't tell her about the marriage. He says that there are some things you just don't tell. She remembers how it was different when he was a little boy and they always shared so many hugs and cuddles. Braulio comes in and tells Al that Booby is waiting for him in Al's room.

Braulio thanks Luci for telling Mili the truth. She drags him into the office. If her husband finds out . . . Braulio says his silence depends on her. She will treat Mili right, as she deserves as Regina's daughter, or he'll reveal all. Mili will be a member of the family one way or the other. The choice is Luci's.

Bobby asks Alex what is going on. He was going to marry Mili in secret. Bobby asks why Alex didn't tell him. Alex asks "what part of secret don't you understand?" Anyway, he tells Alex that they were in the church, he bought flowers, and Mili suddenly disappeared. Hugo came and took her away. Bobby says he should not worry--Mili loves Alex, and when Granny is better, it will all be okay. Alex says no--Mili told him she doesn't love him.

Hugo and Damien enter the Bat Cave of Ugly Paintings. Damien wants to give Hugo a reason to stay, and he tells him that Luci will be giving Hugo shares in the business. Hugo can't believe Luci is so generous--why wouldn't she be giving shares to Alex? Damien does not reveal the real intrigue behind the share exchange. Hugo reveals that he does not want to work in the business, but he's going to stay at home. He has a new mission in life. He wants to be near Alex--to destroy him!

Bobby is leaving and runs into Luci. She wants to know how Alex is. Bobby tells her that he can't break Alex's trust, but he soon starts gossiping anyway. He is very worried, as he's never seen his friend so upset. Luci wants him to help Alex get over it by taking him out. Bobby then confesses he's also worried about Val. Val is in love with the chofer. Luci drops like a rag doll!

Avances: Help! I couldn't understand some of it without captions. Granny says she has to go to heaven. There's some flashback involving that necklace and a live Rosario. Then the announcer asks: Will Mili tell Granny the truth? Find out lunes!


Thanks Nina! Great recap of another great episode. Abbott & Costello are a great physical comparison to Padre Manuel and Nestor!

I really hate that Alejandro isn't being let in on the secret of Mili's paternity. So far misunderstandings and schemes have been cleared up pretty quickly, but I'm afraid this one might hang around awhile.

I agree that Hugo is still yucky even though he's got a new attitude and look. But in comparison to Mateo I guess I'm seeing him in a kinder light. I'm sure he'll change my mind soon!

It looks like Regina might really be on her way out, another thing I'm going to hate. I like the three generation aspect and her relationship with Mili.

Sheesh, Bobby was certainly in full stalker mode. With Val going back and forth between being mean to Rocky and letting him close, plus the emotional situation with her abuela, I can almost buy into Val's finally giving in to her feelings for Rocky. But I'm sure that relationship will continue to have its ups & downs, probably more focused on her parents disapproval going forward.

I made a correction, since I first thought Mili said something to Connie, but I realize she did not.

Hey, I just realized that an abbot is a monk, but that's the wrong brother in this case . . . oh, well.

You were really on your game with this one, Nina, and I appreciated the translations too. We're all doing this in part for vocabulary so those explanations were really helpful.
I'm thinking of taking a break from this one for a while 'cause it's just too painful for this wuss.
I hate it that Mili told Alex those cruel lies on why she left the church. It seems so unnecessary and gratuitous...and especially so for someone who is supposed to be caring and sensitive to others' pain, like Milagros.
Granted, this is a telenovela device to drag out the misunderstandings and sufferings, but Lordy, I can't stand it.
Will add "gañan" to my vocab list. Gracias!

Oh and kudos on the title...were you thinking of that old (and pain-filled) jazz song by Nina Simone?

Title: Yes, but it's Billie Holiday.

Nina did it the late 50's, early 60's. It's a very tough song to listen to. I've got it on an album with a lot of terrific blues.
Anyway, great title.

Wow, I never heard that version. I'll seek it out!

P.S. Please don't leave us, JudyB! Try to tough it out. You can put your hands in front of your face, like I do at a scary movie.

I had fun with the vocabulary, BTW. I put the Spanish words in when it's a word I had to look up myself, so that means I just learned it too.

Well, your comment reminded me of when I saw Psycho (at the impressionable age of 13). After that awful shower scene, I spent the rest of the movie under my seat! (my tougher minded older sister refused to leave the theatre).
I mean, I'm a serious wuss...but will try...maybe I'll record it and just fast forward through the tough scenes. In Juan, we all used to fast forward through the Paula/Juan screeching and the Paul/Cesar Luis screeching. (She's a beautiful actress but has an awful voice and a dreadful written by the scripters).
That enabled us to hang in there as recappers , and none of the readers ever complained if we characterized the endless arguments as "blah blah blah".

Those scenes with Mili, Connie and Regina are so heartbreaking it kills me. As much of a rat-bastard that Connie is he seems genuinely at sea with Mili's attitude change. It also seems to be hurting him. I just wish she spit it all out.

Why does Mili who has blabbed all over the place through the entire novela to this point suddenly develop locked lips when spilling the beans would solve so many problems. Not all of them as long as Luci, Damian and the good padre keep their secret however she could really hurt Connie and bring Regina great joy. I can't believe that she has allowed Luci to intimidate her so badly. In trying to save Al from pain she is only adding more and playing into psycho Hugo's hands.

I''l say one thing the Padre and Nestor reveal came out of nowhere but what a fun angle it adds. Now the Padre could tell Mili the truth without breaking any confidences. I'd love to see Luci's face if he did it. I also loved him nicely telling Nestor that Luci wasn't what he thought she was without resorting to saying she is a drunken, lying, slutty, b**ch. (Can you tell I just detest Luci)

I don't think Val turned so much although it is sure to come soon but I suspect that her relationship with Rocky will take a long time to be resolved but minus the trauma that Al and Mili have to deal with.

I haven't enjoyed a novela this much in a long time. There is never a dull moment and when the drama gets too heavy we always have some servant hijinks to lighten it up.

Thanks so much..once again I was the Mili to my company the Luci, screwed over with no I missed the show.
DUDE...As jaded as I am, never in a million Hail Mary's saw the Nestor/Padre connection for the love of Gawd, these characters are so intertwined...I am by all means calling again for total and complete DNA tests...and that means everybody.

Thanks again..Hugo there is something rather disturbing about you in a kind of spider like way.

I think this would the perfect time for a moment of silent rememberance of crazy french guy who was forced to spend his life in a pyscho ward..yes thank you Luci, he was just a pawn.

NinaK: Thanks for the recap. I missed this episode because I had to attend a Kindergarten "graduation."

Anyway - never in a million would I have guessed that Nestor and Padre Manuel were brothers.

And, I'm going to have to find this on YouTube, because I have to see Luci when Bobby told her about Morgan and Val. Now what is she going to do? She's so busy minding Alex's business, I don't know how she'll have time to mess up this romance.

Please don't let Granny die without knowing that Mili is her granddaughter. That is my prayer for today.

From lower Ala

Thanks for the recap and music link NinaK! I loved the Abbot and Costello reference ;)

Quick DNA correction: PM and Nestor are not biological sibs. Rather, PM grew up in a convent (I think it was even the convent they are in now) as an orphan until he was adopted by the family he and Nestor belong to. He told this to Sor Cachete who realized that's why they looked nothing alike. I couldn't tell whether Nestor was also adopted or he was the family's bio son. Either way, the estrangement was due to jealousy on Nestor's part 'cause Manuel was the favorite, "the good son." No surprise as Nestor grew up to be a womanizer that boinks married women while he slips mickeys to their hubbies and Manny grew up to be a priest. Nestor apologized and then told him his sorrows. PM advised he keep his promise to Luci (silly padre).

NinaK I don't think Luci asked Al about the wedding. Rather, she asked why he wouldn't tell her what troubled him as her "motherly insticts" told her it wasn't just Granny. After the whole "things were easier when you were younger" (what little she remembers from when she was sober) she says she will be there for him if he ever decides to confide in her.

My hope, is that either Brau will tell Mili about Al's daddy (not likely, but maybe if Mili tells him about the botched wedding he'll tell her about it) or that Nestor and the PM will put 2 and 2 together and realize that although Nestor promised not to tell Al, and PM promised not to tell Mili, nobody promised that Nestor wouldn't tell Mili!!! Again, this is just blind hope on my part as I have feeling they'll stretch this one out for a while. There is also the possibility that Regi will make a full recovery and can tell Mili about Al once Mili tells her she's the missing grandkid. Alas, the previews don't bode well for Regi and I don't think she'll live long enough for this, maybe just long enough to hear the Mili portion (or not long enough for even that).

I hope that as Mat and Hugo scheme to get Mili, they'll cancel each other out and she'll stay away from both their clutches.

Margarita, thanks for clearing up those things--there were some parts I was skipping over to get to the end!

Pasofino, you can try to watch on You Tube, but I'm sure that scene with Luci flopping will be repeated, as it was at the very end of the episode.

It looks bad for Regina, but they have fooled us before. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Truly outstanding recap!!! But hey! Bat Cave of Ugly Paintings!! Right behind them was Gustav Klimt’s “The Kiss” which I used to have on my wall in my student arty/funky days.

Speaking of art – somebody sure goofed on Hugo’s hair. It looks chopped at. He looks way better in the title sequences.

I’ve been admiring Vale – I mean, the actress playing her. I’ve been thinking she’s good enough to get a lead in a future novela, but then I realized too that she may be a one-trick pony since she always plays light and cute. I didn’t know if she could bring off anguish and tears. So in the bedside scene with Regina, we found out she could do the tears great. As for anguish, we still don’t know.

Braulio had said earlier that he wouldn’t tell Regina the truth until she was on her deathbed (not his most endearing moment) and maybe she will look like she’s about to leave us, and he will rush in and tell the truth and then she’ll make a giant recovery.

Last but most important – don’t you leave us JudyB!!!

Oh, that Bobby is a tool. I was surprised Luci cared enough to bother fainting, though. I never thought she really cared what Valeria did. And once again the magic lollipop tree did its thing. How is it that people can stand right next to it totally exposed and never be seen?

I will be crushed if Regina dies without knowing Mili is her granddaughter and having a little time to enjoy that (and threaten Constancio).

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